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0r bizu, 51L1 his ctinature; but
was ery lovsbl
This I.tt.r grieved Ethel, for it
.iihowe4 her OUly too clearly thet
R�ekzh bad t, 4,` tho
not 0 t sh
Mm fully...
r for his
wsh bad boon SrAtill
oMan he I
04114,041 but
'0 to, i ges sifteset.t,ilver
tei " rod wide*.
II the
;*xpeet, 04.
e -
la I
ioxnt 0.nt h •
bek* ,
they euk1pursue no oth.r coure
but it Secret.
But were 'unatol tfr eonsult
ber, . themornin
Ylevt, -she and her
gone abroad, wiUiout, conununic
titer With them,. Bsbekah1i pur-
a.ccompflzbed ih fet that abe
would be aiera.bIe if sh remained.
4.teruied to
seek forget-
fuluess In change of scene. Joel
* always with hu, and watched
her *.n*lowilY hut itever,hroke tlio
aiInce On whichli-
fer sho determined
is osible to 4ep her mind from
dwelliug upon the znsn she Ioved.
They ere. in Paris, and baving
clejeuner o
was glancing.Peri and
bo auddenly uttered on enchant*.
tion ofturprise, but Rebekah quiet-
ly took the paper from his hand;
She. read4in announcement to th
effeet that & marriage had been ar
ranged between the Earl of *Wel
verhohntrand Miss fotherston. Ile
tither lookod--414 her -keenly, bul
er mind was Prepared for it,'
e Xio sign that it *mused her
hopo they will be very happy,
she mil' imply.
They were staying at the Rotel
Tau, and that evening joel was
seated alone In the lounge. Re
W&3 busy with his thought* w e
he noticed that a man was eyeing
him keenly. lie looked up quiekly,
and saw that it was Ackroyd. The
sight of him was disagreeable in
the extreme, for it brought back
•-euclir-tinpletenuit- ntemories.
Ackroyd rose from his chair, and
took Best near 304.
"You don't remember," he
with an ease of meaner that
obviously forced.
•"Perfe "1-4.oel -reined-0141y,
"Rave you soon the paper this
• ruing?" he continued coolly. "It
tains soms: news that ought to
tighter rad aitz..i tbo
. .
what ,itup ousanivr a
for Reltekeh had never
lWed in her tether tluit ebe
paid tbis suto to Aekroyd.
bad thought that he had tiler
frightened him s the interv
but bad Iuid tho curiosity to
instkia_lles teertained
tho coppr shares had risen, sncJ
that royd had eviOntly sold out
ahaniom. refit.
o ow that your
sand punn4a r inp6h4otograPve u-
ot the letters t That litths emu tid-
mo over my difficultiei, end
thznks to her, I aM. in * position
- 0
nd it * with 14,0410.o ,seoiitent.
.*Itekiih,att last felt that
he could sit. . down witha ligat-
ezrL and writo to 'Ethel whet ah
s snxiously waiting to hoar.,
"Yes, dear," ,sho wrote.
ome to you xiow, if yttat will hav
spend-Ohrattniaa wit
your little-onest--Ztir
an look ,upon your . happiness i
grudging spirit, sy* 100$
* in
nd Rebekah r'Otur
onCe,,m0r,4004., ii0-74.t-A;ttent,_,41407ng
money tor9Walve
: hoavy fall Of Snow
place„.. and she was
0 4-trein,
on latiom of the-
behg o StOmoo
for th. Po:Verdes* *0 t000 Oise
Treasury tor sirippher Yes*. hihtst deveto
and *ugh work* as new be owe
success of the:Syrurliouto.„
Tb. -three propertles,Auill-4t*ebeoiutet
tho Sredicate,'
By our Fun th0 Syndicate members cern* on the
*utast purchase of the propeetteio, Awl reap tho
Ovals' that 41101140go,to,-iiremater*
Oofideriee I* ...safety ,of the
ineestreent -ie airressect-irtilia" fact Abet we have
t.ukest Owes in the SYsmtieitse, We shit:kit is,
* firlit-visse invests :sent, and we otter it ,to ear/tut
Vonstkriatik0. 000f,-*# 40,1c "14-4*-mkr '644 -
it at unique- opportunity tor isook inoctetate ea stf;
tbstothers eppreciete it to he se is shown. by the
coo ra.104, for,S4ite14:
otc. C
704 705 "'oda!' 'mak BundintipioRorM
," &ekroyd wound up triumorw
phautly. ; vibrated her.
