HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-27, Page 4 (2)nteirt Aini aiNtavof. X,14.1 •'00 4e4r4/11• W45.' A** tit0 'held itt`th* pubijc • •,17,41441 . .MOR ia',010•abiter44,,ot the, Preeidenti, , • InsPeetor 'Tem ..oecepied, elialre', • • , Devotleinat "FXereiseis werh erindeeted ' . ' Theloitoiedeig ,erininiitteee Were aPecerit• ed :-..ittetolutiene-Messra. W. II, Weider.- barmier, Wm. Ildreeer, tlaudc Biuett o.ed N. W. Trewartha, and Uteeiee_lrea. 21anditon- and Vetisitt. Auttitine-A. McLeod and J. U. Rob- ertson. , The Pieeidene-havingmarrivel--asemext the chair. • The subject, What to do with Tru- • ants was Introduced by Mr. N. W. 'rte. wartne. , • Ili* exerrience with truant* was verY limited and he explained the kindly. 'yet •--judicious way in which he dealt with the few casee he *bad. Ile then sald he thought -the teacber should melte tile • neliool,room pleassait..plaYtime-shouldhe made I/detesting with gaines, .and good lessons should be taught the pupil* in •, connection With the teaching 0! Tommy 4Aft ,s-ciiiitiee,,the very great eitica.tion. Miss Swan then took her part and In a humoroue Way •she explained that it the child were lazy • • she would Interest him in btu work; • he loved nature outside ahe would intro- duce nature into the school; he were ' timid fele would gain his confidence; and thus make him feel at homeland iheeeedideleedniikehetertioetheithee.wou acmething to reiteiM the nionoWnY cte .school work. Excellent thought* were advariced in both of these addrees- es. The discussion was continued by geeera. uogarth. Shore and Tont. Delgity then lookup ably the sub- . Jed- of Bow to Reach the Individual in Claes Inslzuctiort. iir doingit he advt..). cated the giving. I, Geherai questions to the class but wouldn't allow general answers; 2, Discreet question.; and 3. Questions that win interest even the dullest. Ile would encourage thoughtful effort and independence of thought and accomplish this by a *teat .4ial of men- tal drill. The disruseion was continued by Ken - are. Lowery, Torn, Wright and Forrest who advanced the following good ideas, the dun epuplis should never know that he is considered so by the teecher, and that which esPeelally interests the pu- p11 ehould be foetid Out by the teecher azid It ithould be made the star,lee :.':.1far further building. Iestemtor Toni in a eplendid address tgoa up tile subject of third class arlth- met1. He held that the Pupils should know the.--Simplegt ey must he quick and accurate in cancella- tion end factoring before beginning the regular titled class work. TIM pupils, 04414 ..muniply bs'a mixed nuniber con- sistieg• of a whole number and 4 half, ee third; a Seventh. etc. • and siceetuntee•and the everyday farmers' ardthnielicee should be taoght 1 the third daises. The problems and the fnUet b, Practical. Interesting r and short. The ittidteetion an Compound Rules .should be made; easy in the third ceassei. First teach the tables •and two *step questions for time, weight. length. Mr. Muegeove- and the Presiderit contin- ued the• Mnt ecum/do air. G. W. Shore then addressed •the etascciation on Males the school roam attractive. He' thought the burden of doing so is primarily placed upon the teaeher and secondarily upon the trust— ees. The teacher should do' hi* Work In the school rooni la a pleasant and in •-tercs:41W- way and then he should ex - Plain to the trustees the great advent. age of proper lightlieg, seating' and ven- • tilation if these be not .properly attend- ed to. If the teacher does ids part wise- - iy good 'roseate Will f0110*. -The addreier • was good and created muth intereet. The folloveing continued the dlacuselan. Messrs. Elliott, Delgaty. Johnston and Tom and Misses Swann and Milligan. 