Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-08, Page 6 (2)K. j. A 444.00,40WWW••••••• M1M11.4. # • . , tTh*0*1 t • soon be taro -cat1e sukl W3 Rekekah •0,4mment utessage;;11 400,243 tr before be • krview 'with *book =ter : • • s o that Iu, hail nut scen departutl.(' lost bay the' a zndirftzt4ould 'be be 1**tetlin to ru ber's. orthtion kepti bim prisoner, -there ia noquetion, but that ii Iife wa hanging by .11, thread. le telegrapbed 0 Francis t -there - hope of 0.7 M11 * 0 If. ut bi 'Be mil:linger 04 for we two, but ' Ile :stopped expreissive leitdRateceSite gather ficanee his meaning ner to his father beasoneev fl�d witb 0 0 ret it but t errifies 1st 4,n wero to cceur ow that 1 ,bou orway 0 r *in * ti ast tbw buiy with rny uighL. You,u t egrudg&L YOXIL title *pent by that dying old ns you were b.innin your fa. "It dolovetheE ed tbat love bizn ri, fztber, -gied you -have been - very not loo LkMVb ipoken, 0 010., and o life ot 1 con. •ku0+0, ter P threw r srms reuud her f*ther" ere t t oneu. dou*gne' led with twit 41 nt oomfor us,go . 00 1$ 0 Or .ika On, r another. e onrweidrnetees and can tight against them. ',Ye and a will go *WV by our two solves. We will travel. and see • liis man- 'strange lands. Be sure that., hap - more pines* will coma to us." teroder, and the old Bari smiled his "You put me shams, dear. grateful thanks. tre„ too, knew And 50 WO will start *fresh, and that- tho end was pear, lint he did lcm. Are 0400 M0t0 tUat Iittle not ilinch, for be no longer h he mad quickly* but hi* voice desire4 to live. His affeetion a* 'expreasive of great ,,content. Rebekah seemed toi'increase, Rebekah, too, could see that the • he WAS unhappy when she was eh- _clouds were 'beginning to -disperse. sent. That holy joy which comes to 'one Joel looked on approach -o -gives up treartUre* to enrich g end of the man he lutd,,to another possessed lier,,and. her eyes oil so cruelly. awed 'forth a. serenity that told - The Berl now and then,arked to the- hettle ,hrevely fought and his -presence„ and he always -went to see Min but his, manner was con-- But she was not given nine , strained and be was at ease.' tor ..-communion,-commumonie for Jt was at one of -them, interview required her constant presence. -1,1W-ItAttin -"tt the Eartatiddenly blurted 4.1U .with •Thireca Iff "Aren't you going to forgtve,,you his life ***lowly passing from tether, dear 1" she telt that she was usurpingi . Father and thinglite.r looked t place. e another, and Rebekah ittreteh. Mrs. ecticlbetg quiekly noticed <, cd forth her hand. The Berl iinproted relationp between her brotherAind,..bilt daughter., "And so I am to be a pesecmalt. "I ant so glad, my deer;:thit at the end. Treasure this chi you end our „ tether are friends Joel. She is one in thousand. - I never thought that be If had her Iihoul,dn't be anxious give in," she remarked one time e tu• 0 01 �wi e ris th, �okd at tie la" to.r # as flT :0 tot 0d *round 1 ro wet ith 1 0 If t134' 10. b kr kand fls 11 t)! The e et,tbe ZsxL 10 hris- the ve :eft Oyril to it girls went /tom the c r of death. '•••r a 44, .-bye, !kar. lairi taint 'shall 14 ever stitteIttl tlutte ought me to Ilim.it will be o '`w tbat bo wanted rr •• tit `,•,, •,'• *Imo heed and r •v••••••.** .."