HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 6 (2)+4 - , eun:11‘e 4 . , ,., nfUl . . n Atli 1' ,, e , , n i e t fi. 'sr .0 ., , o , erion , e , I . *0 , .. 41 ' rAti , . / ]*nu. 4441 oat,"; W,41,111 • .. , .,, .: , ug Witjt 1U .Jt , , , o i ..,4443;#3,,,i.„*.ttit_ , . ••• ,. , . ir ,r . id lt , , , •., e ' i Is w ;it t ' .44 ' 0 e * 11111 , 0 •et o . . • ,•• 0 • ' 0 ::1';', eree , leso#, '-tii`h 'is,„ o , ''' 41:41rT,47:ro. onts, stablemen, ' on e .'eral- helper* *era. t n . e thire stout isiti•one teaspoonful *Oda doss:Neal' ,o j ,.z in one enp Of bailing ltater,..aqd hapyazard fashion,' , any Able;,:othout it this time, was on ,more ileur,... ,reIl ,tput thin". out ni - • bottled nian who ap'plied for sod% .*10 point, of giving the. alarm, when At. squares, ,and bake in qtitek oven. job wonld,be pretty sure, to get it, I rifle shot rang"' ont on my right. i Coco* Cake.Telre one large euP *uPP0404 we • ' wento4 semebc4k.' and A Wet whizzed past my heitti I of *insert one and a .Italf te*IsPeen- Ton could not get an Y 'decent isnel,. Theo ensued •11, 'seem* that 40104 fuls of ' butter, Cream together. oi men for hAelt work, so we were baffles 'description. Men rushed' Beat :one c untillight, 11 . 0 . • not able to be tott part,. Sr* Ug firing from this bush and shouting1 the sugar and buster„ Tale •-0iio• •, consequene6 of this, * in view ' 'Hands tnil" fisom both iiides, the heaping tablespoonfuls of e(wea of the fact that we frequently car- attack being, pressed with great and dissolve in A ltrge Ctili Or warm lied a good deal of loose, money vigor. . : 1 , t weet milk or water. Add this to *itb us, we•always armed,ouraelvei " FOrtUrlitelYt I Inana04. to suP the'misture, Then sift one heaping with loaded revolvers, for the Pt";" out of the way before. they hatot, t tin*, teaspoonful, of baking Powder With reteerttyiTi.L:owl'ookuerspetIvne: ,saatrot tbhuet.04,10; loilleoacrdate4.,0, faatuler•IcairporeolhinornYt; : too good dpe atint-40hou.kr;;.itezity.itzt vent; money would , be, hidden sii one off "Ne-surren4erl Loose -the-408m I'' 'either chocolate or jelly for the All- the- v""' i'l the le"."' 4mtant*th**i} and the robbers found. thesuselves,,10,., 41181)10.1.0n. ' manaer Pe*siblee Bo ' As' ,,°•"evelt- attacked inturn by A Pack etli.ugot *Pineapple c . - *teat -wolf-hounds. Our PooPlo Als0 kept 4 . _.----' CROW naillr i0 ir.-47' I .14,1-knkrit.f., -PI kheitee 1!1),, , 011 ' e -that4 mo e 7.7777.15` aun. It as *sight, and ws lies throne* *pine fureat was astride the had *bluest for oabout uIijot of t robbery, bvi ski in one of those prekol e es- Odell' descend on * sus, during still,hours of the Ai *4', • was just at 'dawn 'Oleo uiy at *ion was, aly• *Ur slights .r **- . tittlr.to . er of.,, • uSigh tr, kOUt • e.'ne One Th.1 u thio -ug ' e uk Su I, n ., ' l r ,I) :. 1! '' .1c:. ' ;' ' . - bwgnit :p 1 ection,_ I i1.,1=. • , At tO,,, ilk.* A US ' ,,' 1•11.3! . .. 1,f:- : '0 ."*A".. ,, itt, , .#1 ' entre, ,pi 1 0 ar 171M 714'101.1-11*0t1 0, • Al, ,, ., ix: ' ii_riiii•AxxPzettli I, * ., ,•'-',. 11 .1 .i.4a 4 .. .11 4 _ .. ukt4. mean •'•' st * , ient ,,,- • fo 4110 every.., . ‘, , , .44.•,,Cortaleties in thezt 10,004 . our her, an) et Oxit great, deter*. e -.'sf:34:214r.-44.4:44d‘-.**?mP:"...