HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 5 (2)F, a 4 tis 1F r 0414$, d< yam*:G'M4ti4lt`, Isle ki#1: Td*Iit of s►r>±te >ra . - w r 'tom* - +d��-weir,"�'�rt,IC" and, they lerCre'sing *:d down* large tip. they r+i�4 xnak t it,M:dlt In .as► cextat sdtx~ Ifyictut ►. )b ohs ;s pis ydt r to '1' "less -. &v t'a'i tragi take ply 'tats y 1tew :rs itYlii r t1 '•h state', tion SI�f;r.rc u spend : the ea r nuts repslta Ar; trutr 'MOO* ' I tr1e1 ester of 5Oath Stix I:r« ►.L'., ;attcnde4 Urarl .. held a,t: 'at Ttisonut teat w k /* AO P ttaa�atit �u fir t�Iry . +a + Sold tomawiataii t. e $fdB thittae�r�1 +� a � 27190, r tustm and S�> Vain in thesc ucen ret 0001)47 box% �de&ud all Ohl Pills �' . 4A M, ' u owkhowaorta* we are that Obi Vile l cureyeti, 600, *box; V0°. , Dent on mart park► if ',70010 dealer C11 ' fc"! '—1lA IOW & ` co. LOIDILD. r► sem+• .�, t lir �'. Ipali In -.• ��� � ?�.�� . �� ,, .,' C► ' a e •ads tsoUcIt*. s, irtpr' e it ' atib, ': t ri a,, et tt al 79 3MM 14 bf Xor .tom tow400114: 4illir Oteirs ,m*tlo 1, a, tke•.gea s., *nd. drlvs* out,' ha and Ince.pt Vit. Voy`i Aient; t.ltss ie.. tl ,raIl,41: eorpany,". e b',I-taw Wiltcoanple to IIyoa 1 outtit,1 1 be. *d'�t ►c tbee ciection will' .>rta +ceR hard rubber ai ,: !Moat.. but .$1.00 � od, Aprt l2th. 190t). y t ad an ,fix tr*'.,bo -0±.- ,y. ,It &ttt -- tepayer* , .aa.l bers 3tite `,� .9t. s karde : needed. costs but 00 tents. See Matter and. voteAccordit,nglX go that e i « Cole #, b ut � to- #► ►. . may' t?&ve ik lway.-"The ear• !mend. o .)6r. ` Arne, ,f ray will. pie sssssstscl to .learn and, also 'to vo rstu ate inbn p we ng such an elltt a arty. In - i+ assn 0t Mrs Anna Delbridge of Bret» aro c fo rly� et Winc�a, a + tali ng% Place on Tues y 'atter9000, %%y lett on the evening train ter their now 'home in Virden, Win. -!Bich; -er. 1.504 -Town Sonettors, ' .. Dicicinsson, of the tires et Irl .neon Carrow, dropped dead witty ileus mor, - to% at his home itad ;tot, hew well, and for the Oat ,weieic .lee,' bet% away 'from ' :.otti -'4.1301:404 with neuritis. . + ,-fir shIl tai + a iia•! utul , .1n ut "-At your dealer's -26r. 1 cat. Fes.--�/:Y.:f.�Jr'r,,:+C57=M+-e+•.+3'-t,�,cr. $1.00 it pad In etre et atm)* yearit set 00 pa , To tin#taal5 !yaws ION& l scr1b. rs*r, 0' • a w.*r etrictay lat=llaldyascF . ilA1 Ogitil ek oixam. rebi t the present we can handle ast, numbernutaber'oteecostd hated organs and are; therefore prepared to allow you *good >p ae for ft, We don't ask. you one -drops r more for -the piano than your nelgbbhr pans for it. IT 13 JUST U -KE MOOING INTO OCA atEAu.TIru 5HOW W1NDOWS.EVERYDETAILTHAT Sal BLY CAN BE CARRIED OUT IS MOWN IN BEAUTIFUL I ,.0 TRATIO own us A CALL ,,AND 8 b • _ to Tin 18 NOT RIGHT !II SewiMachines, S1eigat • 3rmnBooks, Bibles, Stationery, MAI:tariff&03011 Fate is Leading fAusfetir Thst axe voted eel, the quality of their goods. $TBATP D 0N' 4 'Mil lsavo Ono !wheel, a WO -grade *boot, withslriesndid .guipsesegxt. lestreeton rue esx4, --ealiertjalinorthilditTelegriPhY rLsslfes ps eistsares thorotio. uirte.dat e pee - Owl gxreduatess aye is detstiul l a r Once issistsntm Ind Bohm* Col/ego Taestarsi. write towhee catelegtta ! aterat; any Usti. • EiLLf *•1114,443EfLAN Principals. VOnNE COUN41L