HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 5 (2)at_weekLoiidQfl-3ohn A.
all spout k.tr &t
!shall *Torouto
.outtiti/,L W0•001000#114'1404
Deliara wfli Iii,atnang,th
fble illtlitilifeAtip; at
. • -•
*Worlif.ra" yOu' et.4.0X rut ad
re II lou had earned itr
atiwered tleandelag•
ttldinct, eink oi intrudio an
ttw g,Tri
• `P
le ad 4",ree,..
ut tin Childrin't
and-vlitrirous /later,
tirtiltut 8mg-; the
- •
4 '114,444tited:. by W. 8..
0. to vue dandrurt..and'..otOP UAW*
Ia1rlu tVu weekL It gm** ne*i batt.
lculY" tratsta 'wheib the hair I* "thin.
It to ,PoAttively the Onitst''4011111444*
nvigorating hair drooping Outhe market.
11 Is not sticky or **VOW and Isdartiakei
e voarsestflutir tiorA, lustrous and A=4'
Get a. 0"rent halite from W.
Cole And- wateit•-how rapid
roux 51ftr, Co.. ,$iaiters, Fort Erie, Ont.
Pleaolag event took piste at
clinton'when Mos LI1lL&n tellington
WirCer liorr. -Wm-MU r. .
The eetttractiog Parties 14r4 popular rest.
deans or tie London !Itoad. ,Where they.
hoe `altady taken Op houselteeplog.r.
1,4 lknsalj Poolti W0.!
si4t.4111y, oifir
Atiti4 *AV:4 oz taws, b4n4ing or
tottes' work Ilfilng,tettebbW
int %pie strawstend: to
sitid 10$40 the'
• tuy 11, *moil, t tittin•work or tllttr-
tke' yoleort froni.
• :dey Pans ,,eupp. slot '
re l• backs.'
, 14/1
• ° sl:
•IN- ' •the ktdney. id •1'‚iLs SUE -IS
f*et '
4:'sc I hoot*:iu00 luYarit
.T,I.L.TX settlething.' / had,
DDY• 11,;.ott. :sou tleilactleop ootistimo7.,1 would have to.
fig up /rot totil*i Many .-ttnlei during
the night witt tt ri •
haiiv tuti v6 -y• dear triends,-*
• Aes and Inorencm,
*11,iis,he More popular?
'Oli. Agnes t$ much snore. Poirla
a Florence -atm -4w tbie glrls.'
"IntrocInIT ntr 10. Florence. I am
partial-- to, good.iookin.4
Sportsman -Any good hunting in chit
Pia Of t e Countiy?
tiative,-1.0143 01 it.
rtsraan-Winti kind o
give -No game at alL
Illustrated Bits.'
In the play; of cOtitse, the villain is
properly chastised by the hero;
butT4 Pr I
• in real life, unfortunate y, it r f
fpgt tall an goo Uck..
Kelling-You haven't got that
splendid butler now?
Uri. Parvenu -No, he was a fraud.
Xalling-Indeed? '
Parvenu -Yes, he forgot him.
self once and neglected to drop his
les," so we discovered he wasn't Eng.
) le x cm itr ar.,.1 Iricguir
liCretleilks. ot Ulo I11tte$00 allia J suffer..
ccl with' aiervousnots r.o;” t,.,::1* Of olepp
The urine w s highly volorol 4'0 11':
tv. -141i a whit sh, sirdiment and of * very
offensivo odor, NOtiling 44V0 me the
itighteat relief land do:tors in Stratford:
klutd pranouneei. me intAtrati. Booth's
idney rills were advertieed and I p -o
,tared them at Mr. IlvmPhilre - Pe*
*Sta:c. It wits a comparatively .short
thus warn X could- see a great change
ta my conslitien,_my.botat...*tuslestogodu
fia-iitTo tseen104 stiongers.to X continued
treatment with Booth's =tine/ :PAW -
was cured "or *solvent' every symptora 0
Bright's Disease and I sun as Welt litu,1
strong as ever, The kidney secretions
were reducedto normal and the Wine
eltraired to Its natural color. sty' back le
v en3ozy stireat and.wake
Work. Washing Or ironing does net sku_c*
feet me In the loot 34114 Kit never* Pq
able 10 speak wefl enoug o pooth't Kid
ney Pills tor what they did tor me.' '
Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The It. T.
