Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-20, Page 3 (2)• 4 am byte(' 411 iv , hien e, It not ad , villimv .Pink Pill's, vis Ought to know of the zbJe ,re: they Iiavp wrought , 4 'visit 0 . .rn Ilierigo ts.i, ioni y 0, . r was grieveti to find our next, door Defg1bor and friend, Michael Old- ing,very low. " i e s not'expected Jive,'my mother informed. me, nd you must go over imitate hint, -he is liable to pass away 'At any 1 ent.''tNot expected to live' at was the opinion not only of the . doctor who titttended him„ but of his and. fzxnity. - as well. • Upon viitzng him -myself I found abund- aut evitknee to confirm their *Pi*- , r 011 gui fo improve, fitrOily'i, and It rzphlly ittO WS health. hough the burden_ofwell nigk yeirs is him, he „es tile to do a; fair 'tray'sworks soid in tile enjoyment of good health, evenjhe _asthma bas oease'd to trouble him ait in torMer Vitro - gr. Oldiug 1iirnsef, as well as his neighbors and the 'writer of this lettere confidently believe that bis rescue from the very Aiwa of death 1" --seemingly so miraculous --is due under the 'Westing of 00d to the timely And ;toritinuous use of WilliamsPink Pill*. tiMITR„'M.A. Mr Olding himself, writes v- Mr. Smith has ritten is Ofl(kthZ saa. Lg ,1 in .5 IA vri-m-piestien tfsbing his system-. Re had nfined to his bed for month 'luced to a, • ;skeleton. ently glad to see mei he versed With the greatest diffl- cutty, and seemed to realize that it was (ha: growing -weaker; lit feet were swollen to twice their natural _size, and the -cold band of death- *** upon his brow,„ US% Le said feebly, "the dodo. rine is not helping me and T ern go- ing down rapidly." I prayed with ins itorfor-a--nucts-win -to pas into ettnikii. and when X took his hand in parting it was the last time I (kit - petted to see him in the flesh. Three years later while on anot hilt to -my mother's 3frehael g imp seem ngly in better health are ailing." 1d. not been r Dr.Vi1haix a PiIIsI would have been dead lo ago. It would US impossibie aggeriite the desperate condition was in when I began to use the P-14No one thought Leouk ge - eettir., 4-searcily dared_ hope my- self that Dr. Williams' Pia Pill* • would bring me through, but they did and I, have ever since ,enjoyed geed health. Though I am seventy- ne- years old people. are *Iva $ remarking on how young I look— and 1 feel young.. I can -do a fair dies Work,. and am better in every way than X. had been for years.I cannot riak too much in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills and -I take every opportunity 1 can to recommend them to friends who Oh on tis tur is uttilmys why, wbili, heir -plows-A out with d1ic'ste tkeeping the adjavent with -is: net ketiraw•in thcsai1orcrzb .111 th toffetation tlie ;sailor eral scrap th'es .It will eai rte%er cut&cans it e*n t'*tth ,41 •IgoVid 04. food uigItts t .. 4 eh fish, but it s 1*nmer uul i 00 , fish &nd nsp up it it' 4". OM thi : back to. lodge on the turtles and threfurniplj food for the lor: . .. So the sailor crab at se*, on turtle'sie , -12koli---to- ry• 0 enough bUtit has •t0 he ways OW the lotAtout not to he swept' oft the ships* kleck to be lost in the, en or there devoured tl by some -Igger emture, - When the turtle is der way or there is & heavy Shit riining it must hold on tight with its lbarp and it may find * refuge ornewlitre in the" vegetation ; but it is more likely to- go clean aft and creep over the edge of the shell at, the base of the turtles back to where it MI tittl a shelter and.