Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 8 (2)will reale 141/3 Ptrfe°1 We, sire *quip:mud Our patrene ment that L'Iloo comes all attl live /04 Yodr 0.01;e newt tdxt. We 43 ite rest. and tc • 7011:*ewfl as guarantee you. careful to itt io ;Le elters.Arsr,..;, bliighttient be. us. We will he Shiest 'and '041140010 IfOrk at: and gra* w euu ia ,001 1041), r„, 'e 44404 :4?,X •• 1 Fiied hare regret vertrnuh. the . Ines* of Ur, 4;4040,Wlifl, Of .don, whet JeCitreeelt I* Vlidtinir here 44°•ti1tier*the 4re. Of. the doctor«. tettitrdaY •Nter Ze-Itoueetteld Ettegie Of Mrs. Riar4 Snell, corner of !Avg.' hall and Andrew titreets, Exeter, at 1.40 eelock. 3ohri 0111. guetiolleer. • A praettrel coo* saye0e-W1ea Nod him - been ,getorkted volitive the pan teem the and set into * pan of vent water. 7.04 a dish towel over the pan. The tor. el will absorb all the greerch taete pent up by the.ateent And .the faintly need he/a krioar 'It was burned. • • Mall and UnItirek--The engagement I•s i1'ounget_ofabel4-L1v1ngstone sc:otid daughter Of, Mrs. Jae. Pentland, CollingWood, to )ir. 3, E. Rata, Berlin. eldeSt 1111031 Qt IIo,i. Ecnator Eat*, Verk- Ida. The NVedditig Will Jae place in, Jtilleto• - • The many erfends 'of elle* Laura Mee Patio will be pleased to hear that she was -able. to beetenmeed tronettlige' •Trespltal, whet* she underwent i, is 'etolliNg ML 44 W. ' 3, .. Ude .wrgoic, • "" n fteuisteei are'ette:l. , I mitten, at TOreeato0 , W. Ur of Oittlith spent .Set urghy al 0 lclay wite,,,hts .parents two rs, XL 10 ,tiei*Jer of ingersOltis . the est of - UT - Piet .1N, `,. '11« ''..,A4eid0P* . Ise, $glith ,'Elllot 0 tOtito le the *t of bo 22.44404 Wra. U. V. 'It1 tide week; ' se' ',.,t .44 2 ,att.ii' '.001 4.4,* * • ' . Yes, you can sare lames as a seamless, ,Roont ft, at Stowe& $22,50 for a _ korot...opos: he. WIT BROS. Stewart loathe Avast rse of lien's Robby, Taitor.rizoie,,Reqplo-wier STAN that We harmer,. APP1tENTICE .W.A,NTED AT ONCE. - To learn tallorInge, W. 'W. TAMAN. uy your faro scab' at Stewart's; he , sells Steele 13riirtL-they art 'test by teat not one disappintil tustorzer. Stop in,at T13X PURITY andi sea the latest idea* In the Post Caul aaze Xr Its nevelts there.. DES L. OFFICZS CLOSED Arty 00 to May 1st, Indust/rt.-Dr. Itinsnient and Dr. Noulaton desire to announce that their dental office* win be closedoti the *tante dates. the o=talea bring the. Annual Dental *Conve?tlon. Do you blow trimosoiat idiot you tee .stl Ifs, sea the 250 Howe thatStsstart at !I pair for a vtarter; They are' great. ri-where edie-,1s-getting,alo09 ri Workmen •ere emPloYed this week ati tering and Moulins the south half Ot the ernes Mood block, preparatory to the 4hatalling al two 'bowling atleXa by Mr. Al. McDone:l. Bowling la a clean, healthful. sport, and no -doubt -thy alley 10r14 -rpm last walk' return- ed irOM Battle Creek ha.t1- ban tor -several-weeks, undergoing treatnient for nervous trouble, brought On by tO3 case attention to busineire. 11e has Improved cousiderablY and We hope the improvement win continue. Ac.'ortrn•T to the new Postal law ne... p2p-a., publishers can "hold or fraud anY- ono who takes a' pap ti from the post officeand refuses paYment• andthe man who al!owle subeeriPtIt30 to he unpaid and the orders. a postmaster to mark a •pAper refused and sends not. ircation to the publisher, lays .hhnself Viable to.arrest and flue. • Bre: Davis, publisher of the Mitchell Advocate iff•tlow on the last lap of a halt -century 'Ontinuoua end strenuous work as editor and publisher Of the /fitchell Advocate. lie Is t� • our mind doing as good and better work In *tome respects ;twat any tine" In the TAM and the journal trust* he will ba *Pared, to t die pace wen _into the _second lugit.. entur$7.