HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 2 (2)44,1
, 4ai0X1 ,
irroVea /at irbilitY in11t0tba4 *U10
°•1004 *heti '114 was cl
vgrand eoitnelior it was 1elt-1
he etapire and the ogee° of pro -
tress ba4 atuffered_e_severs, IOiSL
But s recent dispatch from
king ahovria that there is mucli-eots-
fusion over, tho resort* for his die-
nistal. Three theories are advanc-
ed-sottethat Etsrwim properly pun-
* hod for his disloyalty to
theseeotel,, t1i.'4
, _pises
i- p1ib�
;Iiad offendcd a1'Mat:people by bis
*rroganee that solvantage was
taken of the change in the goyern-
anent toget rid of him,
MartillAttit WherjauAgaltiti OA) Al
oridition of theories iit-inipTos-
eible. to prediet the policies of the
empire from his personal history,
but. the futuro is considered prom-
ising, • Prince Chun, the regent, is
classified as progressive, schools'
e.. being established, the war
against opium is being prosecuted
with vigor, *awe is an outcry
against graft, railroad building ie
favored and the newspapers. are t
all working for reform. ,Under them
circumstances it 1* held that public
ftentiment. will boOme powerful --rf>diker0 aro many beautiful le
hu *
hie . v
its lmport&ncelt
ietianitY from 4
prid-religto zzart
4.1340 04044 'a the jetve, whitn
Lhe Wnt
churches observed
eido t the litundsy folleWiegthe
Jewieh Psesovershould be .olisesy.,
ed I ssafo decided that Res-,
SunAyShould he, the &tat Sun-
`dar after the firs t full moon alter
the twen prost.of Mereh. The
Easter linlite are March ItStad and
Apra ilOth.
.As yet. the *ley hid no name;.but
all through Germany there was
period of time at *part for 14
worship, of the of 0Priolii
reit- -Rutz,
of nature from the depths o
t came to N be known at the type
of joy at the rising of the Sun- o
Righteousness, and the -reeurrec-
two of Jesus from the tomb. The
refining influence* of the Christian
life *ere felt, the methods of ob-
sermig-the--daxy Wei% CrAlittitity
at a
orgzus, bas r
0 00
r a e y ept their religion po o ee
144 ran
or so mint centuries, wasa to -;Plicheflebas wl4lted to retire from.
nidahle barrier to this exteasi,o 1Puhlie life, 'antl * recent 'vomit
)hrist himself *---1041---tireak-bed ou.g hu-rtutde-lrer retirement 'pouiltil
ewe. That was neeesteryj passionatelover of eltildren
lie ime of lais niiuiatry was too, s none of her own, but when the
rief r 'a- larger c1d, and the Grand Duke Paul was exiled from,
t first would not have !Russia*, for marrying attend time
liatez�d to a .broader gospel. But:ragainst the wishea of the Tier, the
Christ 'bade las dnseiples go into all Grand 'Duchess Elizabeth adopted,
-tho world, and preach the god", his zoothirless children, a boy' and
news to all mankind. Thetimehadla girl. The marriage has freed the
come to break down the * of, Grand Duchess; she has taken the
Jewish exelusiveness and carry out viI as 4, umnicoa,. 41,fliti Ole will prOb-
hrist"*" larger thought.ly later subscribe to the *Oldest
isionof Vornelin* tho.conyentuai vow*.
en (-Prote he 4b
tune of Ring
e rproselyte was fit o me
Christian? U. was * centurion,
corresponding to our eaptaxa, the
head of A eculitHI.U,7, of soldiers num-
boring one hundred When full. This
ft:ailed. the Italian band, because
rade-up-Of Roman 'born -in --I Iy
Where -was tate-00hOrto-StAtieZted
At Caesarea, on m
coast„ about • thirty-three nnies
north of joppa„ where Peter WAS.
Caesarea WOO a. wealthy, and ims
portent vitt, 'built by Iferod;the
Great, and named after Patorar
Augustus. ,
What WAS the IMMO Of this eon,
turion? ' Cornelius, indicating per-
haps that he lielonged to the fam-
ous Cornelia* family (gens or elan),
company was -part . of the 0104
• • chatnged from the ruaelurning. of
A C theSts avian
bonfires to a more quietandhem..
tiful manner; the time from eight
clays to throe, then to one.
