HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 6 (2)" 0 4 1 . , kept wortyi 31-00 lit40 me P 4,1 Iig t0 too comPromist Lth , expleiAth otiltt pot,t o outlet* *miler belie other orpn,* when ros wank flushing with he livet;lif 3 Itibiltty, to the tome. "6 the danger 'held in e tbey ow tours., inLeai en. Oh** tinn .Prif$ P II/ *Vt313$ '004 Varr $ to'the vat* )pour14, 4 a P .Tht , WO1t*Iiir *I var. . ak to him .s deuelite and the nuts sto he room. r otIer coldly.be uid To zay op:10in* 0 c sked to n tertein papers eve huugI he lined to say tobtat the epos mutt, bring ditcredi tos en. To lie -7** for 0 t 3 desperation, he wait pt.d to mut soy that her er had given him e money', impost:Able no.- to b. no o •, time, n''' fii e e sto in I 41 u ext thoughts-. u 'J1a poke. di n fo u. , evhsd gone toeryon tt tbere was thing,* Y We V" of 011e* 0 his sick Unties, .41' uian was vet/ in you to se to spare me," *az 1 ittuietry„, he truth of Dick** *orifice dime upon her---44,very banal" Then, wired"Come retied toinc at on Mutters. ' • 0 eumuloaioittlte4;outitititt,fa_tior; kt ti* Attisger ifs mit'l *a in the ather i *Oleo that -we k to , Waite ell. exeept aur davInittel and i,* iweisy,.. * that ue beyou on of figure* 0 1 in pounds . ounces. T. p that have moot ti do wit ow& liies ate mit things at * or they are negligible 'n mon euuuh iii OAS country', but rarely heard o . con. oretutes rbc*voiued by *"'•tanne plentitut use of **ter; Cepsens whn and frequeut draeght* so alter the consistenee of .the content* of the stimuli, that provost is facilitated end "elutiOne obstructions are en A itely obviate •being to A expensive, 'err 1, .odicin- rao1i to our inner eye desxto us in tbe me* 1.** thus come to kno alitfos, opt o he havo goi Jr* " her mot 0 went on *go' when law *by, my' iv met with an accident., rune her 0* !Teo, ,., She "-ir" tried," Dick said gently, with the idea. of helpin,g 'him out, as -the' old man broke off exhaustedly.. ‘'She—she did retailer pettiolly. B110.--everybody--thinki' she died After & long illness. she got, better, 'though her 'brain was affect4 ed b the kick, ond she-shetook to drnk. "My poor wife#,--mpoor, wife l" be tabbed, "It was that brutatkiek; the !WA* 130V 1„ *gain. But what could X do' had 4he child to think o when *11 our effort*. to 'sie• ve her ailed, -I put her 1133, * home," "You want me to go .o. ook4fter herr asked Inc*, moved almottloteare, man though ho was "No; deed,now.go- ing home to her." X brought niy up :to. Think cf her as the:Angel she was while she, so herself. I don't Want he ever to know." .• "She- *hell, notr l‘Tell Me whet you wit -"NO ' an b One4t4there are s h letters to inc fro e tters, thet.brok azy heart u ich 1. ,could not . . urn. 414 guesside*th wa ,04011, or cisc— Now:toll -vitt burn them; for rear, y- tl; flould ever see them* '"Thet are in my 40okt-in .the, lihrary; top:right-hend drawer,- - divided in. two. In the front 'there Iss my loose golud; in - - hawk division You will find-them—a bun- dle, tied up. . Pont lot hat' know. Don't"le owr- -0 gesped„ ran doorto tbe and, oiled to gars and the r who tame hurrying in. m Ater the, old men died in his • daughter's amt. ne ow tv 1 * for' dead s * aced h* or the iie. ;say „ e," be anawere 1 goo 1 e a , • "Wa there anything in hislife • 7Whit knowl Any- thingWas.aoheme,t of itl, bo s YOU to 9010 :de* to destroy thing . • op set ek hist eires fixed on : photogra h 01* Bile's( mother* and Leautiful," with ,21, both in her arms. 