HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-6-24, Page 6•e ••r :.,:µ.w; M,It F/Fs 1~' TIIEE ••MES �N azo :i .V Capt. Joseph bP'igaatiue •Carribbeltn,' arrived fro *rho ►`'Neat Tudiee at HHalifit;c and ro •th ,t ,ou the outward passage, acini'eigli•'yixittes' south, south-west of Cape Sable, he was a aeutseven miles,off etli,ioh o;ypettred to Ila a great rook, bat knowing there Are uo roosts iu that vicinity they ran to- ward i„t•,ta diiseievot$.>;yti e •.w s. Ay. they Approached e-ektill c►tptaiii':. thought it was a eau buay, wliislla heti reoeutly get adrift, dud, getting still uearere, i hail, tire -app raucdtof 'a 1ltrge wreok bottom up. They Bailee nu until_ alm:+)at Within :?OI oat of what I they et Ias,t made met tobeau *itneetee devil fish. .Both °Apt, Hall P.>,El- Capt.; llLCray* give'tbe following tis what they 1 thtuk tie be the di,u,ausiens of the huge monster ; • Its length was ninety feet, width twenty feet, while it was about twelve foot above the surface of the water, Its eyes, which were not very I large, were utidtir wetter, white neer its head was a large balloon about 18 feet across whioli looked as though made of silk. Its viler was a pinkish grey, while the main body of the fish was a dark grey, and around it seemed to be a fringe, which also had a reddish ap- pearance. By guiug up the rigging a short distance they could see its aria-' or feelers, which were ten in flambee, float twelve to eigbteen feet long These, whets' the balloon connected with the main body of the fish, seemed to be about the thickness of a man's leg. They had a good view of the strange creature as they approached it brt:adeide, and Lhou ran across its pows. It appeared to be going. though the water about four miles au hour, and provelliug itself with the arms above described. SOUND ADVICE. We advise all yGuug..pebp Vire, , early in life., the habit of using god,�e,Iu nage, beth ;in,•, ping anti r�vritikin, ltn9i Mao 'to abannoothe use of Wang words auel phrases. The longer they live, the More difioult.ttrliti tttisi tion of good langa'tge will be and if the golden age of youth, the proper ti ttSor,theaegnisitiou of latiguage.'-foo potation ieiit lnee, the unfortunate victim of•uegleeted education is very probably doomed to talk slang for tire. i 1lioneyis,not•neoessary to secure this edlteetieu., Every tont has it in his power, He lass to tieo tile :language which he reads, instead of. slang which he hears ; to form tastes from the best speakers and poets of the country ; to treasure up choice purities in his mem- ory, and habituate himself to their nee, avoiding at the same tirne, that pedan- tic precision and bombs►«t, which alio w ratlior.tbo weakness of vain am bition than the polish of au edacatod mind. teeeseees A WONDERFUL STONE. • There is a wonderful Irish story about a stone on which the ancient hinge of Munster were crowned after a primitive bat not unoommon fashion. If any sat thereon, with no blood.right to the throne, it gave no sign: but when the true heir preeselt it, a rniracul,,ns sound of approval was heord. O'Fieliery.telle ns: 'Siuee the incarnation of ours bies.