Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-20, Page 7 (2)r.
, ‘;itittriest\*
thwe? tiiittred,
ofSiois ssesiowere;
and tho'bodiekeitra,
, The, dead: include
erieares and 21 Italians,
tlk lattot riotbeing known by
;no. All Use Aritericaus are rags.
ents of the locality. The ten
boles , for Wodnesday's blsat were
-74filled-20 -feet' liaek lret-M the tare
of the bluff, whieh was tiO feet high.
Tile "holes, were 76 feet deep, and
ve inches in diameter. It „was to•
las '11 ehe' ii4L•fisis. f' " 14
jIkd Ladlk,Sf s
atges„ ins
UpOU the„ wvtutl
. 'The'explo
u o have been ea,' '
y A detisetive cap. The 29 bodies
we biotin to Monts and ewe, •
ea all over the querns. It waeshalf spet.,tore of goar &ad tackle at Reis- NO secordin to lee tion an d
erat anippmg, ports of the Domin-, mad, .
ton. . 1 Barley -Nis 3 extra. 60 to Ole out -
The Government is about to *end 4.jaci, stud Z44, -3-41$4c ontfiitle.- -
a elsinnilifir0n to Great -Britain ailtr Oats-Ontsrio NO. 2. 494e 06
to study the bacon ins, track, Toronto, alai 46 to 47e out-
dustry. . ' eide; No. 2 `Western Canada 49e.
non. Adam Beek's company is and No. 3 48c, Bay ports. -
prepared to esupply the city of Lore.' Pea ---No 2, 95 to 96e outside.
The - Railway Comniteaion has sisk.
don with two ad a, half million Rys--No. 2, 74 to 75e 'outside.,
gel/oils of water daily. '''• Buckwheat -No. 2, 62 to itte outs
ENI.No4 rho)* ALI" ovEs
✓ puisse !h:11111 •0111t
004 Caw*4*cs 91
Isrices„.**1 Catt
siro o
rain, •Chee40 ID
jOgge* 03
si . 7 :It
.0 . I t ... a .e, , u
, , or , ..
, i0•r. . 1. 0 . -ex , to
0 sr 9 ...
C I". lei':i:1.1,':* - the Ot P4 '.
. . 60 . ?'1.
, i '
t.. ,
. si. jetsess, - 2104:)",,ilild, StrOnflit: biLtirtrsi * • e: 'to
ot .tita wilt Restos
n..:after eessiott ends to Pat44-1114.4'0,,,k11 . 4NI'dO"rirern# 'XV
4' fat 4 lift17-rtalli4V-danar, litoilie *1-2/# Big .. Poltal Nos .2e
. , ' • ' 141.24% and No. 3,.. $1.23. .
11:e Government 'will appoint in. Ontario wheat-sr/01.2a to $1.26 for
,entoPs IN Anat.
-tevpikt. Issued by „the Govern-
ment CensuS
from Ottawa eays:
utal ncoday 41, 14.14441106t
P11 or the
041141 this year, and seeding has
been delayed by the weather condi-
tions tbrougbdukti, the Northwest
rOvincca. Winter wheat at the
end of April was uniform in all
of Ontario and compared
er cent. Hay and clover av-
3 per cent. Foekler for
e'en -1m ei-fla ift-idenOt
y the condition of farm anima&
°rises are 02 per cent. of standard,
itch cows 68; other horned cattle
84, cent. 91, and sheep 85,50 per
n hour before; anyone dared ap-
proach the scene, fearing danger
from other explosions. As a re-
sul4 --exsplosion, -fears
seized the 16'si Dui ,laborers em-
ployed Abond the quarry, and many
hare Hod.
