HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 2 (2)4 Look out for .the Iuowu r zng, its 14 uu iu itlelf, The veu he‘ raine oiinee ot ri tbe 1 fl .he1th. failing ivad. again 1 uigd .be ousekeeping' h *ngely nervous toed the MAW ch It * , - iteer'-,Ietds . from 0 ' * . . : (If Aiitl* ' ' W I tt '‘Iiiitta ii it 0 . &re1 in 4 0 t.t 0 tion Ttith.yourmo- 4ey,; -the • child the riegit'te Ore Iiteriterot. , ...„ .t, . , „, , -34,4Y • well. for; it to_remake-,oetile_me,istekInk ____ .-strelt to every- one but yieitailf."' " lir vs- 41.31 4-10.,rta ' 44,11cor thin:10001 ••• Y__,00 L.,...**.tAhrti! 1-. • to* :het. to . -my hear •nd, bride *vet .0era,j4,,xtPli,erk:wiu,:,:‘,,747-i7g.'„Iter eonfeln. eVetything to me; Thew -- "You have erwayirpee n:e° .goodto an. AkprIee,330:,Ayq 400t _t ,,,,t7,..... - • 1 ieuried floirk!AutiO4 or her .4triva#0 - : I fied. ,104telt,,tu..rnin - 14004 -and -Ut-4:itPli.10,400 144 e earlier tha neither heaz in until eiirl told, storm eitly appear very lit, an L at nee tba - &ince the te nth'of ' o ,_. ftifililir iii* , gat --,,-,- 011-01411* u I, 4 at you will okre„w . , **,, nt ' 04 * student iv allow me to "stet as-,encli in rm" xale—natr bCU attentive to her, ..... **,-1. may. I ,airt sure that •10020 time P *rata to 'tile death' 01" oadaeao for each other I* mu- her father.- go, had taken: lessons e, d,.,•,.,„hie_eem - n the violin ftom Professor Ifarris *,..--, with : e o it'lilind; ilia Iiii'llie-il- * ii _ se o ORA tO woo alt' he arnilingly ea; wrn, the beart of bis Iiiiiely u jiow„my „flrst I pelso,, ter.: Mr. Uarris, did . not approve lint: Motor** letter to !..et...luti -attentions, and 104 openly YOU. Sithere," lie sAled, piecing- outeouralfed .:':thelit; but, im • oznfort&blc rocker for her, and 4,444 tellewnOt his -deaths YeunS, . * - was seated, lie ,P„revrater Ilettuadetl her to marry brought the dismantled Winchester- nun secretly --at least* their role, A Aeirloom And plitetil it before her. 1 ti°oo wore to remain a 'octet only " ut your feet upon this )iteered 7until his 'college our/et was *mai' .r.posii-eory.,,,Ior as inich ,i .0103.1 eat 141011 *w01.3141 -1313, the following henceforth regardite*04 take your onnuner". when* .he *renkt ininle4inte. este. Mow this poor retie has fret, P. Ite$tablisli himself in 1143440$5* 434 * toil me ever/ time - I have pokoti* then take her lo .* li.prott .such as - trunk t But now. tt., _00,44,-,u he wished 'her._ to o'..tcupy .. •l' '. ' from Me forits wiight in gold, 04:./tery *port we "Ol! bow range iwddenly, will have it o*er into ik • t• broke ' o ting ornament your roore.R,oleos,: ' te al t e , drawing another chair *1(1 t o . te Sto .- r, he began to ifrom "1-1 4.. i hew strange it fro kUss ehester's :letter.. '••giris wifl,- alb* themtelVee r - such -- oterest astened to explain, w 21 - he r it not now struggled43 her solf.control. liy- c&nt iheyh&iffiine- s, for I. Y0 resolutionmoral courage t 43$ mind ass.wisdom u .. y -'no'....--to be flrm to resist temp - raveling feti vou the ruystery which tstion, and 'tell their lovers thet --from- Your I1rt11 has enahrouded when they aro rcatJ to give them your life. .You arefar • too young theirrightful place inthe worki as so be told itnythittglibcut it At r honored. Wives, the they will e ..iserA, and - rt. / On imp* err:Timid" In nietriager 'Oh! write out the history of you*. znother secrot .marriage is it selfish and eowt. your origin; together .with, c • ly thing for any Man to urge upt,., it data . and event*, which may an innocent maiden! 431341 Won "pessibty becomeeeryvaluable_.. one has had her Imppmete ruined you eome thee in the future; and for 'life by weakly yielding -to her would otherwise be utterly . lost, -lover's petattatione.o* - swallowed in oblivion hrstoree un- l'Yes„ I believe that:.it t foreseen happening to my/44f.: - If iaid (itritlil thoughtfully. . 