Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 4 (2)Ti IX
i'.,0 •' , , . , .., .
01, '1..`0,W;;• • Ifait
71 ' Patt‘ MOO ft
' previetute
- oli•• pter
t03 thu r4flt1flg of ken
414tin4 the su
• la0)*'•a* wjfl
Imit rk, 0;,',0.4h1s,wa,
o it 4phott.:,
. „011.4 4.44.0,1
the Itteite.ind
atlr,t!J:t1e%Aims joaot.:;t1le
• 'refitionta'rfor the loilOw.ing Pavements
wore read aliit dealt with,-,!.F.rom the out.
property oleng thf *Tot side of
••Andrew street 'between'. 'Anita and Vic..
toritt; trent the owners Of pioptty
long the -coat af•-4 of Andrew otteet
tween Annex and.Wi.liington; PrOill the
owl** ot property .trolithior Oil North
--vaide-lif-Inctitrio Street from -Main -10-the
P. T., It. property; From the owners ot
ProPertY trohtIng. en the South side et
• North strtet betwtcn Andredw 44 -Ad Main,
and from Main Street .on Sanders to
the corner ot William and along Ilvilliant
to. Vi3Orin. Per ileatnan And u Johns -
Butt eernent walk rt -It wide be "con-
striteted u Y1ctoza -street teamMein-
Johns. and HeatrianThat a 4-tt cement
walk 1)3 constructed'en the welt side ot
'Andrew adtezt from James to Victoria,
Land on the teat bide. of Andrew from
- :VICO:iris& to Wenington.--Corried. '
walk be -constructed alOof Sanders St.
from Main to William and OP North St.
from Main to Andrew, south s1de,-(3lsr
Mr. S. tt. Bawden waited on the coun-
cil asking donation toward ti4th of May
celebration -Pio action.
Messrs.: A .J. Ford and Thos. Hazel,
wud --regarding-an-outiet-----tor
• Ateritayint_on.:theix_nrsiserty east of
rilWit44/t3t. -The eon=
InSfrtrAcd to repair culvert across North
street and OPPOlilte the eomplatnants*
pcoperty.. •
Messrs. John. Parson*. 'Geo. Thomas.
Is.tnes Jewell, Maw. Inever, and A. 9
Deavtt complained that they have been
more or leas tronhikd with, water boek
ins up In their cellars; due they think
to a defective drain along Cart1tg st.
The reeve appointed * committee of,
Counrillora Beaman, Johns and Carling
to investigate., lklessro. Sandrs, Taylor
"Halls and Mins complained ot ' water
In their cellar*, stating that the drain
aiong Alexander street and the outlet
tor the slime WAIF Mat large enough to
earn* the water. Cotmen to investigate
by order ortho reeve. lstr. Deayitt waited
.regarding an electric light • naz cor-
ner of flidle'Y and -Marlborough streets.
eles.rs. 5. PowelfiiMairnns and Williams
were allowed to cut down certain hode
trees In front ,of their properties, under
oritzra of the•street commissioner. Rev.
D. W. COT.ns asked the council to open
• driahr tlang Baldwin street, Counelk
to .Inve3t1;ate.
addressed -413e-coune:1--re•
• gariEng crushed stone, *tatting that he
was prepared to furnish thc munpipallty
With all the 'tone- nec-ded, -offering to
crush the same and deliver it to any part
Pt MO towtptor Ze. per cwt, It the town
• would provide the crusher.. Laid over
tor future consideration. Street water -
tug petitlemo weiiipresenleello the owe.
ell from reildento alOng slain • and
• Well/Wen erects.' ;The "Cleric was In --
strutted to advertise 'fOr -tcnders
watering Main street from the South
illovinda0 'north:AO tht Lilco or Thames
Road, Tenders to be handed to the
the clerk Ort or before Ssiturday, 7 P.M,.
