HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 3 (2)ter a* te The i s*rwtszere1ers. ,44aeinirterfr 4,1v, Age,. " , metes zu1ueieia .„ advertise. ?rt uclus used eIrnrgctr to teach they. * I his *is tho *Vera h. all letters, hex* "'t „ 'oipeJe of thisuse ul *sing it witI cultivsted fuz-ns, freah, vtgo bo infused into the, „ extett over ('hi rt •And offspri b the commorciel hers * o . ira ' *Oreil hair rimplez *uJ akin enqition.,Theso, e ell onng tyariptouit'that"Ook blood is out a ,ortler.1; eatet! cure 0these tronb 14 s. withstairs 14040 1114 POOP " . . .tbr 0144 he. syste You stili weaker.. What you need jivo -on health vxl atrength '4 sprzn ii * 4011:i0 URS.40,41 et the ,ono siiitit,ipt reliable tonic sand blood buddr13 DL, Tbee Mot noonly banish ills., _ guzrd youaginst the oro,serious .4in:tent8:that follow, ' as 444/410.14 ,114tV0114 debility, pUntiti4111; indipstiOn and 'kidney otibI* Dr. Wzlliarns' -Pink Pills ke-,'` 'new, ich bl��d Wbich , u ace are placod'in 00104 the***0 # *re oonvoyed by *tons to tho see, and thoro, in * Mon War host, are varied, out 'where_ tho tide 'run* *waft and imgosod-to the wsvos Thek Mon Vif bOat, belongs:to tbo Mon War 8 4* lodge with b-rstte s v organiz- ed and rnaintained for.tb. PUITIOS of *Ting reverenco tohe spirit of The turn*** the Chinatown which nearly everylarge city in the "jolted "States herborti'is general 0, brick, ovenliko- •structtire, *bout Ave feet high. 0140.004,1t-1011. the walkther will usuahly ioan in - c 0 lo- , en cr, is vieo , * *4 Tho leo u r ' took a Wen. ° odd s Bidoe ;that he is back ,Bckathe is. gout., 4.4Y, he was trobI ackache, 4,4Tic.,-10, wurk. It _got- 40. #4 4•1111ite:"Unlibie t0,0d '."Wos threw*, * -yew- 'soon 41404,4 tha they wei-o 'doing Me good. My bac was r had, lesi.pam nrii;lastin1). burdEt7 1 know what Ittittrooe-17771aVe 1 want lov. 'our hero, p'lii * vs* do-thiaI do lo, rd.wslta irItInelt Was' b� *Iirtke **41 1 euro ou-1t hu dono** -- '"1Ibbappyan4 i (tho coit of coo ire rnsuance- genis ante kto * to Iontisoto Co. pisy, stibtio3o4 1575. ('spittl *14. oit4fos at .044 ItP41044 ert)010. of 04,4400#441reao 4,, IL _OWAItTo Visit! 41,1ats • idne3r Pihis had. uch good 1 thought 6 boxe s�t," t." *101110‘ **do 000ntry ronolay. hook Julj **A„ Siad. Xaders.d by *u, Stsookip (asI t‘sttl000t000y *mob's tb** toll;pottloabuo V 44111113$014, 41Chtliost..1110000 rt ox- ns&oikckingsbouttfln&hIy ought o aid of .doctor who dystmtut was very much 1Ufl And that the trouble might nd in nervous prostrstion., As bis edicine did not help me 1 dee' advice of * friend, to give "Moans' Pink tills a. trio'. had used ,,lest than a hell dozen oxes when my health 14411 fully ref to other medi- ine can equal these Pills when One i run down and 00 Of health." old by shl znedicin. dealers o y m&iJ at 50 cents a box or aix o from The Dr.Wil- :ns' Medicin, Co.,Brockville DANCING BY TliE MILE. flow . ations-t0: *nee* zo u hikelyto receivethis. year wentylt",, are ome statistic; that may interest ou. According( to $ well-known rofeuor of daucing,•six.1*4 &bag oura is.efieuglx.,, to, b* eomPleto tor of th ordinary **Uri, with, be reveriing uiovement. it should. In three steps which sp to each bat nee of 2 it. 6 In. shout(' be Tho.'spe.cd should be 44- .1) o sic mu:mitt. involvin 122 (moments of the, tett, and 22 roplete•rovolutioas* ••of tho• dan- couple. The duration of dance 7houi.1 not exceed' idic udnutes. The pupil should be pre. font after about 65 trials, invol. g 17,160 bus of .music, 5/„4.80 steps, 8,560 turns anda total du. nee of *oven mites; • Only an hour and -forty-five minutes is necessary to recruit* tho,rn*zttrks. It needs 14,490 *tett*, 1,207 4;urns, and ,to fle53 - dancing. • Tho polks, ii ..snother-estsy dance. -It need. 28 Itractiee-dantes-of, --totir =Mute ,itacit to bring perfection. This 1161014 9.200 .steps, :2,300 rondo. tone, and di4tanert- of two and half mili,s., BER WATFJDBP,FORTS, . I Public .0401 teacher was - ining tlio meaning ok, the *Ord - , Temtei," ' sho • 'ask "what would you.'011 11, man who 14 Constantly \LoYeteatiNc, rOfirft sakt.Toihvoy, whose tithe. wet aea captain "- he's *bat you -Itill-a-titerwair- guess." ills Of ' c'hildhrood and y prove sori- o*sif aot protspt1y. attendcd . where Botby ore kept there at hand for as indigestion, cOnatApation, worws and teetning troti- bi�s. And th. mother has aarantee of * tOVerli- 1114diL 140 opiat. 014 up in eacb case of the prominent pu denizen of Chinzitown,who sup- ort it by voluntaryu seription G1tOWTII OF Itervelene Pogrest, Made Uader Manager Jhye Since Isnuary„ 18944 thor Grana Trunk Railway *stowbas increas- ed the operating mileage by U per 044t.p through, the acquisition of tho O. A. Ezilway Tho tonnage for 1907-tho last comploto, year's eport- of the company -was 1119 per cent. greater than the nuin- ber of ton% moved in 896. Gross earning* for 1907 topped those for 1894 by go - even try:per cent, e logs being W7 per cent. over those for 1820. .and rentslsto 1907 woro but those for,,1896 New Year's showed & deflit Of approxi- inately St _I)ecember 31, Ittoy, was passed with the payment of *43,100,160 in ividend* as the result of ayear's work.° The, first six montho of MS pro- duced $08,110 dividend,* .on the 4 per cent, guaranteed stock of tho company. These- figure, kyr peek volumes for the brihliant inistration of the trust reposed in holes Afelvilloilays when he was Teeted second vice-president and octal 'manager of the Grand Trunk system. Nor "did * 'igen years to demonstrate he 1,4 out of gixios him iibat0Itlt4 4141ty over this transportation system. -which prior to his Appointment had been largely -initoeged from London England. 114:)4144114 Cnr.wfl1s1wa cereal, co sea " Any men f he doesn't fleedthe V:tOrter., f tholight 11 oft.n on tJi� 'rear ot her dress. :AT Merit *II tho Day.' But one omerry hoot itlie his . • psin the back or * cold with * racking cough. TO be 'worry one roust be well, and fres from aches awl pzins Dr. Thoma' Ecletifc,Oil muscular or .otherwiie, and for the speedy treatment of colds and toughs it is 41 splendid medicine. • t }FFECT1YEDEFFeE. propose to *how, gentlerne 144 Coutiselftof the that it it impossible/or the ant to have commit this crime. the Ott place, wo wihl provit that ths cletenditot, was. 1101thot. near e steno of the crirrie at the riot was committed. will offer tho indisput. sble testimony of porsons,irho sot t on th* spot, and, who did nut ses tha defendant tominit "Ws will 4w, that no pokrns * fou .body of the at we will pro by the p� show t 4 least w, wil ot to put tho stom*b n sbzpe b tbebody receive outo of •first est opals of Walt, Any dotor will 411-100 thst. stirprising doW much &/0- ar old 4011 can tell his lath* t at the old Ulan won't betioVe. Itopott itt-011„41101keis ctitturtli *woos cur* 0012401044?),4 ,Speculzting enables .111, num to save as lot of money by not ,doing The superiority of Mother Gravel' Worni Exterminator is .shown by its good effeas on the children. Purchase a bottle and 4vti it i trial 140!ther- - . are YOU do. your poorclu 1° ,..Itirt goingto put her to.bed. taken off: her bair, but 1 can' her teeth out." booOt ods414ot000no oa LZCAN 004110" Autati,' '1014.1410. MOM tio$40-444. OM 404 4:471.IOIION1 Some person* are more Sulteept tibl colds than others, con- tracting derangements of tho pul- monary organs from the slightest causes. These should always have at liana & bottle r of Male* Anti. Oonsumptivo Syrup, tho presout day sovereign remed3r for coughs, catarrh and 'inflammation of the lungs. It will effect * cure no mat- ter how severe the cola may- be. You cannot afford to be without * romedy liko llickle's„ for it is the best. 