HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 7 (2)s.ss ---K-7.snriteprefser"`"
1. snd thinta7
traiing metuditig-ii7Sciice in rillo
Ph 9 ug),.. Of the $auth attendin
thePublto satoeint a -0*x is.. For
this 1/11001143 a chcque fs.jr
will e forwarded upon the ticeell
Of the gift. The House- at
-141‘401.1 A unanimous resolution
tx1eziug to Lord Stratlicona the
thanks; of-thislieurts o Commont
and of the peeple ofearla4lat
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in moving
.resolution, eaid that Lord
Stratlicona, had rendered many
'ion si
1#** "t
11 patriatie
f tord. Stra, enrely in harnvmy wath.
atrktic which
ished his wonsle
orden had rits.
*ct hi Loi
'iew would" bes,sriniu
reat extent by the „fon
the trust.
Sm. Frederick ,Borden, otter they will be "operat tig at
rorzzoo Att ovs
flLB LOU. •
1 . ,0. . '
euhoa 0 v ,
1.",,4 u .' exportation
h „ ' '.1 'I:lien :0ne 4nterEiii. ,0‘ ". 1 (141: 114-4k4"::; ' r 1
distLi t., 4170101";
T. . The Railway : ian . Will
X. .
'al . 0 'take up the telepho e at 110011:
i .04* it linisheir with the ss rates
iavestigation, ,
isms of Tho Canada Automatic Machine
, . Telephone Ootnlin . An000lleo tloit:
Yin 0
reading the letter front Lord b,7 MAY it.
Ettratheena„„expiainiug thesesdesss 'the yominien Textile Compan
of the donation and is plan for the Wu+ refused the dementia of its e,m.
administration of the fund, taid PloYees. for & restorqion of Wag
that ho had telegraidied his Lord. to the toirter
serviges to Canada, but none, he ship &ecepting his offer and suggest- The P. P. R. Is negotiating for
believed, of greater importanceing that the fund be known as the 04 elevator site. at Vancouver in
than the present. one. Ile hopes' I"Stratlicona. Trust," of which 'the counectien with its plans to ship
believesi that. tha system now Gove,rnor.Genereiyonld be patron 'wheat viasthe Pacific.
Pl. r
11 0. •
liestienatiS -committers-ha
t a the x.arh, 0
rength Cemptreil With That et
Other Nations,
In an article in The Naval An-
ual on the comparative naval
rengthsisf-'tlie -es-OW powers," T.
A. :0131,1530y tells that at the end
of 1,03 Britain had titt Isattleshi s
e• rs c asthtUiiited Stites
, Germany'. 20, Franee 13 and
Japan 11, Of Britain's '43, eix are
Dreadnought. No other -natio
eels any *imp
this Class, though Japan has two
441;104 ready to go into commis.
men, while Germany and the United
8tate8 will each have. two comp1ot-
7 the end of the present year.
• $000114 class battleships And
t• defence shins .Britain bas 11,
United States 0, Germany 9 France
1: and Japan 3.
• Britain has, 42 cruisers of the first
, 27 of the, second,. and 46 of
ihe third. irti6 Truitt:a-States has
31 of the'first class, 2 of the seeond
and it of th3 third. Germstriy has
'4 each of !eond
1 20 of the third. Prams,
has 11 f th foist Ass, 33 of 'the
iecond, and 22 of the third. Japan
bae 9 of the first eiass, 4 of the sec-
and13 of the third.Of Bri-
tain's first class cruisteri three are
lnvincibles, which are almost equal
te battleships in ;strength.; :No
cther nation has any of thisde ships
in remission. . Germany's first
one was launched this week.
4 •
meat Tilting Attie& Against
•A despatch from St.' /oho, N. n:,
The Interior Department, of
the Dominion Government is pro.
its*. ;against the O. P. IL on a
cbarge of bringing to Canada, an
Sane immigrant without stating;
bis condition. . The mut is aJlns-
sian Finn brought. here on the
„ siestmshipstrepress. of Britain last
month and deported on the saint
ikeamer. While here he beeame
quite -nolent and eaudamage-
in the
immigration buildings .Conz.
stint 10111; made s at the Police
ourt on Wednesday and a stun.
von* will be issued. It is said the
V. B. will fight the else.
Ifilteliets la Caliateavleted of Myr-
, airing irilte "
Aisdespateh frOto 'Istvan& says;
reereputed wtehe1 have been
rioted of murdering a Whitt
Yr in order to .prOsuref the blood
• lieert° wherewith to heal the
The women 'have heenIsen.
ae"d to death, and, two others
aS steeomtilices, have been
texed to from fouttetii to
nty etre impritorimistit.' This
'14se, ()Ede kind, llinee
• airing been exeetited
Lor the tame crime.
