HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 4 (2)Y beelee4ieeltieeeeeee'e 7 Walter ger , t eierieyinfein-ettP. the aid Wet telten ue en o Ur.,4f1viutti .1eletehe b 1Qt tete Or Celeerist„ who h*1 bf4441 /411011114‘ .:4410#.41144.1 0,4 Nkr11141140 ciu.-'-tt 1.4*tr44 ° 44 fter 'Yee .eleett 1110ele zeeld • " Uiinu1. * reeeefteattee 1eelite41ite wiiO 14 folten''thati bee* faU, OVe 40.6, stet his Vtien ,PX;tqfxt. ta-Atql't or T. 14e OE h *V•ili t Orn lerief 'Weed t ellewlag *leek Itettset 04144 Wed' $d 11041,00 eit th heighbote:004 eto Y. u hee vletleCte, ZuMun1q tQ 4I1th1U.efOrideleteeA Meter leetteai Alpehotit' ,ttodirlive onathunvd* v As1,44t TUteete 'he* 'ree erone Ireleleolltoteee-gla* lind ireerletting :Mete WM., O Yeeetiele •"t twirl to ipend:th *Vett 4ifieeeetti 4 0 .1414 Whfoa tue iet1kt • een Wite be entrelI'„tiele, 1st Wishelf 'of tb wheel:ere, Mier- will- eceeropeny them to Mete egow', ' . , . learold Swan. Spent SuntlaY et Ids ea-tireleullartereeeetr. And Itteit; Win • Peeee lee0 eeileloOttO It6rn :revere ,eiddien-4111e geggie extare Were hag beet: Confined to the hawse for thepet two 'weelra,'S ding . trete an Attack of PleueleyIa two eye- efise itettte Vesely visited trienttain and itround "Cerdzalia last weelt.ergee and Mrs. le. Coates spent Uoutto 'with eertende in lieneelle-MieleseCtere ,e4et, arta Wind of Crediten visited the Jettette..seXeu*ton .tert* ev potten e„seeteewleuene-Rotherroal hae weric lee eirelleorellermturre 0 a seer,--eormnesellog ederdittles-o • day. -10. Johnleroltereshir:e. who * eclat vleittegAenengettiende1E.eet4 around- OviihwoOl for rettne tibee1 leevee tble week /Or Ohne ?townehip Whet* ale I e at Present. weans ble home witb his steter..-Mige Belden 'Pent Sttrelei with her meetly** .fie lexeteree441*0 I). Odor, spent a ew 4eye during The week with thepzon *Pending e few weeks with Thompuone-Mr Ening*- of Orenton visited Mr. Thos. Ileooke last week. brie nuntor ot orsa WOe. eXICh*11. zed haride in this sectioe during the wet few dare scene burins., oome sell ing and others trading. STEPHEN On the eve of her departure from ste mong old friend* 1n thie neighborhood the tollewing addresstoNether with a ettair wag Presented to erre. Welsh,- Teareti Vette 1909. To lere. Welsh. ' We your :friends and neighbors have „ gathered together •t.his 'evening for the Pur_Rome ot presenting. you with this ' chair e mark-ot toe regard -end respect we have 'tor you. -*During the time you we've been in our nelehbothood you have always 'beenregarded are e sincere trienl. and one who was always anxiOue to aesiet us wieether In the hour ot joy or Mel end eutrereng. Tow' removal le a, diettnet toes to us but we are pleased to learn that elthoesh y-Otere leaving our neighborhood, yottare not moving to any ereat distance. that we *ILI stilt conttnue to have the Pleavure of seeing and visiting you oce truet that you wilt en e tee cern. tort* of the chalet:hiring, our remaining Years and It la our lireyers,stiat God will "Ore you, many more year:: 444 give- Lioe..tho.i3ost.rethGalth.