HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 3 (2).44 'whole Fngli ugu.ge IOU"azy e , glish l*3jua ughlen . to iug u e. in any one 1u grv*r..teeUZ r te oti bliune. the I xesI cause it- ae .in btoleti, If e romptiy treited the ttillnese spreads And the peen grow* worm easeh year until 'ou are 4 'beige** cripple, tortur�d del *ad , nighle . 1 the *art i *mdd, e*h You can't at es plaster* or ot You mus -go to t14, root of the 'trouble in "the bkod Ii 0fl6 sir, wcienti, fic way to ure rhsunstim is Dr; AIliams' Pink MIIs, 'bseauie. they actusily znake new blood,. They *weep uut the oisoleou A witIl ly worso until it fini1k bolh my hip* an epain wae lle.*Intoot r le At, reed foot draft a.nd hni- ne.atvbut thia gavenee ,only oat t tor reliete ale to go through the res e as * suffering cripple. r *hese deuetter tutd 13cured of theumatism by Dr, Williams' Pink rim advised n3,0 to t medicine, and I Our - three boxes. Bef,oro they all one X was able to get met foot p on my knee and uetie my sboe, something I had not been Atte to 0 for ttro*yeetre, and 1 began to feel X had at heft found a, nieeli- .me to euro the trouble. I kept. •n ta.kiug the Pills until I hed tbink, *dozen boxes, when 1 was let,* -cured and X am as wefl and strong to -day as ever I was in y life. I want every sue - know that Dr, :Williams' Pink Pilis is a, sure eure for ellen- t and thett if they will give * fair their and aches will disappear itt by all medicine dealer :it at- 00 cents te box. or Oxes to from The Dr. Wil edicite- Co., Brockville P LES. you would be -happy, let other people do, the !worrying. • Silent -een never have occasion to t t. • own words. If en were less stupid, women would. have to be much cleverer. ete-thateitelelind during eoter sbop ought to remain so Some men not only. **No their money, but a lot of other people's as 11. ° If a num only tells a women, she beitutiful, ehe well overlook Most of his'other lies. The difference between willowy girls and angular girls is usually only s. matterof silvei and bens°. It is inueh for the sound einse •eateteenteet generally Oat they bee, rvivcd a,11 the.weird advice men Ire given them. Ites Good for Man and Bea Not' only is Dr. Thomas 1.eleetrie 011: of incomparable- valuo in the toUgebolti, but the farmer a stoektoan lied it very aervie le in the; farm yardand on t WO range, often naving the re ices of a veterinary fiutteou. ial4iries to 'stock and in easel.; roughand paineeit can be nsed vt gootti effeete ° . • 1.(111 .;kersi !Nam ,yo were eooklug aedinner f,r- *ijc-peor Vie$,,11,t4 bad only five pataleee et.w would's-on elleido them ea thee etieb prraOn !lad aei eqia1 pot i f" ht Wtitnan!'0, SyropAt Avo ,y6o eoecterrestete es rue- eeeter. heOxy, fin3titia1 11147 _DI your ip.32 5. heavy ptly$104 burilea? Raw *bat *delta' clellcatO Votottleo--I liavo tis-m,,,ragcl, ton; bat 'culled tow le *cr. want to r4evei .vor.r bur- ri,ot *Join SteteilA I.4-34 4)- ale •SoryoU *04* viii tt*El of:$tst rue. • # 411 yu act4 co .1* to writ* tor abus o t AtAlvort.. Vitch bt,to Vac lo4nla La tavtti away' rime Ix w:t1 cal* .1t, !lour evo -It-t.).---t-aPritt-ltio-nzlivranI cored tor tzt (Uve ((-'t:,tot ictr lever* ticret rottn* .vente-sueli common - le used wardsbieltop, devil, clerk efroin clericulte, preacher, poend, *jot, street, butler", pepper, theese, silk* alum, Male, candle, -creek, and monk. " -the. Seentlinsertens- - iefel---voidtee-e---- gave me the verb to call, the word; same, reereetch, grime, bow. (of * ehip), fellow, knife, loft„ loose,low skin, end hustings. Then names of town e ending in 'by' leave evi- clenee their preireaiete, as -- ter tb, Norman Conquest , 1 111 tbat 1 taunaie 40 Iy' Thtie *ro th wurd., ries 13.11,,, n here, an4l tljey