HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-6-24, Page 8Tilt TIMER, • im e4 spa
trio.. Duet.
Price 10 cents each. Send postpaid on receipt
ca price. Also in stook " Joueee's Musical Oate-
chteln " Price 23 cents. Ozeray's 101 Velocity
hxerciscs, standard everywhere as a means of
acquiring delicacy and rapidity in fingering
Music 'actin stock supplied to order.
• 11ti0i WAtiltRf3,-0n Monday14Bt Plot,Drire,
Who Makes a living by travling from piece to
piece tied perfdrmiag daring Vests ou a tight
rope, arrived in this i;town, and gave two ex-
hibitons on otir streets, attrsoting a larger
crowd than an dnterteinrnttritof it more elevat-
ing chat'aoter would have done. He did (tome
very difficult tricks, and passed his hat around
twice at each exhibition,
of St. Thomeltad %iamptoa, Mr. W. $:
Very is agent for Exeter. Leslie numbers
lave been sold throughout $he tonutry, end
they have iciway6 Oen eatisfeet}on, All the
best and lateet tmprovdtnenti are embodied to
the machine. Any tepaft's esti be supplied by
I$r, Verity,
J • .
ri , VrRIGG,
Bookseller, Main Street, Exeter, Ont'
t o ,Peter lige .
THURSL)LY, JUNE 24, 1880
The Vo talc Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.,
Will Nand their celebrated Electro-Voltaio Bolts to
the afflicted upon 90 days trial. Speedy curer
TmwII what they say. Write
them de mown
HYDROLEINE,a new remedy for consumption,
for sale at, C. Lutz's Central Drug Store.
Sticky fly -paper and fly -powder at Central
Drug Store.
The only place in town for children's carri-
ages and velocipedes is at Chas. Eacrett's. Call.
and see them.
select furniture every Weduosday at:J. Drew's
until hie present stook of furniture is disposed
of. Undertaking carried on as usual.
No better educator for the children can be
red than the Canadian Farmer. It should
be in every household. Farmers enj oy it, the
farmers' wives read it carefully, and the ehild-
dren look for its arrival eagerly. Send for a
sample copy, and read advertisement iu this
isene. ,
Tir excavation for ;lir. Carling's cellar is
completed, and the building is now:being re -
idly pushed ahead.
NEW Siec.-Dr. Lutz, proprietor of the
Central Drug Store, has put a handsome sign
iu front of his store.
PERSONAL.—Miss Baker, daughter of Mr.
Baker. M. P. P., Russell, is in town visiting
the family of Mr. John McDonell.
REarEEBER the garden party in connection
with Christ Church to be held in Dr. 1•Iynd-
man's grounds on Tuesday, 29th inst.
STRAWBERRY FEPTIvAL.—The friends of the
Providence B. C. Sabbath School will hold
a strawberry festival iu Mr. 1)inuey's grove on
Dominion Day.
i" FUNERAL SERioN.--A funeral sermon on
the death of Mr. Thos. Case will be preached
next Sunday morning in the Fuugfieh Church,
Service at 11 o'clock.
UR. JAM, -re PICKARD has built a platform
between his store and the stove room, where
he in mule to exhibit reapers and mowers
which he has for sale.
Tam TWYLTTII.—At the semi-annual meet-
ing of the County Orange Lodge at Clinton, it
was decided that the county procession will
be held at Bayfield on the 13th of July.
Faneweaz SEsrioM.—Rey. G. A. Mitchel.
B. A., will preach his farewell sermon in Exe-
ter on Sunday evening next, and the Rev. Mr.
(Mundy, kis successor, will fill the pulpit on the
following Sabbath.
LATINO A CosN.a STONK.—The members of
Lebauon Forest Lodge, A. F. de A. M., go to
Goderich to -day to take part with other, breth-
ren iu the ceremony of laying the corner stone
of St. George's Cbnroh—Epteeopal,
Glasse AsEAD.—The bricklayes ate working
hard at Mr. Geo. bamweil's new house, and
will ,soon have it ready for the carpenters.
Tbjs will be one of the most tasteful residences
inPeter, and that is saying a good deal, for
ih la reapectExeter surpases all rival towns.
.lolls Aome,—Mr. Hoskins has returned
home from Michigan, whither he went, as stat.
ed by ne last week,to aeeert tin the truth of the
rentor that his son had committed suicide. He
found the young man all right., a..d rattier sur.
prised at the news which had reached Exeter.
