HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 8 (2)r ht SW:10st* Wilt 1* at it4 Ifotd* t4' 4$ 10 aim. tO . to 111 *t pressnt.. ;wi;14.40-recove ".h . orit lorac t New Caterio ta w, Eaiwj Urjif., theoted., ' la, van g * iroke tIs.. *tznkn* , .,,..._ .0 r W. Cadmore left TueedaY, tp vielt. in Kipper*. lire. -Altred-Taylor---iipent atew day ifentali this week. 1$1,)411011.14tetor -apijit part or 1414 w k.a.t. Vett 1.iinlbton4, , M. ,Solinuel Sweet lett Niredn , *iatt friend*. ins, ,Winghatn. , , .to., .E ti,4ilni.‘11:"I',.. as le IsItthg the ,*ehoos ot.„ thls .sectiOn at Weet fluron.., Urg,. atj'erlelr Ofi ' I v iti ' her., . . - , u X1uX rir * Bult and ths flgure • ; weWin *ilk 'will plias. -you les well ao the tertel,t ltt we will porantee you. We are':,..or,r0Pulousily careful to At all our patrons to perteettOo, **Levert Jr** :no-Teir oiu be. comes an ,edvertheetnent for us*. We will give you your cholge of the finest and neweat fabric*. We 40 the reait„, -Zit-7*ot. W TIAT -TOE Embits Or TU PAVERS YATilnit ALL TUC 411911t, TISE/10.NTS . MEM' •Ptisit1811. The -Advocate will be mailed to any addrale in Canada, Until 'Tannery let, - zaoi for 15? cents., Telt „your_peigh, - 110/J811 WANTED -TO -11/41T• house centrally located: apply at ottlee. tie. ogees._ Dr. Ovens, London,. R3re and Ear •Eitirgo_th will be at the, Corotnerchtl ' Hotel. Exeter, on Saturday, mare 270). :Glaneeee properlylitted and diseases of Eve, Ear and Nose -treated. Koure 9 eon. to 5 Pan. Mr.. John. White, sr., quite ill at her home, 1414 *street. • Jae* ltemtner .entertsined * number of trilitteihurst friends on Wednesday' evIrs Xtr. D. A. lies* was taken 111 on Sat- urday and. Is compelled to 'keep. to room. ' Miss Ulla .11eywoefra friends .gre to l*.ear that *he contittett', to . .ner room, owing to The 'death occurred BOS*441114!* t Tp.,1 near Vereett, on Monday or US' wear v&ilehn tioironlee4'frordan, atteeVot 'Prket#0014.1*. /le wait a Well-law*n_aitct.' foneer and OW evert.; rfe,nrlarrted Mei .*Usgote COuitta .ot IrorestConsiti a Win. coultlg ot Exeter, and she,wlth nte .ehildren, 'eurtivea.: A .1"..rharti -YOu hear men *meeting -at tbe. locallaper becennie ,it is not .big, cheap and newsy. es the eity pipers, you. can tettely bet 'he 404 not squander any ot bto .wealth in ***Oath*: to Mike it better And thet ,the 0,140 : -*ell done mow- for ..140% then he has 'for it. The ,rean who canto* see the honefits „arising groin 1 yakked. Paper Is about as rOch value fe, oien-eit-a dett4quextt tax payr.1 • IsiSiMAVV418 ABE OFF _Sizrh. it _is--aald,-Im-the-fitirPort cominunication reeetiod from' the 'Wit*, tat* ot The St. farya & Weeterri Bait 'way 'with regard to the read coming to Enter. ioUzbje on• • ) ot oitr rittzepte.-.; lanetkAr0, v1411‘.10tot ou tbe. wie4r.f0 0411we*-4)ejome .14,41r • to /120000 on, Artril,'.51h. • Only' a seetiOn Ot thelownehip *Hi vote.' . • • The report ,ot the loteenso Departetient Of 'Gaul° for 030 oho** that in Our. 4Onntr-tbe-n. ' ikt,,IXotel-Iteenses ha* been reduced in tenscare from OS to 0*, and *shop licenses ;Men 0 to 4, • While goIng through *tale's In Tor044 to bit week Moe. A. 1;104/144 lOet, her purse eontalning about $05 and ,ber ranwo ticket, net Ilatulliag_ we* open ed and the purse abstracted br 00100 ert fingered persoo.. 