St. Paul cells Christ "our
Pasch.°' What is the significance
ot the egg (called porch or Pace
egg),. so universally used as an
Baster token. For untold age's the
egg has been the type of life and
its changed color ehould he to us,
a type, that those who know this:
resurrection in their own hearts
should show forth lives changed in
their coloring end aa -full of meat
fatter on the. eide.of progreogi anct,regarding Paster and et
, ,,
00 rie4Cti033 i4-ilii130441bie. VAAt, Of coloringeggs, one of
is very encouraging to the liberal*,;that ?lea 01? On
*Ad it would seert that the Country' 1-*
- --stianit be affected by its larger in- t
tercourse with the world and a nor WO
' tArid. growth' of liberal ideas. But 8, 4
it is still.* laza of political naril II
teries„ and' it as little, attention
which counted the Scipios and 11e.
iming Me ere.
If.' The 'Vision of Peter the ew
1 As +... '
ngers, having spent st;
rses 6 eenturion s
Maria X Ada .
the veil. ' ow that the lrin
happily merriea and the direct sue -
cession to the throne is secured, it
is more* thee probable that ' Iler
Majesty will earry out her desire;
smiler ruiner -14s tione'the
rounds with reference to the
Dowager ()nein of, Portugal but in
this ease the ,rumor is twist probab-
ly bat doss.
If es.ico were to think better of
its m rder of the Emperor Maxi
utilise and decide to.re-establish a
monarchy, it would have to teak Ate
new emperor in A monastery. A
fow weeks ago Prince Augustine de
Iturbido, the heir .to the throne,
joined the Third Order of St;
Francis. In the fashionable society
oVutost of the European capitals
Prince Auroistine Was, prominent for
fl he wow, were approttehing. inanylears, -but, as. .the case Of
oppa *bout noon the next ,clay, 4, the Grand *Duchess ;Elisabeth of
eter 11 his turn. was supernaturillussii," an aes*ssinetion'proytd on
1I pared for It coming event
0 ,,this pre Yaticril:.,
shin, receiv -* upon
The ‘sixtit hour
e devotion with,
his fast
nund, and after a recent eever
illness: he decided to retire from
he world.
The ot..er
bishop of Cologn
ery_ltuntris'inte. audienee- minieermonk
Cardinal Arc
eceived !n pri
•-not Ytti who. gave his name as ;Broth
• gg" leer 5' 4,
rem*ui to
Azfral:torIV wtoor s s
ful of all tI
horse tribe, has dit*PPear
The millions which once in
ited-ther.h_igirplitteirtr of -South
* were killed off in *beer want°
nese, and to -day not **tingle spee
men surviv,ee unless' it is betwee
the Crocodile and Sabi River
where, according to native report
heed was running *ix yvia
ago. As with the quagga, so wit
the wart wildebeeste, tho. whit
toiled gnu, of the naturalist:1;4 One
Allis most gammon of high -veld
back es „well**, the most grotesqu
and harmless, now rePre*e3,
rd by a few depressed looking spec
mena. various zoological garde
t r
.1 1
•it 0
v,Olt agefrot
4tx A
* Ion.
,. splendid .117 whas - Incidentally,
.couro,, a value e, source o
food supply was siestroy,e4, no small
matter in ar country. Winch to -day
depends entirely on tinned and
Tt0t0C1X104M7— . .,
e age;
yht '0 rit age
in good style. .
ivets are retteh_ne
e -suit* ,just no.
trimmed witn tut,' ere,
bay sidereble vogue.
Strings. being worn on
and tied under chin.
Men's seed pin* are growing
larger and more elaborate.
The' parasol handle of the Ion
directoire fashion, is onside
The prestige of satip faced in
terials continue*" unabated.
Newest hats ere haus exclusive -
if' eel on the right .0,1e.
Shirred ure or tem is playing.
"The Cape buffalo. are now con-
fined entirely to. the low-lying
jungle On the east coast, -yet bolt
a century ego they, ranked anions
the . most plentiful of the great
game. Ifuntera who kiar,w them in
earlier days speak of them with
scant respeet, but it 'teems is
es they have retreated before the
advance of civilization,they have
grown more sullen an..iTmlictive.,
until to -day they certainly take
Stift rank among . the :dangerous
gone of Smith Atria.. That slink-
ing pest, the lien, iS IOW coward
by compatriot', with the buffalo, a.
destructive .XXIXiX000, 1404* sole
OM. respect is that. *hen he
van' escape no longer, be tut4 o
his; fee, 44..:.eleiraeteristie wbich he
hartia: :With -practicellYj.everY411
0Y011 .40/ou to, the ,ratt.