BeoNOMrziee TIME. .Lncan is a wonderful
plea°. Aeoo•ding to the St, Marys Journal a
child of Mr. H. Cathcart, of Lueau, lay in a•
trance "two days the other day." This is the
most remarkable ease of economy of time on
record. They do strange things in Lueau;
1 ilcewiee in the Jotunal office,
Tweets Sean.—During the past few clays 1' 1
Captain Geo, Romp, the eflicieut agent for the lit
Allan, State Reid other steamship linos, told et
tickets to Thomas Glavin and Jtunes Milerick
to Belfast, by State Line, and' by Allan Line
from Londonderry to Beater, L#e disc sold e
Tits Flesr,—Next Thursday, being Cana-
da's natal holiday, people will be anxious to
know where they can have the most fun for
the least money. The sixth annual meeting
of the Exeter Driving Park will be halt on that
day, when ritoes end sports of various kinds,
for which liberal prizes are offered, will be in-
dulgedin, There will else be tug of war be-
tweu tea men of Stephen and ten of Uslrorne,
which will no doubt be interesting,
CENTENNIAL.—ft is now one hundred years
since Sabbath schoels were first organized, dnd
the various ohurahes throughout the world
will observe next Stfndity iii oornmemoration
of the event. h Sabbath school sermon will be
preauhed in the Methodist Church in the
morning, ands publio meeting will hold in
the basemeiltof the church in the afternoon,
Similar services will be held in the Bible Chris-
tian Church.
CAUTION.—NOW that the • strawberries and
small fruit season is at hand it may nal be
amiss to notice that a a heavy penalty may be
imposed for the use of any 'measure other than
the Imperial. The law came into force on the
first of May, and any persou found selling by
any other measure, or Belling what purports to
be a quart of any commodity, which will not
hold out measurement aeourding to the Im•
perial measure, may be prosecuted and Hued
Pro-:iso.—The annual picnic of the afetho-
dist Sabbath School took place in Mr. Picl(ard'e
grove on the banks of the Sable River, on
Friday last, and it was no "dry affair" either,
as several can testify. The proprietors of the
boats on the river kindly gave them to annvey
the children and others to and from the picnic
grounds. On Tuh•eday our Presbyterian friends
held a picnic in connection with their Sab-
bath Soirees at the Dame grounds and `spent
a very enjoyable time in boating, and other
sports, to say nothing of the rich delicacies
which Were pro`.vided.
morning last, as Mr. John Stanlake and his
mother were:driving down the Londou Road
on their way to Crediton, the horse which lir.
S. was driving became frightened at the sight
of a bog which had just risen from a mud
hole onithe road side. The eternal jumped so
suddeuly to the side of the road that the buggy
was upset and its occupants precipitated to the
ground. Mr. Stanlake retained his hold ou the
Buss and was dragged a considerable distance
before the frightened steed was stopped. Mr.
Stanlake was not severely injured, but Mrs.
Stanlake had her shoulder knocked out of
joint, and a small bone in her arm broken.
Sheris doing as well as can be expected. The
buggy was completely wrecked.
A Goon BUILnsNO. We have been shown
the plane of Mr. Carling's new store which
were drawn by Mr. E. S. Howatd, of Exeter,
and which reflect great credit upon his skill as
a draughtsman. The stores are to be two
stories high, with a very handsome front, re-
sembling in many respects Mr. Samwell's block,
yet in many . aye unlike any other building in
town. The cellar will be aired by means of
a small window underneath the large ones.
This is an improvement on the grates, wh'eh
allow snow to melt and run in the collar.}In one
of the stores will be kept dry goods and;doots
and shoes, and in the other. !igners, groceries,
hardware, deo. Mr. W. Howard has been
awarded the contract for the brickwork, when
finished, the building will bo a credit toExeter,
which will then be able to boast the finest
stores of any town of its sire in Canada.
Corson. Ms,tr1No.—The council met by
order of the Reeve, at the Market Rouse on
the 16th inst. The Reeve and councillors
Pickard, Bissett and Renton present. ;The
minutes of the previous mooting were read
and confirmed. ;,loved by J. Pickard; ;second-
ed by W. 13issotr, dist a by-law be .drafted and
submitted for provisional adoption for the
purpose of of granting $4,500 by way of
botiue to aid in the estabiiehhnont of a wool-
en mautifactorj in this village, according to
agreement, debentures to he inado payable in
tneuty years from shite of is"ire,—Carried.
