HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 7 (2)fte 0
:. of t
olito 9
, •
oiid daugbtr, Miss Ethel, i's ly
at the' rnrucwith 1Irn bulle
n her head e while
urdater „hest aizt ter, piudied
polka. The murderer Is tsup
puacd to bo * tramp. Ho Went to
hour*, at) tbt bour rnettii.ed
.while only Miste loreoco and ,Mie*
,Ethel -were at- home, and in -re-
aporeie to his knock Mee Florence
einsivered. said he wanted
Immolating to eat and *Was invited
•in, after which he ktelit*Ode4
Wan g yen whet Mist.
Florenee could secure in, the house,
atter which he &hot Ills* Ethel, who
about to leave, the house in
bor fright five times and esea ed
e.lo witch oj. aI tho„
SC ” 0L' UrE
. T:urta.
On of the meet remarkeble fe
tures about the tragedyis the feet
thet z main' has boeu banging about
time neighborhood for several daye
rest, •and he is believed tei bie the
murderer. The foltowing deverips
-time of the man wheselidet. shoo
ing as been tetniehed theepolice
Mies, Florence, 'Rinrade, and is
I the police have to geide them
in their search:— '
Age about 33 years, lieig5t about
five feet seven or eight inches;
pretty stout.; medium dark com-
plexion; long, wav7,. dark -brown
moustache, drooping over mouth;
• •
, teploit;' e
.w4t torc0
re on tb. scene with-
1e.s $hn half an hour.
ef with had Inepector Mc
on, Detectiee lileitkley. Sower
.Coulter and some polioemeri
ly on the „scene, and shortly
fter a fair description of the man
• Al 1
o all the members f ih forco,
and hope is entert ned that tbe
murderer will not be ng at 1,-rge,
as word hes been sent to the p0 -
lice at all outsidepoints within ..
,radius of several mile*.
Labor change!, Help to Mitigat
Rell—Are Not -Complete,
repor1 of an enquiry into the•
*ethods adopted in Germany for
dealing with unemployment has
been Presented to the British Labor
party y Mr. GeorgeN.%Barnes,
Tho enquiry had especial re -
to insurance and labor exe
tree. The commissioners found
tlzat areeeriurtittlistelearn, even
•n ay, as regards the practical
• p ikation -Of insurauce to uflC131-
1ployment. The matter has not yet
been taken up by the Inverts, I au-
horities, except -zee in so ear AO
*50, COile0ti00 sand tabulation of
eteti*tice bearing upon it, may be
deteribed. sy But it was foundethat
there was a very considerable in -
rest tieing taken in the euestion,
and that three of the five towns
evisited had schenies in operation,
filled out of a populatio
of 2,O10,-
•2, in Frznktou'M3L •3 • of a populatioe of 45%413, atl
in Dusseldorf e7,201 out (It a popu-
lation of 233,099. The eseeee
dcate that the exphanges areLlarlge-
ly used, and that they have won
the confidence of both employer and
workmate • Their uuefulness is in-
creased by the system of co -cardinal,
tion whic,h obtains in *owe of the
German provinces, for by -this
means they assist in the 'mobility
of labor.
The investigation of the commis-
sioners _led them to the follovring
conclusions: "
a That notwith3t1.ucting protec-
tive tariffs there oxide in -Germany
a large amount of unezeploymett
thou hee-Plaiees, -visited th
nunileera -cif-the unetarloe-
and the degtee of poverty experi-
enced appeared to have been pre-'
vented from resebing the seine acute
"levees obtains in towns of sim-
ilar alio in Great Britain, owing to
the following, amongr, other, rea-
(a) The co-ordination and eyetem-
atic management of public labor
exelia,nges, which admits employers
and workmen V101'0 easily to aseeze
tain the actual condition ef the
ALL 0:1*
od of: Health
64 co: .i.
t of Vvinnipo' high
4r4 watei yse.ni i • tojiii ineti-
Mayor Thorne el Woeilstoek, N.
B., -editor of The Carleten Sontine
elle is dead, •
conference to diecume," reciproe
eitY with Canada, will be held in
Detroit in itpril.
Mr 3. W. Tyrrell believe* that
s Fort Churchill on the Hudson Bay
will be 4 great seaport.
The Canadiain Pacific having ac-
quired the Tiloonburg, Lake Erio
4.? Pada° Lino, ere asking power
tc, extend it. from Ingersoll to Col-
.^ci• •
6 en the
Transcontinental near
N. B, has hurtled his
Off 418,-
repo -co
13. C., that the Sikhs there have
nu asuociation that is collecting
nioxey to buy =me for the disaf-
ted natives of India.
