HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 6 (2)+4
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''' 41:41rT,47:ro. onts, stablemen, ' on e
.'eral- helper* *era. t n . e thire stout isiti•one teaspoonful *Oda doss:Neal'
,o j ,.z in one enp Of bailing ltater,..aqd
hapyazard fashion,' , any Able;,:othout it this time, was on ,more ileur,... ,reIl ,tput thin". out ni
- • bottled nian who ap'plied for sod% .*10 point, of giving the. alarm, when At. squares, ,and bake in qtitek oven.
job wonld,be pretty sure, to get it, I rifle shot rang"' ont on my right. i Coco* Cake.Telre one large euP
*uPP0404 we • ' wento4 semebc4k.' and A Wet whizzed past my heitti I of *insert one and a .Italf te*IsPeen-
Ton could not get an Y 'decent isnel,. Theo ensued •11, 'seem* that 40104 fuls of ' butter, Cream together.
oi men for hAelt work, so we were baffles 'description. Men rushed' Beat :one c untillight, 11
. 0 . •
not able to be tott part,. Sr* Ug firing from this bush and shouting1 the sugar and buster„ Tale •-0iio•
•, consequene6 of this, * in view ' 'Hands tnil" fisom both iiides, the heaping tablespoonfuls of e(wea
of the fact that we frequently car- attack being, pressed with great and dissolve in A ltrge Ctili Or warm
lied a good deal of loose, money vigor. . : 1
, t weet milk or water. Add this to
*itb us, we•always armed,ouraelvei "
FOrtUrlitelYt I Inana04. to suP the'misture, Then sift one heaping
with loaded revolvers, for the Pt";" out of the way before. they hatot, t tin*, teaspoonful, of baking Powder With
reteerttyiTi.L:owl'ookuerspetIvne: ,saatrot tbhuet.04,10; loilleoacrdate4.,0, faatuler•IcairporeolhinornYt; : too good
dpe atint-40hou.kr;;.itezity.itzt vent;
money would , be, hidden sii one off "Ne-surren4erl Loose -the-408m I'' 'either chocolate or jelly for the All-
the- v""' i'l the le"."' 4mtant*th**i} and the robbers found. thesuselves,,10,.,
41181)10.1.0n. '
manaer Pe*siblee Bo ' As' ,,°•"evelt- attacked inturn by A Pack etli.ugot *Pineapple c . - *teat
-wolf-hounds. Our PooPlo Als0 kept 4 .
_.----' CROW naillr i0 ir.-47'
I .14,1-knkrit.f., -PI kheitee 1!1),, , 011 '
e -that4 mo e
aun. It as *sight, and ws
lies throne* *pine fureat
was astride the
had *bluest for oabout
uIijot of t robbery, bvi
ski in one of those prekol
e es- Odell' descend on * sus,
during still,hours of the Ai *4',
• was just at 'dawn 'Oleo uiy at
*ion was, aly• *Ur
slights .r **- .
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bwgnit :p 1 ection,_
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_ .. ukt4. mean •'•' st * ,
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, .44.•,,Cortaleties in thezt 10,004 . our her, an) et Oxit great, deter*.
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e port
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he''' r(1:44t°.r'litn."". 114 '4'4 ' "61' ,Pelit in the- Polo. stati where' .Caill' PST wtiole being, may he this 'CM"'
' '001.1ttet.i044' 0.1111101**0.' Stlenkii".tO.'' Aid its.' fiaelf. tive' fact .of, zu* lite, the ••rnotites of
hIsinketi, ,cevereil •with -,some Of the our -lives find ' the unVari*ble, .fidence• • that the law that , is , writs .,.
taindspone figured eretonnes. ' so large through 'all nature iS, thwis,
.}...4 which.iitti,•,b kept *hood be iresrittriaege t*o. sit'x, the tooder'tt itiiia law. that runs through all MY uni,
cut up small„.and boiled .itS a ioinee- is able to entoree his religious faith: verse and that that la•w 'memo km.
pm:yin a little water„,awl.never put from a:source that lils. fathers fear- tie, truth, right, and the yeah**,
into. the oven to melt.: - - , ed most Of all; science is the latest 0°4 of the he" he'Pe4' found in me. rue.'"