c usncll met ►r. •et . All the mem- 'berm. were present. The minutes of the last. sheeting were read and approved. The proposed by-law' for granting aid to tate St. Mail* and Western Renew Was carefully considered and referrer, back to the committee for some changes, befolre it be approved by the council. And men the proposed changes are made tnecting will, be called it nese nary' to arrange far the publicatian-of the by. law and its submission to the people Bar :approval. A few accounts were passed asd and o de5trsss issued In payment. The C.oU$cil then adiourne d to Saturday. 3rd APr:l tat 1 o'i.lock. 1'. tforley, clerk. (Too late for ¥i st week.) ldar .Alb(rt fitncpson has engaged Jo*. liLitia fbr -thesuurimer. =-firs- a 7 Ulmer° is In a very low., condition at gre*cnt:—Miss Etta Ncti Is vlsrbrag tris '.Ilder n --t red and. Ansley Ncil are busy hauling tbetr_ wheat to market, taking advantaga of .the good, price.—Fred Ship. .▪ d• .a• loge consignment of furs recently waster is slowly improvinF.---o- les *Munson took two loads of , drrita`ed hogs to London Satter day. ---Nee. 11*. ftp iia* purchased a horse from god - :00h Erott.--Some of the people aro f about tapping. It will 'not ,bo long. A (Idol) )SToNi1 4"ir.1 I3e,asltle� Cheerfulness. Am- t. On, Peristeizcy and SuZec3s. INDIGESTION ENDS You can eat anything your stomach i craves without fear of a case of Indi- gestion ,or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your 'stonsaich if you -will occasionally take a little Diapepstn after eating. Your nncais will taste good. and, any . thing you eat will be digested; noth- can ferment or tura into Acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching,. Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after 'eating, Nausea, Indigestion (Tike a lump' of lead in stomach,) Biliousness. I Ieal tburn., Water bras!,, Pain in the storsetsch • and !sec Intestines or outer symptom*. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely Unknown where this effec- tive remedy is used. Dlapepsin really doesall the work of as healthy, *tonna,- acih, It. siigej,te Your rn I _ whey Your sato!' act!# _+r!czl` . - Each -- ..iriatuCllte_ ! 1 gexst al: the food you 1.4 eat '.'a1id leave: nothing to ferment or sour. Got n large :V)-ce3ht Case at PAWS Dia pepsin frail your druggist and start taking to -day' and' 1y to.rnorrow you won tictuilly brag about your healthy. strong Stemav i, for you taint can eat anything and everything you want with out the slightest .discomfort Or misery, Gas every particle of impurity aal, mat list in your stomach,; and Intesttne:a l* going to be eatrrted away W withput ieuse of laxatives or, any touter .trsc-- sista1'lce. 1 1) z.o-nowill cite your dyspepsia or ally other -stomach trouble by building tip ' the flabby iyt • WaiIs and making tt:c tsstOrn3cta 10 strong Mat It • will dirfwet, tom' without ps pasth or °trier artifi',eCa..t aid. 6 -Ia'tflitr words, Mi-o-rra sures dyspe; • by removing the rause. W. 5.. Cole Is the sant for Mi- 0-r a 4n xtia be says to erre $ readf.T of the Advocate wen0sC stomach is weak, who ha* indlghssti#.n or dyspepsia, Oaat, J4i ". to gw � Yd to cute c►sr tulue.y. bark- The price 1* , o y ;so ccis a iatr, o box. *ttid, one