73 teachers were "resent. • THURSDAY AFTERNOON • Mr. 3. W. Therarth delivered the ores* Ilent's address . on his visit to Eaglish sehools in 'goo. The address Showed • careful preparation and fliat Hog. • arth had taken very "terettil note or What lei being done in theme schnols. His ad- , area./ *hewed that school matters differ vory 'much from IcOndition*, here, but • that ithe trip Soot be a very pleasant and nierestin4c one. hir.- T. P. Wright of the Iteniington Business Coilege. Totonto, gave an ex- cellent address on ponmatiabip. lie cla lined that pennianithip it a selence and • tiliould be taught itelentificsilly. If done • 4f0 shOuld have very much better re, sults that we toy. have. He held that writing eltoul4 eb plate, eating aed eukk 17 weittee. Ile wound be eiterdi to tes.ch the Muettular 'rnoetnient td to have tee ;pupils .eeated pi/44Y. " No Metallic' •reedier!, *bottle' be used. 'resieh mereement Ot AO- 2'043 Th vale. t: Inners ehOuld`be taught Gorr •t*eoeith the saiallAetters„ 40 PreVent a enervated stele*. He wentid cOontiend the $004 iete tCriefe.addeesi:tkirM. era.lt1,13.4*-1r"tit4:44*Itin'a-47-"It'41".4gr ;4°771 r.' Vieitlenheintnete P. addt***04 eikeetelefieeeee. Sclente trasal4 (e Lc ,rield that ihe'preeent 'ieeia • tgeeXtenet1vir,fo:1 .4roft Aron Oglit• the *reedy' Wiiie 10 ;re,4UC A einht, tit #Ork •reettiesdintteml• tehtirree yhera itistted.OX Pro., iL thOkiggit", $aaitAl sehhOld a lOrt,Or resral techetelin Wehlete ten science ttUhdrefi'.•coold b. teaUttitt.'so Vt*-tq alCtieteee =e0110 wilL de.,.; vote thrir 046 to agrictileure; The licieeee 00;04 .be tette:lit eeg.eri4 tid The rtoe hoele ottnlid te fIHed and aleesiiiiiima.ri.s,"draWings. arid Indio. ,idUal work Preemie:1 The-inheeeheted *Pee Miens in botaity toxdn't be vereniany but they abould be well done. Conedierable diecuesdoe arose in refer. ;emit to--Fitth Class -student* trout Thrill aseirefito enteringthe third* and second toms of theFollegiate. Tau rural teach ers are quite indignant that the colleg- tate and high Irlehoel teavc are appar- entity trying to kill the -fifth class IV their refutable to grant tifte claim pue plis 2nd arid Zret form standing. Mr. G. S. Iloward of Bleke, then intro - tired the subject or ."a Day'e Work," Ile being a rural teacher in a heavy rhoei, showed what heavy labor lay the teacher. fit.advocat eral ways Ili which tne teachers tan entering siev- teetore tighten the daVis evork. hefore ng the srhool room by having good order, and ,leiregielleg Vent/ Of th4.: ..vfOlk to lower grades. At the evening session in the Opera House a pleasant and profitable two hours were spent. The president. acme. Pied the chair. Miss Mabel Batelle re- cited nicely, "The Runaway Engine." The Misses Kinsman arta Dow followed in et well rendered instrumerital duett. Mr. P. Ce Laverton Harris. Secretary eitetete, nvatalio-Soeloty_ oteeihntarioe_dee. lives- -on the Werk Ot the • *mkt)", in looking atter neglected children and the lower animals. He took great pleasure in speaking to the teach- ers since they may have great influence In training children to beconie noble be- ings with sympathy and love for all liv- ing creatures. The society organdie* Bands of Mercy among the school child- ren and Mr. Harris hopes that Medley is coming when a Band of Mercy will ha formed in every school, and he looks for the co-operation ot the teachers of this grand old county of Huron. Dr. Strang