'Three rinks ot 1.iowljrs drove to lients all Tuesday evening' and played five ones, the rinks with the follet)ving sitlps toeing their gareeseirit, b. $eid-on, If4s, Taylor, Iter. celiins; while these skip* won,-, Taylor*, G. Anderson. .4, Obiehre: tke-th*book, eV Oa tOrOer„ 1.4141Y hadbc Al*.ced, his INA*. snow- - . *pow yrs, num d411 i -the carpet thumper. - • ' • Tero links ef bowlers drove down 'Thursday and played threeptMes with -Exeter resulting in tarot' of. the visitor* in each ot three Arames.--11. iilonthrotys rink 44.4W' Jarmo Tayloc'et .1Lethott0. IteDeneirs -defeated-4 $Tbb$ 1y 2 shote, Dr. SellerY s 40 - cued 11„.G4 SeZ4on m bY,41 shots, /Mee Xeith Vitalker, whose P.4rente re' WO at Ezeter North, was among those wt tiO COntribUtcd AlgeleCUOnil at the Third Annual Banquet ot the London Companyand alie the Dramatic 'tacit.' al given by 4."ean Itobb and her students. Both were of a high order which reflect much on Ansa Walkeralilb#10.614 reader; - Vie de4111 or Mrs. gary II9oPerwiatof et the late Wm. Hooper. tornterly * Exeter, took place on Bat, 10th InLon don, after a lingering illness. She wit 71 years of age and is survived by on daughter Mrs. (leo. Deo of NewTorie tut two sisters and .one brother, We tired Bragg and Mrs. E. Fitzgerald and Cow, all of Londen. clelng's sexing:tit On auliditHY evening' on The Discontented Mee was one or the Strongest sermon* ot the nany good *sermons of the „lames *treat Paster during his *Oedema here. The subject wau 'taken from 411.evilte-of nem .01.4.ih _Who ,Vossessed vtalth, fandly. POP - tion and honor„ but was not aatisfied owing to hi* being unable to get rid ov he ilaws. - '- The Lidless Md- ot Eames Street Meth. *dist , church cleared about 450 Mon- day evening at the Lecture given by ger. Units Livingstone. A. goodlY number of he young and older 11001e were present nd the former particolarty enjoyed the eeture on *The Human, Voicat,',„ whicIl. occupied an hour and* half in the de. ivory. The epeaktr ha* z doitithttul per twat* and ho gam some clever voke Er Inpereenottona, • - 11.. Win. Mitchell ot.grand View, Maw* n renewing, his imbacription *0 the, Ad- *nate, sayar,--**1 think more ot the Ad. ocate- -than any .. -other paw I get. It al like a letter trom'homs to ult. 'Well, r. Editor.,1 have put J on* winter in the West and like it fine..we lave not empaleneed a, blizzard tido winter, and taken on the whole the Winter hes been. tinethree weeks In January being the oflr . cold 'oPeli.'t • • . -Z. la, was announced In the churches Sunday last that bin *tooth the sordid 'T. IL c A. eeantellstle sato, ree4.,t. AYOuld bt.,...1nLEtetter_to-ron4nct meetinga-toe-mert Toted* „ and Thursday emnInis Of tide week; biton gondol' Pletning reeielved wad ft041 New 'Xoricy ;sabring that gr. gallon** lett to the County had to be postporetd again, epving to his *uttering wIth his leg Which .he had broken taw months ASO. ruttier notice will -be Oven r Tozonto t *kiting. • . . treixri• IrOOper" *tort wee% efier..