• , on other and,
"The 'buffalo. ' theb
Raymond. The and the', h
to the suseeptibilities of foreign' colored with drops t, now the Vision's Brought monk remitted to re tires. i•
, prophets. The ease is r one in which frO113, Itileinutother's book AR" *ire Verret, '17-20, and br,,,v4,„. ?xi verrosTi:n; rued at iv/
developments must be awaited wit This-ascrel festival is WI Acts. 4.1•'' 1*"'hs44114ten hali•
arms no quer if left to Inmoiffbut
hen attacked he becomes the very
ncernatioia rell,tge. Moreover
LI atatlition to his strength and fo-
ority, lie rumningArbich the
grazed with bullet :at sunrises
n41 it may be evening when he
hargei hie asseilant from. behind
ome-clump of hush. A lion may
4 4'
more. or I ss ce tett thou tlevotion W111141140. • 10.111..1 Pening while this- widen. came. to 90 "114041 honor done to a poor i
t -Th „until it wat-whispered-that r
e, un r 2 i 'Oh-----t—f* it the vet"' ' 57u""engt"*°111-C I*" the monk was none other than 1
there is season to feel thlet Nem". la the r** Ian* .1144 alto eike r
Lgeiai changes *re likel,y to be iW:trilisel‘nkiP14$ ebree sWpoQuni50% -4:Puhrie S—itoo.1"4;'517,uselattul8hts-- enquiry srer4all!! ilino '0.harift* of l'i-J-werettein, in
brought about.. lie*. t w tote ve ft It ht 't•
risen .intleed. In Germany. '* "tofu' *e*, h fireuili the 1116 cws t -e -14(4 °I -mg°
factolmes and ;Whoa* aro eit'ised on streets). **(1 while Peter' was mein- aind cruPatcling 01°0*. '
"The planting of the baixelr smoke.
IP forbidden. was the itaper-
edict in Chit:a in 1e06, and t pr
clamation went. forth - that there
must be a yeerly; 10 per tint id
crease in tultivation foxi. 20 per
cent. ,cleeresire'in sinokini, TOO -
or* and students wire eoretraanded
- to steithe habit in: one year, high
lficials'in.,three Months, and mih
• officers'
• thAt 00 per tent. of Chit:emelt
*moire opium, tout yet in the fete
, .of that fact nterveloutfklarartee bu
rbeen-i made.. In yOrtat •Of eitiei the
open sale of the drus'Ites 'been -Sup-
pressed, end from 10 te ti0 per tent.
less planting lies bison chine. In ne
.0 lett, towns Ai -10c*I, gen
. merchants ,:have token tin* Matter
their ow
Itt Chekaang
les0,41tivatie and rt
.dens Closed; 1* Yunnan A.'S() per
cents awe**, in teeny 'clistrie
pv lset, tarp, clecresutes irrikerchustra,,
Mom, Anhui,. , Shitettant,
. In. October, 100; ,fati. edict cashiered
the priest** oflai 4%04 Chasing,
oth the lirft pttlet, and theto
idea 'and 4itsa president off the
tensorate tor lailiare to break tlas
habit. They were afterwithis re-
installed "upen, represetitstion that
they were Cured. Tito' cotIleielsin
Ikehing died from the effects of ham.'
.tily bteakitee 'the habit., in Itity•,
1006, the ceders *eras repeated and
the. ministry Qt./Wane* was clireeted'
. devise ts. *thee* for replacing
tbe 4$00M0 of interest from tbe
opium taxes.
la*mrst, "I think
fully bed. I .
modesty to' "No,"
414thethe volt ,csitamoi
ion does not possess., Ile met be
nuischt7 404, Friday. Good. kw. toting on his vision, they were Mtn 41-0.41:111M.. $
n4* Alto gate sand calling for •
day.bitiris-cookItirocra. -m-04440.. - t oabt,n, few week* *wee t
red day of the year, ori: that day Ian. Before. ',you his visi_tt* Ilighneis took .the. YOWL fielreral
lock • and dark 'colors; are worn,'"" him* the' °rat 131""' reason* have been given • for the P
At -03% Utter very bright celors, 18"r *arnlade °ter et1"010114; :stop. One is alit ,the Prince *
as befitting the tiaty,. In Northern °C.trar ectutingo**1114 h* -Ate' him .10) victim of unrequited lore the other
tnennit, the men elatim the privi.. 1r1 $14(411* • „
apt he is disguSted, at the *malt 'n
of lifting every **Man three
ogress made by Ins anti -duelling 0
tr mmed with fancy rims and le
titers. •
Pae pastel hlue is beautiful 'with
nevi-Chiliese Cotton trots of
Itey ,*(0.41XXIL are -used-for dainty
*bite frocks.