Too much mnek,laivin the gran um, asellyent4trgigionlit4Tihn:is-fitoeartit?, isordtx 'Thus to.seei life is to- Sod its-poi$4* -
and .sanity. - Lite is but madness
his remedied by ,putting a"p...irich of
tibl;rorwt, Ltioluggraarvyini;xitiiitiTiboist;id.Oe. a' not thi* is a unirer.se of law, that- no- until we lind it meaning and its
thin is:Taft to chaineat that- an.:reottve. The p`eeret of strong, bal.
An excellent preventive, attainit. Oings Are guided and ordered. ZI:e7ee.deflitvhir gr/se'altivsiaPegtsines.ttiseet°,serte„*'''-
scarlet fever and, diPlithersit - in Now it makes a tremendous (lit- z.„.. i:g.
helt.:-000,0 It to j;lve. it..ehild IA ference' 'whether we • think of our "4"35 large, -441.41' wil°1-e' And 144
swan piece OS sulphur every worn. world VA 0111.1/ under the .....47
locsoo of jeinting oneself to the whole of ouring.
initi,osi 14pre!strintt ,tipilidt, itottte!watroterm 111„:. u'veril;rehssethvere.;r4s_f.elf (:),:raits, r."11.47,.r.7,14:%encl, inkr gwei , . that as,•047t.t. ..
six when th.ey :come to a b 4rion .blundering, uncertain set • of iteei- NIEN 14TV:, pp:
. . .._ ,s- .
in 0.1 . y
' k '''''''
ter 13 u
4:43011Woalled * Universe- - whether 'x'n the -universe, kr confidence .that
iIIYO . 14731g' ''.
ILev; i„B.,..:p..,Arra ,
_.. , ,
ap.0 , 0 well * STr, , --44 4 0 y eatii we .read this
' 1 V.,,,,
Oti 1 nUt the most a tze incident aS . I' a: mg Pe.- ..wder,*. ens t"" milk, sweet. or -sour, and tub, well
1:',-,7iz.:5, 1 "7i k: ' ,
goro \ox44 sod.* ih"foittoui .ua,,,..niessage 4 our own, lives? $hou
... ,., P,' '`..i.. 'i. ' 'n, .I.Tns:n i.: '1*Ai
. MOIr
was "Posing au tile time in one of the attack occurred in one of the spoon extract tOSOi 0,ko- it;i. layers.
cl the vans. .
fore putting the garment into the
between the hands and the milk he- changing, foundation' 'the pole star
of 'being,`.. that . One is, an orderly not .tach returning day tell .of the
tillin - Whites 'Of three e t one
. . livi4g., vans, in which was Mrs.: - g . ,,. - egg8, b r
As is generally known, on account, Cheuit, wife of one of ',Otis: prolri- 4 "P :world, _that :the same 'effects always 8(4411444 11144 " ever
new I'
powdered Amor; spread es, watet. -.-. ' • . ' It felly to look for some .au-
- of the' prevalence of Nihilism in tcrs. - In this van the ineney Wits'. tweet* layers and on top. To keep starch from sticking use songs/ precisely „ the swop coluges, thoritative wet(' reVealing a good -
Russia, all' sorts And ceeditiens of concealed, and it was dear that itsil .
