HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 4 (2)CTRL
.130.';044ifik. tiktectX4
3 le A large cOneignment of butteu
e of the isa414. Croke &oci,WAP
fl 414 W00 atYlito loud Asitirno. An
. intending int/Ing 'will do Wfill
Im*!. our ottc-it. luir,Or* 0o4rhos
:ii �.W* T. 440P41
0.'oitow goods.
t011y m4011404, can,
Itrxrtitie *-1ionoltie4.°
ttou •
. ,
J. Iti.iYif00
, .4,*.o.;,-; 7
;.',,e tiOn : ,. t .
41 1 119;),,
24,',. $ 8dr 71;-
*fr.." !3.:..
i., l C. i , ,10
• Olt .
,. "e"
• ,. aCL!Ar
Nozm1 :t4tie1fiid.
d 78, 1. p4' 7. i...,t Ile
*t,. actlt 66. 114,, oi .1 1194• .
... attb.ttc 21.,
W. ''- ldenhartinier. rirt,
1-714irm IL Ittites" 71.: *s, 4toh
tcdth .71. 41 Ktatfr 70, 4., 0ralislek..013*
•. T. Peolz4le 60. il, TrIChner 40* .9. Pettx
" IL Ca 1.41t.-BottgTIa-00. No.
-lit-Till -213; *Vertigo for month.H24
•' 'A." 11.Musgrove teacher.
• Form ,I.,:illoiturs, 11. Puke 75. c. 1$400
14; rotaat Isi 410$41arth 14,, W. Wel$104..
ler 1.2,. C. c.epeland 71, R. 1:).aring, 71,
"I..• Grieve 60, G. 1100Per Op, R. Knight
, 1:4 li'rartie 66, L. Stottlet 03, M. so*
ton. SSA A. vrtilis ea, 4; PaseraOre40.
11. Brandt 40. . ....„..„....--,„
se,: G.: aissett 80,,'.17. rove- 18,0. Wood
171 Pass P. Hunter AO, V. Deaver 00
11, Wood '69, L. 1rantlfor1i.60. Jualoror.
raga, Nr.. Itroire-70, f$,. 130110 .64, $. OS.
lies 62. Nicti'i On 13441 47; tidally. perage
..- - ,
h aten.„
S. Department
room IV.--Tionors, R. Wood
94,U Dissett 132, C. Heywood 79, M.
Carling 70; Pass. M. Acheson 70, 1.
Treble tti, E priekwood 69, P. Dear -
ins 69, G. Wayler 66, t Hardy 6!.,
Rivers 63. W. ileideman 60. M.
—O2r b0.No.pn Ann
riper. Tcoeher-..
ktoom Voo,,Sen. IlL Honors* L Han»
vey 84. M. ;ones 82, 13, Ilettor 78, 13.,
Walker 70, 4, Taylor 74; Vase'. T. flwet
69, E. Button: 00; 11, .0ne11 60, VP Rowe
67; 0. Ilodgert 64-13. Quance 00, T.
Ppar 66. M. iliatebtord 03. U. 'Casa 63
H. Rivers 63. L. Iledden 00, W.. ganeoti
62, L. ,Handford 61, Day co.- -Jr:11r,
• Honors. A. Knight 74* D, liodgert 72;.?
,,,,zpaes. J. DrickwoOd 60, L. Marchand 40
A. Deg 08, O. powne 68, 10, Boivle 66,
G. Richardson 02„ 0. Blaedonald 60, J.
Poilick O No, on Itoll 50; average at..
tenciance 403
NUM, .144trtkr. tesetter.
,ttoom "v1,--Portn 10. .14-7,1onors. .1‘,.-
Fitieston 97, P. Wood 94, A. Mack ak
tiv•vie az if. Pars -ons 76. 3.
