Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 5 (2).. t
ie Wel,
at 0, Cob.tt. Di
oUht to l'iltithill snd Was
thee ctfriettrze, 00 the 1tb
wham intertoent wss
es r hilarbeltd, Wm. *et-
'ts ariat ,Ot grown
who Ark Yfidelt'
. son and 4suhter era In
ha: are. in. the
. lik'tbnii- , ,ttr.'
n * lir, N110110
..fldep and ZLIsb*, *Int wits.
h. .Witite,Pill 'al.
'bere Is
notbng better•
tha *n Alt or 'Poiter, the'
ptr ity and merit or which:
asbeen attested by
:Ohemists, physticians 4 and
experts at the great cabala.
il 3L
nokh. Ot, aPt
tokit,it Oti,/oyable'.'t
Durini Ab*AtteorltOg the7!•OrtoOnted,
AkuL with 4. beautiful elOric and -MEW
Other beentititi and , usetul,.presents and
an 444retios-
Mien in *borne shOuid be
-0 10 it OHIO' •Ireinetie hilttOre 44* ilallwItY 01,4104t. The °Mari
aa givin by Ion entinott aicAtotity oteU5itovirr* a to himself and thetist4t
Kidney 411#4,40c4.0 who t,54 state. tetliow, While the fiecit ftliow Owe*, it to
Irtehlt that tt will relleveiattiroet any rat* dni..1f anti his011tiren.
.ot Kidfter :trouble, it talon li*Jork ihs Irrine-Elionterc lett' for the Woe* et
,44104 ot 11443P14 414140114 ire *WO* that weOr;...liohert ridott 1100, 1404,04 Int�
uucheeeepteeea •;ae lame back. pelo In %fere Pousti, *Autt.• itinett rt.
the side.'. ilcalrO to 301,410" li**-f,c0,.'10Ip.'-4(z-s. ,011rIllajt has'
night.;,,Pantrui *tot diecOleted
urinatiOndire.'iadfly ovel.onie.„ IWO. SO' stwatce'la Vielitn*
the,' rec*iO4,. ;try •
Fr$41,, A; to,
innaun Ottli
,nlore Onto his :arm,*
. #'40.4pOritetti1.' u AK-S.:0e rs At: 41.on*
ine* and at 12/uN,:' • • '
.1014,4 tract 1104.03, ,tr,atton
0 0: druggist it 0/4: uau *
Ms* Minns* Clemento w y
100t week with Aso* it St
gstaera. W. 0411904t0 414 I
spent ilutulaY at $t. Ar
illitot end otter Mix* Iowa returned
Stret -On Vrteedeir.'
re toPerrt1110ndeY'
: , ne inueleal. and-litato
,4„ lee* and'Osity , at. , an..4.nniehlig,co
tiy, oitalc14" ie it, In 4 hottl hto ' 'Death or *FS. .irli'peher.-41ip stIng
tun* has 4 ll4oliar. healing' Anii: ispott4. deeth. bail again aprerol It* glogor over,
.ing .ertect , upon Ina entire Kidney ShO this neighborltood: and removed, from
.litinery etructure. and. often overcentesir (Mr' Ida ,
is Otnority.. 4tieso *aet iondetid. Tr.a. rio#,0*:`Cliatc
, 'ot t one.ot„ourn4o0 efee„ined reel-
. the 'woret rerni 0 utiournatiemiln Pet tl. tbe • pireoa et Istre.;' Dotage
• little wMIe. ThIa
•• 411000441040 0.4101#01*.
Jato vote iduta:1:044pleestel,04:004041-:-.70 ,
0110 is
• risotto; es, %Own*. t
a go *or era op tire the
theumatiset by forcing. tho kidneys to
filter end strain from the blood *hit
raYstem silt uric add and toot, elocoorPosi
ed- waste natter,- which* eaOse these at-
eetioni. -Try- it it -you* reit% -welt. Save
he preseriptien.
- Seed and inueous
rehy daefeying the
ot the v the t
Ther proprietors, have
1 ye powers that they ego
say cue that it ,hies t,42
Scrap Iron...1,415o cash, 50c trade, per hundred
650-, -we et a
MI junk to be delivered et TIMMINS Is SON'S HARDWARE*
where cash will be pald or trade_ given. Orders for collection of
' junk may also be t with HAWKINS .11; SON. ,
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer
TT TT Sado; - abuterate
- • 4011241110
itseeir Pitts 44"3"'said., ,
Te Valtea Stataaageadieribeesit.g0
• IfearStrictly to Advasioe.
