HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 2 (2).** I fl or - te, 11 "-•• 4 r, 0', ,tJ$ WI h the poziW1itiei secondary ,othoo which have excited 'Very favorable comment „trent the aehoolauthoritiesit'.' In Norway And Denmark girlare. now secur- ing admission to secondary ectools which were formerly reserved for boys. • The-developmenti are asto -*hoer -that there ii a *trout ten- deucy toward eo.edeeetion in the , soUrttiles of northern Zirope, It u tio tTaTra.aeg.7,' '5 ZC ologleal e be question of men ev tfi si ,re ioy _ it it - 0 4 me.,fr !t Jie e U 4 e:pur tIut o er o zt appr(.1et2 tu 1 be the -we st Utt toor0011 nil it*4) ad n ,er tt th agony. ' . higher b i ,would ra .4 Wh&t is the *Ost important fact in rd to Ulls Antioch hurett men o body of ilLiI . Antiucb. aen is . VI c Ielprul *T...741.11;111;*3117. . 8. Vhzt Unity * bristiay Y 1 A * . 1 eltilrg OU)1" 4 B NNIE SC011. N - "TflttliST Flt031.11 a • ;Itieet fear death, Poi* ins from time worn *nd °troy th U *Veit 41"4,44 it c1oude4 ledge into.* elearer2 uob. it threatens, t 0se they ler level. love. Fzrniiiarity *04 14se may In the 40* when grief i,s most Paulen us' to everything else, but poignant, when the tutart, •seem* the experience of the race for thou. -empty and word* of consolation as sands ,et years has not taken from aenly mockeries, then the, erase* by death its dread nor made its mys. our ways and the cemeteries by our tery ?leer. On 111 the uuk. t t ell life, to room v 6 g c o es seem Urn g of itumanx ' e darenotyet .d1si.)61 axil etnot hope thO' *W3 wiLt ever riie eilalr • for us again. Yet *hit VOulfl be morel desolate than.`this world y hew its his dark of the valley has robbed terrors and ugerin th Iiold through believes and U * net les* one on. a who oted the' admission admission lively few went so far a to eppose their admission as associates. Itin it117. there is * reference to sme. OW$ -0 se -rugs—or Oheniical Society af Great „,,Britain, those settieh urge ft that the restriction SOMBER SUPERSTITIONS against the admission of woraen which committed our friends to the should, he removed, and to the mercies of demons of the under • drafts of the charters for the two "r44- Tile :Pang '11 4leath ill net universities to be locaw . 46 Eel- 401I* 00 leer .of what nss,7 lie, be. 'fest and Dublin under theI fere; it is the deeper Pale et Part* sir * X - *fld ur ow 9 Th'e better we know the life that we now' have the greater te our con- fidence toward that we do riot yet have. The ain of death'sp augment * WITHOUT DEATH prirkiew ppoe that none wentfroni live forever, W0414 net thi$ then less world'? Gut of our grief 41 .. - epet e that"which aIly our fairest hope, and in death See the promiee Of life that is because it has the pos. w ,tJ n.. Ju XtIffs, t* hu se e St VII. Are You a Christian amount of the • Uti0cit Chute mirror ittlelvieh ve maY view'our- lvee. Are we trite to Christ, *els and temptations I our hristiae 'fellowship brossli Are wee , practice* • hely101 to others/ Are we bold to toufese Christ, and , Ole, in the.. strength of the XfolY pirit, to bring men to Christi All this - is involved in the_pitture o inindiere weroThe .firet t,obe celled -Christians. 