HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 4 (2)..cyagaisK.
. '
,33„znit., LCV.V,
consiiitiowei orbiiI
"Ifii0 lti.',11€4444 firm,f Qt 0,
tte latest style* artitelealgns. Ant
ever- Our ,sleocie borers perebssinlig
VI wfl,aave Itou tuOuiy by so doing. lio
4a41.4" to show1QdL Alt valtteloni
futy u *ttc'd A cgI *elicited-
„ 4, 11000 "Creelitoii.
A.011iAOW 100
101 F' ;On ''oot the a
t 0, h A., , .
.Ski, .,
rrt-..fa i
„Orit‘ . . ,., 1 . V'.tij
Onte;,:and, 1 '',Ptbliaht
*pitzti.telar' ''
' A. Abel and:: .. .IdRk1ilI werp both
tite81 -PrObatioricr . lett; - :-----'
IL, Dorsch, J. .8. flnun and ' IC
fr were ordained az eldet.
"'The Intissieliare ?poltv trom the
*alien •Vortke West „gave *tat:1044erc-
loo3s end evIdenve of substantial gains
'4.turtig the pot year, ' , ,,
The ataildltne verftrnIttea, rePortol a
Siest District
14V.all. It. te'loeChtel ..r. It
IterlI0.-0. Dentin ..
New liantherg-iilr, J. Yaeger.
144ogv1bons....X, 4_,: atitt.„,.---
----NoxItriiiiiiii000.41,-Dierlazion. -
, Tati1etork.-0. Darn.
*initurville..X G. Litt.
utiartett#,..0. Eb)”.
lierton-NV.: Meyer.
Olney -AY. M.. $100el.
Ilamilton-D. 11. Witte'.
.Torontek.koW. E. 'Deese. 7,
Compdon-\V. p_t-ighn..
ilit40104:0t* -"'"
t their 103011.
puttiptr tit Quaker- tittle ma -Chine
Is *Pr .40seph Mots voso stele
Jt week reW LtiNson
4 • 444-e1 tolt!kel42 feet and bored 12'
'.11.4 five. oloYs 'and a half. Who ran
that. W.Clarke la highlY Pleiketl
the 101).-4,oaner. tftddgn. SOO .or'
Ninti7.-Iredden;-"Viato bitten-by'lagr.7114.
‘o'o'!.:O: 1tt to
htr "4%4004 poen at
'Wrosetrri--4gps. w. llovh*trAh. 1. 1. OraY
ovasitthsclbor-tootivok who la *butt ittt
Oats Of agoo...Doman Stewart of Celan,
44", Verthshfrat. 'Ototiattol, la vlsiting
his aunt, Mrs. .1ohn. Stewart. *1404ti0n
tioad,....)4tea WtAtell, wile has
been taking 0301 freatinent Lien011
Or her "ittating. .as itOnietor
War4t.% rettal'. Lament 44044 I:041a tram
teeii 'the
1nte111010 that his
'°wing •to ;,:l..'*11.041..1411,41'1.10°';1.1•1144'41401t4W otin
tu 1044440 ..:4404/. Mkt
tlnZ I, II* "11.11.104, ,
.o t1i Lordu ltOMI,.:QRi3,
eier4 reetwil'breakihig;1t.,sm
t e. atLbuh1er. It wfll,be sow,
gine:before 'Vrank, *Jo be *KO to' retttlIne'
pi..voxkk,404)110 woOdoir,w op--,boolv
UiUY Slavin had tt4e mlifortnnetto,breale,
its . kg..joat40ow .00 'knot); COMIStig as
it dor at this' season or the year lite aCe
't re. Tat itota.* ilari)P!tt;hn :$17447 In lit*
o :
weitzer,'s dog •on Tuesday..on the leg,
he doctor was, none& esind the
'out ittessed. -and It:UW.01.1°w is
nicelY. The. a* at ohCs .shot
on-atottit Vires.
Re. tzet Swoon of Walked°
in the villsge on Tuestitty visiting
his brother fiernhvrti. Stelitacker
is visiting friends In 40404 and Tar.
lattick tbia worelt.-.1Vo are ,pleased to
*tate that * tavern MacMurray
. Bean.
. Oainaboro;-.E. Gioehle
•Arnp4or anti ICIllalce-0.0.I Irian
embtoke-A. gers •
Cloulm Lake -Ie. B. IN eye
Art 0
North a -
A: ".V., Hata PM. ,
Waterloo -U. 14,:* Wing.
st. Jaeobs--C. 0, Ifacttz.
