HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 1 (2)W - � Invitations r •T The VineW , rite ht Wives : a {: s k . wogs, 141 Sigma tea' the t tame tear' o ring Dnp s zn�4 n off our rl itrews tn„� bes n lt_ _fit! 30r. entire satisfaction, without a r doubt, better asst ^iesa end better +lualities in white . w lit*, r« tasr. watt covers, drra► s and gownsr ihaf -. we have sin iwn for yearn Nei i white lradiart-linen awn NO. R35.1{t tine white lawn. #rimmed, trimmed with e;hsn'broielrcry rend velettcleel;tnp with, eznnbroxetet`t►, .lrnraertlertrn and val.Zace« *0*, .made In new style, with lent alter, Mixes 32 to 443. Price 1.50. tae 42 to 40 Price 4.50 NO, €030.-. 40 white lawn, trinznme dw,ith lam nd '1ntlertiOn., wide *boulder effect long love. Size 44 ta40. Price 248. Nu►. , TO. -In white lawn, Dice iy tucked end ttrimmed.r�y� k rri value. States 32 to L0,. Price 1.25,1 _.. bit linen lawn with em.: NO. 805. --In white lawn.. trir:n ned with , tucked, *beim and back# embroidery, Insertion and: vat, lace. A. 110.; --In white lawn, with 4101Y1 tlett"sfront. trinnnrnead with val,laee nmertion. Extra, value. Sixes 84 Price 240. Y ♦•'rice .t/R..,... .r... 'ra' rintrada4 11 �':�+�X`.�"�.`3__.._3.Y _•:v •or a.. .., t.,c+x.T7 A � 5,.s kN vita (lung lace and insertion and eaxtria dip flounce at 04.75. "4",""-i 5 1.-A. very ►e cambric **Zit; with emb. and Insertion, at *3.. r. --Our einxbroidert d skirt In '#Ix . ' -4r 42, nicely tucked between �wi u e:mbr'e. insertion. finished with In 1te you to ;come to an,1E htroet p. as we are; showing -and *ening • IMADQUAIITSELS VOA . • '• :..r.n.-ver eyelet embro flounce at *2.7 . Oar 2.45, 1.15, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 in lace land embrea. tftilsh arra extra vaalueo. Our ladiierte' gervvn► ins 0. S. trimmed with lacers ►and embroider' lura value. 50c. to $1.25. Corset Covera in Ate cambric, .Meilen» Hied and tin:abe.d with lace and cmbro. look thtaugln our stud, berme' ore' j 1A picks theta goods every dory. TUE ASTQ iii, 411010. t1tthe, leading Color. in LAI !i' ss v ori *treasonable rir' r O J.&R4 .N ED FAST COLOR . t The Newest Colors in SHIRTS ant TIES ' OY Brame. R Alio n fall stock of SHOW -in all sizes ee ' a esti Groceries •always In-attic� RO '. t)LM., Z D. $., D D. 1,111 +1 . h+. #. el Qatari. sad Rose erre' eaestsaa'Ushrenity. +b904%0 tow Nice, is tsears'irirearaasir. trades Et CAMS, v*rsi tlitAR1r $f acie. * i sear fir, Attention to Daati*tr . - t !tali i#t +wt'i`l ;iaasis e r ..' Mir ' wde* Wahl Wawa: to• trC*s ear s, be. nito 1aet' fi r ;rat. ra `fltaa, kind,, ever held In ' t..I•.talk,,ace In the ,Ostia'•. ou*e, :when Win• 1,50' of the'eitizens of router and neighbOrboOd .tendered banquet to' R ev, . . rlrt2n;.II. D., who re nti;y i rn brei & twenty -*4z years* pa*. torate be Meet. Presbyterian church. when tai k waxar u 1 ora wtun bunntiang, -acture* end foliage. while, the font curtain of e- atage-• c.'om►latted ort the beautiful nag sent from Exeter, Eng. The table. werre nicely arranged and decorated with flowers; candle* and ell . the other necessities to a tasteful arra,ngemen:t. And these, together . witrn the many varied and be *titin dresses of the. 7Ar-... ladies MAO the whole scene one Von)rTCo .e ,Lndoxi Marg.' ors were prere,tl ,,.d did tomb to en. 'liven, the pro thing*, and. a solo frau ` n` irtcli, wftlj the: aaalaetiinnce of Mr. . •A. Polliic, and a large stag f of the boy- -waiieri ---fi r -moat ecu satii tos h gal bla &., ��xaRs .v7° Z .^�•s• Mt ii?YS t`li �w i �.