18, 3. Craig, 71, E. etioltion 76; Vase,
P. efackeon 74, ; Pergueoa EA. Iles -
t � 44,- Porto'
. rocent . jol vont'
er 91, M. Giudittan Zu
sr. .Aerie
75. 4.74. Itoimy,-75; Pauli* vitton 14
D. Kum,: 72, D.- Houlden fie; K Weldett.
'hanirnar 67.r 1)White 61. No.. on Roll
38 : average att nlance 33.
11. N. ichonnan_Tea
Akpr 1 wattle:1On Examinations -gloom
vII.-vrom Jr. 1.t. fa Sr7. 17 —'M Kydd,
P;cAard,‘, kfurdon, B zone, la.
Dearing'. 0 Cfln, Zi7 Da,4Tt. Mo.
�Lfl emu Er, It It to Jr.
Rendle'it Boyle, V Marshall. P., *Col-
01L--Pronr Jr. --Vt. 1.T. 1 -o -1r YL.
• Rivers,. ,13,, Oh.aritort; W. Redden*
nasterbrooke. Prom C TV. tO Jr.
rt. IlarvoY, V. Jones. Ai. Hart.
lei% 0 Void, At Lloyd. ;L. Zutle.,
Nor', 9. Jackson, 1.4ilackheY• 13.71
ve, 1,1. Taylor, G. Jones, J.- Smith" -J.
Ferguson. From Cl. 01, to 01..
itarehand, 3 Dowey, rot, Wood,:11.Kutitz
IC. lictiden. V. ,./istaliett, E. Wells. No:
an roll 54; average 49.
Wg 1.10W. r(16,010.3.0
110 OM VI I 11., Class Af•
ish 94, Hardy 66. D. Knight 85.
Taylor -P Welsh 74, X. Walker
Class 13. L. Fink ' 72, W. Davis 70,
/feria* 68, 1. Eatiterbrook 15. Claus
0, A. Cornish, 0. Model,, 0. Mallet( 74
L. Palmer, 70, NV.' ilrown 70, C. Ifarne
9, V. Sweet, 64, t Bedford 01.,
IN, 41, w, xnight
Corn1elt-10. Sr, P1 7, Ger
72, 3. Davis 70, No, on roll 4.0
age 40.
glitired Martin.. te.;eli
-gr. Sheppard of Thitiford vistb her
Iday..-gr. 11. Doilinberr, •"•
,11trincr of ShIpka vietted -at Por Iratik
14c0suly visited t -Mt.
0/Irmo) Sunday. -Mrs, A. Grave it, who
*pent a wok In Thitdford, • eturtted'
home. Nelson Ilse
visiting ,ne4r Arkonad,---31k. tot 114
Kr* Pit Lanfont visited. hero OA 8 "
Or. 'Prank Alliater is on the sitit
'The fishermen -ar, busy putting thclr
net0 in the laltee-01'ne a'orin halt Thttra.
Aay. 'unroofcd M. Thos., Vitebb's biro'
On the lilth tonceSslon. • '
tn3m7aIc 101% -the •404,dvoode,
hSWL ' E
ry.ohe to btt for, tkig a spc1,
z.t. Tile t011owi
illepensivs reteletti iarsaparIfls, ad
ood pOttrker thot wilt moisp.tjng
Ideeetire. Sesaatta* Balrl( OX.
urdock Root 1 or., Mandrake
• -hu , vee; s ox.. rtiolto
4*, .oz, **titian 11;044'1 OZ4Batti..
044 Cleolott.*_, 13411c. '1 0*..
Pxo. WOO the teat*
* if*:1140401
8tz1n atid ad4 water to mak. 2 pnta.
uf ft . toz1e."
I' t io
ir * 04
•, at 1 ' ' ,
k. .
aY p;' or s tiM6'4n• till'
r. 0:1Sr of140
'fura4.' 140 10444;e.
4 tiel$l4.