"Very wit., I'm sure, but it. "Welcome, dear. Thrice we
doesn't interest me in the least. come," *he whispered tenderlY,
Good evening, sir." 1 And Rebekah once more met th
"But i am very interested. Why".....man she, had .lovedso devotedly
didn't ott- bringthe =steeps off?. Her 0Y03 calnily niet his, andli
You play�d a darin
you have my sincere,
Thero was not nmch to
tweet us. We acted like
Joel made an Impatient more,.
on be grps1 her band
bo Thc ebikken.were gathered a, th
hall, foe they- vostetager to see.th
hat was itt Did- your cousci-
prick you, and were you
rnoved to repentance? If so, I shall
bo bitterly disappointed, diaatoPointed, for I
thought better things of you."
"GO to the devil," Joel said rude-
ly.' but Aokroyd only smiled.
But the *mile left hie. face when
he saw Rebekah spproaching them.
Joel rose and Ackroyd followed hi*
"Come, lather," Rebekah
and as she *Poke she rooOtniz THE DOMINANT rit,VVIANT...
Ackroyd. A flush revs to her cheeks ,
nt--her-0Yes t W*Yer-4*--ishe to Ihniiii-lavatot Alt
coldly regarded Ile bowed sumo parts. or. lurk*.
profoundly, but she took 40 AO,'
°Lter g Atat. ty atop' d and broken up by *
tice„ for she slipped her arm, In exploring the Mungo River,
through that of her hither and led tributary of toe tforogo, in Attu
him away. , one expedition in Iwo -was 'actual
toyd to this cilgek,. and l*ughe4 teat of .elephants. . Sit Itart
If was but a few mtliii.nit;;;Tthe 41°Iinst") In' Mil 1°44114 411"r°
nOttneeMent" tbe Gletfeli and --134$ C°141"" $a" °St
niago_viuoyx,A40.,Etitie tiveno years .** there ipiere re
s. Lord Wolverholmo is er
gaedto a ififisitEthel Fethertion,
Ackroyd said with Smile thet was
tended to annoy'.
.was aware of. that se-veral
lit-agocp *
But Ackroya was not the, inan to
be rebuffed; and he quite oup
his mind that 101 should afford
him a little emusement. no had
ioo bitter *----feetattetion- of
itless journey to Leightcon Man- i
or, and tho way in which
he had !teen treated. - y e
couldmake him feel uncomfort-
"Rather a. , bad investment on
yonr part Let Me see, it cost Yo,t
roughly fifty thousand* pounds,"
Aelrroyd. said reflectively.
by rapid cooling, me obtained
ip tour to** hours. ow cool-
ing, 413 hour* may hate get all the
ream -to the top of the milk.
0 $11+44.44+ 4++++ 44,44+44+ xperlenee' 0 * Crew* -1, Vreeke4 in.
the refer Regions.