••• p. o 0, 0 whichIt creates L earner$. Ono i* to h hing, while tins o intursinee to which critte. •A*** ••• .41," RA A bi r, neat* for wa absolute„ giri entributt r is * tom ol Lhey will auh The first benefit is an minuet rant of $24 which is to be nutde to all wage eartiers.witert i,..nettroae he age of 130. The funds fram which this is to he !mkt are to be aitiod:br * tax levied .on I- ployer* and * complementary tributiort by the State. WIIAT zurtiargas andsho tart.d on the return be be year tbe law go into effect, tenths the tenth* the third year, and, so on, so that it will only be after ten earathattlte emPlOiel! willimp eu on year hi* payments I 1t is estleulettrtIlber or tbalc year this achette ts at work there E'uaisbed for her will 1)042%00 grants, needing 801000; The Par:tient* by -employ- era are estimated to resat *bout The lord of Nie att castle in.$2,o00,000, so thattheState will be ssi*, so the legend rafill# .04.Q• called upon t.0 pay $8801000. lovely daughter eunigundar woo A well known atatistician, hard-hearted '13The ouard Fluter reckons that b eutbe Cyril di rferfed, M • I Damsel Ilear Y ftIt orrible test. ocat mark 40 her sui* tweinty-ftftldear France will hay top of the outer wan of her fother's grants be.pa AlVi,000,000 ctst1,4e. Monett castle is torched the- employers eitte *14#200 b/ On a rock isolated from the bed)! the State. . of tbe mountain*, and it* wane ris.e The second part of the Senato from the brink of nearly perpend. commission's scheme it oIcl tuba' PreeiPioes. Cumitunito, u*41 pension e4tItsuouxt y many lovers, but atter 'het *Wt. made by 'those interested *nd by greater number grants tre.m..the 14inilfetatieejai/stktwnitt4hetew 6414%•the few mera*,..Made are to be obligatory, more daring *pita* who attemPted with the option of paying more and the feat were <hotted- to pieces in so securing higher pension. •The he-41tris-Oue-dei `Inue deend to Rienast 'whose r and ow psyment made and the a to* whNeou not ride round Om 4000,0will 00.0t these rzisionets whoa by • • to ry eft' - *relon They left hini together, and Joe "Re be lot *bout him - beckoned to her to follow%hini to self; and otand him bitter the library, Ms manlier was dif. n kith replied. "I ain, &dent, and be 411t$ eiideutir labor. ad to see that he and `the tart =elev. greet eauttiest. , art.-vbetler.riereli. It ;4, a greet 'I ,mast hive it out 'with 'you, relief to ati. What is it, Jittues1°.' Itelickalt,", he begs* nervously. elle staked as a servant entered, "I am going to try' to explain "The'Earl is token very bad and myself to you. Don't think, he 'vents to *00 Miss llebekalas Malgiug excuse*. That)* impossi She hastened. upstairs; end the • But I want you to utilerstard me, ouicklyesaw Unit Lord Wolverholme with all my fault. These last few had but little, longer to lite, weeks you have Lwow& Iwo "You will stay with me to e. 'you. possess' a,- wonian's att, Cyril," *skid; stixt erstantlow Yitisit, -should- •• •ie was lig ;Atwater. known me m the yit of my oil, ,o0,00, more; gles when I was righting in" vt k you for your Africa. Every men** h as mon. :You 'hate against me. It is true that * les* bitter, a o with met] wit4 ,millions. o r I shou like . how I fonglit. It was tIteloy. o. WU h &fl ki not is, pauper 'hut. I Vats deali Dyivives at I: Do you think my life, and I grew to love IL would owns* I did treat her 'Gradually betanie pert of my *thet rouglityt-pktel don't. wen nature, mid if your mother lisd her to hare too. bad AU 'opinion of lotto different I. Itelieve I tehould pan who will be grendfathe heve, time* her.. It is uoti o bey shildremi" 1. that 11 moan. Not go and fetich be!r," usoging. But a right down, It said eittiterly. "I ant to the wait, Aght. It. .1* the , will *regret 'tt. slit0 'sloes of overtominudigienitiot that yeti."' . ' Mated roe. t, obsessed ,4300" es. GO, Ana. But do not ho Ile paned for \breath and she . ng. Give me a kin first." Uzi:sited at him with vondeneg eyes. reed * long strscl' wearisome * • 9 wii* wealthy, but I was not 'to Rebekah,. but she toriteht. 