Moved by J, Manton, seconded by W. Bissett,
hat uothce,be ei,rcdh bo i',len• by posters that
of pointe worbe Wilt be let' by auction on
ondity, the 44,lrlst ; lit 'Pod o'clock, p,
o,nnkbiiiva • ittt Stix, . Lake, .Road.—Carried.
tcrel:11?'( Pielsati •deiahntled by 3. Banton,
heteti±e stler k, bt ttatleea zecl:.to:•eri;ange con-
ortliug the equalized assessment -of the school
au Allen Line ticket to Ionise Thomsen for s
his brother, John Thomson from Glasgow.
eotion.-yCarried. Moved by W. Bissett; Hee-
ruled ended by J. Renton, that tide council adjourn
1 until Monday, 21st inst.., at one O'cloc,tp. m,
I Curried.
Tun. itoYcs IttEAoatt --This is the meet high- —
ly recommended reaper in the market, and is
eurnutaetnrod by M sere. 'flagga t & Cochrane,
Aettnev.--•11, few days ego a man named
�Yiliiams demanded hit wages, which mount-
ed to about $8.00,from his employer, Mr.Wm.
fleet, of Zarioh. William paid hint by giving
him a eoifud beating, cutting lrfm Beverly en
the head. On Monday morni.t:gtlaet, WlII1sxn
carne td Exeter, and; laid an fflfttrhridtion be.
foto Siiulrli Gidley, and plfltlod a 'arrant fit
Constable Giil'a •ifittida for the arrest of ;iiMit;
when a telegram was sent to the } urioh SOW
stable td arrest tent immettlately, which wee
done at Kippen, but on arrival ht kiensall, the
prisoner produced a paper showing that he had
been discharged by the magistrates, and the
Zurich oonsteblo let him go, Mit alas for the
prisoner, at that moment Coiistatee Gill ap.
peered on the scene, and pursued tent whb
drove at a break -nook pace fol' about friar miles
when the chase was abandtiueci, Zent leaving
escaped into the swamp. On Tnesday morning
tent was arrested by Constable Gill in the
Central Hotel, Exeter, and taken before the
magistrates, He pleaded guilty td the charge
of assault, and was accordingly fined 66.60
dud costs, and bound td keep the peatie for
twelve months.
To the Editor of the Times'
Dt.tit Sta,—Permit me thtongh your
valuable journal to give a brief sketch
c,f my visit throutth the Eastern Town-
ships. When I arrived at Osgood
Station, in the County of Carlton, i
was met by my friend A. J. Baker,b sq.,
M. 7P. P., wiio drove tate to his rest
dance in the village of 1Vetdalf, a dis-
tance of ten utiles. After a good hearty
shake hands with the family we took a
walk over his farm, which is certainly
a credit to the owner—well fenced,
good outbuildi kgs and farming utensils
all in first-class order. 1 then proceed.
ed to Alex. McDatnell's, Jame* rde-
Donell's, Duncan ' IfIoDonell'e, Sen.,
Allan McDnpellis and Duncan Me-
Donell's, jun, farrlrs,all of which bate a
beitutiful appearance and drops looking
delightful. On the following day Mr.
Baker kinly took his horse and buggy
and we drove for four day! over his
cotletituency, and having had an inter-
view with many of the most prominent
men in our travela.I feel ooufident that
kr, Morgan wonkl he nowhere should
another neatest take tilnce. We drove
through the townenips of Osgood,Rns-
sol, Clarence, Wincleetrter, Cambridge,
Gloucester and a port'i'on of Napanee.
Those townships when 1 left that sec-
tion of the country thirtyeif.ht years
ago were a dense swamp, which could
be bonght for twenty-five cents pea
awe. but has now become a fire set-
tled country, with a nntnber of thrit--
ing villages. On the whole, everything
has a better appearance than 1 antici-
pated. Tbe city of Ottawa las made
vastimprovetterrts; so much that ionly
reeounized one street and the Clrandi-
ere Falls For miles outside the city
there are beautiful ornate residences
and pleasure grounds. 1 also visited
the.rnins of the city of l n11', and from
appearance the buildings that were son-
sutned by fire, they were merely small
wooden houses put up for the workmen,
as it is a great manufacturing place,
and they require a great many men.
rt is mostly rebuilt with about the
came class of building@ as was there
first. I spent four weeks arn'ongst my
connections and friends and was warm-
ly received. I bade than till farewell,
many of whom 1 never Piped to see
again in this uncertain world, and left
for borne in the west, the garden of
Canada—Exeter its central point. And
now, Mr. Editor, this ands my trip,
hoping I have not intruded too much
on your valuable space.