%)'-. I ,Y," :, ' ' ' 0 f the .,... ' 4.4.4....ne, utichapgiat .,centre„, ° - 4'4,, 4kilitiittet'letOli14';44.*i:!-'4exl'e4,-;. e port • ..... he''' r(1:44t°.r'litn."". 114 '4'4 ' "61' ,Pelit in the- Polo. stati where' .Caill' PST wtiole being, may he this 'CM"' ' '001.1ttet.i044' 0.1111101**0.' Stlenkii".tO.'' Aid its.' fiaelf. tive' fact .of, zu* lite, the ••rnotites of hIsinketi, ,cevereil •with -,some Of the our -lives find ' the unVari*ble, .fidence• • that the law that , is , writs .,. taindspone figured eretonnes. ' so large through 'all nature iS, thwis, .}...4 which.iitti,•,b kept *hood be iresrittriaege t*o. sit'x, the tooder'tt itiiia law. that runs through all MY uni, cut up small„.and boiled .itS a ioinee- is able to entoree his religious faith: verse and that that la•w 'memo km. pm:yin a little water„,awl.never put from a:source that lils. fathers fear- tie, truth, right, and the yeah**, into. the oven to melt.: - - , ed most Of all; science is the latest 0°4 of the he" he'Pe4' found in me. rue.'" Too much mnek,laivin the gran um, asellyent4trgigionlit4Tihn:is-fitoeartit?, isordtx 'Thus to.seei life is to- Sod its-poi$4* - and .sanity. - Lite is but madness his remedied by ,putting a"p...irich of tibl;rorwt, Ltioluggraarvyini;xitiiitiTiboist;id.Oe. a' not thi* is a unirer.se of law, that- no- until we lind it meaning and its thin is:Taft to chaineat that- an.:reottve. The p`eeret of strong, bal. An excellent preventive, attainit. Oings Are guided and ordered. ZI:e7ee.deflitvhir gr/se'altivsiaPegtsines.ttiseet°,serte„*'''- scarlet fever and, diPlithersit - in Now it makes a tremendous (lit- z.„.. i:g. helt.:-000,0 It to j;lve. it..ehild IA ference' 'whether we • think of our "4"35 large, -441.41' wil°1-e' And 144 swan piece OS sulphur every worn. world VA 0111.1/ under the .....47 locsoo of jeinting oneself to the whole of ouring. initi,osi 14pre!strintt ,tipilidt, itottte!watroterm 111„:. u'veril;rehssethvere.;r4s_f.elf (:),:raits, r."11.47,.r.7,14:%encl, inkr gwei , . that as,•047t.t. .. six when th.ey :come to a b 4rion .blundering, uncertain set • of iteei- NIEN 14TV:, pp: . . .._ ,s- . in 0.1 . y ' k ''''''' ter 13 u 4:43011Woalled * Universe- - whether 'x'n the -universe, kr confidence .that iIIYO . 14731g' ''. .. ILev; i„B.,..:p..,Arra , .. _.. , , ap.0 , 0 well * STr, , --44 4 0 y eatii we .read this ' 1 V.,,,, Oti 1 nUt the most a tze incident aS . I' a: mg Pe.- ..wder,*. ens t"" milk, sweet. or -sour, and tub, well 1:',-,7iz.:5, 1 "7i k: ' , goro \ox44 sod.* ih"foittoui .ua,,,..niessage 4 our own, lives? $hou ... ,., P,' '`..i.. 'i. ' 'n, .I.Tns:n i.: '1*Ai . MOIr was "Posing au tile time in one of the attack occurred in one of the spoon extract tOSOi 0,ko- it;i. layers. cl the vans. . fore putting the garment into the between the hands and the milk he- changing, foundation' 'the pole star of 'being,`.. that . One is, an orderly not .tach returning day tell .of the tillin - Whites 'Of three e t one . . livi4g., vans, in which was Mrs.: - g . ,,. - egg8, b r As is generally known, on account, Cheuit, wife of one of ',Otis: prolri- 4 "P :world, _that :the same 'effects always 8(4411444 11144 " ever new I' powdered Amor; spread es, watet. -.