HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 4 (2)404.6
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Iiiy. uests,
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!in IirdIzg. 444
treeQ Mr.
'acted: a* dirl.• The cereMOny end
gepgrratelation over alleeat down -to to.,
teuntitul spr.ad of good. Mingo pee.
vided tor the °evasion. The bride wei
theereelplent or many heantitul as well
as uraprul and ornantental'' preemts
44; t2i cotton in which she is. held
. a friend*. Tee young couple
OE Weil to tor 4 lnag. ifaDPY and pro*.
perous wedded lite.
Ohltuarze-One by one the aged plo.;
r,Ccrel of fills Part tif Cattaela are rePhily
'PattflIng *war, lesetinef as a proof ot
W (111 . . .gra.
At -• .4"
Y eniele the dee g
4F!:0141. 0,44 kind neighbOr. in
the /Arson ' Gapping, who
-Trallaed eaeti1y **AY ;on .041/40.:kort.
a en sdaya
up tothe elute 44,151il sickness was In
,perreet.hcaliti. 'Win. Gunning was born
•.ore October ga, 1820, in fientersetsleire;
Eng. On April' 1, 1843 he married
ladIn' Englandwho lived but
a short time after their arrival in Can -
Lula, dying at Yorkville,' Toronto. He
then returned to England, being In the
• year 1845 and on Jan 27.-1846. he be -
ramie Veined In inertia/re to isiiss saran
helpfnete and atfeetionate mother, and
who with.the fQ.tnilY now mourn the Joel
of a Ida& father 4,..nd -0/toted husband,
On their arrival la panadia they toe
tip their residence at ChiPPawa and for
time clereaued was emPlOyed at ship
but having a,desire forfatilittig
• he finaily settled on the farm which has
been their home for over sixty yeeten
Their early Me here • was marked by
many hardships' and struggles, which
were connected with a viewer life, but
they, ixing A:at true 13rit1sh blood and
undauuted courage, braved the difficult.
les together and sucbekdeci in acquiring
a lurgeamount of property and wealth.
To their 4eappy union Were born eleven
children,. one dying, an infant and a son
Thomas died in Iii/31. Mr. Gunning waif
in hie tinth year and his aNed widow is
in her 85th. Tnere are nine
Samuel. Arthur and Albert or Ineetenard.
!kits. John Parkinson, Mrs. Jas. !fern;
Mrs. George Swims, Mrs. George Mill-
e son erre David Park on, ausr Liwyat
hcane. On Jan. 27th, 1596, the aged
cbupio celebrated thole gelden wedding,
.:101.4 ten years tater they, enjoyed the es.
timabb pleasure of having thek children
..and grend children tome at their dia.t
wedding. Beside* their faintly 14r.
and Mrs. Gunning have 40 grand
ran and 15 great grand ehildren. The
funcvai toOk place 03 Tuesday and was
conducted by Bev. II.. 3. Fair. A large
roecourse or sorrowing friends Paid a
last ttibute to 'rule so highly reapectedt'
There were in attendance a large nun Vie froin. distence.
• Don't rer4get the Iceture oa reidey,tiar.
12th by Dr.: nougat, entitled nen 'fur.
An 4.Mtertanitta ateeident happen/4 to
.r. Wxm Ihitlersi an. One thee lest w.k.
Hs was -0.0011114 Wileking *roux* VS
anti Prelate.* when he stechientelly len
ot th* 'sextette. 4300teliet bak, one Siert
,abov. the. laretst.and r
c1 th.„smo*e. Ire tv *utfrIg
abs psha and Wilt be laid. nee .
open leave* Vri
”We, Under*
mwh MA, 4, certain
Row *tan 40
On of * mum r
to Males
leentinent sel*ntist and bair *Miele
ier 001Phadiler4ref States and iaa
thst any nen-u# woutan tan as1.
utiaut ithitiona.batr nen*
dation' tallid, ratiatati
552 SX5 tv new
(ole ttie 1 t
te •
oui• ,townit.1 .veitticil..'eict..
