Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 4 (2)m it tot, ot 1Ii t,1d its, 3, 1O9 oz Fr a the TOwn.I otv474,0„.the r.otinerr141041 tOokboX+ T14.*; reevit.T. ' i .6 tir.tr lie .• .1 V* f. 1 , , 'lei* Is , h ' t A.:':.4eit dUtSlits,',..1ot 4 i tiVtit ,- ., t,,..P,` rAttsbi, ,p4 . •;),t‘....,4oi02.., .1 i#0,0.- • v .Tint , . on; '' ,•* .�rt W141* he Pn 0-14--the'Po .- it • ,lIjIw ws.voted tio,the'chttir orW. 9 OS OA iNktuttn. 444owttoc Is Mle pot ,.,ot *pestle • $3. smsnt 1100101 001410/4`,t0t, '11#0010:`:., On*" ' , 1,4tioil,;asSeeilawtt to ',$1009 rapt. itt inmi to# 04r iff.- '404140' tt:n **t 1*'14;- ckt%Ot77,At 4OttfMti tto atelellonint,;"or.' IQt10 of, 3o'ns Luke *thew**. *IWO 1). Of tleanten sod Iwnkrulerity does tot am jo -wane sem would Orelir etrafght COnservattve candid., .. ate won In raet Victoria Jest Week by over 000 '014$0rIlY= The w1ttitir4 or the groat DerbY run, rithS 044 hY.liffneiro. owned bY ward. Wee Very voittilar la Irliglend. ThIu Is the Shit time 11. 04111/10 MOAArgit haa WO;1.the historic eniAti aklib.01,4* tho '140$' *when he .xiess Prince ot Waits* won !t twies* The ,strixe, was 0,500 sovereign'. The attempt ei;OttleAtle« te11044/4 by,* We ,tikitt, ,senteace, of the President of the wrecked • Dent; St../eini or 4010b40 VIA 00110001 '01000 *0 'a feegt,4)4 trfil. 1t 1 the4;0? 0sever -kw a late. • Thoosh haebeen in °trim only * little more than tour years, the Whit - ter 0.0tetronvent halo aileatly fulfilled AW*47030 ot the pledges Ishich no :er." 14, -S.-Tretiltice4ii74004;;S:; W.; . dettoolt.. It given the ormortoottr* to4e4 hh-a numler o 4oest1ons,essexttlitt,to Wettat*t.UeIndleated 111, 001t. 100 01: 0P001t10 reforms. 10131Cit hewould institute o.t.ce he 'boreal* premier.He has carried out ,eviery. one - -of • those Pledges. Go Saturday Tom Lottehoet oult • *11 the 3.4th mite in a big race In Cole,. sge, *eying ite felt the effects' Or an old Sunstroke1 but the telloWIA* dei he eltruelt a pope tor twelve mile* in Terre utente, that Lowered the two* mt)te t**-• oat arid beat feur..nutek 'relay team.: rt would he. great tua hetttng on Tom it you could Only reel SOretthet he would Ilut the HArittithen htudelese *Sam to, hes game like everythleat else end It*would.nOt do to let the btlY.4 4030 wife everY thee, A tOtoor reiltietd of. this. . piece ve0e: away at Parkhill on May 21st. In ute. persoa - or .30'. tiettitY 'MO. • Who- , iii..Etor neatly a year,- suffer* : -. us f on rencerouvgrowth.. Ire.*** One of the early 'pioneers of Stephen. Ue was krle. 14:Voik 4140410 vted at the age • or SO cato to thisIsrt•ot. the countrY, ideetingio• tante for itiontelt And blei - wit* toAettorti he had been married tour liet411_ jlts_e_110411.471t,');_14111 ;arta Irteluded the corner where 'Greenway nOw-i-stends. and on this he resitted for forty ,yeere ,lour years *to* when the, tauill*•, ',toyed to Parkhill. Besides hie sorrow - lig vette, flee amot,lend, three daughter. survive their . father. Theta. are Abra.4; tam ot .the aartedien Wait., Mrs. Melt. NO* ot tierPleY, *lei 'Sarah of pe., trott. George of Mooresville. ,Reteremento, CAL. Miss liters or .1643* Angeles. .David .3. or DetrOtt-and Jelin t hone. Xr. Shenk was's. Member of 34ethodtst., Church for rnerty year*, 'Zoe funeral took Vac°. on -Sunday to • .Dclaneey's entery. The following 1. the -report ot S. s. lor_fte month, of May Sr.. IV.. Is. Stables' J. Coughlin. L.'Mete fl, M Eogland 1.iltalge. . G. lt.into-lr.VOralalt.