HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 7 (2)IINAT OWL
Equipmeits Width Are
Esti fee Home of OM.
1.Vh4 tees is'is hsaleen to *
eerriege1 of the IMter
*ettttd, but. ther 1,
one ten iing on *,.ntoun
,neer L1burg',whk
halloo,* .
shit it Up.tIe • rtions.,
the line, At tii$„ti
Eow '
1Tgcl. 1b�n,"to hav
is, heap
do., W3
to 'ave.. 0040 (0 WI to• Yoosavet.
tee, terse Also %hi sa4 oststboa
o. .
A. Xitsnarti Nolo LE Itisoit
vi., VAmoostot
o• .•
At all *gee ,Dr.
il fere especially valuable to the
seirtler !MO •100100,Potiseart
power of, etiiklOfte:iilitinden
O. eel*, red 'blood of health.. They
All the starved eeius with stew bleed
, that eureekiled bridles Atm
etretigthened, weak nerves are for-
tified, and robustb health i restered.
Mrs. E. Smith, Windsor, N. S.
- "A f veyetre ago my healt
' eyed Ar.
ram inward troubles, and in a
a yessr't time my whole syetem was
almost, * wreek. My blood had
turned to water, and my heart.
424 become. so bselly effected that
I .-could seareely, gci about. In het
One day se friend se . if
, had tried Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and told me that alio lied
been in almose the same condition
I was artd that the Pills had re-
etered her to her present strdendid
liesith. I took courage from what
friend -told eve', anbsu .t
Pills. I took them regular -
'several monthe, constantly
• rowing stronger, and the inter -
1 troubles from which I had been
filleted were dieappearing, and
xety -whole. system seemed to have
gained new strength. I wanted to
snake certain that there would be
fio return of the trouble and I_ son-
inued. to take the Pille for a, time
after I lied really fully recovered.
flinee 1 have proved for myself wieit
• Dr. Willisonse Pink Pills CAA do, I
have recommended them to & nun,
hew of suffering people, and time
• Who' bele:given them alair treat
have proved With me that Dr. Wil
amst" Pink Pills are just what they
ar ereommenehel to be."
"cl° by all medicine dealers rr
by ail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes `foe .2.50 froni Th& Dr. Wil
Medicine CO.* Brockville,
Thee two d•
etii741-f$, qualiPa-
ton j4lea5ant to the taste end at
the ino time effectual,. ere ,to ije
found in other, Gravest Wqr*
ter hildren like it,
, I - ' We
• o:01..te4A fo•iirkwa
„0 , s i
1•, thus.drag..
.tI1jeturn journe • • •
t ,
wQrld ,
2th - z aindow.
.,sutographalbum.. .
sato , student' reilwa,Y ..$ 00
usd in Ieiui&rk .for',:the,-eOly
*toe Of 110xat 'viiiiteits.. It his bc
,olne the cestena of•theee to sera
tileie 1141110* On one of its' panes,
eeltioli now phows thte-itutographo'of
Xing Edward and *queen Alexandra.
amongst .othere; including , those
of the litte---str,, the late Xing of
Denmark, the late 1)ulse of Clar-
ence, and many otberfi. ,
Another .uniquely fitted railway
ferriage is that containing the vce-
ibule eptranco. tethe_traie helm)
vestibule holds several fine statues
--.an innovation which bee not been
copied elaewhere though many
Revd trains carri, superb paint-
ings as part of their decorations.
•A tar with a -complete verands is
tea* tonstruetto, r
Diite of Mexico, where the dr*
room portion is surrounded by such
a fitting.
Very few trains are roofed with
Ilartinae's advice and :be—benefit,
Mr*. Wikis M000rs, R. V. D. No.
water, and that of the Viceroy
Duck Lake, Sesketchews
•Can., writes:
"At the close of UO3 I took sick
„• the_reseit of vetching folds I
became very weak *led
do triztthing.
• "di consulted a doetor who had
me telt* various kinds ief medicine,
but I ":141 not find any relief from
Ay suffering. At the advice of lir
friend, I wrote to you and you ad-
ised me.
of Perini*, there was notice im-
provement. I combined the, use of
Venues, Mantilin and Lacupia and
after taking several bottles of each
1 fied myself, entirely cured,
"I esit certify first it was titranglo
inedleines that I rammed isty
t, Lent*, Oregon, Writes:
India -is amongst the mall number "For the past. four years I wes a
,,, wretched woman, eufferies with
thetsiteeesso,--e41141m-vehieltse4teessi:-Iese -fter4flatichwvattit-otherintillst
in number, have double ceilings, leaving me so weak fend weary that
which are really water-tanke, hold- it was only -witle--(difficulty that. I
ing about five tone of water. This
to attend to my household
arrangement contributes towards was Ole
duties. -
coolness, and furnialies water for in used different remedies, but
domestic purposes on the train. found no relief until I had tried
The train carries sixty' personal Peruse.
servants when the Viceroy uses it. "Within two week* there was a
- Neither-- paste -bone -re --nor bel- change for the better, and in less
fries Lippe*r to be likely equip. than three months I was * well and
tnents for railway carriages, but happy woman.
both actually exist. A paste -boiler "All the Ifraiste is due to Peruna."
was built into the advance *dyer- Perlin*is not *, local remedy,
Maw:tent-car which preceded the but an internal system ie remedy.