Xep_Taken By Force From the
Repii$,e4 .surtait. -
4 speCiaideepatcltirom SalOnika
-that- Tittaists:Itityes-VP
dent --of-the- eh ,ttmlie
. t
an Abdtd id for the transference of
his fortunes to the Government, suc-
ceeded in obtaining the signature,
of the former Sultan for the with-
drawal of funds from foreign banks„
but that Abdul Hamid resolutely re-
fused to deliver up the keys to two
iron••• -rooms -in -the-Yilurz------Kiesk;
which had resisted all efforts at
forcible entry. After Talaat Bey's
rture, thp-xlespa.teh_ say
'officers of the guard, furious at the
ex -Sultan's refusal to Comply with-
, the demand, rushed into his room
land ordered him to surrender the
keys without further parley. r
oteh Commissioner Impressed
lVith the West.
'patch /rem Winnipeg Gaya:
-Wetern Canada lias just reaped
b rst direct benefits of the visit
of les Sottish Agricultural Com -
'mien lett, year, one of the cons-
Sitaleia Mr. j. M. Hodge, bait-
return'ed and pureliased 5,W0
sere in eeutherrt Alberta, ming
Oise $70,00. Ile. is delighted
h the laud, declaring it Ito b°
richeitt' he has evists seen. This
likely to be followed by a large
ex of Scottish capital for invest-
& in land.
Thousand Lamps Burned Four
Hours at Omaha,
".4 . despatch from Omaha soya:
The Omaha Electrical Show 'was on
.Wednesday night lighted by 4 wire-
' 'ililixont.. The current came
the Government wirelees sta--
* five miles distant from .where
esehow is being held. There -Were
1 , 000 incandescent lamp s aistl for.
' r boors the limps were lighted
by • the wirelets eurrent. The ays-
::::k4.1.11:11bein,ce.eh ,th:re:lePessr:ilill. ex:etrtW130.1
nZei;nwimon.gs:P4lactSie<finll"lailbroY:.* Fr6d-
..+ ,
LIttIe Girl killed on Farm in Sas-
' katchewsus.
,A deepatelt from Tuxford, Sask.;
Altorrible accident happened -
on thc of E. Eatonotear here,
1 on edeesday, when his- little
daughter, who was riding with him
lend roller was run over siud
1 .4 the roller, following; the
way of the team. %Th e father
was injured also„ but -not strieuely,
be horse* 'weic ,friglideueil by the
hittle of 4 stea 4 plow
•• I
Her Body Found Under Suspicious
A despatch from Vancouver, B.C.,
mays: Face downwards the body of
a , well-dressed woman was dis-
corded on Wednesday under a
clump of brush in Burnaby. Noth-
ing near affords any clue except the
remains of a small Are, wherein
paper had been burned and -pos-
sibly the woman's' hat. No person
has been missed. in New Weds
minster or vicinity for months. The
cause of death is not yet ascertain-
ed, but as the clothes are badly
torn in places, there is a probability
that sale met with a violent death
during a struggle. The corpse has
apparently been exposed to the
elements about lour months. ,
School Board of Winnipeg Made a
'Flat Inereaiie of Fifty Dollars.
A despatch from Winnipeg say*:
The School- Board waLgenerettason
relessed- that stationa and passen-I- cora No. 2 Anseeseste; 4701(14
ger ears be regularly .01040 (sit!, 8 so on track, Toronto, and No. 2
d kept in sanitary condition. , tzt 4c Tome a-
sa-mediealj.41-1-- tan ellow,
zudelenl oronto.
anzl attempt.od to kill his Mother.
lito was committed to the asylum.
Sir Richard Cartwright Wormed
Senator Leugheod that Canada
would be represented at the Ims .Apples $4 to $5 for choice quail-
perial Defence Conference in Lon- ties, and $3 to $3.a0 for Seconds.
on, probably by Sir Frederick Bor- Beans -Prime 41.90 to $2, and
scrsiii-sitia- How; hand.pickedi
The worthless assets wiped.out in
the balance sheet of the Dominion lioney-Coraba, $2 to --$2.15 Per
was aliabilit7 on the books of Mound. '
Maple syrup -95c to $1 a gallon.
Hay -No, 1 timothy $13 to $13.50
a ton on track here, and lower
grades, Ill to $11.50 a ton.
Straw -:-$750 to $8 on track.