‘:**. • C. Coughlin, L. Sint*."44r Ir., S. 3one Jr. Coughlio, C. Stahl*, M. Ls" * Co3p2r. P. O., T. Cornish. 1. Dratidall. FL t., 0. Slins.°14;0.0oulifill $clteever.' ' /rattle Chapman, feather., /110DVIXII • It. will b A te news to:nisei to learn; , ot MIs. *aisle Drown. ,who 'pi,t away *Orr part :et the week, ,tro o Ijeis. ,She, went leut,' 'West Ate , sot eget . there It cted %terer----InAnt mitten- *the red. tOreirtg tome \to , die , prevfoes to her dem*. ituoeral-took pier* Qi 1.(OnsiAtY leett •St1 leaves to inotero her Oath ..ber'fath7 and, two brothers* W10) .110. the " Ora ot alt 14 'their toad bereaventent. itimpatOrt is elsoltini .1de-ode theA'auble Alms Carte Ps IiftIyig her Another to 1.01311-11vray. Mrs. Walter Cinottlighson1.. vielitne he on, The' titte.The flotortet thr.04h itettlirereet Iset %Waffled ot inoti iete-01,ttled.; dos. Paola' asset -smitten $494 20, east‘,10140.oX in *trot -waslitcreaved $1.2Aou gm- tio 9VINI'llnie *rat LuiterpeCerrled. . The •tellowing persinte alit,steeessed tor dues. the eame‘being dead, were at.rtic otf.--/Ohn,-41111.0104-201L.ite vine Sontheott..C liaeloteY, son*.ett ofotiork ot czrlipxend Luker. - Curled. The court adjourned to meet 00 ;tune lent on -motion ot Johns end 1400 ree.Carried. 01,00110 Ot the tounell at, the close ot the Court or Itertelon Detre Vice CellurrcrePorled that he with Gottnellter John i had loterviewed gr. J. N. Reward regards getting' an Option OR the prop. ply known Ate the river bed; end that th -papers Nkftwe_.'1704.114 tn:t Pewit= 0 wite If sait1ufactO7y. tilt rsoali'utleg043t0100147t Ikb4itY yligt wilI it 1 ds w.0 over our **kilo,: e --,N,(111 save-leonot b' dox1. toiltuipoto thew .stadeosi: 11 , Uy it t1ea, rhy• befttg Oitt, 4 „ir41*0r40,';', :PO 1U44,11k 040,),kand Ite;.t lb tt , eirt advising t -** Si h tU drule Ie put Own on Oidley treet; ,and len. loch ttle drabt slot* west side ot Cittibur street, to 'lute ereek, A• petition teletted by' P. W. Gladman, treaty Parsons, fl Gouhl1 WAre Taylor and Jos. 1)01610, 4.01Ced tor a content walk that a remeot walk be coestrurted from the; vorner ot lidethrodlet clattelt .ProPertY on the north ibic Of -Wanes street to thii earner of Albert. An Amendment by Ww. Ifeemen, sei'd by W. lottresethat the wallc. extend *Ion* Jame* street and on the east side or Albert to /*Mu Tilt Reeve .deelared the motion' earned. Per W. 3.: Iremnao. ,seed by W..3*. Carlini.. hot the Reeve and Treasurer botrow 0.000to the credit ot the municipality tor eurrent expenditure.-44.r4e4. str. Ai a. Dyer was paid. *OS se asseesor and 0,14 for preparing truant' officere boo*, on. motion Of W. Johne.seedihry tt.Luk. er. • WelAeter and temlly, wh� live ric..ar Toronto, 10 vieltioS her „Wire; ide. Thos. Aritettelke-bre, John W. Butt 1.1't for Toronto on *dards"' I40t, 'Who** A has secured a- temporary r pastor., ',W. H. Butt left Wedoese ay ,mornieg forleAndon, Where he 'Will the•Oiarerene* itess1ont,..-0The notPit .or the methodist church wH1 D. in taken to the morninsrlbr afr.,Iohn. and lit the evenitur by Itev...ituitm11 Colwjfl,e The following' is the report ot 4, Stephen, for the month of May. . *teed on the general protkienar or tbe V.. Maxwell Datobelor '1103! louther /hot. ttelade Anderson. Jr. I . .14farguI4te trait!On, *retell* Nen, Sr. 111 gotb01 Itoeolkrif Acee Hanlon, Mull.EIhth. Jr. UI, Delia . Drooks, Lloyd flaynham, Leonard Abbott, flarty Li.. ton Gerald Outten. 