$0r *Chatleiols,, Mich,* *after a ylelt withhia ragitizr bort. ' . Mrs. Orath410. '404 • returPed to 4:.toderw• Oh, eater & visit with her daughter, Mr*. lir. W. V Waohburn Or 8nlingnei14, wee. the %mot ot Mis. rtenuner a tow days last' vieelt- • *- MI** Dickson of Sarnia, & termer° teacher in the Exeter 00004 OPent !ion - day. the guest 'ot *Ws ,-0.-Vosper. Mtg. Sutton, who has been visiting her daughter, Viso nolo, in Detroit, re, turned to her• twine hero larit week.° D. V. Madman, W110 heti- been Ws. fling his brother, gr. F. W. Cliadmet4 returned to hts home in Niagara Saturday. T. 11. Phillips, divinity. student at vplo -et, week and le 'Wog 111* parente, froni her Ted, "ii‘dellt attack of ergeiPeltie, has returned to her home in Vientleboye, ae- companied by her dauglater, Mtss Cunningham ---- - Wears. O. W. and John Drown of Pigeon. Mich., are hero vlsitIelt that' oda- terp Wm.„ ailitae, prior to her go. lar-tOiLtbe-lvcetr-trore=ttrotherat,' Mr. I3 ttioVfO, Jr., ot Stephen. Dr. and Ur*. I. W. 13rofenlnir wee In Port laurel* during the Week, °Whig_ to IllOese and death On Prlday the tor - meet sitter, lire. rarer, of pneumonia. Beceaaca was _favorably icaOliro.--10- 33`r* der resident*, she having visited here on several oreasiorni some years -ago. ate.They-fie 11" ihc balance of the stock at the Exe- ter Bargain Store. We want to clear t out the balance of the,steckthle week. 0 REASONADLE 01440114 WILL 11 for any goods in the 6 store this week- Also for sale at , Crocking Big Romaine one Notional ; cash register, one pair counter scales, four paper, cutter*, :ONE BAND.. • $01413. •LARGE, - PLAro.' SHOE - STAND, one case men's straw bats and *10t, Of washlife ammonia, -3. W. Suoimxtrox. •TIIE EXETER.COUNCIL , --Friday, : Mar. Oth,, 10000.04710,401464 met, in the Town Itall,t he members' all Present. Minutes ot the Meeting liiild Feb. 23-,r4 were reed and approved.. John Pedlar aCidressed the council In regards assessment on income as made *pins him by the muntelpal aliseasor. Defeo,. ed until. the assemeor can be peen. Mr. TOO*. Creech brought notice before tho countit claiming * balance due on gray. el delivered at thecemeterf. gr. Croat 'was instructed- to get the kaSOUnt certt- fIed to by the cemetery committee and thett, present same to this -0001. The following ateounti were feta- and orders drelell On the "rteieettree' tOt the Electric .Light • co. lighttng,.. $1911,17, poit...Teicollone co, messagestoe.: sten: Novelty Co. rubber - atamip, Brock, solow-itio'eing. $4; W. $.113hieet put serarY• .033 W. Cross, Pittt sal- ary at cemetery* 1'40; amounting in *11 - Ito $1*8.32, and pasted on 'moiled of icarling onel Luker. Adjournment btel Luker. J. Senior,' got. t, 5otli anniversary ot Ittctr weding at thett home, when. they were' pre.ented wltb A POO At ,gold artd an kddreisi by the children and A number oli_oAgielre entirtrorrition44 and relative., A.inoots enjoyable tune was spent In social amueements anti e*Ptuouti supper aerved. Mr. and Xrs. Davis havebeen - respetteCresidents for 84 yefire,• and they, have related Ot