Queen Alexandra, in a Menage of OUP:rt:Otki7S-DeClaarWalr°06331 $9°e3.10Pther4sib.185°.
sympathy to the Women Nuslies'l Poultry-Ohwi
ick, ens,' di eased, 16 to
Congress at Liverpool, on Thuresus7,.. igo ib; fo
intimated that .she was not in sym-, 12 to 14c; turkeys,
pathy with the suffragette.
A British departmental committee
appointed to inquire into the ques-
tion has reported that there is a
aSi Toronto frets
$25,-.Torouto hallways.
50 024.50
.4 4
$3631887* and it was also wiped out,
leaving the net inerease in the pub-
lic debt $437,750. •
20 to 22c per Ib.
Rutter -Pound Prints, 20 to 2e;
meat 'combine '..11 Britain, though it tubi and large rens, t6 tO18cs infer -
is net at present powerful enough ior, 14 to 15e; creamery rolls, 23 to
ttoee.nda,p, ger the country's Meat 411-4 sOlids 14 to 24o. -
Eggs -Case foto 19c per dozen.
Cheese -Large :cheeset "-e14, 14 to
(Imo, ,:171TED STATES: 4340 per lb. and . twins, 14Y4 to
A Chicago girl danced herself rip 14,Kel nsit'ellee844 dull- at to
The United States Senate on
Thureday voted for a, dottt "e4 PRODUCTS.
Bacon long clear, 13 to l*is pert
Capt. Peter C. klainS, who 'shot lb in case lots;- mess pork $21 to
and killed William E. Annis Ott $21.50; short cut, $23 to $24.
Long Island last August hae been
cents a ton on iron ore. '
.Hams -Light to mediums 14 to
found guilty of manslaughthr. lee; do., heavy, 13 to 1334e; rolls,
11% to 1,IW; shoulders tog to
GENERAL. lie; backs 17 to 1/4e; breakfast
bacon, 15lo 16c.
Lard -Tierces, 1334e; tubs, 13%e;
pails, 13,4e. -
ladies, employed in the 30 city The German Emperor and the Xing Montreal, May 15,-.-Peas-No.
school' a fiat' increase of $50 per of Italy met on Wednesday at the $1.05 to $1.00. Oats -Canadian
annum, in addition , to such in. port of Brindisi. s i Western, No. 2, 52% to 53e; extra,
creases to whieli they were entitled. The French Chamber of Deputies' 1 feed, 014 to 52e; No. 1 feed,
It was explained that the city pay on Thursday endorsed the Goiern. 51 to 51,4'4e- 70 to V.,o
is the slnallest anywhere... The merit's attitude with regard to the Manitoba feed, 60 to 60%c. Buck-
board also issued authority to raise
Premier Stolypin of Russia will
remain at the head Of the Cabinet.
The Turkish troops at Erzeroum
are said -1» be on -the verge of
Toes/hos night and gave the 240 mutiny.
*200,000 on Z5 -year bonds.,
Mother Ran Through Flames ot
A despatch from Sterling, Mani-
toba, says: ' While outside milking
her cows, Mrs. Harris, Courtney.
discovered that her house was on
fire. Winding her apron'over her
h'ead the mother pluckily dashed
through the fire and saved her.four
children, who were huddled. in an
inner room. Mrs-, Courtney's hair
canght fire and sh was b
bout he h ind'e
• P 4.14
Dis4iot °X„aid Waste About, Maras
in the Recent Rioting.
fi ro-rt Beirut Turkey
• s .s
Th recent rioting in the vet
o rash has laid waste
ntire • riet. Marvlb iteelf
*red), for oqy a. few per.
re were kilted, but within
miles to the southwest *total
teen villages, with a populits
4900 c•suls, have been prow -
1 wiped ont. The only sur -
ate. boa under ten end oisi
The girls were carried
and, the men killed. Tee.
repoel received on Wed.
-declare that the hungry and
ke.d number 14,000. Immediate
lisf *Collared. The interior di
t are still far from sett1W, and
alI directions tha inost heart.
g accounts and appmils" are
otber eh of executions ed-
ning when 24 mutineer*
of ie and nail *ere, banged
in public within the city limits.