* tee. It it there the Sailor crabs have oftenest been found on loggerheads which hove e0M0 from thetropiess-iirsunimer and beenvt enlis 1004 wider*. • .,/,"„ft,',- ••••..;--344,--,,. Li vita justi-w 0 years _arte-r, their - ;wedding, " "George," she said romanticelly, 1113 she goied At the fantastic pia- tnrea the red coiskfi)Aseed„,.ft10,•ya our courting days t" -George laughed teasingly. , "No, ray dear. I do riot." She looked up with a hurt expres- sion. - "George, 'do yen Idettli JO sitthere and say you do not remember, our 'courting daysi shocked at your coldness 1" 'No, dear, I do not remember our courting 'days . because only night-wat-chmen have to do their courting instils* daytime. But I do remember our courting nojits, and , C111401I8 BLISTA. * le 40welry Came Into the alto of *e PoIiee, .3rewelty. and. geld watches to the - of&400 he been handed in at nd Yard under extraordinary stancez,.14),s the. London' b was ,travelling outside '13 from Paddington to - d str read carrying with per parcel containing o soak; She alighted at bourne:grove taking With hswhat she-thought‘be-therpa cel alie had been ,earrying. . During her journey A Well dressed smut apit next to * her, aloe carrying * brown Paper' pitreet left the omnibus a short time:before she reached her destination. Beaching' 40me she was *stip:11611er' to find in- stead of the soap the jewelry and .. watches, which she conveyed to Scotland Yard. It has been ircertained by the • poliee that the jewelry fornied "the proereds of. As_..tmillary-at-----rla-len Vide a week 'Ago. It Is believe& that the mini was on the way to the receiver at the -time he wade .the singular- 4SIcebange----of--,Dirce TEE sArtait CRAB. Make! Long Voyages at Sea on the .7-- Backs of 'Turtles. Among the-trianyt---eurions ersho there la, perhaps% none more, inter - toting than tke sailor erab,- a name applied to it because it goes to sea on long voyages, whieh,it makea on the backs of big .green 'turtles and giant loggerheads. The sailor crab is a little fellow with a body. three- quarters of an inch or an inch in length. With its claws extended it might- measure an inch and a, half. is z -very pretty -ash indeed, with color markings that are various; it may be found with a shell all yellow, or with a shell of dark colors with lighter shadings like those of finish- ed tortoise shell; or it may have °Med shell, or a shell whose color,- ing resembles .that of veined mitts We. seems*ILthe prettier seen amid its rough surroundings on the big loggerhead's dingy brown shell. The big loggerhead, with a top shellfive, Si..X or seven . feet in may- afford a floating home for various other, living things. et attach to it and there live their lives„ travelling wit_k_i wher'ver ".-goes,las_det_li t at attach to. vessels. Marine c-getation that lodges on its back may there stick and thrive, just AS it would attached to rocks; gather - ng 'clumps, or streaming. back from it_whin the big turtle -is in mo- tion just as it might from "rocks washed by a flowing tide; and in this ve.getation may be found variout minute.forras of animal life. .Soine day when the big turtle, with *11 this life on its back, swims into shallower waters to feed, or Works it* Way through some -fleeting rtutsti cif Seaweed, one) or two sailor or bs maycame aboard, shippin thus or a ong VOyagj.. , To the sailor crab thus vinberked the big turtle meny not seem like sea washed moving eon*ihent, but it Might easily„seem like a sizable island with Many places, to roam!. When the turtle is asleep, lying still pen the waters the iittle sailor erab many WailtiCt Otit to Olt in of one of it* long extended flippers a it might to the end of some r'nin'n1a; and then it mei' tOttit back to find its way among' the Mc *do'8 or the forests of vegeta THE ILLS, OF 'CIIILD11001). .110W TO CPR.E.7fliErft , In thousands of. homes throughout Canaria, Rah,* Own, Tablets is the • .only medicine 'used When the ,ehil- • viten /*mailing, and the mother who keeps this medicine on hand' may . feel* as safe as though there was,. doctor constagly - the home. Itabyts Own Tiibleti, cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds; • vid., make.,,te. ng iilsraisteed free from' o)p rugs. rs..4 ilson„ Wilson's, N. ya : began using Baby's, Own Tablets • *bout five andsince then , hafe u.j.tied 11,0 ether -medicine fqr