Wisher* •
.We don't ask you one
-dollar Mere foe -the- piano
than -your neighbhr pa3ra
for it.
Sewing Ifachines,
Sleighs, Hymn Books,
Bibles, Stationery, &e
letynham Tiro% purchased a White
toturtloy night toot about 10 O'eltek.
et the age of 52 years, 1.1. months A114
day e.•- Deczased bad b-.Irri in declini
1:14eliklor powered months, and her yen-
ditt:en not Impreving nne onderwent an
operation in Novernher bet. The opera.
tion "teemed successful. but nee vomit.
gon did not infiproire and elle gradually
sank until death claimed her. The de,
Mood bore her afflittion with, loving
- patience and in The calm serenitt of
perfect faith in her Selector's, merits pos.
sed la her eternal ,rest. The .dectestAl's
Men- name - was 'Jane Clarke, helot a
daug}tsr 01 the late TIionaa,1arke oZ
the -14irekettiii
vner waselfiLientle. on -410.1e Art#44.411-
ind & true ftInd. She was & vaued
member of the Meth et church, *MI •,
Pertaining thereto. In the community be
will he much Missed. lieelden a sorrow
Ins husibeard ahe *is survived by three
soalist and one daughter. Norman in the
Notthwest. Thema, In California, Nei.;
son at Written and Mine Ettle at home.
The funeral took place to the larkton
rgeiy attended.
Sons throe tog outfit in Loindon last
weeek.--S. • J. Swett= te ittusy at the
hoseLe_slipping business:ern% --Blefinuto
•k -VAI 4. )04, *Uri
impreving, 0 g
iting-sit„Mrs-.Masonee, •
John hiclraihen, er.• an old planter in
this part ot the country P4010.4 Veer
timable mali and beloved by all who *Mew
Win. He was hewn at Invernese, Scot.
land, and came to this eountrY with hitt
parents when 10 yeses Of age. For a
while they resided in Brantford and in
Chatham. In 1054 he: Came' to McPhail
township . whore he reilded the rest ot
hts 14e, ife moyrn.efkby,p0„.1„mtly_ot,
three sons anti five daughters. The sons ia
are all married and living In atePhen,
vrAtto two -or .1.neAstightersrare-noirri-
being Urea. R. Allen 9.; Grand Bend 'and
Meff. Webster 'of _Detroit. The remaini
Take your sour stomach -or • maybe
you call It indigestion. Dyspepelas 040.
tritie or Catarrh of Stomach; It doesn't
Metter -taker your stomach trouble
right with you to yoar rharrnateist*nd
ask him to opeu a 50.cent case ot
Pape's Diapepeiri and "let you eat one
22-gra1n Triangule and see if within 5
minutes there) is tett any trace of your
stomach misery. •
The correct name for your trouble' lo
rood Permentation-tood souring: -the
algestive organs become weak, them is
tack ot,gastrte Mee: your food la On)"
half digested and you become artettal
with loss of appetite, pressuia lint foll-
ows after eating xogtttLeg„, toy%
iatkiottiotii; griPluir in bowelstenders-
nesie In tine pit of stomach. 'had, taste
in mouth, constipation, pato In Drubs;
eleeplessriess, belching- of gua
hese, pick headache. nervousness, Wt.
%Mess and many other similar elm.
,:Your appetite is fickle, and noth-
In* tempt* you, or you belch 411%01 911'jt
YeU feel bloated attar eating, or •Your
food lies like a 'lump of lead on yeteur
'stomach -yoU can make up your 'mind
that at the bottom ot all this !here Is
but one cause-tchnentetion ot undi-
gested food.
Prove to yourself atter your nett meet
thatyour stomacir is as good as anYt,
that there is nothing really wrong.
Stop this termentatton and beght,eming
what you want. without tear of diettorn-
fort or miserY.
• Almost inetant relict Is waiting for
you� it is merely a nratter•of how soon
You take a little Diapepain.
.,-our..-catiaorw utwatii., thaw beloved wife of Pstriek James Mitch.
atteteesettediOg httisierii guiporitleo. ELLIOTT & **LAWMAN ell' cr Le-mi°1' t"ine417teek place
et their roe& Principals, known resident of- Ilidduipir,
*tar on likteto at ahoutiwo yearsi death
kr the quality
MOUNT CA1111112..