-. ' • . ' It felly to look for some .au- - of the' prevalence of Nihilism in tcrs. - In this van the ineney Wits'. tweet* layers and on top. To keep starch from sticking use songs/ precisely „ the swop coluges, thoritative wet(' reVealing a good - Russia, all' sorts And ceeditiens of concealed, and it was dear that itsil . 9..4t111".1. ,,e euPt °f liattrons that are perfectly -clean that thk le *.40Pendsbin nxiive;se. ruie"f the' lveiid if 'Y'°u Ih".' Qt":61/4-t' ' ---rest-there7without--stisy-appare iealtillirthilitiWet .tilliberifor_' T people are subject to sudden ar- whereabouts haft been icorrectlje-s:crilevil,;41;1=°!aty.i44..lik,LzoL,P4,0jr,:,--.-1pirde....,710,,:::....„ sti,. cftiih,,d. tai: !Lit Lrusi..tts-aupek-g. ,,,,,r ,404 -$0,0 rzogv,..,,,,. 90re-ro-mii.:tiisol:-.•Atty-vr.,.7, tvgbry.-0,- _ „..,.:4-or-reasem---tecrerte - the leader ath7e7brig*uds, rine in ::half cups ef.ralsim4 ene teaspoon- low candle. slionld we not trust . the revelation about the. country in in search of 4 denianded the money, • but : Mrs. two teasponfula of ,ctnnetuon. Mix 1 ...teaus:.tealoictietas.t11; deed of darkness with THE DOOM OF DEATH.- . of sustiise•and affection in neturet . vice agents. are constantly moving hand, went straight to thii; van and ful of salt, eoes teaspoonful of soda, eel ill! rc(ii. t ec t:Ille°.su. , clii "wanted!' p.ersons, and doubtless 'Cheisi was notto be intimidated. this .thoroughly and then 1 part, Which is the 'darkest,' ii the It ift 'X geed thing to be able to tc...iles,rn the Is,ws of life, to. be lu • We niany times unknowingly enter- I it so happened that she was at Cup of melted butter or lard,. two richeit. If cut irt siices it is mere think of an all wise, tender per- Why 'should we not. seek Ourselves tained sueb canissaries by shoving. the moment engaged in: Some eulin- , well beaten eggs, eight -tablespoon- equally distributed. • sonality who has the reins of Int- harmony with this universe of law them over our camp, in addition to ary occupation; and -snatching .,,i1P' fuls of milk, Make in balls the Size The earners .„of apron kets, man' destiny in band, whoi. like a itsad so to come- at Iast• to know the face of that life which has taught .harhoring the "wanted" individn-; a. halldf01 of Pepper, she: hurled it , of walnuts. end tissue for apart as Boon rip, but if a swan .button fatherir atcePa .down, in pity,; to his *Is on our staff, „. i preferably' one livith fear hetes; ls, caikir"" 1314 personality It° ever 3,1:*,,,o‘n!lif:.neediltraktire-thramsrfd)tw- ellin he- lieWe 0 0410 -upper corner of the mince is subject to _partiality. - it • *I full in the eyes of the robber. -The' they Sperm]. Bake in.* greased pan Of one such occurrenee, and its latter, with a shriek of "sin, ,feill'in sk slow oven:. if they spread too d• t ,--- h - . fickle ,tinle, works its changes, -any strange sequel,- I *in now' about to haek and 0011aPse4i hong cads* ', much, add a. little .mare flour. pecket it will prevent ripping • pearly ' gates; we rs no relate. . • ' , • secured, • 1. Baked Ham. --Have either a whole ' T— • . • LO improve Mashed potatoes well seems a far higher conception that At a place called t'intolensk, a fess In the. meantime the fight . WO, Water. and . when adding ocasoning put in, the universe itself is the