HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 3 (2)4100.11.11111111411101111P4i
Yhn hogshead was the
lectrie light in Lon
loltejk4-si -
rupi st tho k1 Ga.ietj
the41 itarLle4 I
' 01
f tli. larnp* * w�ek„
0 6 0 Ullik
t 0(
1 IA
u of.
cugwze the.
ein o
thewe'�es 1- rairuua Wilson raid of e1txtrie dies and rbeuznstim, fro
11 el . h 4 or 20 a . U _ k, icti . h. „ r * , "THE. HOME QF THE HAT BEAUTIFUL”,
ue of purgative m _r, 1316 it k..' ork'
aka. a he ,... .
— i 'cure7
$)tLa litir dee!! ' o * . Pa i - ,
In . the spring the 43)76: tion -dotes e rie light Kidney rill* (:
needa•\:hiriylior-urr.,7plirgativet-esn-dose-Withit- -an. 4ery--litt er-,inor - ani7 fortY.on,44..caritc-o.
not. 410 they weaken yOVItiU WI11 bo heard 4oti -1' 11 (sa' -(1,, *when asked Is 0 -,
ith 4
0 0 r, • e 4 0, 8 , 0,,r -ii ,p I. 11., ' HOP1114 .
rich, rod and pure --no purgative up tho Gaiety as.earlY as 1b9- with *. for ten 3Cars., I ar fie T ' *in 'without'iPa1 Toren "Truth" o
. tan do this. hat *.iteed4c.,d. iu , electrie.-:,starehlight„ which v.av 4 . suffered ftoin kidney (h- „sip,initotibo'reeasiltittte to uo idea ,how ----eassr.,-, , it - . t
• the, spring is tonic, and. the host:dashed -the length. of the Strand. ease and "rheumatism:, 'also sewatic
• - 4.
. tonic tnociles„), science has .3 -et dia. Lilt he soon withdrew that for fear in. nly-light,..-111/4-whiell. deSeendect
vevered is I)r. Williams' Pink Pils. Of sating horses. - . to my foot. For tout months X .could Flies t r . a do
h. aftroitriritellielifolit rnermeext, t:ty ww1:111., y... Ivo. Pas ards
, in 443p, in ',England .t
. ally Makos new, rich blood. This Deafly* 'Xidue,y rills led me to try No .evil will e o a liu e rothers, (establithed in t 0 sl,...4*. *moo: *Iowa, el:riles, 444
Every dose of .this., m'edicine, actu- not work. • Iteading of gates bY, mouth. ,
lifi and 00 New.-liond Street, CINTItAlo SASXATORIWAY IA
'NowstAN kirst„1444491", 944
':noi? blood: . strengthens every. or- NOBILITY OF SPAIN. theni. ' •I.used nine boxeS lie:al/and Iears. • . ' . -
go, eveiy nerve, And every part
' o This is vrhy t.hey eure Tititt,s .;Casily Aggutred In Ditri o er, from rheuniatism ta OW odd's rata,- - ... ' ...
hoadaehe and hapktiches.;.rlicuma. ' oef1A-attt,.._4,... ..- ' -
. , . •,,
. .
„ •,. #e:/..Pill.S.-'•'
-$1,..' ' / that „is :liblit makes ° . ,.. ..
,endon Air. . Th.ey also. have:shops sroicosi itiltioa Asa '44isi.. mato irotiraittit
0 W.,
' Aill - *n4-182""SlortneStr
cateh 109 and 110 Righ St., Xenting7. "LITe' "4111"v '144"u'''''' '4'4'4
to. -day I. am advising ,otill who_ suf- .. 'A ;# 1.11, $10,03 Will .461i0t .
,,- ,..,,............,..L., ,,,A,....
n 4 11., . 8 . •,...., -.,!,..,t, . A-- 1..1 •., iL..„•,, ,...„ - , •,,. ....„..`r,..7.::,. -4; .....„.,,,:”It.tillt!!!„:
, . .