Barnum and Bailey Show through It will relieve catarrh in it* most
England, so that the "crew" of the obstieate form.
car could start to /posit their pla-
ear& the moment they reached, NO DOUBT.
their destination. On the long- When a. young Man tells a girl
distance lines in Russia each of the that he'll love her forever and
important trains has a ear above ever no doubt he believes he is tel -
which risme"a little belfry contain., ling the truth at the time.
r, "tand at the d
ut'it #410 au,4 Iitti
tiro said .,;nhont:
'hut iI'llnever do
.,.at itt-ollni cisr,wU1�wgya,
eiPsross:ust** uiaa yew.
"1)14 ou husband have any Iuc
on his iltootin e
friend of the .
IecJ,the knrwng lady.
iliooting hinteelt or:441V
04 bun that ent
No Alcohol In f*.s--Altobel or any
volatile matter which_would
impair strength tis, evaporation
does not in any shape enter into
the lineenfaeture -of Dr. Thomas'
Ecleetiro Oil, Nor do climatic
change affeet it. . It isas service-
able in the Arctic Pirtle as in She
Torrid Zone, perhaps More useful
in the higher letitudes, where mart
ie more subject to colds from ex-
oaure to the elements• .
you rove-ilis en
whispered the poetic girt "Didn't,
I tell you that 1 loved you now 1"
he responded teasingly, and she
didn't speak to him again for a
whole week.
Fenton -"At first he "01101. -sitaSY
. crazy about her, but now he peg -
led* her ehamefullye.! Slositeese
**I tee-. At trot he -Went -out -of
Ii e mite; *A4 then the went out,
of his rfundr.'
tar dbillidaloat Treat Altai, Igrellso* nprloo*.
aothia 414wils the taw** eld, remedy, rig*
vIa puki�Ir. x boys *bray au
_ good to Chinas** ay
co441. everiesageois.
faiorite writer 1 1 ,.econ u en
--"My father I You shoukl eve the
cheques he writes 1"
Many patent medicines have come
and gpme_ but Bickless Anti -Con-
sumptive Syrup centinties to *cc
.forernost_place among rem
dies coughaind
preventive of decay of the lungs; it
is & standard medicine that widen
its. sphere of usefulness year b
year. If you are' IA need of some-
thing to rid yourself of a cough or
cold, you cannot do better than try
Bickleie Syrup.
Among the workmen of Rolland,
accident irtauranco is compulsory,
and eickeess insurance voluntary.
tOrigifiWit $
4.,PATTISON Afti cc
33.:3i *On InutTILTsitowri..
tilt001; 'Braker* & Mani) -
I -
sompestripous b*attL 1,10a a:'“
ostrosoositooso What.
to your Mew t INO durk*
nes TAU.
T. wm
you •., rooKr,
ma,duiva ottivrkkr- Olt
widi it hut. 114. 14.1
411, V
,akatiou aad tI4s1 on h
WO up the str postaies. 1el tftc,'
Whether clear or cloudy, a rosy
unset presages fine weather. A
'and ram. A dark orIndianre
rain. A red sky in the morning,
bad weather or much wind; per
haps rain. A grey sky in the morn-
ing, fine weather,. A high dawn,
wind; a low dawn, fair weather.
Remarkable' clearness of Atmore
pbere near the horizon, distant ob-
jects, such as hills, unnettaliy"
visible or raised by refraction, and
what is celled a good "bearing
day," may be mentioned among
signs of wet, if not wind..
213ZCIC I'MX4 "WI Ott**104V "W" $4
- •
,114 AOitgovir, ,
Artilop your 1044 flow tito to .1krime 440
ilk a 11411 404 Vs*,
A"ItIMottottlitalitto t trcrtr:414:1"44
tallatkargt Ttiftvote, oas.
a kin, Human Bones and Owl's
Meal, Wooers of Suttees.
Gamblers have many charms to
lure good luck when .playing.
,Among these *ma fine Catskin hung
from the neck, a human knee bone
or tee bone, an owl's heart, a small
rod fesither,- is moles foot, a rab-
foot, the tail of lizard,.the
Ain of & black snake worn round
the waist or a lizard with two tails.
• T14 'Utter is ireesistible.
Throughout Southern Italy wo-
men and children wear. & red coral
tesalace as a charin against evil.
