HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 5 (2)it Not Sestet the , i
. nuance Pf4_1(,i,d404 ,
* eltotrafeet Mae Or w wjt(
eereptautir, Uhl 4411)"*
-* ,sirtkegle. Its
ri*rr "IrOubliew k3o0t ne
these allnirnIIII. *ateter".•.geOP1
WS Statement ": `'i. •
"jHgnan, C* th.ft.,
1., zter,.",Qt9 . •I3YL-
.., �vr , W. ' si
or ft
t 0 , t • 6. euffer
.dWL pdonhig in, the'
. ,i
happy. (von 4 On Ito,
QU yhen ley of, Ulu,
O and Nir,`Er * 140 * *03(-
o ,init arrie$ let Wes*
onadyZi, ot 3fr Co1e1lie4ruz0,
$ KIduer Villa. Tee
Onebor ,of Dpoth'e" Kidney' riga* g'gred
lant cuittelr very, short time, the
urI:ie cIsrd to it* natural :coter, tfr
• theried and'Ilifeje ,10010ea ot
onie. It from elOopint or .tifthar.
atifisdir recomMend BOttils kidney
Pilia sta I know *heal to be 4...thie
ney riniedr ..."
Sold by Dealers. Rage, 50 tents.- The
Booth L't4.; Fort Erie. Out.,
Sole canadlart Agente- •
itatt Pt,„
it pirts".9
t and, htith/t
vet lister* and
ot .re.
a44are7-,zUlhur. son-orlohn -age
ad* harrow recepe last week. He and
&rvhte trodgert were engaged I remov
l heavy tririOner plate, whin the co
r poet, telt on him and rolled weft
l* ,hodrk. fie was , hedly crushed Nit.
11 recover..
- • 01001
tot 10414 „
a 'Oar ittektli 111Miyaisos.
"I.' The cbelde IS Veri
veraldr. .104Inc and. will ha
s4lisserit axo1',04kt,11tir-
ie *Wore...The ir100.01‘
704113! nlAn0t V434,r0II-* Theltelti*r
Co, • „hitt -ror toller locton',Irril at*.
tar w1ik1t thoy their tafeie
dcw* 1;# ate doina
'1 vit- trien Pt:'•t,14-q11'
ni •
.$:404!: -
17,4 £w-Tbe
. '' Wei
glad „to, knowthat:40:4A* -homs e.
atter: * 04htere :attack 1 of SOO
'ller:daughter's St. 24011107:,
beet • Swlteer moved on' Tuesidar to
arra' on, the Ilexes Line. ,/dr., Switzer s
?en in. the buteher bustnese for * num-
len" of years and wait a good citizen;
.ltuIde hs4, for ot Out
t on 1114 eldew 1
eat theni i dellar sa,
who 1iegt4 tiu, not
Pa*t. rew WOWS* .z-
pvt* to
tiiv shorUy, tO. :viett* nteinbee
hhi ly tt. the Itibstn..L Hill -
t :tbo: gooto40,- #
h3 i. tAfl$ffl4 "reAtratI
whieh: oieete at .041
1 l b&ibenttwo4 Oetiare,"' it 01
auppl&i bfr
9 Whig' Lbw th
.MeP1ieo4.-u Dfitht
t depirted' this, life. TO
es' ;art . eitterir. 1.404 who '•fiii)
Novi 8cotla 4004104 Yt._ar* ego.rAieitiort,
n- 4.*.rott ,Was tO` Heneall . on
1 * Wheel he ran against A 'go* and
thrown with .*.ereat force t9',
• round. flti brad wits oeverely bidsed
two belies in hie lett hand broken.
t"-w11171*Soine time b•-•ttoie he wLU•
lo to utte his inindo•-0.4.1datu;day night
4. "worms.; Wh9 heen manager
of the 'Molsont Deltichere ware given
banquet at the C9m6iercial Hetet on the
e ot his leaving. Atter an excellent
• efrain
rees wee read and tie was .inade the ro.