, a ...,,....• ,
, Spam ?siscorn• - . the 10$14.n 0- strain 4 4 . 4 I ast,,:. ,
watery bIotd Tbat isout e Dr„ Ic'w"iriiams'Inel. ,i,t,.,t41 ltis Tittle luau% in lotoi',..° blood., . Curco, 11,..-,,,,Xidney.s, wit _, never'ventures $11'nev larid,
4:. itifisoolk b, 4vor;siurbgle.it4ret:ii -sunktgoreroorttes tutan lot
...0 ,brititliVa.ut. wtie,44, :nledePht:oexIli.411 ,Igenthilbr_a,47:15itovithhoen-witribeouss.pfaaonitardtlit strain, the nri.e neid out ef the .A. tongue may iniiiet st„ deepe 'St°1**8."; Walritsgt°wn • VountY. 1141114.. t14711111111rDC)*H14711:14111"::"
Down,. and at an° 4 'Crece..
taosiat marriages, 'attruttion nos. Do4d$* slines.Pills- and- they Will, eroas the $0.1%;' 1
thitilfMt.t.,,.,,, TOI.F1Pg'iLOPittit-Villsethx5,-Mtierts:.-it Icat--_,440:-.410taxtv. . _
hi0Oti, Then yort erin't have rhen. wound than .4 sword. 2ddlaneat
_ St., Belfazt,,: Irelan, their, gr'
7(41 "64 14 'Ile(111,i'le thls1.6Pting 1 warred against their ooncliterets, jnoitun,
ne. si s.tiollteigThiriiii.r, rare '';;41t4:3r8,_ ttilt k2noinirponnynti:t.11eti'0lo'" --- ex1LsE0;•, -0y-,-;,-their.-- „enormous_ „retail trade.
• InSIV cents10,17L44Ia5'c'131";s: er 14Ylmasse,,,which had made notably ex. ' him- :iiiii44A.,_ i'll'4,4tild
. .60104, Tht 7..ri,manufacture irish_table- -
sk. 'household and family linens,
O 4 .
. ' - - --'- - ' -r A bo-2.i,')r..,,i,,,4.3, „..,..-°"' cellent 'stands against the conquer- u , father could inoke nothing of ar$: iti*: Vala,.. hurtitaf. i i s
for $2.50* from The mf. ,i"atiamse ins moslems, AA._a reault of _th;s. himtreo-ile- 4:leterrulinea - tio wen , • uk .Cured Ker.. ' riterpanes, blankets Ilan-
edieine-Co.,-.13rookville, Ont. -. , . .
. .r -t..- . • ,. , . —
., . .
___ ether ee...::entrio course- of tonductf, scud .hint away- to ' his, uncle in7the rollewmg. we give. the- testimony fneultin•ca',rjaag°144:0. Allulail:g1441-rt,
't is --nOt-Ourprising that down to Country, who, be thought, woiild b -* lodY who it ' she -had' known ttif
IIPERSTITION. this (ley every. SPalliard believes -sure se sharon Lila iip ,04,,hit„ ZamBrik earlier would have, been 414 infants' he8i01.-7 of everY de*
.....,,.. , tittfotiOn.. Tbis firm has' the high'; --
himself descended from the tohil. Johnny -arrived' in due course, "ved ulue weeks of agony; ..-'....
firide s*. preaoriek. rovot; .01 109 est:reputation for hon,ora'ble deal. in,
,-.. lag irappieeses
ves "Waxing Moon itiil itY* oq"". ' ''' "
,,,,,,,:,;.:,.:44..,.......,-... 604 **It,* shoein all over the farm
impressing on his -Mind tho items- 15 -
by hislinele„ who lost, no time. in .