expression promise of paradises of sloth or of years ago, where we had pitehed being carried on in_ia-sletermined tram -11;1 ohramte'nftn,'ndnu"PrgilittoitP•mw the a inch a ake our lives fu' 11, end rich, and furnishings all We need to Of the life of this an wits*, ' loylixti fairy roan who; asked to his taken Ort as a toouraide; and eventually we sue- - our tents.,,, we were visited b.Y. a manlier, but at length- it inclined • sislt, .then make --e- -stiff dim* lei -of will ittbzie Imp! , augfrailing., unvarying Father of 111/ strong is this faith that the world ' flour and water put in around the vtl'iP !ell- bThengportrtodeesr; groom. Ile bore. the appearance of .ceeded in beating off those_ we had _ en ordinary P'easent, although it not secured and disarmed. In the ham on the under 'side and front ' proved100per ems, o .- estroy. moths -in - carpeted . It r is better yet to believe, even •.. . is even. now being made:by 'right . leaving .the rind iineoistred Then. T though blindly,. tliat what I _am as and truth, that no other way than . that of the right is."posailile to the ' struck us that hirclothes were ra- end -we secured eight . prisoners, P ' rooms sprinkle -damp salt o's,esi: the a thinking, hoping, aspiring, ideal- true man,! that the love that pass - there new and over -clean, and his our • easualties . being two '.dogs*, le -44, ,,,,0 ,t eii,e,„tttan4c,ISS..WH!vie ha* "P in carpet* and° thin brush -well. . This even li, out th*rty_nunutes to top .tevivestim.c.olorsio,-,..th.o rax,pet. -- . not only; tteitroys the moths bia also. it 3 iii that wbheilonhg isi7thbentiifae. oreitkvect,/wwiori°df.. egisaulrovekuitw. Ittmlbegelawis f°ovrerottarilli441... t,.. axe sti -a• moderate general ‘*et - up" .somewhst, killed and one wounded'. But the ill. ”4"13' "g" studied. - ,, - . _ --. 1.higgest surprise' we were treated _to; Don't dust your furniture, With a ,and the source of -all „llife,s+etter-, manager's as towhothe 131,a11 really; the half -blinded chief of the gang But it was no ' business of , our that -night was the discovery that'Pourta feather duster, it -only spreads the toll:yeas in the presence of on eters 1"144" Qur-;•1411,414*Y '71;*:.". 00 P -E772 -7 -'--- was, and, having held a-bri.er.consi was none ether than our former , 'BREAD IlEOIPEEL -, sultationt- he °decided to -give_ the ' accemPliilled•'' And . gentlennird7 Date , Breeds ---One .4ii* sant totteemZ:Itehilit;:e'vetritte nectiltii, It; roan a .trial for a few days. So he'ssrooto, Ivanowitch I was 'engaged on .that understands ,. We eonveYed all ' our is tiers milt, four cuits Graham tour, two laundering the ciittains' .oftener. •- .. lig $ilitiPAY S011001/ enemy. One must be- a forei before be somebody in Order to have an: • • . P1*--°---- - . cups wheat flour, one cup molasses Habib's-1Y'. eating soft ---foods,.