The Goverumerit will declare
Ifoca.te Straits a closed sea, and
•1490_ eneetrineele ember et/erne:to
protect the halibut fishing from
ram! Stat -en poachers.
• Charlo Hodgson foll down sin
elevator shaft at Perrin's confec-
tionery at London. Ont., and, land-
ing on a pile of paper, eseapod with
disloceted -finger.
4 ti
6 -r
3. T. Dawson, fornierly of Monte
eel, shot, his ?rife and then com-
mitted suicide in London.
The Vanguard. Britain's" seventh
vessel of the Dreadnought type,
was launchiiii at Berrow on Mon-
Twenty-eight women,many of
them menibora of prominent fami-
lies,- were given „terms in prison
for rioting in Westminster on
h of _014Tel
will • he Secretary of the Treat
in the Taft Cabinet. I,
A Brooklyn man has invented a.
fog 'phone:ye/deli will prevent
lieions between ships in a fosse
An insane .3vomati made her way
into 'the City Hail at Philadelphia
and threatened to kill the Mayor
unless he paid her fare to Buffalo.
Senator Carter of • Montana, is
working- to have the Canadian
aterways treaty pushed through
public labor exehatiges there
are in Gerinattir about 400, and the
number is increasing. As to their
el* report of tine commis-
aliontrat states, there are; of course,
• differences of opinion. There -are
those who regard them as the first
and indispensable step to the
'further dealing with the problexn of
*Unemployment, inasmuch as there -
the itetual condition of the labor
etearket maybe ascertained. There
those who regard, labor ex.
OS- at in themselves providing
remrdy for unemployment by plac-
g labor where it i* age/Anted, and
r not otherwiese have
report for August of Sir
rancii Oppenheimer, Counsul-
t Frankfortshowed that
towns workers wero
forround more than 10,000 v,sican-
' islet emaller tows
io nurebere
gfrdm 6,600 1(,01. • In
vireeime*es been
, 4- en essen
the number of geese unemployed.
(b) The desire of munteipal
thorities and many employers to
minimize -unemployment by regular-
izing their requirements..
(c) The greater facilities possesi-
ed by the German municipalities to
copo with unemployment in their
respective at'eas, owing to their
freedom from the restriction itnpos-
ed ,by eentradized authority.
(9) That initiamich a* the German
schemeaof insuranm=for i100911.-
ployment are only in the experimen-
tal stage, and halting regard' to
their obvious limitatione, they vie -
not be recommended for adoption
in Great Britain with much con-
tola—"Lt 'went your% Boiern
declared he would willingly go to
the end of the earth for 'Mc."
Grace—"And what; did yen rev l"
Lolae--fq Ansley' got eulm to make
r, start f,Jr honiet andilet it ge
Found Guilty of At e
tftt imo�e11,
46 6 .646,666.64 6666
A despatch from Simeoe, Ont.
Arehibialet W. A,1310116,
flaief of Police of this town, was
ematenced on Wednesdey night by
Chief Zweite Sir Williiim Muloek
to .i*prisonment for life in King.
etten Penitentiary, at the conelii7
Igo* of a, trial wracli• lasted thirty
hours,' spread over three days, in
which one of -the strangest stories
af secret 'crime over heard in the
*aa*bi of Caneilian criminolotte
was I -The jury brought in
guilty. The th,ar$
nsider'ed was that in
minutes of rieeember 1,
1�, Malonp. as twistable, in
and left. tor ,dead
his as*i'rant, Constable :William
trial that,
Dominion; in which tbrty-fuur wit
esSea were summon
Crown andnone for the eferiee
and in whieh • Mr. Citlorge, Tet
liaestock, L 0.e Mown Pzoe
cutor, made, an address to Jury
lasting two' and one-half hours, so
poirerful and so unstteereralle that
the gloom, ott the face of the pris
otter and h;e young wife sread
through the whole, eroweled t aurt
room. The tention tame to an end
hew, in lovelones, his Lordship
ronounced tentence. Decem.
• r, at the trial for Meleinees, tale,
Mittal the crowd the3
,ehtered when the Magistrate; rultoi
atailt5t‘ the iieeuteit (ht Wefts!
day nigli o
• col
. te•41ay iii:buYe
'eiile' for export..
rst patents,$.7O2
reek, Toronto, 'tee°
44454Q to eind -stron e
*LP to
No. * Northern,. Georgian eeiiy
port. .No„ I Northern nominal,
*II rail, and No. 2 North
ern, *1-2O,rail.
