HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 8 (2)• ee 44, *tik Ontfa4 k. L94L7 COr reY04,T4BroW 11. • 04 end egaletine atielbe COrivineed It cafe; eieeeeeeeeeeee • TA Terre le Ver emetics, ;le ;Mee eever tienettles, 1 Azol. ex.,tas Oa • iteNe. pos11,04. Au*n w4o **(q.400 . stogie thine net right. .IUV wita e#,„tt 't ‘10,1,4eteaiie le linedzLg.' V 4441 flQ Ontario 1144t, 44,4 *4 II Ladies' tailorinatle suits. Perfect in style andfit. tins. Stewart's. JIMMIE/NOM DRESS etiokEl. IS are WANTED. Apply to V. TREBLE. ,Poyeu *cant to save about fifty per otiriVitT4ittareir 4flo to Mewl argisto WANTED -TO RENT. A house centrally loeittid; apply at this office, The Advocate will be mailed to any address brOanada until Ja/nuary let; 1910, for 75 cento. Tell your neigh- bors about it.- th• Rodpa's extra stxnulard granulated sugar is on the jump up--watek, it go — perhaps you- better order now. Stewmt sells no other. We take subscriptions for all foreign af Oanadiatt movables at reduced rates. Don t forget the Advocate when your subecriptions run out. New 'mirror' finished ladies' suiting— gifts,' brown se** and Raolc--.4peeial prsce 60e.. *Steavires., fla 'Liftmen issued at the Acl- ee *re* -• Ladio, New. Spring Jackets. :extra 4001 ot awed% est On *Ar •, - ° , , nd€� In Oeeher. te/ctuis‘V. 'crkiefi, he pi tiurdi �n .,r•relleienhuaterlestmo tends,00 Tuesdziy iled 11 In.nnhit ot cvgolic. allnitxr .00111'14;f-0er wereert4 101011$1, 'wetly entertained at the home or Mr. Atn.it Mar. tWot.Wznr. eitelohen, on Mintde/ ••, W„ A. /Jason. Who was aneotented to / sreelc at the T. 141,„ C. A. meeting last week wee unable to be present bat *IR attend **vial meetings Mar. 111 to 19. This Wednesday evening a Lexie dile zens 'banquet is being tendered Bev. IVY M. Martin in the Opera Houseparticle." tars et whiett will be given neat week. Little jack liurdorA Is 'guttering con- eiderel4e pain from heving spilled si whle nir .upstirsrOne A new lighting 07atem is being inetale led and tried by several et the businees men In town. The light IS generated by gasoline and the ettect Ip certainly a Tauten returee4 Mondee' trfen aloes haso return41 on ft Sarete, ated tle•roit, • „ flele0a C',41*1 CiandaboY0 is V1�. ateetlee Ma u!tbe)), 40, ,9g, en Is ,Y1111..t.,1k,:., elijeVo.V.Ill'.8eti‘vi;te and • . • ret urncd ld4y 'frOm. the so 44,41,4„ hes ,tOken .phorote. •04,01041,* TOOtk:srfiturtled.. '1400, telt, leronte.- I alsLsl. 3tra PtgithW..,•.•44.)the rktory. A44.0.iittin-toki:..riiur,dafor WASS '404140 tdp WAff • 0Itt*tiet OidoiOrel*Pe4f, das • sit her-houl, ilgrIplF P084014' 't; Vrailk•Ve'Wdel'e Toronto 'toe.irise le; elentilt (leeerd'enwletil,• .!r'r4e re 0 ' Pz!!ntili *etre" ar:st!'.'164.41' esyt.4-tlhi;teye,7140,sinn, selte /1„, 11. Men. nst CO, C; T Brook Wale lest week eleitett• • . Mr* le W. Veinierand chilueen AM!' visiting With 410,1,011,,,LOildere-----10. -114111-e-r;iiiint-fitindal. in the city. Nita. m. Westeott of Serefortit ited gr. Soh n .14ghthow1er 0 Ingersoll spent a row days here with reletive* during the week, Wes May Armatrong lett Monday for L' millinery ace Luclenow to take aerie of he busineate Ber sister, Ethel/ coMparded her ad tetoette wolf. Miss Stewart has telou rooms over ?4r.e *he ot el* swot'. attiee, main at., wher bhggd. eN4M,fitjj March lltn to 19th, instead Central ' brilliant IlluminatiOn • wflt at Ur. and Aire, Gee. Uelfshew lett Mon" dayeforetluereweetern home, atter Spend. ing severe • eeks l'',14,,,,,, ' •,,,.., it' *,,,ri '''''',e`V ''.' ' ,e' Iii•riage.,,, 'he 1,0rest i e. A. F. & A. IC, .attend s Viehes 02 The Advocate go with a meeting et 209.4. 