9..4t111".1. ,,e euPt °f liattrons that are perfectly -clean that thk le *.40Pendsbin nxiive;se. ruie"f the' lveiid if 'Y'°u Ih".' Qt":61/4-t' '
---rest-there7without--stisy-appare iealtillirthilitiWet .tilliberifor_' T
people are subject to sudden ar- whereabouts haft been icorrectlje-s:crilevil,;41;1=°!aty.i44..lik,LzoL,P4,0jr,:,--.-1pirde....,710,,:::....„ sti,. cftiih,,d. tai: !Lit Lrusi..tts-aupek-g. ,,,,,r ,404 -$0,0 rzogv,..,,,,. 90re-ro-mii.:tiisol:-.•Atty-vr.,.7, tvgbry.-0,-
_ „..,.:4-or-reasem---tecrerte - the leader ath7e7brig*uds, rine in ::half cups ef.ralsim4 ene teaspoon- low candle. slionld we not trust . the revelation
about the. country in in search of 4 denianded the money, • but : Mrs. two teasponfula of ,ctnnetuon. Mix 1 ...teaus:.tealoictietas.t11; deed of darkness with
. of sustiise•and affection in neturet
. vice agents. are constantly moving hand, went straight to thii; van and ful of salt, eoes teaspoonful of soda, eel ill! rc(ii. t ec t:Ille°.su. , clii
"wanted!' p.ersons, and doubtless 'Cheisi was notto be intimidated. this .thoroughly and then
part, Which is the 'darkest,' ii the It ift 'X geed thing to be able to tc...iles,rn the Is,ws of life, to. be lu
• We niany times unknowingly enter- I it so happened that she was at Cup of melted butter or lard,. two richeit. If cut irt siices it is mere think of an all wise, tender per- Why 'should we not. seek Ourselves
tained sueb canissaries by shoving. the moment engaged in: Some eulin- , well beaten eggs, eight -tablespoon- equally distributed. • sonality who has the reins of Int- harmony with this universe of law
them over our camp, in addition to ary occupation; and -snatching .,,i1P' fuls of milk, Make in balls the Size The earners .„of apron kets, man' destiny in band, whoi. like a itsad so to come- at Iast• to know the
face of that life which has taught
.harhoring the "wanted" individn-; a. halldf01 of Pepper, she: hurled it , of walnuts. end tissue for apart as Boon rip, but if a swan .button fatherir atcePa .down, in pity,; to his
*Is on our staff,
„. i preferably' one livith fear hetes; ls, caikir"" 1314 personality It° ever 3,1:*,,,o‘n!lif:.neediltraktire-thramsrfd)tw- ellin he-
lieWe 0 0410 -upper corner of the mince is subject to _partiality. - it
• *I full in the eyes of the robber. -The' they Sperm]. Bake in.* greased pan
Of one such occurrenee, and its latter, with a shriek of "sin, ,feill'in sk slow oven:. if they spread too d• t ,--- h - . fickle ,tinle, works its changes, -any
strange sequel,- I *in now' about to haek and 0011aPse4i hong cads* ', much, add a. little .mare flour. pecket it will prevent ripping • pearly ' gates; we rs no
relate. . • ' , • secured, • 1. Baked Ham. --Have either a whole ' T— • . •
LO improve Mashed potatoes well seems a far higher conception that
At a place called t'intolensk, a fess In the. meantime the fight . WO, Water. and
. when adding ocasoning put in, the universe itself is the expression promise of paradises of sloth or of
years ago, where we had pitehed being carried on in_ia-sletermined tram -11;1 ohramte'nftn,'ndnu"PrgilittoitP•mw the a inch a ake our lives fu' 11, end rich, and
furnishings all We need to
Of the life of this an wits*, ' loylixti fairy
roan who; asked to his taken Ort as a toouraide; and eventually we sue- -
our tents.,,, we were visited b.Y. a manlier, but at length- it inclined • sislt, .then make --e- -stiff dim* lei -of will
ittbzie Imp! , augfrailing., unvarying Father of 111/ strong is this faith that the world '
flour and water put in around the vtl'iP !ell- bThengportrtodeesr;
groom. Ile bore. the appearance of .ceeded in beating off those_ we had
_ en ordinary P'easent, although it not secured and disarmed. In the ham on the under 'side and front ' proved100per ems,
o .- estroy. moths -in - carpeted
. It r is better yet to believe, even
•.. . is even. now being made:by 'right
. leaving .the rind iineoistred Then. T though blindly,. tliat what I _am as and truth, that no other way than .