:,.„7„,t41,teajdo, .ixar foot while pure:nose' any of their gOodst may, !'ill,Piiiiitfoo
ay , Avenue* Stratford, 'Ont., ' 140 and any anr 'Per°°° wishing t14 tw41,00R eiBsuR:1 los' ipli: N . a
In *pito of all "her sound good SLEEPLESSSIT.10 BABIES Sity of wearing old things out first ProPnrinfit supper. '-)text, "day the de 4140. 1Vr'eorresliOUdeuee, and null Till . U
rotes a German girl cherishes cer. .ititi . , . - ki, - 0 ; a. Ili • 'fli '''''n -retY; AbsOlutelY on their retofseUta.. itamsystivrita rotoosit4
in. -Superstitions which the likes Any lit AB3 before eommencing on anything ; ,n Pao- off ud Y foot-wa .1 lion* regazvling, the, 1.1"iity as .w.eji ,
SO observe on her weddin.g day. For - . .
, new,. _. ' ti. seriout-londition.. Leonid not
When babies are reitlessf slpeP. Johnny seemed. to take it all in twoetiarianie!visill.:41' yir):411-ubr11441.14,tcli. ilty.ue. aTtltheelaPeni.11ttl:fafflohiedIr. br°93. 7hetospia'r ii 2s:e4jAnVIS '8TREE1; 7°E1):41°41
' 4
. 11204400, th0 MOOrt tottSt, be, inereas. less and crou it is the surest- Pas* .very quietly, and the next morn.
wane, for 4 Viallill# 11100ri foretellaiWell babies sleeP soundlY and 'wake 1 0 : '• .
in 4101ther At 'the full nor OU' the sible sign that they aro not. well. jog the followinecoriversition took/ 1 used Alostins 'of SuiveS*' but none r-111111. . WILL SHOW 'YOU
cel.pot.and express c mpany , a g
. . . . . ,.. 1 -did; any good in fact the. itovid. crarugnAerna:e:n,rteslittryletinitweattynd:attdoi .1100; .',14*-I1aeillkrit7s 1111400,:r3034Heainni: 110:0.4
- * .
that Marriage* -love and luck Will! up brigh,tly. Sieepleksuess is iyen.,1 #,INT0Nr„ johnny,'".-aald Iiii Ai
wii4tortnele,*‘develePed.into„-* funning soro. tow :easy to order timeetly .1*,am produco, ulliiorts. ., Booklet froo.• :.
,, *.bit6 a tun moodenotes e
n ' r.-aIly duo to *OVOil. hnOllt of thei.t!when $en 'have finished Town got ' rio„ rest day or night, trent the
Out 'Otatieriary. luck atthe tco, 1 stomach or , bowels* • or . cutting j breakfast, I want, yon itO'go 'ctowtt to ! Pairk-_„,.- At: this point * supply of , tiiiii'itouoss.eado; it:4344c4 catalogue.onvirvtluelsit touosB
be Send,. flooroit..*.0. ,rtoa
. ' .. -vast
•1iut,*,.irazing,raa;tioso moext* Willitieth: . A few doses of Baby's Own. the. meadow and bring one; et the Zoo/745'4k. ' wits obtained and'$, fear
" - inlir141,7inerease,OUlin ial -hap- -Tablets isiltput„tho little.,,one-right ,x,wayo#01terse,, s I -,11",itho,:e....,;y4:t7.,,,,,,y,„es,".e.r., hot,P,,l'unialeattio4;:ie'solttyidp:r.04yoleztui:eds.tillaut:iteffotetoct the NI* 311/4(1' St. shop, Louden Marlon Block, -Set411e, 'AV
, - - • . - . • lir toothing'the pain and irritation. and.,
news, health and prosperity, says•:and give it sound* natural sleep.
om,otilt tife. • - ----- - ' , ,--- Mrs. leri; Gorteil, St. ' Bvarister . - lire - PrOat.iitrOUSei 1!"'etspos sestkAorstreetiv..
*either ' will sitz„Gerinan brido Que. saYa; -"I. haver found Bailee: "1:4Zkla'ritri.i's3tt.i2.1)rinsga-lat'h'esjo°111(1110Ye;:'(1)eat' Vie gesidt .411thimgh 1'1444 'ilTa.ho:::pit:01,14i0,..,,o:Iluar:kehict, f. or . itatt4oPectiiistu-ttar-tiut4,004A040,11*.