- • Prevented In WWI ot your. friends. Wm, -Walker Win nowden.,. Wnt Attdcraon Hawn taker. f • Whale ',Morley of 8tr*t- -ford. as the guestof het tether; MN rrauk Morley, for a few days .lost week. -Mr. John Riaxelvriod is all *wilco this Week, "Mt a girl.r..;-Mr. and Mte. Earnest Porkirwon were the Agueoto her mother. Mrs* J. Morley, last, week -Mr.. 1. Wright spent * few. day. ita London this week with friend*. he lecture given here- Friday night .wito,both interesting and eclucatedeal. The eletie were good and the Dr. has hit reintarke eery' euccessipily attached to the pactureire-nemetraW tbe Box arranged by. the Choir to beheld at the home of James Shipley on Thuraday next, Afttrah 25th. ,Rvery- body come and enjoy *goOd time with the VVhslenitte. .411 tulles to come -prepared for the social, the boxes to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. - bliss Maud Fairish of Essex hos been isiting her cousin Mrs. Frank Mo1ey -during the post week..., -Miss ekletle Dinh is the guestof her Ogee Mrs. thitweek.-Johnflu ' Immo 'had* stnAsh up last week frosn tittreffecto freed -himself Wm* Brook* Is nuder theifere'llt oare and we ittipe for it apeedy Mr.-Oecar Morle u. . ties with Mr. ISY P,srkinaqn for this summer, Mr. jatnee Ogden in. tends to Work'att: the framing wititMr. 'Brintnell ot Exatertbirsunatner, Tito -following is the report of Union f‘, S.11042. Xlsbortie, for the month of February. Chew Morley 100, . W Morkv (tniased an exam.) 47. Sr. liodgson 121, floclipou 83, *Portia, 00. 0 G, Uniting 57,, V den 52. settairel% 0 Arksey *O. Meet/ IttloWlist 13, V MorieV-40, 11 Dere'. ffe. ill;---111toiie. /9_. Gun. fling 00 (ritiesed eXteM.),, Jr. Ifl- Hodgson 125, X' Squire 110 A litcOarai thy elei morier 100. 3 Knowles 3/3, M Gunning OA 'Whelibon• 125; V fifoolt U. O. 3 MeXitoslitOpt teit, , - stockand implenients On Ws* Fahner or Crediton le spendng s, few days this week at the home ot grie D. itettielleneeedr. Weltin left twee week or Staera -where he bag **cured work at teackgreething -Thebend has Me more 'got reeorgatdeed and are bus)" practigiug dental night* each week Mr Fred Goseman left bat week 10 It friends in Port Huron. • L.USILEV. Meagre. traquair Bros. very eleasent- sr tAtatialtita V. large nurieWe or their friends on Friday evening last In honor of their guest Misr: Facial: of Itages County.-e1r, 3. T. Mitchell recently .pre- sented his deuerhter . with s fine Mintz man Warw.-411es Amite` 'Horton le in See:forth making Preparatione to go to the west. licr sorter Edna will go with her. : We ere sorry to lege the girls but we 'weeh them euccege In their new home. --efeefire. H. Horton and 11. O. leen ot Tucker:m:1th were here the first ot the week eenvassieg for gubieribere for the Tuckeremith telephone and they met with general approval by gettlier ten subscribers- Ott this line. They extreet to heve it completed. In June -Mr Gram 01 telligerreert and Mtge, Glades Orem or the Parr eerie vigitW at W. Glens for a few days --r ree, et. Bolton dieposed of a fine youhg filly to R. McLaren 02 'fleas:al for a good figure. weeeeleeeee pretty wedding took plate at the home of efx. and Mrs. 'Airchlb tiobertsore Ceeenarty, on Tueodai, Mar. 16thwhen their orecrox:d daughter, Rue bene Jane, wee united „in .holy boralts of tmtrInton't to Mr. Irener IferringtOn o* Chatham...Promptly at 5 o'clock to the strait:* ot efendelseolui`o wedding match, played by Miss Etta Zerelake et Settee the bride entered the -Pular leerdzier 44,11 the erm or her father and took her poen. ition under An arch ot evergreens, Ov- errated with whitee‘bunelbse and - hone, The ceremony was pertoimed by* Roe Sire McKay oe Ceornarty in the presence .ot nearly sitty friend:: and relatives. After the usual congeal:dation* the bride and groom led the way to the dirt- *ng-roorn whleh was tastefully decorat- ed with .red, willteeand blue btinteng: and evergreme, mid partpok of an et. client Wedding .eupper. Three young tidies presided over the tables. The bride. -tem attended by miss: Anna cereeneee aoe the groom .hy itis nephew. }tarry, Pe r ligtoe.