HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 7 (2)„,,r77,,riiiinr."4 r TiffiZIPINIPM4-
114 71"4,e1,,,tif
ltawmg iufrnton re
ultUral eoithu8
it of g „re't
, ,
In thst opinionr
.he latest for at least ae$04,043
ipoxd.ent the 'growing' season condition r
tas in ront,tbc
*thew , mite is,..eonverned,•;.Q.
ot s, it being silaceel at from- though hark -splitting is repated in
two weeks later than the some northern localities. Unfottu-
• The exceedingly wet and
the earlypart of May
the cause, •Iteturris were made
to the, departmental/ to the
tion about the middle of M.y, aud
at that date more favorable wea-
ther eonditions hod given a fresh
impulse to growth in both field and
forest. Up to that time only the
earliest Narieties of trees were
coming into leaf, and in most 10.
ealities pastures were only begin -
'Ding to perinit of live stock being
turnd ttem
Ali eIaM Of •oreil'a
CO 0140' • the Wiitte
of Fal! wheat vary gr
in the time lecalitiee, some deserib-
ing the trop an looking well, though
• late, while others state that, the
fields are not only backward in
•• growth, but are thin and much
'spotted.” Owing to the dry period
740411-41.0uer-ouch-4-111-01--new Vs11
wheat did not start until the rain*
.of late- September came, and the
young, plants entered the Winter
with very little top. Winter condi-
tions, however, were not unfavor-
able to the crop, except where ice
formed, and an early Spring growth
•would have brought the fields *long
nieely L,but the -cold and very wet
• weather of April retarded growth,
. and on poorly drained or low land
saMost drowned out the crop.- Much
better growth Valli made tin sandy
and gravelly soils than on clays„
Towing to the excessive moisture.
While there are many patchy spots,
plowing up of the crop will not be
generally , resorted to owing to
gran*leing seeded with the wheat,
but barley or other Spring grains
will be drilled into the bare spots.
T1* latest reports are the most fav-
orable, showing that the crop is
awry riefifferating-With thestow;
log weather. e jury
tTian mmar reported from insects.
ference to, the presence of San
3oa"sole and the oyster -shell bark-
ouse, and it is very evident that
-Steady wariare, must be waged
gland thew and other insect pea
if our fruit trees are to thrive. Se$,-.
eral correspondents declare that
too many of our orchards are still
• bull!? neglected. 'While, leafing
and blossoming were *tont * week
or two backward, reports were to
the effect that borrinsc late frosts
and heavy rains, at the time of
bloom "godd yield of ' fruit. tr(
be Iuo}ed fur. reacteoi'e5
Old 'meadows poor, new meadows,
promising, is a fair .surnmstry- of
the returns received regarding
clover. - .While many. correspondents
predict good field of hay, others
are looking for a comparatively
light ent.
Th*e. *malt portion of the Spring
crops that were put in early found
- excellent • seed .bed, but heavy,
rains immediate)y followed, and
the land got too soft to work on,
rinSkins further sowing almost an
impossibility for weeks, except it;
f• ew eases *here, to use the ex:-
siressive language of some corre-
spondents, the teed was "puddled"
i White those on high, light, or
• 11 disaned 'land have made fair
headway with their Spring seeding,
,•.the- hulk of farmers were, not- moro
than lialf-way through with -that
°Work-in the second week of May, a
mo-st unusual record fair Ontario
Illowever, farmers were reedit an
• *ger to get the /end with t'ie
first appearancie of dry weather,
• and s. while tome- correspondents:
wort taking a rather. glootny new,
the „budw. were
the White
But for the comparative mildness
of the Winter there 'Would have
been- muoh scarcity of fodder be -
ver• ue
I gOu.r,
rt lots w
*igb pries bei
* eompan is about to
a,000 -dock-and
shipkuildirig p.lant at Montreal..
' vat& Moir., -who shot Sergt.
Lloyd,sit London, in said to ,b4Ve
13144-04 tWO- atteniptot 1.1) esespe iroM
Ifintilton asylum.
W. F. Cameron, is said to
have married once .= Toronto, 1/44
sentenced at Winnipeg to three
years in penitentiary for bigamy.
