HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 1 (2)' owetit
4 Finest Wori
7.";:, •
tVfldiy AD?8,!bWe hY*A .-liO,li, , .
, v. t' ,
' 0 .. ..ld 0,.'0‘.'it:t):,1114(w.,0 *.o , Pr. "
, ' a, i, ':"..., '.' t, 11. i ° ,
, ..jir.,
1 .4,.,
oniquew 1 `I. , .1 0
in .
Mr T
to n itikrowally IttriglOnd, net,: • be then-n*30y on U • 0•0111•.' - Iii s t:: 4: LaP71:44/4' tTpe ' t ': °ill:. *4: :•riareatl:?ttuoi'tkiti'
it. ,O.'„10:144Aine „ten* tight, Old fornlir,
-, bezati Wer.lit the ring .
e- . carfuUy p3t0-.Yeara An *OPrehttetA4h1P;And to 0104 "gr'044.i4' .
, * .0t torther ttriprOYernent tO - ,..
Ot * 4,4110r* *114 at the , .TO. X:t
t ..,...,_•, __ 21ao la tittiolte4 , tradesnon "'curl,.
.' it ding .house in accident happened about
You: . t
l',. I . wtia lea
' 0 land. On ItundeY ,in011114 ' , soft4cd*Y4ttern0Opr-i*04-0t
fet 00 to 014 WY ,g0th, 1444* he • wai, untried to. the how *of Mr. andlfr". AA M. it0.4140,
. KAI*** 140,0 .0: Plyftioothfr who tor, colice,tal94 ot_filtphen..wlien titar mile
. tie, Ttie 'South ' 04417.00 VarMet'il antute tOtt(Ahree Year* was the .partner ,ofilis 1,90* 4411110'07. oarmemi, woo burned to
has decided,to, conduct an'itienrsion to ge, 404 who pre4.0***ed. hini "Mara elmtb. The. Piretti* had Otte to tire lotto
I3etterto e, nrlce and ti 4 * kr yonng on Vile .0niatio, 4griculttuv./ . - College, at, ,athi 1001, in tho speing or -0,10oulty .0110',.A' 040 tirne before, 4,,here. tiler
• 1/.t. - EMERALDI), . in e lkt Englisb Felt Outiph, on Friday, June 1104 Xeepthi* came to Ereter, (164nact.3; where the Tel. Were V.144.04 :41:0010g XritifIG Leaeilig the
.. date in in,inft'and Innots arrangements t0:;ntaindorOf, their lives were *Pent.. Ile t'',40 IMO tfgh*, liticol, 13 reiOntba' sind
WE HANDLE''.T take it in. Particulars later: W. U. 840, 0 mount -14o los* oix *ow* and three years* In the hou,see Olt.returning
., , d. !to, xi •
tar ran 114-.7,tttalt*W-t* rd°11:-Irliewiatf°7140-141g-72117-11tot: t:t°0‘thelier-wittlatte-1;40441iti9te to ittintd"1111117;ntith:
,,,, -.--, r. 10011001 'fier,$°7* • - • :O.
,nas Or. c1eerIn. yid otroosthrotox loll of sottolce.;: Sbe'3004)tegate0 t ogled
.wbich is noted Or.'„141.141 11 ' t i tialitiesit,-
u, lam* I* offering bill I be sm.* to so -who the hWitheitt4 *04 together , they. entered
rebk thought and /40,40.,the bolidirtfr. 000! i0. lii0.4i. that by ,sotne,
.. ...; ..1 If..
0 i 4
mte • ,, i*..xdritlia,' ''.111'
t t 4. It WO
.,.....144,144.44! Nti7 '
si e -f t4t, ;Or .01411i.dit,t4444) it*sheinvottlwayoll ',wto."14‘stlen.A.,;thisetewttlihei,levothettrii7,til:orwiii,111:4:10-4044efeurithrootwa,
• ' . never oared doubt . in 'means. the„ younger son *OA had been horn
'-;;I'd '6' I. Te
Rims of tit Trtvitt. Mc; body covered by tbe
Otte bultdingso. Iloyseseict van 4 , u, .0toostutg.. elOthe'x' were the inoet• severely burned*
1 fall. Terins,,easri aPtibt the hands, tate and hair being 'only.
Poron "Oil Hili 144 7ES, on $‘4#1, ,vel . ,, .n10%, W. 14,84..• Yd.vo
t,ALL lightly teethed by ' the Vatnes, The
$1410,40:0 Centralia, ,014.1 .1). WITU ,rtaltf
novitra .ohotrk to the parent*, wait.. very severe and
. 0:Sh.