, - ,flailway Cornriiisoii
Death at Detroit of Mrs. Mary Ann negotiating for th
sunhats, Champlain, Market
unios terminals.
A despatch I from Detroit says; . The D9reintensouvorim"t 1501,
$ 11
purchase o
Bite for
N'e ft* ii!1.
" -
us itolt40,4
o r
nce a4
a to
°voltam. vii, 8 Isa " !,!P*Inth*li -" 1?t1:1•:. lAustrPo'-lrunsittarti7iatt;I:
0., 0 ..,611 fll.• Ot'it acceptable to „Iiiirrolti Yen Ae
heat -N
1, rail,
_-:0.1..o.,14, 73failed,!irk!: ,th_tAwillthririeuifiguenigAlva,07*iirts;:hipeciltml::
u...,:tiirtrit;:t....1171N4:0410:w NVesteir irialLito , outtrr Angujeltr4,11,10:shatrivill4iens.;:torit ii: ad Zara,
iittopaurstataires, obaotthh4aart4FroitiuMn:
sbillik. * ir..
i a r., I . A
a tio NO. s white 00 0 Forvitttr-ellseittoritoe.142Afott:c0tietief 4fixtimentiere oatitd,ceTtiitohl.t: easy striking
'(ii: Of 4001. 0016 0 . ,
nesso everywhero. Weeping wives
lip army *cross the Scoria's. iron. and Aalute. the departing soldiers
Heartrending teenes aro to be wits
with babies S in their arms, sister*
and reothersicrowil the qua Simi-
lar emotion is shown by t 140141*.,
telt* that certain precautionary ers, for all are under t o impress,'
• ' ' --ai going.-towar..-
sing Troo
at Zara and, ,
ki t 4'1 a' r i00*ar,
. :. - 4
,4er171, _ roving . . .
-4 eini i
, are innaintiatelY ,entliar .
o mships . ot *the Vinous-. '
oat Navigation Vonip4n,. Con!,-, ,
pally for the Gulf of .eatistro. TI
gulf.. is dose, to t.lie Montenegrin
houneed that the absent officers be-
..atn corn traelt tho eastern frontier, have been re.
Corns -No. American yellow, t's5T'• "le - Eclair on Friday an,
417334e tr, stcylit,zoTo:zoon,„to., and
:Pirte track, Toronto. CATIS-111/1301g to 010 Fi000h- re01/011t3 01I
No 41.. 41.110,p0d. • The Minist,er of War M-
bulk o
Mrs. Mary Ann Sullivan, who was talse ito ti .sitsth _present ,tes..7.
born on the -field etWatertoo -while- lit -on sin- -jog-tits" the tariff quell,.
the .battle was raging, died at St. tions raised by the revision in tho
LuIrees- Hospital on -Weiliiesdatet _
ere she lied lives' -for the past, The Cleveland Sarnia Lumber
eleven years. She hod bozo it' Company has bought Waldie's
only A week, old age being the it and the Mill at Spragge,, and will
cause of ber death._ Her father move the mill to Sarnia. The price
watisolciier, and her me- it, Bassist* hase.hoets n1,800,000.
tiler was one of the two women at.1 if_c_cutsbution of nearly a thou.
lowed to accompany esiels eoroPanY. sand dollars has been received from
king .Edward 6°°1° timo ago c•at!," the ehildren of New Zealand te-
am lovestigaioo to be moAlo Into: wards .the battlefields in Canee-
Mrs. Sullivan's claim that she was -Lion with the Quebec Tercentenary.
the only living woman who was borni sts. S. W. Loud, Freight Trains
on the field, and vouched for its manager of the Grand Trunk, an.
cerreetness. Mrs. Sullrvan and uouriees a cut in grain rates to four
her husband lived for some time cents a bushel from Georgian -Bs
in lion real, the latter afterwards -
ports to Montreal, to moet, the
dying in Louden, Out. competition of United States lines.