A horaezteader named Tetrault,
under sentence of death for mur-
der near Battleford, had his
senteoce commuted to lift imprison-
ment „
'r*r ayfied
Two metrand*WOM44 were mob,
ed by 4 lot of Mormons at Ma-
grath0i-Alberta. They were trying
to take possession of child whose
• 4
70 to
• tents,
orOnte;' let 't
$5 fiO to *010 on trait Toronto'.
dickba, 1,Northern
$1,34Aftort000 Bay ports; 24°.
at .1.30t an.ti;No; 4. at ,44.14Vie-w•
Ontario -wheat---Prices . o. 9
aro (114°44.0 01,015 tO 140, out-
Barley -Feed barley 62 to
Oats-4To. ;2 Ontario. **Ante 66, to
67o on track, Toronto, .and 545c out-
side; No. 2 Western Canada oat'
57c and No. 3 -at 56e Bay parte.
P444 -.41o.. 90 95 to Deo outside;
Bye --No. 2, 74 to 76e outside.
Buckwheat -No. 203 to 050 out-
fore live stor ot.n t9 father Waft 41,_ **Octane, and her
SC- . have mother AforniOn.' ,
feed incsst. economically, and The Dominion. GovernMeit e
mime barns are rather bare of sup.
or c '3 $21
o Onto7c"!..-,
Bran Manitoba $23.00 sacks,
Toronto freights.; shorts, ,$24.60 to
$26, Toronto freights'.
• Apples -,44 to $6 for choice quali.
ties, and $3 to $3.50 seconds.
perimenting with shipments of Reens-Prime, $2, and hand-pick-,
Maple syrup ---06c $1 41, tga. on-
• Ray No. 1, timothy $13 to 413.50
a ton on track here, and lower
tirades at $11 to $11.50 a ton. .
Straw 47.50 to SS on track.
Potatoes -Car lots, 05c, per bag
oir track. Delawares, $1.10 to
0,15 per bag on track.
Poultry -Chickens, yearling's,
British Government will get at least! tto. 14c; turkeys 18 to 22c per lb
'Bntter-Pound prints, 10 to it0c1
plies. 'VW scarcity Of straw
roots told against generous f
ing. and the general condition ef
live stook' may be briefly described
as thin but thrift. No -disease of
U. serious or epidemic nature has
appeared, themild form of distem,
per reported in several parts of
the province being of a, local na-
ture. Roma are said to be in good
heart, although not looking so
plump or sleek as, soute
owing to clone feeding. The IMMO
MAY DO said or both beef and dairy
cattle. Sheep have come through
the 'Winter nicely, and lambing hais
been upon generous scale; but
fear of the dos is holding hack the
sheep industry in Ontario. The
present'eost of feed for hogs leaves
very little proEt for the farmer.
A number of correspondents hold
he a surplus of hogs; offering late
n the season.
• '
Binders at Work sit -Wichita pais
A despatch from 'Wichita Falls,
Texas, -$43t4; Binders were started
on Wedriesd
iri Wichita eoutity-. Thiti is the Atilt
harvesting of the year in Texas
and marks tho beginning of the sea-
son throughout the United States.
Usually wheat is first cut 200 miles
farther south, but weather condi.
tions altered the situation this
year. Reports- received from the
field indicate that the yield will ay.
eragelen bushels to the acre. It
is estimated that the best fields
will yield twenty bushels.
Sixty Vessels Have rosusiered
Violent Tempest,
despatch from*Bilbao, Spain,
violent tempest. has been
raging on the Bilbao coast. Over
sixty vessels of the fishing fteet have
foundered, and it is estimated that
not leo" than one hundred fisher-
the situation, others were mflig,, men have been drowned.,,
litritsish Premier Sa
Depend. on. Geo
verything Wil
a hioail Conditions
A despatch from' LSMIon 'says
In the House of Commons on „Wed-
nesday night the Premier' definitely
laid down the view or the British
Government in regard to the (yes.
'don an tO whether the United
States should be considered in de-
termining the British two -power
naval standard. Mr. Asquith said
• *groat deal of nonsenst had been
Ike1 about the two -power Stand-
- It was nothing more then a
• ly empirican generalization.
He gyeed that the range of Brit.
vision should not be lintited-
to but,, on the other hand,
hen considering the tombinsd
eeetiie strength of any other two
pers in the world tor aggressive
purposes one must have reword to
geographical position.