• tit -whatever rink, wear -pes,r1s, for, Own'Tahiets. a splendid medicine' or the new one?' , - • spent 'dollar* in, other rertiedies. w,y., sroprod c,..aftliteti,n. tr.tozt -win owl* 14****.„
frt ollaitiVitim3LT101,glitit AVIV:ZIG"
116 ,Ont14:bplievett in the forbidden for constipation and atoMao_b ..,. "Now, loltnnY?" *aid. the uriele, New slf,,in bat now. torpor nicely be 1114 not ,gorto to school ort-theId e'
you 1 te
her to give the
previous as replied that he had ,curi...uow** 111..r At st, bli,lt cf opivaldi
mu wears upon.
!Ana topro.potris a w,o. trouble$,;.' I, .n', mY iltue with .4 twinkle lu his eve , :"wbst r over*.za'imIllipornis'"rethe" most wonder- read in books tilat great aniline- -ZialigtV.f4t11.1.0143111114VOVI:tritas
- 'wedding day, irt and they keep her l
;givelY.-and did ll yezteriloy! flow *eon
h moro: tears she 'sheds in after well.'s. Stild ' by medicine dealers you- fervet 1 whyi .htlog the 014,7i_ , _oil and . „. verfeete., velnedy. j balm, cessful: men usually started life reforotonsotry.tunithattiao•y•roikuwia,
., In4her-ratherlancli---toovif I hylnail-atc-25-eentS--440. - t " • ne, of etiurte. Always wear thel vw.uiw-1*-1"3".1.*---0 without --educational-, adVantages, - sotics!:0174"gliNtralgitril.rigt."41,1Mit
;3 rami upqn. the 'bridal 'cla3r, the The Dr. Williams" Medieine,Cu.,Id ones out first." . '. " mtrjA and that he was giving the thing - . . - .
las solo ce. stow** isos sotosooss, M.
,,, _. * • . , , ,
'h*ride: will wisely look upon, tile best .Brockville, Ont.
' - of the matter, andregardthe 4f0h, . well, if that's ' it," said BuTlik itertotit,itsa.,:paythiti, ,olettql..uaLZarns iir'41, s. trial.,
ilaninyt "hadn't you better go and' , . •
Al;;;*. AikahlitliA$111.144444k.rehititett t,'06°N11:Ii,,: 0,
I terting' raindrops-0ot as her .. -fetch Itim.E"_ -. so -wide. It boa be -en proved * sure It4iSistit:'Echnokeiltha*-10:11.1**”
,. itureinyeostiosandeektv' .
isli.iister ictoio..-as prophetie'ef What are you doing 'her 1"- ' cure., for eczema, ring,worta, ulcera,
but 'followers Of', blastinvoi the woman to the tramp*, who. had ' Trial is , Inexpensive......To those Absiteaties, piles, bad leg, suPPurit.
. *
wbile. if she weeps at her marriage, got over the wall jiist m -ti'zili to whe suffer from -dyspepsia, iodises.: ing wounds, cuts, bruises, . chapped"Cheer up, old Mail", segict a
li, . laughs after, sa 14 .ohe hss .escapethe hull -dog. '1114041110, ". be two) --rheuxuatIsin or anY *iimentt L.:414, °°...kl..„43r*ck.„„s'osn4,..,..„*„.._*11 ..._iskin '2 —I" 4' 11141:thil int 70:$14/Ht't'iCirigitTeirekihtfAbl'Ieliettt: flag:
tit; bet 'tears befOre . and, so that''sitid,with dignity,: 01 did intend to *tieing from derangement of the-,• lUtteigtano unierrealt:4,4,atigwou. t...7",,, thtt of. his. 414orea one, ,,Lovtr
;wpm , , ., ..
sile -*ill `;bAill, none to shed in her request somethie to eat; but ell .digegive oysttm it trial, of ,parme.i intotue po!rtsit.te.,-,....t. "Ares r..,,,,.- ,isitegibs . sit locksmith**s, • glyes 1.
new home.) ,
' I *0k 11(4 is that,. in the interest -1w* vegetabio ills is recommend.; a mown, sciatica, neuralgia, etc. Ail:;. . , . . . .. ,
• 4440,0000.0007*004400004.4004.0.00
'.1 \ of humanity, yousl feed that:dos.'". ed should the sufferer he untie- 'drug/0'411 lindlit°res' sen Ikt Se.,:iftte gli°wi"
. repliedilie dejected suitor..
trtt: astsies curs iriliatirairo
be, another 01.'40111er for this- ex. or Post free, from Um.- uk ,.‘4*.n. L.." het la,t110,fi;issn't a, locksmi, '
_cinanited with them. Theltial with 'hots • y esies.”
