Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 3 (2)GONflNSE, NE1I
T P11014i TII
, .
ToUnd Iyiugo .,-.44 , A% :
zILardIUg uzder bad
t " ,
if 4 . ir 0 ' 00.'.'. , 't#
c0 0 tc '40** vialutr-nigla
.1 e it;.; . *a.,
,h.sfewIf cuUsin piocea o 014„t4iAttota i.' the
;futo cutudy u. a. insterisl rnom in whicb 'the docd'
1T1e hat,ehet" i initt�d b1ad not been distur
•th cramet comnutted wu found 1 Tho. .. ii. retv Wao.lisaeriparen
- • 'heid t1u. Thit is the ,seetind #.1y7 been frightened before!oniplet
ler that hes occurred in the ing his' seareli of the-sictiveit cloth-
duiiin colony in the city due- ing, , overlooked a 'hag coot.toning
the ` Piot - two '-- years. - "'The- $100 in gold- of Macedonian -de4
tc.schieh had beto used with. nomination, Which waa found sewed
-efteet, was found on the to the-.1inen-of the tikthdir inside
floor s few feet from thehotly of the vest. T.he murdered man wore two.
.yietim.. Robbery Wits apparently pairs of trouser* and two vests.
I '
tke llole Of C
Olen Pia
lit front City of Itleitieo
he fund faster celebration
ifixion of Wet by mein-
as died from lookjnw. Zambrana
ok the role of Post in the Indian
a*sion piay„,„and_..01the elitrie*
hieperformance he iniated that
eing ped,4-tot haa been the
is -nett
eRult of the terrible 'injuries cmiseil
the nails being driven through
is ands, and feet. It is believed.
iat his tragic, affair among the
pan Indians will lead to vigor-
eitaiires by President Dias and,
national Government to pre-
ent tbe celobration in future.
Will Start
despatch 'from. Winnipeg say
'hamberlin, General Manage
the Omni:I-Trot* Pacific, re
irued om the west on- Tueda
stated' that construction
would' g the next few
days on tbe nth ,linew-north and
• outh from Melville Sask. The
coinpany I losenotime in
boundary to 4iichion's Bay,
oviding 'the fernier* with* abort
at route to :Europe: no oleo
(Mimed the 'construction of ser-
val other bronOnes from the main
line into the north country, notabl
one from *Watrons, Sask.
ARL200,000 Turnout).
. 071
a am 9
to -04011ala Tear.
-detPateit4roni Ottawa BO
Scott, Superintendent of
g on, stated to the Common*
)ommittee .Agriculture and
r.s.,.Wennesclay morning
h peeted-thk immigrAion
ida this year Would totatt*-0
thousand, and that seventy
st of these would come from
oited !State*. As a result of
-inspeetiorrsystemitrfor 6-
ts of entry , during. the *past
- )01re hundred immigrants
en turned, hat* undesir-
FOR womEN.
roil test Legistatore Paso*
A ile*olution#,
desoatch from St, John, N. B.,
Vote of la to 0, Proiinci*l Legislature on Thurscley
ugbt passed4pitiolution, by W.
Batheway, Preliminary t'n the intro
tort of, giyitig the priviI.
• of the provincial franchise to
women entitled to vote in .eivie
The bill is expected to,
dlhtrieL points. •
Mrs# Maxwell o
given $5,000 to Presbyterian
nese mission*, and tbe motor will
he wed to found * school at 1/0n -
• Hamilton License Commitsitni--
rs-cutfr-off---twcs hotel and-two-stor
license*, and gave a couple of
other hotelmen orders to. get out
of the business.