are tichoed by miner an - her who has been, freed from the torture* of rheureatiem by Deddis Kiduey retie, • X euffered terribly from eleeumee tisae for ten letereete lir. B411 con- tinue, "X wee so bad I could teerettere-goteen ' out _ot —fizini5 •i. .. i. 1 bout getting relit riend ' m* to try Dodds Peidney ills, (fix boat* eleened the Rheumatism rieht opt, oe me," xhaftta lowite it.44,L.Lreakatty Pill; o to Itheuniatismi-clean it right wiitveivractili, tttielly. ti a • cbznge was I irat amoig tbe peopie, but, tho •baiiahed the nativos froin *11 high ions in Chureli itied Etste, and 14rench-604mo the angusge of thtee upper eluses. French witteiteelf a Latin language* and gradually I got te-vaet numbe of French words and of 0.1.0•Nt W" word* through th; French,. ,By the middle of the Utitteenth-trentilty I wea,** ranch Preuelt and Latin ea English, el was Old English up to year 11110; Middle English from 110 to 1800,, and since then auk Modern., Eleeheb, :Now I am a anixt. ute of eveery leneusge on -earth. „I, con- tain llebrcw, Rumen, Spanish and even Polynesian worde. "When you want to be plain' and *ample you use old Anglo -Semon, and when dignified, and on great Occasions, Latin and.Prench." 4>:11-0444.0+P4.04.40+47-4;*+0+0-:* *AVM "WM/ 1,41,11* rs.¶L Osiborn, Nortmi *sy*t---01 .t*trOn im saying tbzt -enozgh in pralee oflhis 4 4 We* wak and iick1y that he took no notice ot anything, and cried o mueli that. X -watt wilin out aring for him. After ziv • •ing him the Tablets there was great elAng% and beis • now a* bright-eyed, laughing • bzby, thopride of our home." Baby's Own Tablete cure 411 4stotos.eb skn41 bowel troubles, break up eok1i, 4lestroy worm and keep little one* healthy itud happy. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail itt.e.e cents a box from the • Dr. William"' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. 4.04-0.44)4-ofteeeeceeeeeiteceeteeee4te PRECAVVIONAltY. Patient, --"15o you think a amide den.fright would be likely to bring •4iii a relapse" Doetor—"Moet eeeteinly." -"Then pioaite 'bear that in: 'Mind when snaking out your bill." , A broken pronazo cannot be ended to* that it will leak 1,11Cr W. 4. When tbe train this exit acid out ef tho blood,-Withno urie acid in the o ere can be no Itheumatizat. o steertently to cure Rheumatism, euro your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pill* always cure t,he kidneys. ' ItiNGITAOES OF THE •WORLD. Etbt lliinredend Sixty, With Dialects. The least les,neetl are aware that, there are ireany languages in the world, but tillto actual number is probably,beyerta the dreams of or- dinery people. The. geographer ,Balbt enumerated e bt hundred and sixty. -whieh are entitled to be considered as distinct languages, end five thousand which may be re- garded ..altdialects. Another mod - re, writer on this subject reckons Up tItte0 thousand and sixty-four languages and dialecte existing and *hi& Mote existed. Even after We haveallowed either of these as the uuraher of languages, we must- le,e,retoeiledge the existence of snarly trio? diversities; for almost ever/ provinceehes a. toieemeeemere or lees laze and -this wet zee Well be- lieve to be the casit—flroughoeie the "mild itt large. 