HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 2 (2)lfg71/WWWWWWPWRIrr VT": t6 44* All .4.110 cuRttekr TOPICS., 12 age It of late to e oche the e,' ded thesdvoat culture)O1* sUd lik sr ' 16" 6•3 00 weiesooeieseettietieettittitietoospewe u*tis1iim,e ; of religious th&t, ift e rougli c1er tions,. I e will bzve eteho school* -helf-wa oetioe must he prettiest', to be oure„ Itutlitemustebeerestonsble-ethiesi. L. must tee to it that it Vibes not - mini( tiles tho child scl*ooL"*teen, of coutse, d notend stgradustion; it is * pro- • eess thtt, continuos all through life; the Moral Atmosphere hi -which . „ 41. tication, thereforo, is the Deed ef children of larger growth as well as of school pupils. In- dustry, the professions, commerce, the puVie service must severate -endeavor-to Iwo up to the ed earztete/ye tauget to the- oung. ?retitle* Eliot illustrated his pro- positions with referencet to mono- polies, to abuses of combinatiorut of employers and employed, but other illustrations will readily occur to tbe obserrant. What are the ()fleets on the young of graft, moils salary grabs, evasion and viol*tion of law by public ofecialst _What are the effects of quaekery and greed and loose morels in the pro _ fessionet What are the effects of the law's „ absurd and tenseleos technicalities, of the perversions of expert evidence," of upsierely wrangling in court, of lying and perjure, ofjdth * artt ethieal teaching in the schools will riece tebeacaompsnied by ethical teacleng - and . standards in the greater and larger Ji outride. .The best wow to in - culotte respect for truth, honor and law is to manifest such respect in daily practice; to set exa4les to. the young .and estatlish barmen between precepts and'contluct. A IIOLIDAT FOR'TIIR van. • Give your wife vacation.he needs one: Little cares are hardcr to bear titan ,greater rtspon, ties, and she 11101 many more c than her husband, and sometimes " as great responsibilities. The doe - tors tell us More women break 4own mentally than .rrien, and they alio) tell us thiS is because, they. Wive . mote cases to carry, and have to carry them to:tient:on/ yonrwork le_ dorete.,oeueun, up in your office and put the 'key itt yo-iir pocket; , But the Hove locks her work up till' Sleep comes and turne the. key upon it. A w mart's work. is never dont. modern life hes -inereasid and:.111.• tensieed it. Cites have multiplied 'fester than toevenieepes. ' Life is More. complex, its demands „ are .greeter and more rammer:ma, society more exacting, :Who need: vaca- tion if does 'nett And the esti- n'et get it athotne. ,Theinote -quiet and roatful the home- to you, the more tvideteet that it .1i.eito, i1. not but,40A; houtre keeper can no more take vaiation itt r home that) e merohtet in his untherphoute. though her ee ootuient Inconvenience, Iter ett oceissio,nal teettion. t • •, do ihtteindlie met - ow et °wit** or pollee P. it** wonelherful toimse weer. Monist:" :eeit Moike. Shunt. WO things it gout' he 1. o threeel *Mout littite' Wflh Wan ter thim days." Sufferer front) - dam. Were to temov nti e the play."' inittestatiiiii but eon, eould not ere new hitt." 11*ite be i* What you might meows), pesedieiSt."' Myer * finitude peiteltnistt" (be A tkM*n who itt° *errata to look ot 'for tcar his friend* will * o borrow from him." and "Mrs; Oldwod so seamy children thee didn't know whet to do.; * 'they took the whole pack to * n thee and Jet t*t1a run t ' t. Y 0 tft 44, • ^ -„ jte, it is aU o n 4 'thew,: 11 las * i ts , tc t„ 14 074 the tuestle Me. o a o * • • $ .4 . 