Booth Co„, Limited., Fort. Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents,
A. Volcano. wrir a h a vOicanor
aced the teacher.
"A mountain with a fire imtide," said
A smile of comprehension spread
Fullarton. The Lutheran church,
chen, watt -a tome ot a pretty weddlng
on April 14thrwhen Miles Wilheirnine L.
eldest daichter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred
ktorni. Logan. was united in mainline
to MrJohn itatz. prosperous young
over the puzzled face of the smallest• farmer of Fultarton,
scholar as she asked, surprisedly, "Is
that a mountain ranger-liatper's
Reeder -Scott said a clever thing to-
day; said that luck is a &cod bit like
liktitning, for . it seldom strikes twice
in the same place.
. lieeder-Yes, and as * rule neither
of them needs to. -Pennsylvania Punch
"Do you think you could ever marry
ion money?'
"No. But I'm sure I could soon
learolo love a girl who had a million
or boo." kayo Record -Herald.
"CROWN! 1MAINTP SYRUP" is a"'food not only for
children but for everyone-jandit is used byeveryone.
It is a table delicacy which should he itt'every home.
It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets' ,
which all healthy children and most adults have.
Used in the home, it saves trouble id the making up
or delicious desserts and other good things to eat.
"CROWN BRAND SYRUP" stands for the highest priSsihiet,
tits & i table soupIt is prepuedirro-eleart'whol
tom the Very ,..finest ingredients„ which develop a delicious
• liaVor as of fine honey and rich cream. .
These are *tong !room why you should insist on having
----.---Yedranlaloat'Ss lit.00t44.
Sind Co, Hmlfed
vutiotatto*t. outs: s1OrtraltaIt.T0ROIM*VItattl1folt0
tot she we,e4 dismiss. you
between. -
she In% all right, but ,you're
dAtile,F100.- - - ----- -....-
"she old inc Wing between us
15 ncinnatil Contme!
,ibr she would have
rneT-B'ook1yn Life.
lArfist gtshiey going to do when
$100 Reword $100.
otthtopiporiouut.0404to noon
hasstotio iitormtai dila** thst soirees
to esti le snits stages, sad thst
Oast* theirs estirrheoro is tho oelY
conisowitsows tooth* wow fraternity.
Wogs totettituootta dims* mqtdres s , tu.
tiosiatteettestt. Imre ottszdt__, to.
toires.eyi, setioe Wooly talk** th00f0001
acxtsces et sits the
.ot *Oct
Ito work. Th. prepthtora luxe
souoh fafthin its curothe 'Poirot* tbat tix.yoV.r
O.RnMred Dollars tor say et* that it fans to
cur* SerstfOrlistaftistimealals.
4.44roor 20. (1111Nify CO:,,Toircis,O.
Taut! Anler)**14 rill•toccoosholott
• .,
he tollowtoris tb result or the pro.
tido examinationheld to L S. tio.
•Stepben., betore Easter., The names
In oiler ot Eng
‘1, Petri Tetrea.u. jr. IV, to Sr. V.-
Istithel W11d Jr. rft. to Sr. /II.-taura
Stephan, Frattchr Leland, itItteral Willett
Sr. IL to Jr. Ithy.
aed StePhall, AIWA Vincent, gonna Zel.
Willert. Pt. IL to jr.
rood, Willie ateph*ti »t 1 r.-Ecrcon
Laren& Dottrel Wild, • Pt. L Jr.-Entra,
staatro.al I' tattu
d nt Icf,elen
he eller every day.
Yon_clidn't tell herZ Ier,Too-
,stg 0
1100 if paid giotts
111111. Te. ttalited tetittoit Sitb$0111.111$11110
*14.1" Strktbr 1. ii.1411/400.
gh tearing up the
Lay 'lien) down again, a course ti
ow else would 'anybody be able to
tear - *cm .up later on,muy r—flat.
more News. •
"They say that'. after seven rehear,
sots, Charlie Sr.inuningtott actually
stumbled through the wedding ,rere-
mony,0 ,
"Overtrained„ 1 suppose." -Cleveland
Plain Dealer. • -
a PlaygOer-I suppose the leading lady
s very 'happy lifter getting *II those
houquett.7 • --
11'sIter....0h, 'no.' She Only got five, .
