HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 7 (2)PPP,/ 'e o pite 4On the provision o sn unied deence hy teak and -every portion of his jetty os, dominions. Now, aittl ki the future, tlisy- were prepared to ssist in e4ahlithing such ft yeAt. tion. At a. dinner held in the, .evening the Prime Minister _proposed the emm st to "Ooeree." Referring 4i th offer f a Dreadnought, 0,00.010 ellington„ uferen us " ttt • ratu I41tdt e ter 4 A be1ie r.offer. noigbt•on „ Mete' sore of tbe in t *lief that En.glartot rc quired her assistutee, but she r. cognized that it.Watu properthing to da to show foreign -nations that. the out134-00Portiere' of the Em- pire were willing to help. More- over, the offer proved that they really formed * part of the Em- pire, to 'which they were proud to long, iits WIII •be Brought Again. Or fiimindel. s. Kinrade. c destia, What the pature of the usitiess WAS could not be learned. an interview Ernest Itinrade aidthat he was going toyersusde bia ether and hi* Sister, bloren tt bring snits against * number of ws spent for what they had. ithoUt theiase, and aginrit tain persons who had circulated aniattinsf Storks. 13t -e- *mid that - i was all the result of the theory • .f one man. Ile also expressed the *pinion that some of the officials had been bribetl, and that they 'were trying to shield someone else. At the last session of the inquest Lhere Wstit onsiderable confi4ion •ver the distribution Of tickets, this being done by both ther Coro. 'Rer and Chief Smith. The Coro. r will. halos the handling of the tckets for the adjourned' inquest. W nolvianows. ly 4 41 est 0 aut of the whea markct, and cou- pled announcement with the pr.odiction that after be wilt out nf the market wheat would go even higher than it wasselling to -day. Mr. Patten *scribed the present market priee. otivheat to anKily and emend. He so, sup& of wheat had not material - Ty mermaid, the world's pouts. tion .and demand bed SrOWA And the- Present prio of wheat was merely the nistural result of these conditions. OP tte Deal Chicago 4 , 4' APriNIN ALL 0 , 1UE LOIU. legr,f,ipbto 4 0er rliOS 0*r OW Ceitstriee el' to ion TIi v Winnprg treety men ae eked fr a board of CenCilii. Lon under the Lernieux Act. Mary Mntgomcry, who cle 4 fortune 411 r ettate ipec- iI&tion, died at Prince Albert, anedian Northern Railway milliun dollar worthof cars of venomskinds under con- struetion. Dr. Michell, who stecompenie the Britih Antartic commandedh 1 4 o *.7171"."7" or -7`• 717111/1r7-wwwwwwrilwail"'77frirfirri" e ORLD'S MARK ..13 Cattle Oral* .t , 11 espaLch to loug t • leitMut A t, dealing* nub th I 4) 4' 4 Gilbert , *atter from Min- estpoliswasfound suffocated rn a car with hit stook at Pinto aiding. It is supposed his lantern exploded ile be el DIED FROM LOCKJAW. Twig , so y tett -Froas Blade and 'Cut lll Wrist* 4k.` despatch *from' Windsor, Ont. says; liOrris Quatzmait, an eleven- eae-014 boy living 451-71tercer tract, two weeks ego fell from Ilia Ott and in Seine manner bruise or vet hia wrist, but paid no.'Atteu tion. to it until symptom s Of lock. jaw set in, On Mandel' be "mat —A v wog, cture o s in Outario 'otit'isliceeso and comply with provincial regulations -hilt of May they will be 'oseeuted to the: fullest extent 43 e law lIon. Mr. Matheson,- the del Treasure:riles issued the ad the menagersmutt con - or bo liable to * fine of '$200, ry. day the ibows.are operated '-without * license 'after the end of this month The license fee is only a nominal' ons, but the new regulation* are stringent. The Sims and machines -Must be ikept in £ fire -proof cabin- et and sufficient exits mist be pro. -s• OW RV?8.INTO seArrozin. **ttison, of , Cat*. oluee," Seriotiely Warta. eSpatch from St. Catharines Johnson Pattison was hold- * "building' hoe" and e. num. of neighbor* were, assisting im In uirahilT0iiro „on 'Wed: - seeder. Be was standing on a scatfoldioi When a cow happened to run Against. it, with the result Ott the frainewelic collepsed; and Mr. Pattison fell, striking his head sgaipst the scaffolding and smstains rupture between the brain and the skull. Medical assiststnce waa iumnfoned. Be is, in a serious ition --ultime - * is d u t ti 71. 