Samples of reported finds ot coal
womvi avirmaii imvsps, ecn, the north shore of Lake Superi-
or havebeen exaniined -by Govern-
ment expert* and found to be of
little value,
The Montreal Board of Trade re-
fused the invitation of the Detroit
Board to the conference on better
trade -relations, saying tho matte
4? a
0 '1Nrevi was
hr '
i e
Health of Moder* Woman -Peer
Compared With Sava
There can be practically no cote-
itruort in too matter ot bowl*
, •
et% lbe aava nd 44141=04'
true, but ,iettiom
the exuberant beano last
common • to tbir forwer Vhd
inrth is a. siinpt� -
civihzed woman, and very row
fatal or productive of the train
diseaea coupon to lite iti_odern
wL sens4ex.,,orApAlieliew
• t I
-441-#.101.1, and _she
is never in need of. tho-retinueof
doctors, trained nurses and spe-
cialists that the woreau
demands. - • -
The savage woman usually
perfect physical epeeknOti of hu-
manity, and by virtue of hearing
Wavy loath on her head acquires
a carriage* *Ur deportment that
would have delighted * °rock-
A majestic woman, with small
hare feet onct grand, swinging, de-
liberate gait, ',Hibiscus blossoms in,
her towing hair, a wreath of .yel-
oW flOwert falling over her *native
. *menus loss * tragio grandeur
of ppearmiee which Watkett th0
diminutivo, foreigner
trotting slog hesitatingly high-
shoes look grotesque in tom-
' n, .
Woinan the world over .has her
hou ease. - She dances, she
sings; slie prays-to-the-godt; he
visits the gossips she 'anoints and
decorates herself: •
So it is not fare to advance a
theory that in a state of living
whore houte rent is unknown,
where the tax collector does not:call,
pipes do not burst with frost and
of the grand dinner, that woman is
lieppier than whop 'slie has- to "con -
the cook does -not leauveittoosnt the evc:
more •isettled in Met
Is the moderkimehand better than
the savegel Is woman free or
happier! • Well read the did
papers and decide. .
Peculiar Haze, Intense Heat
Europe itritt Asht were covered
by fog during the summer of 1783.
Soya Gilbert White - (letter 103)z
"The summer of the year 1183 Was
an amazing ,and p9rtentous one
. .for s besides the alarming
on the *ha
ItooLug Congtal,Ie-...thaittt--al :•„
ntith swore the przoner
as theman who shot him.
It is reported that the Canadian
rthero will divert traffic to Du-
repair :4 to-theline- from
-cast •to Tort Arthur. Bean one, $1.00 to
1.0_. to
An order -,in CrouTricil has -Veen 1 bushe.
Passed making the new million acre Honey--Combt, $2 to $2.75 per
forest reserve in the Rainy River aozen, and strained, 10 to 110 per
district a game preserve, Ontario pound.
Ray ---No. '1 timothy, S1e-50 to its wildest height. It is reported
,•tu.tactt Toni o
flsy•porti, *‘ 0 .
Northern, 4
Ontario e • o, 2 whcat,
to $1.10.outtine. .-
Barley -No. a extra. 50c mitt*
and No. '3, 60 to. 57c outsido..
"-fits.-L4)ntario. No. 2 white, 47
to 4.0 on trikeVTorento,Acued 45
o 40e outside. No. 2 Wester
Oman* °Ms, 47e. Oollingwood
and ,No. 3, 411%* Bay ports; No. 2.
Western Vansda *11 rail, 51c.
Peat;. --No.. 2, a to 06c outside.
,e -No. 2, 12 to 73e outside,
Buckwheat-No..2* 0310 oto out
tide. . •
. Corn -No. 2 American Yellow, 80
to ntgo on: track, Toronto, and
No. 2, ,79 to 793e on tritck, Toronto.
(Janadian corn, 73 to 74c .on trite ,
Toronto ,
Apples -$4.50 to $5.$0 for choice
quatities; 0.50 to *4 tor see -
to an abrupt tur
, Both o
in ncet during
Iwo*, lea ant
icoxed into
tiCA, Mr. Elackstock was corn -
relied to ask for an adjournment
Mita to-morro* riight,-and in the
centime the Crown will take 4teps
to secure the attendanoe of Mrs.
and Atiss-KitiraWis. Mr. Ct. 1:47itch
annton, legal , representative of
the family, was in court during
'the earlier part of the proceedings,
but he offered no explanation for
the ladies' stbsence. The procedure
will now be to re -subpoena the wit-
mitt, emu! e
• , t • . •
Put 4,
„ire! gative , a
. ayors.litittlthOt , ,.
in tl*$ r
$f the ulti *
‘900, Mrs. Ernest Itinradei
the dead girl, was ex-
amined at length as to the relit,
tions existing between the girls •
and other members of .the family.
which -elm declared .were alwart
amicable. A young lady sworo
Miss Florence was in Stanley
Mill? store on the morningof
murder, while the fourth wittiest!
gave some evidence as to the move.
meats of Mr. Ernest Kinrado ost
the fateful afternoon, proving that
he was engaged in building opera.
ns the greater part of the time.
