HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-6-24, Page 7Talo i24, 1880 Stem makrzy ktt° live, wq,bilut,a cent in their pocket dr a atop -dr, pod.11.009i his look desperate, but it is the,T',,�+��'. n: lain y be otrafe6' til} til ali,w101111111 will iris vkb ditr + ,.,., 4 :J I%f th`I fp#aworftr is ty� ¢f pix 7rtt g n numerous easterners tot * fsast ft4vot'p,'itna wish Black Lustros for 12 ctS,,, U Sxt yslat, Iola live to .1 wutl(ierhow the notify them awl the public generally at . I crop holds out, S111'11 marry to get rid of thotus�tivo r, and ilisutiver that theI have Purchased 11Ir, D. a Oh is' stook of game WAS nue tlitat 1wu count play at end neither, of them win. Surra marry s," TOES, TgNWARE, LAMPSy &c. T T.1,.M 'l 7 THE EXETER RA.NTON BROTHERS rlRt"f ► rwtww «+ �' QR X..�ik , ii, w .the second time to got even, .and •hurl 'at a gambling gatrie—tlie more they fait down, the leas they take 'lip. Sortie marry few ba happy and not finding it, worrier where all the hapauuess folks to when it dine. Suits marry, they can't tell why, and live, t fey can't tall flow, Almost everybody gltsnlarried and it 'iz a good joke, Some marry in baste, and then sit down and think it catefully over. Some think it carefully over Vfust, and then crit down and marry. !iotkr ways are right if they bit ,the :nark, Seale marry coquette.•. This is like buying a poor farm, heavily mortgaged, and wfsrlring the balance of ;vara days to clear0pla tho mortgagee. But, after all, loot'fied life is full as cos Black'lustros, for 20 Black Lustres for 25 Black Lustres for 30 &C, Black liustres for 35 Black Lustros for 33 and hale moved my own stock into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Poet Black Lustres for 45 Office Block, wheys T now have one of the largest and best assorted stocks in the county, Black Lustros for 50 Black Lustros for ;65 Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves. THE' BEST IN THE MARK1l1T, Able a la,gtavariety of Tinware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cattery. Eastimatos given for i avetroughiog. Carriage Plating it 6peoiality. Depend upon it will give you good value for your money. I The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins, t Remember the p1tf a—the Exeter Tim card Move i epot, Post OfRoe Block, Main Street, Exeter. E H. SPACKNMAN. ataiu z Re the dry goods business' kilo man kap tell jtst what calico has made E NAriceIONAL Exeter, January 20, 1ISO. 'up its i'in'd to do next. Calico don't' know herself. Dry goods ov all kinds iz the'o`kriid oftlircumstausis. The man who stknds on the 'batik shivering, and dusdift, o iry, is More apt to ketcfr cold , than Mtn who Pitches his head 'Fust in sPrepared to give all his Customers toe heteflts t'that will accrue from. its adoption, and has o 4inn. altZrge s'to`ck of POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING to the river. If ennybody asks you whi yeti got married Iif ne::ds be), tall Lim you don't recollekt, Before the invention of paper, rn.any `devices were had recourse to for writing 'materials ; inscriptions were engraved >ou rock, and the letters filled up with dead thF3' were also out cu prepared tablets of stone, of which kind were 'the tables given to dioses•, • containing the ten commandments. The Assy- 'zians stamped the impress of their let- ters Upon baked brinks anti cylinders of clay, which were afterward baked. The 'Greeks and Romans used their woodan boards covered with a coating of wax. They wore 'written upon with to metal stylus, and the writing could, be easily effaced when no longer need ed. Plates of metal and thin sheets oft ivory were also eriployed, and the skins ref anhnala,•either'in'form of Parchment \or in a lees 'prepared state. Tbo leaves sof trees were used, Those of the tal- 'pot tree are still ase,l in some parts of 4he East. the l,anylus or papers -seal, of Egypt,sniterseded all other material, i'sheuever it'oould be obtained. 