01 the eiehtehundred and ehte Ianguagcs enumerated by Bathe fifty-three 'belong to Europe, one hundred and fourteen to Africa, one hundred and twenty-three, to Asia, four hundred and seventeen to America, and onehundred and veateen to e Occanise--ey *lief term be dietinguishee the vaet number of it -lands stretchhee be- tween • Hindustan and South Ameriee. • LIABILITY. • "Do man dat goes arount re tie erevnepraisesee said 'Uncle Eben, "& mighty lilt& to get di's- pieintc4 *Alen he look* foie folks o eine in de chorus." Impuritie in the Blood. eVlie the action of the kidneys b'on'es iripaired, impuritiem in -the Mood re almost* ,stt tOr, follovotud gen- 1 derengeinettof the esetean ; omelet's 'Vegetable Pills; ill late the kidney's,. .1.o thitg I maintain' liettlthly„ *dim% ent the ,coMpiieationti • ertainly come; Where there is derangement of these done:Ste o *us. As n restorative these rills are in the-firtt.,rankb, , t.to.raio, row tto4S iLiW 7.)114•VitgA4 13,40,0orat Oat* asier t3 Ifl*4 bluff than et other pe pie to stand it s etteler to prev nt than it i inflammetion ter the lune* le tht'rorepetiell cf neglected ti•1, and nee it Erti.„1.5t lodgmien Szi theitsgtotn it 31 4iziric144 to deal Treatment with: fickle's A* oultunviive Setup will kradi. ie Id and prevent infiert. eolt never narti' en 'true to tor eailin$ yoursel Cottiolk.rit A, Cure for Rheumatism, - nt.rusiou of uric age& brood vesselseis a fruit U pai118., This irregularity owing to a deranged ard waheal- y condition of the liver. Any one itubject to this painful affec. tiorte will flnel a* remedy in Parme- lee's Vegetable Pi11 Thole action upon the kidieya . is pronounced stud most be ficlal, aid by rostor- ing "healthy *aloft, they coreect impurities, in the blood, 1 ,,-... ele ereI ..impo _ datferent : „ , t ,who in 1ak7 , , , , 4Y13': e . • , , v .luti e .,.•Brtish, Ba1way, u 4,11':i ' ei „ „ . 4 4 ,it it sugcetiveoecur,renci. to • , , Me ii 4 e° t p chimney .ilMe'St i e into .13in 'head au 1"" , . hort t 5 mvention 'w . r Nothing please* * man 'mere then reote4t This teleseoPe *wee it* origin to** tit') '11:11170114.tis '4!°4‘ lie anther d°11; • similarwoecurrence. Tke children of 11*1115. tualtheli * DutOk ilptmtaalettkuitker '1114,PittUtoi iu*14.%t01:1"411 Plea to be Ivan, oi4e titK with *prop Of pleasant and effee- , . —1' -lieetteeite*O in ,• e. . ,-. • . , 1 r •Areleieletc etetet—ett, e g -it-..---Pocure-*,:bottle thi044 Pulin,ell'Wemreee3r,CeePticeinPeglii 'take It b9trAt' IR KPI 1 h1!5i astonished to see the weathercock Of the neigeboripeuteepleetereuslit within * short ilistavice o their rotieet . e r1aues he wee no ess -*Peed thew lthe', children hoe been. Ile went indoors and thought the matter oyer, and then the idea occurred to him that he might COO- ittIld al curious novr toy which would give people it good deal of amusement. Not long After the titIOSOPPO was in accomplished fact,- reeetelluk Cares ob Nay who Suffered ter Thrse Tare* New and again mothers fool that gores or ulcers on the heater of children refuse to heal,_ despite &1 ardinary treatment. When is the time to prove Zemellukes healing poem.. .4 cave which mothers will reed with interest occurred recent - le in Winnipeg. Mrs. O. Keep* ef 5e2, Alexander Avenue, Vinnieeee say* .1--"A year ego my little girl gonttaotell eczema, of the scalpand notwithstanding all I did the tore* *end until the child's sealt) wai -completely covered. 1 took her to bospitel, but )20ite of the lotions and ointment* applied had. any af £et on the Aisease. By degrees the ehildehaircane out, untit-she w * quite tt71N'i'-'--e were a strongly -advised to try and did so, Piom -beteeomrnenc- ing with' this wondcrful, balm the 01204 got relief from the itobing and patin. The sores 'were quickly +ban- ished, ..*.tdcl in sit reiretekebly short space of time the child was elated. The hair 4100n grew again, and is now quite long and IA it healthy condition.'" All who -have earei of -children should know that ,Zant-Buk is parti- cularly adapted, bootie/At of its purity- to ilicriezeiter skin of chil- dren. It cures with ogee' dispatch arm, blood-poizoning„, 'ulcers, 1 erteke chapped levet- e, pilot,' had leg/ etO. thettas en embrocation .it eases the ,pain of sprains, and cures, rheumatism, sciatica, and neuralgia. All drug- gists and stores sell at We a box; or tio3t free from Zron-lluk Cost Toronto, for price. 