- ed Lord, it bap produced' Its suet souuda.t We are mot inf'rrned of the oonuection between the Babe of Bath Iebem and the Lie •F+tit:; The reputrcl travelling advoutures of this atone c.)n• statute a greater marvel than it.: speak- ing powers. It was the stone set UP by J...cub for his pillow. He or et rn.e body else took the trouble, some butltl red years after, to hunt it up, awl elrry� it to Egypt. 1<Vheu the Irish i4lileat►1) eoiouistd left that. land with Pleira' h',• deugbter, it came along to Troland Ages afterwards some one took it t. Seotiand. It was the Scottish ootona Holt et0ne. It )vas t,tolen from Senile by Edward L It is now known a• tile' etoronation attlne of S 'esttlituister A.bb''r All this, and inure, was honestly be Heaved by writers and hietet huts nett! lately. Now several ia'tcinlutsare givei; that throw more thou a shade cf 'lone upon the romance. iIr. Jennie Masco 1 t prepared to show that the cant,• Scots eubniitted a roegh baillflt'g stile fur the &nniue article when nederod tr• tend it to London. Ilett Dr. P: irie. the learned and well ice;timer;, i$ con vinced that the f'e'el tiLone never went to Scone set all, but that the Lia still in Irel,Lni1 staudiiig oa the eirt- uf Tetra's Hills. Semepeopho have cnmfortab'i' noti.m- t'f where other ;void., go when the... die. Tlie Rev. J. S. b'nrnis, a P,esbv lei Lim, is reported by the Philad'•lphi,t Throe- aw inf.'ri:.in'g life eotigrega•.inu that bell is in thio bl yin; eentre of Ilse earth. 'Dowu in title tic's,' be eei.7, hui.riblu noise. • I.,f,ten to the ti, inen'L'u•t, the horrible upr,tite n' reoeie.nd c'f tgtl .r,n 11 (1 oieatnree, Dhoti e;:it tbo fit(,, of tee!! 1 Olt! the ...cream's ,.f rear, the groans of h )rcor, the y:ah - r i,1,nre, Lite erre.,. of pain and the M11.'u" :'%;' ry, the ,tt is ke~ '.t deepalr, front iS;L •1 t , and Fnt'hiotti 1 'I'iieie }(Nl till►' ti. E.tll ru:tl iii„ litre lietetit h iesi.;g l+tirt,er.t'+, l,10% tttg 111x„ doge, anti waili Hite drngonei 'I't,tire t'o't) hear the gnct. h illie of ie tit and t.bo fearful pleepb' mite, of the Elcvile, Abuvi all you hear the tlinr,tl.r of God's anger, whiel1 Eiiah. l.t•.ii to its fotitii :tiiut:.' lie deslhribed 1, e inutates of title hull puff'. ring, .with. tett a Iit01t1:ettt'e Cessittif�},, the rhos' 1rigbtful tonere The fu11'ttvilig it a t,itstistf%P frolO the stamen :---The roof Fi reel flat:. The floor iy the s. red h 1t. See, on the, middle of th'tt r d- liut iron iI or attends it girl. She has trt:itber shoes nor Rt;oktn„rs on her feet. Ioteteul- She speaks. 1tilte• sap: • '1 bttve been standing .tti•tli my bars feet nu. this red hut iloot for years. Sleep .tit+ver came on. for tis for a • zlL"tneut. S, iik at. my ,burnt feet.. Let me go off} tbie bnrtiiltg done. for one rnorru'nt— only f••r'. a e i,t„ t moment. 0 1 three,' ill ttaag andlv�+ etertety of- years Il oria!it Gorget '1)e peril only. for onei single iii norit.' The .devil answered f,G•t. t111i',w1 ion ; it tlr. not for • a blit it H �. mnti,eut, rlit►l!.