Pc4fit"44' erteift '
▪ Babylon Line, y, tLC
Atith *Orit..to Mr. *It& oho '
e,r, Sr., a 'tell; ti
Icyle;,-fin. Parr tiitte. 'Ur* Apz. 20,
to 'Wt. and gr.e. 1,4. le; * son.
OtAgerinele'eAt Pastmood. ca
April g8th. by Rev. L. K.. Itidt, Frank
case, son ot Mr. Thos. Calle EZ•••
eter. to We* Enuni aaughter ,or
P4olido nottittortnoi triottyvir,‘
Sample—At gontreaz 00 Arra:14
Same* ,Teckell, formerly oti toeter. tO.
# rale Gertrude gaud* Pimple.
ATI*a fiturietta McCreary to Mr.
Carl Obeon ot Clinton.
Or* eters o ril to Willi
Grigg* In 'his SVC) year.
MAIO tn Clinton* -Atyrit
o 1 4. ' . pot rq. it* Ma)" . ' -,
Huie 'Raymond* -.the 13 months old
, of; Mr. end Mrs. A. SI. tfpfiginft. -
moriorio-At Cred:ton, on Sunday, kra.M
21.11.. 43enAge Prederisx - William l'Oft*
they .have, the toympathy of the .entlre
. • , . , imk. aged 83 years. 3 inonths and
.41,0,410;: e=t4t6,;:,---, 1 Imtiject to ox, haus*" and 1er -2 storey. o 0! r4,0,,,Pirko,44*.clairre., ,cri.r1,1414411111‘1111ence,11140t,eltite-r.i111,,I.,T-)livie-rwie interred744..
-----,, ,,,. ..,..-,,,...„ .....,,..... ..,..., ,.,. ., ..., .., ...,- -.------- „Ji.Q.0.11 igirk,r:_,-h
..... - ,ifogtir ---.--7-'''''' -- 'WI. ..ahr Offc...iti-Mtetier; GeoIlenn n 1 i :arge a a:itin,agrottupireifin... trot .4a,n went t� London Monday . - r t v
', roorni, ffOuse in good repair. O. .ar t 4 t Luc 0 an' Wednesday of S. A. .SteCA et all the news.
. , . . ,
:..nard and .soft water. rilunber , 02 trOlt Ltst weec by Iiiiiitt Constable Gond,*
APPIY to ii. M. SANDSitS.Eatto.r ,•':Itrrto it a .r -u', :Olarging Pleb with
1 * 0%-itiall ',hotel, onMay• A P I
10,8411-7 14D FOR SALE.ju,' ng :was given., Ilielt b.,..totV ., ,
. ...........- 1-1 °1: the orAt-"° °4 thliit7 '41.4110* tbet lino of plittb 0 tkii,'kitide OfscroPf for Vrbt.eb, I, son preOsitred to . pay Iwo
o se will take notice that i ant doing .Intelnest. in exeteriti
rsigncti ' is ititt•ring for ttfight day* to.
foii0VOing-prieei: .•
out liadf of 146t .21, Con: 3, St o 3.41Y, he wati brought here
crOwtt to ,stourc their witness.
.150,414) Ir0.11.* +0 . mak 600'tratle, per hundred
, le* west or Exeter; also
lbT 'I7 11 Tha . se te
r Swanlip. Will pie so ro * , ' et, the hotel Owned by lohn'
he lire took place, Dice wet*
in jail. *Up to. May 00, 1907.,
f 03Gen. a,. Stephen; a . 1
0 si4,3rattlY. POr pa/II:Mars.
P V , i, ': tO URS.,..1"01:04.• COOtSoiti. tote_ . *2per04.0.1telo,. rwhtbrIetztwzr00.4*. rie:s:: btay.,tgliirritio,Horse sr f$
• o 'Hay Ic0. rt ` to
OF a .