Oats ---Ontario No. 2 white, 46 to
43Xe on track, Toronto... No., 2
Western Canada oats, 46c, Collin
wood, and No. 3, 47e, (Yollingwoo
Pease -No. 2, 00c outside. ,
Corn—No. $ American yellow,
con,4l'etto ftiie, on track, oronto.
Bran—Cars are $22 to *23 in
obuutsidlkoesu,tiiide. Short*, $93 in bulk
• , 4
0 t
Nei et a'
I tion The Vienus
•say4- 4P4r;1100#11.•
ual h0,4tihtles art% ,°.naturaltr
ng tomAnt04 iri AdatrilLaires-
$*r7 It °would, eeteriertheleee, be
premature to regileil War as cer-
tain, and it iimy be asserted iith
tonfidence that the nearer the. pas-
*ibilit,y of sin *rued eoniliet
pearsthe greater is the desire in
this country that it maw be aloe*
The'e AuStroeHirengari-sene Miele
titry preparations are eritiinated. to
he costing $40,000 * day. T
ort,o• it:tiiiiwr,,iletiotre140,.itiw_,
but Oth'desitio:the
e• prefet
'table arrangements and itgree
or, billing that, by t passage..
*nee, wbiebe 1,101)A WOtit
•OtKin 'up a, protenict of, quiet in the
'future. How far events, would hear
out the expeictation COW.
itigt CO49 is a. queition whittle iex-'
perieuee alone cOuld decide. , The
Tiuie; in leegraiTe lee4er PeePettee,
as normal diplomatic methods •
have now broken down, a center -
nee of the powers be summoned.
, .
Apple* -44 to 104.`56 for choice
panties, and $3.50 to $4 for,coolce
mg purge:Ks. •
Be*es—Prime, $1.0e to $2, and
hand-picked, $2.10 to *4,15 Per
dozen, and strained, 11 to 11%c
lie*r ottu-41:-, -
Hay—No. 1 tirceithy, $10.15 to
$11 per ton on trick here, and.
lower grades $0 'to $10 d. ton.
Straw—$6.50 to $7.50 on track.
Potatoes -69 to 65c per bag on
Poultry—Oltickens, dressed, 12 to
14c per pound; fowl, 10 to 440;
duck,. 14 to 15c; geese, 12 to 13e;
turkeys, 17 to 19c.,per pound.
Butter—Pound prints, 91 to 22e,
tubs and large rate 10 to 20c; in-
ferior*10 to 47e; creamery rolls,
and solids, 25c.
Eggs—Case lot* of cold storage,
24e; selects, 25e, and new laid; 27o
per dozen:•
0110,estrg,0 „aP
ces/N., SO per
unit, and twens, efe.
Bacon—Long clear„ 113 to 11%c
r pound, in past lote; mess perk,
0 to $20.50; short out, $23 to $24.
name—Light to medium, 13% to
.14e; do„ heavy, 4234 to 130; rolls,
10% to 110; shoulders, 40 to 10c;
btoks, 10 .to 441140; breakfast ba-
con, 104 to loc.
Fiie.rces, 12Xe; tuba 1304
eset seasions
• 6•••••••••••••••06
'Me Revolutionary wing of the
Miasma Socialist party Mei decided
to discontinue prom/ling (Tatty
agsenst tho throne.
Preibilon for.Riglife of Meteors i
'Case, of Marriage. _
from Ottawa says:
• In the Senate on Thursdaiy- after-
noon 1. Sir Richard Ctirtwright
moved revetal sanenclments to the
Annuities Aet. Oele aniendmen
provides that a man and woman,
each of Whozu have taken out annul -
ties, may each continue to have the
right. to annuity up to $600 should
thyei1erryee2 Anothere -provision
wilt allow a hetbend to share bis
.annuity „ with lis wife. . Anotherprevision will allow.persoes having
bought aolguities ' iciest e
• where paeineets end 'With', death,
•to'contrect himself out of his agete-
went with the Oweernment
have refunded te ti".„.11 tho *mount
paid in. To Ee , -sr Latigheed Sir
iticsoard taitl the, indications were
th&t the publl, were goin* to avail
themsetves• latklely of the opporr
tunitits .afforded them by the An-
nuities Act.
. • e
Itaikoslotig MIsln Ce. fi
lag Propsaftion,
4lesPateh 'from Johannesburg
ys: At a nieetin of the Premier
ining Company the ehairmanan-
united that the proAts made thus
lar *mounted to $1$4,500,000. Re
added thee: tales during the part
'ear had been' well nuiiiitain
iy £3O,0�,$N ,Cante Aer
4,41itistle Is1$04.