;11 ;
Greatest Height
reaming absolute control.
;.•••••• -oorota,
It is proposed at Washington to
break the
admitting 049941194 grein free for trawls.
a time.
_ The United States Government
has lost $0,000,000 on Paris gowns
smuggled into the -country in the
bust ten year*. -
An amendment has been intro-
duced in the United States Senate
to the Pa'ne, ldrich tariff bill
providing or graduated income
• The ltruit4;41 States will sell at
notion from 400;000 to $100,00it
worth of Frencb. gaWall and finery,
seiz 14 custom* officials at New
V no (Ad or reliable
ares ere available, one' of the
Embassies estimates that 15,000 per-
sons have beeu massacred in Aida
Minor, The outlook contiumaieu
Fanaticism seems to be at
1 41
$10.75 per ton on ttack,here, and to have been awakened reac-
lower grades, $2 to $9 a ton. tionaries, who have represented
Straw -40.00 to $7.00 on track. that the Young Turk* are nod
tteo, wheat corner by Potatoes --Oar lots, 004 per ba with the Christians,and,w
A severe earthquake followed an
eruption of the Colima volcano in
Mexico on Tuesday.
The Sultan of Turkey .is report.
insa,ne. The decree deposing
him hes been signed.
xi unconfirmed report has reach-
ed St. Petersburg of the massacre'
of 2,000 persons by Turcoman
tribesmen at Astrabad.
M. Camille frlammarion; • • the
French acientist, thinks it useleti
to signal to Mare. The Martians
gave up signalling to earth roillions
of retire.. ago. -
ALL Main 015 A1 -141X.
la teed Of Pesseagers
,. Experience.
• . riming trains were seriously 4.1 -
'eyed Thursdai, owing to Alio
selerity of the Previous night's
storm. The. storm blew *0 fiercely Sluing. e tentat '15e'cw/41$
soros* Lake, Ohemplain that till
• VOTES Rittland At Central Vermont brid e
ouutt.„,ohloktur *fined, is to raged the crY that Islam
Clangored. The local Moslems, as
EIC per pound; fowl, 42, to 120 ; tut.-
en -
Imo, " . . pou . ignorant as they are bigoted, were
TUE DAIRYMARKETS. trainzliditlieetig;utnertiZelttln14
Butter -Pound pouts, n to .23e; - towns and, villages now threatened.
tubs and loge rolls, to to 1$0; in.' There is an American . mission 0
ferior, 14 to litet .0r:winery rolls, 1 Aleppo. and the.. -misilonaries are
2f. to 20c, and *Aids, 20 to 21c. , stated to be in extreme danger,
Eggs --18 to 190 per dozen in 000 although thus far. they have not
JOS,' ' ' ' . ' * - ' been Attack
heese-Larp chew, 0 14 o .Tlio Vrene
1 Xel per pound.- and-iwint'si-ttl& :
to 1414c;. now pheete, 134e.
C per readily moved and their fury it
roman inhabitants have sent as,
messenger to Aleppo to beg for
help. Ile reports that the outskirts
of the village were burning when -
he left. The whole population of
the Village of Karikhan has bee*
wiped out. It is reported. that
four Germans are among the killed
at Stacie. The position at Tarsus
is better. The mission buildings,
which are now _protected, are shel-
tering 3,000 fugitives.
The vietims of Tarsus number
about fifty, but many more have
been killed in the surrounding.
country. Everywhere the massacres
have' been carried out with the
greatest ferocity, women and chit.
idren sharing the fete of the men.
The British Consul at Adana re-
erts extreme misery owing to them
beingno toed in the.frtotofft. A laves
number of the autlaTOra are starr-
ing. The Consul begs that help. be
00 PRODITMS". . in a number of * $1.25 and
aeon. ung eiimirio 12144 Sit.tohave been p4inthountr,
pe*mod in Cala 104
mists pork" and $7.40 to $7.50, fed and watered*
r 1
$20.50 to $21,50; short eat, 423 to At tile, market'. • -
Hants -Light to inedin'm, 14 to "Mti STATES__ MARKETS.