�i �.. tr-ei-v►isaa t=cf one, coxnealsthig of Tomato liottilliOn Prowl:, Croutons, Entree, Bread Sticks, 3i.o;r< t Chicken and Dressing, Crsannberrry .Xe/ky, Potato 1roquettca ' and -Garden Pe , 3tuasian Saladi Bread and Butter; Cele1.7 Orange Water pc, •Assa't„ Cu, Crreke, Queen Pudding. and Lemon Sauce, Ne;apoliton, Ica Cream, Jellies, t'ancy Ate ilaa� 'oLfe; Lemonade. The--auPtier�o ler t,ac toast Set s tiro o:x me;nre ,d and 'was ,presided over vera ably by Rev. Colina Campbell, Pastor of tta Tan{aniel 'toad Presbyterian Church. Ial rhe spee'chca treat followed many' kind ani Ron ltlang aLualons were 'nada to character and life u:€ the honored guest and his family who have the high rc- *wet and esteem sol the people :of this eighborhood. 33aia Xta,jeaty, Tile Xing" uaa proposed by t1n cixairnyin in a short patriotic ad. dress. }��.r�� �ynada, andTheTheyp�,.Empire)"a was y pro. i^o d 'bJ ft. EL PrackaLd. .who • spoke' on he Treaties made b.tweea Great Dritain nU United States with re=gard - to e - disan Territory, and thin watr-11lC+a and aceful inv. a1ona of Canada 'by the Americans; W. Jt. Wcideralut ttuii rr� .re- ponded 'by giving...a .reesunle ot the .,gr at aourrcea Of . nada in forest, ihin0. aaol tc., and dealt with the grest fin " rntoa I ,.la:.�no ti �• ea�airsrrd l LIAO werould : ,/ be.* reidity. . Oven end t elhus:rst c urciiea'".wa olloal by the ehalr and �rreapOride d to: " teary rang, who disco iseed the blow. ory of the chureheras, the increase .«.I n er obersb►ip and nuniberc of families, and the paaatozate of ;I v..1 = Martin. '•5 " The Water Ch rcbes" wee ._ proPo y 1' . W. Gladman,. Who aipoke ot the ood feeling that has always existed twain the several churches and ot the ultl#neate union he hoped would some y bo brought .about. • T:gis toait wee respoinled to by : nev. E. A«: Frier, who dealt with the history and standing or e ihOdiat cbur cbe* in town,A rk'nd by D. W. Coigne who i ke In a gen way of churches and their eau**, wlt-hj a>�lal neferennce to the Nnglish h. Our Municipal Inatitutiona"' s pro. posed by A. Q. Dobler who #poke! of the health, : wealth *nit prosperity of ant` vlllltge. 'T, U. McCallum end W. �sa- man responded and discu*oiied our aitu4 Il a rr :rc e an pr m g th Iter al ecrtutc 1,1G:Nf IIb AUCTIONS vet. ANJ. Els 'irt, Licensed Auctioneer tor' Pitmen, County. Terms rsasaliefile. Dates can be made at the Adio:ate. Metter. or floury #eilbeee Oftlix4 Cred icon. - Co rel . Joieph inti italiwaY CO*, pang for an »acct +*xtendipg the tined• tag the commencement and for tite romp's, tion ot the company *-r&!llwa $ '► t,% V INC,ktl'k', 8riieltorr fent the Applicata!* Dated at Ottawa thin doth day of rib,. rutty. A. 13. 3.9O. . : 1.A111.I POI f Al'+ % ' f .41M0411i .eaf he lilt: `e'r4 of i3leieler>riph,. Lot Tr .1 n r trent Centralia k edit at. under cultivator a 10 ac. Bush pasture. Thee Ye a goodl'(wo•atory brick cottegs barn 34 by, 00, other building. • a'la o, It -g d webs,- 2 azelnards ; ' posaosaloan at once. Apply on the �pt°ergiass. T11 . W. Mitt. t 011,81 t• Z'O t ftit.LE An excellent, Wok 'house, modern and up.to.date. ilittieted on ia►in street.• bilEttt OATS ron -the ututerralgned has about 4os) With else of sem eclat* for sale: -200 banner and 200 ".Canialtali g1'g- -al clear •a . to first-eelaai. Condition. ly. on• , doth Tema hoard' Oa • • rite; - 11ALL1.14 DAWN'S. flew brick °cottage, 'tisio *torso contain-. irrg ' etrsht, reams, with furnace. .electric light aitd all modern conveniences. 11*td *'sell, *oft • fruiter. Two tete',, situ itesd ! on Under* si t, s else . il►pfy at Ad tate Offices About 000 'bus dmf No. 01 Ji ere ts, .grown and key$ Nit steed `I ori . 'Tat is a tie* variety that ' hates ,pcovran bar: >arar*>rlraw * fratrrarknble Clean *lift *ntr ew; swiss tng *11 Ot `° vel t:ebw, &Ito gave the high**! 