'TWO LIVES SAVED. Norwood, February 1Oth, 1886, T. Milburn •& Co. GENTLEWIEN:—i notice that you have become proprietors of that old and well•tried .medicine—Fowler's Extract of Wild St•rawbt rry. I have sold it for the last tweiuty years, and in no 'case have I known it to fail to give relief when used for Sunlm(;r Complaint in any of its forms, People ,often 'Gell ole what it bas done fur them. Not i•olu•; Mince I was at Osborne fetation await- ing a traiu,wlien agentlescran Approach• ed, calling ole by oaths and holding out his haisd. "York dont remember sue" he said. "bot 1 have reason to re member yots, for I shall always believe you were the means, under God, of saving the lives of 'my two children." I took his band, and asked hire his ,;tame and partieulrars as to how 1 could have done him such a service. He said his nave was "Downer," and that "some years before he had known me while clerking in a store in Asburn- 1fam," One day, afteN' burying two of his children who had died of Summer 'Complaint he had been telling me of his troubles. Also, "that two others of his children were at that moment very low with it, and the Doctors unable ,to do them any gond." I then remember- ed the circumstances mytlelf, <aud that. 1 had told him to go bacl( to Messrs. `.)rwond & 'Gilinour's Drug store in jPoterboro' and get a bottle of Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Stra wherry. Ile said that "he slid so," and that "thele was an improvement from the first dose," niid "that it saved the lives of his two tliildren." I may add that it is e'lally good for adults, often checking aual curing this dreadful disease when nothing else well. Toping that this n.ay be of service In aateuding a knowledge of its virtuei, I am, yours truly. JNO. A. 13uTTERFIELD, Clot k 2nd Div. Court, Peterboro' Co., Ont. [N, B. --To iaenro a; reply.when con- sulting the writer of a testimonial, al ways enclose a postai card.] CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing aving had placed in his hands by an East 7.11. glia missionary the formula of,a simple vege- table r'.mody for the speedy and porrrranon- cure for Oonsnniption, Bronchitis Cattarh, Ask /hum, and all 'l'tlrnet and bung Affections, also a posltice and radical cure for Nervous De - Dry Goods; Groceries, Nines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold which win be sold at p:ioesunheard of wider Froe Trade. Tlie ttriners of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to 'sell their produce without paying market fees, on the :Deter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Xxximezise ,satin here to be had in Overooai,i.ng,, .Full—cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and ever,yt.ing needed in. the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited Nr tranbie to show moods ISAAC CARLING tea,,. _ _•_,_._ _. .. ,. bility and all Nezvo s Complaints, after haw-' E[ A L OO' MIKE ins tested its wonderful curative powers in • L� 1J lJ itl3 thousands of cases, bas felt it his duty to make t it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by titin motive and a desire to relieve human suf. Whore did you buy them brick? Well, Jimmy, I faring, I wilt send free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in filer,rian, French, or Eng- ' lisp, with full directions for preparing and us- ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, .ntaming this paper, W. W. SrreBnB, 149 Powers a Block,Rochester, N. E. .Important— to Cen;umptives A gentleman having been so fortunate as to cure his son ofOonsnniptiou in its worst stsges, after being given up to die by the most cele- brated physicians, desires to make known the cure (which proves successful in every case) co those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Affec- tions of the Throat and. Lungs, add will send the :Recipe, fres of charge to all wlio desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL AD.1Th1, 34 Liberty St., New Yerk. Gm. EMOVED—Il. KINSMAN, DJa;N• TIST, ,has removed to I}`anson's Block, three doors nort r of CarIing's store. °Office upstairs. bought them from Mitchell, of course. Hes he many of them loft? Why, yes, thousands