14elge in London on theme Friday night end witnessed the waiting ................. et the third degree, with which the" were' 4t the' Presbytiey meeting lastwe'ek bigelY Plased- . ' . -, in Clinton the followlIg eainute wallowed Thomas Wall, an inmate of the nouse , and adopted, -The Presbytery of Huron of Refuge, at Clinton Is evidently deter - hereby places on record its high apprecia mined to end lits Me, it peselble. Two ezgo. ebeforeebeitic,-torought--bere 0n-04- the se-rvices-rentlertilAM-Reu Ihri to made an unsuccesaful attempt tie 'Marlin 1t 'D dtithee ide - Paitorate in itiroashibeld. On, gsre.--ruzeter -and -Chiselharst.- OWing to We y last he attempted to choke himself scattered condition ot the peoPle and numerical weakeess the field has t� death by grasping Ida throat *with his hands, but was discovered in time to been more than Usually ' difficult, but Prevent " his accomplishing' his purpoee. under his superintendence. aatistactory Es was committed to codench jam. •progress has been made. In every de - d - Never suspect your friend of doing you partment of his work, as pastor an wrong. until the proof of it is as plain member of Presbytery. he endeavored to and as clear as the sun at noon on a do 'his duty, and from first to last he cloudless day, and then, yes, even then, has enJoyed the confidence and esteem do not accuse or CM iWte until you have- of his own people and his co -presbyters heard from his own lips his version of As a citizen his record has been equally the supposed wrong. It you were ever a honorable. In the elute ot temperance triend to Min be le certainly° rattled to and moral reform especiallY he has al* that Much forbearance and considera* , ways been regarded as a wise and trust.• time It this rule was practised many a worthy leader. The Presbytery is thank.' mieurtder,te.eartg, would be averted. , ful to God for the work' he has. Awn, In.. and manta heartache spared. * strumental in accornPlishing during 'his Tommy, 'fete. 3., A. mewl/wig delivery pastorate of ea years within thele bound . - pony, enjoyed a btautlfull dash ., all!mg. =7 I and they prey that he may be spar. lameseaton Friday morning wens ed for znany years to render further the delyee was delivering some gerosis service a* God may give hire opportune at lir. Cladritanitlie a dog frightened. the 14, and that the beitIth of hia wife may animal. Not being able to Make the tura be speedily • and fully restored. - The onto Main street it ontirmed throue)econgregation of Exeter having expreetted -the Central alley and utto -viri G. -131*.-*-desire, for -separation from- -the cone aett's livery stable, where it stepped,ble gregittion or Chieeliturst, Melo a. Late i MAW there was no place edes teeet„ only kin, Fletcher and Shaw, with tteill- ,. .slight damage was done to the sleigh,..ders. were appointed a commi tee to Thei.