Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 2 (2)7rit'
V6) ii*kii f$'wiM in
uld write e lt11°ItId4lut o
feith u fith
without" work*,
All men work -by faith who work
.3i Any worthy .way. The man who i 4 in; the . infinitedoes no
prob*Wy pridee himself as being 'Inetin . a blind babylike eoufiden
nothing more than * cold busineis thot *Imighty arm* will „piqr us u
automaton,. utterly ' indifferent to and carte us to 40* lair snd
*telt visiottitry matters -so faith iind. 'unwept by 'storms and ueeur
ide*lismt uevertheless ' works by by the neeessity for labor. It doe
faith; he pushes out hie business, mean so great confidence
into new fie $ in temfelenee that ,i tightliesii of the whole ueiverse that
e venture and investment will NO Pnt,..44e lives into tune with i
bring it* returns; his -foreiight goes
,beyond knowledge . •
No molter how material. in its n
re your work may be this tpuoli
wit enter into it, the.
• fenceswI1cb Jargtlydictate pre-
methods, into tbat which to.
morrow will demand; into the prom.
Atm of the future.
lien/ simply *Metterof inabil
o see. *V farthee
nga that are wt
esingof f In
is the pionee
kes meg push int
cmpt new
into new
• re the f
Here 4 tile indiir
the elbow ofe
ine n• had the
v non, Perstwor
• *Carol, and believed in the values
where others saw only a to Faith
le not dre*ming;
to realize our beet r
So religious faith mean*
' otherthan we-keow„,
ay ‘ving.• it means sP,PaIng
epirit of confident endeavor to mak
real the hope for the future to the
matter s of the mood and spirituel
zo aunfideuce
the fore-
irit that
new, lands,
bringid -the
le o our
of faith.
y411 hecetille
ith to,10110w
when other.
There is nothing men need mot
han thie, faith, faith to believe tha
his id, whatever eddies of s
_ ay 4wir .k
feud *bent falien
r along, the bttoniof
the e ounding coppie
it bele o the big este
)omirig t u where they
"Bight's sightr told his
u "There's nothing in
oat keeping that fenoe
and rat, not going
hied been paasing
etu of the eatate
theo o fie
Poor Martba, 1 ettlt:the
nexp ,•erenau h
v t,,4146, ftit, she'we
o equal ,..g out., a A *Ben
prityer went from '.her , hoot, to
beavefl for 0O.litt 1,6 iot>140 quickly
to r assisten
hot 4 the girl r asked load
"Y o
• Oerel 'eu
you would please se 1
tiltd. like to have a. fe
rivtoeonversistion with her
thaf roso sti
iugns,- or the, . 1301- .141. tioilcer:tisw,tithat
4 upright
t, 0 power o1
speech, i I:
of it, 14 the claire trnoit im.•
rtent distinetien of mankind,.
4 ;the " surest ' indieation of the
rsuperiority that Owl has eonferred
upon the bunion, riteer' .The.psisage
e are to itiirly, i* one of the finest
in-the„,Bible; and hi the crown. et all
znii,,t4Tngh}le ulttna, 1°1' oe.f.Isti"irecth*. * Vs.
it. Why did James urge. hi* 'rea
'Is skit to be, Many master* (WA -
I's, ,as in "schoolmaster*”)1 t. Re-
caufie the young Church met that
dange. , . ,
roontznually.(see Acts. 10:$4
roan; ,_t 123 4: .
naily c a
where the rttli and
tight is being done, and, therefor
where one dare not do other the,
follow •that con6deneece-vbere 0
must .follow the right though the
heavens may fall.' . •
We ed faith in the poesibilit*
14iiii,"ftWiteet thptth
egu�dnis in
the beast. to wa
t-i"la-ner chords
note of love and confidence in
itileit are what we believe theni to br
and, this is just as true *ea
r0i3ps of men 44, it is of individu-
democracy is only postlible so
long ns we lieve that all the
e--•-taken—ogether, ill do
right. •
N� m,
t "riPeningtgir:lz things s'itr41:rwilort:
greet, work eve
ter i the
results. ThOite.
rieb harvest$ mestr long for
night, *or nwho ow for ot
go v°111!!"Itilibiturtveit-ileeoymere fails
to thoso
v4ti°11' who live'
for it8
paes in *others it
rites lir
.•#* And 4'rig
tlib, u"ibtIfirmlyt-
o eraldine-:
that,* pane t be expected
forgive the, boy's infatuation when
who saw lloreh. 'For half a second
110.4110ot vilified she had‘left the
ittufr off her fee. .The soft, ',rot.