Masa We Murdered, Ris Drother
Near North illiTo
A &snatch from. North Bay says::
Judge Latchford on Thursday
morning sentenced Maurice Ryan
C• he ban ed on June' 3rd next f
John Davidson. the ree, an
itywright, iiii disappear
torioualy from -his homesin Pei
tricraD STATES.
Obstirnian _Serene Payne as $ the
adedeatea of a, high tent! on _lump.
the murder of his 11thet, trr3.4" chiefly 144mtag.,or !Peonies.
Joseph Ityan -on or about trove%
Ler itithi 1007. The leilge was vis.
ibly affected in( addresang the pris-
wimm he could hold. out
. hops --of Exesutive --setemener•
The prisoner listened to bit Lord -
shies remarks with closed eyes,
and at the end sank to his sssat,
sobbing audibly, with bead in
his hands.
Fire "Following a Terrific Storm
la Texas; -
A despitteh from Fort Worth
Texasssayst Reports received litre
on Wednesday from.Wie couritYy
30 miles north of keret toy' that a
terrific elestricastorm antept.iii4
country, and that IL t4rIllert his wile
and Ave. ehildren and alarm hand
re:burned 4satli in a;$1,14thich
f1Iorted prattleally destroyed.
owed. The town of Slidell nil
ly tisO houses were let stend.
in Slidell. Twenty persons are
reported to hal/6 been injured.
Two trainmen were killed by tba
explosion of A 1000Mativo hOilett":04
the Lehigh Valley Railroad near
The United Statia'Steel OorPor
tion. is said to liave secured vontrol
of the Mieliipieoten iron ore range,
north of Lake Superior.
Eights -nine vessels were wrecked
and two hundred and twenty-one
ertons lost their lives on the
Iantic coast of America during the
an and Winter season just pnased.
President Lewis of the. United
Mineworkers of Ameriea says the
anthracite tuners, have n ,fund of
$5,900,000 to drew on in ease of a
strike,While_ more .iis,ri
be easily rzivd.
Zetvelin'/4 sti;rskip m
lligbt of 100 miles,carrying2 pas
tenger& -
Paderewski,, the . famous pianist
ha rheninatism in 'right banc
aUti arre. •
The Fronds astronomer -
'he -lot* disseovered
two nest pi 'nets situated far beyond
. 8
Titomrsoi worwErt„
A dopatels.froni Windsor. On .
tap': Fifteen-ear.iild 'William
Thompson; this tolored "' boy ° who
*hot and 'tilled- his, father .during
s family qii&rtel,near-Amdierst:burg
teveral months ego, tplesded
ty to. menisistughter Issefosrs,stisfisst
Tet:Sandwich on itrhura4day
iitt4 ***, sente
fbe years' nment.'
• *1
la London
cepted the
*lend to
fr cast, f1,1
Stied eoncrnf
ns of the nivel oe
splos se.curityl but
neertaintr existing
he therastter endexteig
rmantls het, may he mule
the f
ATACOU fo e to&
teal Aathorl Us' of 0,allitey
ot,1141.0 Wirestest •
Stanfoid Read of. New
a, rriedical euthority, sinishea
that daring. belief ofeso wirer per.
110011 that, something "with a stick
tura' is cold. '
'One of the most prevatkit
at the same time, ,erroneous ideas
oncerning alcohols that it pr* *
vent s colds. Row oft** wo hear finis
the remark =tide to suesti whcqtifili Alt
is about taslestvis hi* ho4 on atisict;ProiThomist•in
night: 'Now, do hero a drop of* the tattle srei
omething to keepthe told' ont,,J! Stochers
vt„., 1 the thing that istrusknaii buteert.ain this worldit is thatCAM*
cohol et* the heat out and:thera. Omni
fnre isposei chill. dilates
41 the uporgest 140.04 Irostios of lett at 41"I'
the body, thereby giving 111.t*, fool and
ily the sensetion ,ofs g ow of
and it is from this
h.at that thei temperature 1111
er4d by 14411,ti011. ,111 the lery
tho inhohitents know
only * well this effett of tleolto
eltrileg the donor, haveto
- tiOr-rrimo; 41.00 to 10g, and
hand-pielted, $2.10 to $2.45 per
bushel". _
102 to -$2,75- per
46Senj: and drained; 10-tos110 per,
1:ThiftOto $55O for itE# hole
listre-No.1 tintothyr$10.,50 ti $11
per ton on triple hefe„-$0:1-
grades at $0 to a ton,
Straw -.4t7 to 1$1.50 on track. s.