“‘roeste will be sent to al Anybody -can soil the reputation .ot confer, witti the latter as to their tete *Wow in Cozad* to Ian. 1st, -101 an bedividual, bowever, Pure and cheat*, ture relational and standing. fOr likby. uttering a susPicion.thet his enemies i. ' will believe, aid his f,rlends never hear woo of. A, putt of Idle wind cart take a mile lion of the seeds of the thistle end do the work of mischief which the husbandman muse labor long to undo. Such are .the awed* ot slander, no easily sown, so dife Mutt to 1* gathered up. and yet ' so Pernicious in their fruits. No reputation -caterew, 11441,r; WINCHELSEA, The following Is the report at the ext. aminationeheld In 11. a No. 0, tisborne, during the month Ot February reel:4r: V. - Ulla Heywood 21.11, Ella 182. . neywood zoo., 1.rik ciott_ can refute a sneer, nor any immout sekill it is given under the auspices of Ladies' Jr bolt sr. rv.--1Aula Godbolt 214„ Prevent' milwlitet* The marriage took place in it. %tomato Aid. Admission 250., children llic. , . John Creel"' 2165.• Zfl& 11.3'WO44 on 'Mar.. 3rd kit Vrell-known former re- nodsy id,racints. Pay Pletcher 194, Rhea Oodbolt, leite *mete0! 7urlct, mins nottrkes sten. Jr. rie-elleitna ileYweed 204. • Alere'ea": e„,70 e, . 4:440.441.1.••• nerybilil .190. John tirock zee ie. sr. ewMIs. er A team of Exeter hockey players, drove eeeeter- in her millinery work a rev, ewe to Limn con Thursday evening and play' lie -Earl Coward 103, Jean 'Campbell sons since, and 'Chester 1.. Fitzgerald, •ed a game with the club of Wet toWn, *102. Jr, III.-Edwerd Itellett • 223, of London. T.he ceremony was perform resulting in ta,vor of Lucian, 10-0.. Owe Inez Creery 213, Edo Coward 195, ,moy ed by Rev. Alfred Drown at the residence, Int to :the* narrownese of the rink the Goulding 1$3, Sr. II. -Dia Cornish 315 at the bride's sister; Kra. George Maid- game was lacking in individual or come Ilardwick Cornish - 293, WY Clark 239 ne Dermal,' of StetAnth.e0i-thee prese-binatiOrt work. The visitors report the luta Ileyvrood ear.110-Gordonl- e enee of only the Immediate friend** Theo best of treatment it the hands of the can 230. aordon Washburn 211, Lloyd young couple were • unattended. After. ,home team. Jame 192. David *eery 191. trip to Detroit they will reside th LeatdOre - Jessie .11,. Hamilton, teechett Tbe,A4vrtott,.:,..geotat.eenimulottittug.:;_=Thiet4prettc_Aiwthlearf-ths-stre _ yern---evar-Ahlilk-ot-what your *deirteest-lioektyeieiirn-eeferohie- Yearitewale-Wel Poreraittle !rue Advocate es dottit tor you. "When proven on PridaY night When they 40' , Period is central ort the lSth leth emu yeti eloee IP our store In the evening said teated the feat lichsall team on the its. iith. Tale period teed* directlyinto ge fiotne toyour tantillr and fireside! ,eter rink by a store of 3-1, in a sante tht Ventsii period, cOmbined Wittt 'the not thinking *boot youteessiness stomp of. 50 minutes length. The Ezetor pisy growine Mere disturbitnees, and utile then it is thatthepaper is being pouted ere were Goal, P. Flentiog; Point, 8, the eentre , the Earth's equinox. Th., over In minderea ot homes. -the hornet ,Thewden ; Covet, P. Hawkshaw ; chaeteter eterins and weather at "As feom which your trade le drawn. And 11 Seutheott Forwards, a iiiartirt, time is pre4ioniatica1. as itte lit*rs an' there is Your ed. doingiits work silefitlY. Achellelle and O. Oyer. The liensan onence wi 1 begin to dominate the . , el.