01 i tkiteniber SO. 100il.. On Ian,. p , , • 1r io
• . • ,,, ,
if, qusp.:Ati z I PP** 4* * °- ., ': may be left at theAtatae.otore Where prompt Attention 'Will Ile tellies* •
Vat 1004 OPtion wiped. out'
Th-te'et,31, tit°. Patht ticwiLl/ovgelr've:, 'IWO. Enclatbeto the eatib:witi, be -pita or tre*degirer‘ .Ordelts fOr.toilectiorrof
q All porghaseeto be delivered to Tiv..E43V.Kill8 41:140isra .111tItONIVARB,
you ViAbi
ipjearauce that .„_. . ,. o ritio.tio to oily verion. or pet%,
Atit 'advertisement "pivoted
41,01.11k 00i:dery Exeter,l.0n
: ... • • . . . would4ive any evidence t
Ast cortier or tot ,
and buy 0' st,oper...,...4,1t.,,,..-/PPtot-11, the convictionlit, the partY-or Pa
,titr bIt 1,rtei ;Marl*, 'Thboose - tiliedlite-bilraliinfliter Ito
storeys 'high and . Mor* palmed and the 'etiovtrit'
no $ 40. , theit 0.04. Nw.oots4ac1. j"
by 40, 3ta4 hk. bit 40' tax* evidence to-eo
at Work, with the lesult
elOjti ,.-•
• and ' ,viater, *nit *bout one. writ
- t-treesatoll --4*--*-4
' . *bent -20
lowest! • We ta.0....Preire 4' :0 yon!. 00316 TN
„ 0 We I., renettl awl drained. APPI1 to
1 .. e lot I* Mostly seeded out
•041 , items;
044,[00.34 *STA,1413tiltri,
i solicitors tor Eateutor. Oilier. r Jo. Marino of Sterineo is sufter.f‘,
.,eetl -tt*Okt, Oleattl,,.F ' .eries ,, from a severa. atiatk a 11/000latis0r.
— infoz4E- _PASTCAZ FOR VA.IVIO .AND -Ito: asm .43-Awling -alto has- -arriired-atui-4is -being
,.....-...- • • • , .placei this we -;:k.
T.he Material lot the flow* of 'the uoiir
IS t - poen, ott tf. , 9E, roszoriztloit ; number of cattle ,and noraes tor .pAitture Mies Pimento Triebher, who underwent
•The Materaigned can take a limit • Many win 'regret to learn tilat little
'by the mouth. For particulars apply to a tipration at Victoria flospital, Lon*
• R. • D tlunto, . a, • i .. !, i els* give* no ,sign* of,,
,• , .00*-4110n.lrai ht an 11 1* feared she . will
Ion oilarditi. „it,,,Irtfgallta% gilziagos„ Atietion iung. those from a 'distance atter*
'bo ns. itatatai° . ,
—72, the fotiowing ; Messrs. 11,V. Grigg,
the funeral of tac late William Grigg:
Tat 0.404 D. D. 2.
eel,* attoOtsoo, to poottarro ,- , ' Tmorerstoitk. .
OtValuabie i00 -Acre FarminStephen sald g. w. N. ado- .ot gontrealv 1.1i:
IX lc: ot natal* aad Weer Wra. Grigg a mitharit: 144 Alvin tlrigt
STIOT Night tans lett stibe bass et Arat. Potatif idea 'Ale lodoniel" hue boll 1100frictel II' tte Ad- ot ranbrook;- Xi. 'S. ,A,* liteVAllo- auto
30U efeso,copo.TeitittNeteeds.whyreh will be of the Skate tithe late ;toes N. rots
twortity., proicTuy ou,4 ---woNt so,
. ' *cows Likiv oiloo, za. situ*, lZimix, A othe otertisi notoprottr,60 forth; ifir. D. Prlor Of aintOti 1, Xesors.-
Oftco.L.Dr.ltemmotoitotaad„otorattor v.-- le turdelr, 310 . sot; noos . Painter of Inanithardl Mr. II. SeidOn
Dirind Parlors. - . pzi
'lig IttitAistreituto tort. lbriei*altik IthOP). • °It t 0.014eill
or Iggera011 ; Miss. retie! of Clinton.
.44i A II ist
ideselett. Tecroffesce/seotkited, . *tit
too *ILI.
. to alto for Aortic* . toot
god*, etre*
SATIMi)Alro MAY ..15th., 190 so
Val** fuo year, at ift.0 vlivek eistrp,-
4,e, the followbg, talsatee yeeporti visc.
£oV Old , *sere* ThiThi-tyteir• New, Stiele eentahil er teras in o.iitoiui
eleht mew. Avith litrato, thetiit lfget sod u41„1.
*odors Itestoresftte,_Thitt mg sort wake.
• TcoLete seta** ea Yalta.' tat boars le *sett, sr..o.rattoPt*
Air) the thesitsee teetaista, is the:hose* ((altst - **effecter
provloyiy 1010 by Yat We) r
Iitatia-Of "it nte*. 040.k. Ot bat
adolt* y tor *
" di.
Prop Jo1an 001,Auct,
VlEa()X), SAO or tAttos i imam t.v)tt
. , .
tatter the au oiIty ofAn Ordt:
044._,.... ..,, '0,nr..a11. dAtei Z.414, April, i.90,10,,
Clef taterset,
I 0 Qletitille,U, ao:,-trzerIy pq.ifion fi: Miat 11'NQ-A "ot la.
