HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-27, Page 3 (2)tit kit MAN NEN SIJfFE N SILt loe , 4 1 0' III ,$ VI 0 uti I VW; 664 • 4 , r,zi tr&I wfthiubr Tate:an , O at : .0. '41er ,tt,S. Jikt • Teo . Y .• wiener 8044 14.4 ONSIBILITY. W blues* Hfe, or the ibases o1 it' -te Zng the h brassie- orthwests wool ow to. be ,simple toot lire, int1utris ettiodi ' vet Merin. 1, 400." -- Iowest 140te, ;soul 1*11 0 1 1 i,"who eariied ten or nitvcno ,on,rteoult. .,, Allie'a . leai. * , Merwi 'pov4rshe&. w*Very bkx,d. .Pin Peopla snorts woin to tho 303t .good kjeaith stud. rabwt streogai than may- other medicine in .the world.These", Pills actually make -stew, rich, red hived* which reaches( --every spa,rts-ot-the-s-bodys-Ltesitistst •.istfirveei ;servos, strengthen* evay °rpm, and makes Weak girls • and-, • • *Omen, bright and well. Mrs. A. Zigteet Oat; says: writing this letter out of grati- tude to let you know „the great be- pefit 1)r. Williams' Pink Pill*. have hese to me. li'rera the time wait ▪ isii4 I •suffered from weeklies* autl tainting spoltswii4 a1wt3 doctor- •' ing, but it slki not. help am. As I r.ew .older 1 seemed, to grow worse., 4,1 from ridigeation: 1 could *slkj upotairs without stopping to rest on, the waY# end my heart. would • - palpitate so 'violently as to producei • smothering .sensiation, 1 skew to weak that people thought I was in: consumption. I WAS in this 'dread- ' • 'rink ,P111s w 6 1446 41111. • The first si f benefit X noticed es an improvement in my ti • WI I began 'to grow ,otro color began to return,to he. fahiting spells slisapp gradually I was brought --as at , i Of 'room Perfect heal than bad ever etioyed before, Thiel* hat r„ Williams' Pink Pill* have0 0 or met. and that they baveis n of lasting benefit is ' proved! y he fact that it is several years! since they restored my health, and 4 have remained strong and • well ismer since." - Dr. William*" Pink Pill* are al !cure for all troubles, slue to impure • or Issr bloods such .as -tsnatinias •tint, minirolgia aelieet r. " berhisv t, 0. 'lilts. i ing With, the0 : on soou les-rii .in Chins, that. arnue4. TholnP300# you eitn trust -S' ill -1)464n to., cafl7 Fointa death for through anything lit agrees to t10 with Dropsyso this -the doctor at/ for you. When I reached Val different t'imes Aecided to tap her, Vuan.fu,1lialitieil roY ifiternteter * but desitted b•etAti110# as her hug. Chinese draft for two hundred dol4 bind eisist "It might, be better to terse Mexican, payable to • bearer...pet her die in peace." After the d toki him to go tit-er a ' doctorher up le ring back the money. I hid known Kidney Pjlts cured her. blin a little ever ti; week/ "yet I watt Mrs; T won's terrible trouble 1 11100108 no $.1)Preelalte 1141$ Iliad started a pain in the back. the outeorne suttified xt,f.,,,tb. $ho grew rse,. and the doctor shnVilY a, art Of a talnilY; the fainklY weeks. Then , her feet and legs be, is part of aneighbOrfrood* the neigh * an to swell and it was 'realized borhood is part of Ilit village or dis. 4riet, and to on. "In all'ita relations with the ceiii- , 4 ,,• ij .3/ PILL SPN. , 1 vote swot! 11, "The individual • 0 Pima* iltitreated her for )aundice for eight that Dropsy was the trouble. For seven 'months she suffered. The doctor staid -there was no *hews; she 'trait government* the province tmust die.. responsible for the afftdrs• of its, As 4.islet resort Dome :Kidney isslietrie e 3°V.11"--7.rau...wetreLblioot....vhoitopravernen 4 . 2 ,p2/10/1 lents a- .21 1, .12 1. 