- to he -.can be resisted by another •. ins. Naples were not of much im- to the uesre8t -town, wkth as little two -tessii000fuls soda, biro tes: the exclusion Of everything„ that is forcei." . • - ' 0 spoonfnla gaits 'sone and - eneshay iird or :crusty,. wai lead to rapidde- INTERNATIONA1 LES'S.ON, How slid .Panl's enemies Succeed? ' Imrtance to us, so we were content ,slelay as possible:, where in the cap -1... . to tall our - new hand i'Ivano-4tain• the polices recognized on witch." • ' ' J.:Isinowski, an outlaw whom the awi[44)3nda..0ates-.. weak, jnst as •anx, zuscleAsillsth haps, as the stooing, of. Stephen u They- persuaded the people. Per-. Steam two. hours. na 'ow of the te.eth. They become . He-was-a-hig--sueeessf- 'OP,' excel ,therities-luttl,been-striving to ea . • MAY tes mu have -moved -Paul toward . . - tchihttte tans* lent workman, and so he continued' for some tiine.. Rio, history was iii,I.D, licious .13rown Bread. ----One. is At pinvitoripsuieflieectrtuwtowoinzt ht.4.1:.1.1.4 one-third Christianity,. the stoning of. Paul in our employment. ,ikt a place; curions one,. . It appeared . that he ',`,2 l'"Ir" °1111\ °f -°3°114114es' was the turning point in. the life_ of . . allowed' to lay 'the sawdust in the of the police -by._ -theie sittine hri.„cups 'or otissernisor„, one level tea- tess7try. niJourn. :144.1ilfi'?sorild:ti'llexists,te -been among tOe. diseip19, s. who etOod . ' called laisehetgrad he asked to be had been rescued from the hands ,:ettP of tiler, tiale and One-third. taeonoknirn trzg. Awtsltioe„, Int.'. ..tet,,. Tiniothy,Ther-voung:niati they have, ring, and he was accordingly $01-1--, 100-18 -*hew ranks. _be_ -__had_ iheti- atmon..ssf salt, Three-fourths cup. of der. Drain off the water and pour vet the -veers' a sauce ma.,,e 0 ' :- P-84181 -:---.1 5.' . Quad aboi lotted the task. The work was not: joined. • - • , ' , • ' liwirite flour, one and one-half OOPs ley could, find Ceris for his body sawdust was in various colors; and' methher be ng a man of edixemion .. sods, dissolved in 'a little water. , new' graham. flour,' ono heaping teaspoon' two teaspoons; of butter, one:arida, ,half teaspoons flour, • and it pint of Introduction. •-•-• The greater the What had been - gained by this • , ea simple as. it may. sound, for the, 'Their chief dying, _,,sitd,. the if he wire really dead. 'fancy designs were formed with it.t and abilitsr, the.S; unanimensly,elect-,IStir well together and add one-half :milk. Salt end .pepper to'tes.te. work a men endeavors to do, the first missionary jonritey t . I. The ' But ivanowiteh was e nal to it, , ell him AO the. vacant chieftainship, cup of raisins and a- few ,Engliiitt greater ;the. obstacles that ho:still ' the, sawdust -layer. and a-equitted himself ' admirably ali in .whidh vapuity he had not been s walnuts. Tion .quickly into Insk‘' slow to make history for hintself.! tin and let stand one-juilf histir,be- .COIN STs -*lea that resistance ' "-:"-----"*"r:"."""--;ITT.M.)31 MAISM.IAL mewine,,hea!itditthei -0 Mir perinitraiXo.oufs tplibey., „was started. ,... , ,.2. .. The missionoy great ,enterprise of foreign missiotts sible for 'svorki like' that el , all true .Obrit, incre,ases as leaders hval rec(iived their 'first ex.; ., had furnished .* - glorious -example, . This Convinced ukragre than ever rte had storeys ...entertained J11(0.1400 bakin.g00 • Bake iii. moderate , , „. ...IP perience,„ had .Marned. inu,e14 and ' *sit he was not quite the .bnmpkin, conviction that his arrest at IiisaJoimthirty,Sie minutes., ,. - , . knelent * Custom: IlespOn the.square of the Velocity. Paul's 'that he'srotild have its believe, andthetgrail, whge in One emOler*'w** &etch ' Sh°t/tbitaa.".