--St. Marys Journal �e -too" --Editor A.drOcatte. • est' gragor tt.. l3obL.r, ,9.. aiit 11er at P.c Advate.•• ' Golng was AO It. Putt Week.lifeosw.tIoa with the"anll examinaticri.ot 'candidate* tor the Met oillet 1114014101 111 the stforidmi 'gaiter. *nee, efise,efortlocie of Toronto la. the _trueet of her friend, )(Ise AlcOtt, for a. few days. *flee Mortlock wilI tel remernber. ed as fleeing reohled with Mr*. Xernip•• in Exeter for several 7.0,41'0. 'Mrs, (Dr') L. T. Ohl of CiSsonhori. 0%104 Niro. W. 0 -Miller of Woodstock and nra. 0, F. Oakes of. Chicago, kav- ing .been called home owing to the death their father, .100 Tho*. OregOrY0 have emoted to tneire-resracktortmeleci- mrsi. 11 C Cotter (nee Loretta Oreg. orY), who has been visiting her parents here •for *several Weeks, returned to her home in Freadrfort. Indiana, last Etat- urday morning, prior tti*rnoving'to Tole- do, Ohio, where Mr. (letter has been 41,041ted to the posiittoo:--ot Clerk of the -citt-coutte. CitelsKilr week ehange'ej w lade inthe conductors- who have 'charge or the paseenger trains on the II, and 1$branch or the G. T. 11. conductor Conriell now on the morn. Ins, train from London, recently held by 00144uctor • VieCalium and Conductor Ilavera-takca„ • d. fiATTER-.1,IERCE.A, quiet wedding wike_ege.emeie...d modly, eo, at Christ Crsuren rectory,- Loudon, when Ntisa Elizer 3 ileree o Alvinston beams the bride of Mr. NValter natter ot Ex- eter. The -ceremony'. was Performed at .1 o'clock' by the rector at Christ 'theircht 'Rev. lt, S. s oward. The teeny .oupie wlif reside In Exeter North. Florence, dtuviter of ar. Prank Tact) nor of stephen. who 'has hien attending whool here, I* ko-nfirk74 to- her heti aut. tering fron an attack ot appendleitist and it, Is feared an Operation will be 1100., 133034'Y to remove the trouble. A sPeedi re overy hit wished or by all. Liar fr.lenels The deata occurred hi COlumbutti 11hlo, on A,p1,11,20th of dameor.itowelunexa or Miss Cora roweli of ••Eveterse was about 10 year* of age and hie childhood dais were sPalit at Ileachillle, eielke the CitY of Woodetocitf lie was a I*11W10 engineer, even bk as rat a* the Arnett Ican Var. Wul had tiraWn Mall)* a train of iteldintre and„.S9.0?,,93ere - XIS* Bertha IttatIc left . tor Chatham / Satuttlaro Witeee-ithe has actepted a +position. MrligcLashlart, principal of the C r, C, say* It afford* him verY mut.% pisetieuto to recommend Miss Meek as *h put up one of the beet final ex.++ 'aminationa: that Wig been put 110. for 'Years In the Wetness department. We wish her *Mr $114VOill in her future. undertakings. Be nattintl. Do not try to, impress people with your Importance. If you are loiPOrtant they f you ate of no ;Recount you win 'not deeelve anyone hy sketing so though great „Interegits tested.: in your keePingo, The day ot pomposIty Is passed, we hope • , 'heret to return. More PciPPle than ever Gun repairing' Umbret Ia. repaint) Lawn Mowed;sbarpened Knives 4 &Wm Horse Olippers Saws wummeti and filed Th kinds of ke3ra filed. and to.lka repaire.d, New Ilieyelw and Sundries clims ;it'd Ammunition. it *am all thing0i to all Thgt strength of walla and height of :the reporter May nett be.,pttstOnalle a themtower, and Ito Commonding s1tttoUo3. pion card parties, baseball, dinette Ti xtironeltold was altib•kted 40.1,* Musk Oat or „other ainuatmen.trwvet thcy. must be te1,13 ot ruic. wif, irt the gp1ritualZi0. Highest reeorded; neither ” is hi, necessailly ' a' i* (stied Trtith: Out Ile the tortitication• ° 'ets„ church ,mernber hmkuse Ito menItions ustiality, inflater. .kApod