21111, neighborhood, Lhes-ne for the family, The famiklt" dividual. "If John had disappeared with my. money after cashing the draft, pun- ishment weld(' have been swift and evere. Very likely he would has headL:ifhaUthti ble to find John, t ey wo minted his -family., Punish. n- tVitus'n paralysis, etc. . So ,Putte 'dealers or by Mall Itte borhood accountability is so deeply n s a b<gg Or Eix b(iree for $2.50 rooted that it is not uncommon, on fromT Dr. Williams" lisseds....ife.....ine the failure of a roerchant to meet ekeilles-94t. - obligationsulor--hissfamily --an -.-----4.-- -friends step forward and help biro SENTENCE 0:EltIllONS. to settle his accounts. It is the only way in which they, can clear The pretense of piety makes & theinselveis!' - Teality, of impiety.. ........ .„..........„ • Faith is rollowing truth eitOtt •A miNisTurs aNATErveL though no one: sees you. ,. ... 1 The absencee of the divine are al. Zon-nnic Cored * FAC -0 $0,40 irldch Defied all other Remedies . li ment would surelyshave fallen upon .4, somebody. - A.re we free men or are we "Ike real ettee4 -et this system, slaves In thundered the orator. "I continued as it has been through range for e reply." unnumbered centuries, has naturally "Well, most ,oriss are married'," been. to develop a clear, keen sense came ths-r-i -altswer from. the very last of. personal -responsibility. For, row of %tcats. whatever nifty occur, somebody is responiible. Tlie family, In order to A Virauttinsts Synitiathy protect itself, trains its individuals Ars Irou ittscoutume, v. vv,42, dooms to live up to their promises, or else , bui a boxy financial biota is /our • not to make promises. The neigh- tle7:74,,rettoulisub=tata.10107 "alum borlt well knowing that it will, n sou *Qin iirut-feittit-- --vr4 ewe Amway, want to re .r be held accountable for its units, 4sa,*,_vvyr. stoprh. I watches them with a close eye. ..4„soctrrie am? x eari 4141talit for you and "When a new family comes into a -7..0 sits is t7sirrrl for * free neighborhood, the neighbors crowd tbe ANIMIST Which- bag n f A lie! • aIKI the countryside knows* idle wee hes' be to Dodd's Kkiney Pine. • If the disease is of the Kidneyt, or from the Kidneys, Dorld'e Kid ney Pills will cure it. . . ., . „ . y bangle t be even about and ask questions which m is 011 b9 *St ,, . 0,. e X Cara yor view of *the facts are not so ins. f win be pertinent as they might sound: In- • et* deed this sense of family and neigh. ay* 4lue to our blindness. AlLour 'aspiration has to be nuns. for Two Wars. aurid- by our peispiratien.- Chores E. Stafford of &idyll:re,. L-lieforinsis-asuititter of vtgora- • t.. says— tion rather than of uprotiting. "414 ktbeen Much troubled :or over two. . seine are so somious to -he good years with *sore on mf left cheek. I tried Measure tile appreciation you be- etrttu't teotard*"titil4tilkev4j:ic w by that which you „desire; ' kitit.:tigit4docidoctta give it; trio, 444100 -Tho religion that cannot live in- ititwouldhriegshoutacure.wisoinsayether, :sbusioess bu no business to live. things had taitod. . X purchased a 11111/0/. Lives are to be measured by their end commenced with the treatitiettr. Att&„ outgoings„ not by their income; 'event, APPUrAtiool. :'mir great Joss Out of devotion to public welfare. "in. to 'bring *hoot -a anniikitat One of the moot popiilar ways of -:tiss tater case COM, he quoted in whichol ging-a-sluty -is-to-write-a hook s-4*---ts, sseiss„sse* sesstsssesss.