4V6A, ie :Akers ofir et, 1: 146. M4440..; JA:1r0 4 a eta over',.$0,40174' eit 0, the nt fr the s fle U tO nr e ,c(U0- 't 0 LP 0 ' 3. prYious o r:tta euity AS AO X •, tee o, * et I 1 att 61 - 0 01!gg'iftii:Weratile° Ate rerie IIarclng methods. 1 teture t. me. , e r o es I o-reitetni'onaiet: '41:t. a. f3ttilttinleee ;11 , '41,444plor yr * 49 i0 0 untry„ here ers. 0 r site CO} weethet end aldlinstar with thatheld;h4lititt, those gOod Pee' of 1,11,0 netten who.teet merle te tho eye. t it also e aitetopseteould he .rit ellag-P0 at es„ ber re,m Nees reit -go geedestwey-- in the darknoss---Almost I was c°131IP ete *ad ideal "4 ah°11t* no time lee the ono I * AO 4' W& DYC without lima luird work, and ther6 ifrti ea to t 00 or th0 oixo.10: fcroo;:p Ifeer Itvevneteteml woe4.1041W the, eafteette Wele would *Away* be plenty to Ott. tee **Pod eartetoneut, aettl Omelet. but *t 111416431ir °tit "44 '4°1" ';'1 a wause it wits, *Nu "•4t -otheineelamilionlinttently .re .#41,14t Vrikhe* ha other te German erfeet-only- Oesturfehrist giving /it lite -tor lieseeteeoptee '- bode and* spirit tsii en atom Oleo for their SioS, Ito w4g4; as it sheep to the shiughter unresistingly went to his oaerilleial death the eross, se the" lamb for the evening ueriilee to the site*. ,Att r • -the in&tillati re goi44., the then the Pluming charge. o le 0 ..„ WW1 riders, They were wet by men of the 0 no prepered, for them and pro Ity 'the circle of w ono. ng that their at luta drop of dilute tuberculin aamo time, the 4,would have eye, If the tubject, of the te so of her playmates with Wer entirely fro from tubtrculosis, all the way. nothing follows, but if be *effort It WA* 11, wonderful slight when elet the -disease, even in its very the great day came at hot, and itthing$ the -eye will, after & the w*go ozee, tit orses, and some ight, big oxen. At6 n or y by Lout or *ix y as Many 4.11‹"te tele ouses on wheelie only hutteed of a roof there was a high frame over- head made of hoops and coveted with .tanvas, so it dtele a siert of tent to ride in by day, it you wished, and to sleep inat night. And from these keep!: hung all iseitiieartlertirsee-liereie and peetee Of -beacon, strips ote edritele puteeldn WM to coot -int- and- -1 s-..- ndenteeth the ' keg wagon, OS- siika, swung the great kettles:, in which the larger things were cook- ed, and axes and ropes and 'chains en from the earth.,—flovv then could at the other point. which was ocari- for pulling the wagons out when he be the everlasting king fore_tolil 'fied at the same time. The skin they got-tuckin the mud. - by Isaiah? or * short, distante-surrounding To little Mary. it was all new 34_,,, Of whom sieaketh the pro- be pimple ntay be elope or lest red - and delightful. The big wegono phet iiiiii—The two pictures of the teed, rad , soraetmees there are squeaked and groaned and swayed Messiah in the book of Iseiale an,d obvert,' pimples inoteet1 of .ones. from side to :skit: till the hams the other prophets must have been A itimplifieation of this cutattoous hanging from the frame overhead a great puzzle to tIte Sews. lie per- test xi what has ° viou.