• Therefore the'rnited'Sta
could not be regarded as one of t
two powers which would hsve.
be taken into akcoutit. And,
though second Imong . the now
went Of the world* she cold not
• treated the some for aggressive
purposes an Prance, Germs/1y or
Austria. • ,
Xt. Arthur Lee objected*n say
he would deal with the probability
of any war with the Muted States
, merely 1114:40 academic proposition.
i* realty impossible", he de.
tared, "to exclude tie Ilnikd
State* on the Score of geogra
eal remoteness when she had junt.
sent * lieet of sixteen M4st
battleships, maintained as * fig
hg entity throughout, for s. Irby -
.of 40,000 miles, iA the .toUrse
of kith that Soot orcumnavisit,t4
'across the contineurvia Mexi- eit; 40 -per
It is and the rad -and -water
to is. cheaper than the, all -rail
route by Canadian railways.
'Right Rev. Dr. Anson, fermerlY
Bishop of Qu'Appelle, died at Lich-
field on Thursd
:By the deat Charles Morri-
s4m, worth *bout $70,000,000, the dressed, 17 to lac per ib; fowl, 19
$1,0,000,000 in death duties.
The town of Dalton, Mich., is re-
ported destroyed by forest fires.
The fireinen'S Strike. in Georg.* $.4z to 23c, and aolids, 18. to 20c.
the Georgia Railroad
tub4 aixalogo rolls„ 16 to1,70. in-
ferior, 14 to 100; -Creamery 411s,
as tiedu
Ihht bi
he Shah of e 14Ye. w quotedg.
dorzegrase lotist la to 1814e, per
eltI Cheese,Large theese, ,old,
n 141
3c for
Seven niert already:Met ..044it, 231,10 lor- twine
death since the commenOment of
the lake .1eament* strike. •
Mrs.. jun& Ward Howe telebrat,
4 her aath 'birthday at .her home
-Baotou on Thursday.
The Bank of Montreal bas pur-
ehased an -eleven-story,
Wall street, New York, 'for it
ork "branch. •
young Euililliriii0,7,11i0
be learned ,to steal in, Toronto be
cause he could .find no votir, has
.been sentenced to ten yeiers pri-
son at Portland,Me. '•
• Ten natives were killed in a rail-
way collision in India.
The troops stationed at Dimas -
tux refuse to recognize Maimed V.
an Sultan. -
" TWO German airships manoeuvred
with the infantry in the presence
• A Turkish land.Owrier who
the, slaughter, of the -Armenians at
Adana 'has been placed in cbare
of the Government relief fund in
that district.. 4,
BABY kzu., tut • stoittit4.
Pluaged Jai ast'i*Skirt, *Stag.
•- log 4* 'Clothes Like.
• A 'despatch from Neve York says,:
Patrick $earzon. 'aged four, is the
;luckiest .little Dishpan 4111..; 1?.,,Tosw
'York, in spite Of 'the'lacCikat he
is„the,*oungest thirt en, children.
He felt five stories on Wednesday,
the, head. Re Was:playing o the
rid ,escaped with slisOit gat in
fire escape ot.his mether's Oa, five.
flights uppfatNO. 1,906 Seconii Av-
enue, when he felt off., He tit the
railing of the Are escape stories
dowi and 'bouneed from
clothen line, a story lower stilL
next stop wavanather iloor bel
where he tumbled into a wom
skirt hung out on the line and 1
flitted- by, the wind. The leicitt
too, big for Patsy, and he shppi
through„;, but , his fall ',was taro
and no 411 result* follow441.
A dep&t-ch from
Peter Ifanto
serving It 10U
Stony Mountain
arson, robbery, Stis
animal", eseaped o
ani is still At larg.
. •
Winnipeg saYs;
perate criminal
isr sentence in
'enitetiti*ly for
lia urnIlerletibt*
Bacon, tong clear, 13 to 13,40 per
Ib -in ease lots; 1336013 pork *22 to
22.60; short mit, $24 to 426.
Cc vdo., heavy, 13 to 14c; tans, •12
to 12.4e; shoulders, it to .111
0% to 37e.
Lard ---Tierces, 13%e; tube 13Xe
pails, 140.