eleven ehildhnt all of whom IOC living. Eight were present at the anntverearx....W%k Ham or Itionitton Wm.' Dr. AUPoheld ot Essex; gra. Dickson ot tit._Oathartnce, gra. Taylor, gni. gttchelt'letul Abre0, ham, of London; Ern% or Enter. W*1 absent ones are George ot Belay' Utter Olottlett Warner et gooseje,w, same.", oand Mra. Dw1i ou will be convinced that it is the satithtcthrythinglo on the 'market, Wind and Storm Proof ng no clip to, h�ldbottoni or ship le ire offering splendid values in Mite Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chair ets,Lanterns, ete. r 0:14,-;4 ' - - YaGir sgttoor. rrEsta. A meeting of the 1.4terari Society Of the Ilion SehoOt wale held 'oil Prtday, Kar L'ith, iron* 5.34f to 4.3owhen the busines* ineeting.vas foliowed by z pro tfthe given ,bg .vomt tot tht-pnowittzie,nolialtig-br Zstidy- lirdledia *Kest!** rteadir4 'tor Wilte .gontaltb: The subject cItesol- '.'ved that lelir.itieth Was a. better Queen than Vile413." weir debated, the affirm.. v *ties *being 1 ioneet and. V., Sweet, and the n.irtttve & Colerna.n. and V. Wilson. The "'Ate. wen. AfoutivOrganSolo•b*L. .Wateort re dine ty NellleAmg, ZOO $11;dyd tool]. irhe ;Norma', QuestiOn Drawer -and Critic** reMarke folleired. ' ?text meettitc in Vora) It. Mar. Seth.: Iteson'a *dolt in a few deLlat Beattie Martin was .tendered nit* batiluet on Thutadsy evening Isst by about .thlrty of Ms gentionen When on excellent supper w*to wervedand :the following texat liet ProPOecd**nd t**. spoOded foo-T41e,g4olri.br B.N. Crow:chi,. Our Guilt, 144 11$ 0. * • by fl. Soutiltottt Oue,TOWAt \tri\ or and W. garter: *Porto* by P. Tol ingLtieertted Protiselons„ -Browning and W. W. Taman; uoto Fonowebio. Or' F. At*" den and P. llevskahs,vvy The twits*, by Vt11 Martin and C. DPW; Our lloet.by M..P*14, , iwkeyists moot to think that her 'tlise tar world right on the h1.4 Seambe 'list weak the/ gas alrather good trimming to * ,aeatette ot Stet* boys In ttelteell. Veto* they did their erowing ltseyi.did not ate* to think ithat pt the *miter holt who *relit 10 had never played the gem* and only went to 1111.14 at the ostoh' test et llebsell for* gairtt4,140160. IIensLfl has One" roctivad * play a gaunt diet* or h.r, but not even deboted tot. With. doubt they ore wattin*. or awl* t and Oar will then *yeti* Whini' ther Is no',Poitelletlitg of gettitt; les. Foreeaste.04, regular ptrlod 1. tir.tiral On the *1st, the Lt' o the Mit Zit* Is aIso the he vernal *Who*, end on the rt**be(btti**1406 't aJ�attaL tositer.. A. 1Pbertetnettatti, rbeinter, great' burniilitY e rdug Wftt b‘ z %Ara* of vie!ent, where trent Pridat the 10'; the ,notably 00Persieig. and Tuteder. the*1.** Sto fl *ft bllity this 'stied *lit fleet vitioue Veen* leghining high oriailit, trait Th, home to Outer ot 74e. /tic lielbridge, Carling street, was the 4* ot-tan noon Unit; the occmiton' being the rat riege.ot .ta* eideat daughter. MI. Anna, to lifts. Virilliaan 3. Vray, a p tett' and highly reenected termer ot den.,gan.