Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 8 (2)Write It Atrll.
et reatir for es
is Is Ali 1100014;
lutber theflr. g. I
Y n1ght*
0101 314.1n1.11. *toter ' SOrth. Iti
to /wit* totiun 000%4 Woe**.
ca S 'teddy gond nan•-o
*/*er ,OWO. bOttbfatiti
YL bat
MonaPmtty�o isited I
this w*lt.
Mis. BIULi1 of Zut1c4, to with VH&N.W
kid here irnooeAr, _
'red X110414014 lett
ends in Toronto.
rred''WaUers lett „Tueedey tor Dtr
:e Intend** 1'entatrting..':
:AteirY.lCnlght ot ,11444,A00
$unday With -relatives
MIaw rah,44Weetle.
Wa *0'co
gt, .
We are **300119uo17 c*r.Zu1 to ttt alt
o ,patriont to perteetton, as every gar..
1041t Abet, leaves cour cetAtilhiluncnt be,
Qrnrsan advettreentent or taa.. We *III
oU your chokeOr the fineet and
nwjjt fabrics. We do the rot. -
s.hlpp� a ca1ld ithi.y.
o his i.on
on Moizdar.
,'eJ,ftij ,oL th 1O8. 3ow11
"00k at the Town
„Mra'101041 =presided at the orgart,,ot
t4021•1:1vitt Menloriat church On uxday
Ana; will gOntAttOe t1)4 •Outiiis * time,
Mr. Wnt. 4111044 PerehaSed. ;OM the
Sovereign Verde teat 'week: the r.1dence
On Albert Street, formerly owned by M.
fl. ft 0100- .;
r. Zoe.. IletreY' hale ..purchttraed
icherd WelatiVet home on Andrew -St.,'
tug. ..,the reeklence recently owned by
Meaar.. Partner , •
W. 04. *tofu *ote0140 the gain
Ilethodist. 001Pit' on Sunday eve.
iIng ims.reft0114 the-01*W; Rev. Fear
trom A third liervice, he fuming a severs
Old.. • -
too 40tuo Meek. "whOphejf _befit Skt-
ing. Chatham „Dwane** College, has
p1aa her final examination,. Berth
I .luet. "id "Aira. of age and thiet Is. her
mid diploma in the Contrnerciel Course
utter Irenderillvof Phi9too In •
from a. v4O4 Jyt l4n4,z*
it •duratwi.
Mi'*. Collt, retelter of Theme
1 ie atti;telihi tOlortlen
440 tithe Week
Richard, It,enuiter Iett Tueodo
fnon1ng' tor %ft 'Woo4 *bore he 1;4444,
remaining nteadinnte,r,
iith Frank 'Xiawden,, after *Pending a.
w weeke with i;le parente*heret return.
ed to Toronto-idosidey,„. ,
Mr.. TI;oz, Elssett, who ha* been vialtb.
Our her Slater and ,,iitauirtttr at rorwieh,
returned ton* Monday.
Miss 3015017. Itose,hits been !letting
at Dr. Dright's for oome time, returned
to her hocne - W000)01. Wed,0004026
Airl4 W. D. Clarke went to Idondort Sat-
urday where lithe will Visit .,tor; a time.
10. Clarke spent Sonnia,y In the telt:.
Rev. E. E. rear was In Toronto, thls
week ,attentUng * Meeting In the Interests
of Epworth LeagUes- and 4unday School..
/tor. W. and family nre
leaving 'this Week with their hOusehold,
ett0ts 'Tor 'London, where they will
PI VAZ1,441
Tell et -1' orklitc1,6111010ii. to -riser * 41-
ut 1. yett. ueigb. jog o!otherwo *doze but .was 23 mim. Ciaa. Dirnexattended .tho funeral o
' n Sat
BandfOrd on %'h,ureday shiPlied
le fifteenth load of horses to 'Western
'markets *Into Jan.UIth
The Adveeate, will he sent to any
attires* irk (1,1kOkklivt_lift...-List,-.191
-- -
Marriage LIceuse;s issued at the Ad.
teoince.. -
record tor he distance ordA7 or. Mr. Andrew Cuitiiiiigintiri
wait troken. -
-H. a, Cotter of Frankfort.
arrived Monday e'vening to visit at
home ot her ' parent** Mr;, 41414!"„a. Th9.
moree_lett_the ,lattertpart.,or las
weekror -Clondtkolre 1,0 *Pend *few etaiia
il me:Tulin-tor *mite 'tl-
Mr. Geo, Mantle. wim ham' been in 111
itealth tor some -time, went to the 1...ton..
don noildted o Thuraday last to remain,
,tor...-a4inie-4n -the -hope-that-the iea
rause or_ the trouble4ttay-bo-lotatedrl
the.meantline Mrs, Mantle is vie/time h*
1re4 Kerr of The 1-luron Indian
Gun Club watt at Mart lasit'sveek and
a..,W.4...11eaman and Protition;.
at b
herne. vere:h averaile. The day wee 'the dinner or the nuren Regiment Oz.