-sslessioss„, deteribing it. - worked' cures when otorything ;dee tried bad - You may know how -heaven re. Wed. Therelsatatsonfortitie. zome.Ittsk ,gard's money 'when you see the Is the ideal tlYeetly because of its iniquo intredients tor all skin injuries and drosases. Tile Who have it., Away hock in. the days of the' Roman They ,who have done least to pre. helisensa *seat banes were 10ell Vent till alwaYa' want to do Inest sabot of cuts and injurits'snstentied in the- ater:a and IA battle. VICIIi" 0000 * period during which external berms were neglectedi - followed by a period in whkh all the salves . *lid embrocation,* hod at thew base animal tots and oils, Zent.Buk mods* new,epoch. It firabiolitily deico-or latinUtt hit% all mineral ordering matter% cad- is composed entiselk of medicinal herbal ea!racti,. Zent.Buk is *combination Of *Nature rich heeling herbal 'juices by the most -Modern scientik methods. and the result is berm which curee'when others fail. Skin diseaset. istsch a* eczema,.ringwom# silt rheum, and .prairisi itch. are weedily . lemone. by it. .For piles it is firm 10 -easing the Pain and higionmation, and battening, a cilia It oho curet hitn1S. Kaids.# cuts, titc&S, , children*i Sorts and ereptiOnS, hibtxtivilhtitt4, suratblies, old wound, • varicose ulcers. Aka " All Oreggists And totes sell ,at Me; ty,ox., or poot.trt tor Itt!trt Zatn-riair fOrento. Itt‘trse, viral stad 01.4 Imitatiout itotestioaes teprossittal ea " Jost AS pod"' etriliotg; 'CASE 0 , LONGEVITY. One of the west entions instance* of longevity is fottivi in Miss Louisa Courtenay's "Notes of an OctegenH mien." A -witness * tines in widths Bellei)dersIter, ithe grea,t English eouve,yancer,- was engaged, was asked if hr. had any brothers or if:Sets. Ire replied that he hell had ius brother wlio died 1' ear ago. The- e6urt expresed ineredulity! est tioeunientary evidence tittetd itt support of the statement. ShowM that the witness father, who married first at the it,,ge of 16. ItaAl 5ett. lobo died -in itt. that, they are good for nothing. sitkigItl* of *41*****nd 'Woos hnt nothing I The: first private goodn7, groitt ws 411°1"Buk bit's effected what or tWO /Cul ite punishing it. Horne men are sure they are hum - hip heeau.ce they an think only in diniinutives. /fatly a -church that railssat biblis ions indulgences is eager for men- t i anesthesia. .r4-11 ,When theglittich acti as an 'Otis- ize it utealte wait S until the etip As beat stolen,. The %vide who seem to have. re. ligion on the brainusually have no tains in their religi6n. ' .Wheu your neighbors wish yoU were in heaven .you, may be sure you' ave not bpsded that way. • The only 1100.0 Eolno have of stay lag in their lhaven is thatno wind will arise isfifteient ,to blow any fehal over' the walls. ( 1 ' " • A GUARANTEE OP SAFETY Most of the 'soothing", ortips Tired powders sidvertilied to ture the fills of babies' and young Children icontein :poisonous opiatee, mid en 5roverdose may kill the elnld. Baby's LOwn Tablets are 0 -old under „this guarantso of a, government *nelyst hat !they , contain no opiate or littoral 4Irut. They can be given twith ahsolate safety to is new born Tliel?' cure ail these minor stalments 0n/0/eating in disordered onieeli er lscreststs. Mrs. F. Yousg, iver Ireberts $.* have Baby's Ovrn Tablele for coii. n arid steel:soh asd bawls The tither eutrrwsl ajgcri bahY WM ttotbnIgs.et„nd M. tin% age.of 114 and hint is sou who the ne:b nioltPole lived to appear in the witness box trenbles." Ko!slaL th f 64, stnti roadthe *hove kno e? • M er of tters beld conft. 001111t. • Ont. v YOU may think you sow your wild oats where none are looking,- but you -never reap tbern under *tow conditions. EZ1L'8 *O * . 