wcIt reAvals, _favor all tit° tre,e,1 aVaritei ct ogn ties., thought. Aladvocates- roforalltY and the prohibition Ito drew a. atrOngand forteful COMPei.t of the limier trafic* *it print* all things lion betlive3t the, PhyolCai 4indspirituel 1 01 of all kinds Of new'. Peratinal koarrela. Vitenet and drew hilthr.jutt*r‘ellie- and •seanditte or ordinary drunks ttre-----irtif itergiatisiLlessoaeLtherefront,--atroaltir net**, and ought,. not, as a rule, be IMpresting hire hearer* to forsake not oattfred brosavast. *4 news, ' .th6 Viz* of trial*, relying upon the. PrOIA A good/country road la alivays, to b* lees of 001, beeautie outside 1ar\danger dealrel and, t* atwiya source of eorn ad desituttion.o;On0 the ret)on 00f the ort and toriventence to every traveller, biethrela to eth, 1040 ?troth a heaity vote roads attract Population as Well aa +of, thitnifar was .tendera_tho "preacher.tlie gehaais eland thutchEip, 000$ *rojkits choir and church trustsms. At this aesnion. of tbe year the tem should be g1rens tborough. ;doming out and the Mood, tissues and constitution built up,. tresti.:: coed, and 'purified. 13,101:4 'TO,. bounding blood can be enjoyed by, any one -you onlyliave to take. . . o' aet e on the maket Guaranteed Wint _ ueedin no tlfp to bola bottom of shingle 9 We are offering splendid valuefrn flat, mi 'Stable' 'Brooms and S4ove1s, Chaff Duke Laniern4. etc - This 'remedy is*natural* rill's 1**. pid reconittuctor,, curing ell blood, bowel. liver and kidney diseases,, -where the 'ailment is dtie to ire. pnriths in'theblood.'• Nothing *0 • *ootilor, indioter1on,413 0111:0„' • orPlooplea, • tt In ha* ,refennect to, ne marred** a, tfolner Exeter lady, to *horn Iter:PaterlY friends here will extend congratulation* and good 'Wish*, le- 'A quiet Wt. Inter. eating event took- place at BIYLh on Ap. rilfr*Ist, when Miss Jenniet&fls wa married. The eerefuony wa pertorm� at noon by the nee.3 10, elmall,„ in the preseeee of only Iturnediale friend*, The eyent took place it the residonee.-44- th bride's sister, ars, I Ga141nera pme heOPY Man in the ease la Jame* litathe- son o,f Ilerosselaer, Indlena, .wher for Ionic, time has 'been residing at London. Enroute to their future tome at Renteel. tier Mr. an Uri. Matheson spend, a short ttrns at London. ,,F_4n_orrArth_e gueste-aetre ars.. T. odeter-In.law or the t thoxe wlth whom they in Ontaet. eriebe, Irtos Insane .that they are able to judge! You and plate **true rather than false estimate on yOur. The Exeter Lawn I3owling ,Aiesoci*;. Coll. held ta meeting OA IrridaY. when the:grounds committee- was • given etut.hOrity to., complete the Prereettrit ,o the, sre:it, by *ceding 'itt'pianting-',.trees it.rotortd i1„. repairing the rear and aide AthiLiztetinft *--nc-cat-lence • :In front. A l'ittt-40-If t5.Oo iverrfixettlor .the i .ireition,- The ' !oldground': *Ill be used until the nswr ground Is ready. 41e. sides the rtgeilat Members of the aileozia tiori * lova additiOaal membership 1. , eir...1+:4. • + *nee. • - r` A 'neweeilp.i must b'e 'something like 'the A,postier tad In mind when he. -uitiOn, the eXcollentle of Ito ileferiteaithe L 0. 0..P. at Church.-PePPIte the un.* favorable weather "of Sunday pornIng4 Oddfellowa to the number of ninstr4ive congregated tthe lodge room *OA Mar* red or the hole at this oueb„-tor-the-par ree- and Five-Pioce Parlor Suits; Combination Side rnr: 1z .1 sine rndixg. Dining Chairs in., all grades, ,Felt Mattresses in three grade, the best- on the ,market for omfort Wire Springs, guaranteed'uot to g, none :better .4. Iron and.Braasilegs, for .quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock 'before pur- chase. No trouble to show goods—but delighted. you want * real good, lotion to re- move iran. Sunburn, 1441:1 chapped face and hands. You cannot do better than use, Enjoyme Minond It is4i, pure white preparation tbat dries in quickly.. thisranteed. -4oz.bottIee. -Sold Onle st AN *OUTLINE - o the work to be scroMPlished siatem.. 