Elimira_-.1. O. Burn.
Listowel. -J. Orenzebach
.w .
.aitacc-11. Lelbold.
Mk:Mandy-A. NN -7. -S-auer.
1%11(m -0y -to Ivittich.
w,atitertort-O. L. Etraun.
Hanover -W. .ZIMMOrMattn.
1e4L Z. terner,
=Inwood -4X. 3. Holtzman. •
Parry .SOund-To be *Rotted.
Stratford -s. Irlauch*.
Ztr 1)..01schler.
Datotwood...L. 4 Eldt.
Cretlitort-13. H. Dean..
• lataitlortd-elt los II*Ist.
; --North ii.Fost District
winnio4,-11 3. Weide'.
Xteglttz,-,A, 13t*Oeirri,
aosthcru-L, ...Arnspher._
*Ovine -4* St
Kenaston-W.- Videles.
latelletria-Ilat pfinure,W.Wilhcln
DIdsbury.-0,- Vinkbelner.
'b rtftic-D ItPder
Warner -U. .1' Connor,. IX
Sttaltatootk-To suorilleil,
Swift Current -To be supplied.
, trodate...To be '#Upplled.
toguar *dorm period is `central on
the 2Zith, eovering the .23r4 to Silth. ha.
lug Int:twat orsatest declinatlon north.
On the 11401, and firit ,4014rter on
• the, .,..27114 Another !rooked Salt or- -the
-barometer will *et in. to the west at the
entrance of this--period.-tAloWed,cleolelY,'
eloudateset, higher temperature and
raiz-Ste:a are Will groW Wider and_
Ohl lntenoiity as they reaeh central parts
-ot their eastward March.- Prom about
the' 25th to 20th storms will etalmtnate
0011 the Igt*01101PPI Valley etiatward to
the Atiautto4 Higher tarometer, west
winds. and Possible now saittallo to 'the
:northward, need not be A surprise Ort the
pear largenta of these - atom areas,
*it cooler weather- with-frostiviii
rtAttreat dUrillg, the latit tour • or five nigitts
Og the niOntb. 'Whatever peculiar Ititen-
*it,' the 'Mart :period may twitter:, upon
thegeneral titieneticAt;tri Mardi
iftd "IT-'-witt trabilde.. 'it
,tytessere, by the end of April; lewd
is hoped, mere placid PosolbilitY or
the month ot .Ray. It the ,tirat telt or
April .1* not, tbaracterbect . by trettuen
,444 ,intenote storm* 01, Sortie itinti. seta
letio'diettarbances will be Mere severe art
Steneral, Una* Tolley** the laftrottortt c
Mr LOul. `Dsajardlne
to to 1011 '
brough to 0 .., Droltenehite
haron apent aturday hitte.4-,0-Ertiot
?rIta, Shilling at 4;11eSil,
Or.Xew bays, arrIr.d -110me SatOr4.4
Kre, Jag. harrnan' or Itntaka, 1. v1s1t
parent.Ing bz' end I3rrnntr
Ur. and 3tra. Win. ttatrd ot Dariki
'v1s1te4 ,at Sohn Oakes Suntialit
*WO ,Cattiere0 'Wit° as .been linme to
ths b0U4aym, returned to PAtithlit 1110X1
ItitYk , f
wsott shad 40
hut .t0 04
Ii)( *ttiitt
te expert et handling the. Ole.
chin'. -Rev. He ti. Boon hoes returned
bOitio from Nest fiannintra. where he
attended the annual St3i00 or' the
C*044* Cooferento of the Evvingelieril
Ohatrelt We ere' pleatied to learn thot
eirenit tor ,stakther /04
absence Iset t pti!itt
was eettopied Ors Brown
the mornin47 and in the bvetillig, the
two adult, titbit* close11
-4.nd choir getve
An excellent proeirati.)..-;Dur boys, bits..e
been having lots of fon the past we -k
fishing olickervi. They hate hita
tilleeesq..;-, Milton Atkillcon 4aE eon»
tr411% heen *Inirsgi'd ss tssroP'°4" z"agased aa teacher In one of the junior
at the. Control tiotel...-Athert Cunt- slep4rtins-3too of the pitbuc school hero.
nitighatn f Aliso Craig wott in town Si •
last Sundays -8_1+04i started on, Moo. 1° c'" l'"tanyli°1141°4 a* a
dor'ofter the itolidttys' with
intOgnieltiltg. D COVItt.