* but surely, and it you haie tit the 'Players were, Goal, XL, Wildte ; Point,11, meetsand it cannot be potitively fore Paine to Make attrsitIve It* Wo willeCintieren. Cover, A. White e.11cover, seen whiee way Ina influence will turn. LECTURE .,4441,1e, Do not fail to hear the Lecture by the Rev. Jaa. Livingstone. neat elonday,evene ing in Seines street church on 'The Hu- man Voice," one of this eminent lecture er's best subjects, being of & most pleas ing, humorous and Instruetive nature.. In any event the- *terms -will shalt in exeessthat- isp tstorms 0 rain, thtl and wind, e: o: seow, sne4 bereal whit will be 0 very 'Nodded Cheriteter. We Wove thA t tiS Utter will torseSitl.sind that the) MIX* influence about this time will act a wetter pace whielt Will chile. acterize tee weather generally tar Int* ,April. 4-1-1441-144+1,44444-11.440 an You, kee winter it edieteee Ricks *ha right - reeeeee be all -the more euceessful..This is tee rotated veer andtvover again, *MI le no &out* whet inspired *One welter to call neeeipApet advertisitig t 'a .*lent drum., iner,:r"" • • Saturday, the title 'bat, Oki Exec. attire Cbtranittee 0 the 'West HuroneTelle cher*" Asseklatiora met, itt the lifOleirooln at ClintOn for tilt purpose of preparing the program riot' te neXt 1natitute Meet. Grog in Exeter, May 20th and '21st. The' foiloislag Mentbers of the cOnnuittee *sent, Miss W. Ileward 0 Exeter.' and liffiterte/ thote, Of Dashwood, Trott and 3 E Tom of aoderiell and W. 11. Johnsten rire,ettleid. In the libellee tit llgre 3 Weitoetarth, President, 14* 3. 01404. tithe:in, Otelaided the, th excellent pregrem was pre .ated, it was &added to proaceral the a Waite* sr Menke lesdiht elbectitOhlet from a dieteete. Tbcae are the day* when *boat la 1%0 market Is ,yit. ty *trete* at t For * feet day* It halt been stg1*'from a dollar tO le ,diallar end L. Nrrer mime Itiet, wiwit,.tve Utter kd to r the bloke, *ore thin/goo , Inter'rsthng , ao at grasent, The Cles4100 r the * In sties is credited to th. rndrn y io &tortage In the lfroottikii aup- ly and.the tiotitotomt 'rtriivre that rat - I Is Wettable' for a owner. 11* 1oldIngs t grailatit are estimated at -tc.n to 40 tidiness lesetsets. The le* 51 suppty el •nituralik tretrlitt• . 'shorty, rivet* w1441414n,st **e. • it tee A tell*. Stiteeri POrwArdie A. Rickert, le, Buch- anan, W. 0 epherd, We'Perkine ot liere: sail •Au re er eand P. Soudietombe sod q. 44‘i boil were goal utroPirese I Exeter stored ,t e first geed in two minutes- and Itentaell tollowed with -ons In ohs Minute. Eight irtintdea later Exeter *toted:MOJA and - no further teals were aiecuredin the tirat 2ti minutes. In the second half Ex- eter secured one in five minute*, and *le triennia both teems worked hard for this remainder of the hilt no more counts were made. The 'pteyees of beth, teams were . Individually god and some good combibetion Work Wit* indulged in,. al- thOUSU the latter filature of the' Week is *Wei* interfered .With Meth bY the 1K446., ?WAY • )444i4den,, motto. * beitttle lied Wilt. Player And iloonedlioany * *hot that looked good., 14, an Individest1 rush he lie a whirtwitt4 and repeatedly tooled the puck to tile opponent** goal only to fall in soorlinr by the good work Of lethlti in goal. Another- feature, of the Phothe *Ito the .Woric ot Soothrott as toter* Ifs IS very apteclY And Is en tottittnt 0104; Unfortunately ha wets of.t rot! fifteen minute* owing to an injo7. The gattio throughout was d'art and teletning was the tittli' man tont to the heath" end tbot tor bot two Minute*. A goad crowd of', trithtillitiiddit was */***1 And Ofk IrktOrY Was thoroughly *Nowt atid. A. glelt.ua tax* Of hOtkey player* Vsensoll teeildel night 'Ink** we 411, set a 100 trinunino. st 0 0 4 t* , *' Chicken, ail 4140, 001401# .,,C1Wttlt 147e" "1411:111.1:ti t°14.