at the Goderich Collegiate gave, as he always does, an excellent address on his visit to England and Scotland and spoke more ealieelanY Ofl his impressioust. Th,osc that had this greateet influence on him were, the rich erteri•in Which nature clothed everything the wond'erfui profusion or roses. the good reeds, .the curious blending of the eel and the new. eapetiallY in the Hiii- Land!3. the advantages of railway artangementse the excellent work of the pollee tome of London. the necessity of seeing London from •the top ot in omni- -and-theeuntailing---eourflaIr-ot body. FRIDAY MORNING The election was the proceeded with, with the following. result -President," J. H. Lowery, Clinton; Vice -Pres., Misi A. M. Iortitston, Exeter; SeciyeTrease W. Johnston, *KipPen. Councillors, N. W. Trewarthi, Holmes viiie; S.eBehratY, Da,yrielde Miss McLeod, Kintedi: Miss E. Wiggins. Doderich. The Grit three were called on for speeches and felicitously responded. The auditors' report showing receipts amounting to $161.92, and expereses amounting to $96.02, leaving a- uollnle of $65.90 was recelyed and adopted. The Resolution Committee brought in the tellowing report :- RESOLUTION- COMMITTEE Resolved That in regard to the nc3w Curriculum we iecommenti that the, foiloWing tommittee be appointed, and to report to 0. E. AnMisses Auguetine K. Watson. Messrs. Long, • Tigert. Wocas. Trewartha and the In -specter. IL We recommend - thattwo text books 'in Composition and Oraninutte combined, be adopted, one eatable for Juntor classes and ohe for senior cliallea M. 'We reeeenmend that the reeont- Alons i regard to Alc Pubilc rlichool Speller be adented. - • IV. In regard to the II. School. En- rem- eY4an1nat1on we reeonnnend that he following subJecti be seided to the preeent course. PhysiologY, Drawlrig, Canadian History and a period "of Brat. !eh History." - Vi In our (Witten we ,think teacteri hould be allowed to teach; at 19 years ' teachers were presient. Ff4041z, AP...V*41100N . • Ur,' F T "Wright *oitleUiv lieeinees Cori re*PcilAtiwo!,. e.x.14"Oleg clearly low '10'f JO 'told the Isiggr.•-lilikele lee the letvelo0e *0 itote-lie:;thweeel. 7 e.,..,,,„ letter and ierriolge the Matter contained therein.: ehOiffiectit 310* iiiieese*rr: it is to ierite elcarlY.- etc, lidanY 'Or/ Uletaittr ite Ida* .wcte. *Nen ad the ,, team444 ' •Wcre .Mui,k, Werestett. • Uri 'clei,iel(),..,Oitieti• 14440 '.0ei , Se hoe" L.I. , 10411e$, -*0 'in litypicaea:Wand•tai;teiiteOlf . '!•aY:''‘ii**0 :91:`, tr*Vtal.'vaitiiii.;:tet.theilO..1 -, broeyies,!.: .14 ,.Vitouifis 411O*Itte., Os* Og. 'OA, •tooki•dUrioe sitheet'lioOrli `:atter,the pu- pils had heen:entOeed .004OntetiOe' In ' ateenu,oUsheehtteiteieerinee , ' ,.. * •• • . ' Mre Iiteetee :eolith:U/4, the dieeuseIote :,•141*# Virineina lioWeed *4444 iti*it, Ing and 00.411ng to .0..et4c0114. Part , sAkee , of ibrightelittle boys and girls.. It wait , done ° IA a verY, pleasant and attraetive ' manner. The 11,1410adatiDD WAS OD well: /pleased that a heaetY vote ot thank* was tendered Miss kit/ward, 'Mr.' .Baird Introduced the ,subject 'ot NeW Copy BoOks and spoke favorably of them. In Ids Opinion a No. 0 should be added containing a set -et ,headlines lir aniall ladies' hand. - -et- The disenstiOn wee continued by sev- eral member*, sonwesuggesting that ochool sections prov i de the copy books it book sellers will not ihehdle them. The children could in trait- way procure the books at the two cents- each. The Question Drawer was opened and the questiens answeeed in an able' and scholarly- „manner by inipecteneTom izid Dir. Stiklig. Somediscuision arose in reference to •a trip to Niagara next year. l'eleit tit -thank". *ere- tetidered-those ..,4411"gliii ' ''...' .