Playgoer '4". Gracious! Isn't that
enough? -
• Usher -No; slit Paid far six, 1 I*
Dude -They say cigarettes will turn
the skin yellow. -
- Mts. Pt-irtt-Thstis so. Every time 1
atch my- boy smoking, he gets tactile
ail and Ekpreti.
toole like, a regular beer guz.
arer. Don't your thoughts ele
ver lis
rirei, *bent; 1:,..ottett onst_ootite_tit,„
teed cent drinks. -But w1t#1* Lie use
when a gent ain't got de pracer ;Kan.
tat City Journal,.
*We ilia to think she
It" ,
• *Test that was wilen She was poor."
*flow about It noWr
41Arhy, now that she tre
ly note the evidence of -Iahfttxde and
onstout"*.Chlertga Post.
Willits* Nelson Croat
*.the of the Notch' ra
Eery (amity here aught to ireep some
Diapepolo in the house, as any one at
you mei -have an attack Of IndigiatiOn
r StOnuich trouble at any time, day or
This harmless larcliateettOil will di'
gest arayththr 3,:ott eat and onnothe
*cur stomach five minutes afterwards.
Ig IOW fossil don't tempt You, or what
little. you do est' seems to tit you, oil-
laYs like a lu.ott at lead la your stom..
orb, m if you have fu.artburn, that to
a ego at•
Ask yeor Iluernatiat- • tor
case of Pape's Dispepsin and, taks one
triatiguiri atter suppix re -night. Theta
will be no sour Koh**, no belching'
uadigesied rood mixed with *cid, no
stomach gas or heirtbunt, lulineas or
heavy' leelintIn that ritornaeh,
ittabilltating Ileadathesi taittihiess . or
Intsattnat gr1c0fitv This wili .alt go.
omit. **Mrs, ttssr*,. viiit bc no lour
titOd lift over In the olontach to 'poison
"Aar breath With natisertuir odors.
Paps PlaPePstin Is a attain tureter
*II st&Mach becatteo it Will
take" hold' of Yatir'1004‘ and 'Ogee It
as It your • stomach
kin rom the .1
.• •
I,•prompt 1144 tOr *II yow
ch Mietry nt /our runrrunetst
10 fee you.
latrge i$0.tamt, cities cords
tnn littateletit to cuts * tetin o
let or pdtgiettoito
SchooI Rcporti
The owing is the report to,
tottorther With the
lotien ozantination The names *
Or of moot1g-o3r., to sr. Iv.. 11
Pfaff; Se. /It to Ir. ZY *Mx
mud, Crow, Grant Motor,
'r tire-tstos Stecor. Stid. fl to
:Mese, • 000011ro
Atka Weft.' Sr.
Pt. 110.4thel
Mn*Itr. Ft. Xqt
pres,10. „
d wete not worth on. It
ItitttrAli.Ottoo oiyalf surveye
the aftirtsite ellttera l'Or' it pltn�
the Department of Physlca at
tstio Agricultural (Iol
met- in Ontario who is eontempl*ting
undercireinitge may, on applicaUon
have bia farm surveyed, _ the . drain
planned, and the grades detterP310
floisbed map containing 'Mit inf
nottion antlaloo the sixeof:Ltile Lotolvi
able:is seat° the owner as soon _a.
tompleted. The only OutisI Connected
with the survey is the travelling ext.
nooes of one man from Guelph to the
arm, connoting Of raliway fere, meads
and cartage of Instruments. The 'all.
loraY fare ia ont*. one cent ir mile -smelt
way for this -Work._ _As the:concluolont
survey anrintage,demonstroo,
beld' in the field' and simple
_ 704s of Orarveyinga dram,
termand securing a
true batons areergot:nitrated0 ' and
nyo e
Departtnent of P Yam Q.,
Guelph. number or a
tions are siready In for thio season.
ktara's% ea
tare ago
under the 'dotter's
My husband per..
snaded Use to try
'to Rinklukm's
Vegetabi. Vora. ,
• Itworked
'charm • :Etre.
*II Angering
o Plahnees:-.
Vegetable Compound." - MES.