/ant of 4 handsome servtce.
Dratinte-Tile *stn. ot John Alexruideri
oite of the old pioneers .ot TuciceremIth
took piece on gay illtud. taped, who
was nearly SO years Ot O. had lived
on 10t 7, eon. 13. for Ina r rota111.
wItet died * IOW monthe *go. PI 0141
how- vont Jouteccasful; 0 -two-terms
then sip valuablepro
ook ,Plate in McTaggart'. Cemetery.
Was Mile Schnell of Pigeon. !eitch.,hato
rantitted-110010 fo the sommer„..,:mrit
Asr returned Wednesday eveninir trent
4 Visit to her daughter in London. -Mss
Certie Haitlelb rcturitedion Tuesday even
Int from a visit with friend* in Itidge.;
towne.-J..H. Heyter has Inovel his, rant.
lir and, household effects to town. -Lou
Prang has engaged gr. Brooks or PAM -
AM, to sieelet in his blacksmith, shop..."
D. S. Fauettits ImProreitthe appearance
down * part or his old tense. which will
he replaced with, an enlirged Weir id-
lLtlqn-11cv. 3.
S. Damm of Stedicine
UAL Sask., oecuPled the pulpit in-_ the
Evangelical emith last Sunder. *Jul ads
dressed the congregation in the intereat
of the Nrisslorterr ce.uee ot the Outs.d,
Ian florthweet.-"While -a number ot
young men were engaged in tiring. some
ako -through i eigtOlitratore-*- Vide;
Merner's store and landed among
he milliners and the_himiziery...,khroke
n window was the only damage.-
The council of the Township 0t -Step.
hen met la the Town Hall, Crediton, on
IVirednesday. .23th day' ot May, 1006 at
p.m. Theminutes of the previous meet
Ing were road and approved. Gravel cone
tract* to the *mount 0! $377.50 were
Anderson..Veurth -That ;Neel*
LaWson be awarded the centred to eon
•*tercetthe cement work for the bridge
on the EXeter Side Road and the A. 0111
and Co., thesteel superstructure. -Car,
ed.. • *
- Following' *order* were paldi4tenr'S
Beaver, fortify. to TOV441 Hallo *140 tT.
Trevethicitx rock elm Sank. 9-115; Robte
Sanders._ reptire-WMaTtlatee bridge,$5-
50: . ‘Ittelle Dever. drawing We*: hat*.
1.5.0 ; Fred 'Geiser drsinege. *ward, 644
.3tr. /*other,. tilling Its *ash outiff.E.;1•80
DeverldrOs., reP..1104 Oreek:Bi-14g. 150
Wm. Hill, reit. Cred" itOn ro
011ourke, rep. Culvert on 3.13. 634 John
Filmertee* culvert 0.50; 3Ohii.I.Cerear
re"; bridge $5,004;". Plariagan..tike*nd
rep.. culvert 2,50; Sem. Kuhn. vellef..*
tiger re.Geo, rehner, tr.
. The etounell sid)ourned to arket again
t the bridge on the ax*ter Side Hoed
On- Monday, the 5th' der tit July, at 101
a. m. atter which the council will meet -
,to teanaesct business at the Teufel Hall
lerolitont, et lir P.M. •
Henry Either,. TpClerk
aii/Xilerelyi Sittig:fled
omers the strtatigeat
ntee ot the truth of - the..
Our ,platsoe today are the . best that
the. piano -makers " produce and, our
prlces and are whet you vrill
DOrsothwtoo quick to believe per.
Ione *be tell ion 'different 'from the
above.for*the ourliose of st4ling- you
• p and, in some case*, trashrgood
saii See it* and be cativinc
that t we say **live up to
e3f4r.theictotlity of their good*
TIICJMMI E 12'319,
.iitiportedtitaleAtellion. '101
owned are.' CO /I: flail;
iinea a, a
sot tri, King /home.