May 15fit, Councillor's. Heiman,. Car-
ling and the clerk t� b3 rommittee.-
e lan and Luker that L VitA.
toz:=Iselo-irr air: and open the
,iter4C'es *Mt, leading to
trz.4 Olr 440. times and la
Icatayi and; JOna that, the Iteev
APe?...14 f.4PPoWirl,4
to theetteilt of the nuste1plF
' penditttree#04rile4i''
lftarnn and 410hus'" that theIltst
ileyhelon tor
,.smt Atoll Of 1409 04
0 ) Friday.: May litith' at 7'
No, 3 lur the ntimtlt
101* Scene oZ t ware tUrt Pr
nt fit all the OXI1n1llatlet0474.1untinu.,
;Men CUSS. Ina*.30, lberts 1100*
227, 3srti. Loup 72. jtrm*UH3
.00; Tarnivulr*Sa. ,8hSer.
SUcr ItiT; • 134 Shier ,311.
Max, 830, .,Arletet Copelend' 309* 'ONO
Ifiteutdr Jr ;11,74
104-IfsrZs 199,11:hratto
;# 4 iceolohI.
e54 the band. Urant
ow*T044•100ekse, Mkt
*AYI,* 111$41
*Mt II
• it 04644
inaX. 'LAS%
• thA 1014* 114 0.41nAtilke
*00iTlitgialt011Gt'X PiAegitian.
et41.trenn, • laker!a prc
• th to the 0j
*OA; n
. mar. .0500.
7,4400;144k o
' 41110110 tt:0' imt *.!4;01. 1*.t.10;1411.41at
anditistes for tVre *glee ',ot doctor Ot
4.'al saIretr. coattails:I, at " cenii0cal.
tio: !nail. '774003t0a appears 3%0 natne
.9..g, 4010.i.'Me*, r_Atn014 ,Nitial.erol.,Ths
au- tion , 'Sale Ot the 1nie4 ;040 In
Oillivray watt entirely suecoestui. The
notth halt ot AO I* ,4n...the .11th Q.
5) .res. soldelor-...2.$11). While 'the
sieuth :,hatt. '40414 T40, a00.--bte*tlit *It
'itatt.. in: all It.00 Z. the torso!, ot.t,
little,fiotter ;ha' i 03 INgt fettv,7'.' Itelogrr,
/ 104'.*** ,nta, 0.101 3j' 4wad, i
of iiiierale,, , :-, •
t 0 . • ‘son,of,
'tie did- ,sad4.n1y`it
i .., . ,
f0.1)11Ui.4 IA 3fil,A 4
4-t-r4uotAir: waa'11, r
riatysie.t ,t01,*(1' ,
qn01440 "on
oft**. -',Fentaine4 tu at. sem1con-
adous citutlittorr.utIto 4teeth text*,
ceased, wl*o was 413 Yeate wa
rn on the7.-Tarm• wrilett "tte • di
IteIs survived by his widow* his father
three brothers and three staters, Mr
Annie and A,AgUts. London*
Mrs. • Jae. Ito**. Fret�, itaele4 Vilitant
iDetrolt enst Alex. on the homestead.
'Mrs. William Duncan, who belie; beet
ill, is Itripreving Winchelacit
boys corntrienced their practice ot base*
halt on Saturday n.igh,t last. 'rue boys
turned out well end prospects are_go04.
for first-class bail this yeer.--The tar*
Antrim are .more ?r-iess-414eoursoreo hy-
the. conthiusi wet weather, which la
throwing *ceding very late this Year.
Still -they akit hetteve,-in the id -prom
that seed time and ha
aut'0 • 'Yeleitheo...
'The .kOlia*Ort* *Accounti:.‘iiti;,1,4 04,
nine2..7pi1ti.E.txtrie Wight Co., $1,22.-
3i: A. 3, Ford „meat tor. Mrs,: Dartner
.caretaker N. End Vire Italia to, Apr. let.
1000. *I0 Dyer postere. le -445p
J. A., Stewart, gtoetrie* /Or .Mrs.
:MT 5$1‘,; 'Tim* Pointing Con ace. .4o- lot
• 12,25; • Connor Machine Co, lehor,
'aTit •t
flower iced for cert4tery ; Irole
Meals or tramp* ; W H. Levett
mai for Mrs. Delve 14.45, for D. Pint.
14.75; Geo.. Cutintore, labor VI; Thos.
814 1.•'•• Mellott 2.70; 11, DI1UUW
.7U; R. Ottunce Wi Welsh 15.50
• Belford 5.25; ii.;7 Sanders 5.30; W.