'we should bothlive, until you at. He undOrotooctitow that het 1 i t-ein your majority,- X .shotil4" then *hip:mutt have been .start104, by feel it -my duty to tell you 'every- •learning .that, the circumstances thing,' and silo* you to retake ,atich attending the union of hi* father use of your knoWledge as you might wero so .like the et:4 perienee of her deem best; ,. If -on the other boot cwn marriage to Sir Charles Brom- 1 ,should lit taken from You before ley, but he could, not !vitt' eompre4, ' thot, time, the.story woad *be ready, :heed, in view of its happy puteome, for you,. and X should, doubtless wby she should be IP, exceedingly 'have waiting euffieinitt to -tell you bitter against *the imanner of it. . whet*, to find it, -together with, the "Ettctio.., reatfor interringit record of your birth. X itintotyout, you," :she continued, smiling •Wu "milt* Glet4140-104 *re net my apoke stlintoitt before -I realised wbat brother Williont* elii14, ;a* I. hive I was saying" ' . - .' elloweil y(iii. to believe, . T'lllit w** tierald turned to his letter and ortil- * harmless' fiction, to stiierirte eetittnedt.' curious questions and gotsitting- tortenee. Ile was the Croton of "* , - "BO Itiritantrusted him fit)! u oailing,vessel, and diedof fever on upon the vete, rla4t of her *.htio , * homeward passage from South sduatienk- he • received -* letter America. Your tether alSa went froth his father,•,, who *Al * We* . across the, tee& but no one has ever tby banker of New Yu*, Ituturnoii- knownwhy he ,- neves meniellia4 ing lite immediatelv, home-401in %, egskin toliii wife. ',,, Yrnr mother was luni that Aiist Mother,- who at 'that Ifirion Iferritt, 1 the oaly child of titno ***in Paris --was 04 the poittt ! my sieter,;who, against the 'wishes nf jining *party to IforieitY, sie. a her tannlY* married Arthur .If*r- den, *Ott)* North Cape; provided . • tit, * poor but talented tauskien. she o,uM, beve a proper :wort." The '-. Their home wit* in New Ittlent and ekLer Brewster was *unetile to' g� when Mirlitim was seventeen y•ter =self, but intioted that Mon 'w,. ., , old her mother died very stiddredy, t start at *Doe iit hi* Aso.. The ;of hemorrlisgerof the lungs., . Iter trip, he stet* i, enuld'occup* about desth broke her Ittashand'a lout; three, nenithe and would, he* plea, rind he ',never teemed to „h4Ve eny, ' sent. ehange,' for the'yOUiIgman,.,,,, eoutsge to. bottle with the, world- who for SO lottg It ., A atterweld, and late the following eonilited to his atudies winter he *leo , raseed away, after uid that he had air. * brief 'struggle* with=thet' terriblehit mother that 1*** -1$17, *limy. pneumonia, This left- Ifirithe rookt litetugwert ilo thic. virmLuo 443 entirely itione, and 1. offered this -to loses, The young- hush her * home *Milne -4 wits at that rebelled outright against this * tune living in * .ireighboting town tray: eosserel, het 31130r. *pins ' —hut for somerettson,,unknown to the prospective operation from bis me then, she preferred to remain wife; hut ;het irer getter*** aid *r. the city. and epetinite her seritie- toutiourate a odorsadvisted hi ttateltim ' *bleb, itoweter, lierel$ to olo asi hit father witiod, sayn gave her * Jilting. fihe VAS cite of that at would do well ono* ,t Ake lovelieit girls I ever sew, Pe--, he little while that he *011114 le ab tilisrly ;refined I* persort end menaeiit,--:,threet months Would 1304 leer, end posiessitig*, 11, tOted141* of ALY#'. ,40041 lib* WO*101 14 440tstli ' ternper thet Miele bit irresistible tb. �hl letieetowileolois him bsek to alteo*t,Jeterr,pae. tlhetold