iliant bloom of free naturo on th
,youflg madeiter,
-creek17.-and Thiheight
her temper. • „
hear you havebeen'00-00. 11'4
ithont in the field with my foollob
nephew, I" she odd, coming 'to' the
point imutediately, with almost bru-
tal abruptness. "You 're 11,' very. oil.
ly little girl, if pretty' one. Don't
you. understand that, is, only
pausing hiroself—that is.** idle,
fliration on his *pull"
Norah wiks itttring at her intense
Viiit gather what, you
ean ".$ e quietly, „-
ell, he ivo not dream p1
' "Re ha asked m -do, to ,b
is NifeiTtn4:1-.1-114,ve accepted him'!
,She tipoke eteadily.
"Asked .you ,to Ins wife The
boy is crated
Jt was hero' man'e
knowledge of the world
. •
a.Lking in the fie!di, gathering
One .day Bhe
over •a 4tile, sod
The pain brought
ber deep, vioiet
nian, whistling
he oar* stilI in
swinging flgnre
no two doge.
them, she raised h
f01 eyea. to his five% -•
"By Jove tt" he thought. '''What
aweet little
"Are you in troubleasked.
I help your° ,
he smiled through her.
kit is notMngT"' We I
hurt my 1Frist,
stik.• • it 1144 rather bad at first.
What lovely dogsl
810144 s,. ie f.compl
John flitch looked at hi* wife,
tba with a,gleiro aim u
.humor in hi* eye*. „
Vs over at, htitt, wife, e strt.
nouncol, with ***it of having (lone
the right thing' from the very be.
ginning. "You've been a. patient,
• uncQmphsining little oiil, and now
iny experiment is over." • .
Patient! . lincemplaWingt With
a mother'a heart bursting all those at
long -wear y yearsfor her only 1 John in.iit
thild! John Bireh,--Wittire was -you
11* had 8avedy of IUOL
lio had Mode-, tient:tit, and he.ki
how to keep, .ipstes4 Q
His islow, definite mind
itc1f rigidly on .one.;,olifeet
ture; his pipe'a.nd garden,
theirgrown-up daughter.
Thc ove- went, an
ilia found .sitting
eclioua perforjnaz
- worried her. think how
maid might be wieting:the e04
the kitciien.,
en 431 was in raadiuea.44,,
eording to John's idea-
o the principal
'where Norah hit4 bee
ut e y Wrur---log
tots -Oiling) ristis listlit bum e .th
O becOltO ep, mute. the ihow, er strap -
,00:etr011;lb. vte'"
ad sheer linen
ite totrue:threttutaithlowith ;
1* nevei
The more simple
oketels have been de'
stripes as well ita plain
The pin stripe in,Jinen
positively ,fieseinitting o
the linen suit when rept
gown color. Striped voile
favorite , and sheer liattstes in del
vile shades vic.. with eolored han
kerchief linen*.
140deAhir with plaited popular
ar mfrrilitisle4dito
wn oi
side Of • the rot, Some of thei
0 * o et, other
the idea prevailed, .thi, faith, Jain or tucked or a band
out ieorresportaing-• obedience, $ 0.1*„..,embariALdeVkit*
ell that- is needful' * the more to 4161414 w llle n°1441 e
woutends to give Id` eagerly prose forward glance. It
tbought oin8 our at his emitting point ls•
- and .front
• e
XL The Tongue
VIC-S! o
opeech, to whet do
es- Rudder.—
s James compare
the tongue l -To a see .bit. or
woieh, -though tortall, turns
n governs the whole- body of the
greatand, similarly, to •a.
ship's helm or . rudder, .
though not so wall in comParition
•!vith the • great, hip," and so weak
in tomparison. with the fierce_ivindot
3;h1,,ottirodts,* whitherioeijrr
thc ship, in t
or (r.., • "steersman
and ittle metheizilrourdidoor,
t‘vaents great ing shout *grim
Tongue as.
used by Ion
s n the
na. it iS a tittle fire:, to tJ
/ but a little -Are can kindle,
rc*t forest.- *. So the tongue 'eat:
ruin the whole.borlY.-nay,thowhOle
Lile, in its revolving enure* . tro-
h to .the,. grave,"
ourae of nature. is Iitera117.
, birth,. the wheel Of 'ex
.revolving '
ikely that .114ziett,11:'
, , wheel, whose wor
1 by an **tempered
and etill less 'gloat...that he 1rx
orhis, terror** tile circle ol
eartb. 'few stoat to" Matter is
rally how, Wood; or.