°6,14,4; the would swing back *nd forth like traits or descriptions of the *IPo percutaneous tette This consists . the pendulum of is clock. There person could be more . irreconcil- in motel), rettene eehereethe on Were the shouts of the Men to the able or contradictory. theskin, either the undiluted seli- horses and oxen, the barking of the 35. Then Philip . .,.... began 'at the *Awe, or *EV! ointment made of dogs that ran aleng the. side of this verse gote-Ane the ge, ir.,,, eput same .Soripture.,Weith • wax tut- me,se, rote -of n tuberculin a It' of elaytig 11. auto upon poor 0141- kt grating , IV an 1114440; trampled into the duet. The Indian was Vie fore- *nost of the, biked that was quietly screeping up on threcatev, when Old Mustard had otenwl them, end. not only given warning, but sur- prised -a killed tbo le&der Youth's Coznpsniun,- THE SIINIlkY SC11001i zneroe wen u ° 4 lo ,91 t •,"„ r 01$ wer eady to deliver him from hi* 33. 0 ,t4t• to r cu neout test. it wool devised by a, Vienese physician, Ana is (Matt. -6;-53). io nude as follows; The 40140440 33. n his humiliation his skin on the inoide ()Utile fOrearm merit was talon away -Tho ud is carefully cleansed with soap ment (justice) due to him. A fair and Water; and then with ether. trial was not meteor:led to him, as is Then a, drop iof tuberculin is placed plainly teen in the account of the on the skin, and the° arm is sari - trial efelesus. :Who 6WI declare esecinatione Ant hia generation't-41ais- ntay rae-en dry pap, _then in. the centre of the e itkretleclare-the--reimi: of---thoso who slutre hie life," his one or two days,if the subject has spiritual ..prosperity, which ea,me incipient tuberouloeis, * smell not only nt opite of, but through pimple comes at the place va4ein- his huireliation. Per his life it tak- ated with the tuberculin, but not INTEIlleATILOM LESSON: MOM lemon 3E. Philip attorthe Ethiopi- an, Aets.8: was. Golden Text, jobb lit Itt,• UU trail, the share cracking. of the Axel engei of the Lorde-wheehor Allod •Jettee $ind brie bet% tut' lanolin. 14thenAhe reaction ie pool - 'a the irea kettles S'VfinOn againtit or by genie inward 'communication,' anuounced the glad tg* ef JesusliefeellS in th6 4.10113r.eta#4., Of tubers° sob other.. And always t ey were visiert not r eeeeod_aed..—Philip,gurlired ,eulosie _the- anantmg_ 4.s. followed drivers' , whips, and the ting.tang be appeared iu some visible form, filed 'in no other. And preach tive ithet is to say, when the 4$Alh *ret-...aetheouelt-,-Pheeeteor ny n ore _ t lie*" bt 1111.411 C0114e1400114*, nUttt 44)115 S°`ritItC4SPI°- 114en°C tet-w"nr *within two da by - an eruptioo on . seeing -vittLeAss wit re laid. in any ae itcw *s• et es the Many eeteseptoent of dote Mes- -ate *rat „tit ,a .flumber of malt rests end.strenge; seueer bringing A real Triotlitkirelitem 13111h iEt the prophets and the then 'we*. which itch, more or tees, , Tut!. Waikett.,*filli.,114u. 31 that vial Go toward tha7;;;;iii7 ou'rol; well-known life vf4etut of !Taxer- iirti'.'ususity surrounded by an zre4,. as , grandmothOe$ fatb0S-was Samaria) auto ...the . way . that led e„,tle b.... Ile Placed 44310 in his life, of reddish or purplish teen. After lawn by, four oxen, but one 0 outhweist '!,,roinet Jerusalem unto aelltut. and 'At/treaty ' :heglii.Je the 1 ten -41sYs ot two weeks **eruption thefts; nknowe ts 'ferry, ,gart exa. The examerieaa. road crowed Vitture of the Messiah winch titre rs,,,ductily thottlopears. . . had been °11 the .road a few 443'3* salient, the -great highway of ewe- set that the ture war a Pertrait perfect for sometime* & reaetion sho"Ons of alcke"5 when thtle or joined into the Nod from ,yerta., prophets , bad, elated, and all could llone of these teite is absolutely The men ,4eve,_ low methane and merge stud travel to Egypt and . doctored him all they could but 6,r• occurs i he seemad to grow weaker all the t Pienoe to all ettS of Africa. Whith h" this humiliation and `''strwee losite