HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-10, Page 3 (2)1E mggeyEr-",_ rnuch"en Ue year • J1L1 t , * *MI „frue Iri , $ 4 , '0' IA , or 11-f 0" Abe*ult, *r4, woiuen thii critical tau. geii • it4 P ins* Intik Pith* belp wo- rnatuxe years as zio other int czn, for they to/Ike-the r. blood that means good bringe relief from ant 'a C. Donavon, Ne.w- castlo, N. says: "About two years ego 1 was greatly run (town and very, udeerable. I did not know what was wrong -with me. I r, was hardly able to drag myself bout, bad f ever, hesdschesand no appetite., I felt zso wretched that lierdly coed whether 1 lived* or hied often read of what Dr. Uiam' Pink Pilis had done for ere an4.i 1 deeided to try them, ten now cruthfelly say foundthem all the s are reeommend. to be. Under their use jiealth 111, a . t e, a1epbtter nu feltpatron ood health 'Dr; Biases Pink rills cure by oing to the root .of,tbe trouble in he blood.. They actually mace oih1ri1i1es enuttisin, nett Cetioniltidney trouldett, hea4aeheeileaches and back- tt s, and -the Ailments of growing irIs and vennwer of mature years. by alt medicine dealers or by aizil e %tent* * box or six boxes o *LW' from The Dr. WilliAms' edicine Co.,- Brockville, Ont. , YOU' SUPEASTITIOU .• alaPPP AP A , titles et the \ Creed in Ideli Toe Believe. u ot1Peratitious-really, entiously -superstitious*? If to ou • eetupalowily up to the ion* of your treed—you must unhappy ,time. LbtleSS Yon stre Already Aware tbe ts that it is unlucky to lk under'i lad -dell -le' break a "NS.' • " • u r u&lly dornouatrate0• .144 1o&It not to 10 * but r -whon. they are pleased gar+ the ",Vovereiga oyer &tef* -OLAWIS DESCENT -10,1t011 CHARLES 1. That King FAWard has a. rival will come aa serpriee to Most of 'us/ are, under the' impree- eion that, the unfortunate house of Stuart ceded with Bonnie Prince Charlie and .1 -de brother, Prince enry, who both tared without heirs in the reign of -Georg, III. Rowe evert in B.avaria there is ***Tprinceele, Maria Tercet* by name, Wtho StAtOKI0 000t to the oM S?uzZL4i40 than stew our 0 vete, - his 4 ' NS terati`oe." further back to 8 Uwe. It i is his fact which, n the eyee of those Britons* to whom Allusion has been made, miikes NS claim to our throne much oweaker !(tiati that of t. I zncit,e $ then/ to hail the latter As the moo -Sovereign- -of -time P., I granting ail that, thee* Bri- tone, who claim to be the true des- cendants of the •eighteenth -century Jacobites, *hut their .eyea to the fact that ours is a colietitutional monarchy, and the, branch of the Stuart family to which the Prin- cess Maria belongs was excluded from the throne by Aot of Pourlise went DA lent; ago se the year 1700, HAVE MANY CLUBS. The Iaeobites of the, presentday do not make themeeliee very eine spiciume as individuale, but eon - tent themselves with advertising their -politica/ opinion* through the ,clubs with. -which they are aetvoci-- ated, such es the Thames Valley !Legitimists, the Whitc Corktede'Le- er ror, to..,spin siat, to sit OA the' lung -room table and :ming your Adam slzoes on the table, nd o 'forthBut did you know that you must notplace a cracked dish, or piste, or .44,,ss -before your poets? You 14 better- purchase It new :feet at once. Did you know that you mustn't brush- crumbs off the table with a wisp of newspaper it, mean* bed newel Does your wife know that to thole the sheets the bed .)n Sunday prentiges a k of diaster t that to trim her -nails on Sunday means she, dosomething of which he will slimed 1 that dougiestieling to bread -board, is an evil omen? film of duet under the bed clicates loss of -money? a soiled ib eleome guestet re