ae upin bis return.. Adam Rrewstr thet shit $honlit.etilt k:tep the old re*lized bet too w;$11 ithet it WOtId bovite„ which greatly 041400464 i34 a very tertypor1**0 monwit .tn iiitoostmi at, fee / felt thet the. , i* nierriage; and plead t reittst of it would materially add to' • , her *come *kite I *leo felt thitt, ' . I. to leave hi* wife *dent. ap,i his d he ht tMt if be ahoid, prmiue eat•hwaurant and rc'bbc4 you 12 hrthright; for, Xrom the ngda, she novo head 0110ord relit the men who ,ited pledged hint - elf before end man to love otl eherith he ao long as thy both °Old live." "Ohl how eru rourod Lutly Bromley ° ly, while Gerald :gritted teeth savtorelythit lurid light 14 his eyes. *The poor girl hoed and welted until longer waiting would lieve .-ternPelled her eitheeto betray her !tem.:et and produce the proof* ot �r 0 31 a scan- - ,10 t the tact o u that. „their anunersary ilwiild voile ro 01110 3 mother. be owledgo int him during hitt - ..niP.O.40.,:wofruld 1 few I n&rriag-eertifte weddrgriag left- hand,. wr wit oath her ,pillow;. iuto the eeicipi unknown, to her, aposibiity of adding 444310 to the 0110 Slft for you -,--and mit Itwor:iletsteroilillii!h;Leu igher Power tiwir preservation." (To bo continued). 3 h • fsd and kept, k sityAve teat* and fat for sixt&n eiits d for the cost took the ro- ,our father'is bm41 'chosen em OrefullY UCC sl* told nrthright, sety ordered ivxduz!s • delt's • * *itrWi • produced than do t and but . Ord, Tlio large &uiznais con.$11. wed pourt dry towrukt per 1,004 pound* live weight per day than ,dia do, =idler stnimsla. 4th. That ,ip genteel the best .yieids of fat ',were -obtained-from, ikhut t: ortuirou ite least rn 111 general) .the 001443 consum- ing the moot" food produced both ilk and'fat at the 1013%04 04 601 nt well be lound, but in bis ere to AU after dinner he feeling whieh thinking oneseltbound the d story i,e earit 02 dor, and a food *rid shell he mild dia and hide in t what he had begun to believe wn her ihente..., he would netbear one word igainot the author of her ery--4s1He still loved him with idola- trous affection,. and 'even though she toe not fail to believe hereelf r ; pav• ingAst0130tikuihe 33, have this V001 In one. Of ;hi* "fibbed lectures Max Mueller said to the students "Many of you, I onspect, cowry ha'penny with a hole, in it for luck. I am not ashamed to own' that, ,havet denn so -myself .for man gooci pasture r Note titularly "eth." being tha ow-doteit notstzncl to reason lutt- the beat result* in win- ter in° ths must eome froni. fee& ing the . nearest approach to green pasture grassAnd is. that not ured-ri The 040 that furnishes a, t both for .hireself . and his rnaI does 40t owe the latter 1343/144g hit kee Charles Dick -cam' refuted to He cut.. down unites his bed wee placed due I is de nerth and, south*. Ti.. gave notite ee, rt for better the coat. make the mittsknof ng off the horse* ;none. This. eutal to ohorseiumppoo.. en* the neck. Even foretopboil* be left untouch- as.a proteetion to the poi) good men say.• )uring the season it 1* no Llsuat matter for • *oft .eggs ke their deSett 3,40 110, 1,4*.114, wife I of tho rule. beforo artivi he Was,and she 211111 undue influence, on the part o h ,caurexl unfaithfuh ienmittelortedme to hair old, and** I was fortuneto to d e readyr puolsiier; appearance from he plat he had elwayipli collated for, aud aruu verse eomment. -"Met baby wasborn amor te-veekt biter, , irmiam to let we /reek her husband, in case anything lako to him, seek his father,titodeee the proof's,. ofher nuirtioge..and 4e mand that justice and proper re- COnitiOfl -b tieeerded her and her child. But. ; the was as flrm as rock—she 1134 promised Adain that their union ,should remit octet until he eitete to elairn hr andgive-her her proper placein the world, and she *mud. nev reek her ,word. A week later, ring one of her Violent 011-tbUris of grief, .' she ruptured a blood,ve en4 X hue* that from that holt herdoom we* ,sealed—thetshe would g° the same way hermother led gone before her She, al appeared to -realize this, for as *0as the bleeding .1,1164 stopped she in- sisted that 1:should pledge,. that •$°T44ng at a .' friend's*. bouse.