This makes's., total of 38 exe4u.tions
within the capital sime the revollt.
tien of April 13. FoUr of the mess
on Wes:41044y were hanged near
the Sultan's palace eight at the
marine barracks, tiiht the
zi Medan quarters of Stamboul
and four at the War' Office. It.Was
desired to impress, bhe people. with
tho fact, that ttie guiltyhad een
Puniskel, and had
not ben Ipublie the pe
have thought that five
monbadsaved themzeli
3 1* tit that,the
tieii icss sis
postal strike,. . wlicat% to 70c. Flour' -Mani-
toba 0pm:ig wheat patents, firsts,
ElitlINE SMASHED BY A BOOR 0.30i Manitoba Spring wheat,
patents, .seconds, $5.80; Manitoba
UT -Id -eat" te oil. jp-tiiioji:ltromr,bvdrenh- .00-.t-WitterAwheat
Raul. ot the 06 Ai* /patents .6.15 to *4.25 straight roll-
ers 410 t *6104 straight r 11 rs in
* . o e
A despatch from North BAY says; hags, 0.90. to $as extra, in bags,
dangerous accident occurred on. 0.60 to $2.60. reed -Manitoba
'Wednesday on the EiPpowalirarich bran, $2 to $23i Manitoba shorts,
of the C. P. R. between litattawa .100to.$2540ntstrio bran, $23 to *24;
and Kippeira:. Tht. railway runs Ontario shcrts, $24.50 to $25; On -
north from Mattaws to the foot of tario middlings, $25 to $25.50; pure
Lake .Terniskuningo and.,windit its , grain mottillie, $33,,, to $35; mixed
wolf throu la the Laurentian*, along vouillie, $28 to $00. Cheese -123
narrowslc es far above the 'Ottawa to 1041, and esaterns 'at' lit t� 1214e.
Diver, and thrOugh many Mtge Iltitter-21 to 22e. , Eggs A9. to
rock tutting*. iks' the pirmenger'19340 r zeu.
tisin north, heavily ladet4. 711/11
118 the6116 a pamtictdatly. da STATES MARKETS
ous section where' the toadbefl
slings to the; niountainside, with thill 014 o. May . Wheat - No
river many feet below, a Ilvis.to0 tea, $1446; No. 3 red' *1'140 to
rock crashed -down the declivity ,i $1.42; No. 2 hard, $1.28 to *1.35;
striking and ,arnashing the lecoseesiNO:' '3 hard, *144 to; 41.30e No: j
tivs, but fortunately not forcing the' Notill*ril, 411'24 to $140; No. 2
tram over the precipite usto the ,Northprn, *1.20to i $1.22;: • O. 3
toeky 1.eanyon,', . The. passengers,: Sprint, $1.21 to *1.26. Corn No.
were severely shaken,up by . ilia' 2t 151; t° 76°i 14.° 2 Ybvfe)
75 to
sudden'. stop, but 'not itertously injueSil0; NO- 3# 16 '006%4. No. 3 whitc,
ed. So tightly wise . tne N:enaginitilBY to 16c; NO. 4 3-ellow,' 76
wedged bythe immense inch that " New 4* 74 to 744e.
dynamite had to be utilized to clear white, tiOto Mint
Y . •
.11e wreckage. - 1 MX' to f$4'404 N04,4 white,
, 4 4 %
aqi°; 11 td; to 591-0.