- If they sell the necklace they retain
one bead, which they regard as -
mews'. A charm made of coral
Is supposed to avert the evil 'eye.
it is irtrthe shape of a hAnd. with
0 thumb, third and fourth Angers
Ided_slown over theveins aoa the
eesandlittleefingere extend -ea:-
• Welly uaint marriage cuetornst
•'still survive in many old Engliels
• enci.Stottifsh ftmilies. One not-
Ole tradition of this !sort still kept
reen by the Dukes of Athol' tied
r beirsis that of the bride-
• m terrying(the bride aeries, the
ld f Blair\ Cat' ', it being
rd With an radition
that it is unlucky for * b ide who
• enters the castle for the firoittime
Lo wreak in the ordinary way. This
la athe only one of the many quaint
• old feudal custims 'Mott are °beery.,
led upon this estate, which the Duke
of Athol' holds from the Crown by
'sae of those strange tenures which
ere oceaeionally' to, be found in
•Grist Britain. Upon fear of for-
• feiture the 'owner has to present
iii eovereign with , ft white rests
whenever he tsr she visits the cattle.
I Girl TIPL112
,our little Ot14,8 are subjete to
Wigestion, constipation,
simple fevere, or the" other
nainr stilments of childhood, girds
B!kby'*. Own Tablets and set
ickly the trouble, will disstp.
But better still, an ()cc*.
aose of Tablet e given to well
iildrei will keep these troubles
Mrs. Allau A. MacDonald
• *aye:- "KY
front condi.
trouble and
erest him 1
tall beur?.. =seta, lotat you• r
ther 4tourtiatattiaidtinuivitine4e431-11,41,brak
The Great We t crocurtormtrttlavittsurzytti
Sac you and
Wid_it-cloU will *oast
AA ra toted de Jo_ to writs for
box nor bands to be given away. Perim)*
this one bo* curs AY cu—It i;au douse.
for others. iDi small be happy aa4
you wilt b* cur tor 20 (Um coat of *
poatase stamp). our letter* bed vont-
dentially. Write to-duy for nrr tree treat.
vont. Amu. a CtlintAiir Wbdsr, Oat.
Comes Evidence Of the Gre4t
Work Dodd's Kidney
Pins Are Dotng.
terms retaine Miner of tilo Ithounuttiont
,and Matto' by thi old Itonabis Md.
soy Itsfall134
Findlay, Mare, Mar. 8. (Special).
Cyrille7,1t,fs,girtel, a well known
farmer living near here,
further evidence of the great work
iDositi's Kidney Pills aro doing. In
the wed.
"I suffered from - Rheumatism
nd Diabetes," Mr. Ifsginelsays
in telling', the story of - hit
"-My sleep was broken and -u
freshing, and r was tired and nerv-
ous all the time. I was treated by
r. doctor but he failed to, cure nes.
Reeding that Dodd's Kidney Pill*
weregood for bricst sediment in the
urine, led me to try, them, and
after using .twelve boxes 1 am as
well as 1 earl possibly be, Doski's
Kidney Pills' have made a, new
,,ctati of Me end I ern
peed's They lcure sick kiys and
that is all That is claimed for
But sick ki4Ineys are the" root of
numerous diseases eaused by -ints
pure blood. For you eanq htiv.e
pure hood with sick kidneys. It :es
the wotk of the kidneys to strain
the impuritles out of the blood.
Dodd's" :Kidney Pitts eure Diabetes
because it ie. & kidney (Homer; the
eure Rheumatism because it is
eeneeti by eick kidneys felling to
strain the uric add out of, the
A student in it medical college
while learning ,to use the ,opthal.
moscope, WAS tGld to examine and
report upon the condition of a
maul's eye. The doctor -to -be
•ueted the instrument and looked'
long *nd searchingly into' the sub.
et'sleft optic.. •
,f,ijost remarkable ".he eisculst-
ed, with * surprised look. Reed.
ustiig the oPth*Irno*toPt, be &gain
carefully sorutini*t4 'the 4ye.
"Very extrior(linary,indeekr
ozeliam4, ,"1 never heard or-glagihousie* 'did not ex
h on, ,eye. Thl* tou*t, he motnettnore than 100. rip*,
it*To you, *v*r b*4 acres or gl&sihouseirsra
ert opinion on itl", annually, about 4,006 to
"Oncei.": **It the Taconic reply. 2,000 ton* of .
4 Ana/with se lot of money is Al-
ways a great help to hinitelt
A chain reeletly made in England
was 2!,4 milts long, and Weighed 2,5
tout. . .
They Wake the Torpid Energies.
Machinery not properly super.
/tired and left _Ito_rurs-itselfs- vet
on .1,ghtiivii--rMiitr'n-f"irw---iforiift. It
s the same with the digestive or-
gans. Unregulated from time to
time they are -likely to tieeom. tor-
pid and throw. the 'whole spite=
but of gear; Parmelee's" Vegetable
Pills were made to meet such cases.