Joni; Motto:sm.
Tad ONiox Phzs'r,—A. new kind of in-
sect has appeared in Woodham which
bids fair to rival the already famous
potato bug. They perform, like the
beaver, during the shades of night. It
is said that some of them are almost
six feet in height, and that about the
hour of tnidnight, when the good peo-
ple of the village are quietly seeking
repota,'the may be Peen in groups of
four or five making their way towards
the nearest onion bed, oue of them
having what in the dim moonlight dose
not appear unlike a largo ba,'ket firmly
fastened to its wing. As soon as they
arrive at the proper place, all sot to
work and the ouions are lifted gnickly
and placed in the basket or whatever it
may be. When this is Minuet oomplet
ed, sunnds resembling • the following
may be heard by those secreted behind
the fence h "Do you see •' any more
there ?" The reply comes in a low
tone, "No, 1 think we'var get moat of
'ern; let's go." A bee line is then talc -
en for a comfortable shelter in which
to enjoy their ill-gotten treasure. , A
vacant hall eta eometipihes selected as a
suitable place. Here all trace of.them
is lost until the "v,te'smtt, siers,",wlhen
thev may be etch' departing •eectein at
separate direction, • Nothing is,kunwu
of their actions .white in their retreat,
but;ftoin the ,rtiiibitsh,`ktt' on the finer,
they•wonid answer as'-trnembere of the
"Oorkscre v CIO." One of the chief gni.
toren. by thorn in the village has set a
trap for the ,n,ind ti,teud,,ae soon as be
M. eizelitTT, amerce "no of there to Ratted it to Prof.
Clerk. that, Toronto for exatnivatioe.
Brampton and Thoma,
t� �
`p�* ,^ AgriCtt1ti.-Lru ,1
IM.C-l.�tEMEN 1 WO k8.
na 'W. H. VZj.�1-tIT'•S'.
Has been appointed Agent fopp the sale of the !Chewing tt1'tidles liatiufaeturet by Oils
St: `i'ilotiias and Bramptbu Agriltultnral Works
_improved Royce Kasper,
/Meadow i,7 k t c+rl
jThese are all Watrauted, itnti naive gained a wide rte ellti,',tian: :IatrafactioYi gat r '
b g t!ntettd, ai'r
nosa.e. Any repairs for shy of the above ifnplemeuts uan be obtained from Bir, Z''erfty.
Messrs Cough!io Bros., of Stephen,
shipped on Wedteeday of last week,
thirteen hundred sheep from Quebec .o
Literpoul market.
On Tuesday last the funeral of H.:
Kraft's two (1If11dl•eu took ptttub in this
Village, they were both buried in one
grave, Their death' wet, caused by
1 irkton.
The, r<l.—•The anniversary picnic, of
the IB'.irkton Methodiet Babbitt ti School
will be held here ou Ddmit ion Day,
when addresses will the delivered by
clergymen and others: A good time
is elipestect.
Tris Fxitvr ---Oil D'ortlirti•on Day the
Methodists of Centralia intend holding
a garden party iu th'e lyatitiful gaounc},
lately owned by T. Trivia: Esq.. Plenty
of strawberries and cream will be pro-
vided, and addresses. will be delivered.
by several clergymen:
._..,er. 41,
A %Trial, yichool Pionio of school see
thins No. 1, Tuckerernith, and Ito. 1,
Usborus, tanght respectively by bits•
ars Moir and &ndereou, will bo held in
Mr, D. D'olrgull's grove a Mite and a
quarter east tJ bare on. Vi iday after
noon (to -morrow). Swings, Ilitrsio and
other amusements will he provided,
and eeveltal speakers will deliver
short addressee,.
& fid ELel�i '..r . .i.'ttS. S:
leaving pitrtlsaswa the. Boot acid Slide OW4 of
W. a Trott,ive can' no* offal. to the 1'ubliu one of
Best and Chestiest Stocks
of ready made 6 ork ever offered in i seter. _'We
would air, re `Mind those in want of first-d1'assi
bane -made Boots and Shoos, sewe,i and pegged,
trot we can supply them wit,1 that will.'give sat-
liepairing done at lowest rates and'satis/Retion
guaranteed. Call and see for yourselves; Vele
forget the postai—Eaerett'e Block.