‘',, gectailly Itz.to-oLa -L.* tilz, Mink* toTtrAlt
1 . ,
NOTZCE -1, hertbr si ten that w, ostliited 1E-4 eze plotr::-A ot rtijoissine
eoloon for the itiorsernont! 0444. ' revltlee or .0,-,teri rerttifining
To • t . r
e Township of Stephen will )°%e- 8" 41-t
4:it*, I*: Prre
dt'4. Aot r salt by
o so Sot* hold its first meeting for the p4iie,t, ttar 1.!pVel*coniar4totres or
us* rierob. ttot Tows HALL, oreat,,,.: , ther.,-...3bout*, Ant -h iernIcrs address
' , ' starotaltittfaliiitritt.c on woos, DAY,
NAIL,. let .. 'yeti", ed .to the undersigned at Deput*
ni-,';:rt* of Lands* Forret* and s,,, tor-
iistristats, liolleins,Nals *to ltreter Otti at 10 o'clogik *in". .
otto, moriced Mt the envelope. .auren
Owl, so * 04141- losivot*„. iiii4 to be receivablest
a. Pettis:Am juitztic,
. Crediton,Township 'Cktk Mt' Saill Thtliotttinent up to one o'clock,.
Itossetyt Aikthnitter
,> . in, oa Totietay, I thk day fat ,;vine. 1,09.
•* Tender* ar::.c. to be earl% ilharcd
Irian sett ' ' ' fl Otter otatety. ad to ziaree * lump sum
berf.uNt theretor. An afttotett thee/Yet
• ,
' to ga int tha flgif a tett Oer tent. t this ',amount to *cc '
or the t . and., els r.r0r*Inder to
w. 0
veld 16 f Titan titoof-Ji -4,14
11 d u 03
O it* ,00netrerK0 it ger* to ' totly.T..'.e ot .seunt'. . s,4
I lied! . .i}kil 4111010o, ohm joiettuoy *0.. rayaitty. 0.; per (Int, ort!e
s ult. "bus, sr business er itt.... p!oteel's (less ht Atilt smelter tha
Cot,panlH. temne' public., .vens. et the ettire gAil *I *I ores, fain -rale or tooter:trill
i r., ...,0 4,1A, tteetteity ottekk,4 to taken, from the likr,d wilt tr.,,, payable
-----.. -1--"."--'-r..,.-------,-;"-- wilii, AvfoLti, rroo. ,t.tie. crowxii, ami .Olitthatterai wilt be '
L I . ,, , oulted to enter Into * itatietattory
'.,-7.---,;-'7"- wont- ,vilt/i- 'voter* tve-the aeme.
AN , ' 10641, • liforiting rerellflons will * attlee
*rot h* :Olt, and tfrtall latkii ant figh
tan 'at 'L.'4t.1 ,;unde rsignedi ' is *MOW „ fO SIIIP *dr, b.:1 re* rot fail *Axil:altos of *whir,
stt, I back house *rot 1 n , „,_
lif. ..,, : , , 1
, ,.. „
Itobt,Trothan bets,been oo'n
bisbed for more thijet,
og front :helot trouble*: The
ns1t of. tile,'Rego-mit ()botch s lgi.
tbe haidsof the painter", and degorat.
When completed. the ,Sunday:
room will be *!* thin* of beauty -
if not oforeteror will be *
deltgbt the glildress.--Vor dee t
.ihr, is extended to Mr. and
lotoo4 totally in the death
of tbeIr little child,teSpectitli)•under
sucb .ad glictstuotanem rot portion,
L*st -Sunday morning.40seterly
Meethig was held in the, :;Atethodist
the Wit waseasist$
L. W. ithett of L�r,doo
- • eigelitioC
There Was * fair attend*
especlafly when we,gonsider the "Piste
ni the *tether. The itertlinin in the
eveniog by .the ,lootne rev. gentlest*
was aterpierestod nittir *06404'
oats of his .usental ciilLbte
, Id ;b. superanottitte, but.his hear,
Ing defective* *high diequolldeo ;him
foe patorid work., nebuonts• toott-
Ing Alt 111* PollOottate on Tittieday even.
Ing was 1000 attended *vd Aneora
Were found in good olotpt‘ Mr. John
Newt the tegordiog .eiteWati14was
appi4nted dekate to the dist-rig
'to beheld; *Mood.
&Os* *Ito r
n e from
were aurprlaed
o. Tue.day Srefling, wbea ,4t. hrge
Regina Watches, when .s91c1
without .11 Official Guarantee,.
and other limn an authorized
agent, are liable to beSecond-
liancl 'Watches, taken in trade
or 'proc.ured in some Other
second-hand way.
1 am* the ionlyr authorizea
Official Agent here, and, -atti the
only one Who can issuean
iaIOuarantee which*TIT
spectedother OtPclal Agents