.t 4nteh fr L
The 1 13 tJ$.U1s
of cony ri
da. It remtre
ii k'wni
r Montreal, liar. 2,—Peas — No.
12,eeee% - to 96e. Oatee-Canadian
Western NO. 2, 50% t,o• extra
No, 1 'feed, 50 to 3034e; No. 1 feed,
49y, to 50e; Ontario No. 9, 40 to
4650; Ontario No, 3, 4fitee`o to 490
Ontario No. 4; 4714 to 430; No. 2
-barley,. 63% to 65e; Manitoba, feed
barley; 56 to.50340;, buckwheat*
„I/4 to 56e. Merritt:4*e. aping
heat patents, firste, 0.80 to $6..
Manitoba litleang *hese
• tiv---1406114-;-.4.30-14-pM
strong , bakers $5„,10
Winter wheat patents, $6.40
to 5.50; straight' toilets,. $5 to
$5.10; do., in bas, $2,45 to $2.45;
extra, in base, *1.05 to $2.06; Teed
—Manitoba bran, $22 r do. shorts,
*24; Ontario bran, $25.io do.,
short*, $42440 to **5;. Ontario nag -
p, 124, to $25.541e,purit„graen
metal* $2e to 1'30; mixed motiille,
1025 to $27. Cheesee,rinett, West-
ierne13•to 1334e esiternii, 12% to
tee ' 'erye 23e
Vs r creanitty, rte. geo-it
taut, 2$04, per doges::
Militankft, Moir. 2—Wheat, AIM;
No. 1 Northern, ,$1.1'44.;. No: 0
Northern, $1.15 -to $1.1534s May,
11.10 bide_ eite---No. 1, 79e: Corn
May, 6.c bid. Ilsarley—Stand-
u.ard,mimeo, 44 to 0330;
to 4)40;# No, 4 C.• #
0011,,, • eat
1 Northorn, *Lia to 1*0I. *
o. 1 hied, $141,41Ftte$1,1.
N, *1I1 Brzn—
to *23.50. PlourAiirst pat-
ents, $5.53 to $$.65; 'second paknts
03.40 to 03.40; tint. dears,$4.10 to
54i;Aecood eleiir*,`$3.05to $3.15.
Delude Mar. 2.--Whettee•No.
lard, $1.11; No. 1 -Northern,. $
No. St Northern, $141134; mity„
The top -Pri
*x36,0, rind
. rah* to good
taxed, trete
etad* dee
feeding steers, about 4090
4014 at $4.66. She aod
Steady and unehag
loct were gueetia"-
ard` 46,70, fed and wat
"'SUNK'S' nd uncbang
a ea Reat Cbarzoter.
Every bateau being is & comm.
drum to every other human bcng
Nee matter hew traneparent the en-.
Crosstst Queetton.
A despatch from Montre*1 esaysi
At Wedneadey's meeting of the
Board of Trade Council, Mr. J. S.
Armstrong of St, John, N. S., pre-
eenteetear icheinerewhich he claims
will solve 'the Quebec bridseeques-
Bee propoites ai:tiiinel n the
m i
forof an mmense steel tube, cov-
ered with cement and kept down
in place by piers. Ile states that
in a measure it would resemble the
tunnel at Pere -Huron. His plan
provides for & tube large enough
togive. four line of rails and two
driveways for paaaengers. IIo es-
timatee that the cost would be less
than the bridge, while the resaits
would he far more satiefactory, It
would be placed 'forty feet under
water, and would thus be out of
the way of the deepest, draught
vessels. His .'scheme has aroused
a good deal of comment: and will
likely be .seriously considered.
o Prlsonertj Mdc Tkefr
at New Weetnaiastere
A despatch from, Vancouver says:
A daring and sensational escape
wak made, from the penitentiary at
New Wisstnenster on Wednesday
morning, the fugitives being a
French-Canadian named Labour-
dette and a Britisher named Stan-
ton, both of whom were serving a
term for burglary. The escapeap-
pears to have been UllittSg041 Vith
skill and despatch, The night
o'clockion Wedneed*y morning,
knocking the bars off the cells pre-,
pars,tory: to letting the occupants!
eift to .work. Labourdette and
Stanton had evidently tampered
with the lock, and when the night
guard's hack was turned, after the
bar had been dropped, all they had
to do was to push the door open
and •snesit away. /raving kit the
ells the paireclimbed -tree the hot
water pipes to. window and OS-
434,ped. Tit07 have not been cap-
C..P. It, BUYS ItON08.-
Preslaciit SsysC.apuy 'Had.