10410 ndee steniey itteValls.' Sr. Ir., Haul Ileeti Vet% -Davis, Lorne ,Irleks, Pieta Ilure. 0404 Rex XIII*. Sr. Pt. IL, 00.1'00 Culbert; • Irene Ale001.14er, 3110,41011P4 Drown. Albtrt Iraeltney. 3r. Pt.. Ir4 Illeks VIelltred Itutetable, Ida VaYier „Ir. Pt'.. to Myna Drown, Dora natio" Ellab. A Class, Verde, floyce, Mare tam N13, Pred Eiston, Cyril CalweII 'Clarertee CullxItt. Margaret Zillah. • - Arouthel 00_4004 ',Tear:heti, ..Pittt; AT, MrtTAX1.14. • a W; James line Bstcl of Parkhill visited. her *titer Vhelee-Zerizicer on Tht-Fradiy., rve .,,toree Thoit, Loma Is having * illesere• erected:in front otbisree1d.nce-8un. Pion oneds evening tb.Y.PA. of the Eirith hurrirg*Yetheir itonuct-wily lag* number of peoi were in sttendance. Addremses June 1 1y the ttee for tbe ernly asxip for boys,, and ft waa decld�d to *0 epplitattion form. for distributi�D among those in were gtven 07 AS. ens *nil Nieilimlirn4 Ti sun* by Ulm Etta Link, s di HUI* is** iron* and G and a Wine ,t/nartette; loft outwaa in and ball Wo.c* in 31 Saturdsy Attending a tattoo coon *dM elllivra .Trevepi The wool ptwil1 take tiotICO line of pure no' 'all kind* of *crap, Ingbest Market ?does' Paid fo p Iron, BagsRubbers Horse Min Cop r* rel;iescii to be delivebetedosat° Toirl"trikreKgriret ',.0r48°14,4 fiplifilte*cuiDetut.11-YAux XETER, whet* thocashwiIl ,, rip Exeter, Ont. -* 1 14 1 evening. witb,an serage ot SI; 40 educational -With average attebdanee of 24; 7 pby'sical event* witban *memo of 21, taking part; and 0 public entertainments ex Mainly" V31.04..icient_,witht an *vet" *g�'nttentl*noec-otover130.,,4'her4r*ttt- now 22 corresponding members In the Monty and up to date 52 young Men leiteing-their-borner-for other -parte; have been followed by our, system 0! correspondence, and helped In a pow. ti* way in the places to Which they havegonectrangerc,,17 ;young men b*yo made * stark since '3*nnitry lot. iwg, in, lending iffible classes, and •many young men have been belped and nplifted, by the inInence Of the los. lentos Horton and Arlo* Jenne Campleal:epent, Tutidor. teght. wit 171.1* ju-lionortlfq liver titot Maggie •gobkirkde.M.r. and Glientr orient' Sunday' at row oaseson tioAdo4 :r4o440,4tisa mettreftee and Ar ntotat. Todd' were ositors at .1ohrt Me- Qun's on' Sabbath last.e*Xri, George I/W*4k and daughter Iftqrate. elier .4.!:074r. end. at COnstenre.-414.-W,...1. Wij loon._ Or lizettee;agenCror Mara r Co, ,London,rottile* Olive" and Soteex_to thle neighbo:ho� deY, . - • (Teo late for last wee :44r. John McQueen has has added to the (APPeeranee .ot hts tint farm by etectlng iteitt f,40**-41,4sia Margaret MKetten /Peat the 24th InLon. doh Geo, Glenn *toted bored* in ConZ stance Che.tney and daughter were visitors at litaton's over 24th...440. T. 3. Derry and family *Prat Suitticx with Qqrdon tgoitou..44tr. nett Mirada and wite were thte.gueste or the letters •.Ister Mrs, George Ilohltirit on Sunday.- Miss Margaret Eilerington ot Toronto le 'els Who ureter the Parental rootee. Mr. W. Sititmorte has ' also improved hi* Witt by* the 'gre(tten or a handsome tenet. t- • -.rho marrtaita 0t mice Agnes Patten and Ur. War. Et. 110,00- tooki place at her: home. 