-T6 inak6 ' 1114/3 lAt Ola .$1.10. . oust lviiit very great, atd therefore 16 Others. a, ' The bordera. of tho led, curiously enough, to his avail the outcome o - treachery on our, two good sized, cakes. One pound' . elitireh had been greatly ;enlarged, .• . . undoing. _ . - . pert, stud. so he 'had for tomes time :j.butter,„ one...hail ' peural powdered . totem, declares that ' tol*Ii ,044,, ,Iti ' encountered ' formidable ' <111" being .extended to Cyprus and On Saint day-vire_were vilified prontliedthintself..this pleasure ._.'01•goicar, orliT and. one-half pound* OF -.14 the 'very leltst. 411'64 iliiii'be oatt.eri:o8ni* ell', ililOhhegtb"si.11,41rreanilt1;w,aeiid" litiih ''''t- The borders (it 'Citini4it hitivo men who had the apPearance 0110.day PaYing 1/itit this fancied liour. Xnead auger And 'butter to. Put nnder the Inlannumit '0, f:tazti Al* process • -of . overcoming them fellowship 1144A/eon enlar,ged to i .. . Of ordinary travellers, . and who., indebtedness.- - _ - - [, gotht4 thetk • knead it the tour neiir shipjauriblied. The 'oiltbears strengthened rani, as it, . will still .gresiter'degree by the free *d. 'asked to be shown Over the eatnk. Always alert for ,s, fitting oPpor-i'grndually.-- The longer kneaded the tlio 41ixte or the year when the veg. Mission of 'the Gentiles, , 5. Thi* This 7, %vas 4.0ite,. and when 'they tunitys ,eni had not net Prete/404 !tl.better.,'ShsPe, in, round or ' square let i* coMPleted, * fact well known strengthen uzi ' ' outretteh of ietivity ..iiiid thought came to the ring with the artisti- self until the 0,teszion in qtlest4°4,ititket,',niek around. :the edge* With to 00iii0tOr1/* who keep. an eye on i. .&i6 0,whitultellheroliantiiheebtoaail:snig: ,,Lviatimmi, -.theiboriton of the horns; intentli et" the -handiwork, tally. arranged :sawdust they looked silien he bed isneeeested in getting , the- forefinger *rid thozob, and, jab. *hits that are,likely tO iie the, de. aritl- Ite- ; whein, ieirit,„0 .fro,n,1 Anti. tebnilerrfltess., aLlagi,decart,Iii:dtil*, ittl*,t....rettlyto./ .. , 444 * e0uPle of his q,skii' into our *.em*1 over' the top with a fork, Put it on 'esitory,of.itImismatic torifes, sa.'yti then'. s They thereupen. left. ivitW, the osih. ,Thete - two 'men were), niinutes,„ - . . -T41°evielnlile°S"' Iselio:tilira411.. the. way .. they-triveIed ., itlong-tlip ikil other*, are dyillIti 0 A ih" asked, who did it. They were told •to oy, who at, length,were ,a e 0' b4ttered paper, then en ' tin,/ and, and , Ivanowitch pointed, out to ,r,locate the probable -whereabouts', et- IsoFuotr SeAmi;rittpit-ii.iillair____ti_ifiStrgliltle; ft,s,israthlaitii,loitt::it itc,poinons; .: iike,.in is moderate 'oven tWenty.. suspieiotts abruptness.; That even- those *hose t.onversation•• I over ., . , . great Itomank road,emineiting Antk•; ;gains .inki: eonir, not ssithe'us,l(sliffieust• ' I troni% 'tea Will 14top •bli.eiing from gel" 'IlvS:bY:grtf::*:''.=.eis.ltift11.1;...sitrtii"°.' '3. ing our neW _hand,disappesredliev.. heard,. said hy, which Means:we 'were • ,.ry'sgrols,jusistirs. „, '4,ittie.-,hrtocuttlhagees:ns.ezaticoot,fidselt; Tr ha,Ving.returrield from. soyetrand('‘able: to ',take 'cleferts)ve measures.. • , , • . 1, • - Ioonilltit .