Broiler, February 19, nub, em.
stock and tools $2,500, insured hi the
Waterloo Mutual for $1,0t% besidey
which all their books and notes were
deetroyed, The black smith chop of
ldr. l auley was damaged. Imes ibtfittll;
rio insurance. •
A boy named lilarshall dell`', need ly; t
eon of shirr Alexi Dell, W'ingharn, about
three weeks ago knocked a piece of
slur, off his foot and when nearly `well
rut his foot or, some Faris Green.
'Th'e foot and leg became badly swollen';
and it was fearer} ee old have to be
nttr'putated;• but he ie reeoveriug. It
seems some person had thrown some
Pieria Green on the read, anal th'e boy/
in passing; trod on it. This ou'glst to
be n caution to parti 'i':irtho are se. time,
lees wit, poison,'
At the Bettii•anirnal me'eti'ng of the
- tDistriot Grand Lodge of South f.tiron,
held at Clutton last week, 1'. W. Johne-
i ton, D, bMe,gitte notice that at the next
itntecting lie wotrlcl move that the Slat
prettie sratrti Lodge be asked to appoint
a eotnmittee to elonsnier;and report ou
the advisability of doing away with
District Lodges, enlarging la some
cases the County Lodges by uniting
them where now separated, uniting the
Proviricial Grand Lodge of Ontario
Ea$ and West, and making enudry
amendments to the constitution where
it. may be necessary to carry out the
changes suggested. Some of the breth-
ren here think the proposed changes
too sweeping in their character.
On1TueitY.—it is with regret that
we record the death of Mr. Thomas
Case, which took plaoe at hie late re-
sidence, ou the Loudon Road, Town-
ship of Usborne. He was an old vett!► r,
and for several years sat at the council
board of this Townshtp. His humid
took place yesterday (Weduesday) and
woe largely attended.
Mr. Henry Brown received a letter
from Mr. Frank Middleton, formerly
of Usborne, but now of Oak River, N.
W. T. He speaks highly of that part
of the country. There are several from
the neighborhood of Kirktou settled in
the same locality,
Over The County.
The first shipment of cheese manu-
factured by the Bruesels factory, was
made to Winnipeg on Monday. Mr,
Wallace also forwarded a quantity of
butter at the same time.
Tile Wingham waterworks deben-
tures, bearing 6 per cent, interest, have
been sold to Mr: Cassels, of Toronto,at
051. The Issue amounts to $8,000,
and, oonsegueutly, brlhught $7,620.
Mr. J. Middleton, Bavfield eon., ,re-
oently loaf two home and two steers
from being •poisoned by blank ivy. The
utock had amen to ti pond of water on
that portion of Mr, Middleton's 400
acre farm which he some time ago pur•
chatted from Mr. Shepard. There is
imy quantity of this ivy growing around
and la this pond, The veterinat'ysur-
gean who examinees the animate has
no doubt their ''death. ~vas caused by
clt'telting the Water saturated with the
poi4t 66—tis e,tlttit'Ition:s of the ivy. •
At two o'clock ou Tnnreday morning
of last week the carriage Notary of
Cameron .Bros, was diaoovered to be on
fire. Nothing wee envied. Tbe build-
ing was worth $2,500, at.d was insured
for, $j,006 iu the Pheeiix Mutual,
At sunset Saturday evening a cellis-
t -ion took place on the North river, New
Y.irk, between the steamers Grand Re-
public, which had jolt landed Henry
Ward f3eecher's Sunday school from
en excursion, and was making for its
berth at the foot of 2tth street, and the
Adelaide, which had landed her uass-
eugers at the foot of 22nd street, and
was crossing to Hoboken. Thb boats
came together oft Cantil atreetAthe bow
of the Grand Republic striking the
Adelaide on the port side above and
forward of the wheel, and almost out-
ing her in two. The timed Republio
was uninjured, but the damaged boat
yank immediately. The damage to
the Adelaide is $50,000. No liven were
lost, but some of the employees, it is
stated, were injured,
HIole. Join: O'CoNetblt, Poattnastot -
Generul, it is understood, will soon be
elevated to the Repoli. His successor
will in all probability be his Costigen.
He at all events is the most ;deserving
of the honor.
'lint Mob* still dunmmis tho abotitgli•
of the Senate, The present editor was
editor when Dodi; (neo. Brown was
olive, and he defended the Senate with
great t'igor. When the (,'Lobe office lhai
ua intermit to the Senate tlheu it is
ready, io r taVA1,s..1: it. It looks. selfish..