4# or 4, • ' b of EuroPe u r idekname of Serf's, kb eru• 1 -as they bavia1kct -'re,4ttue ni e v& in thS; cuUnVr T414WiX 411 4 the.th i , 1 r po.1 . 0:to* gc i . spe-aki uL tliPsimsager. ntige*nliA09tIlltort"ti:er is. a w r . cep sentinel with * liveionite, and or - tiered liim to bite off its heads When thess*ordiersrefissed, ,thesPrince heat him, and threatened him with a trevolver. for 'disobeying i-bia mili- tary superior. More horrible than'. all, however, was the shooting out of a peasant's eye during a hunt, merely.that he might prove the ac- curacy of his 0/101. , Pills of Attested Va1ue-.-Parmi- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result f careful study of the properties t _certain root* and -herbs, and the action of sueh as sedative* and laxatives on the digestive appara- tus. The success the compounders have niet with attests the valuo of their ...work- These pills have been recognized for many years as the hest cleaners of the ay,,stem that can be got. Their excellence was reCognized from the first and thew vir,:t1:141 $.14".6 :oban4ree antelsee=1: able go** tone grow meeesliopular daily. ed. Atka% gem Salmon woe the worst ot, itoolds., ineyeteistennition 0110 0101411 the alt Perhaps one reason why we ;n 1: • - SgE PAIN OF PERSPSTENCIP. Terrible Punishment Affected by Vidnese--Torture -Proven. tide* of -SW tiffac7,00113 4-irifif-n4Wriat-on his head for ours, or even Tor day if he can stand it se long. The,tor. tura this indicts is proved by ,art ex- perience that Colonel Fred Burn- aby bad in Vienna several :MAI'S ago. A school teacher bet him that o woffid-nWu----4A0-10 let...6. • • f-waters-sdrop-by-dro hand- BtArnahY laug at the very very idea of his not being able to stand it, and the test began. Although the strong man talked andleated gaily at first, it was not long- before he Jaeger' to show signs of distress. At about the hun- dredth drop -for the school teacher kept tally -an expression of pain crossed his face. When the third hundred had been entered his hand began to swell and grow red. Then the skin burst and the pain grew more and more excruciating. Finally, at the four hundred and twentieth dron# Burnaby' gaveit up and acknowl- . edged bitimlf beaten. 0 01 is naturaily an ous n the* will able her to keep little oneis,ln. Ilealtb. The DIN .11/2,011,400 114041i*. v10, Co., ThitiV4o, itAilet1 A little book ich vntains- -greets -dai of testi, on ,seare , 4 oung t . dust elvers in ought*IsO • t ° r , t • 'Tbe'-`101:1 rein), thesirest hemo4 but,here zIIua t et 'etern ernine &pew, 'oft :--Where you beeirl" , It Keeps the ttriselets s , sten given to museum sportsand exercises and those wbo suffer- raus- eular sins from bicycle ridipg will a a a 4•t. aomethang worth tryinsg. As a, u. vivant- it mall keep the„ sausais pliable and free Irons pains which often follow constant, use of them, without softening -theta or impair- ing their strength. For bruises, sprains and, eqntusions it is with- out a peer. "Whot gave the bride away 1" "tier little brother. /le stood up right in the naidale of the eeternony and yelled, ',Hurrah, Fanny, you've ,,t-PiEn lint ei hercIrritatedbyCIi - -Strain, incident 10 the Averitto, Room. -4k. recent Census of ziew Tor Ottr reV01110 010 tact that in that City ono School Children needed Eye-" Itra W117_110t. ttILISurine Ey. Remedy or Red. weak, wostrA Watery Eyes. ranulation, Pink Ey. and Eye. strain? Murine Doesn't anew,: Soothes BYO Pain. COU1c1,0111ittett-inf=71431ittlenrtd-Trirgt", e s: °wain* no infitrions or Wad It- -Drug*. Try=lfuritte-for---Ttur Ere Tranblea; YoU WIlt