-Westeott 10.33; $. Uandtord 0.00 W
Andersen 4.20; T reeeli -11.903
Davis, 19.25; Thomas Holden 3..45
num4en 1o.20Re* Herrn • 8./.0h,-.,-ThOrt,.
Cornish. 7.50; U. CundY T..9nell
•' "tL,P4e.Saiallgen4„4,040-Z,V4OET
V. W. Cross',
bonus eranted by cemetery commtttee
#25; T. Hartnoll wood for Town 'Hall,
..f5:50; amoun tag 11 Q1' ta $43141, and
Ponsed tuotIon of Carlingond Luker.
AO by Carling at 11.15 p.m.
.10s. Senior, Clark.
834i, clef)
' Win .Dzvla.
• -
tritifod. A latTercensisisment ofTterg
from five of the leadhir firms of Ontarlo,
-in all the latest styles and designs. Any
person Intending buying win do well to
took over our stock before purchasIng:
We will save you Mane/ by so doing, No
trouble to show goode. Aii vehicle* ere
ful:y guaranteed A call
vErencie & eioDGINS; Crediton. Ont.
Harrr Fowler,. who has besn 111 for .4
few we2ks, has returned trom-his home
In Seaforth, *lid resumed his d(nies in
the Rank of Commerce, here., --The Ey-
wortb League, 01, the Methodist eh erch
had a social on 'Monday. triening, A
short program, wao• *too rendered by.
In:nub:Ts of the Leagui end ail enloyed
'thernselves.-e4toy rohner In pt present
111 with starIct tqwer but. Is rapidly re.
cove•Ing.-3,1rs. J. Morlock Exeter
'pant.z feve days in town last week the
gult of Mrs. Louisa rs,
Isaac and Mrs. Howald were in Zurich
a few days•lost week visiting relative*.
7,trieropner Either Is at present on the
ark !IA. His many friends truifhe wi
szon ke:over.-.4pur automobile met with
"otifer,-• Ug -ht Slade it
has be:nt thoroughly overhauled by Al-
bert Morlork, and lo in tine running or-
ogain.-4Mrte. Chas. 'Itroirri his re.
tovcreit Oven a recent aktelek pt the
grippe. --Young tlreuthave received a
large shipritent. ot wire and metallie shire;
gins tor the trad.n.-inunenie quantified
of tt...e hove b -en sold this *Print- Fart,
fax...vs, who cannot till their land, have
commenced ditching. The rain of • the
. •
past week hos put everything at s, stand
still. 0? -1 Thursday a severe thunder
,torm passed over Mit distritlimt-hp-
alx stru2k. the house owned by Williant
gedden-and. the, bank barn Of Itichard-
Dav;,.y. Veirturnately the dainatie was but
Housen of the Rank of Coat
mcrne sp:nt. last Swatter at •henro with
his parents- In Winglaam.-Last Sunder
morning a special sermon in the inter-
sts of the Ladics Md of the Evangel-
-an chuVc4 wat uteactzed hy the Itev.
peen. Atter the serniOn report
t146 work of the Ladles* 144was
real hy the President, Mrs. 0. it. BroWn
Weil preyed very interestinge-Albert
oit larrive1. here on Friday from -Mt;
eassmt, mith.. with a broltea arm. Ile
met with the accident .when *hoeing a
!woe.. lie wilirentain here for tew
weeks.-.Vsiey 'Wolf has cOrnmenced
t) drive tat -stage from itere to contra.;
fla*nation. The former driver, Qatar,
le working at 1* t ea. Mast'," b,riek yard
tla sumtne-licnry •Eilber,
was In.' Clinton on WelnesdaY attend.
n.*a Joint *acting of the lout Vamp,.
re' Insurance •companies, which 'wa*
ailed for. the purpose of discussing the.
itureaired.rates of •Ineurance, 'whit% -,04$1-
;i hollers IMO -bid pay, Wholnittall gar.
&Alm: er.gbamv.-T, bsbkt1 bori were
at wok at the. diontenAbn Ileturday, but
h6 rata loiOtird theiriwork; 111401oval
tub Is tryling to, \Istranpt a tilt& her*
ith an•outstde •teion tor Vil.terla Day.