They restore to the full' the gag-
ging faculties, „arid bring into `or-
der all parti of the ,mechanism.
Madrid has the .4iliest *ltitdde of
any city in ,uro
• .............
motto t*st yard *lois. The tewses "Thi
D * Staatit4 *Mat tow IsIsbMs
backs,4401 Ish“ WIN stivoge40 ele,.****11011*
pts 0** yard voila f0rpityl1ettliVIVA41-0047 %AL
110.14,1411411143141.411 V. geigt441*.
Itsisat, ttl-Mthilott'S Our* will always
sure ratIrsOulibli *44 Coda."
The Tartars, have 'the,strotig
the,Chinese the weakest Voices,
1, f
When all other corn prepars.
ions fail, try Rolloirsen Corn
Cure. No pain whatever, ,tiod no
inconvenience in using it.
LASSI1011SES IN Znitikier.
At the present time there are
nte 1,600 acres in England cover-
ed over with glass. whith 11 stretch
ed nut in one straight lin. would
form *Alois hothouse * good steal
longer then the length of England,
*Dtt ibOttt ten feet in width.. Fifty
years ago the oreage covered isy
In a hen's egg only one-fifth of
the substance is nutritious, one -
ninth part is refuse, and the re-
mainder, the greater portion, i
water. White -shelled eggs are no
quite as sera Yellow ones, for
they coneman_ietrth more 11174ter
so4 little less fat 3adge. b, the
!mount of nutriment ajoose egg
is the most valuable. ext in the
order *arcs ducks', guineadowle,
hem', turkeys', and plovers'.
Eggs contain a large quantity of
sulphur, which is purifying to the
blood, and good for the complex-
ion. To get the hest egg you must
feed your fowl on grain; and to
Gook inthe most digestible water
to 180 deg., and leave the egg in
it for ten minutee, You will then
fligett every -morsel. But if you
boil it for three minutes 'no lees
than one-fifth of it will ?ail to be
digested, Thue, °if you eat two
eggs boiled for three minutes every
day, You wage five dozen in a
tat IsOarribruto *tits* biles I* s aarieui *MU
eap,..biat Ago* Irmit Salem, taltes*t tte
*sot& south Will *artsns
i***114 tow eels
**Norma 4•1•44,. ,ttli* wit* **kiNivi
**vials. -
*Ossameessois,Si •
Buie ,Regulators.—Mandrake and
Dandelion are known to eXerb-a'
powerful influence on the liver
and kidneys" reitoring them to
healthful action, inducing * rep -
lar ,flow of ,,the secretions And im-
parting to the ;orlon* do0431.4
ower to /perform their functions.
These -valea-bler Ingredients-ottet
into the compoition' of ..,sirril4lee's
Vegetable NUJ% and ger etten,
die& thein the agreeable and 'talus
tary medicine they are -inert Oa
few pills soeffective as they in
their action. ,
"Mamma," said little /oho,
ust made is bet." "Yon naughty
0, 'Johnny! What made' you do
it 1" she •asked- "I bet Billy Rob-
erta my est agsinstlwo huttons
thaticu'ct give fire Cente to M. to
:buy some 'kip -lee,. with. • Ton don't
Want Me' to lose trir 044.40 your
Ito got Ave vents;
utowitt does not "too* 01
until hot it totonty.six.
Alkt41111E-4 DAILY NEED.
ccrosisn's will happen t13*
best 'regulated kernel; and
tweet a tot of Zene.stie handy to
• preseueon that hass saved elation* of
families mush worry and evonse. There
fa Darter any Imtitoltst wksd ssmell Ware
way ioad up to if negiscsed. The stoppage
of the blooding, or the pain from cut,
burn, or scald, bilis many people into a •
• (sloe *Ono of 'mouthy. Dust getting Into
*wound may sot up fostering, innanunstion, .
end. blood.poisouing+ In a ,similar way, a. Any cut Mal'
be the stetting point of itching and irritating comes and
tbe spot yotir Child arratChcs on hit bead, the untospootod
Imginaing of ringworm or oozes itter hair.dostroying scalp
wbUi oisph a pertoot healer, la aloe the loacteratit amour ot odgic-dimuiee.
tcut, Or traies pretuallir and V "driontod with thla roe oThl Soh
ila*Aot„' Ott* the vrtensf way " I and esyleadencr of the alcio to taco** 31, .
ad sr Itaatiarr." la 4040,d) . -Thielocbetsuae Zeut.bak net coy Ettidwa .
rhaekhy Oda, but. bolas a. la . sad **koala ems zsca
p.dscty healthy ad the voitedyker tiesuee. Liways k.c,'S. box Ut
• sair.mam********- ZE*0-14ok *