-- The bride looked tharming n nevy blue jumper over a white. lime waist. The many beautiful pre:lento re- eeceee eitoweel the high esteem itt width Ere young couple *ea held. Theeltertii couple left Wednesday evening for their voestgAixte '- IriPtl et cobrJ.tubt1Qn; tole goed wiehe to for meny Years Of Intereneete eltZtorEOZ4: ,. :, nppettori* Tom or Glod:rieft and', an leaped:be of oar itool last Praday. teecdslemi to *ay everything was 'found le: is tiret.elase emolitione-Yesterdike' We* St. Petrieker Day and the wetting or tho ifteyk wae• te30 Porluiar la:410e. Neeri. Jeinee 'liodeirts gave a parts* in The, iWOrillag to hOr:,Y0t14* Xri,endi afni•`431"). eaSaeetee iiace wee * rat, hi ell. .iiteweall 103stn. iria!!, evetlin ,', land Vtany .ore t tn. al i els *too -pr*antck1 for the °cession. •:444.1getit Retie: -6: the Renic or eenjnatree at Stratford sweet last Sundsor in town under the pareaita.1 retie. Opeclit ennlvere sery ter.leee will be held in the Evangel lead elereell, next Sunday. Spielei collee; does wee ebe teece toe the ,purpoie or Pieteog 4 debt. 'whete hart tleen, brought lbout ' by heedcd impravernelitta to the :t01t en I pareoeege. Its the eereeteie an Ilteellee. ecrelee will be weld: gad opeeltal emele yeti he rendered by the tholv at rt.) mozrate cm evea1la3 socrviceve4olin ailth t.** been, butt In town this week t ttl wood with. lite, *teem engine..-. .. reniliy. or Itiev. bean wideli has hetet, uzeareinee eor eevzrat weeks on a.ctelant. ..t.' stiv1:t. levcr were given reeir tree- J.eel het reeek. Wed we aro, pased t 4.Atl ellt 140 raMit$' 100 41,0W etetoyie lt b 'lot -#61 ¢t31',.4.-11AtTY teteel..-"r *Ell 'iitt AttletAY at home In Mottorea.. AA a ....,,cnx ol :ow? bowzrers, 113old in pr. bite Lees 01:1:t on It.to„kliY rrezliAr the Vol, _oNhut oeflzers wire elected ter the Ver. lrn. Feere.'el:wiey ir,Eb-,,r. Ist.r.r.; Free.. ee:Cue; eteltetere. Me*. ZwV,her; Yeeeerse ee. lee Meet i leorninittee, S. 4, ee, e0„tlaSt.tebNi ftt43 II. to. Elber. oi &:-.4.1ed. AO lave ate:tele:0 gee, leetaletti ate tee ewe Mit eta- a.e.4 la'l t:4'ecztel Etet quite* nuex, " Mei Mee:5er* will be :elided to the Ii.- t*, Meet ane 'tonal Are visit. ,,, fra 19,4 v. , In . roost ,tkts we, -let lJk4d� E. til IOI t Ly on tb. Itethef. oe t ; .e.4,11Ltetet Itti ."'W t ettoree may' eret. to ple-te niuh eortflavneo b t 4.10110)e tolOure yet' their* *Weo 'balm t4etl, it :ashy tele tee, being effected -without 'tee alletiteet ine 'Shit* are•Itthere fleePaelele, the relier Jere' to the letornach O. -Other Oterees. Mix, some mud give' it eetrial, It tee - *infer _vent* .te_eeneleete Meta t_he t'eseel,Oitort, or an _entimeat satteor- witose entireereputatien. It la sal4 W4 s cSiohlished by it, tongoot hero at home, when AvIod *Wed toold SuPP)7--ttm. itivett- iota or mix the preieriptioe tor our readers:, a/so reeornmene* it air harneess took 1a at Zoid 0.1:40 904 s :.wite tbe lsnniedl*te seirvielne • are-eleeitlitelhe Wlithtmo' eettee, reotore lell4S. Of Zondo Abner Or, Granton; leenierniti oL ieneen. Meters, etre. Reith of Tetuan, Mrs. jeep* leangeow, me*. oaorge Talbot ot 1.4044.03. ilausiltcrs. =tat oars, Odith, nese and lieethece_et -1l9hm..00444,-11;verettt,,tther1e 1 etheet, floe. Teeeivale Omer, at home. efeele Awereangetnel. London, Is mother o deceased. The fatter dieet 4 YOrta 4E4 The tonere' was 'held from his late rest - on. ,Tetattel to Dirt cemetery. Mrs . 