Mrs. Ed. Harman 1* Y 111 too:c. Put in OI.F 00°1404 3404.01; vor10.1 at 1.01cutenant Stanbury attended
nine scond hig
woo° tian3ort has been awarded very vitypir and the seerelo were not no fleas at the Itattenbary
Reginnere Cartoon PrIrk by the Cortes.Mel 4* 0*Arwis0 would have been. the 'Du:Wednesday evening or laet week.,
pondenee School, of Serantern. ra.; get.' moat however* .Fred got 139 out of -3-`45.
tinir.80 per coat. on drawing he 'sow , Aire. rrank Wood bee been 4nder ttke APPitENTICE. WANTED AV onizp.
,rno ctiot'ai City Courioi. or list weSt IgOr.PhY Imo tieth cohnoe4 to Id* tionle Buy a Miter tor Me 7t., M. C. A. Co
' contains the loliowing aecount of 1110 for 1.1'21'04 (tafo through Anhui*, eleo °ert a'Rul 114P th° bc`xsi- 1.1413 °t
omfollagor e'thilistt lb°arlIplcp; rt4ev:lneirto,,'°wuructi",lartno; 131,4rrtsr.trighorliplart3unwderatethhadttpc,ttoe9r1 ;re; .11.3,°iwr.‘74::dIrra. Harvey e.nter.
Matter how often ther occur, are ,._alwale rather ocriotto good/two for ooverol ,dayo ed about forty or their friends very .
Interesting and pleasant, took place it till:Aug:1 tilocac Pleasantly,oa-Tuesday night. -
,uslbeouralodtar'"Ileyt:t en trw* aernerturra* prnotnirenert: 134;vwhedeulittnMeteiPhoinVe1114,tifIlit:rseelurd'ItrieUripe:"Ihrass. dint churea intend holding at tea Ott
The, W. M. S. of James Strett Motho-
Zitit inst.. when their eldest daughter* beer; dim -solved by 'unbar oonvot, the Monday, April Tne SocletY have
,Serith Dille, was iantted in marriage. to 14tter takillit. over the hirsiness, And wilt orr4ged Arte* wYitt to sing.
Mt' J. Ctmit. et Porstal City. About
ton"' entetst.triends and relatives of the
bonny, wer.xl provot,Tne bride.mas-the
--Went of numerous and valuable Otto*
Th* itSPPir toupic deviated for their
MW borne, at VI/111W Duncia* gooir., on
the-13,0*4- trOtir lin44 113#140114.119141
and mot- voaboa at an and ahowaroi et
doztorts care for never* day0-40,4 wet* To learn taliorips, W. TAIXAti4
Cfllop 01014 J. north' oZ lMforth,
3o440 fldJ ot G�defle:
abductiog, Mend Miley, 'a
id *Art, and. Sentenced: to tw and *ha
eera In 'KIngst00, penitentiary.
The Old Way
on nue at the. old stand, The tirmime Ur*. Cate Zuttetle, undervvent A aural-
bem an ettenedie linporta. ,dealer ;.zal OperatiOn at Victoria flospital .on
'entlie tortes, and Atew,linportets twit; TuesalaY. The Operation -Droved' ruo-
ao geed toce,t4 to their credit tor ."..Pan and at prevent elle Ott* rirordee or
both, iiuotity and quantU7 horses '''oruPla° rt""1.1"
brought Into the couhtgg• 1 13ASEEIALI4' 1414"ING*
ricr. The Q 11,11 how once upon woe! this Thursday evening at o'clocic at
liter; 9; ,v,,q0w0.11.1c4 tho _knot, ;the tont ,klocksi club -defeated g. I thO. C..9Mriltrclat gotel. a!! intirotcd
1r Wei* Vol; itoim tub) to: Ipm"Agr Wit * ptitzs' are earnestly reo,' tiestled- to be
period le central on the 2;4, reaching wide Margin. 'Tins one game t •
Thg. nenikaa_Observer 4011 stionlvverr. meeting for -organization -to- eau
,trom Uarch 31st to April -tb. The Vert- the:r oYee *WI -overellerdow all their
i* rtictil 41. 5,t ltr44 Qat the lat. 004.thto former end later' notary* twit. it It to
rail hi .811 in torzt, And the Itaral.per,. anir ottiot*tion to thent-trAt- - lins.up
loll Is nearing 8* centre on the 12th. "vihr lact'thein have -all the se,tierge.tioti.
