HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-08, Page 3 (2)"1.•
. bat a lOstitirrLsinulLindirtu7str744,7*
ono 1eading New V
tsuocirskt .stinuytinie
used there, IISOO
10,001 pir
be Englis onieler
hat, the youth, of
Iie twelfth 'eentur
art of over
siutbe air; kOt
op, upbaaWringshop,
grocer warehouse,
tesin sundir,printing
idlillare worth of aged' atul
13a0h-Year is vent SP,
tmto -1107,000-for-hutter
*42,000 for for
vegeta200,000 for meat and
0130,00 for o e a,
And t the liatels1
porat.ions are behindrthem.
thom re sunk many kings' ran.
In New rip* city, the me-
1tyopoIi of hostelriost(there are in-
.eed in
tho Plaza"Rotel $12,00,-
in tho Itelinent, Siti000 in
he'Gothem a egis„.
Itnieloa o er,
foolithly do,
can' put 70.0
LtW$ gallop
.to -undo .new bl
•- the skin, _strengthen*
and make* tired il
• and womw--bri
-Woe 'Ka
s. And that the must, oultry„
be brought to * head. FuIly aware
of the ,terrible conzeqLlences of his
act, the rtn er*.guat bubbled at tho
bottom of bis, 4004, tr40411144 for a
40* r444
msrked imprournent, and to -clay
been for years."
SoId by all medieine dealers or
by Diil at50 cent a box or six
ho*.* for 19.50 from Tbe Dr. Wil.
mime Medioine BrockvilLe
Within one year forty hotels
were put up in Manhattan., at &
foot of 10075,0004 the following
year the nut4er increased nine-
,. A*
.i '. 6, ' in, PM,
O'Urady �f
et0.40,s. sufferer*, morr,t!s b efit
OGrady bas
wenthe following
poi:4140o ' fe
B. i7 sPhetr, 4,.., o ve. r a , , o
. was -attended
y a. doctor, u id-inian0 good
17, appetite was fitful, ray •s1eep
*viten and, unrefreshing. Hy mem-
ory IaiIed mo .and
tired and nervous, ih4stiasIblr4arp
rein and preisure at the toP of my
, . .
Kidneyr bought a couple of
boxes no found shied to 'try Doaa
I ata -414 ti,1-elfesoon After
ses'in-yr --IrOddrtf Wale
ng them." .
This is only one of hundreds
arecto or tto- wor4- s
kidney a They,',.,11.e. 0fail
IX t. I) or i o
44 fo
The offer of *4,000 which was
mado and refused for a, little French
bulldoghe other day, weighing"
onlv 15 pounds, makes the isuilual
tif,s weigbt in EA141. Tbe. Price
offe;ed, exorbitant As it seems, is
o taelms exceptional, however.
Ldy Samuelson has * Japanese'
ipaniel that -has wort Many rite*
pionships, for which she
iod 41,0
o not hold a. nionopoly in
ler animais
he propert
were sold at kelzo
an :Ito far4,4/elim' eTilibi/J*4 PLEDGED EIS -IMPERIAL WORD
at slue* ben beaten. A 'dealer Unfortunately the e r
6°?rd• r146-* • I tte became
rom the Argentine Republic Psid public property, atui the Germans
_for three lambs, - reared. en were, $() angry at her interference
ing Bdwarcrx fArtu " EhuldrIn t▪ hat her letter almost provokedtlie
1znOink the record price waspEd war he was trying to avert.
or s chain- ten thoroughbred merle,
Another French crisis this tim
1875. There is littie7floulit now
t Bismarck really. did intend to
p down on itIS` lately -conquer,
d foo, and reduce her to a *tete
late 44440404 on Ger.
r. The French 06Vernmen
oceivoil ,from their agents infor.
motion that Gerirsarky WAS display
g extraordinary• activity in sec-
ret. inilitary Preparations. This
information WAS shown, to M. 4
of the Times.