my ',children. (' They never .fail ftk bring relief, and i would /idyls all mother* to try them." Sold by medieine dealers or by mail at 23 nts* hdic from The Dr,_ M'dkine Co, Broekville, Ont.. ' AirDIBISitil;nua ftrr * short reeeti,s a lilt!. less indulged in by sone c 'tiers f * soeial gather- fialf-way down the pro ante of Miss Belinda .n iijureiL, he time, tame tor her aipe*r * messenger arrived t th*t Ile laity wasuring fccm *ads therefore., the cscate her to' tte to, 4.! v „ ,44,• 3.' I 'IP ri E: L' • -,,,1•4 they were delightful, pet. But she said he was too' horrid for anything. sAn: Led: FOR 60 ye". -Zisa;tik-Norks.-st feetpletts. -Care. 1 - ML Tie -RR, of 192;Thurbers'Avenner. Ozovieence, Ithodu Island, ba 4 been cured by Zeta -Butt of *bad leg. which hart defied •alt remedies for- -Sixty Innt years. She says When at Chita of eight, X wasbittea on the leg by A deg. A 'doctor tenteriiedt the -piece. hurt never healed ne, soffudi* ant, have suffered with an ulcerated Ieg tor over sixty years, This -occurred, in Englind, and roomy' English doctor* tried in vein to heal the *ore. At outi time X we* an, in-patient at the East Sufrolk HopitI itorilongVeriod ',_endlortlimeyeass-X wet' In and out of hospiteht. I -was continually and. the sore would not healebut continued AlischArge.- Twelve itioetbs *go came not here to My dat*hter,end -during the-voyage-k-inut -toiteep my bed. The shies doctor tosenintst. my leg, and gave me a plaster, which-l-bed-t-tek *gain. Ste it ireswig the pain $34inwse. I reached my daughter's ho** -she sent &medical man. whcisal4nothingcouldever do it any good, and although I tried other American doctors, they did me no good. They said my kg would never be well, • " One day my youngest daughter brought borne box of Zerafauk, and induced me Att . With the 'trot' app 'honk* I eeetned to S20 d eaSe., slut further treetteent with Zem-Ituk did me so mtfch good that I sent for * proper supply. X kept on with tbe goun.pck triat*co, and loon rims -that .di ge was reduced., and wu . coed. X persevsred with the .Dult, and, to tat a long story short, it effected a -cure. it is marvellous to think that *noir suffering for sixty years, ZEithiiitik 1410= sblc to molten:I legverfectly sound's. a combination ofpower an rity. rangy herbal; it on �J ooloyg , J *S. * ture4 111*. "014, ri• e liack latteritigs, .caused co ;train, tor tlifeeyei )(vas king over NOMO papers an and 1 ttOtIght. one box which p cured me. Dorld's Kid l'itis are wonderful." That e the - traightfor- *taverner-it of !,ttio McDonald, * a, well-known resident of that place, , It shows how quickly1 Dodd's; Kidney Pills cure Ithineso Disease when taken in its earliest staget. Lame itck is one of the' first symptoms-ott•ssiek Kidneys. Read Fluttering is another symp- tom. It, is caused bY, bleed, from which the sick Kidneys have, failed to drain- the iMpurities, ittere*S- in,g the work or the heart. Dotlits Kidney Pills make thelsick Kidneys well, the lime back disappetirs, the blood is urifiec, the- beart-is re- ey mav ke longer ciire d'ti Kidney Pink- never fail do it. • '414444,44004.44444... WONDROUS. There was a -roan -in our town,- -- And he was wondrous wise; Re jumped into a mining ticheme Up_ to kis verv eyes; And when he found that he was "out," • With all his might and mind Se jumped out of the scheme again, But left his pile behind. 0 uht it that EuiJ yoursel in *U tffl4diUUU*i$Li re 1107thi 401110,1110 ins you i torn *Uwe • ttozwe 0rkl of ,41 tteob$ oUo- ***-5011,.1. f• wife.?t, 4 • Ix ene,to forget thou O•xou owe me.'s• k mon * a 'hew*" h b now. the... delirsktio WOrhe**- beta discouraged, toe: but 10,4110d 411° 21"1"WheY.14notwatulluttskt: solinreubvatt"s'ilo' ths 11/0 yo *iid you irill jiselat m*. 