3„. 3. Carruthers and Mess Ethel are vimithig frtende in Delawateeeetles bias Wilson spent' a -few delre the Piet week vieiting her triend Ur*. re. Amos _ _ _ Meseta Segool Public -Ere tunination tee" Fridley a_ftemoon, ' -regular lee:eons will he followed by Programme, eteriehrtleg of iePelling Meteh iteeltations, Song*. antt,Meode. „ Mitchelle.-Anne, daughter' of John nee aged, two yearstell trona. a ebair ,and broxe4r4..orm..*Wre, 61 swataw, 'natal 4. erre. book* relict ot the lete lbenry Cook, or the 9tie con. of Godere eel- Towne:MP, died here at the home of her NOW Thomas, aged 60 years. on zt,on7 The farm contain* 50eteree me is situ,. ate eme and a quarter mile* .south or tees vinageeeeeteserg. Thome:: an Geo. Coward were ire Leroloo on buelnetee on Thursday last.--etr. Medd event,OridaY I n St. idarysee-Mis* leene.finittil, who hes been visiting her aunt, Were, *Ode re- turned to her home in St Marie on neeeer.....Tee vete on the Itellenter By- iaw take* place on April letb., Vote for the bir.laiv and get tee railway. Rev. A. 11. GOIng And wit. vbillt4K1 At the ellethodlit pargonese On Friday. Inspector Ton: visited lour leublic School on Monday and the -report went& a:oat feverable one to both teacher told school. -Rev. R. D. Rciere ot lesimilton and nee. L. W. Wiricett, or Leaden were the guests of. Rev, lir. and Mra. Butt oe Tueedai. Mx. Wickett 1. well-known in tide elelnitY, having: been vtattoned here over forty year* ago. Vioelthe heather the eighty year mark, he is atilt tale and 'hearty. and as sweet *Welted end lovibleeaa ever.--etr. WM. take* one Or our bachelor boy?, beet taken to himself e wife In &the person of Mies leottretr who fernetrif taught school it Fairfield Several of their friends: Met at , their home, On eirstidaY night and tendered the newly Inserted couple a taiestiant copilot:, :when an enjoyable Ono . were spent by alt. We extend' .beertY-.1 'Cone gratubitioni and bait eritiiiii*Teir Si 114 01! Fee*Perltj and taePoitiOse-Mr.'411mes Gotisave bas returned here freeite-eetclie igen, where he spent sty .44, Wm. Elate left :Wednesday'. „ Ht. atone. Sask. intending .to.ertie le spetFriday , evening with her friend miss „mow Fejleele or Corbett' beis SOU McGregor...pent. Vritley afternoon. with Mese Alex, uotsono-40. Joe. Vow: terore received word on Friday last of the death of lde brother John in Pet. roles,. 74r. and Ms. Poster and Mr. Ed. Matron lett on teatorday to attend the funeral which took place on Sundeer. Mr. and •Xee. Ed. Mason *felted at Mr. Austin Ilayter's on Fridal lase -Quite -number from thee • viethite: atterided Yivi[4:-.Mo1larrarsate at _Grand Bend on . lerleayen-efr, John Turner event ak few days the past we* visiting friends .Fort suren.-)ti. Aas. Sreptai_rolled on Wend., at Grand -Bend on Fridayee, Mee .Jegate Creech a Vetter is vtelting ter friend Miss Ethel Isetere-elies Esth eke DeePheriton returned .on Saturday at ter, an extended :dolt with her sisters in perfeloneelifr. Chas Steward:son spent a couple of day* with Ida uncle etr. Wm. Couch of Perkhill. CAUGRT let atuArT et. Marys. Mar 14. While Itichard leretaon, a man about 55 years or, age, employed at, the Mimed* workswas in the act ot putting a- belt on an elevated Maley about 8 or 9 feet high and About 16 or 16 incbse trom the wall. In sopa manlier hie