**011,*11. ,ith,tert nt, c6.1n-ilr it.. Ther volielll Olistapies at 1 1 ft° -Oil villifle. \, • \,),' Out‘AtIsiptOrelt !eau 0thefltsptur, - The explanation was toter 'fortn-• the iwhol0 ging . being tat , len' cut , i 1 . • , inerinat city, Intusktea. owl* omit. it* :everYr Step ' of .the . wax, 'as t,herei. coming ,from one -of. thetwo men broken up. ---Paul Ciequevaili, in, A. little*anUtdOtt;* in the' water *ill lent orchard*. . The 'Seljuk TuVics. *ill be. in. every Chiistiales. psth. rearsoWs Weekly. - ake.Windtor cleanng ietsy. . , made it the cipitil of their. em...ofhit ive elm overdoino thin% nil wo4 Verities (4, es, .t 4. as _wiiHmturn,T tha o °TILT:It WLelevkg;issol ' aooln ' you* heels% it derelict Yankee schooner, bought for. A -Song, yieldeds-an 1504 dollar,, the rarest and'most eager- ly sought' after of .* 'all Ainerieart coins. it" sold „readily for stI,5001 (410,,0), .**nd. vAoruid be *mirth to- -:day at least ' double . that*. sum; for. Worn °tit lime enttsins out into, it *Mx in perfect preservation* hav. 'ins rested in its cotton wool *lid irei. The MN:lern tOlVni StillCSI-114`1---- AS 'the, fii,St ,flii$Sionsiriet, ler we . argti. squares ,Make good ..dhiph- , beneath this 'hollow "stepping" • °Dia, is greatiY.slitunUn.- It ill have the same oiniiipetent Leader WIrit HE LOST trts till= • 1.oztithrtosiii . pa- rts of : ics' snag Juke- the roam sit since the day it was iIrst the terminws of g railway to itio and Friend« ' , atm water. is a good. solution for Pilats----, relov"ers3Pitivr°11a; the result 'of 43cs'AIIP.114*11110**Ob:"iilsole.' t) T'llIPtsti:cill : l• TN ' W*3. $114piCIOUS Of every') ;.Ile Measured them y their ability. foresight and lousiness enterprise 'tl: ,rrotiiltir;:::•!..4148.104Tull :%;!:iitilliervf, v,v11, EN: :. . I borrowed moue front them. ent'billq, ortountewith specie ur : knowledge* ' A *art ,paising the worthless, hulk, On the alty , of the Saill 110tierd ill,' thikt4a ta041 011 her stern and rightly; guessed 'that the might 'likely be thexhcarer of si,dol. 111;nStfll' ethstnYeelLversly' h' 'Ivo' ' been pre.e servedtfand reeovered many 'of the • who had honored us with * visit, and who were detective*, he statr. ing that the new groom would ,not trouble us' any more. turned %out to he notorious Nihilist, Who hail been "ivanted" for *long time , stud who had *ought sanctuary in • our midst, disguised as peasant.' ltd Ati7e naturally suPposed that this,to advance lam.. c • p''°1aWlin nigol°111111Lan.ritlissi;:vri.z,"'1:11 :11;11:v1:esti: WAS the ift‘tt W. should beat or /gee lie, was cold and reserved in. his , iristeso pf water ' . fi , 11010 SO t TO A ' re/gion of Lyeae., • 4, .: „ .,, , TO res.ka• *cake _flavored h nisi, region•beinor A technical tern, it 15 quite eIrr-amt . t (4 be. •done to diminish st le risk • bad elapsed, however, . when he ' tie. ' " (*fret use strong coke, in, plus. t as part of the coo ry tonsuitAng„ - . ... .., . „ , vf Ivanowitch. But belle a. yeslis„miinner, <cranky,. gloomy, peitimik,. *10412- tame under our -notice in at He 1167Vet thengitt it worth *bile tank -irg mixing the hatter of two cities, and **rota pf city. li tonareo amoisopa„ oy paying Ativen.- very striking manner. At a plate to spend tame.,in ,:eeplos ,up. hm4. A novelty in a table crumb brush, less territo*(i.e.t territory organ. 