IS01,DeeutueotsoretOPY Autd_ptc0414/ KOP*ent
Chsersoneolorsts bolo 00 Paprrlisr4;loossi*.
ItO tt itsv*--retulift*.
00 from Ottriltt, after pleatent visit
with 'friends there...Woo • :kited Kalb-
fletich and errs. A Thiervisited at „Mrs.
Loofa Cratt's ttrito, da1" t*Aft Weec
Was' Teung o'Credtton- la OA* vegek
tittlett, tho Maio* -Mteman4.40. Peorite
Iitelierniann haw purchaited the property'
et The late Daniel Sack* and has Moved
therelni, he having ':solt1 ts germ to hie
. with_ the oteverA jeaehers p41,91,91r;J pl,
IlirEntraroi otaatruuw put
friNqy etfort to de' 'their very 'best
1.1 order to be ready to the Mi4sunuraer
Iilzkrents, too attould ace to tt
at their children attend settool regu-
larly. as this will Count for a great deal
,Ntr, *dam-13trit-7931-11144464
a baby girl on NVednetalay- of last
Adato to all endlee :how ae
nseettenee.-Ifr. Win liothertnel* and
Miss Ulla Kotler ,Were uated in•marriage
on Wednesday at Mime Keller's home
Vie lownahlre or theY. Itev.'Thuno.
I 'tains. Thi,te many friends will wilah
hapPY couple.every Joy in their :ourn
ey through ilte.-,;eNtiea Ilortort has been-
444 4004 teacher, both In (esaiitieatiene and ete.
attendance. -Mr. Gottisieil Galaer halbou•owtuAr3r_This wok it is our p4intu3
Brown,a:nseedrweigitvf titzdekyfrovnetmeireotteloni! duty , to record the death of one or our
000 tOnd to do bis mitetoory „golden. Aulld:ruectitrecunrso!edlohr, tiwiehopezorldhii0; patto..
ptople ore toturnotocihst to
an up themysids tiir the Spring, A. e4 away U‘nictlY forenoon oZ beart 14.11-
st.deat of tubblt,h usnguy atctit"_ ne had Wen around in the morn -
tee (IV the *titer rannth4 mid g'and was In Zeir.' leasseicl"s Weeks -
Le *Mir Ye datrto. oleari up thA .$10,1th ShOP as was Ine _usual custom,
botek,ygratt, 04,00ittor. apoicran
He • had ;helped Kr*. Schroeder at run.
hut fortheintultary-conditiiin Ingthe 'itto-ahloir machine's, but not toetitig‘
tbe notghtiothonit -The ,extietted tot:- well went and lay down,'-whelt con-
Tootling to Iast lay night ;Won became alarming .and he passed'
re,41-tatticirti'galtust,taliartir*einamfitithwilloo,gs: gwrealkYtt jr4totheledcw.Oirnourtiltreee'gtot b7101114‘ 'tO^nbti,
Kerr of WincbI.ea were in the village YOU8E as ILO Was *twills Or fa ,etteelltd
iii°4tMh:bdiatiry'"'s,nreieWsWorkitPleill"weekt° Igatt taihtralittlitee°11 0141110ritoill-tO1whar: tireelatitihttan
MissOlaraldeiteder.litiocoteded pints. c't t6111/1 1'1401' 114%444ln 00 00.
ing the Norinal School EltatninettiOns neer days or the toutitry, Ire WAI por-
in. oroutizo with honors. ticularly fond ot children and win no
doubt be -much misaed. by them. For
many Years he has been a- fatthful mem
her -or the Evangelleal-churrit-here--under•
which maere,4 rites he was , buried .ort.
NVednesday ,tatternoort by 'toy, L. K.ifitite
the _pastor. •Interment • was math In the
'Ooldien Line Cemetery. We commend all
the sorrOwIng 040ii to HIM Who saldi
La: 4;00 -Pei* laYing aside a-numb:r of
onx_ reapetttd eitiaerts.4-4tios Swann bao
stunted her dutito as teacher og our
publte school. It was announced on_
and -Ay evening -1'4r Bele. plait ail your burden* upon Me and I'
ot Varna will Preach -educational ir. will suetaiti thee, and trust that some
01,1rts Om Methodlot church da Sun- day there will be a fatally gathering
117 next. -he reereation. grounds have the Ittansionst 'Eternal.
beau Plowed over and will be put In fine
ohm*, for our *Porto. 141ten completed
Vea. ground/ will be a tredit to th6
:ago ,arol will prove a great boon to our
neys.-We arewratlited to learn that Mr.
