HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 4 (2)*troll!, Anst the ,,,,Metn .;•41,P CArO 410 leeeeeefileX1 mmittee to „n the ;Iasi . • 0-repitret on Water Unite TiewK. .Mlnendinent, /Ipaspetb4ohnathat the eve with 'Councillor 'Carling and 'the COmmissioner get the netestery rellairs er,41•„ade to the water ta,niesa-Cerried. By- law No. 1'4. 1900-A by-law relating to the number of tavern iicenses to be Ise. sued ;11 tbe -wall-reed And _yees„.._Wee-iitedr_ort .701m,ie.earel ortientle7-,-t0 be read . th seeend arid third time. The itercee atitt • clerk *Wing the same, 40.4 the seal et, •the corPoration attached thereto. The tol lowing account s viere read end orders, *awn in paYmenteeThe Exeter Time*, ,•Itetalnation notice $2; G. Cudretore. lab- tr.. 44.75: Wm., sietemer. wood. 414 W. .01.1.m.mv.m4.1,stve.w.4,047,50eiralt.,-qmoosztescr.4 •,Atiett. laber. 1.25; torafllng $16.50; •-47,44X, , =pun sClie:Me IL S. Department Form 111., Ilonors.-B, Martin 06, T. Sanders 80, X. Collins 78, A. gegabon 75 : Pass., E. Weals 73,,13. Sanders 72, A. Dow 71, K. Stewart 71, W. Dirtier, 07, L. Martin 66. 1. Oestricher 46, 1. Rowe 4And L. Snell 64, 0. Dutt 63, 'Handl:0rd and It. !looter 62, C. Pickard 00, No. on, roll 29, average 211, Wtm. B. Weldenhannner. prin. Form Jean Graselek 91, G. Itestle 80, W. Monteith 79. N. AMY / 7a, V. • SIveut 75, 01.- Ford 75. Pass, • Iiern 73, H. Trlebner 72, S. Petty 71 C. Duusford 71. E. Case 70. G. Achexon 09, II. Joey* 00, Carling 06, A.Cole- man 60, T. Penhaie 64, W. McLean 62 No. on roll 23i average 18. S. Gregory, Teacher. Perm L -Pass. M.- Elston 73, d 411111er 71, a Copeland 10, C. Wood 70; Ieute 00. B. ilogarth 68, It. Dear - 60, 0. Dearing 63, 0. Pickard 64,W. Siliery 04, 0 Atkinson 62, L. Rivers 61, 0 Pasenor e 61 0 Triebner 60. Commercial Sr. -lienors, B. wk'81 O Bissett ts.o. LI. Pope 18, P. Deaver 743 a • 0. Wood 7'0. Pass. P. Ilunte..- , • 77. Wood' `04. Commercial Jr.--eattit# f Bradt 72, B, No on Iva 41, average 44. - M. Johnston., I a echt r. entlettillet_to U4_ Mat we halt iht to; ti, very choleeet aor-orrer the. aomo egoi.„ We have Ite stock Vimot „Oovor, -„ ' ";hilliott.ete. Of ilea 0.40lier. tokliltid., JO it., !C.4144 COUntil, 1;e14 *tiOlit* kl'irt tlitts,t0'40'le .is‘t to Iav V030,11Witglf 0;!nlift 001 • .„-'01'0XXIn tItee,Sinh Win 14t t Ofl(� R4 have, att. -tht ceePilo alte the 014. one 'ow stoujiv,.* ventent.. , x64141010 ties Towsisiti ,Vnglexer ha* Wit :inetructed t� make • iroipectien and talcs mee,surenients tor the plena and apeativotiono. It will he. a matter ot but a few poets •before 101 the laridgee on the Saubles will have ha' b replaced with, Iron bri4gete It waa reported that the IlikilW0.3! inagnitte_st NOuleLlnierifiew the eternal regarding bonus ter tlie` ralheay but they 401 not eatte an----appearie 14trn4 of bv.410 ,,tikrttAate-O-far ciI iOntroVeinents are corcerned. Now we an boaet ot having in estomobtleIn our midst. This motor vehicle arrived her. on MondaY, net under its own pow ee:'. but drawn trent ILO station at Centre ita by a team Of horses.. August lialst and James Lawkon lac Jobetr,parttiarsAw erventarerranitrilinee both, of thedo f/t)3t eft,P4itt. contra o t. when the C. P. R. *rakes Ita aPPearance there will , ba n6'veral more et them In our rolost.