1 tion to certain points. of personal ' talled X0`0410 I happened to °rev. friendships. ..." Ills fesbionedvfrr,a el/vet sweei*r. i$4,41 on the native pre -Greek 1.11.bygicnc. Vot itistanCret Ange should's: hear a ,conversation Iletveen two Re regarded friendship as a lux. ' it is road, of brast, Iage system).'•' Xotra **$ the esi,41io made nevei to smoke. 044 en rite, of Lycsionia, Vittolf-land, tlie!,empty. stomail.4 butras flit ,as - t ...1.-.b. iit.t: t ntii, 1,,. . unncolirenn,u` tulle:, , Sci‘otty,;1fateiepte:iniei; n:arn(:,.b,c. int a:11) , .ti t1):1141...07.441:.„rilith.:111:,".17,,,:nktoater tieftsi , 1 , of Our 'Staff which interested me no. to .he enjoyed, instead of an intensely. it sheet or "vats vras rtunity for ettice , . .2 .IL... PI*C0 OZ Ara tS os or o eat ietis . . 40 4 wh.th, t tintrom,tosion w oevras,trattsiorm,csoilittly WW1 X0 11100L0APICIOte betwetn Ifillell'' **I the' '1"01 jolt "UP: never throw the 'doors of his' t:atijIrtel-ktin6;iiiivort-11:14 ramit tbsa twelve of, • the el vita a wolf a nose yoga va,ttang an equasly bad to smoke .1,6 , ,Ility clilles outside. ' • . .,,,, . them into Ins confidence. . ,• Auto— ve*.itithies .thorouthiy much 1.1%.cf th6 401 whcn tbuct c ins Ittk I °Old' .hsr their e°13"r4 ,t ** silfilY$ w("indin0 . thdr ' tug .will Iss sav-ed in the cooking. re e iu droulation ustd. with char- lit lit (iiirf ira°1:4111:4"C n(Itlittl'Utt °Ill° :616)61.0t,14'ithss, towsintbrestnetarsit:itlyten wont to vo . "T 1 41Ietti", I bob ' „ i'midc * tent, and 'hoot wide 45:00, to.4peoriies or took .i, us, t„oakint briii4t rem, inti,o,tbei: fescinni, in: vninit, , ',it*, tirth. vrpeerenly.bror'TH ;he inhabitaiiti, ' "The, rnissiopariesinight to keep awake at one's work - i g The old Seottssh ohipbultd. went theither **** sheep. in, theOtt should also he, forbiddsti tie .. sation, which ss*s. to the effeet that t in r Intallig esreastie or funny I A splendid ternent tor chi**, is ligteristio. .,,,,.,,ittiorviii,,, thriftiots16, to tattlellt from. t... . *10" 4 f the „circus,. an event *filth, me Wes *foot to rob the triPaso. s. •Ot their expe.nse. 7 , inlide tqa, mixing plaster or pails ins 1,-- - • ' ,„. , . , .. s•.. - , . - * ill$1411, ready to ree'elvo to - thick *elution ef gurnerabie 'irtill./t•rilt.rt,41ib4et1);tir"ptrile4liren°bc,Ille'illottivillieni:#43aendPttilst014'101111* tItee'llrgfill II' ,drear ,,,1?)OR, C01480LAT,ION. *III; t.4411 bee" antleillat4, 'bob isaistente from his friends, but *14 .,,s;gas, r • ' 1;t:),essi),r. 4silnahles., trail water with only matt tikes. i'lt feel diseear tea by um.. Ify lother Stlio'r: *ye .to farAy• too stirigy to ,scsSistli' -e- -nidition 'of ,ii, bestrn ctcs to ,';‘''''llic --o--g-t-o-ctit—ofr- 811-4si$.4ft,'IILaTh6 obsitattell4)1/1, *trita It.p!,6, kwisbovoskita*, the COPtietor.s a. th. or,,,then. in: their time or nee . . , .1, , wi 4 .• . . • .... ,. . sr ta_ss , i the mashed ' 'potatoes . used for , ,ever, ronibils4 with the.ii\well nio 'retbeeutiOn., — ‘11,. AUraTi* n ettt;c11114 46 -, lan I toavoyed the in 2* P15 boy os Ot. 4•4 the contemplated potato eak"* 1'6 found welt Value**inv. shows the ititensiti ef wsrt4 it th !list i= «I* , i=! • ityk. • 4,44, -