'On your your o o " Ella rio- mauded. "On MYhonor11 be declarecl, burning his boats---iying for poor eld Jostendis "That 'leaves. alternative, then, but to 't can't help,wbat you think,. Elia: can only assure you. that 1 am not thief." Yet once *gain :ey stooi3,1001c... ing ateach other in *dente, Dick's heart tart pounding with * greet feet. For her sake be haddonehis best- 11034--1lon-ley honor» to ego*. her pain. "If her father had given inc the key," ' he groanedinwerily is ifoled never tteve-hamen :ustoznary resort to drugs in t . Whethor we belong e our441 W,k1'1$ .;<; 144 dhrine 1* ould go on loting the divin regardless o I A * D iy be ighti or, 0'; d.writ,itig* 1 vil . uld .„ !ott,'. ,,,t1:144:8 .. 0:4 , essentiai eleznent of their com- iif.ion liable to Okitit waste; thew uit renders 411 the assimil ' ore tompletei and, u e it is neee*sary for , tod that the st hich we were whet happenettt It perniittecj oz 11. ick *lipped nuiet4 away re were t041r* ill his walked into the iihrery and ched n the electric light, h 1 i *tory wrung his beart. husband fotifed to, '-t414o westnot her - mined' thet his ter, 1oth tor her own and hr 3101Ver In that rnmeit thing of his Jo ty",, to Dick roster. Ire grasped the knoli Of the • ht.:Lend drawer of old Mr. land's desk, and pulled. It watt locked; and, with & den *hock a despair, he rertli that the. dying mot, had net bit* Wiltri.0 the key Wee. In a Ilatat ..tritscit tioki042414 upon how titally este a now !or i After to.nielit the house w Ireverishl he seetehed abo brewing his osrch hap ***sure to be upstsi tIc *lead mates dreesin.rtoblet. 1 uld set if be tried total* it. 'mcthing tad to he wine, Bt to1r hi* own bunch of keys tram and tried Ulete# 'but noste *0 At; then he opened hersepick " at the took of hie pe shire; end 444 to 'work to pitk the leek. " At Lst t - 0 pei 'Ilistestere tiro * fmat one 10 a little, heap of perhaps thirty or forty imiverti koPt titer* le, kir. Joslemi fax r rest expenditure, booting this. *et hunAle letters.** hittli mid shpp %Ile,' he old grits"will make any dinette:co ust Do with' me to release he tame over,, -him, and took his hand. love you;1)zck," she aniewer' "on :nothing can inak� any once. Whatever you vat you 'Ave done, or bave 'tempted to do, X love you.1 Hc irinte4 to proost his innocence now.,, but retrained, for it,Occurred to him gut, "Zid he convince her that hod not meant to steal; she mutt naturally conclude that he,bed, one to toe desk at 'her'fethertit re - 600 and this must be avoided, at eli 00413. He how01.---his7heedi therc'fore, to Fete, For her *At* end her fathers *ake, he determined orillue *orifice. ,firo long as she :loved hun, be tired foF nothiflS eite, Yet :the sispielon Cliz* to him fox 're_tt0- lzhut,..***:the easieit and the .0613.letit way Ott �f imPetse. . imk you, he said 'poses.. 1 • "Let WI i0fgetttonigbt }fcnceforward, all my 4,ile *hall be tryiting to be Worthy of ou." •• - Mother with an erriug 4114 she put- her errors *rout neck :end kiteetl- bite. wiiire will .both forget, clear," ssid tendsr1y, It es bard -it wes'ertielly,ha -thing c whott‘Asecotild hiiurs don tt hese t nuttered' '" And Shet-she is toi zoble to remember. Shewill for water. oU only IS tJus e in re goid tobut it ap- plies equa ef water internally. Acepting their 'own; testimony arthemoeiveo„ the lapse- nnot find a niore potent *gent lor hz1th than the free us* of this wholeogie fluid. They ton - tend hat, if it' he generously' a0. intelligently employed, Water is a infaliihte weapon ligainat ahem Their athletes drink as Much *op* gailon * de d the 'poorestof r are scruu1ous1y eleen. e never becauie rfa *ter. is it leas cleansing agent, ahcl & nidicin i what inakes e 'visit to ;span tstr:-IleteOtis.toton