'That s'Irt over ye- _ ie.Ur wilt, nes contaioutod to wi sway many a tear." "Mlo ehis kind heart" "What fort Re dealt in peeke handkerehiefe." . t What la the writ ritetrtbto1:040.14"g"4.0a444*I 4 rbsntin it 41315 0. Ards uorI The watian of htshien vseeme more dependent on her dressmaker than pn ber husband.. Good profits., Eeen boys giritcsrn$6O0 to flet.to per -week.. 014TAIIII0 -SEED CQ,Waterloo* Oat: omoUiip 14 your lieu* ter t* daps hs Trial- will or4. oliiital4lott better iloot• t yagod)tu *es in 41,41110e$* :bottiozaati la a eguarovitomel 117' tAfirgli.tantlt mitYou. . "*" IORRow. - Intleirrea; •03241,10., "What• is thematt aggrasating tbing in Ina:tied, Te iterta Por tiktatiti 4*, fi 4 -ad t-12rba,1Ic ikzid„ 4ei her loeiband, eoreetinies t M rett Orme* ie eteettes, so tool ratter* 31 1%14 the 0gm* it,to the ISM prorepey with *olklail with.* ilro *ad, aboratokusti* tali& US. 4111,00-44i iskomip. CAUGHT. Tore , Well,. X have not lived w f,town aeknowledi -day thalt het' had *nade it Ji nt--'Irw diri that a - Toirn--,-.- ' the --I hit ei his mon -who propertied to MC once, Ile *ell, too." r. bet he *am" eke when you refeeee him." ave yott tried leollovrayee Corn Carel It ,hes no equal for remov- ing those troubletome eter.eaenees as mainphave testified who have tried -4t. •. The' in the day* et the Inger ion the" iityr 1640:11 the vict4zn rootri ad tUid ,lin to 2 noliractite. stove** tt..1a11i1toha lIttrirwitt 4010041 *urstInie00$ oved+00141.' It •costs. Tlot 4t money u bey ,tO 116 Svon' t be *b upport hint*N„ when te 1ec 2 t & BEST D1TELUPEIL but fovea teti to Woo Imbue tory *bort tires. Who- Pete. reeakoettistertrtilly- 11-7' tit itbitAirra wiltonnist cotarattlf 411 &tumor ot Vor**1*,* Ot -t1r- by' 0 r ne -3UIPt14leiV1 u414:1 flrorn 11' a/1 0r14 1I POMO '14:0*%a 204t"tt*a tasAa l 1izasp iz0 zituv orilli caaouuieytea GOS)11striaaa Asa**4l o1s 0 Coniro!X*0 bor: IaIiu Zattsr * tor 0 Ltsy cbsztees031e/Vota 1 oa SW r Rwhiaa. htOlit • ..roulliCastktixothes.: : i•Trozo . seureturditi emu" _ Joakeou INI2401* 1hapm *Obit* 04144a, I Dt"lzi,,,,A4:-- ---.-:::::-- Do alas: ilAr* '..,:::*.xm Dozwirniltal „ritiLit:ott:81, _te • whYlre:ie:te. ,. moos • tee erase loots sees . b Dili *trout ', Dale ** 14411144t* RC"' ririon Leirt"fi'.., - Ylti:ore:YlOtele:sh**# lo rAir,%"0:111"";r: .1:71411.641:usoro Ittold Xioolrou Vroeolroiltio art Kelt.*** Warr**, . be rorreet Xxolilvartx t: ' wWaltroLvoia, Vetter btotttlems Vim,* rialoyaon 111,41Vattirb Wirosfer NOW*, Vwtorliee . ally Pittterald 'Yetebtar ' robes Moreton 'now.' Galloway - - illoMotort • Woolkkr 011teart Oilobtbst 76111417.1iD" a• Litbrrn Citotbmer rA4t,:,,Thuou . Virriatt ' 410"mtioltirdtt XXeuttrlifiryilli ' Vr-foltitoPrd ' SO Vet* WM ti irM VOX AlrOVIC. write 1;114 quoting vortiolars of birt itto.. tt.t4 ,crolcot 41. ,c1(r only too. 41 -,itAtrib04 adottoolord oroolopt* ant we will wail rottoidos. oultrotterd,'*****1** Adio** „an toreztueelitiess " _LIEVI .--St Aeolstehi ottirAertoi **t TooCanada, „ TOMOS WE 0 izap It is WilidtrfUliy how many things we think root, needful are resily inet—/54447-very treOsiiire after alt. Try thlit little **pertinent and it ili astonish you.% Teke a ititta of paper and *rite down *11. the thing* Sou "wants" Melte the list as 011 se /our deitires are rut ,away -for one hour) then look it over, Cross out the thin you think you can do without, and ether hour roil* the list once Next pick out6 the thing* u feel you cannot afford to buy. an, with *wand sSetarmined to 1,e lev.l and eousible, soul prattital,go r the 114 mete, more. What ia itet Try *t'and *tie,