A" worititi;„ Sympathy. . be inexpenoiVe an4, the result win ,,Co.),,, Toronto); on receipt of price. ue II alt gt1.411/4"tui '
A. ' .
ito Northwelotet. Iii 'ojte tintra'a k""*.a10. duc*alitsridssaattai iota' a "iria .raut4c)ctroust°tAd eeltent medicipe. So effectiro is n the 1,Tniied.t3r4ittes there "A 'Grand 'Medicine is the en -
Ike Moot Pepolar. sithstionefsvini‘PantliscoldAmaiburoutio iroott47 1 kuove,4.. " their action twat, 'menr cures- can hirty town* or vina.torta, luny often ''passed on. Sickle*
. „
1,061.bitt 1117 --bet --itleet1-40- ;their -4010- lin,--twentylone---named--.1bizb Foonsuniptivo Syrup, and when
A n l g. eat at whereother* Pill* have proved 10,- wenty-three named Paris, and t roultS-froin Its natt-,iirecceilsid:
1 i.Yrt and Nor trst ' that i 60. ' • t0011 AlittledIe0Smitin.*. , ,. as borne out by Many per.
vros • * out as one of thew.
is to IOC . who have employed it4n sto ' ,
nig' tough* and eradicating co These, PHIS Cure Itheumatisme4..,
railways in' that tight little bile, 7 - ,t0 '40 A't
It '40 37 feet long* itad it 'Wok t ztoilowspy, s e 1*„.& *peek. it is more than grand. Xept.ut the
c.........‘,porn. our
'lett ma safest and smoothes th meow whit* a st s rpentever nie it To the many who suffer, from rheii-
. nudism.** trial of Parmelee, t 'Vega.
.- TrAvellert from . tins Sitio of. the', 4" ;hilt*** to 41,,ag 4.- e for the 1141401T*1 Of 'coot* and 11°u" It 45 AdWaYll' " 411314 lind /4 *446 Pill* is recomitiendod. •Ther
- alOngocie the commodious and con.
:water itre- landed in Liverpool. right et ).
- ts.ese r t t ....ittneatt Claim'
• always. 'failing to remote the worst kind..•.$411.hlk,
werts. ' its 110V0 Iterret belLtsd, of its 11** ii0 VO 4t5nuol tikiledii t4t41,41.16 :sortnitS:it 0Y0.01. 110::: paltroicluitunctstley's‘ aterittitiogyultive:uitheat. ,
tistitient yitiverside.Station.lif , this .7.1t • Y li60101440014*.wt
, The luovircr, utty,41146, ,,s, flut ins the aption of, these organs at
rtatway, where, :without any- extra I • ftoino' - men . manage ' to dodge . ,
. *go: n *ornate*" ,r*cht. Its an *lternative, in:Preventing the-
tiost,:, for transfer ' of luggage, and hapi)o .4 Sallih 'Ili ' ' 41lP 4 1k ' XallY,14 iliSh * bit. his *Oa enough work .to keep 4ti„ 4460. • pea. roost etusruung
With the utmost .ficility„ and., ' .flara fis*ae.hy..h*vios it to raved on the P1 13U1 , _ , , , , . sttikehtior-.."Youher light. It tokret ,tilmixtur6 of urie- acid and Mood. - ...
Xnum. t .04,wity fiom,s•wooun of tha thilit,eattata it,48- painful disorder. —
' 4110:and WI* hout fetiViOg. Cove . alert tlitIV t le of his umbrella. ',1 . . , - They must be: taken -actording •
4 noir.' ' t e ' * ‘.1 1 '
, , 4 .