I )1'0 "
„nea and ,,popit
,.e Mett,t441*C.';c1zUre
Mup1e4 tbe hiteutbersi St: :ttio,' plose at
q.Ottho 4ct.t.t.e;b1 Imett4100'to
of a*4toWs.04«, R.04
A1 1I o
themexlves very InuAl. MrL cl4r
..!0* ,hef interest and troisical obilitlri
tho me40.1 of bringing the_ w.o,rx ,o/
itolr-to4-1-40i---stan-dardr, War.,
ot.tlic Bank a Okurnercer 3e4ktorth
wrtrur-ta lac lerat l*a0,037
xtel. (tallier or Zurich Wailn, the village,
on- Mortday.0.tir. ,city .0.910a have had
soind dr,aitting done,' on the sotreets tbe
pt we.r-Milton Hanle i ;opt btlegt
peloting and paper hanging,--401in,,Tor.
rawe of Clinton,'tofccuse Inepector, wes
1110.,_Yintir4 Turad.zy,-C!a. Zwkkr•
!aas purchased the lot eat ,of his atore
£von .the trustee* *A the, *04191 *00!!'
WenZel, IS° preeentnot. in
t.e best„ or tea1th.,»14.et Vondsy pthe
oinobtp Council .had thesir regular
gular monthly 'bueitteas meeting.'and,
it Was 4 busy', seasiCol., Or; and
tit contractors were( -Preitent, tendr.'
ement abutments were awarded - to
Lawson and the steel wont to A. Hill
&CO. of Mitchell. It IN azincted that
as soon as the water lowers work swill
be ' torturiencede-While some parties
trona' Granton were drawing .tile trOm
rialsors tlittr yard on Tuesday 'the
fell out
Irmo he- ring -the
horse3, The driver wis thrown- onto -the
ongua and for a ew minutes thing*.
were very lively and exciting'. The driv..
r ' Itad to rectlite suedleat attondAhee
ore he W4* -14010 to ton -time' his trip
.home. It was a 'close
1".ialkT11.,--The 'death oceqrord .Suti*
day at the residenee•of H.‘.0thotteicher
offieerge-rredeticlit Wdilaw Motiork,
at the great age. Of 8,1 yettrO. 3 Months,
tia$014 ,I)eceased Was .bOrn iu virur-
teobtirg, Oerumny.oti Jan.21:, 1824,attel
tame to Oanads.-whenel*yeareof age,
realdittO tor several years:at Morriston,
Vifellington County.. In 1848 he War -
tied Anne Marie Grenzebeth end: later
molted to TsvistOrk. Oxford *Countr*,
His rife Predeceesed, hint nineteen
re***. They *ere, blet4oeti
siont,ond floe tilo.0yhtflk. W hi* 4ot g4a4i*'
O'er* B.00140bin, Otzetplii.zhitit 04111,0,'
; Levi
Guelph; Jitia. Wilkerr, MO. Fa. seit
4140itir412.01.1erfiril1e, ;Itliett,Otro.
'Zbeliner, DI'apanetranit Nre.'11.-110s.,
treicher. of town,' Ai Of *bora Art
inatt_teig, 1111,4%-$4,:k..nbOriaariv:usbbteremed' for
brothers And two 'Slater*.
about seven, leer*. The funeral too*,
place to the Crediton cemetery Sire&
needay*fterrinott and was largely at-
tended. • '
In tile /0114 the tgw intiner-t
turns to thoughts of garden *tee, an
ho IOUs with, hoe and shovel. aPettillir
Mt rdeetreen grass; and he plants
the seedy at pumpkin* and ot cabbage
and of beans, and he has some soeth-
Ina; of eazly trr4ieno.
Th7 the- *prior -the- eovr grows rostlire„
tonging for ,somt -verdant grub; she is
tired from eating sawdust and old'Unk-
tilo from a tub: attd, she sizes ur'i, the
arden that the ;pi/Aswan Imre*. *co wen
nde elitubs the few.* at midnight
ad it would # not do to tell what the
vnaman -says ationt viewing ali the
,• 911,o ipirOdght; typ3
tUt:lt when printing language only
half so hOt.