4 that r Afore all 44 cooed 10.40 , The "atrength of the regular :tretve; in *nth Africa 1300.1010, which- eom- nience on April 1. the strengtb is to return to, the number station - et the CaPti prior to the wer. • te• C010n7 Are additional territories betiven five and six thousand have been, brought *Way, live .tom. parative Sgures,dof strength by unite are under.: anirersities act, which provide for Our to4norrOw. are. always hid- thie e looking p p about us to the litethat trends up- wards t, "- We can have faith that life does not mock us, that the pro- gress of the past gives promise of the future., Cart take each day Itt$ a step in the great sweep Of steps upward.' We can afford to trust our highest hopes. We ea* afford ,to lead of our OW4 elieve thott?. 44 infinite fleeted in them.. ie can make the most of today for 0 -morrow may demand'infinite. Sy more,of us. WA can make it pos- sible 4for all Other live* to have larger hope, cartmake thisdayfair. „cr for some, and so give birth to !hope and possibility of ward flooking and living fOr t We an 1iire the life that makea to -day with--meaning- rviee, because it •e. • the inclusion Of at least toIlOW one :woman 4en from ue. Ea& new' 414,Y Is Alf in the senate of each university.. 4 new life- The feet, Of one day4e„4',144)2.1*.,a , *mono, the rttem414 notatute4 ,_ gives confidence that there 'will be lut'c'1°' * 1 P7 another; shall no the fact of one tb° cr°vin '*Iso give promise of another? How .dread would be each night if • • we kneve nothing .of the tom The .corlatuaon reolebedeXteet..be morning, and this is just the (Ire survey that litho intittenee efiotdeath,. that we never ourgielve tilsodern lito"tenas toward the break- 1 clearly sew its new morn. We vid on the' broad ste life, the steps that, lie below, .. sag down .of.' barriers ' that b* hitherto kept 'women 'from full tcernr. the provision for .tellectuel develoioent.,- iitt4 4 XiktiMa-COAffe*fen 0 , 1101, of tOotdAtAti0A: is ho • mo: widely extended.' .Two years , 'Rut I of New set aside :interest of wbicb was: .4 voted to the improvement of t dal and li.'virsg eouditioUg in the United States! The,, statement a p*.nying the gift indicated that ho moqui to he employed in rk were to include • research, publication, education, au, 'stab. &lomat and maintenance of cliari, table *lid beneficial • *aetivities agencies, and institutions; and the of those already established be results Of reseal& 1-1-arz4r; this II Sago foundation" *to beginning to appeai-. - Tfiel' givo beingvidenie, that .the .. endowment. ii used . They. lend en- leetti*nement "b0 tliOtie who believe that better things are in *tore be.: Amuse. of the luvestisetions that aro, boas ma4do 'under the auspices of, the. "foundstions'' establishe& by 'people of wealth with the though helpinguluunanity fOrWara. getS Witheit Wing „ -thakt'ir. 00nditiOrts Of *lifting are to he • \ proved -the existin 'fiscpt uniist aecertivined first .0 all. „Ilutt wes • the purpose the investigation which furnished the material for at book lust published doseribing tho st.e*ssi of living among *tree familiss. sny SUlf irk r `fated with the physics),i,* worst rouditiO4 Of the, O. in. tit ted 4r* treated tai Anong thesis, typital ems/ are food, elothinc insuraueo, s education, recreation, fare,the like. 11441 gtery ef o manner of tonductine tb. in v cstigation and -how it was re eeived I* odniost as. leteresting "as the retools in the* memy tab On there, hewever,'100.4 depend -any moremeats for .emellorat The revelation of overcrowding tad utxterfeeding mule by tbo book i* eltstressing one. It 'skew* enough that eenditions 'fele& a stet ittes1 by soy lif1,111114, itt*AlLite 110P0titialift for betterroe are t4 tonsio4,1-0,4 there oho daat • 1 for oggestiort stvoi 11 !I W 0 re *11 O. have climbed vit,„ 46 0 he step* that lie before ed in rosters!,• tt_we fairer yet t onseious that we stand on , h N —IN Leeson IV. Ati.