Potatoen-05 to 073,4c per bag on
track. •
Poultrys-Cluckens, -dres
to tee per pound; fowl, it to 12
turkeyst.20 to 22ti per pound.
D Allt 3Ilt igKET S
Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 2144
tubs and large roils, le to 18c; in-
ferior, 14, to 15e; creamery. roll's
2.0e, and 42I to -22e. •
Eggs -'-Case lot* of new laid, iS
to lois per dozen.
Chsese-targis. cheese, layio per
pound,. and twines 144otsge.
seo g clear, it to istXtc
er onna ease iota; mess perk,
to $21; short cut, 1$13 to 04.
ICATtosr-Light. to medium" 14 to
43:54c; do., heavy, 13 to IS,%a; rolls,
0 to lie; etioulders, 10e; h
to 170; breakfast bacon, ti
ard--Tiercesi tubs, 13X
pails, 134e.
°I, .r..1.•
?I • ..11
SHION R tirstooN nEtan
141411* EXTEAVAtiANCE.
Silver -Plate raird-liowt te‘Eat' -Fro*
hotted of. the Xitelien
The cult of tlie toy dog has been
croasieg everyyear* and no smart
woman London within
. seen .•
or 1-137110-7--* p
b in the habit, o writing beg.
ging lettera -troxosthAt, sinittitittiekts_
.41 I v 11 1,0 a,
for the man, whose ,1111=6 Siete
otter which an official suspeetecl
contained money,. On opening the
nvelope there was found it
postal rd for_ AI from gentle -
MAW litaff44*Ti ant --Whiff
terrogated Slater admitted that Ns-
ia4 written letterste -people- all
over • country sising tor mom%
which was forwarded to him in pos.
tat orders, He. Always, he declar-
ed, ad43ressigI the 'letters frOm "2
Grove •
nuttye ball of brown or black tered Postal addtcss °f tho "rk"
or grey guff under her arm. It is Ileum
aid, )10WeleXi,„ that 3.90.# in
Ota:141:41nallt taltthaioporiefl. taco*. iitriorase Slater was called before the
lonafifogiz" baotodard for an explanation, and ere.
caroms pets. great surprise when he iipo
A toy dog will soon be a more 14341"arned before the guardians attis.
a heavy double.breasted tOats.
ety woman has a maid for * con- 11: °,0„uenryterlitnewtianilligasgiosaicakp'es:era8enstniing
motor -car. One well.known s
rithit'e °Iittniteinitiantillinreal2/mooeultIlsen:aiballel'attiva7locus.g. tiairtedriltnneltivaesit°, rout"- auss‘Iril:
4111,ulch' as many "1134n 0"14 941141in; the money to pay for his
ts,etanitr f maintenance or returning it to the
sremtuut'ern -w°.° --eat-7-1-isesider--dee* -edsto-•-give-the-mt
-114-418- -411°114-"-ati' iiiIi4411i'd 4°1/1 postal I -order, and withithis March -
g or4ers, Stater lilt* according.
lY -told that lie 1v411'40W 40 tOtkger
destitute) and Must leave the
txpensive luxury to keo than a with. an eye -glass, and a. cuvers
the most initiottant mero'
hers, of the 'bOuseliatiV .the.140,4
or of a West.entis.firm Said the
'er day. '.-"ft is as neeessary;.. for
us to cater for him as for his own-
.or her children.
“The old kitchen plate for the
miuiature. *toy' is out of the gum
-Everyspet- has -a
• WPM' M littdie*Pdhritenkinatareabowlir.ithThhisesell*at
'5-41°- made in anything from tine china
°7-1 :61
ern No.ni tnulitile °The hish.bred tor clog suffers
..viter.--orseven real silver.
tiofeeleerOltat4)rif N%;:is4e50.'ltoie50"1%5°*;3fzlart'etnbi*eilYitl:fsatxth°s:ierettervr antbfftti;t0.41-
Ontario No.. 3, 49 4eXit ; Ontanol turf, cardigan jackets aro belog
•'irtoits674:;t1t)ba481r1.eit tNbsaorisitoelilstij or knittefi„ and tett about -$2.004
made.. The sweaters are crocheted
59% to OW; buerwheitt 4'50to56e* The cardigan jacket is mule of
"Flouts-Marlitoba Spring ,,brilliant 'aeartet flannel fastened
eats, firsts, t $.80 to te; lifikturoois with gilt button*.