-e Sainuel Brown has been 111 tufa week, but at the time of writing he is impreeee ng and expecte to be able to resume his business dunce at the atom a tew days. -Wm• Lewl*, our V. S., had a dose eati trom being blinded hiet Wed. nesday evening. Re waa mixing some niodieinewhert tn some way -Atte enern I calf; erploded, burning tus face eked eyes beeldes cutting a gasit in his hand .from the bottle brealtilig.--Sert Clark had a quantity of wood cut with the engine, tat week.—The *revival meetings which have been held in the Evangelical church for some weeks, came to ,41, cloxe last Wednesday evening.-LienrY Either, ls.f. P. P. has recovered suttitiently from his attaelt 01, rheumatism to return to Tor- onto to resume hie Paritatnentary duties. -4eleerge Other was ill Zurich. on Ta - ay visiting' his brother Chris e-Mueesstrs Nicholas and Lingelbatee, who have been Ideiting Mr and &Ira, Daniel Oestreicher • Eevaai weeks, returned to their borne n iravisto2k but ,saturday.--.Pir. and Mrs. Aaron Brown and family of Bright re eisittug relatives in our inelett-We re pleased to state- that the tamely of Rev. Bean, who have,been ill of rearlet eimr, at almost over the attack and t is expected that the totarantirt0 wilt he titled in a short titne.-11r. Seott,re-, resenting the Dominban. Lite, -and, Mi. Iloeper, representing Inc Manufacturer's rife, both OrItenzetli, were In the *Wee uesday on businesu in connection with, he eoinpordes they represent.-Atr. Ira rown spent last Sunday in London viait lug friend.. -A. meeting vies' held in the own Itonday evening With the ob r-,---&-DePartment•L Roorn I -Sr. IV., honors, R. Wood 904 T • nissett, 80, AL Carling 05, C. HOY _wood 85, Brickwood 79, L. Treble 77. B P. Dearing 76. Pass, S. Soutticott 74, hellion 70, G. Taylor 70, L Inver* ir • 60, DI. Acheson 69,_T. Creech 60. L. Ilardy Z-7, 'Mille Snell $5; 11 V. lint 62, Alan* Davis 62, W. liebleman Jr. IV., hertors,.., D. 01111i.4 87. 10, a jefet'ller$011 78, G. Bisalett 83, P'• Diont/ w 92, Be tialitwill tO, Nellie Jones 76.P as• a, `0. Penhale• 68, 'V...,Eateterinook 64. No. OA ron 334 average 30. • C. Vesper. teacher. • Form V. -Sr. 111., homers, Le.ilarvey.. Passe I. Sweet, AL .Joners, 11 Walker L. Tarter. 113 Snell, 0.De1ve 0. tiodgert. 3r. 111., honors, 11.1tiveris • Pail, W. •$a,neon, U. Case, M. Beeler. M. lleywood... E. Day, B. Hodgert. 3, }fumy, Teacher. • noern VL -Jr. 1113, honors, 81 D3,41111 • Mack 83, M. Belden 92, v. "limey 812. M. Hicks 81, S. need 79. 11. Parsons 10, M. Ilusto.i 7e. Pans, E. Ceoltion 71, 1. Craig 10, T. Clarks 10. . son $0, tt. smith tic sr. IL; honors. 13. Zuefle 93, M. Vincent 01, M. Madinat; 07, 131. Vitteli 84, A. Carter et, S. Me. Palls VD, » HorneY 7ti. D iteadden 76 .11....Eold....1C.....litVeddenhanurier lit. Pass Onwella 74, Do itunz. $9troan roll 30; avenitge 34, II. N. Kinsman. 4Teacher. 