'Will stand or mares this' seaso'a t
WO **a iitable, c*Atraktie, all week, ei.
irlePteVeeilleadar, when he goes to Josh
Hardirig*1, Con. Jet lelebornei '1 for neon,
reterniog home the genii evening.
C. It DASEEEViLLEt )(Amager.
Centralia '.6:50 51.35
7:03 1.35
.1:17 • '2,25
26 • 125
EleAforth ..t1;07 1.10
Dublin ...- .8:20 1.10
,Children over .”5. and
under:12, flair Fare.
Train will arrive it ottftcpu At it
Odoekt teturnitig leave. ,011ELPft it
.6:10, Tsekiptegooctgoloseouly on, one
train; valid to return following
'fel* words about the farm
Tbeadvntses-of tootiatil.
• endlittterito-ttie MODEL :FAR*.
are too wellkdoru to We -11A COrairtiort4
MACS it to tar. that 130tareattt abould
Worth* the 'only
. will:have thie m00%
MODEL rum, at loch ch.p
the roitmfetus*it,*! t
r . ,
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Iliterory,
isercery wittier* olsetzsy th.tnieotis*s1tUd
eesseletely deresge the whole sotesi when eateries
It tamale Wilkie:4MM Annistia 804 Italian sheuki
soot bawled e*eeptQn preseriptrees teen meets.
b1Ipb*&clu., settle disuse tbay weld* le tee-fehl
tethegerelyeu ess poodles dertye bola tee*
Heirs Catarrh Cure, oetualettered by. It I. Messy
1‘..10.41,elede,O., medlar* al isercery, *ad Wakes
iiiteowely. fitting directlybatte Wet eat *ate*
eurriessaltat re baying mire +Work
Coal* snider. It le Wore Wm-
stouNt eitromti.
zcao* bIlir of tki, late Andre Collins
was brought td idsold tbrne here tr
S=day wcek from Chicago, where he
passk--4 *War. The funeral' was lox on
Monday to Uount Carmel etinete
viebeing conducted by Bert
of raqthill. in The &Wear,. of Fr.Zotater
WIL‘T -A GLtTMAu tiallik TO TUX
OftEAT 1100PLE
*4.1 '
ritriadan Sage is a dlseoverr ot * cel
ehreted scientist, who spent toe . best
years Ot Ms lite in perfectinghitt greet
hear took. A
People he *aid, 'Partidan Sage is the
most delightful heir dressing in the
than a lialf-orress
Int. It cures dandruff by killing the
germs that Infest the roots of the hair;
it stops telling hair:, it give% vigor and
strenglii-to---the-heir -roots. W. S. cote
stile Parisian Sage at. tio cents" a large
bottle and guarantees to do all that is
claimed tor it, of -your thenen 1. rotund.*
ot. it you do not reside -neer a drug-
gist who sells Parley' Sage, send 50
cent* to .01rouX Wg. Co.. "IrOrt rIei
Ont., and a bottle will be sent you all
„ I
charges- prepaid.
• Aftv4l'a thigerinit and pa1tuI, t7 -e$0*
-AWNlued 1,'Way 04 Vier 2lirtt at the
z of 57 Years. Death was, 4:41414.4 by
Erowitt;Whicli had :414
o.'ice.'ttut wltcl grew again*
t4nW4 ,Inityveue'14401.444..
.fl)O'(4 to this:v-1044 trn Tear* A
.ttrat tieing cie•lerm
e 004tre.;11944. buttOrti -past 01
1,0i'llt**".res 'ua Le
IQUZ t*t,1* 4.1l wifc has beem de4d'Zr
Lhe pt *Ightetn #r ttht
is i.urIvM by1„ itICt
k • 1/4Mia
tO A114 Uarvey Otti ionie ao
May or 'AiltlA VtAiltt The tor.'
trial waa held on l'Ocadiir
: Sunder last the le,st, Istria* was
hcid in St. *try* church. Drineler,
fore work la commencid• tearing .the old
emu% •down prep:000r t� 1-pUltVing
a more commOdious and comtOrtai4
ediriM While building operetions are 1
rogrcesiservice- theMt.