4 c.btAint,t1 zt # for moreAna. ing, th3s, easy .3344ct I�st 1iand, ' -we . Or blot* and 1 loute btain*d itm,jinterest. he daY a found tomethtng to ottupy ;them ' _At 'first, dear, it was the thought of $ou that moved me to work for this marrisige. -FOX. * ling tin* no other idea, was in my =Jai There were teeny difficulties in the soitE1 overcame them all. Not y fair meatts, know, lint that has htert..sny way. •I slirtsys told my. sett that it was for t*ou. ,But* time tame when eotild not make thet **ease, for I,ttas striving with you. I was pottestatt aith ',the last for my own way, whieh the' MOSt. ter- riblo el vitt*, and I swot* that my will should prevail, he the evil what it, mkt. I seemed to have lost all toesideration, for you. I* my nit4 naviioa eetild 'bine coldly watth, yen 40 to the, altar, even if I bad known that would entail up an .o* * life tis " t th4.'01313400 that Might getler Cyril and th. wo- ke loved. Toler joy slo found hat Ethel at hot*s. or want Yon' tit tram. Pones,' tie w* ho uielt or we shafl be too lat., Ilehoskali said itopsitenthrt for dhs ipas consumed with, an ttrixisty Ims hack in time. No tin* was loot on the rood they raced along as lett th. car inkl travel. Ethel rememliet her att. journey and the milieu intrvi"w that foltoreti it, and u� wondered Whet fete isovr, ttre for her. :Moves's** of ti hiid given her mind the chance wing her coedect more !putt but it hint *tot httoggitt her eontfort, still blotted herself tever...,..7, stnd ithoitt meter hitt the thou .f 4flCI' 4" k M1 liners intereaWd „ tile pensioner olefin.* uch that she repented of, her, The obligatory payment it oi when he intisted on eattlIng cents a year between 15 and itt and t daring tido, she'begged him $.1.20 a year from tfl'until the pen. e refused, and to her won which can be Adone _pettortood the exploit st the 'los of 85, site 4- tqlt, as her 10,irer 4iirtiourittia Akron+ vorr-e, Tu.\ Ina she. visited forward to throw , ri; P .410$151 APIA 40,14 li o t • fllig*. • 41, , , u * cents, Ay . ' ist ' the .natite, ,* .. AY. aItbougbit it iviikey 04,4'0 "Doter flood het he would Ott Nita, it Without without* iskin 'would fitti4i, out it to bina0! "It wu ,IMOst too great tpon tr.t credulity, but he Iuis ettown itecomp. t see this unheard-of Mir was a walk of half it de jauod through ativer,*41 to tha way, in *SA thor to happen at Efi -of eacl hertelf into his -Una he PITO her The State undertakes to Increase a sound. box On the ears, antl leap- the pen11/0m:! thus assured by ing his bor00, -left ber-forevet. third, that is seY that, r Theitomewhat 04Valier knight, was man who makes the obligatory the Lantlgreve Albert of -Thurin. 4!01111 until he is fiti will have * mar "who. order to Punish Cult, right to a pension of $18, to which gond& for her cruelty, had tirevi. the State will add $6, tusking $24 ouslyipractised his steed in this a,year. So that * workingman will rt, questions, csp and give , • 1)0044.461;ketitor feruolm0Yt'hlt ethmOviagoietrovtiutt tete funds ant/ *is from the work. m an plus State funds, form of insurance, it is cal. dangerous exercise. A. vroMart, • prat slit tee - bine ben she 'it green With` e ula,ted, will apply to to about in . . 