*or ak hotel* hut al reacbry compass wet &Iwo* bendy in bis '*8 Wt baggaet,o make sure. d$5 M1C Mrs. lustin McCort*. lies • •old 0.1.rt Porneli itroivelr decked " stirring coffee "the, *ton and insisted that abe sho sinotlier top. gentleinan of Portrush; Lord . Roberts' •isin *Id hotse, when things looked ill in Si Afriea. ,111-1*-Veknowled it, tbe Getterel:added that be wi Opthis horseshoe in • li.. one •.pieked uti the d* ed -the Orsnge Free -State *34 hor 1 found at Parirdiburg the before General Oronje Sur - erect. aid„,,irosicluetyr"oriettutootiovrabigiteen.e m alt tinies are uecasaIy, anL without *44011 they maynotver-stvWelt as Xarbk°14n4tise. zestrinne"liet-tii. atirot4;u414;---. for elliekene.' but thes:moit, common . kindo are the stilt louse, which is *bout -the size of the head of* phi and ia found -under the wino about the vent, ;eel the head lo hiett is *, large gray louse and attolit$ itself to the heed* of lit ble, liblvAitc•14w**,--14•40-rdtrinaeldrrY” iirrYllitlice I nd their best breeding; rime in filth, so thefiSrefeetnP ulnpirthetetitingr40110'01 theni at thoroughiy. Follow 0144' paintin eroene andi on the 0;106 Po uothe ,0 0 remedylar el ads nf thc Iittieniekett ; roots are painted over onei month throughout the fall and winter, the gowis will be kept in .tidjo Ot.,,tertftvolndi.,tbioeultttvoiudd dr41410zht.15r1/31!or rin during neetiog..tunWilust bath 110014-4 course, -be it will also- help tokeepvermin i tubjection.* As dust is quite told it • hould.he,:plateid where the sun will* am it 40 the Middle of the day. It is considerable of a tatik to (*telt !every fowl in large frock and dust ahem with insect The use !of the liquid on -the ronsts is a' vomit more %Woo - operstiou,,and quite as efficient. Red mite czn be destroyed by carefully aaturat.ing the perches, boards and creeks wit toil oil and crude carbolic, acid. 44pe sulif satialite r $1n t "I wouldn't rere u " said r soba, ''Ey013-0431' this it m , Which Testify-30,st diem Like Bcst. It is an understztenient of deeds of eroism whieh delights the Bitish soldier, deelare* bit.' Arthur Conan Dozie in "Through -th Magic Door," Anything in the least .".14hEsItin" • would depress * bed, of English troop.; (lermatt troops cen•-34434.3 to battle alright Luther'* 'hymn; eltinehmen Wil work theinolve* into * frenzy by a .oug-af glory' Tut*Zttglialt poets need not im lee that ro sQng is what the Rritish soidier as these instsnees 4400. Our , working the bcary utlt,Afriei‘ *Aug 'Were' Anotber Lamp. of Sugar for saw * regiment go inte hattle to the refrain of "A Little Bit of the Top." The mullet unlesshad the genuis in- sight of KpHng, would have was good deal 4,301ettetott he hika t down to stieli'ehots*s thee.'. The ;miens art net unl* in this el/Peet. I remereher ragof some totem* , attending singing lustily from utart to h, notil & few survivor* left.were lioter 'upon the crest,. with tbe' song stilI going. quit*, what *Axed. t was,wincb 11*4 «1 thea p to tuth, ai deed ot valor, d be.found that thn-exert iugof the word,' endlessly repatqcJ, was 41Vis* is 14 the Oiitatti Iag age***4.4 IC 1 sup ip type bairn etticiency, y of structiout eon° -0404 min tonal g 1 incomparably o or ct ned dumber to ho have tested It, and out the claim mad. tor it