114oat grain per *ere at aft thli*dal blit44to 1,901 ret that 0. . + ., roalacintriak ittelsatied. It loo • wwitheat an Ixo tion ,ts twit t mires rlr<y wltb til* otivenburtnt*1 ion oar In t ' PrOVitite eierrem the trot dim; +wtttoil in * g ht twp poalb on likisalication. y�w yy 1.30101tat Oh l*a A hoiiraat er ntrrat:1y Iota leiidl� « nr ter . r1. Ap>C sit `ikotas 'eat. B the Fatuous System 0 xamination which we ki r g into the Bye,,., w+ -a!�"e►htetoettwet� cause of every eiigbtest ,eerrrur of ',Aeon or muscular eye .weakznesa and ' .,�.� 8y -properly fitted. GLASSES wee= y eurabI9 • eyedefeets lr rr give you his exact opinionandnever:recommends- ' Glasseir unix they are a olutely heeded_ *tie% institutions. roads. etc - $The Learned�+4Rk reoston,s's .way *bl praopoawed ojr Ai'1+',uke, who discussed: the value of learning arid. spoke very MOO of the, prtofeaaslox*al men of 240ter. tar«Ankuoy responded by giving 4.,.1e.. sun* lin ,tumors 0!•the Work of the die.: to+ent protesstone. *Our Uwalness Intartister proposed by 30**. Senior and responded .4 to by J« 144. Stewart- and O. Fitton, who both gave some wholesorrne adrigo 'oat Olio topic. * iarnaadiart Sports" wag lntr Oducld tet ' . HHuuton. N. D. I'Iurddtt *tid 04 Bright respo ded, all sp tiepin g hl'hly .of Mr. Itziitlnn as a sportsman, and Mr. Burdon read a pose=rs esulogltitinlg !docs►. to u=lna parrticulaar.. *The Prase wag Proposed by J. a. Stenbl ry and responded- to by J. fir. WliIte by giving. ,Itotni interesting facts connected therewith. • ' ' The Ladles" Wins p posed by W. W. Taman and responded to , b Urquhart ofcppen and turf. May'e roc*riy,: ad *11 dealt with this toait in a very -able rtircteirg.. • O*n Mutest•' was rsapondaad _to bars . , mat I nn of atilt elation, ate[ t many kind Aust nide:'. ' .A* as nd mater had tried to be a gee palter and to tin the bible, and hoped be had bie=r► bie to help some ane.' le prayed. ;that: *11 Might ,meet again at the treat bane e;iuet above Hugh credit ,its dui the cotnrn tte a 'who bedthe tine affair in hind, the theirman an beJ Int ' Native- Mc ll>► and thee .se cretatry Ote rk Jeer. Senior. Resor.., it rl 'e.- 40 Exeter on Mar. 30. .Hr, wallsin .1 i3reiay 0t "Virrden. lkilano formerly' of tiabon'ne, . ,to gist Anna da o v*1nt..r of S.fr. Delbrlelga Of Suter. Ramsay-- tnpbell,.-In Exeter, on. Mate, 7{ Arthur C ►..Rarnsrsy, V,8, of Hritntl-. too, 1'437104,Y 0f *toter, to Mies Clam Maude, dwllhter of situ. same'! Mrs S rrrx mpbI1 01*er. •s' erringtoi n,"° * ober *ono -At .-Cromarty, .. on gar..1rlth, Henry Yerrington, Chl4t. hann, to Misa, Ruben*. Zane. deutchter fir. and )trw. ate flobert*on. MAMBO Alexander, In Turckeisr it 'Ur 10, sor=e Cannon, relict ot tit* late Willia Alexander of McKillop, .a i4 j'eara " cue Wed 0* g .wooers ow . orked in the Itiaoh Planing Atte h wAi taught in the shafting lorielay end abnoast instantly :killed... The only wita maw t Ci :th.e at ldeE nt was INr*xn Winitatic a tattoo *00 '104 1nad fast OM* th, when thr boy mads x :fir' about ra+omsthing. #tae tog carets` teitb the shattiltt, st: the time W to as ble to tritsaatigete. the.loose+ t his swatter .was caught a► in an blatant, Wes .,sled around with terrific' ferest,. *IA tin, *foot theposcare could be short oft. lie died as 'beer later Wtbout� retain ca lead 1ouai ass. *'kis tom' : ly sem' ot, t'. and litra. Wm. 'Woodward, an lioglish family* *ho hies been Int* sun.. ploy Of 13. lotantor for tho row two year 1Tit a x MOO T`t>taa fltlei►'eter ot, A, ,. rr tManii► e�ik#• #yetis'ettelai.on PRECISION 'RELIABILITY ofsto . Afiebmoirk,e, O"fir:Ao,'t''"+d��'0+'"�r�e�l': 11pel..1M/4/4vt: GRANDS ` I X ! ANVE 1885 - ARIS 1889 ww RUSSe 189 ppowomitormworailio44.4011 MILAN, It A. � "ARc AND' 8O' :ACM*,