Another of Pirrithill's aged citizens Parr -
tied **or on Irsi. 20th, when Catherine
240011r4 etiettirt the age of SI years. TO
menthe. *he was torn in Kings County,.
."trehtind in 11121, and came to •Ciansda in
1140. Ihi 041,0441111e pearzmarrYingejair
loomots. Only two or their children *or.
trivet tO grow to Inaturity. These were
th* late litho Leonard ot Parkhill; and
• Mr. 1ton Of this place. She had four.
telegram!! thildren, and erre great grand.
ctiDd. Thil,meired ;to giddiest*. iittling,
ilieray 40, years aga.1 ,
" to Me Camel emetery.
to Lilt*" That or 11. 1fe
• Ont., That is. Mak.
Is WOkidi Piano**
that* litemach
142 Colborne
'ears; "Ittresne„ 1.
L in gold *a 'se rimed
eritending ;Cs
I heat sstfEd
and meld Sind 00 ear,
net eat any -
1 iour an*
form gas
prossureen th*
no wcso come mount
at mr otomso. wo
or this and there w**
1* Xn1 mheerte_lelt coitdI-
atilt Mood* *04
a'Urod In the morning.** on
perspiration wstidd
WY. I **Wet bo
vumttlng that 1 wood
head weekt °ache
zzbws Ovid home me
luta 1ermO4 the
0 OW tip *merit
rkt 0? *
" I tratie•
ItArtPTA, . '- being duo td eneendeo The disteased Was
. ........,... • a daughter of the late Thomas and Mrs.
We are having some great aap a;aattitr M. Brennen, ot London and le etirvived
this eizinge-tties Florence lieyritede ot by- her rat"thet' four breth4r1 *nd thr°°
the sieoritt cancellation of May Is spond,,, misters; Thorne* Brennen ot the 00eit
Ing & few days with, her grandmother!, °U1"1 delsillnem* 3" Brims:6 Toronto
Mrei.„ W. M. Itnnoldso-iiontutj ,4omter to P. I. itrennart ot, Monticello, X. WM.
kra upr lens iistaina, log. loiter b* iltrennon; Detroit: It 1. 'et the
bleetvid while bruking 5.. $ cot • the Soled lIeert Convent; tire. 1). Itteei
trier day. -4(i. Itteratio eteessida aaid th, Chicago end "24iss IL et • hornet. Thii
A tine tow to. 141101'hos Janes of the- tut4°111 w*Iir /*id °At Siturd4 Inc"14
:... 4!
n4 soh, ot .iteir tar *OS, jt Apiora . to 'itt,, t o;tiok tront he. lets .44141soce;
keep toed stock...Ur. Leo.Poster's -au,the •rtouutr kLin* thurchi,n1441010, le
iron *tit* istat wink *took .or or nit \ im tkui'ii) high mast wit* Aunt. In
ever held, erguati here, ev *thing boo merit the Ifarna lath*
tug good 4rice1. krroster is gOing.14 •
the thrtehing basinesis, We beim the tar.
The trustees of S. ti, No. 12, DieldulPh
and Net. 4, McGillivray. have bought the
lot fOrmerly owned by Mrs. CurininghaM
and 'situate Just Oast Ot the old hotel, It
is propping' to Mind a new saehOol on this.
tot. br. Jones and his brother. E. 0.
Jones are °Wetting, allegIng that *
1041001 built on those- profiteers wOuld
decrease the value of their properly
which .to cerstiguous, There 10 a clause
In me rural wheel law which aari that
"0 school ohan not be built within 1
lards of any orchard or dwelling Imolai
Ori this clause Dr. Ione* bastes his legal
objection. Inopector Peter Illikripeon
cided against the trustees but they. toi
appealed to the minister of education
reverse the ruling of the inspector.
Death.-Areirew Cunningham, G. T.
section :plenum at this place died very
a4den1y ThursdayMendng, Mar. 25tIti.
Heretoolcaltk,during the night and died'
at 4.-0"eieek •before the *lector soarfeed.
& gerdalt generous vitiaett and
was wen ittod- br,thtf torineri on along
the **Mon and by his own men. The fa-
are all grown up and most of,thon
away front home, one daughter. Lilt
only, Wog at home. The rents:folk !lers
take rt to Myth for interment.