box is' all goo noel to,. "rove that your are on tt;te right roil t# leap't and l"ata#nitiesse. gr. Ole& , ln.. c of ore Mitt ;Ina Plkttlt Street*, Zituira. Ont., eta t'e's ; " aGT o°, about en yetr1MLays bsccct1? troublyd yto1iutit 4oiblo sii ilyW'd' 4IttailOrt so bxsd thlt 1 could not 1111,1, rima hitt,' I0o4 atter tatting. d could not t sit meat,. or is rctly anfttaing exam t o. he rdrettesss andt.074o'411311.0t3, x accitt4 sr► yae0%e ,ot Se.o-. trio resultthat now, atter towing taken tE*o te* t t n i htlarY tr d atatt Can oat o nsl-' tt:cat pc3N.117 pr,41 t iC iG ,4 1C -Oita *!way o to , t 1Xi411SA rli. Ms. Moorehou sse hag. return:4 home to S 1n ,w o"while unloading fog,— retial tis sleigh last weed W. atnrtuuan idipped, and tell, breaking' several ribs.-- Ororge Kydd, " formerly ' a Contractor here, is visiting, fariends in this. sektIon..-4tev. M 1 !lard. jr.. mist been invited to the meth. o fat clsutcit' here, subject to the *tit.'' :o 11 tql *Y�nrinitte *— `amei$' Smith who'cut; his Ica. about a" month : no, had tile MIs .o iu;tC tete gait on. the teesnit broke t1e'< ►wo�tt 1 np n ' rs l e tit Toronto owing to the !line, ss est -Jos. Cato. of siomava'r trouble. IT y price' in our catalogue is c not it Daae .. saving to you on that particularw rt a e. ;fin, = i - -large quantities for two Storey; . obtainingY�; uto for h cut t n out i dleretht Profi y dealing cirect .t4raanuf ,ttreXs, a economical selling reduces the cost fou receive the rft ir ' n . .a lower price. Whenyou y all article from us by mail yob are assured that the goods will satisfy you: in every er4 ffor any • F• ► +Miley:. \ dotnot corse u \ `on ex a urn ,hem a. n . .will and your moneyor exchange the . in . " transpor- tation rans r-tation charges both *aye. gvitic,1t a -1 r t r o>,p and s iirl s .tiler of Michel. • i rirt ars .visit r !sire. --411.. Witt.'1)at alit i her ino4r;r? ices, t iwictsgoOd lett tor' Ni;:o t i,Asst o:1Cig 0,114 ossa INN Wes, *hoeing' tVetreatt, ere• ista.trttg tr(IItiwets in -dills eect'Con.-,7tisrstr flv#x ox l3tr4s.els rt:asss returned to take llasrgo, of gr. pcteter'as tnMlll'rs ry roams. hart! De e7_t of New /raver*, Deneb., iss iciti» lti�s tattttrr who is rtt.'1larryr ittytm, *he. -teeentiy ►told hit f*rm, In• ,8' tanliiyMM, hes. ;pul`c`-ha�rn s�ett' `' Vr lykrr'$ Illy eMas2 busi�Gg '1.Illr. towand••.geti edea •p 't1 hitt, . '. $fern r ^ JIM eh4'tttl ori • thry. `1 i O e1rn nook wilt 1� J.ut a l "at XII'a. Z tt4;, *t +k.1JIt* 11 We manufactutelargiqytantitiesofWomen'`s and Men's Malin , High .ni ac n ,Y" ' n ; time; ' �aera'' a cutters, r ' Kav n� cloth, :.each ,opekator sou ono. 4110 of *ork"„ 'sawn: i quantity i u 'quality . workingthe e " round, saving i production; thoroughgh workmanship and good material, smugx . irnt amount of a rturnl r, ny of our ens to era have vein letters . to Us >W ve statementsare, true..� - The•cotiu custom u families : and their rem ei datio ug e \ ilisattft that our 'method's and merchandise' ►e . neighbor our � .� as t*eu altvi.lig a nice bank aeco b eal�u here, by mail.- Won't you make a trial ?wand be tadse Prompt and e e e t sryice is n e ray your orderis oane dewy .I permitted Expert aa1 and nut►,:e the the desire o the eus �.RAr 4 C aX W