000,000 ., , persons.,- The -obligatory wits will, bring in *bent $14,- •a rater, but no estimate htit 44 cansaygive by the tminmission .,&10, Muck this **cora .part of scheme it likely to cost1.130 ' / . - insured will oteet their pay. by plieing *temps ,on'ain an. sard *Well eadt will reCeivii thereby *voiding the necessity' 0 V hiving. the employer deduct Um * tient from 'tbs. 014P10reta wages. The commission portion- . r y wished to ,,iwold, giving this 'ioStatinee Sate'. All 'ireatiritt ;$1 • r, bt Ittite in dftet as teall • i only ono o Es that ' ft is the. and it' the world. Etenlut most stubborn of all dsea umption) it es w and in less sen such es *ohm*, es flesh from eiTeet 'is , 11 r.4 itiselt obTieeliged #*10tirt 331;31taallirtficlo tl the sifted that at the end of tlao ear the worker as behind an his onthly payment the employer .auust, -on demand from the Stele thorn stowing to nu and erttie*, retain front his wages be able to show" Something to saathount slue. neighborshi that he' will be proud great lves before o reed not *Vil: Inv* nee of •mizcli ow 'whet ff over thoi rot woul extraordinarytheYt. (..)we Ohs f Ofut.effo t 4 letti lento for * moderately sucotufuli. "Their hatter hand I looked at it,"zi word went into tho 10,tely returned with * "They vented their astonishment great shout. Then each of 4area inc hou *•01116.441J • • t • on g zin OT t itelY upon orn'. stenanee, and the. Lng of half -fed begot' mw 111.04t. in04040# Evo ezeollent $00013 Va400t htt Oltp0p during the wir to and re Don't *tart* la, it 0. cannot 'proper whole farm don't try for let s. .field o Iie than - fertilito and tit** the e plow Ons tit plan *tient ;hould itken as itmust. be oto coin, • , or Kress 7# - starve o r , Ott 131 sk your well IA, you /. . ourishmtnt. You must; have eo. eial. intorcourse With your .ileigh* hots*. pleut 01 -proper reading r mat- ter, -and-kis with,the-e•er gr sin ov wit. , t or STis o advoesta 'litotes* big," And 1310, luttusight and unsoen" taking, up of every new ropeoshiototsea;atond,t; propose, ,4tub*otthaantik g nets there is no tenger * plus in our farming life for the men W *ter: Asit0 ,Itis oyes font the Fro $66 'Aftbat other* are 4o. lOwtx any member of hit e4:144:11-4d411:tetithi.ng':usa how mcIr ight.to think of the good when rou them, yelling **land asi potsible k'frograsutteho repeatutheinge.otitne eiritluntenoti(„034ett.dersyst hese been. tel the story to their -Were 4; • Nr* But the. lrer14 -utOYee desd ancestor* if one, .might .judge onward and those methods will not he way the; shouted, and by the "1"1: i.,_er* and we -do not Pro' t that no one seemed to fovea porr-T.0-4400-fihoin. odorpt,iltoieseretsiolepalistoeuni, trorehsiratlia.The Then the farmer tai ed 0 livi'azgil,..insocworatpottetiintoartv v tain trading -house* imular entroccurred'a--; note to 'the tr * hires it knife. Then,*1 young ttrprising sx*Ci•os'sp-, per wnerater thet ptesented it to fa 1.4 pre in Is* ff whetherin ng, an turirfeal offtgrhe farm all trade* has gtv 016 tou en way to tb. the le supposing that he would ma** 'of one. • produce 0, kin and give .1:414100 hate -Only .reaxle theta; but when they witnessed bisii ginning in this tountry yet. Tbs thusmthtlegrntorvitteert: iinithiteztiocnosnetioudedthe 1,412 bweiltiviccooniveh.awthittnistbte041paryouct white man's - ie." . GOING TOO PAR. • the *rho, hid twit moved a laitt.tilswe I had the bale*. little, garden