'Doom VII., --3r. 11.," 141. IC•ydd 05, it Se:zt of' diseustaing le,ACC.A. work in this eighborhOrld. Mt. Claims of London lovas present and gave a very interesting ddresti. It hasn't ,been -decided 141-. yet, hether organization will take pe here nd nothing detinite , will be . dente until cat fan. /ohm., 85. C. ,Deriting 04, IC Pickard fiS• M. Day 08, U. Patterson 71, 131;. count 69, 11.. Marshall 80, L. Iturdork 40. sr. rt. tr.. 113.136710 73, W. Oen- ditr 1$, V. Marshall 62, P. Cibilingwooel oz. No on roll 44: *remelt 03. F. Teacher. ItoOnt It., A., .11. Cornish 00 A. TaYfor 84. Ito theta 11, !Willett 10,.V. Welsh 7ei let.,Walker 17, 11.1:tiott. /6. L. Walker 81. 'D., W../Acobi 91 M. orlikk '76; 1. ..rAsterlirook ' 72. 11-.- Mitts& Vit, W. ProWn allot' 05, V. Sweet"65, C. Morley OS . Palmer 74, U. Bedford 72, C. 'ennist 71, 3r. Pt. Mothereilit 00, W. Knight 14. P. *Irwin 73. W. Gilt* **pie to. rt. 1,-* make 83, 3. Davis 89, C.; Beaman SO, 14. Ilouldett 19, 0. Pink lit No. on roll 40, average 33; Mildred Martine Ipther t. Ail rotrobers pro at toule mesPott vote number of terounto poi** Vic auditor* re. and 900' 1* be 4r1M4 tier 'which Utwned to At *fonder • Attazip Bitty) bet roster. Yiar vleited Mrs. for& couple deist Itagloosn his •,)04104iveil from, grg, !Moen.** , toSI' ,reititive -and, * ithetea l'entS,Xnetifutet witi 4 tlOit no; lter. 1 `1.1- ‘!, t , eitnedy .0 t week. otl t� ths. farzu sm.:110A. Ui t Oft Xett ihttt And JU ton wtil tateach bete toetli aU eardog ea Sunday next, 7th I 0-129^,-tosenrAtuita w,ge u Lado o Imurieu too, w at rent kise4 two. ceeovertat ste I* *WO Mr*. Paraluetn.-Wr. 410.04 who Is .440 111 at time,is( On .tha nvind.-tJon' Polly :troelrec Illitogree3.3 vialte4 at ite hole .ot Weir sonelmother, leranci- uttot irhe 14.,0,1010,*- , giving"a lemettet to,tght, Thur.• t isree:Ag1e Anderaon *ate wOek. An 1 -pot' ••• • The big 'ball it •8blpki on. Monday lait .Week• was a grund: anceesa;', There Were present 'stout slaty eettPlelieeolnibit trom'ICOunt Carmel. Crediton, Deshwoed, Grand Bend and tarkItill A most' enjoy- abIe time was *Pent by *II. 4tteer the 12 o'doeic lunch dancing was coetin until -Cho breale-Ot day. • 10))111. meeting at Farquhar On Mort F. Coates is corebiett to the hetinte mute tering .irt211t * severe attsele Ot toleall- ltis.eeSiont Edlth 13tisweil sPer4 Sunday under the parental roofo-*A nuntber from here attended theconcert at Centralia teloadeep night and report * good time. 0iti•I3aTSCIr..4.71W90-ef. „9.144t, -eeekeeereex • ed4In 4'" llette, soh nether •Va Q.„ WO le .tiMAS0130$000,* ot Sin • as Chen' Dal in, the *feth.• ct4list.: church when some -"special Mtisle wee -elven in :superior liner by Atte ehpir. and Ile*. W. 11. 1utt preached sermon in the 4nOrning On einIrekinuyic. A eetiCett telieWed With *Ocial Wilgiven In the Methedbit clutrch Wkder_the uapletts lart1i cholr, Therawt a lar. gathering and an emeePttellaill rine pro gram wits rendered. Deettles home 4al. exit gins Mita of Crediten. ;Das11 Mr. nob. Southeott and Prof, Drown of Exeter and .11. SWAMI et itdAta rendered. obtable itsilstanee, lass ,tiott deserve* great pratee for her faithfulness and the efilelencl of the choir under tier -able eadersbie.-flext Sunder S.. SaltonSaltonot Trowbridge, a, former patetor at en- Iralia, will PpreachmissletiatrY serMens Great littne, ato. are payable at claim*. 4teer- The'clieques *naafi infortitation the n Bank. .