-14ESSON, Is a Christian • 19. What liefelt-the disciple atter Stephen's Stephen's madYrdonx ,ithsteiPle* Were ...ecettered *bre 'The. ,Greek verb is based upon the thought seedasavving,.and• Weed every doeiple -4314- 4 f truth. May all • Chri,stians be such when "complish what Would. be impossible y go* abroad,, traveling either 'tetheir unaided efforts. Reps wer ts4 little • group of refugees, poor, deepiserl, ;pUrteed. Item wait 01%e 01 the world's proudest, itfiialtiestt iehest wiekftiost calm il.n4 L. hem her eceepf, new religvon, they Carr -W to it h mo activity that 104 brought 40 $4 in the 'worldly enterprises Antioch—ln.bisLoollege44 0111 work, PrOfeStiOF DrUMMOIld always sought to win for Christ strong, athletie,\, popular , young men, the leaders, 'no matter how -wild the)* were; and his sagacity alwayt ovettitself. - 4. But o -chief reason for the growth of the Antioch church yen in the text. The hand of tbo L�rd was with theta., "The hand s the symbel of power and of Work willing Christians are God'i hand*. Through- them 4!4,4 easily ,fte. r husmesa or pleasure., . osel Sympathy Cho 1Vhy does this Ver .(It. To show the od• disciple* wh7O prcached to the Jews 4410nei and Cyprus Cirretielthe, o Libya, the modern Tripoli,Africa, A 'brosoler nit in ,f Greek, Vie ,.could,' as, thetz he, might (1) learn the ** , vise .444 et state of Wefts, since .rumors, ' intimate,„ , 0 0 alwars tostrUstworthy.' even' in thei tenaito 'bre. judiee. The of tho. telegraph-, —Were- y 140pe, of illis wit* vn the mina of Dr. doubtful thou; (a) eueourims lio. ZoiminliOt, the inventor -44.31wo in., new diteiples; (3) wet% them ternstienst lattOatev Esperanto, against error, and ,(4) prevent, di*. who lived in the insur4ou ' :cord bets/tett thelewisti and ChM; city of ;Warsa*. Xoreorers., tilt 'converts, of *which the *Solel had been brought up outsode ,ot, showed the danger (Acts ..,"1t.:" eliotine, ,:tbso stronghold of lews 140. They Ilex* sent st lot lab rtrejudzets. i Besides, they, h ter, but foe. methods are al. obitiolome ander the inffiento ,ways hest.; of he libtril.taintlest r40. V. Th. Chr stite's 'Ante, ' -ConV r ,Power * linCe. VS, Mt $itt. Why 414 Bar- Cbristisns.--V 21. hat was the nab** need bele!: Beteuso of, his is sit in Atriti.• SU00004. Zit+Ory true, worker Isuitie believed, up * tit* greater than he is alone, rd.. The rtes. end benedi'ts the world by., treating 3rz work for other*. -, o tab) .. ' d;.a he seek 8tult Itiecaus,e een t a aCioaintenee with bins. B. A of flastra wormiorfal ‘ox tocaiso .0"atil *0 p to the used of A,* iirn Aatni 01 refugees so moved upon the city that three tenturies- later its greatest on, Chryostom tho golden -mouthed 'preacher, szid that „ half its " -population were Cheistian, , -W. The Christises Souree Strength,—Vs. 21.24; •What slid the Jeruseleni,' Chriktiens do iviven or this heard, of the 'Gentile Chisai eispoko Autioelit They sent -forth; Barns - he Antioc trengthez3ed by rhih y had ng very rind d.lit. *err „ vices of Antioch Beop,nae he was different from how*d the need et a. purifying no. s, smote logical probabl 4.) 1, askd '4outitlees many Were bAtAir teseker,, 404 tbe eburel with the* and eager to Antioch was ready for l*strnet the*. The atroageat He wok1 seleaseat Bzrna often grow up sosid,cor. 404 not 40tiooto joins. 