that of the right is."posailile to the '
struck us that hirclothes were ra- end -we secured eight . prisoners, P ' rooms sprinkle -damp salt o's,esi: the a thinking, hoping, aspiring, ideal- true man,! that the love that pass -
there new and over -clean, and his our • easualties . being two '.dogs*, le -44, ,,,,0 ,t eii,e,„tttan4c,ISS..WH!vie ha* "P in carpet* and° thin brush -well. . This
even li, out th*rty_nunutes to top .tevivestim.c.olorsio,-,..th.o rax,pet. --
. not only; tteitroys the moths bia also. it 3 iii that
wbheilonhg isi7thbentiifae. oreitkvect,/wwiori°df.. egisaulrovekuitw. Ittmlbegelawis f°ovrerottarilli441...
t,.. axe sti -a• moderate
general ‘*et - up" .somewhst, killed and one wounded'. But the ill. ”4"13' "g"
studied. - ,, - . _ --. 1.higgest surprise' we were treated _to;
Don't dust your furniture, With a ,and the source of -all „llife,s+etter-,
manager's as towhothe 131,a11 really; the half -blinded chief of the gang
But it was no ' business of , our that -night was the discovery that'Pourta
feather duster, it -only spreads the toll:yeas in the presence of on eters 1"144" Qur-;•1411,414*Y '71;*:.". 00 P -E772 -7 -'---
was, and, having held a-bri.er.consi was none ether than our former , 'BREAD IlEOIPEEL -,
sultationt- he °decided to -give_ the ' accemPliilled•'' And . gentlennird7 Date , Breeds ---One .4ii* sant totteemZ:Itehilit;:e'vetritte nectiltii, It;
roan a .trial for a few days. So he'ssrooto, Ivanowitch I
was 'engaged on .that understands ,. We eonveYed all ' our is tiers milt, four cuits Graham tour, two laundering the ciittains' .oftener. •-
.. lig $ilitiPAY S011001/ enemy. One must be- a forei before
be somebody in Order to have an:
• .
P1*--°---- - . cups wheat flour, one cup molasses Habib's-1Y'. eating soft ---foods,.- to he -.can be resisted by another
•. ins. Naples were not of much im- to the uesre8t -town, wkth as little two -tessii000fuls soda, biro tes: the exclusion Of everything„ that is forcei." . • - '
0 spoonfnla gaits 'sone and - eneshay iird or :crusty,. wai lead to rapidde- INTERNATIONA1 LES'S.ON, How slid .Panl's enemies Succeed? '
Imrtance to us, so we were content ,slelay as possible:, where in the cap -1... .
to tall our - new hand i'Ivano-4tain• the polices recognized on
witch." • ' ' J.:Isinowski, an outlaw whom the awi[44)3nda..0ates-..
weak, jnst as •anx, zuscleAsillsth haps, as the stooing, of. Stephen u
They- persuaded the people. Per-.
Steam two. hours. na 'ow of the te.eth. They become
. He-was-a-hig--sueeessf- 'OP,' excel ,therities-luttl,been-striving to ea . • MAY tes
mu have -moved -Paul toward .
. - tchihttte tans*
lent workman, and so he continued' for some tiine.. Rio, history was iii,I.D, licious .13rown Bread. ----One. is At pinvitoripsuieflieectrtuwtowoinzt ht.4.1:.1.1.4
one-third Christianity,. the stoning of. Paul
in our employment. ,ikt a place; curions one,. . It appeared . that he ',`,2 l'"Ir" °1111\ °f -°3°114114es' was the turning point in. the life_ of .