t000,000 to Sparc
tletPlitch from Montreal sae*:
Sir, Thema* Shaughnessy one Wed-
needay econlirmedthe rumor that:
the- st-purehrunty
Pominiiiii.debentures. Ito said th.,
Company, hii,i1soroe money to !pare',
and, hatf itivested.-$5,000,000 in the
11,omitlion three arid,threequarto
per Ont. ten -ear debentiires,•4ref
tently.issued London. "We
Nought, these debentures," she „said,
e,2ependupon it, Itia s�{jl -is
own secret. He knew* how
Much of a. humbug he is, how far
;short, he really comes of being
what -people think him. Be knows
1Whether he is genuine or not, and
Isethie,,,deePereeeoniethLufg. within
os that makes the reit character,
that, is dimly perceived or /I oduous-
ly concealed until some sudden
temptation or emergency-bringseit
When our friends surprise ue by
manifestations - of unsuspected
iteighte or .depths, we are not to
believe those things are born of a
Moment; they iire really deep -
tested. Those qualities are part
of the secret itself—the self that
makes Us what we are, that will
one day reveal itself, that is bound
'to be disclosed as age wears on."
"My inind to MO a kingdom is,"
laid the poet. Ho meant some-
thing nearer the heart of things.
Thin secret, hidden self, whose
weaknesses and faults we try to
hide, whose life is lived hovend the
eyes of men. in our real -kingdom.
It is the dwelling of the kingdom
of heaven, or of the other place.
,ittrint P&Rfl 84.1111*
Arrival at Churchill la Good Shape
Li January.
A despatch from Itrinnirit says:
Inspector Pelletier and party of "
the Royal Northwest Meunted Po-
lice, who were thought to have
been lost in the 'northern wilds, ar-
rived at Churchill safe seid well in
January. These were the glad tid-
gs brought 4. • ,
Brown and Wood, who zrrivcd at
Gimli, on- Lac -Winnipeg, on
Thursday with the. Churchill mail
picket. They Also give tlio infor-
mation that Inspector Pelletier is
on his way out, aud wil/ teach Wine
utpeg in a few days. Constable.
Brown' and Wood report SO VCTO
weather in the north, which
their progress; otherwise they
had an uneventful trip,
A- A OUSE11-----OF
• 06, 6
Miut With Whom They Had 06ellt
Drinking neaten to Death.
A ckspatteh, from Prince Albert)
say*: Four men, Itobert llrophre.
vine, John Turner, Alex. Dubois
and Vim Ballantyne, are held *4
the Mouated• Pollee barracks here,-
charged ,with the murder of ly An-
d-0We) leet 0V,6-10,
The 6,Ve were drinking together
and lift for home, .Later Ander-
litulf 'wit* found' With the
head !satterett in. \ I
"beoetse WO, considered them, a, crud orrioar nrogoratia, xmoa
good. and soul* investment."
Titztp Tof*P1:44
11 et10. Peet Deo
Near rnaH,
Cupp. A, 4:let:petal* from Cornwall my*:
despatch ' from, Guaysiiil,'
Ecuador, *six: A ,t4a$ Ali
on ithe mainline bound noith was
today thrown over * cliff 100 feet
4f, a. point near Rio Utah*,
and *shed to the bottom of the
All the cars were, praeti.
molished. Twenty-five per
were killed and 40 were
trided. The accident was caused
by *, dip1actd rail,
e Rates is Goveriane
strh fonn Winnipeg
The P.., xti,eettit aneou neeinetit irf
* reale ri et',telephone rates *at
ie the' Leg:siettire On There.
iley hi? 'fen, itehert Riaieee, Ttee
ut tubstaltial, t
zinc!' as vs sa. arititipat
i loveinees 'ph tele*
, At an early hour on Thursday
orttIng 0.arles Sams, of Brock
Title/ a brakesman on vwestbou
T. It. freight trnitio was Vow*.
✓ in the top of (*.ear near Sumer
reform, meet stains the side o
his head, WAS' iintitiltit killed. rft
was Att4 tOISSOCI till the train bad
tunemerel nate
depateh from Montreal Iola
rding o eivic ttittw, the
:erPpted property in Montrrat
rw runs up ;it°. vier sixty.four
n-401ars AU value. The Iteuret
1007 are 0,11013, and tot 100
y flow $01405.611. The vain. .
4 vable pre/eerie'. in the thy
'during the rut yttigi rit'en Iron*
!ilOtt,,,10,710 to $04,621,20, itte'ist;
4 4:
The fat ran *he wevett
n rtf