•' -VglitItzt, „.„...*r__, ,Turittiit, night's entertaiument, tiiNr:-.Wiightlit Toronto, who contributed so much to the etieeeett of the Institute and to the Trustees and Teachers of the Exeter school for their kindness in giving their school and decorating so nicely. The sloging of the National Anthem brought a most *successful Institute to ii--elete....----h, „....e, ... re ee,..............e„,..,,,_ 1 , • CENTRA,LIA . . • 0111.01.114.... . o age. ' . recommend that No. read instead et 7, and ,thatjete • lidaYs main as they are t Ml other,retolutions from the O.K. A were reeohimenticd tobe adopted as they ra on tra, printed sheets, The following new reatelutions were recommended. (1) Zeit the eleography Text 'look be revised eeery flee Vie* to meow the-revis maps. I (ii) That the *sailed ot this Asstrisie Mtn empii* who have ,passed -Public Sa.o61 ttradua,tion rexaminiition should on • emeriti% A collegiate ginatitute re. /I due credit for . the ,work covered in the Publie Scheol and a diplOthi laistred by 'the Eeiucetion depsettneate . The lerott was adopted „In telt. The se4etarle• were appointed a code. mittee to forward these reeolutions to rt. Mae.* Prazer, xe,2retar7 .1aohlie 11,01 virtmcnt. O. E. A. Ur. T. F..Wright then took t tesub.. A of arithmetic and the COUrrne Of aa ark, address taught that figuris eheit04 be plainlY made, that addition holed be taught by adding eineii and •os until 0:Witient before adding by rect. inultipilration 'should be ttiugtat drillieg Ito/ea-uglily with the *Mane st 171t1A0erii before advaheleg furtete, a. 3 thtn Save' aJtUnlber Of simple sent Merit devltes for ratild caltuIation. he *denies was very muth enJoyed by isE.ters Alta busties* men present. P'opits Of. Vie chilli** et Visit* Xe abl IlOward *ant 5 imitibter to &Item terry& tha Mrs. Hedden, with her family, ot Lon- don, is visiting her mother Mrs. R. Handford. -Mr. W. H. Butt of the biotite cal Colltgc. Toront0. itepirat-i-C few days under the parental roof but on Wednes- day returned to th4 city. -Mr. Russell Colwell of Victoria College, Toronto, Is visiting his brother here. -Extensive pre paratiores are being made for the Damin. ion Day Festival. Conurdttees have been appointed to W�'k out the details, and a grand time is 1oktd fore -The Misses Wood of LondonAre guests at the Mime es Wilsone-Mrs. Iev.. Butt is visiting her on in Detroit. he Kirkella New* Mama says of a 1oiner Centralia boy. We are very sorry •to lose our esteemed citizen, Mr. • Baynharn, who accepted the C.P.R. offer of Oak lake station. He lett for there on Satu kW, Bityn_. • barn 'will remain here tor sonic time. They are an eecelient couple and their pinc,s will be hard. to OIL -Miss Aggie And?r9011 ts spending the holidays in orcnitoe-Fred Pairhaii spent %Sunday ewitnetils-Parenttee-Mie Ander:eon o 13 igrave spent Sunday at hise:ttOrne here —Miss Swan cunt 'the holidars at her home in kunarton. XI; and eirs. Bailey et London *Pent the holidays with Me. and Mrs. „Thomas Bissett at Usborne. ff, INOC11401,- • 00011lige Juit ardrectiore* zrga'•voilailftehlerit ot *WOO*, ,.te0M Ovvi Ot,..the 10014 fi"Vnall ot ;9‘404)4' iILtia'.ititteirt t ;look over our Meek. Were Ore W. Will '041.4 YOU MOlieY by treathie to Oh:OW gds. 44.47' gitaraeittlocia . A rell-seitct OIVIN Wei Mil, Whit Zpriett. teheot no" stnthoehtetle f_ern4 wltb Fraser,', 404 13:4 Ntrurtn 'as the...Oredittin het. tem and .gt*ATetakta Uttle tbeZtifiCh battery. ,A, large crowd was in au tandem* The 'core ' with, an Inning. to *pre, Its OreOltoole fa- vor. About 6 t.m. the wand MO as the Crediton hettery.