°diet church.
Toektrinedth•-•Wra. 'C. Laruisborolig
tuts disposed of his farm here to /oho
*tyro': of. the Itiel)en Hoed, 'so h*
moved 'to the 2$ acre' faun be took tn
part "9armerd-near-Jdgeepaidailli.;,4.
her of the bride, when Kiss ,arargaget
IOU was Awned In marriage to John
Noble, a prospeeou s farmer ot �uflett
Davtdson, er.. fattier of
flev Davidson., Passed away at theliden
ced sall or 90 Years. He Was a im-tbo,
or sootiikod and came to thla country a
greet many years ago. His aged wife
Elayfield cemetery.
'MI** ,Craige-On Thursday the wedding
took -place at London or Mies Annie
Leitch, daughter of gr. and Sirs. 1.
Leitch of this place to gr. G. E. !zavitz
of PotOste Hill. The gremony was per-
formed by iter. A..' I. Vining.
Seaforth-The death of Ilanniel Hbclte
ley occurred In Didsbury; Alta.. on •May
23. The remains were brought to Seem
forth for burial. the runerel took Plage
Saturday, from borne or Bd. litnehler
gitchelleean Victoria Day, after a
lingering illness of several weeks, Mrs.
.Edward Fitzgerald Peeled to her reward
In . I
ber • lith year ;for the twat tow week*
deceased had been a great sufferer.
ellett•-The death oecurred hi /tut
lett, on tier 26, of Geo. Watt, aged
$4 rears • and 5 Months. . The funeral
took place front the residence of his
bro'her-in-law, Mr. A., Reid, Loti
10, Hulett, on May ,211. •
iterysi-dierirs Weir of Toronto.
jfl-that city on May 24. Deceased
'ter street. Mr Win. Johnson.
Roid le a brother-1414*w. 30. Weir
as,s, termer resident, of $t garys;and
'tarried On the 'business ot Baker and
rOntectioner while. here. • •
St. Uarra-Art Out building at•the rev'
of F.' W. -Button's grocery caught tire
Saturday .afterrioin.; Timely discover:
and venlig action in fighting the fire•
no doubt saved a big confla*ration.
The origin of the fire la thought. to have
lneh some careless person with fire
.crackors, a* no other tire was near the
tin entises.
Coliri McRae of St. Mery* owe.
nis life to his two dogs which saved
him from being burned to death eatly
Saturday" morning. Fire •broke •out in
the house at 4, o'clock, white gr. McBee
was test aeieep. .The dogs, howevar.
aroused birn and be woke to Owl the
Nouse In flames., In getting out of tha
house Ur. McRae was \ slightly burned
trcim pyiantae ce.tching fire
'the whole conteats of the house were
lost enA1 _aTri pozgy chirkerts. The hoot
lOsis estimated at about #1,500, The
caue the lire ie unknown.
Whin hegira) there ara too
comdriotorn In the streams of floral
America and also -that the
IcaLtapIr le• AD Not* Aitteri
Call/ f bo4VattrtPler the Isteetcb-
'warosier and essilis tapir
0* au° botievotie, can cure any-anake
WO 0* earth...tom * ground tattler to
, Verret' tali or 'diamond rattier.
Indian isever 'ma Omen to go 'md
fmnt dog blte or die- from * rattleets
bite while other races succurab, to. the
versos* 4f snake or go mad -from ths
bite of rebid dogs
The Indian when,le battle and fatal -
wounded helleree 'that If his Medi.
'due men can reach him With his bitter
Medicine heforehe dies it wilt give hire
instant relief and he will -be *Wel* eas
rape front the battlefield, lite thinks.