0 **ea "do -iii -to th0, newly 'which h e iny hands to Os *Welt *sr an* * 011r0 7 0**,4 t 0 or .0th It *0 outibe bajoiti or ron 18 b cur.d for 2c 4# stamp). o letter* hot cent. tan "rite to. a for to tree treat.. .0 Ont. Father:!! Vs singular that 'when- ever I -want yon ma.rry matt You object, and .whenever do not want you to Marry Orte you straight- ., . way insist on . Daughter 'Yes; and whenever we are agreed' the man •ehjectst,..1.?__,, tor. •14•.•••141,. ...•Mt•ot with•taw: their-originin-is-diser- ed liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the disturb - *nee* that from - irregular itister eating and drinking. This accounts for. the *mat pressed on the attention of suffer- ers. Of these there is none superior to Parnselee'a Vegetable Pills. Their--operatm though gentle is effective, and the most delicate can use them. 'Worms cantse feverialinese, moan- ing and restlessness during tikes). Mother Graves' Worm Exterminzi- tor is pleasant, sure and effectual. If your druggist has none in stock, get him to procure. it for you. On the, north -of Australiala, greatest +coral reef in the world. t I*, -elver 1-.000 miles long -and thirtj miles 'wide. Taskor sews *shift dose mot d.Tay '01itiess-44444s.-4, Inssielinee *4 mays k e bet the i‘oldetiwit. Iht not trig*, wksy eensit Ulm 'All/ea bolt Sp!nums, et *swot. Towne; "Nonsensel Who told. you Miss Pretty has good disposi- tionl" Browne: "Why, she'll al. ways. smiling. 4locsia t1iati4shoW a good disposition,l" Towne.: "IsTot necessarily; sometimes it merely show* good teeth and dimples." II 4 sweet, Dyaintery corrodes, the intestines 011 and speedily eat*. away the lining bringing, 41)0.14 dangerous. condi- tions that may Callffe -death.. - Dr. J. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial clears th.e intestinal canal* of the gerras that cause the inflammation, and by protecting the lining fro - further ravages restores the -a -to healthy 'condition. Those sublect to dysentery :shoultl.not be without this simple yet powerful *remedy. • • 1 °wit remedies :for chroale Wesand wounds, eczema, satt-ibettniik ettpti010, vAtie03.0. AltetA, cuts was' brinies. skis (lissom; it also te;vis .All Druggists and Sterol soli at 50e. & bor,' or pest.fre. from Zant-Ilialt Co.. Toto�� tot pillOC '13001rbOAA. for $1.23.. V But * very feti.yesimago *omen tied ,,to be jeered at and even re., sirpvei for their craze for goodies; man, WO was iteen eating . (sweets, was accounted a rather ppor 'thing. NoW figure* *re showing that the etinsumption of Sugar it in- ereasing, while the *mount of alco- hol k deelining. This is, explained by the-fack that men- of *II .clasies ea sweetmeats much more than they did and that whenever & people tat largely of sugar they take less intoxicants. - A Time for tr. ything. The time r ir. Thomas' BelettrIc Oil is when croupy symptoms appear in the en; when theumatie pains beset' the old; when lumbago, asthma, ecuighs, cold*, catarrh or e attak either s,oung or old; when rns,- *odds, abrasions, emit** 0 or sprains- tome to any , member of the'family. in any of these ail- ment; it will ,give relief and work likrA. Small'," said the; lodger to is landlady, "X thought You didn't allow iiinokinig in the Sitting.romn t" 4.‘1 dont," replied Vs's, ,Stnall with energy. "Who's doing it, like , know to trwelt„ if you have time_ •you might. step, in *net retrionttretis •,ith the chimney." • '• yea Are. Relloied 'SY' Morino whrn Irritated by Chalk Duet too Eyo Stratus iriddeht. tothe everaga sellout Room., A recent Velum* of wew,Tnrk aty reveals :the fact that In Abet Clty alooe 11,112lt' tehool ehtelreh, "heeded Kye arewhthet-4,7_3140474 s,r10,11* IWO? for jbd, I oaks wearro atert tie % rink, toe at urirseDoestOt Sirtartt, kOotheii ;010f Ti 40,,ernOOtitelle41-.b r.s*eiseoctse dame 'countess, no -0401606S 014 PrO ,04 XVI**. T*ILUOritidir fr10403 it 1r 3:74 Vronhtes*, 'trot win Like .3turtric. Try It Itahefit:'111res for .Seely- .$yrittle. roru riots 154.11,Idurine at See.,.„.The Attain* Eye Remedy Ca-'. 