=at forest. The tongue is tall
a. *Old of .-Iniquity because/ -"all
kinds of- evil that are in ;the World
are • exhibited there in inittiature.":
• Tongue • • it
the tongue? 1
n 0othersre7iivrni
four divi"ttions of -
kIcf* after
n reves
his own
rom her fur & while.
She ipoke t the fence
w bothering her
lierof the
.014 man
ought u
Med. s 7r1
to lb toldthI4 she had &
indmother alive, and thst
they desired her preseme
understatulitlgt •-
He explained with the vi1ngtor
or his achievement as he, look
round We shop.
"No more *A inglue r
went on, sticking his thumbs
lo the pockets of his waiittoott. "No
, more cooking the breekftst; in our
'little room 4140 the shop-teih,
11E010 We're going' to retire!
„His . florid lipsclosed. over th�
last words with the pleased unet
• ouittese of & min who bad sotto.
Pliehed things, John tireh realir-
been, wro
of her cbik1 Jo
* parlor *4
rt lot,. old Ise protteeded
with full .poropoutmeas,
have my pti)04and trot toot*
' "NW ow ., . ,sql r she
eke any mfstake,
girl w•
n r ber
• bis bailiff.
"these are
• gs. -Get tom
n 4 4laybreik,
milled' by nit*
-owed -
n is garden
rniug , strukt-ot that
riui, *11mums g, Went W
strolledtobettom garden
hn'* teeth elicked over the ate
bi pipe at wbat totifronted the
cd that he
meat, *hie
life of the, ji
know had
-You *Intl
'not get "flufforexcited. he
lust remain behind .and nurseher
• john was hardly prepared tor the
dainty •visiort their daughter
Re hod expected her to
Ip s no, ladylike girl; bnt.
was something stertling a.nd un-
til)!e--&n exquisite little 14y
o her fingertps. It took his breat
away for - a Ite, its lie • realized
'hot one; Thee he maa-
d the iituatiun witli bis usual,
t• manner. •
114wu 1ooing at hini a
11 "Father t!' she murmured.
8h. had so inueh to **k biro shoo
t she waited. until he had pu
her in the cab. Then. the'yolley,o
tions tame forth. , •
John pompously Witt*41 thea askk
with * movement of his. hand
Ust, 4013/t *gni iyour ieU
my.dear 41 he sad. "It Wal
penult** (4 mint. 1 wanted
*kea f you, And
her f*
he -wtMa
buzttng fort
Iittle ',Ott when
John,. as m
ant be loskk."
blunt mind this; w
sentiment. Whoa.
perireenti had start. ,
ugh. It was when I 'When the gari was take* to Mar.
y ill upitaire, siid that* parlor, the eager taother foetid
ust two-leitrs old lbereelf steed to the eliitir--frolia
ot with a, nail in L'udden deipair via aurprio:
packingcssesit the4tlie rbettnotties, :Nimes extrent
.think of --the
fact to ehad his i ter o
h ever united
ef their o!eil stat no . eoodev,
me AA an unequal inerrut0,.
tho • 1 Were -wise, for .the future
set hi free at 01)C-0.
ou see, .0h1141"., lona; up,
our people ,have been well.horn for
gencrztiona. Your 'parlite_tionie
from a, As trokeen0e;sis.hleipe,reit,v3r1t, kitothe'isow;
of -*lit . revealed . so crudely
thst .for the, moutetut.it :stags red
bar, • She ,thought luge mot r
who to periistently kept 'distant
, her; her father, who, ...with all
is eelf.coinPlakceneee. was ithenelso,r
"'UN - icOurse'' 1 know,"she
ukl lowly; . „"And am proud of
set. mother, ancl. 'father
• e rents any 4iri eould
Vol nil .Pethlipsi letting
t -1;e0 tare for your --ne-
LaAly Geral -dine, had for
time. being not realized whit it
ht- mein to him. It can essay
rectified., 1.11411 write to him
"OiVing him bis
h, certainly"
vt, beams her
* .mutititted..
or . nootioo thriik4
tbro.ugh liorolra* re*Iiitotko too*
to he Theloungroan of the tkeklit
the "horrid old man" whe hod
want- Ali this-- hot
"Th; dickens t" her father re
ed. "1 wonder what made 'hint
it in such *nighty hitrry?
right, and h ,roit
N4rah as wundering, ti., 11;h4t1
wondered why. her rt, glove such
I" t rills. as she
zteibered the flue, Irfikets, *of
1 I t neat brown
face of
ie gover-
(like the
tic in the rot that
tbe tucks -
not accurately bit
17-'101-6-10neite-ife on
tkomit shows the tailored enif with
or without the frill, although
leg-e.muttort. sleeve, 411 -not. vitae
Some of the threequetter sleeves
*re gathered into aloe frill at the
lower 'edge, while other* - th
lace and tuck
'Yalencienn an*Irish rocliet
are the popular Istoo. anti tucka
and hand embroidery fevered,
beyond *11 other trimming Methods.,
On our latest model bend o
plain linen above the Irish lace
.shows some of.the" new, heavy cot
ton embroidery, an instance of the
aforesaid "little blessings"' that
desecnd Periodicaliy..