DAUS cpl, 014".*.Throug1e the_oper_at.
on of ManY antagonistic irtfltiertonr•
• ttAlint trecusi..rednetron.:
84 the Asetion or Cbunnisolonero; 'on
atiirdat. MOLY ltit 200 bars were dosed
Oatio4o and lora/ option,. went Into
re* i 2. inunicipalities. With, .\ the
▪ pion Of ,the Vt.a.rs 198/ and 1088,
we the, ,Stott 4Let Was in fOrcee the
:ow w410,t, thitit,tO *UO1101 in ctitocrlo
tL1year so *'or as t5o number or (Ws
trued. Sorhi Itteo or tto decrease
44Y beZtallAct.ortitn. oSe- considers that
n 1875 there wc't 4,11e$ her* and 1307
liriuor she while *net May 1.st there
*boat' 1I900 bars antatiout
4vjAh.th.e4ttr to ea ',rattly "ere**.
popslotiqn;. Vhtira Will be /1014 rem*,
.cipAtties where' the vale
teild, *Mk 414, In whiq,..d., noes Are
to. "i.Erto
0 FAbthe Eden, people pthered at 1
tralia.:-Tneedii*. I *
.Osvea have &Iw*ys Uved In zni
our telghberhe.,
o ut thelr worth, as ueigbb
* wi
ra In their new
they were ouch surprisedwhen so
many same together,, Atter *pending
several hours in conversation andson
led by ont,teachere. Mr. Swetuihe,41
e11.7. Esser,
. Songs by Mrs.
ir.,Andlive 13onstell loft goodar
,niglit tor ths .w*st, who* h* will
oukin tor, * xionrr uldnotin
waa hers viola* this Week.* -gr.
m. Ward la *noun* ssearsuons fot
* friction_ or* now house,, The matiat
,;-benur dot this, *40*
444 'Illhhert virs,lnsurencs
looting here;
ts*,nt rethunshri)4-protticott4o.,
40, rented. 6rocifide filOnt 'MN -1r,
it. -Mr 'JohiL yukgr,, who.. lortt,
taw ot..0.40,1*'"4oi`a
t• for some.- 4
nate.ti 80W "011,
4r:4.dt t
• 9
, ob -1t1d Itt
•a * "
hi) .poltiels.':e0hecrn '
•wIfl recstve *165 In c�lialdsr
iIatin aorOthst the township.
acting as chairmr,
Skinner alld. Mr.
ny most ofthe mets
and the following addr
Ired4 and ehthiren .
tui-nd 'home Ilrettneodoy or lot *tett,.
iiftr A,144saut visit w4h her parents
isonorto-r,larti POICOlk10.100,WOttb
OnUtteb.001 dutic. as buttermaktr with
W. G.'Medd, eni .gay 1t. -Mi, Laura,
..Godbolt ,retulted Nome lEititurdaY groin
SainteburY, whore she. vielted friend.. -
gr. T. Osaviard and wife Spent Priday.
Mr, T. Dur4Xe 'commenced ,ereisto drow/0
Ing on goridai tor W. 110441.0-144
amid CIark scut 'his Valuable driver tO
Thornton Baker Of Exeter; Where, it wilt
Ito in the liverr...-Xlas lda Vern of Zion
le the guest of Wee Vera Coward tide
week. -gaster Reggie Pelbrtdge Is .on thc
lick W. Duncan and; sister,
isgt Edith Turnbull, left for London on
the ladies [enough 60*r:tott1ng'
end the rein.iinder of the evening. was
*Peet In $110,6e *14 wok. The new:
Clock *wee -akriking., one -viten. 4Vod
endy.byesitt`ter spending * very
To AIM AND MRS. 'CYANIC* 'ASP $0,41.1014V
We, tbe people of Eden, have.
gathered here this 'evening for the.