Nte par.titiaro wi 1 tol1tr.V.44IM Nita.
ot 0 or03t0„.**0 In town last watt$e
teltleg ''S. -Rtow11041;
• wtzar1. 1St; JOStp;t Wats' inl1hi.:0114”'
14,3' 63' Erlday night. Vti7e underetand
.e 1 *Witt 10 run •ettrie Toed,
through *erne 'Fitt et t troivreighlikei-
tten, and *M., Ellt ot DasbWood Pold.
our 'bur* tlYing
' os. /hist is toristructInt is• Tarte 'knit
• burn .hio tile In.,.4,,ast Veiday,,vr
bOr *fey in Our othoot 'The yards
11,, elOtOildat tlel'allif:44-nOW- tr.
ittS, IcelX4 'Sete and *
'Aber 4.)t Zurle7,1t. visited, to. and
%'i Vrensel few Aar* last .,.w
Mewl IlroWn hes •purehatottr a
$004, 03eltwell hail AO lot
1mtta h hit snow rooms next tO
ettl. II, represents * tire*
I* ready for any' !clod et
-he the •ImPleittent nate.
foot hell teeni,;,,tor-Ine. Summer. aThe
boo here know the gamer POO* and
donbtleinO, will eve s (004 account Ot
themseives.**Ditit Meitacheitir who Is an
Ankged on the O. T. 11. as 'carpenter's*
a viatter. spent part
Pred Will/ems or grenti l3en4 bas .moved
intO this neighborhood.-UlseEUza
Darahatn lett tor tiondon last week, -Ed
who has ten working in the .riat,
rotlitthe past winter, has gone to Exeter
to work. -.J. D. Darman writing from
the west biet wear' say* the weather- I*
vol -cold: and some 0! the rivers -are
frozen pyper.441ev.40, Vartler-or Grand
Dena ureeelted in -the Methodist church,
Shipka last Sunday morning.- Pelton
Raster Is engotred with Fred, Sharp for
tbe 413.01mer .0.0.-ttale-tartn.
• re. Itobert En1lsh and Vaster Fred
tuchey have returned atter a, Was*
an mantle* visit with relattves In rort
tturon.--rut ttutera4 acrvire ot ' the late
Mrs. Jame* Vetting, who died at Cor.
bett on Saturday. WY lat, way' held in
oaton Methodist church on- Monday.
Dashwood verpenters hove started to
build •Mr.--L.--Itaxelle,* otoreee4tria, Lea-
vitt, who "has stick .141 -44n -tee, lett for
London Hospital Wednesday. --Mr.
Wilson of Thames Rood woa In our
burg on Monday. -Ura. Nelson. itavelle
nos arrived home icein- her visit In Ark -
arta. and "riii.ifOrd.r-mr. Peter Rexene lett
for London oa VedneedaY.-Mins Wart
Levitt arrived home from Toronto
tvionds.y.-Mr, I. 'novelle *Pent a te
days in London iota we .s. Verde.
Leavtly.arrived boort tripm loondwa 'wed
;ohm Ward, who had the ecintract
13 catrY the man .between 1,4can and
Clandeboye, has trattsfemd the work to
Mr. A. Itelth of Imam. Mr. Ward has
Inn -Mused a farm in the 'vicinity or
IliTh.F.""at *01 1irmovinAttete'6*.t take Alp
taming. --The two cases of innalipox
here arot mild form sukthe patients
iro dAng- nic0y, Vaccination la the or.
der 'around, here lust new,1,7tMren.,Merley
4-11-tetuthed.--4:001- Union. *here she
visited tier ,d'aughten,--ittrlaelesorn, the
new rodiwar-aeOlen-torernaris has Moved
int and Is pertorming his regular duties,
4. tackle, iectionriftn, who tisf.,* bon
111, I*. at work again. -Mr.„ James Stale
bargei• who is In St. Joseph Iloaultel.
s improving nieelY *la ereeets to -4W
hone.) soon.-Parrners are Compleining
shiartage of feed -even those Who have
Ike or *la tons of hay In their bents
-and seine or them seem to Oar 'that
there will be no seed time this spring.