but a few articles of in which you profess to lie'e. Better far to change your ad, and beekne a rational hu - being. JIILTIIT LITTLE OBILDREL titer should not expect that children will escape all the ills which halwliood and childhood subject. but she ten do !smell io *seri their severity and make battle for health easily won. Own, Tablets should be kept fsz every liome where there are lit - Ile They are Mothers.' ver-• lp and Baby's hest friend. Tbs ion Of the Tablets is gentle, ut thoough. The cure colic, in, 'constipation, diarrhoea,' et, irritation at 'teething, troy worths and prothote , natural sleep. And the ha,s the*.gititrantee of a stiv- rsamientoanalytt that -this niedicine .otaina no, apiat4 or uarcotic. Jokiby medieme dealers ,'or .by satil atrl$rcentsav box from the Dr:. . vme htedicine.CO. Broaville; AY4RIN1A'WIVES' UTOPIA. In the matter of wonietee rights Altyssini* is fist ahead of Europe. Aecording to an authority, the and its contents belong to ssed if the husband Offends her not onlyesti,hut does, turn Llaa out of dc . ors is duly re - ant, *04 make* amends by the gift of a. w or the half of & camel -tJsa.t is to si half the value of * aa.L On tie other hand, .it is duty of ta.,. god. And she tan om itim M pleir ust tc r gitimiste, and the sz of St. Germaine,Assindleated,- the day on which they annually demonstrate their peculiar valeta beliefs ie Janu- ry 3Oth,.-and' their" laverite me- thod of expreesing their loyalty to the "Sovereign over the Water" ,aertEists in Owing beentifel floral wreaths on the .equestrian statute) of Marries'''. which *was at the south ESde of Trafalgar Square,: looking towards ThitehaiL Up till recently little Attention .was paid by the authbrities to the sentiments expressed onthese s reaths. Latterly some became so seditious in tone that the. Govern- ment very properly intervened, and now no mempial can he laid on Ring Charles statue unless it has first- been, Approved by an official tensor. • The various wreathe usually con- tain the word "Remember." As students of history know, this sras the last word uttered by King hatless and -svais- 544 Bishop Iuxtei, *ho stecompienie him- to the ecaffold, 1,VHAT DID THE, KING *MEAN/ To day this word is Oite., of the enigmas of hietory. What did the King. mean :by "Ittinember" t The Roundheads who superintended the oxecution jumped to the conclusion that -Ills Majesty lied vontided some State eceret to Iwo:In—polio* * lot to -olferthrow the newly-estab- felted Commonwealth, which ' the Bishop was to convey- to the, Cavs-- Kers; And instantly ,they pre%septi the or deg man to eeveal the meeeoselhe was commanded to re- member. With this iequeet Inion re complied. Ilia Ildelesity; he at had simply asked hint to renii sop .to pray for his father's ewe 111114 — here tor -eats in tb. trnited otwription warn introdue.d int 'ranea by NapoilsoiN is1. Twetityiperin irit,ndineutteuts asuutilreutt , 1 ' furniture riment of the -.11, a on. eand 'vt-0444!joti; sugar ar. 0401t.overi yearin tbe 'menufacture 'of 2ara- *Ione. • On the Iungfrate.in Switzerland, is the higlieet restaurint in the world -10,000 feet about sea level. England is getting warnyr; the average temperature has.ruseti just over degree in the past 'half een- Iiirr• ncethe treat earthquake in Sam Francisco, which destroyed 28,000 buildings 0,600 have,leen erected. Twenty'-'five million pounds de- posited in the Bank of England con- etitutessthe private fortune of ” the Sultan of Turkey., It is porsible to decipher the in- ocription On an old coin which has has been worn entootlz" by placing red-hot iron. teliseetriatand a -110r% cbcaper than, and'as :sloop - Between --eight And - iinet -744ive: morning, 1e4,00e persons enter the City. of London; every eveninee- tween Aix and seven, 175,000 leave. Sidney gidman, the millionaire attle Xing"- of.Australiewend the ergestelendowner--eittethe----werl possesses -more than 34000,000 acres. . Man _cannot realise the difference of temperature beyond one-fifth of a degree,while the thermometer -notes difference of .0 millionth of a degree. • Bisir Castle, in Perthshire, Scot- land, the Duke of Athol] lives • in most regal state, being the mile in - individual m Great-Ilritaire- who is allowed to maintain' an *toy, and keeping 300 men, kilted, armed, and regularly drilled, who are reedy for war at any moment, der .0 *Oen- -at" the rat , -V U I I 0 AA er u'000 and octi • E A RIEN FISH 0 wsitiomor 11.4)S tUR • •• , !ft.11 1.) lth 1Uumat 0. 10 it* • w, I ktichftet IJ. r.0,0 in this J1y kidney.di Wiltiame says, "and ON • from it for about three months. 1 had backache, stiffnee* in the zzi * and Rheunuitieut. When 1 got up inthe morning I had e bad, taste in my mouth; 1 perspir- est frely with the least exertion and I was always tired and nerv- ous, box of Dodera Kidney Pills cured me and I believe they wz re other* who are suffering from Kidney Disease." you have Any two of the sy:mp- tom* mentioned by -Mi. Wilizains you may .be sureof two things; One isthat your y are sick, and tang " %Obey-PAU rg.,•-atmosieomt,tr,, Dodd'i Kidney Pilis have'proved v. ail t� iur Kidney Disease of any kind' or stage. UM, OF DAY$T .• A handsome brochure, atisti ly illustrated, has been isueJ the piesenget department of Greed Trunk Railway System (But this simple reply WAS scOnt- 60 by the founders of the Comnion- wealthi ,(1flht1ud oi theit lira againet unknoiva 100414,04 1)0- 11 , I UNCLE EZRA SAYS; little fish if the little fish would stay inthe shelter water where the - big fish can't Give Hollowey's Corn- Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has' done once it will do again. WOULD GOWIT,I1 An old -couple in Glasgow were n a, very depressed state owing to dull trade. Thinking tilleir son in America Icssuld help them, they wrote, etat- their trouble, and that if h did not 'help them they would have to go into the poorhouse.- - Three woolot 044$004,, and OMNI letter from their sent *ay - f -the -La te-of Bays dietrzct, in the "Ifighlande of, Ontario." Anew feature of -this district is the new hotel—the 'Wawa. at Norway Point. The hotel it- self his a page illustration itileet- ing the simmer glories of wood- land and water, with a brood Of seven wild geese toarin3 skyward beyond the tower. The concise men -tit -ion embodies the btory of a charming resort.. A copy can be obtained free on apeication to J. D. McDonald,. Union Station, Toronto, Ont. •Tuberculosis germ* can sustain the greatest cold, and succumb only at 250 deg. below 4.....111•11•10.111 Pills for Nervous Troubles.—The stomach is the tonere of the nerv- ous system,and when* the storraith gospel:4e lealthy. Actionthe reeult ji manifest in -disturbances Of the, nerves. If allowed to persist, ent, may ensue. The first" eonsel- eretion is to restore the stomach to proper action, and there is no read; ier remedy for this than Parrme- lee's Vegetable Pills. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pills in curing nervous disorders. No triatt,er how well you treat the world, you will never. get WA of it IMITATIONS ABOUND, but loolot uPO's ogy stttltbe geutloo, 1".t. * lttntbol m1oo5ter, **Lek bolt 00(.44 the ,test of yeors. Irt. &arts; IsilititiOtto Atilt% , dT2,f, D. Is ,xgatio b7 00.14$ & Ls -wrest* Co SPOSITIOW "What reason did -you give for at going, to Brown's, party the other "I told -them 1 was indisposed." ',tut 1 saw you in the'ifternoola And yoe appeared( perfectly well." "Oh, 1 was feeling,ll right, but I jest didn't lia.ve.the utrength to drag my busbancl owtt." athed h ppy 0noirles • y thtrnha the reeult thtt the ,.CoCvaliets sea ed they iwere lir the notantly adopted it sa motto. Th d'ite time '"Itemember wateltword foe the lacobitee, mw in it *. counto*nd to rent*b their sll.giauo.;to the 4840% Otof the Vr 1 ......... 7. 0 THOM. DoDDs KIDNEY PI LLS Mitheissand-Itatthetv wait, another fortnieht, ale 1111 come bame ale' gang svi ye. Your affee- tionste son." ; THE -"BURLINGTON ROUTE " tU in**gtirait*, NI t3t1, two throut tro,info chieggo to feattroa Tit*. Sts. Paul, ria* **tett to AU Nctrth anti Swath 1,Aaido Coval point* A. forty put, tArier datoriptire Al***.lruito* ExpeAtios frig for tit* ukin 11,or inform:0ton in tozard to MI** And trahrrior- orctto *an on Y011I011. se Itine S. amok Torouto. Oeb • SAVING. "IV* * long way for.* half d ler," •remarked the cabdriver, look- ing .sulkily, At his' fare.' "I know it is," replied the youth, qiiietly. "If it had not been, I sbould have walked." sus, wet**, Weary, Watery Eget' rtelieveit by littirino Eyo Itemecly. Com- Pollule4 by EXperietteeti Phyolelikoo. 34u - title . Doesn't tmart: .Sootboo Eye .rsirt. write moo U_Ve Ilemedy C0.1_ chtettgo, for illuotraboti my*. Book; -At Dreg:104m -Spend less time in envying the Succest of our neighbor and a little more in trying to gek.there your-, eIf Pleasant As eyrup.; nothing equals tt as ie worm 'vied:ones the name 1* other Graves' Worm Extermin- *tor.. The greatest worm elestro3rer theAge, HINT TO MISIIANDS. u know," eald th main, "how noteetiy Stotir Vat will ,i0ok-,14 yo1 iero*a tbOh'resikfistataide when you havt' eethed peeketitand diecovered,* miesing. , You .niay hoe your suspicions, but. you ust keep them to y,onreelf. I s ' or two or three yearitc before it bright thought, eameialong. iotot bold of * '0ountetfeit hopele44yrba4 one, placed -- purse, and when I got up.one mere. An4 mieted it I felt bop.. Two hours after breakfast ray we• went out, and at noon I was sent for to identify her At the ponee-stittion She had blended teat bad *5, out in pzi meat for an -umbrella and been nabbed, and ahe had be*n s p on#r for two boils when X 4' 4 what did You sa t it 1 sa nd • litailtdtirdit : what id she ssi" on the nu nem, d t .seetw4rseiti1tst Sines that time 1 lisi tuskr oty asy %reviews tot avaenhe wiktve eashfally 4nti0414 1081114108 Says ell' 141011 Vete- The As rican meseqUit este* you. They Inject u poiiun iato you thopt you are dase )4yes. 04, you 3. lijiUWft bitter °oitetIketttift:iplk> 11 znyself. I'd pee of the blaek nate tog meterithly in thst hot, 4imokymoephete forties, "Despite, all my precautions quito 200 or 300 mosquitoes would get in- side my net as soon as darkness fell. They were like * whulwind in there, It .couldu't have been worse. Theirnoise and their nip- ping made the feverish—made me really delirious at time.. "At list in exhaustion I'd get Lev! hours of troubled sleep, awak- ening for breakfast drunk from the poison iitjected by hundreds of tiny needles into my veins. "No, it isn't the elephants or the giraffes that tronble. the African hunter, but the 'skeeters." " ▪ .:•• • P • Tho'ehaigeofe err at comes .with. spring and summer has the cffect.J _weak "steniaellS of se/Ain in-i"flaniaio Aentery and cholera or US;Th almornial condition will continue i not attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system, The best available medicjee clears the stomach ‘,and bowels of