1 Wig , sti mien' on " &turda co1Luzderjg
I ,
4411 .makiiii. Vhehireein t.e. by+law pro.
'tented by tile railWeY cOmPenY Ali rc4rard
to ho hOnuit sak0-'rete but .4p -to -dela
It is just a prtoblem as to wbetber t
•by-law *lit erre.-Mr. 000- Cudenore t
.Exe ve and * gentlemen 'Mend /rem
forth spent Sunday the gUeste or
and lirs, tiles Jolme. ..... Kr. Vir'n1„0
of. Solrorth 'Pent a- few -days, -:the -
0 -}. -4-nd Iiiiii.7-741.--1U--vilidn*.--/k Innin
br of . horse' and cattle Wive paused
Uuougli the village during the *it few
daYs, to alkippere at Exeter, for which
good price* have been peldee-Mr. Weil
en o kinuer hae , 40_, triml_
&QiJFe—iiiii ,' ear or .
novei1 trout attending the stehool.
Julia $ elm, spent Sunder the gueat or
e. and;
Mrs. S. Ateleewseepr. Dointall
of Gode leh will giveee-lacturseent Vilely*.
diy vetting under the..aelinnesal-4. the
-ettee*seeeei ' '
it views of the Holy Ls,nd and an
ent (Mee: also a lecture or. 13en flute'
Ev,erybodyeinvIted. Admission 241e.
IV(mrt. 10 tha Olatl
to the many', feleedse On
.aji'IOU, TL.
*4001ani a1stek* ate Ralph OZ Lu -
can. kiarvey at herne,'Urs, Artnititge.ed
frentitton. Igre. Guulfino Purra10*
gegN Villetnoro and;),Its...iantes Foster
of ,Grantott. The remains were brought
Lure tor burial.
_ -1441114.„-asorge -Irobldric luttrIrliatf
ten Plymouth oilcloth and we would like
to hoer &nee other.-fr. and Mrs. no
Glenn vlsiteel friend* near Zurich on
SuntistY.-egrit. Jas. litroadfoot le some.
what undere the 'Weetheree.The post hole*
43feth.".---1° *5- Thlj-IptCd,04#44---. -
will be ready tor the 'hello" call in
*fort. timee-Quite 4 number trent he
attended ihe Ilareld Jaevle Concert In
Cannel Church._ tien_Selle on Weider last
and were delighted with tho programer-
‘,1 t
Club proved Nitwit to 3* an expelt
marksman by 'ticking seconcl place at the
Ruseeirelate, Exeter and Chlselhurst con.
teat., which was held at John liutildn's
tayril on Friday last.
The weather nun giving us all kindis
at weather. of late_. Tuesday'5 sleet made
It very difficult for people to wall( the
streets and many a Salltook_placii.tt-Z
took 0.dvantage of the lee an
went skating. Rev. Steadman, •or.
tett. and Bev, Ricks of the Methodiet
church here exchanged pulpits on Sun-
day. -The millinery season will open In
a few diys: Mrs. Link Will have charge
Or the department at S. Brown's and
Miss Inman of Tormato at C. Zwicker'a.
We haven't learned the styles• for the
*Print but one thing is certain 13* price
win be high enough for the 'poor old
rnan".-IIerb. Eilber was In London on
tdondzY bustansai-There is some talk
of more automobiles coming to town.,--
'While Herb. Young was driving to Exc..
ter last Friday night his horse dropped
dead. It is thought the animal's death
was caused by the bursting of a blood
au it shewed no sighs of illness
when leaving home. --The Jem
sse Jaes
gang got into a Usti° mia-up-on Monday
night. They plied onto one fellow and
la the extitement one of the boys hit his
chum on the noxe instead. and now he
ta -trying to explain his ectionee..-MUch
-sympathy Is expressed tor eir,' steei'Mrs,
Arthur )3enecitet in the loss of their
rant daughter aged 0 days. it had only
been ill a short time., Its body wee
nte.rted in the EVangelleal cemetery On
ThuradayeeThe Itentsay 'hat been en-
gaged at his old job as hostler, et the
11111 iieteleelitlats Kate Zwicker ot
don in the villsge*assiiiting In tile
mlilitterY department et Str.' ZWick.