Illewitz wrote out a, despatch,
and sent it to the Times. When
he received it, the editor was al-
most terrified at its contents, but
after some hesitation he, published
Then the fat was in the'fire
u8en Maori* Viiiralf 'Write, to the
Lrc.peror of Germany,, protesting
sgatnat the underhand dealings of
no rame lbited at th. recentilor to St;
sty Shoe a epeeist Ambassa
Show. It changed bur
Peters -
owners for g,
astounding sum of with orders to procure the
tervention of the Ituseian Ereper,
Sir Gorailli rown.0ayek o
iktetton Irali, s
Leicestershire, who is better known
"ixt, Canada as (Amboy Baro-
ilct,"-has bad a wide experience of
the value of .Bulcriting to
friend recently, owl tspeeking of
this great he Says
"I feel it is only, my duty to let
u know what great benefit 1 have
derivedhy Zarn.11uk handy,
and baying it in constant use. Vor
the sprains and bruiSes 'whichI,
have incurred mi'horsemanship,
and in my. cowboy lift generally,
have found It a reliable and
Speedy- healer. Sonne of the hest
rid'rs Westthata kW*. use
Zaxn-Buk with the grea
orient. X may mention that
on one occasion, my horse, "Bob,
eame down with'me,' ron140 01r4
my limbs, and team; pieces of
skin oft o3y arms.. By use of Um.,
Buk immediately- the wound* tri
'bruises were cleanly and quickly
healed, and‘ the raw parts 00vere4
with new, healthy skin.
-ftWhett on Vier- Mexiean--.plainic,
I have used Zattliuk for poisonous
insect -bites,
ZanAluk is Nature's own heat-
ing balm, being composed of pure
n the meantimeFrance had tent
herbal essenceS. ILA. sure cure
for eczema, ------r ono,
cuts, burns, bruise's, •poisoned
sores, chronic wounds, bad ,I
fettering.,soret„, and, all ski
injuries and diseases Druggists
and Stotts everywhere 411 at We.
a, box, Or post fret for price: from
Zam.Buic Co., Toronto; 3 boxes,
1514.5. You are warn gainst
harmful imitations, some rep-
resented to be "just AS g
oil are the Worst
Maiesty, convinced that
types. of mini -
c uring was no ing in tho rumors
, refused for:some days to
*ears „ars also'. been qui the. ambassador1 his And, when
ufug. Pincel
ghter of Prince Christian, hits ter Iva* to cold that the unhappy
*ti- iss-TictOrm, the be am - grant An itudieum
. I
" **416 V.147 "titla'blet4t'Ptlei1°*" 111 Ambassador buret int tears. The
Cumberland Lode. (hie it)f these, czar was touched, in spite of him.
a splettoid blue rertien kitten, is otlf, and consented to look at -the
worth at least, $1.000. Iter ItnYal ,,papers showing the seeret warlike
ttighrtellie owe* is large, number ' of piniarsitions .ef Biltruitrek.
"II *rid r/r4'0Dles luxurious°Pa.rt- After reeding them he could not
*lent* for tb;stu ; in factluthey liyePtait to roe the gravity of the situ -
in ' PerhIS as Alle* tilvvs":4e* 111 liti ' A4V41/01J4 with 'oydstret4h.
, ,'i awards -Ito, w4iap.ing Am
bastedor, he pledged hit imperial
Dian' word that he would .prevent. the
ill inn 011ifinnit annihibiAion of .Franco, and that
& Germany would he made to keep
word of thousands, of the Peal.. X
mothers an all parts of canadawhol
byre ,..,need. aby's Own, Tablets . .
B -
*era is no other medicine so good ' A few months . ago .111.' Deicasse 0
la curing all the miner ills of baby- lifted , the veil that hung over the t
Iaoodand elsittlhood. ,4n4 we trivet Friktico.Garmoos Iferorco 'crisis. In
he guararatie if * government * speeth in ties French Chamber he ti
siis1yst shot. the , mediclue. is 104fer thOWSR1 how Otkrattli diploma li A
") ous drug. ' ontitint no o i te 'or , ' 4 o *in tryet Trance -to the rink I
. ,
Avast , ' s,ma, he giattotsed /item (inkblot
git a t It'AOSts did net 'Mention. ;
i al stA h
It stro to...-
• , r moth l'
i to ef clest e or by mail a
box from The, Dr. Wil-
k:71*e 7.o., ,Brockville,
. ,
sans seir
The tooling summer will b. a.
teat one for embroidery. .