May it Wheat ss -
A MN/A If# ASTI#Vlit; intitapoliii„
.4* 140.14.0
Te* eitoPenis - rstgoote4 741.6: 11111" : tototto3.20:t :;;,26; July, NOr'thert:1111:22rd
Northern; $1.24%
A dMpatch from Orangeville says. to :$1,304,,,, 3 NortIterrt, $1.1t3
The eolony of lulus 'tics 'at . present to$1,454, First , patent
congaed in the county jail here. 000 to $4t.304 eecoud Pitt's*, !0.
numbering nista, was itteressted oijk ter $6.$0* flrat tlearee *475 'to '
.elears, 0.38 to
Of John Carr of the tOltniships of ;3! ullr, 424 to $24.50.
evening train in charge of Constable , ,
Allerantb. 'Carr arrived on the
by Ottoge Rutherford,' Pot ll
tibtatnitted ' as * dangerous . who th' Ii:ci hi : i t trr a *
trate, ot that"vil/stge, fufld, prim
t e
Wiedneiday evening by ..the arrival 94
Levert*, of Shelburne, lusti
44, .
e -
r.0 A46 tom
rt t *Tunis
t alateet eum r
atating that tht .easel had eitter by the
toto tLat Reid 'I'''eSwIt'ssinTay(1,4isu4litert'°°theul
y will
anip!an, and thaf:Ilhe **en by special trait* t.
onspelted to put into o John, N.B., .and Montreal, 1! the
Newfoundland, for tafety. The Tunisian has to go into dry dock
Tanisian, ivbile steaming slowly, the psaiengers booked for her sails
iincelv,ards t-rb:eukft latitrit*nungshuattlley4vYb(11:aevidY,Ptinang firt)wntillX.b.°entretaraltrfertit 2.1? an -
ma's mass and started a plate under,' other of the Allen boats, This is
her fore.peak. The broken, plate the third accident the Allyn heads
caused trite heavy leaks and Oak.; have suffered einees- the opening of
tam Fairfull- cousielered-it -his duty navigation, tho Corinthian and Si-
te head at °dee for St. John's, I her= having both' met with mis-
which was poly sixty miles dist4 haps.
1;,,,A14.sh4742‘17101 rvrii.OUU*44vu \11
there,, nit,It it it foo
a4ee4gers VIII be forwarde4 (h
ohn's across 'Newfou
Easpse by rail, theme'
lots, At to *5 per head. . Sheep
Isola at 5 to near 60 per pound;
Limbs at $3.50 to *0 each, Otiod
Iota of ht begs at about isiMit. per
pound. ;,
Torosato, May 1.8..-,..raere was an
u ly of,eboiee,eattle,*
Pficeas v 'fine bunch o
tune expert steers realized
and sevecal loads sold at $41 and
over. Choice butehers' eattle sold
firm at $5.25 to $5.50, and heavy
cows at $6.. Stockers. and feeders
were in strong demand. Milkers
and ringervorongssexcept for
coramen stock, which are not want-
ed. e4iireS steady and unchanged.
eep anitjamj_is de
Strong slemaild; *elects, -arss quotes,.
at $1.60, fed and watered, and
Three Men Killed in the Red Jacket
Mine in Michigan.
A despatch from Calumet, Mich.,
says: Death which was swift and
sure, but none the less terrible,
came to. three miners at the -Red
Jacket raine here on Thursday
afternoon .when the ground upon
which they were at work suddenly
gave way, preeipitating all three
into a yawning abyss. For a dist-
ance of six thousand feet the shaft
runs down into the very bowels of
the earth, and through this opening
tae unfortunate men were that as
though impelled by a, mighty cata-
pult. The bodies were, crushed in-
to an unrecognizable mass of blood
and splintered hone. The men were
all foreiggnere. The shaft of the
Red jacket Mine is remote* all over
the world aa the deepest working
mine in existence.
Was Crawling Between Cars
'raids at North Bays
A idesp*tch from .North"Bay say$1,
Mrs. Benjamin Patterson, a woman
of forty, WW1 ground beneath the
;wheel* of a, tram in the east yarde
of the 0. P. li. on Vtrednesda,y
night. The-.Pattersons live beside
the tracks and frequently cross the
yards. Mrs. Patterson was ,erawl-
ing under a train on &siding whet*
it started- Bothof her legs were
amputated, and slie died on Thurs-
ay-morrung,, -Four
grit let Motherlets as well as a
husband out of work'. Itis eighteen -
year -old daughter died ausidenly
two weteka ago. ,
Stiff Sentence Noosed os a Prisoner
at. Ilellefilkt.