11- -con Pitting on the whicb hand.they to offending OItEAT 11101,AIN. - The body of Swinburne, the poet was laid to rest in the Isle of Wight Ott .-Thursd s se result of a.aplit in the .Britisli Independent Labor psrty. Rier llardy, Philip, Snowden. Ram. *07 IiikePonala and Brute Gluier have. rsetigned from 'the National Admilusttative Council. MED STATES. . strike of sftilors on the great lakes involving 15,000 men, Went into effect on Thursday night, Six foreigners; ell suitors for the hand of a. girli•at Manifold, Pa., ought with daggers -and revolver. Two of 'them were ,. LuroutO ' 0.4 wheat . freights.15 to • Oet4441,ntariti No. .2 whit41 48e on traelc„ Toronto* and 45 to 4,03';0 outside. No, * Weitiern Veiled* oat*, 47 c, Callingwood, . : NO, 3.46c -Bey ports; No ' --to--144qe-ors-track14C-oronto, and 4, cWoernsteTtorx4ocek,, ,a247,0axi4ezn it0, alt otruebiul,x-i•ke0111:ouvttei. No St at 13 to 731,4c on track, To - '2c en Peea—No.. 2, 96 to -9,631e outside. ---Canadisen--itorni---1:4 an—Ostra, side. , Short*, - 1 $24 in bulk (utside ti Y- DUO 4 ortds. Bezus—?rune $1.90 to $2, and 1440 to $2.15 per busheL Xioney..4.1-Ontbs.' *L75 per dozen *441 straLed, 10 to Zlc per a tion Wit* give out avail.;,- The attending phy ns y that a hit of mud g uto the cut, Prodoeing.;_the 4041 414- race -of- * iea Ittluakt4 ttt: bas • in the ni�untat Great Well. ELEVATOR COMPANL Ja;Poni is f00441erbig the c :— tion of a smelter type of su Ptauning to Build .0110 *undyed with double tbo tePeW of th Elevators lit the West. n0W has. —.trlkurghaw despatch from Brandon, Mani* brought about * reign of terror in toba, says: The newly -formed 1,14- the towns of •Crepin,. Journals° Is Buffalo is expect to commenee Thirty-two penons were ,k4lied operations in the Northwest, fatti a riot folk:vont an.litte,M0 to 1)26e.* 1/"4" el"44975-41ntrt J4I‘ religi,oue proceition in a.iii he tondructod right away, and the!' can mining. town. The sealing :steamer c thought to have been lost .with her crew of thirty men, between Nova otia and Newfound It 'is expected that hogatoN and General Stoesse1 will shortly he released from the for tem which they have he** hils prisoneol. It of the tional Elevator Com any organized Item, Prance. work will be given to tractors. J... B. Brodie of this city whohas been in Buffalo for the pur- pose of promoting the company, left for Brandon on Wednesday, and will make Ana/ arrangements for the buildingsimmediately on his arrival._ ORILLIA FAVORED. cgle to WPL Get $12,OO From Build rree Libr A dispatett from OriIiia Mayor Goffett his •reocirod from Mr. A. Citrate* An offer 600 to biuld a free public library in the Town of Ordlia., : The Co cil has decided to accept. the itmoutit and will proceed With the building as quieklyas the pisus,--,Arai ppt4st Nifiarden ionton, Alber I ed a ethtentiar A despatch from Edmonton, Al - Istria, says: The deputy.wsitden of the Albert* Penitentiary- was our - detect ou Thertsitiy morning by ts, conviet, who strut* him at thehoe of the skull . with an axe.. The deputy wooden with six tonvicte .isere in the terpenter shop it thri time. The reason teethe missuit is stoknown. Itklistrd Stedman, th dead men, tan* from PeneterAgii alittie in 1906, where he was wet. de* in the reformatory for 24 eiltrit, He leave* * widow mid two sous The urclerer is (Iiiry R Barrett„ sentoseed st• - year ago for life fur killing hi* stepson *t North Be tleford. Aftee the blow rderer quietly surrendered #041 was loelted ia Ws I The &pity wardi n .