ea. -Samuel Bro,rarn *Ito was 111 tor a
ew days last week has recovereete-Spee
al anniveriarY services will .be held in
he plitilgelfeild-CI• W114-47-niir
'nt. More particular* will be given lee
cr.-Last Tuesday, the .2nri inst. Mr,
ohn AppIetoe of this viltsgs_zsrat-thatr.
to Miss Etlxibzth Tholni:4110,4a of Airlo4
C 404 IF get-.
thug up a program for the 13oa Secret
to be held In /kir. James Shipley's house
ell Mar. 25. 11are Invited.' -
ill, at the residence of etr.-.Wirt. Stied -
eek of Corbel. Ttre knot wag _tied by
ev. Steadman or -Corbett In the lire*.
410, nee .ot the immediate relatives of the
ontracting *parties. Mr. Appleton and
do have taken up Voir rO'sidence
own and We extend to them o'er hearty
NOTICIC.-A meetlog of the, Bowling
lob will.tske place on Monday
g next. March Ilitb, at the office of
r. Wine. for the purl**, of
estrum All members and intending
eattberit are reoriented to be In attic'
• (ilteenvray
• Rev. 11.. L. Ricks of Crediton oecti
pied tbe pulpit of Boston liethodis
411hurch on Sunday and - preachtql
• *erg impressive missionary_ ammo.
Mrs John Dixon. of near Windepr,
'visiting relatives in this vicinity. -Mr
and Mrs. A. IL Wilson visited friends
101vti On Monday --Mr. and Mt*
Thos. Bullock and babe visited their
.datighten Mr* John Prance of Mack-
• intim OA mouttirp--1.-*6-13T-titir,local
• fowl fancier% who 'pride themeaves in
thoroughbred stock, excitangwl. roost-
er. on Saturday. Ou Sunday InOrn-
• ing. When Orient the party went out
to feed his Sock. he was attacked hi
the new Cotner and had to make a
• Laity retreat and began to think he
'Lod ge,l; the vrorst of the -deal: Ott his
erriVat home the other nienaier of the
party was *ell Iamb disa uttd In
bis bird. They have dee ell now 10
• return ftela. bird ite further owner.
Mr. 8010liter ,Inie engaged With,
• Itelson Bayter for the eloWner.
Palwards‘visited 1404W SStil
tincliftitgay l‘fterniinn. 1 ,
" Grand IkUrd
• ut Tuesday in ,lratilels;.
Frank berry" from Beiltrif and
John Shu-fer from Parkhill were in
013C bnrgT Mies Atm* Boa.
Unberry was n Zunch Tuesday
big; 0111 spent.!
f day in Sanitti speut
Tue.day evesing in Parkhill,
Statten luta gone tO Bt. Marys to lear»
the blitekon thiugs.../LTiedessati went
to Datroit Titeiday to work,. -Mr. end
itav. .1045 Brenner visited Sunday at
aides...,Massirsz, Brenner -**4-4104.
niafl t Daah*Ood called here Monday.
Brenner. and T. Mutton from
Sblpka wire in our burs Mond*
lirrs. 'Trait* Atal Mess Cenral* visited
at Drysdale flooday. Bitten* -and
Getoreette and Ka% *loon Raven*
were in Zdritia Moeda Waiter 15t • t.
ten hekl at wood bee ondiy and Wm.
Lore ,rgitturda vs., A. Ora.
*elle went to, on a
'Visit and will atian v tikes
• ---Mr, Wni MoThird 'tut ho sloe.
'Hon 1We Friday of farm stork and larw
IllettAtitAtiee forty etre* of lend
ortord by Peter retie". belist port of
lot SO* sitootted ork the Lek* Road, was
list week porcbseed by Mr. PbiII. J.