40,, li "It takes 1ie fish ko pert of **y worker's twos ',strum." Wits*** the sista Os* 'deo t4r4oe of as of Christiaus idevelop- *Atli; sad ce.workers. he barbarities a the in Tarsus, which sesii • f X efasear, and .. Cavalry . • • • • • • • • srji 4 'Bova Itorse *Artilierr 4 IfOT*1, Pied Royal Garrison 4k - leo, aloyal Engineers Infantry .2.2.. .4.. Mounted infantry . The A.S. detael; re aci x °nal and proportionate. The reduced Allotment will -place .talion in et Capedixtrick;__ one fortress co ,‘" ortiserk ery ebultig0707Peall.b:ies n. field battery., one battalion one cavalry regimethree field batteriee and, two ba,t ons, at Bloemfontein,' 0. 0. on e battery and one mounted itf* batt*II*11 At /aArtiOrAit cavalry zrtil- lery, one field battery, Ode *WV:Mt% and two • battalion 'Pretoria; and .two cavalry rev. Aleuts and 040 hOrs6A battery. at reteSeheur_fsotrithmt:'battalions, most 01 atterits and the transport are etadea for service outside lath Africa its first troops for service,.so that in time of war the Cape will be still further denuded of regular troops. The unit nam. ea are to be inclitaed in the new Seventh' Division,_ which. is to . be supplementary to the vision 0 a Expeditionary Ara* main.' toned at home for soviet, *breed. Egyt and Moat* will cow c 3 es. _,of tour _battalion* sts uth Attie*, 1 *4.0446 OR THE itAtIN day u tbey are` emplolin as s useful ii rn cot in tlaqr worihops. last !ow' year portietilorlY, *42 ttsd to handl,Zay *11 fOrMS of lire* 1$. Itibn to 11 k to .weights of 20,000 In fads the world's le est magnet 'wilt -lift.** tqneh as'So, . 000 pounds. The ti is employes" to break up importoet eastings,'to hoki shoat* of metal In -position wlail. they aris being riveted bui •ils,at t iho ea of shipsto lift "sow intit broom to sweep , both l&rg. and sasell piece* of iron, and 1 in nueserous other vows. Hall * dose)* kers of nsils razy be est* travelling tlaro Iv the nit' hattl by megoetio line* spit o the wood** coveriag of kep SOMA tXtilf or three mon sosret$*es IOW tons. the tbotr :foot roaflt whM is b • * 0 tor ;$ 6 estury teifs that psrt of the na.!Ig&ble ebannel hes betorne net row The Society , for the Prevention .of Cruelty to Auiroola in Glasgow investigetqd 1,351' 'Complaints, last year . Owing to the deirth of' herring some of the That of Forth Asbing fleet have relinquished operations. _Montrose TOM COnneil WM erect additionststo,re_ge reservoi and t *lion plant for the burgh ittei supply. Loekerbie d has been ade the telegraph tranemit- ting cfflce for loichmaben, Irightle Pro :54 new• and a burgb idnn1 is 92.. vo.o.,„,lrear. Iat telian 101 in, ., ii. „ ,, t . ow,. The Aberdeen- Motormen and con. • uer4rs--of e, , --verporetion4---tre $41-1174y.,e 7.00#074.0.-19171t117 creole Of wages, _.,.. _ . _ The Sag poke silted to the -various r cheelEmscrivirootiuilsirn ttloeonvneVntuv ozt with e been. erected. :: . • ' 0 ix v ell reo au r4.iree0:10 recently. itbo:4110:hihe taben. gs!st4e eII t: c ohm"pli et / ea at a cost of &bout 20,000* Ives The new drainage se which tot *bout was 'opened 00, the Sth b aili A,rebibald, in tbe absence of Pro, Ray. t, indigustion has been cre. Scotland by the announco- ment that the AdmirsIty intend to import granite frodi Norval for the B,osyth worke. Pra,serhurgh fish merchant pocketund an open ife final imbedded in tbe atomach of * cod in prinn tion. stea.m trawleir was tep tured while flsbing within the throemule - the firth o Ails* Craig, and *fine of was given. Tberc was recently bin4ect by of flitting beats* emall specimeu of the ,,,royat......