A Good Medicine requires, little
advertising. Dr. Thomas'. relettrio
il gained :the good name it now
riloVI, not threugh. elalio *teed
erasing,. but on its area , Merits
ft; a remedy. for bodily *ns and
ilmentt O. respiratorr*rgans.
war. ltritao *thing warAera ,tt
li4urs tht
omors nut.
lhe tle Weeter Otte*
eft Pale. *
has, carried' its faille with
hotreyer it has gone; arid it „i
tired at tho antipocloa sa,*011 "tt
t rm.-47-r .so s
lined to think—w"
errupted Ifis Cayenne. , "IV* not
ueh a difficult thing atter 04c gets
ise4 to it."
ited to Attach to tb. sandI.,
4es,have bs.a
rfiod* in Ilia ury; and Jike
iscvterioa have been mule in
Berlin in, this bed of the, SPree,.
Thu.snd similar diacoveries 1Prer
ezrn, ensbl tbe alUtthprit*
Iii40 tbst tha Europan- ice area
in prehistoric times extended from,
Great Britain to Finland stud from
Norway to Hungary.
tak.n elnsteenbottles
am entirely cursd. 1. believe Oerise*
1. alt thatCs_ilatmest for 10,,,,Mr$„.-4E„.
C. damlson1�I Mismbent 814,Watsois,
underhanded deeds-
rndu"04 how it end*.
underjianded doodi. -
sn is right if be
The Marconi
instruction*to fit -up the
and .
Virginian with -long distano
'retest equipment. Tbese two
vessel* will be the Bret, steamer*
on the °env:lien route to be thus
• -
epa 1 e. in communie
or the, entire- trip betweonitont.
real and Liverpool,
There is no earthly hope for a
young man *he slits around aixl
waits for an engraved invitation to
pretty girl.
y ptoms of the liaise -cleaning
epidemic are becoming- more evi-
dent daily, and the horrible thing
about it as that there is no pre-
'Medical Student -"What did you;
operate on ,that 1444 forri
Eminent Surgeon -"Two bun -
red dollars,"
Medical Student... n, what
tuPO4yolicweinbaatn. atcato yollioitdeteinrg, theNroowrt
Loiterer. -"What are .you doing
beret" Policeman --“Can't you
steel Vm dojng nisY duty." Loiter:
"An' van't,you see Itra
utg the,duty for you to dor'
111 fitting 0141:-.ValliAt%
corn. -00110%V Ceti 01,11*0 is
thc Dv, use. Get s. bottle
at onco and cure your tarns.
Sl�w-"NicegirI, Mary Brown,
chi" 'Teal but she hasn't' much
nee. She had a, chance to marry
is and refused."
Istb$ lot*to tosts,
tosurAskaroos thirg•-.04 '01It
f100 to piss* This 1) * • idht Plastsr
sTir tits **at ot tiro Ilea; 11 will sto Soters S• ens
SIP* 4losafart Slums &Wiring,
On *cora of success is the early
discovery that, you can't do every.
thin .
The merits, of Bickle's Anti.Coa-
sumptive Syrup Mite remelt
for cough* and colds. are atteAted
hy swore, who knowit$ Isovor in
giving almost instant, relief when
the, throat, is tore with, oongliing,
and the whole pulmonzry region
disordered in tonsequence. A loot.
tie of this 'world.fained Syrup will
save idoctoet„.2,bills, an4 great.
tit' of suffering., Pricc *Or cents,
t all dealers.,
was going to ask you for a.
new hat, 40414" saki -tiko loins
ft, "but I won'tlibecause I see
you can't, afford it." ."Mow di
you And out ithat, (tear in aisk
her husband,r- s twolt,), the lzdy re
. 41., took a look ittto you
cheque -hook this - 4for414t,„ and, I
saw you had only one cboqu. left."
"Shilsis Ourewftl 40.0144
cirui�ongk**nd -
con "You should never
judge • all by his clothes, mY
dear." Hrs. Bacon --'1 never do.
alwaYs judge :him by his wifo's
clothes I"
A Pleassat Por itt,ivo„
lee* Vegetable Pilia At* 40- 40
poundel auLto_operate tin, both, 4,11
**I the bowels, so that
fhty &ct *long the whole alimentary
and retort, psissege. They are
not draetic in their work, but mild.
iurgathe, and the pleasure of
te hem is - only equalled by
the gratifing effeet they produce.
('ompounded only of Iregetable'sub-
t euratite qualities' of
wbwb were fully tested, they afford
relief without chance of injury.
t home,- Doss
o t 'perid4 en )
p communication, Mkt
ould i?sue mobilization or.