- Att, th pt4ee paid 'belt* 41 -
dititroOlOtt 'salt:tot. ItitpoitZ
blooms Lases Cialser, ail-
'her, W. .01i:ell. Jr. rt. Mt)tx, B.
Mown, 14. Sambrook. - 10,.!-Nt. icier
Sti-Sims4 Pt.
mist, trinithelnen. Claes It giro -
rot, rt. Lawson. Class
ere. Sweitzer, 'L. nest r Pass, O.
Lampert, U. iiithohioni • flittett, A.
Gaiso. Artiste ,attentlittire 27. •
, Miss flartisite teacher
Diviiirort Ito -Pt. IL -NH. it' Ilesivart,
It. It. Clark, iroquAtura
PAsit.:14,14Mtotkt1110...,SAvsitter.. livette-
11, tionbrookt. Cleats ILI areellronorsee.
Oistre17,her, Prasithltsi Hill• • HOlturiarin.
Oa** PI. •jr.,-,-PaniS, V. Mots, ,n.
rt. Rumor. Average attenitanee 31.
Xis* bilieber.
Ditisliere 3r.-lionors.'
Li. Nook tvese It., itoddstr, O. Mots.,
*watt C. A114 Oat*. clams. IV...
/worms Vis 1411. ,t)iatreichet; "is,
MY Vrenerl.riti Firdtbsittler, Itiodgibie 1t.;'
Illeweitto .11; Mangeues. Average 'attend.
arils 214. Mims OunISP., tesfluitt.
liaetzelitts •troni 'tatentet
Erle. Ont., eXPrese ebergets PrePald.
riairatIis t 004 tile f
tbe. are yeble at current ratee.
The Cheques and all information re
the Bank.
ThIm Thursdey evening Mr, 414 Mrs.
Bert Utindie Celelaret, the first gene/ere
sexy ot their wedding by giving *party
to aenumber etfetheie.eetettdit.eeWtttla'Vte- .e-.131e,ii-Vree;- home or Mr. Bruce
iiiiinort4 guest* will be Arr. and eirs, efeeseeeeeee was eateeeeee by ovate bee
Richard Allen and and Ursa Arthur week. when their infant daughter, Dor-
Kirk who ratunt to their tante in tile ,othea, nearly 3 menthe old, died atter
West Friday atter a visit of several genie wedge Mites* at pnesmsnts. The
months with, relative* and friend*. We body was, taken to amid /lend for in.
wish. the host and dlestess many happy berated.
S' WaRI71:' iNifki4Z '43
• er Branch CleeWi. Rarris01), Manager. Branch abo ar Ored_ KO*
0 low w tit 1 s or regove
6ry. Idris Evelyn Shute returned•Nrone
Iv day thini a week's visit with her cou-
ein. Mae Nettie Butler, at Cromarty.
NormanBialtOyrs, who a Toronto
Men. Deeds, Willa, Mortgages sedan-
r;etel. Deetaueetegettrullyeed-Akroaptly-propend
Ismer et merelege Lle***1*.
Mr. Ruseel Restard of MIdland event.
Sunday with friends 10 the villageo-Mr.
4,ireeley Geiser visited his mother in this
Place on Sunday last -Rey. L.', IC Eldt
le holding revival meetings in the Entre.
churdh this Keek.-The financial
board of the Evangelical church held a-
aleothig on Friday evening and if eviry
individual member would pay What the
board has asked et them we could meet
the expenditure cagily and no one woUld
be hurt tinancially. In tact, we fully
believe that He who rulea the intiv.erse
and controls, our lives and affairs would
sanctify our gifts and would rettnee
such offerings to us in ways that we
.know not of. --Mr. D. Tiernan was elected
dais leader of trio Englieh prayer meet-
ing class on TkieudaY cvening.-Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Welker of Zuricli visited
nee. awl Mrs. L. X. Reit on -Sunday last.