• ' Ife west 'direet to the c shop, in which wereIustrpctoj Pope and *ix to s. In, a .... stant. Parrettite short catronter e axe that wa in nearby and \ advene tewsrcle, tbe tiniaipecting struck bim s fearful bbow with harp edge of the iastrtunent and , elf` severed th. htiad' from trunk. rs of be troubbesoise n mite and «'natar about his health, dW aot get a possible expl sok fettei be . lied sgairt“ bei• t worald ho is sittou ver been but wasN 11, oplanung heed dill sir I., Thep ination for his ri�Yace *Mob y Yfersteit 0 Weat Out I Boat Near •n'POS A despetahlrem Ifid.ifax; As a, tesOltof a,,boating 2Scoiclen at Dominion. No; is, near Port ot.404, on Thursday ft,ernoon, four men lost their lives .b ,41.1.jr.701ilt_iitUstfter had -arnarr capeand was Oripletely ealiaisted when hotted and bought ealions. st,netneit of the 'Victims are thee/ Driver,' 92, .gueist erriedL eight children; Engihiligen Mathis IIarry doer,. 20, SAtehirtint, tn- inrried;• ("Willis* McLrod, 32, f Port Motho, raa.rned, two bi1d- ren..“ The rescued gum is Tbowss Wrench, who is in sa ,serioito, eondi- tion as is 'result of hie cxerinc1' hitt will ressoYer.” ,The turredfahortly &vow x When it became known •great crowds lined the •shore vdOe the rote** were iiusiat the renmins, to I A 1 her 1 had stlexy *hi widow of the, who tilied amuther ' before • IDLy—No. 1 timothy, $16-50 $16./5 per ton on track here, lower grades $8 to $9 * ton. Straw—$6.50 to $1.50 on track's Potatoes—Car lots„, $5 to 000 pr hag on .track. ' Poultry—Ohickens, dressed, 25 to r pound; fowl, it to 12e; tur- keya, 20 to 220 per pound, u"ItE11‘*-404t11:0°.:0111:71:ritcoPrilt;5:17Trimett.s/ilt.tal; in- ferior,o 23c, s and larger/01 a, tali,24 714! 280, 710.to 19c per doten in ea 0-- closese,2old,' 14 to pound,and 'twins,,, 1434, t 1434c;.new cheese, 13-34e; 1100 0 Bacon, long_ oleo, o 12340 0 poundlots; - • 420.50 214 short vu 24. tat Light to medium, 14 to 4,44; heavy, 13 to 13340. oils Lito 1,13c; shoulders, sOrit. 6% to MI breakfast b gez- • iyf, 1»c. —iistort t� . ru tt hil 4,0r*jr. 641.3,t1, polie,' that o deutVni ship*: • , • found.' i Orca' Brit.sin 'r. couid 0 ° r becatise hot* * m terests lorieth tos two countries are gime*. s&ry to each other. • . general defenee af ike Oov.i -;- iflt . tifliitc) * , • hitt theie1s *fly rezsnaby Probe oneeiv. able, re ion against the 1i0400 and freedom of the British people which wou/4 include the American nevi.. T TS. Buffalo, April 20 - -Spring Wheat - NO. I Northern, -carload *tor $1.31,4; Winter nominitl. Corn—, ; No. 3 yellow, '1230; No. 4 yellow) 71e; No. 3 corn, 7134 t Ise; NC,. 4 cern, 71e; NO. 3 white„ in No 2 white) 574tWhite* -503:Xlvittei63/5640%., t o 7 Chicago,. April 20....Ca3h wheate-* 1,39 to 1.401 No, 4 1 hard o $1 $1.26. Cor yellow, 6734 66*43. Oatu • ug, 0, .0, ' o. 1.44;' . white, it 51X, to 63 # '2 to 5434e. nnczpolis, April 20 --Wheat bard, 149 ,ort - ern, $1.24%; No. 2---Northero& N.; No. 3 Northern, $1.23% to .24%. Flour—Pirat patents .$6 to $9,20,i second patent*, $5.90 to $0.10; Arta clears, $4.95 to 45.15. second clears,. $3.60. Bran n hulk 23. ' • TOE V londents. -the -Scene of lIbutere. . „ The Ring of Sweden, on his re- cent visit to England, WIL* enter - Wiled by the Lord Mayor of Lon- don the-Guidhail; Thet-aucient stablishment half feasted M*3331 oyal.pertionage, but this is the first (Kasten OA Width Sp *Overtill0, of SlizedtA has ,been !Peet 0 tbo City, of London. _!quto itiltostgigig:eun oro a,vith' than Alie I‘ord, 1111310r0 to , : • i y,. John' d Price in a Descriptive Account of the o Guildhall of the Oity of London," =ekes inentien of a picturesque scene which took place at one of these magnificient dinners, FRUIT ,0 Conualselester •Fiti P , lu Calladiee e Odsi A •siespatch from taws, aa Otto the Commone Committee gticulture-on Wedn.eaday morning Mr. A McNeil fruit commissioner, *toted thet.there hsd ftwt1100 Por st rrY. Pe 'during e years in ibe :alio post ou u ethodi f lout Tt Cues ritutirwsr� now ery being, and v tiets of t were staff -1"trn04teen temporary 71:11:1114:41.134:0*xitILathlior; of eight year therc were 79 u ulent peeking. been,* notice- tubs 1ag, 111,111-.. 