-71R7t1,,•:7- . • '
ecIby the Ag
as possible.• *:4 „the intentril.o
the.PhilidelphiantAnd the, Leaden-
rlf., bock of this, plant to have two
eine, in _Paned*
turning out bars aid- other steel
POPI,ktts' Nov.' 1 nexe. The, na-
ture of the machinery ordered
show* that the Milts to be erected
will be rivals worthy of even the
biggest and bed Pittsburg mills,
The ;mills w..11 be by far the lam
'est in Canada.
After six rare study those con-
eernect in this project at the head
of the Great Lakes nave decided
r biiierY,, 644'
the I
cement of . placing t
r catiaeil' some interest in Pft
irg be0ause Pit:tat-ours steal
barons have looked, on tms north-
west territory as their own, even
though the Algoma eancern itin had
• rail mill there and are mines for
giant() time. There is little doubt
now that the most formidable rival,
the Pittsburg' steel mills have en-
countered in years in the north-
west is now -securing a better hold,
as local concerns will hardly be
able to compete with * freight of .
over 1,500 milts added to their
cost -of manufactufe at Pittsburg.
3 to, Sc; 003,17a 4400141C1,440.t.wa.sta,e3,:c.,
. etp,4to
6e per Good 11'4'0147-4"1710340 per
pound; small lot of ch'oice pack-
s *04 at 48.00 per 100 ponds.
Toronto, June :to -Really well
'finished. butchers' cattle were firm
at *6.40 to $6.60„ and choice. at
45425- to,45.44good butchers cow
were trifle higher at $4.50 to $
butts 044 to 4,4.U. Stockers.an.
feedersBreauly airi-and and prices
firm aroma Demand for good
quality milkers and near springers;
common nealeable. Sheep and
and 500 lower.
Calves -Easier. Iless---Very firm
watatriel f.o.b. and 48 fill and
. itustrkst4 AT MONTREAL
Montreal., May 90:--Perat-41.00
$1.00. Oats -Canadian Western_ ,
SS% to 59e; extra* ,No. I feed, 58
to 50,14e;, No, Vfeed, 5$ to 5834e;
No. 3- Canadian Western, 5734 to
100; No. Irked, 01' to 57340. Bar*
1 • No. 2 7234 to 7404 Manitoba
feed barter. es% to ele. B.uek-
4. a
The Wreetiag of the Bank, of St.
• J'phies, Quelite.
A despatch from 24forttreit1 says
Hon. P H, Jtoy, ex -Speaker of the
Quebec Legislature and- ex -Presid-
ent °Utile Bank of St. John's, was
found guilty on Thursday of will-
fully Making. false returns to; the
Government. This verdict is the
suit of one of the most sensation -
111 t -heilist4Ary of this Prey --
During the three weekti,t
trial Ilan been in progress some re-
kable evidence was submitted in
reference to Mr. Ito?* actions.
was Shown that he had *Ade false
returns to the 'Governmentinvolv-
ing some 000400. This consisted
f-wortlilesa Tintos,paiit_due. s
payable, whieh Mr. Roy, his brother
and their friends had discounted
keting the cash. In their
ports -10 -the -Government -all -t
worthless paper was, set down as
assets. Inthelist of current loans,
was 'included an it4U1 of $5;000 re-
presented by a note of the bank it-
self, which was mule to co -vat- money
stolen from, it. • • .
ha Spring wheat \ patoiti
.30 to 40,50; Manitoba 'tipring
wheat patents, seconds, $0.$0 to 46;
Manitoba *twos bikers, oo.eo to
:00; Winter wheat patents 410.00
to *SAO; straight rollers„.114.30.to
3.1; straight rollers, „, 1011454,
.03 to 4340; extras in bus. $2.05
to $9.00. Peed-litanitoha 1430
to $2.1i Ontario bran,
, Ontario' shorts, $94.60, to VA;
Ontario iniddlingst; $25 to, $26.50;
pure ' grain nruillit,, $33 to $36,
mixed e $20 AO SOO.' (31ft "41'
westerkis to*19*4 e. ,,
,to 2934e. *- 10 to 'Olio per.
Iffiffilo. June 1.-Vheak-ppring
wheatc'stesuly;.. Xo., 1, Northern,
arleads store, $1.30“ Winter,
'Mae Corn No. 4 yellow, /Se
No. 3 earn, 7133i0 to ,Itie ?i'a. 4 corn,
S white, tfoie to
1 white $3. to 03,74e; No
4 sYse, Barley
is to 03e. ye-ge.