Enuna Mattes tilelted' friend's at
Shireta on Sundayez-Mr. Fred Stier and
sister .ChrIstioe and Mr, DeerlageorExe
eter are visiting the formers' relatives
at Italnhatn.--eir. E. P. formerly
in the hardware business here. and .who
recently sold his business Goderich,
has decided to locate -1n the west
Quito a number -of shooters attended
the shooting match got up by 330. HMI
kin and Percy Passmore on Friday. Mar
5th, and held at the former's place- It
consisted of . .
a turkey which was won by W. E,, San-
ders of Sodom Who *cored 14 out of 15,
and the -Other for an oyster supper.
unkineueld P.:-Ierc num were C °Still'
as the captains of the *idea, the losing
side paying for the.aupper. After shoot,.
Int et 10 tarots each the aides wera
ties. so It .was decided beeshoot at Live
targets each more, when P. P....9E1)one*
side won out by five targets.' The oy
stets were amply provided by Mr. Win.
Statham. The first-elm/it of 15 each re.
suited...4. Ilunkin 7; P. Passmore -8":
13. renner 10; G. Parker (1; G. Dalrynt.
plc 7. V. flunkin 6; 1r. Kerr 11 « W. IL
Sanders 14: S. VittOn 10; W. Stsathat4
6; IX Drintnell 9; A. Makin 7; 0.
Parker 7 : yr.. Venner 9; P. Madge 71,
1".' Veuner 8 ; 1. Triebner 11; C. stool.
-r.,,,---yr...loiats4o— -fte----114i
et Of 15 targets bY sides resulted Hun.
,nell 12, W. .lohns 11, G. Parker Ile% .
aldee.-4. flulaldn 7. 'W. Ainder0
1 3`. Trlibner 9..a, Wynn 9, a 13r.lotE`
Vintner -11, W. ,Stathain T. P. "Itadge LI
PassinOie'S side. --P. Paistnore 7, P..
ICerr 19, ilt Pitton 19, O. Stattlake 9,?
0. Vernier 9, IL Wynn 9,, G. DalrYinilda '
9, g. rAilfaltnOre 60 0. eginn 9, A. Ilunkliej
day's *ports.
5. Thus ended One of our beat winter
. n.
young men, having spent his boyhood
days in chle vitenity. parents, gr.
and Mrs. 'Wm. Balfour, having sold their,
farm and tutored te St. Marys a pear ago
Norman was attending the veterinary
college in Toronto When he um* taken
sick with typhoid fever. The Sad news
of his death has cast a gloom over the
whole eounnunity and the parents and
tarnily have the sympathy_oLThtA4yo_
Inturallitifireeidifiliiirtiicir sad bereave -
- . - .
David nozic ot Windsor is home fora
visit with his ramily.-Misa Laura Boss-
eenberrY and Elton Bossenberri of Bev
lin called on 'friends here last week. -
Edmund Moritz and sieter. Mrs. et lie
Schweitzer ot North Dakota arriver here
lase week to visit their mother, Mrs. P..
Itauche-Xessre. /setae Moritz and 3no,
Moritz or cavalier, N. D., are visiting*
Ire. -r. IltraCortnick hula purchased Mr.
Eilber's confectionery stock.-etissee Et.
het William.", and Lizzie Rennie attended,
the Dominion- TemPeraneceMilanet3 Coo -I
vention at Toronto last week. -Charles
Ilatielb sold Me fast pacer, Freddie Lee
to Robert Delgay of Stanley for .200. --
John Simon bats moved into the diveilei
ring owned by Wm. Thiel, meetly vae-
eated by Mrs. Livingood.-Por. suPPlYint
W. Debut!. and Iter.ettrael. -two:Indian 11 -
tem. with liquor, Frank Tittley and It
Clincheys, Jr, • were fitted $30 etch, and ,
the niters $15 each. '
Ts:. MENU &Cm, Tc4edo, O.
W* the audereiteed have loam* Cheney lox
thelestr5y mad bellevelan perfeetkr b000nable
IS oil business ass sod flesocisily a te
sally out serobligstleasstade by Wank
Mono. Emelt kilisirts.