‘ r00 7t:-Ot'a2Xea en tile*' O. .9t4144 ped e ,,-Perleer hOuee Idelh, tarts. •Vekite.eettett. Tore. W. 11....nutt was choaen, toaat4rtaster and propelled the follo•Wing 'beanie- emo Owe Cherete Sunday Settool, Epworth Lev, 7Cid:-CiiiietT"roiner-Peeople, 001400 Mese, country :and litielite. reenter' Ot atter • dinner; oPeeelese were *given in response. most enjoyable eee ening eve* elelelteeItevi 13. Oaten Of Tow bridge, a former pastor, preached ntle* toner)? sermons in Um gethodiost chweh on Sunday wiM the result that the con- tributions were *need rit last year, The reverend gentlerolut received ee eerdie welcome "trOm his many re,13.10,pw110zitsposz,1,1**,10„ .1414(111,141#- In our vilt day for her hen* in London. -Mr.. Mc - coy is "visiting friends In London. r Take Hewers iaireiUo Capsules Poor Fellow 'et atba cold, 'e aught to use NAMELESS it settles the cold problem -it costs lees and cures easier than mast all other remedies. Drop in and buy just one 25c bottle and see foryourself. Bold only at • Ara& • THE PURITY flint*, rewon ottt. Pstales it snow Ceedo he Old Reliable Family Flour bas the natural co/or and _flavor. Has an army of satisfied customers. u ty STAR FLOUR as given us our sum " o o itor $4.O per squao 1 betoreneed t,luit" It is the tAfy shingle an thii marltet., _14.44_.0,01214 RTSt0f *p to `4614 bottom.of shingle We are offering splendid values in Balt. ers, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chafe Basket4Lantem8, etc. 01, 4 0.; p 'eat Discount Sale of Furniture at Rowe & -Atkinson's 111 Wethave, started areat BEDROOM SUITES. itt.f 'cut Oa*, sietighter sale comp_aing .finish,.with large Revel Mimi% -tilturniture ittarprice416.-50, - • Ottilierite iit4 D tintelieje -Pike ;;;-41,8.#3 -7- 4._11- • SIDBROARDS, special %JUL" * sallauriar ileaPrice 4110.00 ° regall"-PriCe4 COUCHES. for CASH. Note some of the Great Bargain* Imareoffetin' g and, what it means to furnittne buyers. A call will convince intenditig_purchasers that this is the GREATEST BARGAIN SALE ever held in'Exeter. regular price $8.50 Discount Sale Price....... 40.00 11ATritrepde SES. . 0 D unt Sale Price. . 110 Everythinielse in proportion. ROWE 4% ATKINSON The Leta% Zane Rad:hers and Funsral Directom, +.1 /Age to secure some are all reedy for 84 Summer W rablot ,11711:r°.** 71; iltoppeT win. our mignilice$ sh•ouring of New Drew ' Goods, Trim. :ming% Linen' Sulthme, Gingham, Ohanibrays, Vesting., 'White "i4rhitewear and everythinsithut is 00,0' for the Col:Onset** almost hers you will find it to your advent» . 84 New Materials Exclusive mous . Latest Ooloriogs An aristocratic- show - tug of the ir_ery comet French andatitisbaultr Inge now reedy for your approyak A pmminent festufe the surpth ingly stylish cloths HARVEY BROS. Mina ONTARIO otice to:D'art°. ci Public , f ,Awfo.stur._ tD s, itigtostte, BAG% A0OP131314 BASS. IIEAD, ingittoM.3ackon the Old Eeliable where you 0** suettetperjoe n OrrastrisItzoofitto • 7 rose inONIC NO. 32 01 sei*Whi is season we are -showing the largestand most -stylish riknoce of, Dainty White Waists • we have ever put before the people Of Exeter. Hiraiwaist - • is IS 'Garment of Style' Long or Short Slorres 'Pfl000 from up to dlored Atrnder6. Of k, Ideselierbkom. MoreeiasitdOa • • „ atid Black. An ideidundieskl to watch any snit 745 way boy. 4.11,44 eery low .r / , t to bily 44 51 • • YA, -