The new hand.embroidery towel*
alms the embroidery acrobat one end
A little fan -shaped plaiting of
real lace is a great help to the sa-
tin, and fur hats.
Enairoidereil and braided inateri-
*le that require handwork
great popularity'.
The silk martufaeturere are doing
their best to bring brocades into
broad and general use.
Round tablecloths are populer,.
some of the - henditornest of them
havo the amok key border -
arils says that guimpes and
slceves for next Spring will be made
I embroidered, thentilly.
The newest.stram hats have brims
not over twci-inches wide, and sons
of them have-. no brims..at 11,
White cotton marquisette, *Imo
led ' With clots, fa one of the most
effective of the spnog materials.
-Paris- has a new -skirt kusiwn as
the 44reasoriable".0kirt. The hack
is furnished with two plaits, 'triads
give; certain fuinspfs where it is
most needed.
The big hot° hangs on in spa f •
all the attractive forms of -
gear that hive ',been designed to
replace, it, and still it; predominant
in dress effects, -
For centerpieces and sfairfs gram
linen :worked withi.liinese-lembroi"-
dery is mittens dainty ,and pleas -
is -40A -from the eafety of a tree
o the -foot of which Ito has beez
urea by meets of.* goat. or a c
ut to kill the buffalo it is maces, -
soy to follow him down to the
ver -haunted jungles, **1. to taekle,
im fairly enct 'squarely, at the risk
f one's life; consequently, the
times .from .the ground, reotivipg E61613 AND P.4.231$11t. . aximitsAign
in Ptirrient.* ki*Iceir Silver ox- re ire minx °• 'The first. 14.01$' OX1 rath' abetard t
ponce. onttectio* witb rotaito Trines" 10 nearly seventr,
to the Wait found the *tone rolled peculiar to itself, hut *bile .deypted koi the 'memory-1.1f-hiL
itownikiy 434.4411.11-Athey---tn varits they Au unfte to•Obietve the ire. The, second reason mei
"h,e, Women whit-vreiit with *146** °nutty baus a custom of c rs old, and is still passion.
ere fact of a man's hexing made
he attempt is a far surer proof
his courage than the Attu*
g hotr.1-!-
ta, not hotl„ Thi. ,Quid spirit!of Syringtime and all Chris". lioiriething irt it, for though
teach tpliet• graYcli6/ tnu" t14$14 r0101e0 that, tioit Lord of Life he Prince found vonverts in the
we love *nothing ; that what we forever won the victor" 0Irt death.' Xing* ol.Sagorty and lirtirtembeilt,
de -4th and idee*11.' The resnrree. * was known that the 'raiser hinstelf
aisePoroved seeritly of the Anti.
Duelling League, and the erusade
has maths eomparatively litt/e proIt ,
trete. ,
i$ 'Much' more probable, how-
ever.'that. it is the memory and
hngerins influence of his aeokititri
t havve lea hint tot, the get'ar
oruattery. 1
love has risen above Ail 0040 Of Amen; the moor quaint superati. and the Grand Duk t of Itesse,
death- has no fictorr over **- W*.l. pringtitne by goldeta eggs being
h uld try to to live, net to be Pre7 [distributed at Um", early equinox
ed for death, but for eternal' hY Vtiests 4 tette A the hopes
ife. D' Ho not say Ito bad tome of the trio 014 the, leek, cola
that vitt Might ilaite life titiOrti talattn- ialiyi 6 later istight goon oeeeei
the' nitett Ciltiit 4 li .bel 1114$44 itt ri. korulttio boutiod 4
torts.is, the olci Aryen.one, whoch
tion of Zoos should .teach us snasileites the return of the. eine.
shuttle? We must strive to Hee that skid ,,a, 'bvighter'l time ensue.
\our W
01,04i proy.,0 to 0
mot. snot ..ohri
I ,
fl$ 514
st,eh, and pray, *AIX was hatched from an immense
ur other, if n�t. to gg on taster morning; the Ary,
st It ia arts also believed the sun to ho a
r .
thrfin thAt
at, Oat wes lost
May now he pure and h
The cruel buffet44 end seem*,
The taunt, the malediction,
vet thir*t, the erowoin
of crucifix:len.
*snger and Astons
Alfer$A 41111r1C prhon,
0 all woe end. lou
Lord 4th
er and',lead and
11„ the' s
* glory.
o estie ern
okl reside
'ft* *email and
large golden egg which. was con-
stantly zolling nearer to.the earth.