`and the same Zurich battery as in the first mime. It, Saltily resulted in a scare of 4.13 in hattrich team. Considering the medico both teams have had, they did remarkably well, and since this is their- first effort for the amnion, we may expect the STARS will keep up their pastrePutation and =eke Crediton knowas the base-balltown. Our Public School was closed during the holidays. Miss Polley And Miss Dunlop spent theirs with theirparente In Orderich. Lsst Thursday and Fri- day the teaching staff; attended the Teacheres Conventimajn. Ezeter,„,..Me. -andlifra-Popeifof-Dmion-vied-Mr; lted,MravoiobirittwititzwemMendarr.s Master Victor visited friends in Lon. don during the bonds/e.-Quarterlyserviceswere held in the Evangelical Church Iast Saturday and Sunday. Rev. A. T. liaist,.X'residing-Elder, of Bevil*" occopled the pulpit on Sunday and preached vin eloquent sermons. --.f,,,AugostX3thn.„,ofilie.Bank.otkion.ts -mercel_Stratfordf the Mimes Mary Ind • Lucy loons Mise EMUS Keys. of London, visited friendsitt .town Vicpensive by the ja,„, teas Dayes.Ira Brown and Herb. Ell. Analdo; Aosta*, n ot, Gennanr; Otent 13 tstin, Italy, Norway;,Itusolo Swede sod Switzerland is stated oti roce a each cheque,- mbil* ot4r theYare.payable at orrent rates. ' • The cheques and *11 information raverding them way be obtained at aver: 0000 at the Back. 13*1 Exeter Bran alsoat Orediton ber visited friends in Berlin and Luck. now, reipectively. last Soudan -Mr. - and Mrs. Wes. Kerr of Winchelsea were In the village on Monday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ios, Banes. - Next Sunday, Rev. D. S. Daum of Medicine Hat, will occupy the pulpit in *the Evangelical Church. In the evening, the spectalitally Day service* will be held. A special and interest - Ing program will he rendered by the member* of the Y. 1% A. -We are pleased to note in the dolly pulls that Miss May Voughlin, who Is nursing in ,fit. Joseph'. -Hospital. -London, suc- ceeded in_ pauning,her recent. exams.— Mr. and Mrs. John Appleton were in Parkhill on Monday.-Atisa Vivian Seaver, MisiTheo. Hartlieb and - Inman were „in Detroit . on Victoria. Min -Mr. and biro. Chao. Zveicker were in Toronto °a Satrirday.-Miss Brown and friend. of London. visited Mr. and Mrs. August. Ewald on San. an.,-Riarard Howaen and -11* Fowler, of the bank staff. spent their holidays with their parents in Wing - ham and Seaforth.-Mr. and Mrs. , Brown of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel on Monday. -Mrs, Jame* Hill - was in Exeter on the 241h. -The Miss. es Emma and Tillie Wein. of London visited their potato on Victoria Day. paint. You want paint that will last along time and look well, not paint that is t11�nd i* • Ask the SW. agent about I$ A PERFECT BAICER —note the little arrow* from fire • the divided Hue • on oven top -:.-that means -that -the-front-of oven - heated as well asback--call in and well show you many. more features. man en_wiLatn A., daughter* ot S. elleeee ding was solemnized at the parsonage, of Clinton was riltrilect-10-10.--301111a • Ontario ate by nev. Nor on MAY 19thlAshton 01 Ooderich Township.. bASlIWOOD irisreamag • 11 Sealed tenders Addressed to the Pro. vincial. Secretary, Parliament Build. Inge, Toronto, marked "Tenders for Oriel , " will be melted up to noon on. Saturday. May 200, for the -delivery of cool as requited in the sheds of the foliowing provirielal institutions, on or before the 81st day of August, next. viz: Brockville. Cabourgp: Hamilton. Kingston. Londont_Mituico, Perietang: olshene.