Theetwo Skin testeetm about It slesort. nceitivited pasture morning, when they went to time instetel of tettere minelyeakeee:ilesmIs. ft is uncertain whether de- -could also explain _ _ , of lesus wl en there io no tubereu- were the lucztns by '016 the glineles equal as restarda reliability. The of the Messiah and his kingdom_ eye test, I illustratelCt°h bo attained, stytaitnee'cles:d0uhte or *ill! losembegeinildnia2eng`titiFbpgehriktfbaa41141:147,4070nurgsttehr;' Holy 416'4 .and the character o , hi:Wooed iu favor of one or other fluence . as..niret-steedish.owanna.init54,41; of the atioIutely sure skin tests: I . --Y-6,,uth's, .Compamon. they feu the oxen to the wagon, sett refers to the country, the de. hire dead. *ert road, or to the old .04 of Per a afty or two they; went on Gi" (4:4"11411 'Maul Smith) which with only th-r (ese---yeelv---- Theo Mr. had been deserted for the new city Hardang met a tra(146t *he' as neial.c.tiletritter 1:iose and went.—A Wee to tell him a, pet ex het he :called "Old Mustard," to take the, Paeentle Under sealedorders, as10 oat* of Jerry. often in life, not kitowing the object It was a very funny:looking ox, of his journey. Govvinuent thipit Indeed, net like ally that mary or are often tient out with sealed or - anybody in her family hut ever ders not to. be opened till out At. seen befoto. Ito4", very irs,ro. see, ,;ece tliathy reo means could their rowel heed, wive ehaggt hair Imo: destmatioo or purpose be revealed 1_24. A mart of Ethiopia. ed on top. and on' hit seek trio -a to the enemy. . irty ye tile tra,d "He 11 -fielder, ne. atureel, and veil pull wort, than ,shy ox *1/46 Oise over saw. Betides, he will gat on With lest rate and lest vette. Ite it .bs,11. uffelo—he ihows that ire his huge bead and thoulders. Vor this ease son. he•will be *Ord* more to-yoU, than *fly *out or watch.clog. he On *moil, Indian*, it mile **Ay* willvfiglit them on sight.'" ` • Iferding did note. quite liko boy se\ ctrouis0 44.44#041ibt ha Must set another filir 00MeW and $0 he took Old Iltiostatee. By the end of the Ant, 4isty tio as very glad be bad done 400 for the funny -looking yeilew creature, took its pie.* ets the tongue of the tea tine' pulled :steadily, and well.; And every clay After that bit el"' his work faithfully, and aeemed never to be tiek or to newel tired. Be ,the end of the fourth week the *seem -train' hisel entered country Itfolroo tint , were oW11 to be on the 14/4 toultle *sot expected. *ten found the, .tetexies ill Pert it in over,. hat, why metal te'reriTor the laid:: south o But from the • name Of r oxibba Mustard. Queen Candies, it w*seprobahle Very: Pretty," **hi the „ atkong, sod €0.04. .4* country which ay on . 0 * 1 'th nod w est ter * *he roar* t ow fiknto ieg the day mp forAtfenee 'tilt thing fleet vies done ** as the stop was made for the. ewes to "PIA" ell the its they celled it. The no ox rts 'two* tiliseod, n * groat de drcle and thairied on to another. e. s the etttle wereppieketftl An s"de to, grue, with nem arrned ira with euns to watch ix t look of the Nile from itsiune- tin :kith the Athara„. far 44 Xhartouni, and thence to the .est of the blue Rile. to. the Abele:ilium Mountains, ,pt great authority. ,A men power„ wide influence, proce, Under Wile Of 4h. ndivi re' sty", as kharito ter in: '4tonie. hiopiens. The 3 was. governed e q tinle 'f Augustus, ,* aceorchn to ,Eteielnuss *von to his time, three hundred leer* after. Chritt. Chtr of all let, tress**, , °homelier of the exche'quero sooreet*,11 treasury. • • •iKt 411,tirriling."414014:oa by °Vitt exactly the 'right ("too reeding") • Greek form of Issialt. Hee was saing- aloud ait wit the custom* ttat ip was able to hear it. was s leatant And profitable stom o long loUrneys. 