. allowed' to lay 'the sawdust in the of the police -by._ -theie sittine hri.„cups 'or otissernisor„, one level tea- tess7try. niJourn. :144.1ilfi'?sorild:ti'llexists,te -been among tOe. diseip19, s. who etOod . '
called laisehetgrad he asked to be had been rescued from the hands ,:ettP of tiler, tiale and One-third. taeonoknirn trzg. Awtsltioe„, Int.'. ..tet,,. Tiniothy,Ther-voung:niati they have,
ring, and he was accordingly $01-1--, 100-18 -*hew ranks. _be_ -__had_ iheti- atmon..ssf salt, Three-fourths cup. of der. Drain off the water and pour
vet the -veers' a sauce ma.,,e 0 ' :- P-84181 -:---.1 5.' . Quad aboi
lotted the task. The work was not: joined. • - • , ' , • ' liwirite flour, one and one-half OOPs ley could, find Ceris for his body
sawdust was in various colors; and' methher be ng a man of edixemion .. sods, dissolved in 'a little water.
, new' graham. flour,' ono heaping teaspoon' two teaspoons; of butter, one:arida,
,half teaspoons flour, • and it pint of Introduction. •-•-• The greater the What had been - gained by this •
, ea simple as. it may. sound, for the, 'Their chief dying, _,,sitd,. the if he wire really dead.
'fancy designs were formed with it.t and abilitsr, the.S; unanimensly,elect-,IStir well together and add one-half :milk. Salt end .pepper to'tes.te. work a men endeavors to do, the first missionary jonritey t . I. The
' But ivanowiteh was e nal to it, , ell him AO the. vacant chieftainship, cup of raisins and a- few ,Engliiitt greater ;the. obstacles that ho:still
' the, sawdust -layer.
and a-equitted himself ' admirably ali in .whidh vapuity he had not been s walnuts. Tion .quickly into Insk‘'
slow to make history for hintself.! tin and let stand one-juilf histir,be- .COIN STs -*lea that resistance
' "-:"-----"*"r:"."""--;ITT.M.)31 MAISM.IAL mewine,,hea!itditthei -0 Mir perinitraiXo.oufs tplibey., „was started. ,... , ,.2. .. The missionoy
great ,enterprise of foreign missiotts
sible for 'svorki like' that el , all true .Obrit,
incre,ases as leaders hval rec(iived their 'first ex.; .,
had furnished .* - glorious -example, .
This Convinced ukragre than ever rte had storeys ...entertained J11(0.1400 bakin.g00 • Bake iii. moderate , , „. ...IP perience,„ had .Marned. inu,e14 and '
*sit he was not quite the .bnmpkin, conviction that his arrest at IiisaJoimthirty,Sie minutes., ,. - , . knelent * Custom: IlespOn the.square of the Velocity. Paul's
'that he'srotild have its believe, andthetgrail, whge in One emOler*'w** &etch ' Sh°t/tbitaa.".-T6 inak6 ' 1114/3 lAt Ola .$1.10. . oust lviiit very great, atd therefore 16 Others. a, ' The bordera. of tho
led, curiously enough, to his avail the outcome o - treachery on our, two good sized, cakes. One pound' . elitireh had been greatly ;enlarged, .•
. .
undoing. _ . - . pert, stud. so he 'had for tomes time :j.butter,„ one...hail ' peural powdered . totem, declares that ' tol*Ii ,044,, ,Iti ' encountered ' formidable ' <111" being .extended to Cyprus and
On Saint day-vire_were vilified prontliedthintself..this pleasure ._.'01•goicar, orliT and. one-half pound* OF -.14 the 'very leltst. 411'64 iliiii'be oatt.eri:o8ni* ell', ililOhhegtb"si.11,41rreanilt1;w,aeiid" litiih ''''t- The borders (it 'Citini4it
hitivo men who had the apPearance 0110.day PaYing 1/itit this fancied liour. Xnead auger And 'butter to. Put nnder the Inlannumit '0, f:tazti Al* process • -of . overcoming them fellowship 1144A/eon enlar,ged to i ..