IN 011011„ABD, The story, of tho crew of .4 whet-
Inrign,"17,315ristetlinwreckedit gle.reulaifu7,1fPrittiTri. A
IL Ifirrison's boos, -in °eaten ox t ere are many auks of coast -line
* Polar Continent." The Alexiine along which it is almost in3possible
der at the time. VAS. steaming at to find * place for ' landing in -ii
foil speed, and When first it struck, strong wind. * '
the orbit; not Seeing anything in These men doggedly held on their
front of.:them, thought they had 01- courso, erossing two large bay, .
t me of the year to adVantap. If f "Wed with a..Piece of drifting ice; Franklin Bay and Liverpool 4,
put., on . during -winter, or early' tiiit on striking. *gait, the„ 'vessel until at last they reached the lalloO,
$Prinkiitt it turned under when theOnriniediatelY Allea' with water, .so kenrie Delta/ and IceePing well to
hind is plowed, and -constant •culti.ttheY hardly had timet to rush to the .seaward e.of this, they arrived in,*
vation 'up to . the time the :clover' hotits,.., which, they had great, difa- stortit soduch prevented ships from .,.
plication with the .soil, and tootle - It was then that Captaan- Tilton .They had made * fine, heroic -
trot) is sown incorporates the are cuity in lowering, . . - !rutting to sea. • . -" .
to hasten its tlecoolposition. nearly Jost hislife. He was the lest fort. It., had been a CAMP of do or
_ _Enriehin0nt_must_ 4:0_ 'Aland_ in hmati,to-leave-the--40,-- and just 421 die with one ortheut„ and .
bawl with enitivittiono if best re-; the . hoes were being Inished of!, they lisid tarried on a, 4esperato
turns *Iv to be expected., nisi' he jumped from. the vessel, but sinti Urteetitirig . Struggle,' and had.
annual falling of the, 'times mutt mitted". the stern Of the heat, -an aeocornblished an average dailyiour
felt into ,.se*._ -linekilY, however,ney of forty miles in an jposti host,
he managed to eatela .* rope that
as thrown to hiln„ -tont it was u VACGItEGOlit PROPRIITIES,
without difficulty' that ho Was pulled . . .
to the 'boat -when, he had been announcement of the Mac -
dragged elongside. , Gregor Minot Syndicate is *Um
The mist Irli$ ,$0 (twilit,. that the n attention from investors
0 -idea -of -thtit-loot . ir-waiting-
on aching . shore. they 0 portunity to get. in on the ground
rocky headland of Cepa Parry flour in. the wonderful Gowgandat
looming' over them, and thl Silver field. It is not often that
knew that they had At, leas four tho investor of Antall means .has the
the, e, ps max ,tto trunks ' Mi to_tracel h*loreL re.-- OPPOrtilnitY-t0-igetill-on-thttinit
gaining Herschel Island, this, too, purchase of properties ret splendid-
'byesattreelivueirst*apepainitzteioonoataitooed„ritotnihyet. silt ionnogliesneali3Oats, and probably in the MacGregor . Mines Syndicatei
.garotulnie4,treeti: Like all fertilizers,. 404 a barren and de)lertvd temp.. b. ioelite4 as,*re the,properties o
as well Sli$ AU opportunity of re.
Both thould be employed. On light
i npaiabitioirit::1110:ns:itittiuttatilcdttseitykanuforrPelacaboschaer:tiffvodthe a'mt Itsterzichgellmisdlanwde,ne,iaeroctyionte leoirauld.teoomburendos ipormoititohniniathuaxt
eorporatiOn With :the . soil. The nth; vet on. Augost. f..)-th rhoix sr.4,
followed by. thorough in,, This wreek 00:u:red on Auguii relying the profits that. usually g*
whit the 'worse for. his adventure. ,en. •
to promoters- Altogether it would
lands, etpeeially, potash in $01110 tt %. ' -- -
:tom should be applied in addition
What it contained in the manure.
ashes, are not availeble, the corn.
refer Petash:talts, atietratints;
te and muriate, .may be *ulna -
Wed. In the Annapolis Valloy of
VA Seam, famous for its apple
production, liberal suppliek of pot -
Ash are purchased and used.
aunt of whom they had heard *0
much. But oho turned instinetivel
to the eldest son„ her sedchild, and
she scanned his face, she COU141
Se0 there the delicate outline
his father's features.