9. Then• the Spirit eat& irit speak* not only to our feel* Iaee Not the I, but, of is dre ' -Riot _awl n the m Mi- ni in the hit to our itt4stnettiee co. Whoever it perfeetly wit- ohey the voice of the Spiri rull he guided. aright. Prejuthees, L 1*thin we a uneillingitest te- obey, past tritio- s slwzys a Ane form! d. in g or, failure of training', in $o far 1.11.0 es we allow there to exert ittiinetel *Ppinets any w erect, .*ill Astra," ; 'so iron 1'; enjoy ,,rt lofty soul is o• ften hest Men ed itt the toil,. service. sle way to ertAe *ore of is to make tome one el' *Sic that 'angel* *elk isi . • They came: unto a certain .water. probable Mitrultah, about To vimto OFF 4 day's journey from Ilehron, to- - • • . ward Gaza. 'Max doth hinder me To ward off "disease • to be haptizedi-This VMS $21:411g, Don't get "inn do*rek ore‘played believe itt Jesus AS the elessialte out." If tired., rest. I accept hire Ske. 1:4Y Sav,iour, and. Don't. le foul Air. weet to confess 'Wirt by haoi Donet drink impure water. tism," as all other Christians had Don'ts buy dirty milk. heen doing. Without doubt Philip, -Don't, nee - - had tole him about ,baptiote aa the Doubt eat food badly cooked. Christitin way ,of acknowledging Take cooking.lessons semeetere, ; Christ.' _ . • - Don't kiss dirty children. • It thee believest, ete.--This Dein mouth date mete,. • X*. is wanting Jr*. the hest meow; 'Don't to, :wish your 'hands scripts, and was.probably insetted Oftere from .$oine .,Margtoal note mole to .Don't rub Your eyes with "dirty keep readers from otter. Slit it is - lie true answer to the Mite:1*W* on't try' to keep iYilp end question. lee -believe tbait eitut about" isal the time it you are tick Obritt it the Son of pod. Ile be. but go to bed. . ; Hayed with, hit mind end*hist beta. Diphtheria. is sprtsei ile,e the. lips hi,t) Matte. r or -otho-things which n in, -tier mouth, ani 38. ie ed the cliatiot-driver carnoitesedid the Atari Ile tion, \le often *Icarried in atop, isnd of courier the whole- roe- *ye be kissingt ,unclean n Would *es 'whet took place, and by *pestle. tliey *toy ciirttiely, , rossrded as. fever, .meitslet and amall- tbe of * congregation ox ' 'he •earried from the skin tablithed,itt. Ethiopic He bap- o 'el patient to wall: pool* by tea idea—T-14 rite' fond and' fingers. - rongir- hW-10,.. Mad, * ' Tolteiidelever and " cholera lo Of hit ftith in, liesus, errtee bydirty habit* And dirty Ater and dirty mulk But don't. WOO,' *hOUt these 'things, for **II suds and Sunshine are powerful elisinfeeta,nte, good toiiibitt; and right, , living are -firm, Wends: and eted, * **tog, body bestpraettion) does not footbold,to dileaei-producing gerris. 2113101.111 eving is mimply life giving. , he betpful hand is -never empt 0 *esti* fairer tfFas grouchy ian.g;antri V $4711 str the tempts* *TS A ship will' fleet the guiding magnetio need- aoie thyself to this% cheriot. eleellent illustretion is f.n:id Pilstriftwir Progress*, where Chriemn' e AS wandering *round in doubt. etilanZeIitis directed 14 r t'it A 6 ' "•€ ' • e d tit -erheard le "air (tesieS)3 itt gip TH LEADLt »R1NK1NG CUP. Eaerytom:nes" drink* fr&m the tin dipper of the Ito, who e drinking water zu the eountry tolsoel to the sr:mike ware eup hairted beside the feu - AV el the city tehool ettp. Theme are e stugeril, Iota liviag, rrms *waiting the first, kanter ths 1410assi t t • e 1 „Ott *.ot,04,40.,4:m,,i,:t440, 'bastes the,...c011it.r and biotite - ether itt.