.purpose of expreming. in * slight 'de.
grew, our regret at your • departure.
Croat our midst and at 'the .sente" time
aur esteem. of and reapeet, for, you.
During .the year* tbgt bore gone you
hsve. won our confidenceand trust.
You have always been Willing -to take
, your part In any plan of work intend*
benefit /11000 With whom . you
havefieen surrounded. . We would not
forget the ralultble *ereices. you: lave
rendered **neighbor* inlending the
howl* hand, and, our remembrat10*
othoura 'sjiiipt with y,4M-iin mar .0hureb,
eitheringot will itiwityti be, Ur the sunlit .
ideastatit., Vont' .kindly% rosonet iind
good example will el.weys lire in', our
:memory. We sok you to secopt thew
gift* Pat to' remirA1 You of your
friends % thiis Iooallty an1 ss a. token,
of onr.eiffectiou and ,appreciation of.
your Worth. 'Oneheottreit for
__ur_..futurt-vvel a new,. re
egtendeti to yott. ;May the rieliest,
.`bletteingisof the "teeter rest upon you
in your new borne and Maty the tea.
light of this life :prole to be but the
dawn of the better life to Comer where
.there will be no more parting*. .‘
Stla$0020,E. to he Advocate end
iret *It the.• news,
zipsstevena of Iliroodhain is the gneot
S. Glifitlan.hitend leaving Own.
They how -disposed or their_40114.0.04-
7reets sh4' tOpeet. to reside irt
ton. -The thovIng seaeOrt has begun da.
irtitti the cold weather, and voncOns load*
ed with roll:101re arc very utucti In oil-
ttertee."*.Utos. *Idget 11Ohne557, Who bk.
been .4paiztling a few -4aYS with her aunt
Nint. Harrigan hate returned to her home.
In Diddulph...,,We'._ re.gret_to say that
LloYd.Abbott. who haia been III for some
me past, is at prieent very loW".....gre
Wiu Kent, our dairyman, met' With an
,aeeident, last week. While close tette
barn his foot betiome root between the
barn and the Wagon, bruising it oadli.
but ` he expt=cts to ba able to. continue
his work .soon . -44117" /*ante are 111
withla grippeowing to the vontintied
cold and wet wea.ther.,-*Cr. ;ago. *avi..
v.iho bas been laid up with luntbago
1,e able..to were.
Pleased' to sae Miss Maggle....Annitage
in town this weele.--lir."Me And *Wu
wive Inoved itttb the hawse next to Dr.
1.),tnting's office-,
ICNCEtt, Med*, NitiPet Itortgage• avoi *11
',Commutate eartkIlf and prompOy_prepared
Charms moderate. letteteretleatriage race**,
'W44e4 -tetuiet wedding. was., celc*
ated at ,.the home ot Pauline
othaelnialt at elm o'clock on the marli-
n ot April 29, when her daughter,
s tonna. was •nui,PleZt to gr.
rank Caie, of this, place, son of Mr.
TinaMati Case of Exeter. The ceremony
was pertormed by Rev. 1.4.1L1Eldt. • The
young couple left the seine morning On
a short trip to Stratford and other
points, and have elute returned here .to
andreside, besf hweyiSitilea:607thteheir.C°tnntatan:ultriltein°1411'
• feir a lite of haPpiness end prosperity.
The tolloWitic .1* the overt- or O. 8.
No. 14, Stephen, booed In the higher, elail
se3 oi itiolt0 EUnitrUkt101104"-V*4 Mary
Hanlon. Iva Esser", 3143;well DaYriltatn.