that ever, bloomed until mi neighbor's •chickens scratched the r°°"`tAtnidul)n'tild y'ou kick i": asked: his ribw atquitintance. bit t , got- a „rbig to lay tain wrthosintitio,r .hi* chickens." "Wh'"Why thti nittt I knew 110, *4 bougbt ferOttiOitit watch ,for MI Tom." a ." "-mi And did,' :Wet the tronble t" "Oh; tto,. botto wolf from an minimal* trainer to the bull. idog." 4 4 A • • rmat IstYrgiag, The days of 'ground -hog ate over. . There is no h rn among the young. men who attended the agnculeural college, and have learned to „seize oppor- tunity by the foretop ItOd have Something to *ell every day m the year. Tillage mons stirring the land 'for the land's salts, ,not merely for the purpose of preparing seed' or of killing weeds. We till nutke plant food moitt availablo to preterite moisture; to prevent sniury- from insects-atid diseater.r-If--- we can aecomplith these. things het. ter try other .1110414*, these .other Mean* Should be' adopted, The beet for one man is not always .the hot for enothet„-- . , Many hrecders„ \ especially with * to the knife, 4,41 favorite *ow, are too good to theta- *** the- next -chapter the-bi sod -lee& them, or rather -o•erfeed, 'fend 1" - until 'they.get them out of-eondtk, '"Thare- was no heard that tion. The pigs will getiOuVeteoii. he was shou pu ate* tiger to dition: at the **Me time kill wol couldn't at. trouble will east**. ford the p of an to wilt 16,A atter s kill tiger, thought, it bestilo pits closely,. .f nu:tvit.'P . • zuoiferatel•y and in � them' started in 1stitY WAS ]3LA)&ELEBS ow did t vat* get broken, and lots o reader *h. and Omar*. 11 t will - sod efell off the pedestal, =teem. Row did. you iipset the r ort.. tack on. pound ot'good lime 34 NUE :FOOTFALL. thresilouttlis ot * o Ori thin' its will& strike o is the footfall, ect" i oughly ititd,let it **tie. Drain ane in Japan the obsind made the water and *bout * pint t sho* Leather,tion in Tokio with its and set in the cellar, or 0 tng* iintto a topritallon ded i P e filling the eats in iii nom* looking trains, platten** 0 done that. All I ii)a *rim to , 101. dark Plot. rut the titan. ow itiotet di 11001c -dell* and other, utli the isofy up *gi9! the table. ' tte. th eggs deity into this limewste... islniliat tbils* The uniliesli*ve 1141/ *m 1 to 6" Ith*V6; 41‘aill° Itualicli;#15Ef'0"44; t(Inodtr°1)toth:r:eklittfiellt4; ,r, tot (tight 4logrt0), stir it th.e. trtr,, laltOr touelied it. The unjed into it, zaairt.;" itlet4onPusli the door not, ineetti.--It-war-ttie-,, elleking nols: of 'the **ode* un. to *Vein that ratr of" - tit or clo whichars-worn out twice, aectlhts, keep . f doors by all elasses of Ispatinte end 410044#y*nd have 0310 0*r* 3fear or more. No matter whir)* + sea which *re raised above the', 1 (to the jury in° ,ibout turuing.thern. round at **tying heights; itecord., siatilt of the prionot bas bee*,' ng to the state of the rouls„ is enit' bis unfurtuaste haraterisUc of f the most "elistraet,eristie bits of putting faith is thieve* and !court. tdetstil of the country, Ana any pit. (free of the basest deseriptmn. turf, iitterutiird recalled to the mind , have done. The . staluippy men in as this elinktty clink, elinkety the dock putt implicit faith in yoW click, a* * running attoMpartimset# sentlerisen of the Pity t" 11 MAW! NEAR! V ••••••••••••••••••••• *taut ruit* on to iind ersr- m*rn.*t thiit Istt threw on of his ow* os. behaviour is fore of the ‘csOit the ow 4 battle a will el 4.1 f 4 ,! • , • t ' a 4