of them, and first-class too. How dons he sell them, Mike? Well. Jimuty,he sella them so cheap that twos not to tell, but if you wauf any just go right there, for he says he 13 bound to sell as Cheap ar any in the county. Remember, he lives south side creditors gravel road. JOHN MITCHELL. ere liton, Feb. 21,188 em CAUTION. EACH PLUG OP THE yit1 aqy USE Superphosphates & Bone Dust FOR YOUR GARDENS. It will pay you. Bold by G. REMP. CIATARRi3 f CATARRH t ! USE ' .J� The great Sierra Nevada Smoin Compound, The onlypositivo curefor Catarrh yet discovered. FOS SAL74 BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DUG STORE. LS:dITH, General Agent, Arkona, Out, Fu~dTd PLef.,1, rr1(d.'rT PON: .BLL. Scud for circulars explaining our New System of canvassing Agents have wonderful success. 100 snnsrm t- , RRs ro 1,000 :<3irnn3LINTs, Our publications are standar,l. Address, The henry 13111 Pub. Co., 41 45 and Ori Sh.etncket et, Norwich, Conn THE. .a:'ALliAND Wl:NTEE T4Ai) d 0, Scratka.00tt d ikon TAILORS find ctorlti'int,a, Take i$eaenretn ix form innabiiw vtt ofNreste: add surrounding coon cry , that they have just one .te(lout au ssortmentor' Tweeds, Cueli.frffs, r4stfrrpseic1,, 1 atbels. best styles ancli,e•ttrrns,nrn9 feel assured the tintnosrtabterofetothing,the) can suit the m netts sti dinar st ani c e. IN BRONZE LETTERS. , NONE OTHER, GENUINE. Harper's Bazar Patterns. They are graded to FIT. ANY FIGURE' and so adjusted that the most inexperienced, with the aid of rho printed directions which accom- pany each suit, can secure a perfeatfat. They aro cheaper than any others, ONLY 26 CENTS FOR A COM- PLETE SUIT. Agent for Exeter and vicinity, W. A.. C .A Z'T IP I E L D He would also ee:11 special attention to his well assorted stock of :Fancy Go, do, merlin Wools, Fingering Yarns, I(nitting Cotton in all co'ars. Ie nittuig done to order, A gond suptsly of hos- iery always en mane. Please evil and examine stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, Opposite i.inson's Blocks, W..44,, CANZIELID. T • fir, HAUL'S Taxidermist and Naturalist. Beasts and I3ircls Stuffed and 1)reserved in the most approved style. In stock Cleo a large vailtaty of Pictures, said Pictures framed in the best and eheapust style.. Main Strout, iixetor. 3 rn rfiDE EXETER GREE ITC) 7SE. A- All knuls. of Window and .Bedding Ranting Baskets and yaws fined to v< order, CRbh:a e, <47.11110c wer, cel<.r{r fir, gg %�; nual Pnnantb Plants' in ceaEatln. 7ub- { w}x 1;113a Gardening carol lty atiottdedto. canadion and Jimmies. Fruit and Ornarneutnl Tree•. orders solicited; and sa,tifaet'oisz<uarauteed, Wid,MOlafi0011. Bl flee ran Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres -for 55 Black Cashmeres,for :65 Black Cashmeres for 75 Black . Cashmeres for 90 Black Cashmeres for' $1,13 Black Crape Cloth for 45 cts. Black Crape Cloth for 75 cts. For anything in Black or any other Goods, try BANTON BROTHERS, Eacrett's Block, Exeter. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. WILLIAM DREW FURNITURE DEALER. Having been drawn into the Furniture Line by deceitfulness and falsehood is compelled to, continue the business, and IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. An examination of my large stook, which is not excelled outside of the cities, and a comparison of .any prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I say. Every Article Marked Down to the Very Lowest Figure, 1 bave just purchased a first-class New Hearse, and am prepared to attend funerals Coffins, Shrouds and all Undertaking Material on hand. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems constantly in stock. Be sure to give me a pall, and I will snake it to your advantage to buy your Furniture from me. Remember the place—north of Molsoiis Bauk. writ, DREW. EXETER TIDES IITIN6 llhIUE All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch Order your work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work a Specialty Q The TIMESOFFICE has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, OIRO l 9 LAESS"