. Of ordinary travellers, . and who., indebtedness.- - _ - - [, gotht4 thetk • knead it the tour neiir shipjauriblied. The 'oiltbears strengthened rani, as it, . will still .gresiter'degree by the free *d.
'asked to be shown Over the eatnk. Always alert for ,s, fitting oPpor-i'grndually.-- The longer kneaded the tlio 41ixte or the year when the veg. Mission of 'the Gentiles, , 5. Thi*
This 7, %vas 4.0ite,. and when 'they tunitys ,eni had not net Prete/404 !tl.better.,'ShsPe, in, round or ' square let i* coMPleted, * fact well known strengthen uzi ' ' outretteh of ietivity ..iiiid thought
came to the ring with the artisti- self until the 0,teszion in qtlest4°4,ititket,',niek around. :the edge* With to 00iii0tOr1/* who keep. an eye on i. .&i6 0,whitultellheroliantiiheebtoaail:snig: ,,Lviatimmi, -.theiboriton of the horns;
intentli et" the -handiwork,
tally. arranged :sawdust they looked silien he bed isneeeested in getting , the- forefinger *rid thozob, and, jab. *hits that are,likely tO iie the, de. aritl- Ite- ; whein, ieirit,„0 .fro,n,1 Anti. tebnilerrfltess., aLlagi,decart,Iii:dtil*, ittl*,t....rettlyto./ .. ,
444 * e0uPle of his q,skii' into our *.em*1 over' the top with a fork, Put it on 'esitory,of.itImismatic torifes, sa.'yti
then'. s They thereupen. left. ivitW, the osih. ,Thete - two 'men were), niinutes,„ - . . -T41°evielnlile°S"' Iselio:tilira411..
the. way .. they-triveIed ., itlong-tlip ikil other*, are dyillIti 0 A ih"
asked, who did it. They were told •to oy, who at, length,were ,a e 0' b4ttered paper, then en ' tin,/ and,
and , Ivanowitch pointed, out to ,r,locate the probable -whereabouts', et- IsoFuotr SeAmi;rittpit-ii.iillair____ti_ifiStrgliltle; ft,s,israthlaitii,loitt::it itc,poinons; .:
iike,.in is moderate 'oven tWenty..
suspieiotts abruptness.; That even- those *hose t.onversation•• I over ., . , . great Itomank road,emineiting Antk•; ;gains .inki: eonir, not ssithe'us,l(sliffieust• '
troni% 'tea Will 14top •bli.eiing from gel" 'IlvS:bY:grtf::*:''.=.eis.ltift11.1;...sitrtii"°.' '3.
ing our neW _hand,disappesredliev.. heard,. said hy, which Means:we 'were • ,.ry'sgrols,jusistirs. „, '4,ittie.-,hrtocuttlhagees:ns.ezaticoot,fidselt;
Tr ha,Ving.returrield from. soyetrand('‘able: to ',take 'cleferts)ve measures.. • , , • .
1, • - Ioonilltit .**011,*11. ,ith,tert nt, c6.1n-ilr it.. Ther volielll Olistapies at
1 ft° -Oil villifle. \, • \,),' Out‘AtIsiptOrelt !eau 0thefltsptur, -
The explanation was toter 'fortn-• the iwhol0 ging . being tat , len' cut , i 1 . • , inerinat city, Intusktea. owl* omit. it* :everYr Step ' of .the . wax, 'as t,herei.
coming ,from one -of. thetwo men broken up. ---Paul Ciequevaili, in, A. little*anUtdOtt;* in the' water *ill lent orchard*. . The 'Seljuk TuVics. *ill be. in. every Chiistiales. psth.
rearsoWs Weekly. - ake.Windtor cleanng ietsy. . , made it the cipitil of their. em...ofhit ive elm overdoino thin% nil wo4
as _wiiHmturn,T tha o
°TILT:It WLelevkg;issol ' aooln ' you*
heels% it derelict Yankee schooner,
bought for. A -Song, yieldeds-an 1504
dollar,, the rarest and'most eager-
ly sought' after of .* 'all Ainerieart
coins. it" sold „readily for stI,5001
(410,,0), .**nd. vAoruid be *mirth to-
-:day at least ' double . that*. sum; for.