'A',110,1111111 ociatos an inoluty out Malaga -if he doesn't allow indulgence to stop. with him. chineult for some, poop • e it it is for others to ill for All. sonsiritite min-er, latitude whe .* o n torpid tone or ,Arette' tem verature. Parmelee's Vegetable 444 be depended upon to do, their look. The dyspeptic wiul find them * friend alwaye and should eittfy them with liim everrihore. They Are' -made to, withstand, snr. 'climate and are warranted to koep, their trerhil estrand-streligth, They do not ,grow stale, :II quality' not **osier.' in .many pflls now **the; market,' "urzy up, Tommy-10czfle mother from 40wnstairs. Hair. t *hoes mil' one."' Corns eisust:* 1041044 Holloway's earn (lure ren the trouble.. Try it, .and aro amount of vein Ili Saved* WROG * GAIL must ssy tliat tbis tastes very bad "All your o • - s e fOkor:ptiittr. It i moro bleued to give than t is to receive but.most of ,Ust are Wing to let the Other fellow have the,hlosing., Ropeetitt.msbutoi.;ern.' siways turemremiabe V14 It's a, good thing to tell the truth occasionally, just to keep in pre ace._ -- They Booth Ezcitc,d. Nerves. ervous *affections are usually a ibutable to idefeetivo digestion, as ,e stomach dominates- Oct nerve centres. A course of Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pills will .0011 all distur- bances of this „character, and by restoring tho stonisch to normal *of ion relieve the nerves from irrita- tion. There is no sedative.. like andinthe Correction of irre- guharities, of the. ,41igestivo cessee, no p-teparsne Ito ectivs. work, as can be testified • by thous* • • Too Many Men attempt to run e *wintry insteml of ittonding ttheir own *tetra Sod** 111,11 ottoit loosAtt oto#414* • Witte, 411 04 oro#04 to loud It WWI tot crooks ma _41,1trzboo*, A. :tido* Ur A too* 40 44,114skinot. , Whent1i. optimist gts it:in the k hetIsthstolfsill that he g"sn't gira • -1,i0V11.11. le pure concimtrated Beef and to ensure sopplies of print* Boof. for our needs We have just -recently acquired 4.38042 acres of the 'finest gratzingtland in the world, in 'the,. Argentine Republic,. and 9,000,000 soros in North Weit Ausitralia* • " Over acipipoo bead of liorned cattle are 011 these estate* at present, and this number will be much increesed. W. are therefore init betto oeitiOn than ever tognarantee the purltyand high character of litOVIt14 . . BOVRIL LTD8 ., Givipg - & hungty man advice is Mother *bout as itsblo as feeding ice loustn't uh1•the cat's 1 etearnl, tQ a- -wax doll. Zohnny'-ondignsu X tilling,' mother. ' only 31,1 ,.11141101e#Ostr* °Wing her tail; it's pussy what** 4# 444 0 it' WISH, WATE11,4)0WM owing industri of extract. roinunt 1** ttitouleted th. se*rch for wstorapo4rei in the Brit fish -, 'ea/because the extracti t intim is to expensive that only Wer vais be economically In this respect Scot- land, with its mountains, is COM. nag to th ant. The water -power phant at the falls of 'Foyers i Scothand, ha3 hitherto been tbe 1ugest in et Britain: but now lent, at • tho rainfall over * tract f 55 squar• miles, is *bout t be t into. operstion for the priduetoa of stiuminum. It* Ilin. rbiaes, each 61.24000 braks *ter, sre the largett aater-wbeehs to the British Isles. An u brelle dealer **Lys there * s cf holdttps on rainy clays. De worst' thing about ape* es "s tryil •firobi.,• toy sp41, •• vil#4,14,4 4'41 eks•::4,444.,44, t gAiY*.f,Ye,* '44,\V4,01,1 , , to.,40$4,;mt,,r.,,o 440,44+4 * *,4 *. 4 eot,A4,..Ae).+Att