_sturgeo me&surng close on 4. feet in length d 15 inches in girth, 6 death is announced of Imes Woodbouae, one of the founders of the fishing viIlage. -oflireterfoot,_ now tbe. *nt'_fisling vil. Solw&y *bore*. " * , Collynie, who • acahvicevernen earned for in cattje him Shorthorn Xi . 'practical , bb probablyre f . tr iin n,, the best known he world. At the Elm& -meeting of the 40. itors in Dumfries Savings Ranh it was reported that the. de,posite during the pelt year had amounted ,325, end title,paymertts-0370- , . • ;URIOUSTIONS me o! zts tIeo , iiptioue. 101, ti,ncli.tongue cola aaiustthe ,biting doge. izy f. you put tbe. herb under your feet Within your stockings, no do via', bark at ,tott. "Tree ivy is itlinirahle- for i11. effect* coming of:drunkenness and therefore the poets feigned Bacehu*. to have hie heed bound With them.. , Your bet - the woe liquor you got your our - felt by drinking. "Cowilies strengthen the brain, senses, and the memory exCeedin fluell-411,---m;seattortlieur at'con.- vulsions. palaies, Sze. :"The flesh of vipers helpg. eaten, elear0 the sight, --helPs. the -vices 01 the nerves,. rousts poison ..eseeed.-. ingly, neither,.is 'there any better • tv,W4)"' mulpr, f4144'sun*(4).P the held Of the vi).*r -.that . suit &Wired to the and the neat( eaten.. You nee' not t above a arm atatime, and ;In T11001110 OF VIPERS. a worms are an admirable or-but--nervevbeing-* the.,--plate-er-thsvo• into ' a powder and, put into' hollow tooth makes it drop Out. "To draw 'tooth without pain; LW SU • earthen crucible, 'full of esuntets ants, call them by which nem* you will, -toss end all, ena when you have bwrnt, them, 100 the ashes with whielt if you touch th it will fall - out being put into wine Or 'beer aad suffered to it, he that , drnks it -will never indure that sort.' f liquor - again. Grasshoppers be. • ng 'eaten ease the .014sa*.' Swal- lows being eaten pr,eiterve the sigbt and preserve from -drunk/stoles "A 1104 AtOU106 dried.and be •• to0 *'pOWder and given help such as bae cOrMf, horns - repel volson and . • pestilenee.—The-4011---ofaman we et buried being buten in 0 powder and given inwardly r pels Pelaysiebs.01)_-4A,tit.erip Mama:: Tb�r 'a elks hjt fr°trh..'11-ClutlhPeiPPterAmdeveetextelletilOwaPtee and helps, baldness. to ails, minerals and Stones: "Gioia is temperate in quality, it woriaerfully---strengthensAlwitea • an,dIvietaolrlpotiriditde, being von takesing vain and' fool* er as of 'devils, _hobgoblins* Aro. �e low folly and anger, and it do ru,:tehisiintlgini!tbitorntlebionustboonset„euon , n into a'powder and takers inward. 't will do much more.. t4 diamond IS 'repot... to make hini .that bears it Unfortunate. There 1* stone *bout the Woes* Of a, bean found in--tIte•ti**rd of an old cock whiCh makes him that. bears it belayed, constant end. bold, valiant in fighting, beloved by WO4 XA*4 and e * NT' MT SPORTS. The- death*, ere announced of two well-known and respected citizen Francis Wedgwood Broorne, at tbe *t f 0, and Mies Of /0. Y OLD ENGLAND Ili 4610 MIS frilif.E. iko "Ls* 14k*I tieerelie s tkos Co*' is�1iit le*�e halt, been *hot o P13213, near Devito*. ' 1 Auto *Crimean r oce*t1 aged 10, iis is alciaonlue being hull about the neck helpkirtelaneholy il- lusions and melancholy fancies. Per the •euro of Warts—nththee* with fig./eaves; bury tbef Wive* in the *rood, tu4-th* warts will on.; sone sway.' • reeve fit the nsiddIe,' he thexn in *Lite 1 they ales**, thou dry OSe.t* WitJI ars ology by tbe an as * *ifti WO* - A 0 t 4 15 11 4 kts • 445 44`1".',JAtts-' lartakimi ut If t thou 'aro Rt unto** ( Itto b .a not Ot y ter* rik is*. . • 41,....-.1.****** +,,v4Y04,