clothing cauglit and he- was whirled around the shalt n twice and thittly..4ountned_w1th..hlo. feet -and head together between the abate and the wall, Ili* lett arm was badly brokeit two fin- gere-ef the same hand badix crushed end thee elbg en the lett aide -badly crushed in and hie heed bruisedHe is in ewer. lous condition. Itchelt. Xril. Malted mats -pass ewe/ lest week Atter an alines* ot ae era' years of heart trouble, at the *ge cot 50 years, etre. *wrier was the diugh ter ot tua too .John Goet,tler. Fullerton, and she WA* twice married. 'booklet tizat'will het:pica Intelligently and =nom. Write for the ttoolda you need. - BooKLus N PAINTS AND laaAR- 111$11 itAre-rwitir sailfstsleitie for 11. Mom A ivaiitstafe *cage itcoldst repot fat sit lhoestietbiatem 1140-40ttlate emit fitysishos &Ike nom IlSpage booklet ghring pet** Los ol S. ..Prodocts kw en abethellsorti g moos (h.het Pilafs mei ifantethee &pekoe mit why and whim Iocsclpdnls end Irorolabss..-ibsktmosmilscitos sad uses. test tip 0014 A bOallook palate ard vosabbas-for the htignill which should1,. In if* if4D4-41sonela.0 Gives feif particulats bow to Habil Nib r1akandvarththsdflooe& ithilif$ „Witter rots* Amp vskentana mottoes an vex wo lelOrellflERfe le011e0111*0 Ititelleergel Capital $4500,000 Rest Fund $311500,000 `4. Has 65 Branches in Canada, **141 Agents and •Oorrettpondents in all the Principal Cities in the, World. eee IRS *At leAltiletwet alteleifteSS TRANSACTSO. SAVINOS SANK DEPARTMENT The undersigned, have secured ,00ntrol of "the finest • block of FALL WHEAT LAND IN ALlIgItTA, This land is alt level prairie and can easily be broken. Se* Art Wilstr-Th' Chance...,.., Itiein tele. %hit:tang _ot eeedieg West, come and tolk-it-over. Oii prices are right. Load sold to sult_purchasers in sections or larger hioeltai with privilege of *election, Thie, band will not be on the nut% ket for long, • : We have private ear attached to regular triable 1es,v114 Toronto and Loudon Orin Tuesday ortveli'Montth aterting.3th of April.. For fur. Mali Stanches. Intel:eat *1101,01 at highest current tate. BRAN AtettArs Is:War thelitinTo- eloverno Doom* Castiten, llolicitors; li. ZY. UiYBX�N, lifsnitzet, nixing every day. tit.° Nsvirror gad OSP SITIZSEI: Gov this store 'has evershown Como 4n4 Eiso our now goods Ilettwolpurchasing ' Oar etoek le 0001 sie 'with the moat latylisit Sol into, 8ergee Pernt:0110, Sistine hil. Vila* • New to We - Shirt Wokistl. (ilowos, Skirt*, Odr.et Oovrs, New . breW t tut Urn*, Lin t Vestings,Mnalins, it tok-THS VRIVir LATKS Slatting*, *e., itti, \ • Len's Inst Aprived Suitingsthe Pinot A Valley Snide**. "or *horn in iibwood. A ktest pitterne and telterte. Cele and *es lww ynur Spring Suit. Prieto ato HT • mritu '`lie ,Toronto , pally 11\ Star's accurate daily market . reports you could sell your Vali stlid ifV0 stock , at top, , 'notch prices. Half a cent extra . :I ' on x just soo bushels of heat. or nsie would 'pay a year subscrip- tion .,1 25c. tip hundred *gilt on a hogs *ould cover three yore sub.criptions. t ou,debending onvolly reporisi or daily reports that are old when you get thent--iniss top prices by at 'lost bat tau& seVertil 'flints a year? - ' ng PrntbK00ste • ftne s g will lid floie agents fLt tb ab.ve reneing, very sate oon* ys quotation on lie gr orouto, Xontreal„ fluflalo arhoe,e. ire the sa rnng's dailies publish. - *t Ofltdfl$ that ve Awe and other irnpt on*Hthnt tie e'er r.• A te; It* Itelunt,r of e. Ante:lee. Aogatt