The sales lot Aim O'Neil and Anthony
0"Dwier proved auceessfuli everithirst
aeltIng at good figure,.-ellev. Humes
of Elinnfille preached In the Methodist
church Sunday. atm Harrison or Lon-
don tattoo charge og- the service this
Coming Sunday for the W. M..11,-Mr.en4
WI« caseverient * few days in Toronto
last week. -Guy Rowley spent Sunday in
toindon.-Itattle Itodglina of London and
rs. Glebe of Michigan visited friend*
here fait week. -Xis. lalrer 0? Etteter
visited her imother and sister here prior.
to leaving for the Wept -.The sewing
tied* of the W. U. S. met at the. home
st *Cm A. itiliodgins to continue their
.hate which they intend sending to the
Deaconese "in London. -Mr. Jackson: or
Hensell is mcrehtg here to take charge
of the railway sectiore.ettrs. K. Scott hire
the sympathy or her friends in, the death
ot her .on Georgie, who died of typhoid
teviir after two. weekie-eickness, He was
hurled in at. Agnes cerrietery here.
. .
ttt-oloupooto., . the, t
and ittla ,eonCeselon t,- rtAi' I
.Oritiatriitat*Itite &iv south Or PI
quhar- Mr. and • !Ire. VP. :Douglas.; sc.-
Comparilett hr. two lady 2rieridie had 'at
norow eacepes • A tarmer'll tict$ rem Out
suddenly_and. scare& _the horse. which.
Jurn.Ped_into the ditele•thrOwing.all tOot
heaP on the hard ground. Luckily
no 9i10.' w*.* hurt, except for it Nutty
scratched face received by Xre: Douglass,.
The -horse Stepped atter leek* Alt, short_
dietariee.ieehe annual coneention ot the,
zPworth .101ortre ot cItektit.,Wae,_
held in-Whany church on •htonder aftet
:tooa and evening. The meeting* vteto
4.4ety attended and Teri interesting,
tpclaIIp the-tecturce--"hym.ltevir,Kv
and Going.. Mr. Kerr also preached a
grand ediseational twrin'on in the same
place on Sunday- monlinte'ldr. Yelot
Wilson, atter a pleasant wet in Der.
ionteflimlatearstinatiet .to,th*.itsK*ZA--X
Stewart..-Nra. r.ctslake 'is, we are
Butt esdajr for
Toronto as d tab* the Laymen's
Missionary and the .Sundlt).
School Oonv n, and on bis return
he parpoees log* full report. -44r.
AitorTt 001:
acoompanted the Rev
*NA% where he will
ogre and Convention,
ti-tifirhAireifirt4er, bas
ill and as o reindt the
who is over 110,yeare of age, is very
ill with pneOmonta.-W.„ CAW and
family /eft for their new IMMO in the
West on lIontlay.,Itiss Sarah Nen
returned on Friday Mott atter Vends
lug severed day* withfriends and rola-
Wee in London• 4-, The Epworth•
League of the Centralia Methodist
Church . giving the Ancolvers-
ary of t« -Nifty Evening. After
the regular tea. meeting Rev. W. 11.
Butt wiligive an illustrated lecture oci,
consisting of over V* lime.
" interest throughout our , Dominion.
_ On the following Sunday special Sere.
ices will be arranged for. Sunday tiv..
", ening * song *mice will be conducted
le by. the postore,-Theregular semiluar.
41100111$, 211,1001lta. JOsi
entivetid.-A, logs censigninent at bogirloo
train flirt of the tee/ling firms ot Ontario;
in *II the lateet ono* eturflesttn*, it,ttY
person intending buying will do well to
ItOok• um our .stack Wars **noosing;
Ns *Weave you moost ur so 4014. Ho
try** to &IOW goads. Ali velOciestire
fulb guaraiitwj. '4'4dt salleiteao4s10.1
VITHZqK Itobatt, treditanal Ont.
• 10st - Lydia
irregular periods
Ot the Itter0*
onffered like a mar.
tyr a nd thought
0 On of death.- I
nsulted two doc.
rs who could de
°thing for me. I
ent-to-arhoapititt-- -
and the best .doo.
tot* said I must
-4,04UboMniipviet, toan
it turner. j went back home much die.
Vintage& One of my cousins advised
me to take your Compound, as it had
cured her, X did so and aeon coin,
DII '1
cam c e t
1 no 0-and-am44.
• IiML 7114Y 1 liVere
Another Operation Avoided. *
Adrian, Oat:- "I suffered Witold
intim from female troubles, and My
doctor' 'said an operation was ray only
chance, and I dreaded it almost as
much as death. Lydia B. Pinkbain's
Vegetable CompoundoomtletAyeurol
nio Withent-an 6Pettiaon.