Spring wheat patents,, '
"Another novelty it ma tarsplat
$3.0) to 0.50; Manitoba made of silk 'waterproofi lined with
theaesdays, NRer1 wo
S5.30 mtrcontrasting color. It is4 u
stralght waters., $5 to $5.10; &brays take* her dog out toot.or
3,5 tug. Th0 ,ere mule with- a hood
ttr.tet."iewtriZstiitt nb&gs *195 t0j0 draw lover the hea41.
Feed ;mita* bran* $ Doge boots hoe been Sten b*
to $0 ; Itanitbhe shorts) $24t0, it° fare, but this yeir they are beiihr
Ontario bran) 41:23, to $424;•944120,‘knitted or crocheted in thiek isrosti
Shorts, $14.150 to *griti• °atoll') Iolato put n ,at night when Fido
dlings. *2.5.504 Pots gl.°..*,50.,tucked up in his basket.
W.% tnotnile$ °Ifinieture dog - blankets are
°litAo.120; road& of grey tweed,.hound'rWith
ttterAil, *, !t4 24e; 444 \colored braids, with the
resit mei* tog „ ,te 4131e, ottiOlt c'reature's monogram **tiro/.
,„ d lpno.tortier.
1 • Mott, 'ingsnioutt travelling
7.,degt wili be sten .014_04-
' it '1$ 'mule of tenveit lined
th cloth. The beg contains s.
rid brush, & tooth brittilk and
p and* bend,hriteh draw
glotli, mad. of fibre ten,"
CAirnt MUNV,t.
oronto., March 30.
potc&tt1e were in m
rnand and realized as big
lc in es or throe instimets, hut.
thesc were excpti'ual. owes, *IS to;
$O rnsy be r as the general
tattle/ of tho
oice variety are as keenly sought
** supply fell
wand, Well.
• none too pen -
there was some i
uslity ; the bulk
in poor condition
eedera-Ixa fair de -
supply limited.
end am
mow -
on I'
41441 with whielifthe ;log i *crab-
bed in bit bath e'versr pmornin.
The rest of the outt conspriAmt
i. teke of scented soap, some told
tem, s softtatti towel and* bot-
of perfume.
y dog's playthings
nI India ribber, and eonsits
solid, dolls, *leo or tin
si I himself. .
lateat.. bed for ritta is not n.
This resting piste he se.
in daytimo, but at night
ed with * wilaisture
is fitted with &clown
her* is a white fur
er hint. -
silver bractlet tol-
torielok for the tiniest
r* engraved with
f the owner,
set with Mt,
edshialtussylaraellars..Votusta, la
A devetch from St. Petersburg
says-t-Orgeit with -UV -rug earMi*`
ted some three hundred Murders*"
a -woman named Prepay& has. bee*
arrested at Samara,. Duri"ng
last thirty years, it appears, the
-wonian has made praetiee of rid.
ding captious vivo of their bus.
hAnds. by insane of poison. She
charged a smell fee, end is said to .
have exesuted her commissions with
touch despatch. One, of her client*.
tormented by remorse, has now.
nounced htr.. Poptiva, has
eonfesied to-lutving-totrimitted the
murders, but protest* that she
eieellent work in fresing unhappy
iivessfronisstheirs 4yrantss
sikr murdered a woman. 1, mob
ought to, seize her and burn her
at the. stake, but was t4d
the police.
10d Pettily lajertielf
I _Ditty*
A' de, etch from London, At'.
sap: Assistant 4 Fire Chief ficotti
was fothll injured Tliureda
ht by ailing. doivtilast elevsteir
ibaft 4 vs firenin the fur gorst
on Ottit4ss litre
The fire, Whieh originated
t amome ng- 'sob
whole buikling withfclen
and it is theuslit thst. Soot
was bIinded Is it. It was his ziigh
olT duty, and body knew. he was
in the but until his/ tries for
help brow comrade* tobia
He has * wife and t
children, nged to the
e was appointed
Assistant * four Months ago.
The stock*. was ditmeged by.
smoke and water.
HAVIZES 1:10101)118 WAG*
on wiededn
_nd fifty
f the Chsnnel eirtt
t, Portsmouth ,
thus bringing 01 as
s of active torrite,
0. rousing soad.off
rhea gethered
,•ss;',,,, •
• i