With ths
n us from t
ind in their Ireast .of
eggs'occupieds ma-
in the aterviee*. It
ion ' with ithe
caused Item tothe
sus the world over
waia their
*t -
uriection, luto * new life bri
oettute of life from death
t" I 1111
is, to most o
intim' of this
is titer emb
itat supreme*
i'erns to make "Beer
LypkaI to Zeatertide.
by tbe
sixu'd by the moon;
pias in 'lent, food,
legends f•
of the, hare
that bare,
1 *
,otti of children are ,in
vente; one is a poor sister of that-
ity of St. rranciscat of Aacheni
another Is in 0, lonely Coniertt„,
among the 'inotanteins Of Bohemia,
• third is in:* Itungatriam waive
of the strictest rule, and a fourth
is a itenediltine inun at Ilyde, in
the Isle of Wright. -
The last hat at her Companion
he *dew of the ex -Ring iJf rortu.
Archdoehees Adelaide, who
carried the Duke of Soonest,
£ter ho,liad been. forced to .alithe
the Portuguese throne.
is true that her *on, Prince
nel of Bregatata, intends to
kis* bid for the throne hi* father
lost; the old holy' rimy yet , beomne
very important personage*
still' mom so when Viotti/1.i
die* and r daughter's stepft0
comes Emperor of Austria. She
alto * grettasiatughter who hthe
titular elaietel of the Convent of
410 -Ladies *t Pregue.
Another royal mortk iisPrince
eietletot ot Nein., Who, like Prinee
lutrles taf. towtirtettsita. +none.
tii*ly weelthr- Ire hoe travelled *11
SC4*ED Olt
Viper* la p,
ed by the fearf Tipers which
tlt in $01110 Palte0 o! France. These
tat!, venomous snakes ere danger-
** both to MAXI 'A ba beast, Boom
31 * movement has been reede t
)roteLt the oilier*, on the ground
•baViedriO)Ing , XY.(10.1414.1 rtio lush*
t they render valuable tices
odd other. smolt noxious an I*
ut voter itt the Journal • o
Preetical Agriculture .strenuottsly
opptises this, , declaring that. the
.ferviees, performed II the vipers are
of 'email *count itt connierison with
the *Redo**, frequently mortal,
Whiela they, rouse. He instenets
little neighboriterid in the Depart -
int of Ifeutthe-et-laroselle, where
ixipred by this offer, �f * reward
tw� ten elestrprid P12,000 of
The judge decided thet eertain
vidence *sat inadmissible.
The attorney took strong ex
tion to the ruling, 404 insisted t
VAX OrdEni*iibko.
• 11 know, your honor,' troid ti
rnay, "that it is proper e
est., Here 1 here bee* practis-
at the Bo for forty yes,rar, mod,
nuw I want to know if I SO sup -
to he a.• too r,
'That," quietly
itilge, "is question of fa.ct, and
not of Jaw, a*
tti;ion it, but will lt th.
fliiert That Natives Somistimat
inilake is. •
the rig "Monkey Game" •
later reaches its *highest point, .0
or.this is one of the, wildest they
play; and ,St-thet-thiWert
he-greww:rtp men
take it into their heeds
to play it, when it assumes it very
differint eipect.. With the chil-
dren it AS pure fun, with little of
no danger atWiting to it.
A crowd of youngster* rime up
and move about like monkeys who
are merely enjoying themselves.
wide* one of them stops and
*res vent to shriek of fear; the
thers take:up 'Ike err and
ekiers 1
worked u
like s crow
stark mad. •
Sir .• Eyerard Thum, at preatent
Governor of Fiji, relates niost
trying experience he went throne*
during, one of theist. mad frolk*.
flr pay* that the players burst sad -
&ray itt amolfgatt the huts, swarmed
p the roofs, tearing greet acouth.
10 of thatch awayin their flight,
and then Clash into the room, settii everything they 'came ,iwroiro
destroying food and furnitere.
pill men of the uttletetisat
and s .wife, itt reel anxiety for
tbr goods tried to lirotect whet
tearing it even fru*
ut of the 'monkeys' ',..hateds or
throwing food to theft to dietreet,
thir *attention from *ore velvet'!"
sk ear line • and run
over the place;
it* o ght, the 4 al
ig on to the bolos of.the".
nd are reeed about
he late till fatigue puts
the,furt.. When their
iy he "Monkey Ciatmit,"
y often, booms .se
t they 'roily
of monkeys one
better -to light e
is to *tit* it on
•3" -14 'a. lei