-*aeter Branch -G. W. liarrisono *wog , woe Agnelli Tour.% of Motherwell vlo Ansa Craig, A quiet weddtmr woo *614 ited her iceman, Mies Vera Otropbell, eninized at the residence Or the riest-of ' • Row's TbisP wi °Mir Oti. numbed Dellsra letwud fereay wee ,eteatertiothet carau4 beeined by MU'. Odle* .1. ertatnev *Co.,Tohiet4 0. seuyitesees19 Ilern ind daughterisi 11 lierreo, father, 'Mr. -*Wm. Oeturein who it the time of writing is serious ill,--A number of the young 'people *round here right merrily enjoyed themiwiees at the home -of /Joy& Hods goon on Friday evening. --Next Vriolay evening, the late of Marcb, the Rev. Dr, Dougold of Goderich, will deliver his famous lecture, !"Ben flur," in this 6-howl:et-with 200 -r-stertooptics,n Adiniselotil5e. 7--A good time Is **Aid:. piled...Alm W. M. S. will hold their monthly meeting next. Thursday, Mar. lith, in the church, when the Granton .Auxilliary will pay ourAuxilliarva via - its -"Mrs. lArtoo.- Brooke has returned home after spending a week the guest of her mother, Mrs. Parke, at Lucien. ADDRESS AND PES8ENTATIO/40., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chinning were somewhat ourprised on Thursday evg. of last. Week, 'when all their old Mende and neighbors gathered at their h0tne to bid them it kind faraWell on the eve of their departure for their new home in Granton. An address was read bv Mr. Daniel. Hodgson, which portrayed very nicely the Ohriotian character of our brother and sister, after Which the presentation of it. beautiful Morrie rocker to Mr. Gunning, and also it ety- I Hob rocker to Mrs. Gunning wee made. Mr. send er Mr*. Gunninvery briefly re plied, expresoirtg their sincere thanksi to -their many friends, and alto, wish- ing the Church et large eery success. Mr. Gunning, isa. member of our ofli- clal board. and Mrs. Gunning, Its member of our W. M.S. and it teacher in our Sunday School, will both be missed here otud the sincere WWI of 11 he that it successful be thAritil4 their new home Itt OrantOte_ TOM WA* V interesting, bearing especially on the Win work theme ladle* engage in so etteerfullY. "The deaconess* ooventent itt the AtethOdist promises much for the tutu)* s urc , ndon, on Tuesday .of laat week when AfiesVathryla *Keno ale of Allaa Craig, became the Wife of Alex. gacfle of PottershUrit. Mr and gra. Thoma, lIoward of ton don were the guests of 1.1r. and Mrs. John Spaelmutri -On Friday. WheleatleDrugglete. WIPP. 0 • IleireCeterrit Care le Woe latentelly, eetlee dilet° reedy oa the bleed sod moue eureseejv este, eateio Pee Teethstegads etst free. pi*, 700. pir bd. will aim 00144 silDrugtOuts, plain Take liters foe venetlystket. PARQULIAlt . A -very pleasant affair took place at be -home ol 1x Ph W. F.-13eaverst on Monday evening last when gr. Beavers- wgs tendered a cotnpiimentary Oyster .Supper and presented with a .gold -head ed cane as a token ot the esteem in which: he, in held and ill appreciation of • his services secretary-treaeurer •of tee Mahone; & Hibbert Fire' Inettrance oroparay. A good time- was spentby all • • present: • Mr.,Joshus. Joluis has tun p0ll4e4141011 of the store here now, Dsr. and Pus. Ilea -- yore having left thi* week for Brantford. Mr. and. :MA. Joseph Vance and also leave this week for their new home in Little Britain -1%e young mew spent a pleasant time at Wm. efouteith's on WedneedaY evening of last week, when- , an enjoyable dance -was indulged lo,Wal ter McNichol and, Walter ICerslalte fur. Welting the musie.