40pitelt from Belleville ;aye,
Manual ;te resident 'of the
ltortheitatpairt4ILastiriga Cotintyi
as,stinMedn ' aymiiritingsrlsef,
migts. iterecher .found sruiltty
.,tabbing Louse Sautier and infli
tug' grievous bodily hard. He was
:tenths:tea to five years in the Peni-
tentiary, He was also totvicttid
of assaulting. * man named 'William
BaUdry, and was 4enteneed to two'
years in the penitential% tsentenes
eissto run c9flcltrCntIy.
Costly Erpriment Made Neces-
sary by Decreasing Coal
Sir William Bamsay's recent sug-
ligestion that the interior -heat of
e;, ---experiments have acTu-anssilleatalt
been undertaken with that end in
view. •
One of the most important( was
carried out some years back by the
GerrnauZot-ib•re_74;70:57.2 foa,p lvai,es I!, it,
called Paruschowitz, in Silesia.,
reached. Of course, the bore is of
very slender dimensions three feet
ix inches in diameteriststhestops- ----
ereasing-gra,lifilly to two feet six
inches at the depth of one mile, at
which it remains for the rest- of the
At La Chapelle is a bore of a si-
milar kind, and nearly se deep„
coostructed by the French Govern-
ment for experiniental purposes;
andlanother similar one exists neare
Stavropol, in Southern Russia.
In each ease, it was the original
intention to carry the bore much
lower, but the expense was found
to be prohibitive,. when contraeted
with the prespective results. Thet-
is the worst of Beth work. After
a certain depth the cost increases
by. leaps and bounds, and the time
occupied lengthens proportiortathly.
TIM% .the ROA. Charles Parsons,
of turbine. bane, who-lms made a
firectial stud of thi. question, eeti-
mates that to drill a hole ten miles
:sieozildy thIrraosrstug.11$25t,101.000,0etioni:tlat'L etrakuset
The job- lea stupendous one. Yet
it may he necessary for us to un-'
dertake it. Our coal supply will
not last forever, and, when this is
the :greatest industrial,
communities will bo -those that have ,
the ntost direct means of access to
itnhtme reitoorr.ed-up heat of the earth's
onsi.14444. 0.4
C. P. R. Mechanics and Company ,
'leach an Agreement.
,A despatch from 'Winnipeg Gnyi:
It is stated on reliable authority
that theslifficulties between the C.
P. It. setad their mechanicshave
been estisfactorily Fietticd. All
the strikers a,re to bo reinstated,
and -the old wage echedule rSstored
praetically, :Lad old eondillaus, se -
vetted to. 0. R. Wart represent-
ed the reachinitts, and II. IL
Vaughanthe eoraptoiy. While no
mention is made, it is understood
the men are not returning to their
proviou3 .41tanding on the pension
Farmer .armv1‘1111,0,
'A-46mM Of"ta
Collor C. Miirgans a,farin lis'
near IInzeitlen, was fatally injure
on Wednesday evening, ' while as-
sistieg in the erection of a driving
tht11, for is neighbor. Ile. slipped
tt0111 a411, and In falling landed on
the sharp end of 4 crowhavr standing
uptight itt the ground. tie died
few houra, afterwards.
ntrge R�dont Leap
from Ottawa, ta„ss -,;bavipar:.4.1 being •air
result of the bite ef ts*C124wIt 'ass
rat was th eid fete- of little Eut.' 'stint; I 4vi the bah
heat*, the 94.34`asold ese0, assessed iser hushanit,
of Mrs, Etigee, ktit -of bed he !trawl a
by, ti:416
9 , fit
;Ivy ritt •
err ,Street, on •rriAtitz, A1,14v irrssti Cie eartittgo t the flose,
MflJ1, after hmin 44.31114.,f Ikkt attAtipftli
bitten un tfit hind b t 1'" Viiin it.> Ties ;'),sT.es was foxal'
, The inf$0.4 devibk, rviCli ti,,i`,".;
poionirtg, balw 4'1 li;tr!..4 0:1
in *tri'; ,etien -