-Torotito, Hospitals for Orilla Hospital for 'Idiots, Wood. stock Hospital for 'Epileptics, also the Central Prison and Mercer Reform*. to • • 8peclfteatious of the qualities sotd quantities of coal required and forms of application may be obtained on AO. plication to the Department or from the 13ursare Of the respective -install- , Tenderer,s are to specify the mine of. Origin and the goaltty of reepective kindeiol coelottioto furnish', evidenceeriatifted, fasILMined And p .\ on de ivernthat the coal tilsoi` orlgln tb aoudad or tradegradesi •I Delivery *Object to ottisfaction Of (*Wets of Department of the Provlit. vial Secretary, who tool require addit. tonal deliveries, not exceeding 20per: cent,, up to the X5th,July, Tenders' Will be received for the whole quantity specified* or for othe olnlinPUNI required to ascii institution. An it.wiited.chripie, for MO, parable to the order or thellitonoureble the Provincial Secretary. Must hi furnish. ed by each tenderer, and twdstifficient on les will be required for the, duo fulfilment otter& contract. The IOW. e.t or Any tender not necessarily Atcepted,. ' pepersiniter. ting this ad,ertls- ment without Writtetie autborfty from he Deptirtnitiot will not be paid forit • W. /. HANNA, .:Proyinelect Soo* Solklinge, Toronto, Ito lith, 2000. The tea• chers have again "col back to their positions after otending the elieei irention mid speeding the, holiday wiUt tricnds.-The t. P. X. Bally Day Pro; gram on Sunday evening was Well reit. demiand well received. The society .1* lte-a-prosperottir•-cenditton wad the best of harmony and- fellowship preivis *-- inong the members, each one seeking the others weitare. The membership, toe; has largelx ,inereased of 1site3and, no* numbers tiearly , sixty. --Next Sunda Y Nov S. S Danun Or lirtedleine Nat will preach In the Evangelical Church at 2:30 0'404 No doubt he will speak On -the Misstep... .ttrywork, in the North Weit.-Seyeraat troni here attended.the telebration at /ex eter :Victoria Tbey report timee-Mr., Mame Trutniner, eorintariled by his alater, Miss. AOC*. of Thrent0 silent Suletty uniiee the taireW, tat rolit tne tinshen ,iche MrSe etherai of 'Bright *re this \wee, visiting at the home ot Mr W iebert.. 'Ourrity and two lady friends, Ole ;gimes' E. arid 0. Willsiee of Theriford• sp:Tit Saturday and Sunday at the home Mri ,ti Urs.,0 Oesteeicher. It will abe remerhbered thitt .1.t15i5 Murray at on ',time taught in the ,pubtle *601 )114 a v res north p1 , •• gums, a number/ from this vicinity prfne the 24th In litletert while °theta' went to. Parkhill and Grand itetitt....* orayhtez eetilt a l'ew data Wit tele:etaat Ingersolt.--110. Tiernan is erotic* 'these • dayie-a boy. Arth Teirtnner and sister et Toronto ifre tew days *with their parenle eet .0ehurgday was Aetetielon Day atnl it was abetteel by a gencial • 'ital.. in the *U�ERI13* to* the Atie06te et *it the new*. wish to announce to the public that our stock is now one of the largest and :beSt that we have ever ean.W. 'Pianos, Orgaus, Sewing sliachines , NO agents. Otimmiseion goes:1,o you. -__ This line is now comPlete and. 011ie El UrnitUre bought twin theleeditignMee -, '• . - of oarfailli, 1111 we Aft barred from nob?, large sitiO;rtment of Window 'Shade., Vas fain cnmlngs. Baby Cortege*, Folding Carte, 00.Ctertsi • attain Stretchers, Stepladders ,, Osrpet • ure oulding, Itoom Moulding, Pictures Rte. 1 , ,Etic'tensi "iVhitti tiege . , ' litc' eith., . .Vte rOg: Ott * /Ira tittr,t- arkittnet Pleeee 041 ituAeXemine •