She took him in her arms and
Idorsed him tenderly. She looked. a
Cyril with eyes 014 shone with
pgkee and contentment, for she had
fought the good fight, and victory
had crowned her.
Y A very inniortant . requisite in
he orchard as barnyard. manure.
Some rely on the plowing down of
f clover crops to provide the neees-
1 sary blunt's and maintain the sup-
. ply of plant toed, but frequent ap-
t'plication s of Ittantlk0 are advisable.
t can be applied at almost any
'They 'whole journey
through seas'. and throws
gales Of w Every stitch on their
•Imek* was constantly drenched.. •
Of supplies they earried .only that
stitY Portion Whi,thAt.-.)1h*AAPA,
Ways has 'ma handfor•einor.
gencyf.tor aretheemergencies con,
templated of such duration.
Every now and then they had to
put altb0r0 to .4,114 fresh water and
to stint* a. few winks a aleeto,- and
I can **Serer for it that puttine,
ashore here is u o *soy tuatter,. for
iL the plowing doWn of cover -ereps,
Where Such are used, cannot be de-
pended upon to recoup the soil for
whet is taken in producing * troy
torlrult. and in 'adding to the s'tteo
•ci *f_the trees.
The value * wood, .ashes iri an
in to the north of the 'IS:amerli
o lace, The/ Wished the tyotually dominated •h
nY to he * quiet *net end
s so ;deckled for Cyrif had 0 erhants, which were so h0$0,16
rnade juit mind ta., „Ave. •Witiott Wei att344004
4. *a "W-11‘ ‘4.11 tOMPElliei
* j
n who attempted to, Illlate thei
Th Ore 'irk good order.
*stage of time had at wy through Abe woodland.
thoir bappuncsa complete. T uring the rainy season, between
troubles that ' they had gone ApriI and Ottober, the elephants
through were buried In the past wont' to pant inenormous
and they both looked with.tonfident lluMberik • from °the inundated
joy to .the future. 'Their One great liwainps and morasses to the hill.
regret WAS in ,Otebeitallill absence, contry. It might occur in a single
and Zthel wrote her a letterofop- night ---that a. bent' of elephants
pest to he.preient et the wedding, trattipled down or otherwise de
that she 'hs4 done so much to bring stroted the cultivated fod crops be.
out. Iter replywasmast% longing-- to a. wheto ttilti.
cent riviere of diamonds for Ethel •n the drier" season Of the. year
•Oeti,7t00\t-Stonti Cyril*17tiresbnt)$ they tostitorted mutt Pool* nest
but she made nomention of their ?frets, end swenipe, where they roll.
abuot and caked their hides wjth
zuffitient eosA'ing of rand to serve
Ethel understood, and her besrt
went out to lier in *ympethy. She asS protection agllinSt the elephant
retnittnhe'red *II OM *h. hut 41000).y, 111111-11sed which lois it. ...ix* in
for tbern, and longedthat go* their hides, and sometimes.ittliets
znigbt bring her It"°. *114 content- on them serious pain and disease.
At night, when ta.e flies retired to
- Their life was a toll one, for volt the elephant* 'made for .the
(Yytit ..tok-i-,lieri°ntlet ritlit'Inun* greet rivers, which they hoitli0
iiltios of his posiiou. flo quitkli tbemselvez aidkwam obeut: until
entered into public 140, and Iin* that ir
touctitt:illinnkie hlis washed off.
nte.1,113"4"nni"ntIT bor. the %to suCh Satefit at this Season
pithlic, And then came the sited of 4i.d they 0, uso the waterways that the
heir jot, hirth 'of kin f d to ' vel t night
• heir. *Sea re use to by 130,40, or Ca$100, OW10% to thcat-
4141'0, 4"n ""ible" Ethel W'r°h th el h. ts
* iett0r Arid tacks ton them w o ep rip
her?of fbe- "graai ba—pirooas-- oaf, would mike, out.ofsheer n4410410.