It m* that the fashionable
flowe ,the moment for the button -
bolt • of , tielored costumes -is ths
sweet pea,„ wit"- is **de in sx
itt coniparis
an un
thing* have
mankind. -the
aronuirnithaizeo.010asteeo,rtinoitngas..t:usirarav es's
birJi, reptiles, told tio4t But
tongue is /103 exception. No man
ean taint 1t only .0)4, who rnatk
it an keep it under ieontrol.
in Tiototr (ft te*s) evil, folt of
adly poison, ,o to be els.sse
oh the aninisis m t hated and
feared , the .serpent.1,...
loiorogisteorito ifiS eh."
Nrs fa-lt, Why doesl, ;14us drop
cmparaeons when .1%0 miles to, his
Because there are no
comparisons in. nature to man's
consistencyizi sperele-only ton-
tritets,' Fountain* do not *end out
of the 'sone orittecnow fresh water
now mit water. fig -trees do
not bear llgi at one at
other tittle ,„ Vines do not
11 C41!4* tOnd Q fl7 130410 gr1 3ieligrapes 2114 one
jut marry her. 1.zatruoy41twt, .0iticti:ttiktotepoouty, min 4innOtehuttis.. e.Theltutmnet*
*veil / but,k it was its well known in
'ciiistultw, ;ow 4IY differeptt Oot: o
t1* fino., Aunt out Oath prOeeetietti •hieSsi
been hare nine
nriph with
isy zoilittereore, Oorakiino
-nt away. - •
toted inc wi
Now she tell* Inc that
marry vest" '
A gleatik shot'
fIrat timehe, bsi
famili.arity. and he liked it so much
repeat see :Itere, my
lov y. litti
re John ,
young answered
* passionate "utter.
n I propoiecI to her.
sh an not
,wits. the
Uteri: on this
et) the
bit t1e ide
1N perpJexiiy.
o queittotes,
with fintlity. "You
' tome*, be hippy
ur okf father and *other!"
mutt be tout into • the Ilted rendered lier child for.°
ether a** beitet, re; it would' render her
- till she 4441. For how &told
p to thie
vont. Then,
loped itiel
tort*. NCtly
yld in the huphy 114
it TOSC$ *in be woru,
lots of the season are now
chaning sonewhat.
Iost its popularity, bocause it is
sbade Lhzt has been very muc
duringworn the -pest you:, wbih
greenzde of „- '"driecl pea
is remarkal.ile- *ad .bids brit to
a popular lt.r for the Sunnite
cau*e it contraite so well
blaek. Peacoek blue still
while kbaki d bronze a
shades o!•brown that one sees.
The. pinafore skirt. ,which i*
behind,in s tow like:the sul
at little girls Used to *Cart:),
atyte upon 'which many of the new
foulards have -been built, And it is,
bolos edictecttlust all the models
net n. will have this:
efr •
,T which are
wili be carriccl bke ti canes
well, too witb'the•ides of th
permitLouis XVI., so tbat the:
will ost none of the efeetisesa
when fashion decides definitey to
turn to another era.
' 'Cock 'feathers are ver7 'ranch in
use, and wholetoks with red.
other* appear upon twiny of the
"kin • hate. The bird is not 4*
jiarticularly pretty one, so thitt Per-, -
be fad will not laet very long.
44411 -ti, At•p_
Ion, nave.IatcEy t
several falsehoods,
to the heart, soy ho
ther, with *tern pathi
tell the truth, even t
bring *Offering to ynu
you promise spel"
try weti. Now g
is knocking
aboat the dog 1keiise
at Me.
lip voeut etraight hems.
Aunt Gerakline was in the dr
"Au h said ternly,
ina t* -o
the reeetiags
hi* with
*Me,. vold *tame
with *lid he cow
0 Lady: 13"loont•hloes Icttiorlou0eft.siwin,
Tossitp.: ' ti
*. • ,seporier
lood in"."