04* .03 to $1.04. Osts—Canadian Western 'No. 2, 51. to 5134c; extra., No. 1 feed, 5034 to 510; No. ifced 50 to 5034c; Ontario No. 50340 Ontario N. 3, 49 to Ontario No. 4, 4$ to 4034e. Barle o. 20, 00 to at; fed, 5014 to COc Buckwheat -60 1‘ :to 100. ri0 r anitoba Sprats wheat_ patenta Arabs, $6.10 to $0.50; Meath Spring wheat patents, second o el': • . • straight rot. Manitoba tstasong ha p4teuts, *5.80 10 1ers .75; straightroli' 0; extra, it 14.• i- 25 'Ontsrio ntario t; rio muckflings uro grain.• intia e"--4:20 mou . • Yds' to I creamery, 111'to tit at 19 to oxen., LIVE STOCK AltIOTS. ontre.ii, A of tbe at attic so *1 ab�ut'$34e per und, lost t were not -entre; o loath of ca tie front. the North rano**, which' had beta out ag n the prairie all wit4er, it from 434' to Seper �mmofl stock, ncludrng t fix Der Pou•* to et • u - IIANOE� E S L al et ,of * Well -kilo .. a of 11101ttreal* despatch frontontreal saYe D. J. ou vitro, 4:ti a well. nmedicai man, fs," morning., Ai n . her - 0 0 izl 111. Itiles:in ):IiteervihelL°48:tiletiltritAtit tirOtrtttO. W ' Ar„ morning she eluded at- tention,. and. procuring A rope suc- ceeded n Strangling herself. a. vHss,,10,4,....011, sitAx NEW Eartk ot‘ ssim (1000 Simko Felt oa t - x tut heav dcsp&tchlton* St. 4.ohnt earthquake suciefltly use -houses to shakewas • on Tuescle.y night, in... itua welt. Outtwenty miles distant, on Canadian Facific :Railroad iIt from linf Chit. Advices receired by the German Foreign ,Oce state tliat iizty deaths from 'plaguba.te oecurred in the Mumma district, whicb lies south ef the Yktoria famouilihr Ric a. t tweaoytorthoet-hueluladitonndivthas telt issLord pienaid entertainment of Henry V and his queen. The kingwasin debt to Whitting.• ton to the mount -ea some aisty thousand pounds Sterling. A big fire was burning in. the olel made of various kind* of woods. and portursoa with einnaMon and foPrtrsit*, itatirR10.174'ww"arixt*ittthl„ngiagbliei and *rent, the Lord Mayor pro- dueed the bonds of the royal debt, cast them into the *melt and this freed the king. • "Never had prince such A sub- , tried -Abe a,stonished and 3 1 Henry. r subieet generousking 1" Whittington. tetlItried the corteoutt The royal' feast of the other asy possibly-hitv-e-heen lacking in - e. of the gorgeous displity and ntastie ceremonies seln.`cli adorned e banquets of the old times, but eertsinly. was not wanting in Some of the essentials -whicii the moclern dinner" demands. is---.4-iner.out of the preen . would prefer to Ite deprived some of the many courses rather— thin be obliged to go without the erticles mentioned. . by 'Seinuel Lettro„,,L•_WhItaoraroilrinultruattendtitedsr_onlitre o_fletedri_los Says that worthy, chroniclers "We had ten good dishes to ("UN but it was verv unpleasing we h no rtankine and ne change o renehers." gr.* OA'S WHET Nutt Voor iteber*Zstmestb%Ungragil).°111° tious A a spotoit-zroru. London-eays An experienced member of Mark Lano discusses tlie wheat shortage ir* an article in, This Morning Post. He attya Caned* has .4,000.000 quitin. tem oto141 *limit, which if put ;into . .Mirk Lane would supply, hatf deficit here. Comae holds a str(mg, position.andhartievestaiLYtt imtt movementnaakei tet on the ' perittions -wbich the Auierican riot may bei..*contereploW , Gyrer.-.'41. ,the,roer,...zed i for three day*. It'kerit right,ton runs though." Myer- "A *814 limn% -run for thiresCdey*.!' -GIer list not; 1, wits spakiug tift pe iy tio the 1 P PX4, • A, 'MO Lau. \***, • ac.1.4;•44,40tiA4.4.,$' .40 ....14.,1* 0 °•,°41.4