Witzooxi Vienna*
Zyd14.Z.Pinkhatralteget*ble Coro,
• unti,--rruide-from-:roatire,-,roots...anci_ - -
rhs„ contains nonarcotics ofharrn..'
tal, drugl, and to4lIty hold* the record ,
tor the largest number of actual tures
. ft/goals..diseasesof anyahallar tboin.
duo in the °pantry, and, thouaonds of,
•volun'testinionisis IWO On: .1114..in,
feinale complatpls,rtflare ut.
ce tion,displatententktibroid turaom
indigestion and nervous prostration.
veryieuch aufferingwonmo owes it to
room to t,e Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetabia ompound*
isirl)0141 likespeclnl advice
letter to Mra. Plnkluun, at- -
Lynn, Masa. Her advice frees
always helpful,
Woes .13.1tospbo4bs,
I ..pigit$l. oeseett
41..olakei :tot
A, Cams Alr
Rraait ft.r
Apra' lowt4 .
read with
lawn:goat yeappiri
too ski losit.orat fror
vas info Si
Mr. and Mrs. Sam'1 E. Faust returned
tram their honeymoon trip to. Detroit
3, S. Sterner and ftimilY lu5v0 reeved to
the dwelling recently.vacated by O. Grab
W.--eitlitairlutirporchAS-WW-1, 1St ey
tplit'on. He fds a fine sweetmeatn of his
Weld° is getting ready to
ermt a nice brick dwelling Weld ot the
vangelleat chureit.-Rev.. ,A. D. Glitch..
.-er--.4citended-the-Canterence at. Notturrt-
burg last weeko4testrit., Victor AloPe
and Itersuriee Rau, who are attending the
Chathavt Business College, were home
over Easter....Louls /Wray -hat purchas-
ed the kitchen sdioining Sro. Wool%
anick's shop and will move the -*wane to
his house -near the tanneryAm-P. 'Iretlehp
who rm.* been quit() ill for the past:fevr
months, sitiOWit very litite chance, We are
Autry to • report. -There are indication,
that the St. Wry* and Western Etaliwsy
Co. Mal. extend _their line trom /faster
.via Zurich to Coderieh. The latter to one
of the beat lake ports -la (Wank) and ati
the 0: r. rt.„'whlth tat 'going to *Vitale
tr--naiewhinr -Omitted luta- tome' to.
the iouth side or the brattlend, at great
Immo, it looks as It they were expect-
ing to connect with one or theother of
their :southern litiec...The following.. are
the °Weil.* oteorodIn also butookit -dub
tor' this settoont.,-Iion. Pres., Dr.' B. A.
Oixi101-1; 1st Vice*Prest.. 1* 11. Rau; ettpa,
tato, T. L. WurM: Manager, HatireY Web
Sec'yirrwse., Andrew
ficts1 Sorer, W. O. Ireoo; Field commit..
tee, Weber 1!. 11.
Little Woettt. Laeo' 'Hoffman.,
1414 anIstina Ostbel, ViCtOw at tha
oho %Path, ormer1y bt Babylon
• - ••-ost.
b I autt.
-rj-)ctLi'uttf,a7t,f6"..e. $0144%7'6uIt*
2404 of tuti,4150, iwite y
irvotat*I0614 .roniakel:02:70,61.
1ml get:MAIM* Sor to*
.41111t1 a:40044404 if y..z wrt.
StantObeilkeCo. 11*
Don't do. any Shingling , watt
and get 01:1004. •
looss Agent, EETE1t '
; • :
thiet-Italti-ttezt-at -
too.% Mrs, .-Vate Iocb, zurieh, tiortrot
reathetl the age Of el years. it -months; ,
told tie days:. ,The,..010 lady was, null* '
'arairt up • to 'a short time ago, old age
befog the (luso 'ot death. The ebildren
are Mrs; Ifartung, Ura. AVes..444%; and
Xata ell ItViong here. Otero or 'Use..
woad and Vustus ot Itichiganbt•ordes
miter ot knandthildren..
_Ont-br-orie-this-04'itettlerst are being
tiut **471. Urn, Christian. 'reltler walt*"
hurled In, 'the. Anon vetrietery.--sbe•• bay*,
ing attained ths ego of twinir So rola*.
MI* leaves her 4tred husband now 001
Year* "Old.t and.' tour 010011
4700X In, this' vicinity '04