) if,d4*CtiOltt . And 1.1$0d ',stio,414
they can take he train for .any
,of 'Vit.., Vnited*...:Kirigilont• li 'who rt e "ve t . I
I* t y.. ill speedily '45iYe 0Vidente'.
tie), corridor 1 ',trains, three, o ken' h
P 0 ne .0 ill A i One !Ida!' .Netit; '
iiiilt...,...Ogill. • ittde 4101001
four if necessary, for' he arrival of Linden', otre . . ot,
s in waiting en tto itiosistoSio. to . undertake art 'attitude
1 II
If e no,delays whatever., These t,„ 'Dods
Oat steamships,. that . therej, a. osamtuos in -Soutliosth A:tries,.
, ..„....,........-. '' . . , •."
t eitit ' At Cs t. e
are truodels . i,.)f **cellenet I - • , "'Eye get
totip one e
by t*Iking
storm°1471i'',' Jot . . w i hurTvelr. ' ,
and nvenienee, and. have luturi-. Experients is:. great teacher. It flow .sairs,„ A*144 _
eus . Iling "Ii`Clitt$Ctiedi general" teaches us how to make othetkinds whi • she *** at. wife!
. „
lY nr" seaeh Inlin* whtte 111°.# of Mistakes. y that I'd. l,iribir t4 1
AS IT' , ,•
. extellent meals are well served at . r iii;., 1 r
•tow/able prices. ', The ' coaches i Ater," **-4And 10 70U
*re kept. very 'clean, 2041 are sr .
Georgie " at ink
f . ,A ' ., tlit, ;lryotiii.
k i 0-* .
*at. arid as the roat'ilted is o e 1 ritee with isn't indelible papa sc'rT
it u. tits, 104.
of the btAtt itt. England; there is .
ilielthert''' , Moth'No." • te*-r little .ribraticrt, evert sr - bitot 0 .”I'rh. glad of that.' " 1 . 'n *hick
• .travelling etaisty to teventy nu . i e u to a 'leo-
* KI the aka bo e:, iv' spilt it e
I say. you're out. be pardonl" Alt Canadians will make no Dais-, they .
Wel 0 ,
e i rme.°':
take in stein*: that they are. betl
ether, !In e 0 r to the housy
vie the London and 2kZortlisvesterw
the i st11 say,
. , v ,
i uietneasates41hat maI rer tthi* T there eel el
Srt -sind. out love." . who he o . hard,featur Ft Li NEY * 06 t t *alto
MALY thilt Nil' .11,iMV id expre,szon.. :She *MA, ,o, 0 Ile *ix
, A .itoste 11* $ and. the boy, I I ..... c ,
In rieMs tm* tO Mit *$ Impossible..
Ecle,:!trie Oil iiiiiii4n I.' wife."' •
l i Ah..
-r.-,. ' f
int," she pro.' '
South and Central
as in. 'Canada and t *11 soy*. .. . ir-)1 t ''
State".. *Ad its numpt ,. 1 ii oy. '"-? ;.' i; r:11 N F -':',K
;4, 7 "Ilt ike;
, lie4 s Pt
treife euli '1/4%; It has mai.7e i ;. A n i's * ffr, ,
:,,, ',,,,. 1:.. ii '
'‘i v '
Tligt futon* twin:weld bony. also
Sematot Dauk,p, Br*Lttywititk, cAt4ii34,11m4
liikkorts tttjr.
Writ* itew t6ilatororiaiton PaPticos.
II,14111tNIE0001C, ItairbIrit Onto
"You teem quite fond of soup,'!"
rertutrlced a landlady to a boarder
who had consumed- three platefuls.
"No, not very," was' the reply.
"The fact is, my phisician. room.
mended nie the hot-water- cure."
Mr. Dyer- -"Where is the bar.
gain counter?' The shopwalker
"There are seteral, sir. What *
ou- looking for V' Mr,
looking for my wife.'4
.410,104kattit**„.i,:- ir.;40cot.,)**