'Uses' your effort*, lor the .4e4e, %Vet in IhIP—rdientree---tornert42. !lode to OftLi TUE' illogobd enough toput into the_ shelled by Bro. Thos. PoYie attended C4e°1414:1 tItattl or I°11r "1/31IY: vine serviee at the Presbyterian Chtltehi; ./re lertileh the Meet- • • where they liatmitil to an eloquent and ktir, instructive" sermon by Ewe. Daeld .Ur0-- uitstt-ot-rapotttr.7.0110-took-rot-tAtittekst • . thsistter -on Of the leth° Nairn, 'Went flour that is11 about Zion tind «o round ribOut her, tell the Owen* theriOt: Mark •*ill her-bul!. wears o))sider .her pelares, that y may leM It to the otorations• tollowittg The ancient eitY of Ziom'fie. '1001d1 as•••• ititerOit. 0 not heatititut, except (0 the eye O the wartlor, breatise .01 its 'very-Stronk site a, lrnprov* **use ot the ProPertt ‘e0that it la *old a torn lying fest roll's train , toms vo1,1, MAT', A reartiOnery ketr 1:-Ordlttted tot. Al 1:06,4 lit 1.041 ,StOtIli 11111 ttOtttlitA as Mai tont* lesss vilite *bah eh *nuell* geed . LoW berOrneter,, eloudiriesto and yit ten Miles away trom ramn Will psas eattviardly +over thectoun, *.goot root, A,' 11.4ir lead from Lit to arditirtotint. into elee.v csn wealatti by 000 boo, over a toot trkal *kerma, in inany. locelitiaa on the .0 by two over 'bad 0110. tood 2n44, The reitekthh to higher .1**v:otters di tentouraee the greeter whinge, a Weter1y wind*, and lair cooler weatiwr prO*ttts cOMmOditieia.betwiten, One will follow, In regitiair oar �atoyt and another* Thinks to the titre ir bbtn4 total storm art**. A regulsr;. * heert exercised In this locality otorm Period le Central on ths 4th, coke.: ter ttis stO hest or rtstds.. L *ring the iteh to the. lIth, EY nut 1504 well lost, 414 , western seePons wiU mho as .A man tArried *tone oil one 3 temperature, 'with 0uaodin fIU otatcneet on the Street recently,' the barornettr. Cjougilirse they ittospe4 for * rtietnelit to *.ttentl and nine* Proluplly a. tiw ,theertal *two, when fit, themotto. duriag the bth, Ih *Od • '1 it Pirtitatir:y ftettiite *both '11* gars period will preetteelly rowr*.pareiteL litmultaneOuslY, WoOd. out ,after INS Period, although Its Lured to *One, *oh* tarrieit.to W0011, ma)" be nellteable ult. 10 the hen both *rhea to rubber. 4. 4e0104 tharige to -cooler 'with *biabti eratStit,..it-tettneetingorthe.. frost at; tigtt, isit- in behind t ssiOnerie tlesith Itar0.t stormIg to the :westward a***t. tli‘e 71 Fr:4w 7igget0 In etetOW daring the $tt, ifth and 101ei,thta ete-w etentlY leulteed b enge to fair. cooler oitaktleer win *I Orre of the to*r 11 low".•eittle 103 t!le /144011‘ Olt net "minted, the aytp Teething in ite eaetWard itrAtteett• ' I i10341touse, of tee Atlantit•eoests.It 11 *t *obelt ZtbOt1 seed tondOtted ° in Black,tw Brown c beautifue *Uri u good bewtyclotb. ThI sure to pleatie.' ' it tame any OLD IRO Bata*, fl • ' OOPPER, BRASS, LEA ZINC pliSICH4114 ./Olteoeyet famous this, 'ter or ourtilleck *etc Goode 1" Attioneour many' different Cloths oue,trfack Vofles *re yer• nent4 Ito Alt:Voiles are Yery good value*, _Pod lye ye *et, utlettotloo ouse-Furni Now II the.tloue 704 nied tbena1 rery busy 02 your 8prng house-cleaningwill ething mw. Do not forget we ars bead4harters forEng OIkktb., Liooleutoot and Weft Popp* - \ ( '40411,06.0.* 0 0 . 0 10 " lt te , . #. t •1, ,potteie **Os) 9t. A.At es rani *h • A