Worn °tit lime enttsins out into, it *Mx in perfect preservation* hav.
'ins rested in its cotton wool *lid irei. The MN:lern tOlVni StillCSI-114`1---- AS 'the, fii,St ,flii$Sionsiriet, ler we
. argti. squares ,Make good ..dhiph- , beneath this 'hollow "stepping" • °Dia, is greatiY.slitunUn.- It ill have the same oiniiipetent Leader
WIrit HE LOST trts till= • 1.oztithrtosiii . pa- rts of : ics' snag Juke-
the roam sit since the day it was iIrst the terminws of g railway to itio and Friend« '
, atm water. is a good. solution for Pilats----, relov"ers3Pitivr°11a; the result 'of 43cs'AIIP.114*11110**Ob:"iilsole.' t) T'llIPtsti:cill : l• TN '
W*3. $114piCIOUS Of every')
;.Ile Measured them y their ability.
foresight and lousiness enterprise 'tl: ,rrotiiltir;:::•!..4148.104Tull :%;!:iitilliervf, v,v11, EN: :. . I
borrowed moue front them.
ent'billq, ortountewith specie ur :
knowledge* ' A *art ,paising the
worthless, hulk, On the alty , of the
Saill 110tierd ill,' thikt4a ta041 011 her
stern and rightly; guessed 'that the
might 'likely be thexhcarer of si,dol.
111;nStfll' ethstnYeelLversly' h' 'Ivo' ' been pre.e
servedtfand reeovered many 'of the
• who had honored us with * visit,
and who were detective*, he statr.
ing that the new groom would ,not
trouble us' any more. turned
%out to he notorious Nihilist, Who
hail been "ivanted" for *long time
, stud who had *ought sanctuary in
• our midst, disguised as peasant.'
ltd Ati7e naturally suPposed that this,to advance lam.. c • p''°1aWlin nigol°111111Lan.ritlissi;:vri.z,"'1:11 :11;11:v1:esti:
WAS the ift‘tt W. should beat or /gee lie, was cold and reserved in. his , iristeso pf water '
. fi , 11010 SO t TO A ' re/gion of Lyeae., • 4, .: „ .,, ,
TO res.ka• *cake _flavored h nisi, region•beinor A technical tern, it 15 quite eIrr-amt .
t (4 be. •done to diminish st le risk •
bad elapsed, however, . when he ' tie. ' " (*fret use strong coke, in, plus. t as part of the coo ry tonsuitAng„ - . ... .., . „ ,
vf Ivanowitch. But belle a. yeslis„miinner, <cranky,. gloomy, peitimik,.