14c; 40., heavy,'13 to 13,14,c.; rolls,. Buffalo, April WI. '7""" 'Wheat
11 to lige; shoulder*, lOgc; baoks**Spring. wheat, No, 1 Northern, car -
104 to 17c; breakfast -bacon, 15% loads, Aore, $1.27t 3,- Winter, 1Sto
s i .
to 10e. . - -. - 12 red, $1.42; No. 3 extra r '
Lard-Tierces,laYe; tubs 131/c- •40Y - No 2white, $1 40
4 i /4 p ...*, , . . 0 off
.. zither; No. 3 venoivt xt. • No. 4 bury four and * halt miles
701.0„ isto, ; torn, 17'6% ,ro Scott- island*. The schooner luid
180, . oati_zaither ; so. 2 *hitt, islands, a distanee Of five miles, Ash-
1Vols-tasehlug Oisuatlieu Water*
AtSciott Islends.
A despatch from 'Vancouver
,13. 0., says: After .being cOmpell
to•fire four shots warnir4 that she
Meant business,. the cruiser Kestrel
*n -Sunday. afternoon 'Cottitts1--tior
'Pols* 13go.
USINEES AT. mobartgAti,-
trial, April St NO. 2,
7701 yellow,No. 4 co'ro, Ilie; No. I white, 6:*cet dories, ont between nAyaaak
500; No. white, 57% to'tsige; No. Captain Sinclair of the, Levi
Woodbury- deelined to proceed to
Vancouver under his own • power.
After ionic demur hawser was at.,
tached and the. Kestrel towed tho
Prize , to • . Vancouver, arriving .on
Wednesday morning. The Levi
oedburr, is an tetsel :of 1120'
on* **sitter,- with crewi Of 15,
m.stly Standinaviani.: She is
owned by the Standard Pith Core-
psny of Seattle. "
'.44 to „,„„101-04:, anadiall 4 white OP to 57-t/re ----
Y #2,„ .4° it
Western No. 2, 51 to c extra' reed to molting, 68 to 74c.
NO. -1 feed, :So% to 610 o;" 1 feedirl-Detroit„, Aorit *1;-,--,Wheat-
tto to to,140i, Ont*riO 'to' 1 white, es,sh, $1.41; No. 2 rid, 11.-
50c; Ontario 40 to 40%4'AL; 111.17; Sept.,
Ontario No 4 43 to 44c; no. st st,4034.
I Flour- 44,11.41,601 STARS IN SKY.
ring wilt latent*,
*WOO; itititolis.Everythleg Ideveme- id' I* t
$510 to $0;, Manitoba *trans hair.
at &Anse* 'Point was seriontlY patents, $0.753 Straight xollers,__Fortylotillion star* are expectedlo
meteor* and tremendous thundor.. danger of being blown to .pleoes, 45.50 to. .00,; do, in hags, be shown in photographicmap ctatittED og
stornis• the Peculiar haze. Driven by the £. .LL south wilids, to $2.70; eatra, in" bags, to of the skie* which the internationaL
• Stetter World.
ers $5.40 to $5.80; Winter *heat A clespeteh from Peri* ays
or smoky* jog, that prevailed fn the 'WitVes 1 *eta, - running, fifteen $2,05. Sera -414011U),* tor Bivor
teeny- Weeks .in this . island (Eng. , feet . -high, pouniling 'a,gainit, thel to .$23; do., shorts, $24 to -
land) and in every part of Europe, bridge with tremendous lora:, Aii.3 'tikrio bran, *Sla to $14.; 4;10".•!k *Ito ' ' LIT* :11°4; dyitobital'411etealli.r)vothreattlirt4te* ' . at'Vatillia Park; '
COngress of 'Astronomers it tiow soap %malt *to 06
- • -1,..• ..
evert Etionclits limits, was a s
plunging everal feet over , the *MOO to CS; . Ontario ,middl,in tett activity teigns in the stellar, etch •
ittld from Niagara Valhi
,01041 aAtriiarirlialari '*PPealanee. track*. At 0,30' on •14440ttiatty .95 10 05;50* )?qa gliiri, nt il iirld ,;.. Ant verythiiig„ii in mo,,,,, ,14._ says: MAL ' VV. hipPlo,i 13...