„ tormerli of trebOrli*,' fair ws.4 or a quiet nature, only members of. the bride's tentily, hi In attendance.; Tim it:Waterer was per- forzned at two o'clock by the Rev. Going, and the groom was supported by Itr.40ortte weeteott, white the bride we **shited by tier al*texl. Mies Jane bridge! The bride, it -rotted nun** beau - tol, as weft aa 'odetni and c5ilitly pow. ents, tthus ipiorelethiar 4110 04044' 14 *Weill she is heitl. The hero to0p)* took the * evening train for their Wore homeIn the IFfifity -AtUt- Ott theirheY will *top otf at ditterent "" Woe* In the United States. The best fah** Of The Att*Otiete and -their many other triode here for 'their tuture haPptliters, ,art4 PrOaPerItY-accemitettled thank, Biing it to M 1714‘)IttitT nijOs tlie 01 very Pretty wedding watt .ol------- at ''hlgh, noon on Viredneedir. lTth Ast. iildn'ec of WOIrke. torente. Mr. and 0. Simon Ommitebell'of wben thr r govirbterigem, Wade was trnited In the bond* of tnetrintotri to Arthur C. IternsaY, ocieetinetorit ltelet Inspector, Ot Hamilton,‘. tot,nqtat of tatter. To the *trains of Lel* wedding triattho tea*** III lb.' aster Was Vera, the bridel Patty cntir- .d the parlor and look thetr Platel tors -a book of , ri0,04-ec The tersinetir was partertnei by Iter. Dz. bentie$ er Ottawa, brother ot the:groom; In tM itreerree o1 tlo 'Unnv.:4*.te Olatives.:OWS were ,iniattersied and the brae wh� was given away by her father leolted • very charm.** in an ernbro51.314 white silk Milli town. node 1l4np1r Wyk, entnitrai with direetrace et*** teinuted•velth etei .ientat satin, She also wOret taro?* with erste**. biotteeme, and teeiliO4 * 04*W beitkItet bet Whitt Oerdettette Anit roakiOrt heir tome. ,A.tter * 4.04 breektalit the heiritof tOttg- thirlr WI U•tt, ',I. • 0 .3 • 4 R4 I ake oilers COreisioliftg .. Capsules 9t. Poor FellOvir 400.411 cola' 'et aught to non NAMELESS it *daft* the cola problem -it cos le* and .ourea eaelerthan most other remedies. Drop in and buy. just one 250 ,bottle and. see for yourself, " Spa only at iseount Sale of Furniture a Rowe & Atkinson's III , bare -StArt*F4.1.-:- t laughter sale oiupiWng every article of furniture • in our a-stock:4A flillsh,'With' large Bevel Mirror, lar.price 140.50, 1M�Coflt Sale Pride, • *13.00 SIDDBOARPS, rett0ler price $13.00 • - • •*. ar pnces te some of tbe *waareoffezlng tetOrpiture I will convince h that. this T BARGAIN IdinExeter. • Discount -Sale COMMA regularpri�a 4,8.50 Etboeunt Sale Price: • 10.00 • MATTRESSES. larprice $113.50 P1count,Sa1e PrIce..,.. ver'L1ing el� npripoUon, ter Suits and Costunies to and Easter Will htret Not Ion to get read Do not, &tar. beit_cotnio rjgt *Zoog, and let toi, "UW" in theDreeo eioods Lino. Our *took la fashionable cadre and •,clotls for thiS aeosotes • At5OcYard hare1i, tne itleortixtent �f in Olotbs, Iremetiatt, : Wool Taffet*, ritle'Cotg, Ultras long 0 mens-Azx AT_ 40e., Here - aro ourtuadituu. Goods In ',all the leading 'oolors of Panatna, W00104414 Satin Cloth, Vottetlaus Paris Corti and LustureotsIonsb*Olti. - rut range of Strl ‘, Salting* In sill the Seaeonab obottleo...ALL In 1111 'Dross Goocls we areshowlng a*thi In ill sestoWs. ,olors. and kinds of emitFaricy 8t ire so nIIWI in vogue 014 SpriOart, Will CMOs* Ore" &Wool/1.444 A . 101.