*reel DOA 41 -honest until he IMO bint
etit, tit wblth erent be 100eir all C01:014
4.nee In hiM and „never gets over It
The Indian never makes up after
fallintOut with any onelie may *peek
to an enemy- at be but Mee Witlt
the nhatred in his hoist. -
-• Cats* Irlaytair tow*.
There WaS a" Utile Wbell Ptople,
were tortliddetttritWACL
.tt code, even In their own house., on
undsr. xn • the royal proclamation
*Pinot 'vim profaneness aid hamar
*Utz; read every, smitten and *Wm, Is
the following psusseget "And we do
hereby strictly 'enjoin stud prohibit' all
our Whig subjects, of.what degreeoc
quality soetertrete playing, on the
'Lora% day tif 'dice, cards or any Other
Pine whatsoever* either In Ptzbile.ot
USeit Or other ,places wbatsG
Zilarged 1iger ,ishits,
t'rjolnts Are thelion
ritl\mOrtlfleetiOn. filme _
11 Orating the
,t ht*** the joints "'Creek."
es they are the result of herd
rbeuzuatlsm or gout, tat, may
by light Mary trosititgli
and around and
otz the Oils with the, thunib,
stroking nrestardY
44,1teation ot 111 It
't (." (
tilkOLLEIT. 44450. * stand- OD
Trototi,o OITA pro.Lbjrli
,got4' -pedigree ice beet ot
bait an enviebte, weird tor i V
orae. Will *tare4 fax mare* at
stable, Theme* eArost
wtert hevets to iWincfeleee
*Kiri* Diensherd.., atti
to Dodd Christie's, .
amtrort for the Advorete'
11 the navy*.
ies were
t LydIs B.
und; sol
my g.":441rs.
/10 Jo*nr,Box 40 Mariton,.114.
,getable Com.
und,Made fromuat1s root*, and
*Lc Ghtisina no narcotics or harm;
laciff iind7--
on file irt-the Plulthatu laboratory at
Lynn* lbw* from women wbo bays
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, Inflammation, ul-
• tetion.displacernentAllbroidtumors.
Irreiftdaritl.a*PerfodlePatue, backache*
indigestion. and neryoua Prost -mum
Story snffering owe* it to bet.
L7dia ---
table Compound -2144 -
-If yell woultdiike special advice
about yorcase write *confides.
to iiirrs. Pinkhoin,
Lynn, litass. Her 'advice is free„
and stwilya
Fullurton-In Fullerton Fr44erick Bea -
newels, aged. 79 years. He had retired
as Ustlal: and an hour atter-ward ws
found deed by ids wife. heart Who('
being the cause. - •
iititchell-iDavid Durham. aired. 'ego
hist week. He worked at manual labor
Auntwilitt:04. efitleint,itinset„to yolltistctlheli
irul,tt 5
Mitchell-After a lengittY
lir/Award Fitzgerald passed away !ant -
week. 511* .anci tier inleberid cfarde here
In 1465. The Mire/and three difthtera
and* two sons survive. •
• Bo.yflzli-A..party of.gypsies. num1xr-'
04 Shout sixty were in our ilitsige on
Thorader last on theirwar tO Owen
4ound tei take boat for Port Arthur -en:
rOnte for winitIpcs• and the west." The '•
rt WCte I re-and-4weee,
colors. Mott
or eat smoked and the children toe
ed tobacco. The wornsa told tortuties
they get a chance, Which was atiz.
dem, end swore worse then troopers
without arty provocation.
Twiterernith-Mr. Wm. Bright reedy..
3--.Iette.r -Thor*dar- front Areile
of Eik Laka and formerly of Eteei, con- •
-vering tile sad news of the drowning of
his son, Walter Wright. The on:or:um:de
man Was throw n Int° the . water when
canOting and carried under by the cur-
rent and drowned. So Ow as has heali
learned' the holy has not .yetbeen re-