Sr. 1V. Fred *net% Elva Brooks, Lu -
Wer Oat, *sole Anderson. Jr. 111'.Es-
tella Neil,- Marguerite Manion. Sr. 11L,
Mabel IleanuM0.1toie Hanlon. 'Marne El -
-Jr. 111., goeonard Abbott. Dena
OrOoks, • *tory .itiston; LloYsl-ttayuhatn,
tierata motel*, Ethel Convert, Eddie
AtexandetI Ir, It* 11**,4 gaserg. Veva
'211).4.01,:nt 171ek0,"PlOra 7trtEttoblet:,-40X-
114- --Gordon Culbert. Tr-,
'6' A 1*33rdarr-Atiadeline-11rown. Alber
Ibekqe7. Sr. PL, 71, Amide Hicks
WllttIj'Tlicrtatai Ida Taylor. Jr. Pt.t.
toit!.11 011211. ttyrta Brown. Perak Hoot-
nr.)y.,140.1, Pa4sian. Vt, Mariam Neil
. . .
artz, C. Brown, O. Cartdell. sr.
t Doeszler, 3.1rdiber, LE.
Apart 3. "BrOkenshire,' Joseph
Schvrartz. Eddie Cornish, Clinton gor4
lock. Tr. It. It Wein, C. schrocder,
Cornish. Adeline Wort, Clara StOrlocka.
Prczc*to4Oribetttr, 14V:94.e:tr. Pt. 7,r Corn* -
t. Annstrong, Teaelter.
he-te sitter
'Atter et the Ono' r. crome$ as en;,. d4344 boot.
as .ht the co, (*Toledo, (sooty mad State .004*
DOLLARS for , each *ad every ewe of
Catenit'thitteeeot Iteettred'ttY the toe 4'1144
,CeterittiCure.- TRAM* 4. CUICNILT '
Swore teherote a* and tulmeribed. ,itiv
'41t.da, Done, Fred Colwell
"4""a thie***411DEISee*Aben "1"*'
a. On Volt 40. .
. Aimed*/ //island% Teacher.
Following is the report of the steltdikg
of the-trupliao., S. No. 4, Stephen, for
the mouth of Aft. Names ore In order
or merlt. Sr. vr., It Schwartz,. A. Corn*
ish* L. %torte*, VrOltensbire, riereer,t
Kraft. Jr. /V.. Otto Drown. 0. Etlbei,
9 4 1
1 til/ 4110:1 tete
tree, '
. 3c11ELraco,o1edoe. -
ter conotipattoo.
WW1 to announce to the
our stock is now ono cif the li
betthat we bat* ever
lime lank
New Wli
blrt ate* klowrie. Sklits.:0Orse
Oar stock is complete
with the meet stylish '
SuItInp 8erges, rsnanuts,
i1tIna Qlotbi Voile*,
ouse Ftintittire eitttnagtmisc:Ing:tliitg
chiamaii, we oil boreal from none.
W. bavir ss Isrge asaortmsot rot Vitindow 43hades. Clutein .
itnd. 0., n 0,sarriattetcheofgeee 141014,sto.legudevirtael.n4GetotleatilettelP7001 Wagono, ,
Pbctur Jroulding,_Rola Molding, Picture*. Vito.
V f 0
Ext**xson 'Rodr,White Cottage OUrtein flods, IOcrlote' h. ,
70 dobe on 1014,o!r,,i,ed notieel
. , ,,
Me Jaettit 'ptet.:11, attends/ ttte funeral
o r tatic.er. 40teph Olcirwartztnt
deaf; ratently.tdira. John Baltasu
07 Orth Dkakotii, ititer,ot Mrs; A.
Paut,AWL 18, at the el* et
Ot,teAsst :was a 40.4hter .
seetood, lotto rethtlr lett bolt
0,. ths omit, and roots* four rtlindren.
. tterlsert Astt of ltreter
t4 t'te tatreei
o fit very' voitot'v tniti
Anth the* )toitamte *tilt heib�sn
t stored to Ventourstoiltio.
I* ("vistilut hie **rods, Str. s,
is M. „ s-rmettoki Hot*mannoC
waa it .wssie ts attend tat fst
07 Mi nelfather, th late gr.
t'zrIlinnia of