4Chir**** Will 11ttst You 2** wool* Evil:socks rtes. A gook hoot, according - to an .rah . test, it ono, that ea.n.atand perfectly *tett upon his legs when 4rinking-tront,-4 shallow p�ol. ' .41, Iron Blood rezOrts failing heitthe To in trethieef them, vt,e offer you & full' sired package free. Mention this epte and enclose -ten :cents to fray the cost, of ,paelting...ete.. 0.41K. SPECIAIVIES VO., To Itenite.man iu. the West 'Italie was agreeably urpritta the otherday to finki a to Attrip, turkey acrird up- fsr inner' and inrotired' of the eke* it wet:obtained. Nita tiro Ys • • c!stikTit ,49 sls Mistress ---"Who was that gentle- man that tome in just now I" Servants --"It wasn't s gentleman ; it Was Only the master, tvtio tame back for his umbrella." Ob. WO144/...m. NM Tian UM If TAW Painkiller wall* fennel to *inputs/ steeds as * household renes4y. usva sva usisisut tor stiffness and table interenliy Lor nil lkotel cos/pleats. Avoid 'substitutes. There is bap °se "Pnixthiller"..Peny Davis'. 25e. SiiK Se* "Row do you like your alarm-. eloeler aAed the jeweler. "Piro tate." gYou didn't- seem /pleased with it at first." "No; but it!ti broken now." - A. Cure for Fever and Ague. Disturbance of the stomach and liver always precede attacks of fever and ague,showing derangement of the digestive organs and deteriora- tionin_the 'quality Of the like In these ailments Parmelee's Vege,, table Pills have been found most effective, abating the fever and sub- duing 'the ague in* few Aiwa. There are many who, are subject to these distressing--diiturbances and to these there is no better •prepari- tioh Preeurable ras ineana_of. .! re.. WOW yields one-fourth of the" - heat of coal; ehareoal about the sate heat .as epal. **Potent:: tom sisismoitisss tht4 inetatit MUT 1* "The lO triLl Itenthlt Plots/. B. ore swot ptib.fyinitiatk MACIlk Ueda *Iairresee 4.4•444.441.‘ 9* LV .rpr. h n '14other *sr ,iv,vti V� *aid b$atJ ^ Tkt kiit °- • 'iNtilti*R11:41tIbises' 0,4144.tdsTectises lot 4.04,1414.1. tr. I rated. , Wog. "ta THE "OURLINCTON ROUTE' will iniotornte„ Mit 234 two. throlitit t thlogo to /*AOC Wash, iris fft.., .14401, dalir 1401,/ Wise to all North esd-fiontit- Pestle Come.. lots forty' rue toldseitesccIStv* 01 loolooltuktof hlsposition hos for ths Ito/ intotenttiot /1104 to intss, sold kid* ser vice writ* or esnos YOXIOtr. st Irseteeselset ,00 1•••.,••••-• #PP•P","**. *to. ths Snot oenildsntint skdreseed to P01 A, etc Semi einneets4 with tint tishstntratffettitsti - 110d. .01:0444 by Otiontnl Preens* Wit, te OR tlitNritt. ItUO. ' - shams atatettios Prook, . -vessosustosti,sos_ miss • Fite losurance Agents 14at iCoi psally:,11111 01111425wententm. ltrelt:reir.014140.1.11401L._*.fil"4"-zota *seated points,. 14/osinte Ontario, J. IL riVART, 'Oblef Agent, Torezt WARREN CitOWS151 itrksvoclicut4:41trik Wavnto 4 ROVIV. OKO BONI ,43 t fOriSkt Alue*AND W R , obeit *Welts IS ISOM gritt1t,1021114110.CA - Loss mesas* rhasss-otats tea Ats$ IS ND al in ail sizes, eomplete or knock down form. 11( FInlsh*d �nders. ROBERtBON RO1 11-6 lffa iisefooi who r.o•titto* °ugh to keep it ,to **cos d -utno o the Value oe Ilea an address to the Canadian ,Association of the Motet Itakeni ab heir Conventien held in London, Ont.; August 34th -end 1906, Professor Ilatcourt, of the Agrioulturia .Colleges .said 'among .other things a* follows VStrious. typo of break- * fest foods, maybe roughly divided into the following Otiose*: The uncooked., ouch as granulated ,oats, etc., ;which require long olcing to make them palatable and aid digestion; itttd; Partially cook. nth **rolled And that:A grains.' in thiti process the cell waits ex*, uptured by the crushing, consequently they require ,lest time is beir priperathin for the table t Zrd, Cooked 'Wilk; 4th rot* tertnati -dieted; suet' as Orange Meat,ete- kluge' number of foods have ,been analyzed And EX** Of the re- ults are incorporated in the (410*in early every ems the zures are the average of'a rintatier of 4.,4, 4. fP 044 ••• •a• Asa* heal •V, 14'1 '