• :delay!' '111
• •
Some people are left money jus
the - nick of time, and make
004 Ute Otitl, it is il4i4041$
bet* to r400/11"monst that t
ave licver 'earned. A goo51,1n
eoplo would 4410r' do any *
*11 if it wasn't for the feet
to luta to, and * Wilte prc
tlect 410.0reet that moneyshifl
prolit0 e their wole*O*Pt thi
of their brow.
There is an amusing story told go.
in connection , with an An lo.Itus. tr.
slam eri!sis testontsdeld /time.
' there had been Cabinet Meet-
ing 41114rithg the day at whielt the 71:
question. "Peace or wart" had 114
haen debited and settled, but no ue
lunt.had bete allowea to leak oat
it while so much las to the delsiln of Ow Ministers.
in our otniguste,i At ilinsor that evening Lord SC**
re "ati been cont.il comfiest set next to a ladY who
1 44,4,4 04 ,e(4.411...tou t. 'at th. secretrin; the .
stings ofAs6.1. A "Welt, 'which to be I", shaked
are tire in this„4 ef,astingly.
..$11, stings *ref, Vier/ Dissy stared at her, then pick
the mons.
Lamb, I believe madam,"h.
knew rfectly well what
and he had an
it ion. 'for *, Isab
bol of
y but ir *mons • 'Asher.]
14 sager& T. fieir
'sting are the great
A prick on the,
a streersir
w.l1in aa *011154011tiOrt.
10 4ita
crloas. 'ago
• r very few .ports i-
which g Edward has not at on
r another been* participant.
'hat' taken th. premier pito as
& British yachtsman, tha Arab posi-
tion on the; Turf, an has won this
riz*,roest co,Seted by *11 amtin
en-t.h, Grand National 1
ia one of Brit**
farmer;; he owns, .12„000 se
game rest444rYell 444 flandri
• hero 1,000 head have so
n killed ins -ablate
stud of driving -horses wi
of world-wLd, t4,10W4.
iger daya he wits st keen. de
an enthusla-stie crfi
at hi* t4gerbuxating
idationi In In,Ua l, forgotten.
liort, Iti may Ii* said tkat, 11
*gk b� is, of coirs*, inseelled by
t the wrink
..4ho p o
'And•also those
• "Dinkel* Weak -financially„ isnt
het". "Ifti hasn't much money,but
he OVCS, eMployMent .to a, ixrcalt
173114* r0604" " tV).44$ are the -r
"Other people's bill collectors.
A -Thorough clear -tttus -
tomach and ,bos,wels. .0f,,
t r action * ;irregular, e pill*
that will do -this., work thoroUghlt
are Parmelee's Vegetable
which are mild in action but mighty
e e
tit ure The --tan-le, --tifled with. -
out e the most delicately
constituted; as there are no pain-
ful effects preceding their gentle
operation., •
Let tie amateur o timists eo».
template the ice manUe'is perfect.
ly cheerful notwithstandins
avant prospect for a bururrie id
144 tiravoirss* *wee ts tbe try si toti
tuts tor sistt7. Gh. WW1 111.037 114 UM forts
Woe* tuns Basso, Which is owl viltir
EWA Oir*Ot swim It sratoomptt***0 WI* lot*
Get the habit of saving money
before marriage if you would eS,v.
The Minister --"Then • yota.don't
think 1 practise what I preach
WI'? The Deacon -"No, sir,
You've been preachin' pit
'the sublet,' e" resignation fur two
year, hivna resigned yit."
11 iour.ehildren are troubled wits
worms, Rive them, Xother•Oraviept
Worni zatermixiatori safo, silt*
and effectual. Try it, and vas'
the improvement in your child.
.:tqViAi, young Dr. Slioer.luts'
'hit mark already,. hasn't he
"Yea --did it on his
"Vaccinated him."
Great dor.
'till8444"S"uo...tturtdrotislitill"stfuers- 44,7* 446104114t a -4 44
or itssidosti sou Aussisir itlitOrtalk
,a110111:0 tlitilitaMiitakkitur*Ildin040i"; 114114 Tsa**
sty rie—SS* Mit SO%
Victini 14110poted to gru
ntou rohbedmo.. be
been in town half sn ho
Foot.p14-."Yes, this • apes.
you.enter town.'"`