*10412- tame under our -notice in at He 1167Vet thengitt it worth *bile tank -irg mixing the hatter of two cities, and **rota pf city. li tonareo amoisopa„ oy paying Ativen.-
very striking manner. At a plate to spend tame.,in ,:eeplos ,up. hm4. A novelty in a table crumb brush, less territo*(i.e.t territory organ. 1 tion to certain points. of personal '
talled X0`0410 I happened to °rev. friendships. ..." Ills fesbionedvfrr,a el/vet sweei*r. i$4,41 on the native pre -Greek 1.11.bygicnc. Vot itistanCret Ange should's:
hear a ,conversation Iletveen two Re regarded friendship as a lux. ' it is road, of brast, Iage system).'•' Xotra **$ the esi,41io made nevei to smoke. 044 en
rite, of Lycsionia, Vittolf-land, tlie!,empty. stomail.4 butras flit ,as
- t ...1.-.b. iit.t: t ntii, 1,,. . unncolirenn,u` tulle:, , Sci‘otty,;1fateiepte:iniei; n:arn(:,.b,c. int a:11) , .ti t1):1141...07.441:.„rilith.:111:,".17,,,:nktoater tieftsi , 1 ,
of Our 'Staff which interested me no. to .he enjoyed, instead of an
intensely. it sheet or "vats vras rtunity for ettice , . .2 .IL... PI*C0 OZ Ara tS os or o eat ietis . . 40 4 wh.th, t tintrom,tosion w oevras,trattsiorm,csoilittly WW1 X0 11100L0APICIOte
betwetn Ifillell'' **I the' '1"01 jolt "UP: never throw the 'doors of his' t:atijIrtel-ktin6;iiiivort-11:14 ramit tbsa twelve of, • the el vita a wolf a nose yoga va,ttang an equasly bad to smoke .1,6 ,
,Ility clilles outside. ' • . .,,,, .
them into Ins confidence. . ,• Auto— ve*.itithies .thorouthiy much 1.1%.cf th6 401 whcn tbuct c ins
Ittk I °Old' .hsr their e°13"r4 ,t ** silfilY$ w("indin0 . thdr ' tug .will Iss sav-ed in the cooking. re e iu droulation ustd. with char- lit lit (iiirf ira°1:4111:4"C n(Itlittl'Utt °Ill° :616)61.0t,14'ithss, towsintbrestnetarsit:itlyten wont to
vo .
41Ietti", I bob ' „ i'midc * tent, and 'hoot wide 45:00, to.4peoriies or took .i, us, t„oakint briii4t rem, inti,o,tbei: fescinni, in: vninit, , ',it*, tirth. vrpeerenly.bror'TH ;he inhabitaiiti, ' "The, rnissiopariesinight to keep awake at one's work -
i g The old Seottssh ohipbultd. went theither **** sheep. in, theOtt should also he, forbiddsti tie
.. sation, which ss*s. to the effeet that t in r Intallig esreastie or funny I A splendid ternent tor chi**, is ligteristio. .,,,,.,,ittiorviii,,, thriftiots16, to tattlellt from. t... . *10" 4
f the „circus,. an event *filth,
me Wes *foot to rob the triPaso. s. •Ot their expe.nse. 7 , inlide tqa, mixing plaster or pails ins 1,-- - • '
,„. , . ,
.. s•.. - , . -
* ill$1411, ready to ree'elvo to - thick *elution ef gurnerabie 'irtill./t•rilt.rt,41ib4et1);tir"ptrile4liren°bc,Ille'illottivillieni:#43aendPttilst014'101111* tItee'llrgfill II' ,drear ,,,1?)OR, C01480LAT,ION.
*III; t.4411 bee" antleillat4, 'bob isaistente from his friends, but *14 .,,s;gas, r • ' 1;t:),essi),r. 4silnahles., trail water with only matt tikes. i'lt feel diseear
tea by um.. Ify lother Stlio'r: *ye .to farAy• too stirigy to ,scsSistli' -e- -nidition 'of ,ii, bestrn ctcs to ,';‘''''llic --o--g-t-o-ctit—ofr- 811-4si$.4ft,'IILaTh6 obsitattell4)1/1, *trita It.p!,6, kwisbovoskita*,
the COPtietor.s a. th. or,,,then. in: their time or nee . . , .1, , wi 4 .• . . • .... ,. . sr ta_ss
, i the mashed ' 'potatoes . used for , ,ever, ronibils4 with the.ii\well nio 'retbeeutiOn., — ‘11,. AUraTi* n
ettt;c11114 46 -, lan I toavoyed the in 2* P15
boy os
4•4 the contemplated potato eak"* 1'6 found welt Value**inv. shows the ititensiti ef
wsrt4 it
th !list