rinti ontheeUator1Uaon th.iIh1 elm itel-foit-eLitt-
• A complimentary banquet was tende
by the citizens a Clinton t P, Xt, Ito&
gens..and Itobert--ilohnes at the -
btormainilt on Priday ren'og1btoin10-'
nt cit1zene-fronittere:4-- parte
104.of tim
ziptk A -syttAra to In. rollutteAfou with, 4 ,The NOW** tit Ottitoh has both isoy. jeounty were also present. - ., •
01 qua slid, Ian the ord* glom itid, enaseet .trOr0 )1(r. 110bett moat* by .w.i. They come and go at toe Rouse 'et no.,
-oitathet tikidiiimit4 win, luta 4 ier, ix. Xerr or the Drueseis Teat. :gr. noi,,, litire so that the Mmther of Inflates ts..-
lout etisl* Irani ihitt 1st to the ett, OW- me* leave* thl* Week for Totonto to tem) mat* about the same. Lait„yteeit Win;
menet Ms duties as Surveyor ot Customs Hamm was otimItted holn Vildithain, It
Mr. Kerr: bait both the vtiblisher, of the 'Years or age. mid On ttilitday Vire. Ille*
nrultetliii.44,ost. for thirty years -and. ---he _ ,, loho:tozt.- brim aoittleh -died eget
well 'known *ltd. highly respected as 4143 Years. A. Shette who *watt the win*
,newspaper titan. 'We wish W10411,11164 ter 'there returird to F.Azeter Oh ' Thurs.,
•*toting .on and, touching the dth, and
iSth. X: A en
tropical d tor.
roadie _atoms trig_ the last ot
, March, thLro win, be danger or clime*
of sulk ml at this sentod* it tomer'
stormo of snow and, sleet have preceded
a crisis or Noel* *Aortae and wealeir
will fall at this time. Vr`el,Itint the let.
ter' wilt Centering. on the Stit
and extending three dais before and atter
that date is one of the most marked eds.
mtt- ot the year. Ilaronr.tric in-
dications and ;warnings , should be. noted
evLywh.r * 1* time, &specialty In cr.
treet'r eoothern oectiont.-Xcaiotte ban*
10,:th floods ani torna6ei are hellcat -
ed. gaireel bigit berometer, uneettled
weatrta and Itherp veld anti frost will
follow atixank. A teactionetir, *tom
per:o,,t he central' on .13* '4th end Oth.
• Thli ,p,...404 to covered by the Kett Uri,
dliterithanca and will Wing wat ot
and atOrme ot rata end
' poesitly .stit.€4 and CLOW .°
and even "rooter swanks* .
On the evening. or ttotidaY. April 401,
In the Mai* Street Methodist, church Illss
Sproule, for MAIO' Years W. 0. T4.1/* mis
sionary-to the lutnliermett of New Ontario
wilt deliver her Interesting Address on
'that work. po not Mhis, *trio Opportunity
ot having vlvldly brought beton; you,
to as it 1. lived by *.thatie fOrerunners_
r-tIvilizetioni" with- itsbtrolomt
ger* and needs. The inOrting will open
at eight o'clock. Silver collection fh taki
of the work will be telten..* sure to
come.-.liannith ititunnan, superintendent
Lumber Canto Dept. leeter W. C. T. tYi
What ;shalt we do Itviti; this man
viltith to • Celled the Christ",
formed the thein tor *IC -powerful. /onion
thinday ettninst In the Jame* street
Metholiet tiktits1.1t by Bev, J. II. 'Oliver of
:Ferule* who hod exehouged 0010* Witt
0 Gelne' itt the,intettsts of cdutatione
at 'WV*, $1*4 OV,VOr le veithoot doubt one
t the beet hulgli 'otatotai Or ‘tikti-
e4tiaii• Thit Sunday *vetting
*nett and:Wata Inoat at
'wittily listened, to thoughuu1. It Is
IF undTratood that Mr* 9314wia go to Ott.