Cum" freight*
I, 3 to New York. '
ieao, 1unet 1... -Cash wheat -
.54 ; .1sTo. 3 red, $1.
. t.33 to $1.34; No.
, 1131 t 33; No; I North
*NO. 9 Northern,
hitt o" to soll..;x*.8,,,P1*iVtitti.e' SI**
1 o. 3: o.
1 I o.' 3, )dIlOw. 'Z534
754c; No,
4. 14e. o. hitt. No. 3 white
63t ; N0., 4 Ate, 60e t**0a
slard, 99%7e '
CAR OP 1004 WHEAT. '
Seta ea Winnipeg Exchange at $
..41, despatch from Winnipeg says
A ,C4r1044 of wheat was sold on the
Winnipeg exchange on Thursday
morning, which , has been in *tore
in Port William since Mt, **a re'
suit of litigation arising out of the
hill of lading.: It netted the farm-
er about 01 **fits per busbsel, al-
though sold at *1.10. As a matter
ka-fact thejarmer is out 'thousand*
f dollars on this -deal atter payin
it **Yet*.
Citatles: Elstette' ' Ett,koir %tittle
tiltnit, at .,:farisst1e0
despatch from London, says: The perennial pro Ism
of the ago of the world 114111rectived
• new contribution, based on the
antiquity of radio -active minerels.
Geologists floored some time ago
tbe *ge of the earth at least 930,-
000,000 Years, and the estimate -Tie
until mathematical physicists coin- ,
puted-that the -suit Itself hadnot
existed more than 110,000,000 years.
The discovery of radium, and the
theories of radio -activity seem. ta
be ems to re-establish the geolo-
WOW contention. Lord Rayleigh'a
.40Ut Hon. R. 14 Strutt, who is .41-
ready an eminent selecritist,
flounces, as the resultwof a recent
experiment with a *hunk orthori-
smite containing helium* that this
latter could not have *commis
in less than 240,000,000 years.
erirnents on a larger scale whi
re now pins' on will likelr le
to an extension of this, time.
4 h frthWyouling ILsys,
During a thunderStorm on Thurs-
day afternoon about 4 o'clock the
barn of Wallace Williams, 'near Wits
was stru
Mr. Mune brot
Charles trotoue
'killed. JO lie stand
deor. • 0,deeei
tailoring biomes
been a .resident
by: lightning.
r"-oklaw,,, Mr.
$T instantly
in the stable
-conducted a
re,' and had
Wyoming for
Executive Ogees af the Grad
Trunk Paeil4e..
• A ai,i'.itett from Montreal
y wino e
amberlain, Genera
ager and Vice -President of the
Grand Trunk PaCifie, will Maio.
Winuipeg hir fieultruarteis attar
June 1st. Now that the line is ac-
tually in operation in the west the
sence of the 'General Manager
I felt to .be even more fleet-0*w
than during the period of construc-
tion, especially it -the Grand Trunk ----
n aggreasive policy -in the develoP*
ment of traffic.
ilicAuts 1N PORTEGA.10,
"filmiest 1* Strength, But OcessIssied
Utile Damage.
A despatch from Lisbon nays:
tarsoquakes varying in strimettk
have been occurring in_the
district sine* Sunday,. Two occur-
red **Tuesday. No materiel dam -
dont. The American
-lied CrossACIS Sent 413000114 & eon*
tribution to the funds of the Port*.
Pelle Red Cross in aid of the vie-
tims of the severe earthquake in
the Ribatie district last month.
(osvjete af Ms.rder of Brelkat
'A despatch from L'Origeal, Ont.
says .8alern AssAdy, a Syrian pe
1er, ' who 'Murdered i brother,.
Irise!pb,at Hawke/di Decemb
last, Was tried at the Spritg
,Asaltes here :On Thursday. A"
ed jury brought in a versliet of
•it/Ur/ler with * recoininendation to
r •
clemeney..; Mr.,, lust:ice TeetSeli
who .sentemied. accused •
to be 'listed at p'1,011010at on the
53rd at Itily next. V* toodeMned,
wbo is nly 9, lia4 his feet so' ba4i.
before being captured",
IL bad to be amputated just.
*11 over
tired b
but *
1y tIi**. 10001.
.usinor ke