'alereltboye on )ray 20', t;p. M.' The bride *meted the: parior lealthtir On the 'atm of her brother, ,Me. Andrew PettOlter,i1100of Clatelehoye... to, the. strains 1..ohingrin,s-wedditer march, eyed by. the -brides *Outdo. UN* adio reitine -14 Laurr. The .nupitai knot was tied by the Ilev.. R. /h. ritepheneorve tueitt. The...bride was -heeeteingir at tiraet in peatt *riot 'silk with *Ilk chit. fou OVerleee and eindhlue trInuttlege. She woe attended ity.gles *eon or *gain. The groom was- supported. by, ,* 'nephew ot the bride..Mr. Sas. Patton or Ciatideboye. " 'Our cftzru. were thelr lunt on'SundaY morning- a little at t"r two -o'clotkby the cry or rire;.wheit he the Dotter factory' of Ur. Towne* 11113 woe discovered to. be In It burned fiereety, and but, *little was eveept the bosks and contents ot the (Knee. How the coonstration ini.d Is unknown as act fire was used tice. 'factory on the phecteltng: day, repairs were In ptcgretie. The otos Ile 1,41A1Y covert by trieurence to tIi extent of, 42.400. Mr. 'Willis has b:en dell* At good, busioeiss and Will receive thto warm sympathy: ot the entire to,oloothity.. Wit understand Mrs *WM* wait at Once rebuild!, and_la the Atieetts tIin he has secured the uset Or the tete eon' factoty three days or eitt. w -fatten left t" wee his brother, aebtio. ly IA at hie bo t theFe..-Xr, t oaKter, at SaturdaY 11. in Pu1larton.44414$ 1.1aoy Vielter. and. POltkie eOlkiee *Out lest torotte.--340. , dilates *as ryslled.t0 hie P'Oflb Z Douele* Man.,. TueSdey'. owing ,4o the mottoes .1114, o or ter father' and lett Inuttediately tt at plec,1.4iti. WEI :Motes Is tune II: tow. day. In Tororthe. tollosint Is the report or Si S. NO 4. Vsbotett.14for the Meath' 'et -V., 1). Davis.V Ketelelee, fl Xsy Colteiti .& akE*tn.r W Walk t tV, look Coco*. A. Itiittcer, St. MI 31. licreir 'Inca rotit, welaber..ir 3hothilow,4 Pir.zoml*, <Sart*. onitori,fi itacter. it. "Webber, v.it tki, V. Coale*: IL.ITCo•ttec _ Mvit, rt. Ilk** liardieg. 11A-ebbler, Its Mat, May; ft ;Cwan, teether, To' to- your attotit root*, It $10A *II .111* lgooSiot that etytt ant *C, 1t4t GRAND I3END sr*. ,10.4ePh and Irdwaril 0111 Seto etti4-1g VAPC411.101r 1 olke•In the ()Id Y:,r last' Prldiy.--Mr. Ilearnitnsith vt..tb*At here, returned ,to 1.0nd eek....eutree.,.0undrr, mother ad.. h n have attliel hoe to civil, tvfitt, wile, has be sway v eating', * crated hoxite and will keep tease or her .'fitth,r Air the. suiruneroetluite number Ferree itehr 'every 44 pita. Powell of letster attd Mtge onthron :were her* for .ve or two st' wok, tie- formk vitt:4r read)* to the libt seeiont here.-fr. 30lat oird Le 0:1 the. Weir Oct. -lin Sorsee Ot arrieed fiere le catuto: .,- e n haviaj some... repaIrs done to hi* dwelling this week, -Sunday rnornlrig Rev. mimmof 1e41-4-1-ilft**-1C".hP14--f-,-etd /6/1?414441:43 IIIa itrfloa1,101ntere.i-01*10. eke . touching. theruisolon. on the We*........-24frik,4,01111,131intrh,li list, Her many friends it not Of a "legions:natuto,-,Dr, Mt* McCue. Were caIled to Mount „Forest Taeoday to attend the funeral of theforMer's ttlatitr,iDA gen° totter frora,t0Otsion was In the wasp Tues. der tuningplepoia,-.11r. and Ara, F. .01**,10444d. friend* In *Madan ann. 