Or att he,ttid of the -conference yoir#
(1. A. Pititim‘rntillurett irAtturtt
T. 0..„ conducted dutinelbe,meit.,
h Vettru.)1Y U *Mt nt)tht bible study
*Iwo* with elf( average ette
ti beidea11 edueationet -evening* Tat
ieIat.a,.Oreetteat halite, • 10111rotriPt
rre*,1141* and meek inttinSelvott 'coon
11 wo1c At .the regular' nistetitid" of the
0*1 tlittott Sroodat tight it Ives
IecIded to obt a 4et*Ite heat Monday
hat that %food Is ttiOlieitismi*
thik !otth10011,1PO to be
aket, 1y )01.0*. Mono* , one froy*Doe,
nd the' ,begiithis by Messrs. Atoning*
d Oestreitieth. This edit nO doubt be
interesting' det. and. ,freeelbe4
iisWd be Pretient to. boor It. Th* OM%
or Monday night wUL be The
.lfe ot boJo** * and will be talsett.by
rie to, Ottil: Sittlitheett.
day last.
Mr. Sidney Davis on Tuesday last die-
'Posed ot his 82 acre term In the town-
ohlp of Stephen, being Pert of LoC10.
Con. 1, to Air; Daniel McCurdy, who re-
Cently disposed of the old Baker forth
1z the same townehip. the prire Peld
wets $3330. Ur. *els is .h.avIng a sale
ot hia stock and. inildernehtivon- APO-
i3th, and intend* •going West shortly.
Lodge et instruetton for the benefit
or ituron Instrkt independent 'Order of
Oldtel owe *ribs hill in the Town Mil.,
elirtion. on the sternoon andevening ot
pool Priday, Apra Init. It . erpocied
that rcpresetes,tivetrivriii b present Erten
elf the loigce of the dimirizt. Seaforth,
aoierleh.. Exeter. - and Clinton
1)e3r30 'VIM,* vlil tilet, part. Ail work
will be eremplitted,--,Clinton New .
bite:Tit OF 40110 Ott,LItia
orikiky IlCra»brook ori
A.* rotor I violl+nown 40,
Iderit or ePhen lii the•wreen ot John
illthg, in the Beth year cif his age. ler.
Dating had beery In poor, beeith for nuitty
onthertrent eatitening Of the beeirtibut ,
Intmedlate Mier or his, &sit wets.
iieumonta. Deceolved was a rittive of'
11411114, being ,born in DevOnehtre
Ctuting`r to Canada *bout tot
rivago he settle/A In the TownehIP oC
t hen *here hei followed farMitur ter'
upward Or thittY 'Years. About wont)*
Aro' egei she inoild to the village
iruai,i. *lel* he lad %tise. needs his
home. Ilte was Valet Married* bis ritor
wire blng Sent Mkt* 004 bit ift00iti,
by whom he is survived, itlizabeth Mit
them /to tit olio' ifurvited tty few' *en*
ind thx# ..dtughter by the firat wife *rid
two daughters by the toetond, the ter.
;tor .:tietog ?wool or ttenootti ItkNord.
ot Olirogo. 410bn in Warta**, /renr7
or *row, 14Tro. Plough ot Itelerntioe.
Nikko. And the 0444 )tro. Urines and
td* at *Sketchewen. The remelt** were
brought to Illetto tor betted, the tonere,
hiking piece Friday to the *voter coon.
'Tide Amen* ;stied hu 'never bern
went* it* entirety stsi so besOtilaikit s* t
s now given upon the
Edison, Amberol Records
Aisosoroi itoclros ate" *carly fy.,
istlaeates watheatt-clursglee and ea*.
not, be used on any other machine wept an
Ws buy oidelaihines and sell
Edison Phonographs
Let ua *hew you the new ennit
44,mberal Records 650
Lan. riir Atka& ftkatt*
OBIT flfli.
EASTEq ARDS-40ta.ofth
-or* tioie. :grain.* *bite, nutrition*
STAR flour.lo .00ki ao our *suit
Hove youeiter-triediti--- Getyour. grocer to gl!re you our kind next
.titneoud; •
-netter.ona more voimieoome*
• :elittOe of **corm protest that we
put the *beat tittuttila,
itveiy- 'baur the rottutfutu a before
oeleornom, will be obooriug a, weaUliof beautiful titilUne
iiizoosiono owl at onr*ell koom 0111
. 'tr. with Is
Ailltio t*teat ralirica aro Oho*: u Itet4 In the
. *tow aucl.Ptaio,Ooolaahre ,Iborttbere In abandotnee• Our t
oplete and you cannot do better num bur one of our New
" Oar for your New Spring Cootiono..
It you have o
OLD IRO, :ItI.MBERS., .R408;
oust). furnish'
0 )3troy,I3Dias*
of 140,4412*u
Springbusy\ Wu
11 find u for big rush ' in tit
known fact Ibat We cot, the iergeet etock olE
OURTA11180 L1NOLEUM8 k 011.
and u therefore give you the haat choice.