W. It. Elliott is out of danger and that
In a few w02le5 he *fit be able to leave
Sc. l‘fichaet't Hospital or home.
(Tao lats. for last week)
ijah Cotwill and, wire spent the
E ster a at Trowbridge with. Rev.
Victoria Hospital, London *pent 'IrSso
ter Sunday:With her parents at theetetit.o.
0dist Parsonaglet4tr. W. R. Iiillietta our
ppular her** dealer. who underwent an
operation at lit. Itichaers
MosptaL To -
•t' ritat,'weettita reported as
leg, improv-
• oPertetion . was a sures**4 lYst,
Ills -wok ,canthtion Causes cOnliderabls
anatetlt on -the part ot lil. phYalthins.
end- trtenditttie StOwortti Itoeintioe
:miettiur Geod.' vitter ottuleo; vree-teltly'
wet; attended and , tiit. leeture on Van-,
alt" bY W. IL Hutt, was Attrit alOrtreet.,
atel. The 'Stint/ay fiervieei were conduc-
ed 1
the Morning kr•itty.#.., tt. twos,
.0t *uteri %Who- lereitehiel letlf0104 piact-
.ieruttan. *14 trilth**Villitit III* Ow..
Itsv, W. 11. ilut4 wlth the sosiltstice
,e.ftoirilravs---1, sant --svermott
h Interetit and Ottlit.-e/ohn trpzttu,
n: and, wtte..Ot London and Chao. Troth.,
'at and wire itif Detroit spent *Wet With,
, the tallier,Bobt. TrOttalon or' Oil* •Itiltee
4"riteW M.S.,:ntet at the Misses litalieett
Tu:ntitoy. attertia00,
fi •
x CountY, whets hot, purthass4 soje
ing htlitra...4410*3arnhoson, at $t.
r is visiting relatives in this
1Ldty.-)iL. and, M. -Jas. Talar Or *Ion
sfl viattost atthooth Hottentot 0.4 1,44,141,
Glenn *pew * few daya._ lag
° 9itt1thf1elat1veiCit LaistoyeleelirS.,
Chesney and dantlliter -110e,ht,
relatives 'Veasum
and ,t407. hOs ItioS4 luto,.gr
nincharn boa retottned 14i
Inucitinite4r ,1114 4 attzter. Tholci.MY4t14.4.114
Vitourits or;LOntion' 404 Sunday wfl
Kra. Oltotirkp** parents.-)rn it.
nioginint has overhauled htil hetet by
plIntimr and' papering 14%10101 adds
great dealto the appearance,.. -Kr. and
Mrs. "Albert .Courtlillehani were visiting
the former's brother, Varney* on IleedAy
...nem aro Iota or aueicra up the emelt
td-The-b-Oyoi are•cii-tig-thenu
Ai. -Ai; Spencer attended
the Crossley & lianter or*** St.
Marys., on flunday.-We aro glad to repo
that WS* *Ma Platter tit lolkovirur
ter a. tievere-Illnesa Or quirtay...7Mise .
bel Sawyer or roo,ndon. la the -gueet. o
her colleire- ?die! ata Iileteher.4*-Mrs.
Copeland of pt. Mary* was taken og
ryelpelast last , week and her rnOther
' Pletelier Sweitzer went tO,unree her
- tleteu,
very Or . the same diseafse,
Nitedclede-The hOlte of the late Ante*
Hazelwood :OA The 4th or Dianshard was
the *eerie or a pleasant event on the eit,,
ening ot .4pril Vast, when the, marriage
took plate or Iltr. John Thacker aitd
he 'ter
number Or the first tousItte- or the 'yen.
tract'n; parties and also other relattves.
• The 0041110hY congratulations alit
supper over fa pleasant ieverting wae
spent by 4114, T1u3 yOUng couple will re.
side on a farm on the Sth eon. of the
'same tevattehill. which farm he recently
ptvc.haoat. They have the best' wiehes
at their many Wends for a life of hap.
v rtlaa ond proaperitY.