'Vonng was Itt ,Wyoming Siktordsysttending_ the. funeral: of * friend, Who Ws* kilted by lightning Eluting SO .01eetrIteltrarottn:WItieti pees, ed over that ,,,netsibbothood ..Th -Our tennis pl*yers bare itatted to play. The membersblp and It is expecte tbata. soon as the boys*reiu.hapethe, boring friendly game.- Richard Tirrisotenif)r 'Olt: the bitnV staif 'wolf,: !god ' to :return' ttt 7400011,343rt:toOlt see 111', Ilatry Triek, bee ;been engsged by tile yonpon to belp tbem tosvor:Jbelltiotai,, enry hea bad blet lave* fence painted and otberincinroveMentimad 'Heade% hes '' Bafrd and 8on of &bilk Mr. Uadden is bound to keep Itttottchwith .11 modern eas itt brlck Making and at4.*"*ba at their let the contract to bridge on the Exeter tide summer, The 000xOnt Work will be done-byrXce.„11awecta and ..the steel work to the 4, 11111 CO. 'of 141trhell. • ng has at beat- been finished afld the toot- crop is being hurried in.Tbe Me weather of late *round here is 0411* Ing rapid grireth.-Mr. Newton. Wilson visited los pereets .here prior to. ,ids leaving for Cardpbellviile, near Guelph. tottle SqUires tett on Tuttle:ley to vtsie.‘her *deter, lirts.'Sakee, sktiore's ,end Mrs, ,Dantel ,4101,4` visited facade at Centralia On Stindey Miss Verde -Squires and Miss 'etterlo mess v s *lend* In 'Oraintrift" Adcy.-.34r. and gra* Via,yoeit OtWo lath were guests at lirr.../On 'IltorleY41 Sundereeisgr, Ated Ors. Coltman 0 ItitAer *tilted at 31* Fnk Gutming's o.A greodsy.,...Mr. and Uri. Virm. Made" ;lilted tilted/1 at Wesley On Suntlay,-... Mrs...30bat•Parkinson le skid at her home in Dlitfisitartl'...../Cogincere' ere at work appins out, the new route ter the' tali att thriough,, Uboti*- i(r lobos ot Itifolyttic *sec tttre next tion400 Ione stn, In the A. settee, ot theoeti4or who I* ettendin trottenee at tiontiOn. " LOTS $-NiTs thott a fine ideit...for litstinctlittiholtickel oft on washdOs and you'll, ;no lot of *016 MPERIAL04(1:01113 . RANGE hilt* tut anit tli* 004 tbII place. 8be 1. her frlevacl. will i* plottseil na well and in* former health. -Mr. Jcob KeIIerinaa bad the naleortono to valuable bet* Old Saturday night - e_Sunday School Convention for tb vont$13rof Huron 'in coonectjott boWIteictab the tuEvarlical, AellOelttaort wi 1progranl bas been pre- itiert"elgood thxt. for Sunday irksers 1. expected. The deme. gates tor th on 13404.4Y•as OUOWL:mital**141 Mr. Jaoob Kellerman li a, The containtiailtheen itloy0wrtlinclattr11,,JOunitat vr*Wirdsk whose aline)* In Deabwood,,,Ont., vat* 'ne and daegerous to be at lame. Dee, ere he could be arrested. 14Yerever, he eicaped aeross the i4torder. „where the Ainer1p officer* apPrertended him and hod him deported.. Ire Wes to have been • rit to Semis, but the American an.: hoe 14 ..ertate. way strivelat the c00401* and so the- men 'wert braotatl No*- , eptviel warrant had to be sworn out Tuosday betel* Squire Chlttielt to pet. not ot Wilds *ins 'held Alit the author. ittwoidd notitte^4 and have time to rectify ;the mtstake:, On Saturday he *Smeared herore Squire ClOttielt to ans- wer to the clArge. 04 ineentty•pie has been,Irt the asylum' betore and atter _ hearing the evident**, it. Is thought that toe dangerous to I* at largeand he was consequently .committed to the asy ou.• lIne Illegals COO et* and ht from thelead nitonTiell we from none. Curtain Oo-e*tti. on 3,1 Int, Etc. on Rods. Whiter ottaga tartan Rade, 10c 'each. 'Ore **ming done on shorket notice, „