Like hfurine. try It In Eabro Eire* for . Beaty "Eyelid". Drug. esti; Bell /twine at 600,_._This Murine Ere Remedy Co.. Chicago, will Send You In. Westing Icy* Rooks kreit. They Cleansi While They Cure. - The vegetable compounds of which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are ',composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake„ clear the stomach and inteees-of -Aleleterious -matter restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence, they are the best remedy for indigestion available lo -day. A triarsof-them will establish -the truth of this asser- tion arid do more to convince the ailing than. anything that can be written of these pills. No matter how much trust a tram puts in his wife, he soon learns that it isn't safe to trust ber to clean out bis desk. gine thet only pretty girls eat 011/01(18 18 beceuse we never get close enough to the homely girls to And out whether they eat 'cm or not4 • Aureate* ...iiiii2ir4041141rok-ti1 *hide of ktters testify tot the feet For *swims An4 esol4in enetes, aad am eptelne, eat* atet-binise. th�y Ita4t1 1vahiabi. AsOldeubstitutektisere Is bit one "Painittlitt -.retry Des4*-45esiatkee. In. East India the rostives find arnusernerit in pitting fighting-Ssh against each other in the water, as Culnins.and others fights gamecocks 0616,66660,61$16 The 'healthY'- glow disappearing from the 'cheek and ranaumg and restlessness at night *ref sure symp. totrat of wernis in children. not 'tail to got a bottte of Mothtr Graves' Worm Exterminator; it is an effectual Medicine. mwoo.oa.a.iao41,• "That's ,rather A Mnique ash- tray ofyours, old men. 1 don't know that I ever saw one like it. Where did you get it ' B.t **Well, there'a little bistoory risttathedffi that;It: Fl itintrober an *pile tart 1 told,iy my -wife ;tried her hand ofl#00 -after 10,"0 *el** married rx, ocrrs; thltt*S the Mwife has tft.n y it, ',Jut itit4 to mash L, ,•0.•-t; 'The shipbuilding -excluding war. ships -output of the linited King- sley), last year was only 149,089 tons, against 1,607,890:, tons in VW, •• apio.$$$$ **as , 6aNessomoo $ I $ Roumania is the most illiterate Country in Europe. Out of a popu. lation of 6*000,000, nearly 4,000,000 neither write nor read. 14-BURLIIIMIU-ROUTE-- inilinangarato, May 2061„ two thronsk cutesy to Seattle. Wash,„ vie St. Patal, daily* %ow titan to North sant tiontit -Peelfie Coat* points &forty puntol4er 4estriptive of_the ,Alestostltaton EsPoistteri rote for the *Wog. Foriatarreation 10gara 011000 Wad t,r,tht rok• Vit. *lit* tatt Jul • J. A:TOR:WIC, St King St. tut, Toront,O. 012. T$0100 on a good mune and deceiving the public le what the imitator* of tho weltwhnotrxt °Tbo D. & L Menthol Plaster are doing. Don't fooled, inelet on the genuine, "The D. A 1. s A W0111101 dislikes a neighborhood either because there is too mu& gossip or because there isn't enough. T The transition from winter** cold to eurnmer's heat frequently puts LI strain upon the system that pro- duces internal complications, al. ways painful and often tierious. A common form --oUligorder tery, to which many ares_proue int the epring and summer; '" The very best medicine to use in subduing this painful ailment is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard remedy, sold every, where. 0 st #41 #s• sr • , 01 t, STOCKS AND BONDS • Toz-c.... sSiosts:11.2-10P-W24164"1"tr‘ 'COM tor tril,:i.:XititArt— ALEXANDER WARPEN Matio•treisuret Preallyteriait la Camila) BONDS AND STOCKS Coholt. stock, bought and sold oa connatseloo. 11 TONO3TO MUT, TORONTO. CAMPO Loan Distenets 2.