}°. u r vt r leal,ve this. re(1-.i INDIAN D1;PUEDATIONS. The fair reader shudders when she thitcks of the settler's wife watoliing, from the floor of her rude lint, the re- treating forth of her llasband going out. to his daily tabor—going out perllapii to return not again, for before night- fall a savage haud m,ty lay him loo' smug the prarie grasses. Or it mat be a child, a blight -eyed ileu titer, is snatched away in an ungarded molnent. to grace the neat war dance. When we read tits heart rending details of these savage depredittion, we are apt to blame tate government for not saltine more strict precautions to assure the settlers protection: But we daily reap of the depredations of that arch lend, consumption, with scarcely a thought of the terrible inroads it id waking' in human life.. Tens of thousands of homes are aelnntally desolated by 0011- sunz.lttiou to one by Indiau outrage.' Like •t.be Indian, consumption o tteneet comes stealthily, and no danger is ap • preheu'ieil nntil the victim su'itlenit. flzldY himself hopelessly ensnared, and death's f.tt.t1 arrow gilds tri? scene. Dr. Pierce:0 Golden 'dedio:tl Diecoverv, a potverftll alterative, tot bl sod.pnriii-r•, and tonic, has restored thonsandi of consnmpfivei who bits tried every' other remedy reooaltnenit'd to thein, without obtaini'•g any reticf, anti' a.re willing to ttstif y to its remedy powers. 111rw.tun or (l,>1NTF'arrr•rs ANn (MiTtTto?ts: rlie high reputation guiu.'3 nykI.ti;rArv's Pee- r, tri I3ALgt:a for the aura of Coughs, COM - :mil all disease.; of the 'Titro tt and Lungs ?las ;.,ttu ri-'t: to al urit•'t4 itnitn•een'n, the genu- ine PRO:WHAL 33ALsstr hats Cita carne of P. C. Hatzyar.i blown iii the hottie watch fa of the large size and. sells at 85 ors. ZG c think it proem• to warn the uu=;uspecttti against I3.LL- -A is bsariag other names, or remedies off, -r,•'1 l; n subatitnte. Look carefully to thi::,nd teas no other than Il.iiwT3.w's PLctonAL Few people !lave any ilea of the care with which tub:teco lies to be atteteled after it 1, grown. It will iethibe rd'lrs ,f almost. any kind 1f placed Bear the .nnlce of them. A. pig stye, for 1n-1 .tit);e0, near the 1 dais wh t' a the pia!). ters(oro. bit Crops will impart-, n die- v:reeehl) Haver, ishil'h 'to care after- tittr,ls Will div';;t it CIF. .1.Iun:1; teeny Ineeeti'i•,ue taken to n1talu a fitulllets leaf for the '•itivrtle Navy - brand, iR tt) rtvl't,t t 1 1 CA, Ptf111V tli, m'a• this:+ which Pvery fernier ttclt)ptS with tli°i erop5 in the•sew:Ions '.f Virginia where the '' 1il rile N:►vy" leaf is , g• YOWL ouewPreto1 E q;. io s71itiigin£0L35Of A sultwgitt ' oosof hielpoty %:-I iage groat dofsros , s fort. iii d Uv ciiu ev trail, soouroiy ee , i ooeipto Itxr Vorit►i ltitsctte "rinexr ih(ttteo I�U14 2 WORKS. sale-.LTMAN It G antes re• s()ddlneuts to 75c par box: 4 here. Whole. to. Sent •h r ice. Address 0« Tenon o G L TO 1 PROPR TIF. T:at fog added to my mond. mayyt�utnerv, noel 1',ru onre l 1t 1 tt ;e quantity of i1V$t.elBoa pump lots, 1 HMI pre.itrca'.uu.tot art article .. Su, erior to t.ny Facttiiy in blit County,. and atprices that ctery competition, Rolls and Uistnrtta dugott the nisortest notice. Bolero purchasing can tt the Flan' Pump Works. ` r.