—f. Bd. Steno bat( purehased the term of Mrs. Francis near Plugtown, getting possession • In the tail. The price was 15750. • Mr. Amos spent a day,til Jaon400, nest weeke--3. Gravelle, Who 'hits 'San - here, is gone to Port Irrankse-/I. 0111 of Port eranks spent 'Tuesday witheids perente here. ---The three montlist 'old ;Mild , 01 Mrand gra. Drum Ilossenberrir \ of ,;.li.ticetield Was lald to remit ncre Sat. - or Wm. Mollarth-Tnis week it is our sad duty to mention the death', et another of our °Ideal residents, in the person of WIlliatti Muj1ard, at the age a: 11 years and 2 mentris. and 41. ditYl. He had been ill anent tit the *Inter, bit was up arid *round. _Last Tuesday Me enettnnOti*.eerne *t12Wert tan, ure was the immediate caulee. 'Mr. SOU lard we* highly eSteteled. a Meld 0/001' a.nd obliging neighbor, and * rntenber , the Methodist ,e,ntreit for leers. lie is surilved by * widow and tight child- ren, who ate 4trs. Wm. gelato, lir*. Fred Page at this telighhorttook Mre. Jerry nroPhir. neer • Xteitats, Ma Mufler 01 'Detroit. Abner aud tritest, near titivi, Arthur, near Parkhill. and Pussy :at nod* Vour brother* alsO survive, qatt. and Th'0 3. Of this, Plata, bast near Park. hill and Mar* in lyre' WeAt. The fun erat was largely letteltite4 UAL Thuradel the rezesinibeing laid relit In Ore " Int, ved the coturnetOty, • The foIlowitg. is the report for ary ot Grand time 140. I'V., 3. DiteIerdine 3.30 Dewey 140, 0. Olivet 118, T. It** 94.* tit.. 34. Ita**14 140, 94...es1riere 145, r. Green, 93 S 'WI lard 73, 0. Meier. dine life 3. 1114.;.V... 0111 151, V. Frit* D. newel. 1586 /1 Vritz 125,°K. novelle. 317.1., 3' • 1te t 11.d. tit. IL—a Deveer 192. * thidortttno 13o, Nv.., Dewe' rt. VT* :Lune 05, A. ration $o. 1,. tit.011. ego %WI. Down 15, KCattier. 50. la. Tiavo 78,11 Ilaittl I'd,' A, Itekeelle :100 It 31attor . Disleette*. $5. Patteraon9 t, rifts note- .77. Z. Down 15, 00. Cuelit go, pand 55, 1. Allister -50, 0., 216104 4$* \ )14141411*** teethen 1.4tiCA.14. , to *sooting oid so. train ones* itt thIs we1rin1t*.-44ro. ct iNtter has riled to troronf,o. Itoieno ,torinr4y of thti ploeo. 1 ttndie to return"t, tiSte. thto *telt, atter II Witittt htte. 4'4* 11040111A tein thg to the Ito*** hie tothe1o4thime ,'Ot Alkettord the guest ekt ht't *liter, gra. Waiter Otheatt.--10, 1 Mrs. Maerbtay attended it* eet tee latteell *left* 'who. du* -1(fai" Ur. and Mrs. M. Venn of Parkhill with.friendeitt Ole plaote--An adult y o . u Btble has been " litter in con- nection. with tbe, liven Ica Sunday School or this place. r.•060rge Zermatt sold one of hi, bleak Mane of horeeslo it Mr, White of Egeter...