Granton.-Thoss. Vaniertraveler for
the IdeCiary hrenuta,cturing Co.. of Lon-
don, was stricken with a eevere chlii at
the G. "T. I. 'station here and wee taXen
to the home of }tr. Mitchell, wher.i he
died Tuesday of last Week Of pneumonia.,
"Wog% ItOsit,*112114
270 Great Preget&
Tois&nd IntAls3W
nanny= aritinYto 101111410
cistal 1.10 Vela& OW40 4E"411.
arid W41477. 1?., -
01 W.czkses,
11110 MR
-can't cure. Rheumatism
anionlyeitin dew', Linimentirean't viol/ them
nerves, Pints. liniment* can't get}o tbs.szok ionoys, -which cans*
'Sciatica and LMnbago...
Miro IthenMstism :bectuLetithey cure the
kidney*. It you are * trafferer, don's
waste money on useless remedies. Cure
rseltvrith-fnuTillssec. abox3etoe
Asp. 44 all deal= or sentoureeoilitot
tree. a . • • OA • .
triers will tali on 114 Tester who Ism on. •
or the best machine*, Sawyer * Itessey• A Inort 4Wtort *lidding was
ad to his terra one -holt milt Kat ss Litale` Attie% daughter or weorge
-Mr. Welter Steele or Goiderleh has tnov- Elt013? Trinitr ta114411 *at* all"idoo-.2-ri,
SO*Pillo **WNW %Er« *Oat arid 11* aorrisi Olt** *IA "It'd
rosily ,.to oar neighlterhoted. Marriage to,laraii Itowe et CI
Th. ceremonyPerteritiott
710 Carlisle, The *4. w** attended
her *Ont. Ursa; Itaintrige of LOAM
*14Stor. J. TV4344t 4 itt 4'. hide.. The beide and itopitt ars *hi
sant vialt *eit their ihtleg teri 1101, -thought et in the tocelity, and ere ct1vs
t *motor is visiting at the honerig minis they will root&
p making. is the ore* lit docy, ths *moo ,was soolots4bX10*
°alt.** /64 '11"tst4147 tilt their 'members at St; lames Churth; Claude.
S In t)."4"14. M*an*"" 42411* boy.. On their rotor* trom "4 trip to
WSSICa*isoits,04trs. lOseterl. gter in Clit00100yti. The Advocaat sat
vita with, Mends in Aoare, eaegretulatiette one hest
tornod hotte..411**ts Maggio
Linta ,lert With tor
the}, wibi Cie' main
1Ceritahe, vota
has nconflr t. th. hoses mitred
trete I* trifle. 15, recovering. •
The tenewing Is the comet report
8. I. Xi, 4 thiperess..- tor tiorth....arstiirs.,
H. Way, Arre Itooloko, U. Davis, P. MAY
Notosii Sktftoor,,.ots-larsamr, 0:
nolo. OPt. Coate*, Y. 00*teet
Ilartter, 1. Iroding. )rity. ti
T., *inner. P., Webbitt. gr. $114.4`. tin* and *it* w0k tsr *earth )10141‘.
ceme, 11. Thatnii*Oti* 0 natiter, ito 'OWN *how they will retold,/ on -a, WM ter $
ThetotWon, 11.iifeelier,U. Wcks, menthol...44st week tt* foundry root**.
IL Chaim, W. Theinpeen. rt. IL ed sotorst1sos•-4- 0* Wood* and A1404'
itio Nip .IiktOsoir. A. Hard. Y4e hairs *Otto to nick, itivor, Attoe.
„ miteff lottottott 1* boo irlottie4
egrttericIrrs. Oath 'Weleb.
lticherd itzdtriOred Or Linden sic.
the pulpit int he itetbeinit thOrch
hint *toddle:44 itermons.
tontintots quit. 111,
mato Jo * goo*
tploosn snit Bob
set wok. modt
ett00.440. */111
wetttee In my besg and Linall
WS Weed."
wombats*. MY
04 ,oftisting the *3tht and
catorthal dropping trent
OS threat, Why ter* t had
avg. to ,liotootb0 ether Mon through
and the coottoloatt bkoddeir asi
was illetest limbiettabhi. Z h.
Wen 'looted by the _ boot ttriVot
Warta here *nil InVtiehre',1044
ing letratitted • mr c*adtI.n 1 staLr
et litres* at W. Oahe* one • '
:teen* toile, the threat 4ra**41*-
-• '