irrift.tints,-ceunteracts the-inflaniaw tion and restores the organs to healthy action. t • I .t.;, t BIS TROUBLE. "What's the 4ctor trearing you for" "Por a swollen fortune," Anewer- ed the stingy millionaire, as he ut, tered a-Painfutcheck. • • Woman's Sympathy • yod itterkeraireteit I Your ,dootorre- 1411 * bsayy 011040144 oa▪ T is your pets -"41Y4,111r4cid:t. Whet bavs alto° 'too; . Why4 vg, tee *Itt t you win - you u.ed do to wrlti t gods to b., tivon Aiwa n110X..W.ta.,cUr0 Yen—, Other*, It 04 I ttPat : ,oprod for 24 (tb. coat ntJaIIv r letter heidi Step swat. „ • AND A • * trot utt pt .04 •17v,' i$P t tsupon. to ,,, but is h ioinpoeta th*t. eeitain 'ingeedient* f it p*** 'tinsitered through the exuach toi . find action n the bowel*, then there is available purgative and a cleanser of great effectiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are of this character and WM the best of all pins. During the years' that they have been in nse they have establisliiid themselves as no other pill *has done. ara• aaPPaPAI Barber—"Try a bottle of this pre- paration, seri, Splendid thing for baldness." Customer doubt it; but I've got all the bald- nes* X .want, thank you." -AltKLE 1* aot sia. woe ***-- ewes- almost,as U by-mosier. *rho ortosktoot itotietebiAvol4 onbotitotoo, them to but ow" lion Potty Diarittio 24.0. and 500. • -0 ' 'NG TULE. TO STAT. • Mrs. D.—"I hese you have a now tervant girl t" ?ars. J.—"She isn't new now; Peale0..110.17•OroWer IToo %tor toilet to ,otop FAIIng noir. It peak tivttly kilts OA naastrus (Imo. -Tot It ea4 be oontinted tor yourself. YOUR 111010111t narinvoissip iv. FAILS write for Doc riptivo Paimpitist. The Peett atic 00411211 Vista* It, Torooto, Sot WANTED__ - tNT ;rt VIOXANY ahots1 /KUM mei OTIS for dtoruetroom 'wok, *apt 111140 pot Apply "The W011**1.- kopo Cot)korloo.a. W IsrrS0..-1.41dies to do plain and light sewing at honie„. le or leper* time, good pay; -work sent any dietence, charge* prepaid.; n4 stamp for full 'particulars. Ntip- *I Mizentacturtng Company, 'Montreal. • -WOMAN'S DODGE. When a woman doesn't want to tell her neighbor that her baby is homely, she gets out of it by de- Itr_is a "cute little _thing, so bright" Trial Proves -it* Excellenee. ,best testimonial one rain have of the virtue of Dr. -ThOtagg' -Belettrl On is 010 treatment of bedt. pains, coughs, colds And affections of the respiratory organs, is a trial ef it. If not fond the sovereign remedy it isreputed to be, then it may -be rejeeted as useless, and all that has been said in its praise de- nounced as untruthful. • EILLED BY OWN TRAP, fielittylelley was instsntl killed at Logansport, Ind., trap he bed' prepared to kilt othief that had been entering his -chicken house. He had arranged an old nuizzleAoiditecpietol to that if the door of the thicken .houee should be -opened the triter would be dis- charged. In the morning lie forgot to disconnect the trap before he opened- the door of the house And hem/ load of the -pistol was .ditfr eharged into his. breast. FOR SALEL-... • red 1.07412ormt gen,. 1* A tot,r rag* -- 00, of halt. dam; so 144 sitOstits4 by tl*P4 sire. 11,'4:1_ 2*4-:14‘11“1"1"Littiall 2551 P.* /mkt*. Oat, • . • 1,4)48(0- 111EFECT COM SALVE 1111 ; E, Maki* SAM LEXA'NDER-IIVAtieli 0,,,,,,„„oirtrosturoirehir 1S-0 110N118 AND STOOKS TOPIONTO 11111111t 11011111110. CAMP Diskutos rikegoo-Itoloi mg. mailtin. WARREN OZOWSKI & 00. • aolopiii Totoofpg Stook XxiNklui440; %Ittoott Su.* TO ottIVIOItit *41 OtiD *to Is the bootrinstotitit Ste. EvEstr..TOWN CAtt.IIAVE - eves nets. siseesiretegto, *es.. write:at or 44 poi ' W Tocsati la 401 see 'AS &L, v., . • f•• • 316reis7-ti: - 4,44' ,