\tholeat, ito iiitenm taiiilivrialloci I nIght-two Ventrail Arermotit piton. ipaa.,to 014 MiXeit titeUille iteot. ie 4sole.11 estionnmer;-14. yea age# at ttiffiltia.,, Went POW., \
part of the' Isle of Skil,. were torn- ger trains altethpted to trots, butI. -$30, ICheist--12,,,,I; to 13o fOr, Old Itertscuassie benaves that ultimately Ithe I* OA ThnrsdaYstternoork and
and eonvulsed with earthquakes." Ware psuitlit in the " centre, of the stoek: flutter ---New Milk erealint- an imact knowledge of the *rioters jdisappeared under. * water* be-
COWriers also tears to this phenn- bridge? 'the -wind and wave* pre. ,ery„ 22 to logo; - ola *Wok. 19 'to or 04
fataarti tia *liking .pf ' ‘."nature, :venting then.* from movingloack or Wit.° tg10-19 Pio 1144 Per dozen.' - tonstitution of the universe I low. She was 111 Luna. Park,*4 tha
out on each *Me. There. they re- __ '• a ^. bt:ingedevoten to the planet at as,.. Iltrs.. Leonard. The latter .tuot.
* II b reached* Much attention is , brink el the Pall*, with her titter,
LI.Vg 'STOOX AltNta8- teroid r,ro*, which plays an int. ii, her head for it moment whOn her
112*_ inod, alktilithk.theiwa. ,,tet; ePlastli („,„, 41 447 prtryi'•A las.tv,iii tiortaut ' role in the tocestrementt *der Slipped into tlit water and wlut
log u 1,0, ;at carriege winctows, ono 4-7. 4,...id ier--- --. - -,--- --- - -- -, -. -. bin:leeks „. tintritty, carried :0-yer. the Valls.. ,
e iiihtentd ossoners traxteh; .so at 41 to rteaLr ge per pound; ot Stellar oit . , . ,
with ,tlim sod sick " forward, the track being trashed
Wheat in the Wost
A o Winnipeg*y.
inereased gr.on 1*1
in tbe Prairie Provinces at
is attriteting
1..k 0. Fowler,
li.West Grain o
s in retelpt
stern cities 10
04 Wed.
al inert*
000 M *A
is a, I
A to
finer iii fear tho.whole night, , , 7 good cattle, 4,-; to, Aye
ittorni.ttbated and daylight o stock Nom_ 3 to, 4
ionicf from their hoard. ' i Mitch cow* t
tion. . * lot of ,six it
e.............,ere bought at $56 Otte
(OP?Ea ior»ON itt. viti. d- a from *1.$0 to $7
v. Vet*. por yearling.**
pound for old, melee per
or Spring Iambs
$' per pound.. - IShe
Mei Working a, tight41.1***
1Ie each. Ocod lot% of fist
ck-p*tcb from Xnt Arthur uiys
a s Toronto, April 27. -Tho i
td at MO to 8Ne per pound.
'hiLuathre iSCOV O prove of copper exporters' 'Wel limited, and
expeeted m
it reeeritly made on ` the itiltAlt-' ightiat price paid for * few
otiperttnI RailvtatY, net far from ' Amitosis was $5.4$0. Theex
'urtw Lake, ' whieli is situated traile, %AI eloW, ha best grs
tltwest from 6turgeori Locke. It attic*. ef good weight, sold re
* s' during tonstroetiot work . on , C4)w1, poorly tinished balls.
the row- National risilway. that the ' toattrthii grades *Jere *bout
i very Was mad,,, A 04#g ef lower, Atmckr* n1 f'ders Fur
e, thie en *ere working on * rock esti dentand. and priees stemely„ , lit ilk-
dis !and whileihrwilA opt?* ormage I, r ers and sorinvis 'hill. ealt =.
r4 i,
tSe tialWof *ffloy o ' ' ii'VikAier; "Dolor nnsi!eithle. Sheot
owlet ,, yso lablte
' . ie ,ed lambs - eteastly v,
'iae to
• r
Mr, C*1
ou ced the successfs
nt the negotiatioao wit
eVarlarte„ Montreal, reor.
he Pell Cootols,fty, and
Minister ef Telephone
ti:a vert protraetefl.
be returned for
The Minister forreairtrd
ous extension/ for tbe future,
*Attiring and rosining of
bangeibithertoleft to priv.
or utuaitipai euterprisse, guts-
.itkou 4.e Moose possib isequi
-f th.
egardiog Ike
ehavoan Telisphoaol (*oft flaskik.
figik. the Ifirli*to r