vee404„tathlnoi7. inexperisivisnd of their medic --"Oiedinterioill„Y; . Adel viten o tezn,roiliest it eleansesand purifies the blooditt0i4i'40013** than 0.417 r:othcr agent. Its ,externol use,* are y confined to.1041- iqpiica- tions of rieuskinds an fleanoung properties whex;employ -the doily bath. -alike the. lop:mese' we expert. an evereiofl. t ci,piipions.' to of *otter., prc- nt u tit,t Iinttei,74.310ka is; undesirable .vid. frequentl3r . , „ .ritAllOBT WITR MAX. next the V geine e use of VereXternS., ally, it Is here that the 44,Penese reek ahead of all nations. The bathe the entire body once or mere over"' fitr. Their method of bath- ing dftfetti materially from our own. Tbe water of the beth i heated up orm 110 deg, to It0 deg. After washing the hods in using soap or not, as may be n sary, the bather enters' the iarge hot b*th,* and sito quietist in the hrt •water until be is 1419101ct parboiled. A0a* boast as we may about our/ "cold stub," it is questionable ether' the Japanese do not sur- pass us in heodthy elettiiiinesto of *1 Lt Wfta'c way be - good to keep indefineblerand iibie tout theoreticelly clean to AF0 doing neither tirne nor strcngth to otetual.ly clean or t t vice of Thio idea; boweeer„- is alto& . erroneous„ and based "upon want of knowledge. or leek of reason. Water is Neturess special provi- sion of quenching thirst; and -while therere, eithmumittinieet Under sty be 'prudent to delay the drought, no *And aeon can be urged against its liberat Whzt then, are the benefits this intereiting people claim to derive from the use of water #11 a me -di - eine 1 Doctors in *lapse' es well those of this country,. 'bawl?. 43.$00*.. *red that the human hotly is largely composed of water. Its pretence to t permanent, .for .eoesiderable ontitieo ere,hoerlylest by mom of the Jung*" the sulney*, and tho skrn. To tom sate thio less aboiat t* cf tbo111ni4. Ootild p. ter th. ten tvry tyittutY.four. amount isnut oriatituent *etures - • eir nori s1Teia. oplr,(01\* *kin, , ot water etfectuaily' opens the if, while the application Of cold es heir iettent .0's:intro-eon or purposes of 'cleansing the hot bath io prefetehle to tald-one.._.$e_prontote faciIity fnr bathing thesjepanest are supplied with public baths the cost of which ie but AItA0407,0V OF A IS1s- o 0 soul * separatefroni and inde- peident of 1 *le body the o thing to be saved, absorbed in getting Perticli iota. heaven" that they *1- Iowed the *hole %A life, *ewe] and reel, to fell away in the ether direc- tion. If the'soul was the only 'Wing that Could he saved it Wit* waste of thnc 1`00 spend effort' seeking to redeem' anything else. No wonder that men revolted from the faith that Axed its hopea Aspiration, gratitudet lore, y„, reivOtain0e, *Ott CO IKsolo.!- 4:imperfection, the** are all icts in our live!, You may show - rtat they have no gsble bane; o May m zy disprove t this n net life. in w tons* Th; attivities 0 * pirit 3 sin Alta( be teekon with in affairs of Our liveo. ned take amount of them et. least Ile 40004313 o theo within, dominatesif man, he *o 0 13 , i ' t . . * know. ' fly. tit " 1 beyond our 'critn, e tAllien *stem it int* gr*sp-41* three o otretelitorheyo .. t *kit. the reit not *Illy end but, , eirl* in ito,panti, glop elMiiis,thet ire.cheri,h0 , ‘, 110,'IRY ' P ter-elassiiii are of mune pro- vided for in their private Alvteilings. The itatiottuce of suCh tborough and frequent . cleansing cannot weli be overqutimated. :This 'pity readily be realized if -we fougine & person's body to be tem- 44etely „covered with some imper- vious substance like gelatine. What would happen in such & Nue, would .b6 this: perspiration 'would be it. rested.; reeretions which ' should es - ape by the Peres would collect in he body and poison the individual. is is univeroally admitted,. .isinee Perielenti ihst_v.e„troml_that. this hicbverinft en ersimars body inveri t ably brings about its desalt.' Plain - iin'Ir, them ii' henetecAt wjj01 , Ilatureit prevision of this . tete*. spit, drainage; and if the excretion . of deleterious matter by this ellen- be the key into the his chaniberi he tried: 'Fmg1ad It isn't much 1 hors ie in my lile that 1 ten be proud but 1 am NMI to thitat 44 sn'L weak ,Ough to VI 145 took the isttAtoty hi into the re, am 11 thPy were tiioroughF ' before Its we ateria11y Nor 'only requt **hotline** ttflosti fluide lia deprivaton of adequate titOt *iasuessnd *ds of , 1st isn abno pt*diaposi OZSLAUG Take a* ** net is t Itatted# (Inmate). .wallotoonet or later ensue. An oftbandassertion that the pores ot our skins vech ineetturine *Outer of an inert in losoth, taskl up to something like • twenty-eight: rniles is. terteirtly startling state4 ment nevertheless, in s, human body of average 'hulk thls'irould be te slept 'of the tubing it- eve tiny. 1i.sse! were pi&ced ,eud to en re, the e1&t pro- duced ergo number of Ar* blocked. Though za�t setusily Wel* the result would closely le that of plastering tlittitt* paste. ocksite of iiny le niaber spellsblood An not oi the wboleof M e' pet. Leecson VI. itotitilito u Text,. Atte italf40 Introdtiction. events' we are to 'study are an illuatruion act., teal life of the perabla of thatotter —the .good ground; the steny: and 't ornY, ground.- ..Th.ey "show whet • onstarttly occurring . st is urgo4 Upon nien, the sep ration-uf the belittle- into &ceept ers and telltteter What Piaui 'Me 'Antioch an. met every..! bete-ixe,-*eit on --lb 33/1" journeys, a tassioneries# 'preachers, phristian teacher* have met the $1143$0 tXrieti$00e e'rer, since. I. Paul's:cippottunity.,-.Vs. 23.10, ,Whit • significant • choose show* Paure prominenoo at 10040 ,IXitherto' (see Acts- 134 ,..ete4r bed been 4'llarnabse *ad EAuro .110s, i* ""Paul iand Barnaltat (itsi 41,,, 4e),. or Paul ‘04' his com- p -any,, Bliollititisit '144 riti arid 4 others. Paull'a h,ad hsen,proved t Cyprus. ifterWartbioin. boned. .lIJuatration. Wit** rro est forth On hi* ecteend stirposilitiort to Perst,,,the soyernoty Peitents, 1i ipit. *est the *reit cliteevert, Alinapo es, hit *Sot i btzt event* we,* Testimony. of Paul's Meet lie of a, *air -doubt's** a. *n address.' Its subjed of the. le the Promised Jim,. nt 8tepbe hod bgu hat wet imprint 111. 00,01Vilfg. ' 4(.2,44,0 :What inipresszon d. by :Paul's' sermon t "After eLt. n 0)0,1)re:tither might: q *flea' 4104 4110,iii$104.1q114W: But i1.11 evident fri0 the reified text, quite oettatintthist.4h* aposties * not *tax for Suit. PAW* we re:nexnber. as:Inifferin&irom. an 3. y, the, 'omen must belie .t effort, and 'they *Out et' , the -Syne:gage* at. ,o 'evtn - at they ,.iteicis pailing bu h the, crowd, the' - contain, ' tuought thet these Words -Mieht-he Preotted-to,- theft -- 0e ;text sebbatts. 11. , Itejecting :Truth. Vs. 4540. But Atitxoc seems; bed .ground well as .4prounst Paul,* remitting, as he to psivle of was to 00014 $$Vrtit from life unto life," but 'others I's, *41/01, ft001.414104 **tit ettlx»". " Whit Wei the cause of the his- tility that *Q*L ag*int Pault Eniry{jealousy), wn„the Jews saw the nualtitudes Olf woo*. 00 41,01044 r* were llitAtiV (1) ”. osuse eth.rs and strangers did do"theesselves; differittil from Lolly his • hot** tilted lves (4 , VSKtt 1 1$ 41wldcb hot 10 Mark r •S-' t 11" *At