-ro„ Male Mi. 616666,2.66•412.66.262226.6.26•66•••••12,, Hate It Is rab We'ernat to tics ew TISIZESPAR-447:14041,1, wsr PiattidTmkon h • b volite erviVII,.. - part - • ATLANTIC SOAP CO., Toronto, Ont. 1121661111012,182216.11221126 STOW:WELL, HENDERSON 4•04. titHrt.._,4Wtn-u OYU - AND CLEANER" 1031011111 4100111004T 11014104101 seirsimosi Otilf ROWSE 01 SOROS iffe000"0010 000 W000* Coale mime a litstaneo ..6.2222.,6242266 MEN OR WOMB! „we tifoiro three dollars day and estettlish permanent InteMes0 •• on oar capital. Our /Ash" 00110 $00411 0•014 011 sight in every tome. aro quickly Used up and repeat orders corn, rz'raE fast. ,Esebtsive ter. -iiawuug. ritory siren. THE HOME SUPPLY CO., Dept 63,0 TORONTO. ONT. CRUIS laitizes,-tiipi.ste or i • knock down &rite 666•6662$6 Statistics of life insurenee co parties show that in the last twenty. „five Years the:Taverage length of a males -life has increased two, whole years-sfrom 41.9 to 43.9 Years. Plants With blossonis have larger proportion of fragrant sped ef4 -than- any -.0the,rl_next COMB red* yellow, and blue. , .Otir coins harder to remove than those that- (there have hial Rose theysnotsliatl the' same kind? Rave they not been cured by Using t Ilalloway's corn Curt/ Try a. hot - 4.0100 0E0011 anituss It 000, at burnt 11101 11raleot 10,11. all bowSI ffeteentaisitii, Is hol %wallow "*---rerrf ;03 soars, Avoid tes thera is bat otte ITO ttler"-. fl4eand Ne. t What is man's best yeart A o. fessot has Just gone deeply into t tords of achievements of the world's thief "workers" and "think- " and •has. arrived at the Ton- hiszo.rs that the average age for the prrformanee of otir befit , work is Chemistsand physicists' erage the ,youtigest, at torty.ont; .budding Browning* and Edisons st tain maturity at torty.fours while tbe Ilan Caine, are hest et forty. aix. fln YOU aspire to be a Illanwt or a Kiteliener Look out for forty - then. which is the age for ex- * and warriors, Beethoven* intd Ir%ings are likeliest to *thieve reat gs at forty eieht; Alma - Tad and Dr. 'Inseams at Oft,. ir Frederi(4c Treveses And (haasbpriaua Knot* Down Crams and Send . Finished null*. Ohtsys and Yacht /random ROBERTSON BRCS., swot, Semi for Cat , Spiders, .in proportion t� Their size, are seven times as strong as lions. S10,000 worth ot Sheet Aftss10# Vocal and Instrumental, Portia/ Clinic. Standard. classic and Sacred Songs. Marches' 'Mabee; Two.Steps# Looters and all kind of Dancia.:Ptunte Opsta, *ad Edueatitossi inateassestst The AO* of tholtte Otnalitatt,Aworiesa Ando 0a.netreici-soitticra-ttiOiftuidatersit Tory rat* on Our dollat. are_toreparest toiler -rise. tan emir. stock tot Ottleit at.114000401\et beferneeenitc 1er11414J0 not oki`thelkoretit emelt. Uri" ALL PEW; mo1ern and handsontely illastrated4Usi tieaso, and works that 1c41,1 In the feral& wio. 140.t41101. Orr 002r7e • . ' ^ .3ar.-orkt#4,000040040ittk*Oted;34b4,-,Vissit,Copto—u.„-!#.01w-iur.---- istorsor4 35 tor setialpriese_infotitoe chsontittoo. Suuttrit amestit *stash:7watt*** no cataop tbIsrntise Wee* Ord " *tote close of. tettsic required -With Ozte many ysaveq definite*, you sau 'way entruat the seleciont of your oast '0010-Ordoeniore. rROYCE7co Toronto and Wlnnipeg 41fr — f "ot stiteative eats ea' t neiph Ariu1t*l Collects wtKtbs1larrs en tha,tiecestiiiry prreautiens to inslu, re *cm. 010 dititstileility of various eitteat0 anti laraishell . ' oktav or ovii ot•otstii00stt itigisted 4 OVIttik 111-01 4' 4 0,300ell' 211 ti StSS.S.J.s 4, tt$1,41$ 0,00 64411, Oao $1, it$Isss's $114/$10,010****,11,41 Si$,11114 *4 tr 141.1 4 ' 4•Ise, 4