Or. Campbell *Pent part of last week in
rerento.-Kr. A. Switzer tr Kisa
ale Preistley of Xtutbre so a guest htist
seeic.--,1 a Gardiner lost. Port of his
barn root during the recent, otorne.--Mr
nee.. "%fettle has returned *from at'visit
with her daughter at Elayrieid...ateir
tretuleacon Young Preached at St. Paul's
lure loot Sunday evenIng.-41 'V. Stitt.
recoyering front an $4taek or 1"
grIppe.r.4 1ArathOrti engaged- with
Archie Itobtneori to the sunirner.-4t Is
underatood that thejtanway -13.f.hOtif for
tinanahard wiii go Wore the people
agatti,..,.ThasOirlitott-Atericultiteat Soclety
411 take adVantage „of the Government's
ptri grain, ceMpetition tor ilex
fall, and the secretary. Mr. Ames PouPe
will take entries.
- btr. 40o, Porrnatt of Adartae. Sask., ar,
rived home last week on * visit to his
parent*. Kr, arid Mx. 3 O Dortuan. Tote
looltss as It the Aseet Skald with him,
4ibloneorhe home of Us. Dunford
Wttgeleoene ot a codot, but pretty wed..
ding On Wed nesdaY, the 1.4th, when hie
arecond.daughter,-.Petta S., we* united to
marriage to Kr, Wllfrtd 0, tIckett. The
mirrlage took place at Mtn non; In kbe
presence oz the immediate relative* and
a few Intinutte friend.. • '
fl*I1d tall
stated on t
* *44 *4itli'Orre
School ha re.opened this week and alt
feet the seed ee the Easter holidays. -
A. number from MI* *tufty hitt* been
attending' the, Crosaley-Itunter.4meetints
at St. Marys.-,Wm.7 Knolee la busy itt.
this vielnity with. his Poat driver. He Is
a crack hind at .the Jobe -Moo Charlotte
Harness. Lottie, .Stattea,a and /iirtlesi
Yisite$ friend* at Elluiville S4telar.
.Noseeding as yet has been done
around here. --Our bajg,*4,11 team Are,
talking or ree,organizing and are tarot-,
lously waiting for dey weather.-Ifessrso
00del-klodirabifatd 3. ir. Xilisen have
rented' the fifty -Ate grass -farm of Mr,
fader smith. of 1 Ore on the corny .ot
illenent's ft. -Hired men are le'
subject seriousitconeidered by the Ural.
troa,round here. 'None as, yet have ptite
siented thenteelves for IrrePection; Come
richt along boys. -40. George Milison
Is still unable to be around, but is .lect.
pr�ving-3Llas Elba Brook* and Wei
Beinidejlorliy'spent Easter the guests
eft*. Vied. Pelbridge at Whithelsea.
Was ;nit Dickens of tiaintabury was
th guest I o Edna Ottpning,rOr 'Ea**
NeWtrea 11111004 Spent„,the rfra*,
holidays with hie parents. -Mr. and
tea. Duffield are rejolcing over lite new-
arrived- visitor -its a boye-litr, and
ales. flareey :thitircei spent EitstO with}
friends in Granton. -$r. and ,Mra.
Morley visited: with her parente,tor
ler-Mr. IL Millson attended the sPeeiii
meetingsat .St. Marra Sunday evening. -
Miss Ella Brooks has ..returned to ;her.
oleos In.Londott after a visit wititt, her '
tnother .4vho-hate-been-on-tha-sick,41st.
At the Meeting on gait Monday evening
waordecidett to "lave the5. S. Anniver-
siry -The 'merit -wind _stearin,dId
'considerable damage to the gia,rtners"
.bulidituro. and property in tido dietrlet.
Ittartsils,rd....U. Donis, rt. A. rrifielPat
Of Vienna inch SehOol was &died,
last week owing to the dangetotia fl
nes. of - his 'mothergra, miry Donis,
Parkhill., -The -death oecurred here on,
April 140, et 13. Kern-a:Wan ai�r 3T-
year*. The body was taken to London'
for burtel.
Hie 6 chre I Canintles vind Agents tbrturson
1011$01111 OA World.
*questing of Strlped
I Venetiso., Fancy Lu
adies' New
Sblrt'Vitelete; Gime' Ski
Few Wash
Mosiinii tine
X*4 44100,4t4i,
ring.,..,0 float Arrived
• the Finest
t$niit of Fancy ti sbown lo
be leteat patternama**
r Sprbog 8uft,TOM .
A t'lliatt
004141141044 hero eit
tticlutra ..tottos to
tync hot* ot thrborns
arsmoul wok
losit, Th.
At.,4161149.114 Ow*
to int*lim
Mtn Heys***