Don't worry It will coms.
1* the Otte ot an interesting and • in.
StructiVe temperance *awl to , Olen'
In the WInchelsea Nall on the organ";
or thuraday May tiOth, at 0,30. O'clock.
"One Glas* 'or Wine" is aniother title
ot the pia*. There to 'en excellent cast
or characters and you will all thorough.,
'jg•tt.. WialiWOOD cosvxv.'
mat. oboe. me. Mortgeave all
Legal Deeatawite easefully iukk pretspeli Pstrarva
alargai.011$0040. Louie et arsorsso
3. Corriveau, formerly of Zurieli,
has been living at Dashwood for some
• Limo past has been appointed postmaster
Prystele In Place ot Mr. Leo Celina*,
who resigned as he Intendelesiving for
e west. The new postmXster Intends
put trtiasiranoo
ut sIna atotkterormenthe
and punils of the Public School of this
place cleaned up the school grounds
and planted 00issrs. which improv!, s
the ce of the lawn, 40 * con-
sider* .---Word has been re-
ceived bere'ot the death in lo on of
Ur. Joeph Bastard, forrnerly of the
Goshen LIne not for fromtbLs village,
front *bleb place' he removed * feet
earsago tO spena hiirdeclining yesrs
In the above named city. :411s rental Its
were bronght to Exeter on Toe -easy
Slorrlidtt, the funeral - taking .0ince
tronethe depot' to Ole Exeter 'Oetnvh,
tery. He had Attained the it
yettriL-Rev. L N.*Bitit oda
Drediton . on, ',Needier' er-
,ontrotourrublie School te
spent Buiday,at her lime in Tucker.
Beaman we* 113
and *round the vilbege this week, en.
gaged &horning cattiie. He seems to
Ws- Itutstetvhand at the Itusineas.,.-
'Otterbeitt received the sad
intelligence recently that her brother
had died hi garceas. .ne, vow be, re-
membered by some in WI cOlninuni.
ty. baying worked among the Winer's,
in this locality during their resident*
On the Molten ilitte.--The Band Boy*
Are investing in new suit*. which 'will
give them a nobby appearance. -.The
disagreeable weather conditions have
caused very little 'petit' ..to hams/been
done thus far in this. Uotlity.*line
, basing ineredinill4e & *tarts and wish.
ing that if only such grain rev!, *till
it* the granary.—The flmon Weather
Inc 0o. held a eiseslant hare ,one.
Tk.OrstePufli •,
Right ADist
rfrIAT la one of the
wrnany bright feature*
foundin the ••
coal or wood in short ro*
tice—see our stock he -
fore you bv—rxi wine
interested= our fine di**
play andslockrate oricta,
r Sale by
KipPen:very flinch regret to Lal home in London. ,Deceased was 1 or
etorlretr.dicatabwhinwatenke- tagth hdie3tathes ?terms edZormrester. 40. od, cobs
y--years,--a- resident -or this tteighth,lr-
to London about twelve
idene of this neighborhood. In the 'per- Iy.ars itscos He was 70 pistil of ate.
son of Mr. R. ICettle.„. who died at Ms
I wish to atill01111Ce tO the riblie that
our Stock is now one of the 1agest and
Vthat-wehave ever carried,
ST 'AltIOVED—A. laige
from tive of the leading fittest of Obt4r10#
and design.. ..;fr.*.
Auk person intending bu
to look Over our stock
ewill save you money
• No trouble to show goods. All iralsioles lyre
solielted, ,4 "."
, , : bought Isom th Ieedingnilles
- • of Oartadst is We are barred ft ono none
HOU' Se Flu"- ralture. Tbutirtetts"r cerP.Plet" °1 4
largti Staeortment of Vitiaow Miss:1m Cotistn.
roles and Trittuaink Beby 04tristgets, Irwin* ,00tt. Goosadt,
sotto moot. cortAin strittohm, stfplitaderti ettpet
fiWeepertt* Picture lioukiing1 nom filoulding,, Pictures. Ste.
. .
Extortion Boas, whit. cotuip ceirtaftl Willi;lOc tisch.
Octets ArtstolegAlose Oa shortest *Otto.
bur 1. tte to of the