COM6 to Iter.: , $86 the. netaie* usually oh -
ttitr bisrecosiutryty. firtonnitsatheet4`eliton.,
` . “Both 'Cyril Arid 1 are igr
;111111:ettul 1.4t,11' irbenol: "Itolinit4rn:ththbriltoemr hornet "Ytohr*"bh*451:' smertin interior were, 'so
bogs and marsh**, for the elephain
' been .*Wey math * lent tint* savage that the native
we are both longing for a eight of who traed to kill the* was sat likely
your deer foe. We *hall not he as not kulled in the attempt.
tent till we have VII *ith 111** t writer when
I do wettest you to return." solemn River in
bekeit's answer Wal, fall of the Wuri sod Bomkeui
, indlinesta, but she -was none the„peo ge numbers of ele
less firm in her decision not yet to:phett entombed in the
*turn. For ilio owned to ' horse*, treacberus bgs of the .1Vemerue
thet she dared not yet do rte. •toter valley. 'They woe toustikitt
(i.nut, ktrtioPiti in * 37o*r or twa1 ly etereliiret ,after Otos le *Meta
ow *Ulf See me. I thank Ion for to **flow zo. the, sitar avid lorm114
W .141”
our with theti Should he gotta*. sometimes plunge into a Kos too
er to your arid tlyril"s *IA deep and tenatioug, Itere they
glsdly ronsent. Be sere that I do wer* either gtuffoogeat tpulaiNtf
it undertake it with * light heerti sooy Attkked tu otites *twos
t the responsibilities, ,ttti.istma.doutil by *ate totropokos
shall never **try. ikrht grommli iyhith might ye *too la ll uP qor ths tkiestioi of an
Id *till eiford ):4111301- fOoti!,
Arms.' Potash is required in li r.
1 supply,end this is a cheap way
impplying the neeessery. It no
not sufficient, however, to <Juin
enure; let in t about, th.
loses neerle is valie .b&
it is Vipresid., It lc hit better'
• ititti iriatinr0 as fait as drawn .
into, *
To -those who *re_ thinking -of
leaving • their .fertri* for the city,
we sty, keep: ,yout home..itt_
eouritty.* Don't .sell It; for it you
do you may regret it. It rOlk /Mitt
0 to the city, go there And try i
but keep 14* ,tiee4 ,of the okl far
sci 'that you eau hurry- beak titers
'when f dissatisfied viath city life.
It takes many tillers of the ,oil
lifetime t• learn that of em-
ent inipeortroaee Adapt the oop*
to > tlic soil. On heitvy loud we esit
raise poi etoor as large as tre car
to have it grow. On Mutt t
• lit land we may pile on I
patter, wood. mihe*,, or marl
ck, genetOna *hued*
thong producing Ulf crop.
ot try to yahoo tact ohne*. oa light
ad. Mau* plowed tinder *I
furnish an ilasiesfte amount of silt
• Material.
lie tentperature is statao
risis very slowly. The
range of temperate
"ett tliff *ilk Unit ths
oaqulete ton tk. 00
O it IS 240t
the sailk *oars
torks, to 'et iottaKii UST be 0f000'40*
4 tooleioned Reasty Mad* 000000 'On nif 0 to'.fft
AVERAGE typos* oat REACs4a. Thntg's why. they
PAQUET Gsafaata44, CLOTIE3 art not Rea
sraeStio '411.0110 Otintil% Olt 11/StORE Ott
C.A. Ones** Vtifithoi *40* lightrii*litAt. It ii
*Oho& et Clothes Muking yet *Woolf.
to04 CLOTlik5'itivnyon alit,h044100040g0
Ilaff Ikoto***** 1.100 Matinisilt
iiritheIlithest osite ptootraWs.
dWeIt to WV at ilklofesee Vtiz *044 ant
o botho be**'istlsois Cookstefateitsysi rvbs,g10,00
te Stite0.
beet else • cf
't044iy, Don
0-1041 00 St
:',06,16441t t ... • 1!",