Wholessie Druggists, Toledo. 0
Mars • Catarrh Curs is tskes isterusilyt actin d
redly ea the Woad ead =Issue *alike** ortho
-Testieweleis • ---Priesotserperlietz
so2dbY finsitalvta.
TskelfairsEtiallykilla tor toatipetioa.
ttaytielete-A Prominent vaident or the
founty died lu,st week in the person 'or
T. goorehouse• aged 75 years.IXe
has been a. resident bere' tor several
Years since disposing ot hi* statiork.
erY and book store in Goderieh.
Blanshard.-The twine of Mr. and Ms.
01 an inte.resting event on Vircdnelkhly,
when their only Ilauthter. Mtsti Mabel,
was united In marriage to M. W. %then
ot the 3r4 line ot Dlanshard. -The Cere
—wit* verrormed by Itcvo Bartlett of
Sonpherra. Alberta Farm Lands
The undersigned bevelled -1i .r.sd' control of the Boot block of
. . .
FALL WHEAT LAND IN ALBERTA. This land is ell level Miele
' and can easily be broken. - -
...Don't Miss • This Chance...-. -
lt you alte thinking ot going- West, come. and talk it over. Our
prices are right. Land sold ta suit_purcbasers in sections or larger
blocks with privilege of selection. This hind will not be on the mar. .
k!iirt temblaovneffirivate car attached to reg • . ular.traips leaving Toronto and
. . ,
itaLoern.41.,poonrtilirso, t Tuelaparo.. 41 ach mon_ Oh starting oth of April. For fur-
_ , rs _ ' -'
John 'Chariton Eider Agent for Allison,
i . 1 Pair & CO.
vihy pot start now -to -day, and tor.
• ever rid yourself or Stomac4. trouble
zird Indigestion. A dieted stomach
t thit blues 'And grumbles. Give it
-eat-then take Pape. Diapep.
ri to start tho digestive juices work-
, There win be no diapepsia, or
letting .ot ..eruelatio;ueeet-nee
gested food: no feeling like a limp of
lead in the etentach ot heartburn, sick.,
headeche atid Dizziness, and your food
will not ferment and reason your
breath with', nauseous odors.
PAW* Diatierisin costs only 50 cents
tor a large ease at alai dtug store here
and will relieve the ntost obitinate case
Of Indigestion and Up-ket St9lnacit
• dee, Initiate*.
'There Is nothing elite ,bettek to take
Gas from Stomach and cleanse *to:faith
and Intestines, and Ws:des, one trian-
gUle digeat and gmpart, for astern.
nation inbo. tliq blood all your food pie
suns as * sound ttesititr -stomach would.
- RtFund $315003000
Ms 0,5 Brartebes in Oanada.-and Agents and Correspondent* 'wall- the
Principal Oldest in the Viroila,
' A 411114161,A1, SANKIN011111511111,4f TlfAlliffACTIDi
stall Branches. ‘Intereot allowed*t higbest current rate.
hen Diapepsite works your litoinaeh
tests -gets itself in' Otero cleans
ansi thin ' yota. feel like catifilr When 70411
come to the table, and what you tat
will do 7012
Absolute relief from ell .-Storniseh
Mistey is waiting tor' you as 'bon *a ,
you atacirs• ao bmin taking rthiPePistn.
Telt your druggist ,that you "rant Pape. ,
Dispepa1o. because you want to be tharo
outlay ettred 'of Intniestto •
t Exeter for thiVomintort Government.
ntot SolicitOtAi. • It D. AMON,
he Inan who,,wants an operfrtuludecl discussiOti
the study' support of right juitiee„
without wit or bitterness, and an
dliced, common-sense treatment ,of publlc *E&
11 thoroughly itn* t
nit Attired
1.1 the Finest
iterer shots* is
and enlol-m,, u *ma .000
[ng Bult. Prkes MOUT
1 toe t7".X:s*
(Eec ticdys I.tplett of )e.t