* •_teretstenetthith. nwron Ot .thiettiot- to fit. the *lotto -iieforot 'theeiteillateitTIOUte ett, Thite *eke not Pestible. Teo -blotto- thould te. 'tie 04 ,• -U. ,OE--..-- 411A*140W oily. • A neekband or toller-Aitialted it e lower.-• and of the vorreet .shoo. beleid over the bleuse *tone& the 'neck, then • tatefulle pinned fut. ,ao thet there are pucker* • * bletestee With the eitteee, , 4 r It thou! now he tried on with shoulder seam *till cinlY bas collar basted on sted'steeve b&sted in, that •the et of all three me,r he proved •oe, altered before emir of the sewing he done. The • reason for doing Viet all together is because either. collar or sleeve, Mae' dot:troy' the fit of the other. - Another -the --pointeete'oftesit verlooksel is 00±tsin itip,sth of tee un thee-irm. - -The Mesh fashionable gowned women demand to be allowed to turn on the' gat; they, preeureahly„ havo found it in- convenient to he disabled by their :Amplest Of blouses; To gain this length,. two things are rielteettryi Do not cut out the armhole too much ender the anti, and when the tape- measures is placed round the waist to defor- m/he the .waist -line, lower it 0 lit.' 00 bit and lot tite wearer -to -be reach- up to. prove whether or not the -underarm Beton, is long enough betweee tleeye *ad belt. 'The *poop tied down with a rib -- on ,tun through a. casing is a -de- cided improvenient - on the very ehort dread:able guiinpe. 'newt - able the suggestion that it merle removable -teemed es) peavey to t average ,ifirestMaker Just the mar - t et eolee. that veiled put ot In& • (mid which .was the !worse lefter -thee wearer liadegone ta the infinite paint of pinning down some „tort of a douleteback-aetion; st't it always: to be assumed that - ebb every lady hes the luxury of a - • It isenot• possible to buy the tied ,down guiente Miele tiecked or plain tulle, presentably there has been complaints, be some sufferer who could not see her back, but eelt its generefly beet appearance. These newer guimpes (trim in at the Waist line or below :,the bust, if pinned to week with an empire gown. The separate tulle, sleeve not so trou'inesome,, hecatose either few stitabee or 4 ettelieious pin or shield clamp obviate the dif- ficulty. - There are, hpvitwer, many gowns of such make ett terelee the slemee attached to the° guimpe *.blessing to the Wester. For .the home drestmakter thee ilititeetteessedetiedelewngarmteit is the eitsiest Wei out. The thinnest of yokes --the most elaborate-emay be attempted at home with the cer tainteeof-,-fite And if the lece of the yoke ,he. allowed to extend tar 50401,1 fx down, there Will be: the oeld advantage' of its,' *boil* - wearable with more gowns- thane one, • . PO: deitline wearethere is X ion- deney toweeepatt fronethe tiattehene ored tau and adopt the more un- usUal, 'Batik' or is atiothen fevtirieteant4 'Am,* toning fitotes the, white .ollea are ote or 1.0$14 ,p**$.6 sificto the advent of the colored' glove. ongee aod all the verletions of meterie will he popular " , , Stack for...evening wear spangled with se1d and silv 11* tradestalut had ren4:14! ed hit bill, waited a wont and theta It!?:444 ' Zaekt‘ m hill0, with tltes word*: " a re it • tic _ izton Tee bill 'Kindly anawuat of n y Arad the e promptly politely tfertairtly. It it Tits third month the sits wrote: /00 send $04 44, ch.qai. for Ije *mount of my billt" answer tees*, with theque. Iu si 'h A I 3. .;„ A • tt;