-Mr. snethfrc Obristian Fehr:ter of Orediton 'visited 'friend. in this piste on Tuts. day.. -Mise Susie Rader left_ on Mon,, ,doep to work for Mrs. Love, near Grand Bend. -!fro. Georgege Kellerman soul Mrs. Justus Wegner visited friends on the 14th con on Tneoday Wannittio--Mr. Arai* Schroeder of Dikotap', who his been tisiting among (Sonde in . this plaos iinixr New Y -004'40014 afternoon 'quietly married *tam Boaftelical itt thlespiaet to Mises Katie Heiger, of this village., They left Intim 1 after the oereintony to take the even*. ing train at Exeter for their future home in North Dakota. Their weeny frletedwheriewill- soh& them it pleasant journey hoMeWard, and ell heroploese in their Western fortnet I f tht village Apent IS tid Oeutleman Farmers! Jae rinklesteiti, Exeter North will pay for Junk' Iron Rags Rubbers Be ..........- AS FOLLOWS . , , _ Rags --550 up, per'hundred Itubbers-6c up, per lb Iron --45c Ai , " . Horsehair -220 se in• tradefor Shoes, dothing, Dry Goods & Groceries. Easy terms of payment may be arranged for ottocgams-igwdelLsyswe van yo It tell raPplr Of grocalei, Where yflubuy the goods ? Why! : 4010-FINKLES Bilst• Exeter North, where you get everything cheap! When you got.*IRON TO TRADE go to Joe yinklesteitt—fair, decent, ho d Catarrh, Sufferers are Nettling But" flawking. Spitting and Bloiving Machines, Says, an Autheritio - *It• peesible that lei thele dalts when eartliness and sanitary reform its being Preeeleed in the churches/4, schools end attuning*. that thousand* ot PeoPlo wit continue to ..suffer from, Catarrh When there is an absolutely certain retnedy at. • ways en -hand. Myontet (pronounced iligheoetne) is -a egeasertt, medice.ted And antiseptic sir Breathe it In and 1 will cure Ward,, t--w111---stop-foul--breatlee-wixtery- eyes, and meted* itt the nose In a tow days Mra tI. w. Wilson of Johnson 81. Wailteehurti, Ont.. **is; "Tes0 we are great friend* to Iitomel for .the reason that Mr. 'Wilson has 'had catarrh tor lieVeral, rears .an4 tried several remedies *rid -doctors; but rtothIng has relieved the -trouble like 1.fiyont01liis trouble 1 frem :pains across the eyes and it burn ing or huskiness In his throat Sown tin** much difficulty In breathing, the glands iri his *yea and nose swoilen and the diocese made him literally' Skit all over. Ito cannot 'say .eritnighIn prelim of Ilyorneh and there is nothing that cart tve-i'bettsc rater to catarrh than thris remear, which we ilk:Ann/ reCOMMelitt. A, Completer Ilyomei outfit, cOnedsting of * street* 'hard rubber ‘'poeleet inhale and * bottle Of 1.1Yonte‘ cost* only $t; opd vitro, bottles 11 ottorwordo needed oat Only 250z, s.ch W S. 001ot *sibs I • gustentsea 11.10 'do *zeta/ al a, d tattled. • - IIYegreil Moo ott4i• Asthma, Stench! Oa, Cough*, Colds and Want* Cron* • • • ItostIORrarkehes irs tOuittda, and Agents and Correspondents' i Principoel °Wes in the World! se9NARAL litatutittestit$114$59 .911411849TSD. SAVIPIOS BANK DEPARTMENT 441 Itroneh#4Interest allowed et highest entreat tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents ALEsetet tot the Dominion, Goveitmentiv- Ihozpozi 3; Mom, Solicitors. uot Arrivid, the Fineot shown in • 41411 end toot et* /MKT ratcd daily as 1100, Hints. But the "Stars•' strongest the undsusily interestin twa f alt the wok', day by rhere Is not * dry line in it any way ‘syellow. put pod* writ tits pi' everything that t.