^,,'3hop--Ono-quarto utile unit of ginner, T,outlott Road. Huy ) GREAT BARGAINS tIN - . j ILI :It5:IL�t. AT MISS GARLICK'S Tho reulaining stook of t+ununnr Rats and Trimming., Panthers, Flowers and Ornaments tvi11 h e .;cid at greatly uttiucacl prices 'fir (400(.1F4. Rnniton,tnd. Point Braids, Berlin and 'Maley Wools, Ottrnti ins and Slippers, Theca (smut ,s anti Braid Pius, Oar,ll,oarii, Iliottoes, ere., etc, These (;noels nOvit be cleared not, lilts will be sold cheap- er than they a -11 be got anywhere else in town J.GA1%LIUK, MAIN STIREET, - - EXETER. [1.1 W w ul H n� n_f 0 C3) P•t 0 0 4.4 0 0 ' Xr,TNE 24, 188 I n Ortns and Piaiios The Largest anti Most Cornpleto Factory iu the Dominion, 140.1110 feet. highest Honors ever awarded to any 'Maker iii the MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT (1^N'Pr^,7sTN.IAT,. Do tlo hlDN1'lY, AUST ltol,1A,• 1877 (T(lfd) :11h,1.)AT, :1.1' PHOCI\'!1 11, 1?ifllere ttN, 'I'ttit•.)\1CI. IIIetheler AWARD AT INDUS'.L'lRIAT, 1C1I11P,I'C1UN, TORON'CO, 1$70. We are 11OW intilluf:lctllrillg Square and Upright Pi(anos.. Dest iu the I1lnrl;('T. Correspondence solicited: Send for T1•-• ustratt,d Catalogue. 11ia•iled free. Address 7;..711172Lou OValeon.and , .°.a,;11..o °rap may. , BOWMAN-VILL 1, DNTAILIO. inn() s• '3 to 1.4 (I�7 PU13%�I0 SU.Pi iLi111) on -tide,: than over. DALIHWOQD FURNITURE WAREROOMS WM, W. BALL would )titnato to those about to furstlsh hcuscs nr iu w)r,o of ;t of tieing in Ilia tine that it has s.t ih tl Jtwgoly to his i tellitia; flu rirg nett fret -class Wel. :lush, 11uo)s eoi ut- ru 1' aan.ess on Maud. Al10 ranee a 8paeiuitp. (Jive hint .t cull Linea weed, J a uo 17, 'leas ly 4 , ff.••i•:aSE:Tr-.J"Tffi'l'7TJT.^"-.. -q��- .RRS'.'L+_'e4:ClwJ�.`0..1 !..+,may y ,� Y"4 i't�l ti d' lri;71 $5 i,' • �• vl r. s.5fr 3: t 9 luta es, Sci,t ou adz Cod 7, t'ort}d, It u. : p • II •AF LE tel' � n lrkOjl d'.z"il Piro"' PRINTED AND PUBLISHED 1I�3 TiJtiE DOMINION. . NOW I:e ITS SECOND VOLUME. . Unparalleled Success! Newand Improved Form. 16 Pages Only One Dollar Per ''oar "Pon 52 1`Ef;tliE3EEde. 4 Numbers a Montle; 832 Pages a Year; 3,328 Columns for One Dollar.} ono be relied nn ;te• te WINAN'a Oren STAND., ' yR1IIr, tIfi;SChl71I'lli TAKE 3 T a . il Itttnttity of titou:du; th 1 pn uh,, f s� rh •}r i.ut a ter. ,,t p;tttc•tat ,:r .t tt u s p.i*t, 'ted r st.e. isle. aulieils a e.niti atatlu,t e, Dara a,nttao hi no Intim.%. A CO:41PLr t:E AND le STOCK D ur a & Chi a'�ic �7 Coo:41;114. on ha -1.1 unci r\ arrant' d of 'BEST QUALITY' & AT IIO.DE.ItATL- 1 PRICES Wines -mid T.hr •sirs I bes,tqualtiy. A contpltt:,,totlk of HOLILT) R1t BRA rdt:ft cilli is rat'ri c Pons, &s. Ahvays on httlul, ,l.lso St•atianery,Schoo) Boahs;Fanoy Goods,ac Derated strictly to Agriculture, Ilorticulture, Stock, Dairy, Poultry, the Apairy, household and everything pertaining to a Farm; both out of doors and in doors. . Its 'Weekly Commercial Reports .and Prices are env (u.todrA, T'Aht5 .(raordinary success this paper has met. with ' at O.: hands of the yonmanry of Canada during the f, t ye:tr;sttutda unriyulcd in the uitnals. of journttl- am o£Canada or the United States, Q 1 trgcstaff of able•actd practical writers arc cn- ge. il, and corieip,ndcnce of a •valuable nature pe trs w. e. t' from its many' subscribers In Nov t aeutia iitthc Last and British Columbia in the West. EsAIMI'Llbi col itt1E51 vti tux Printed and Published at the Welland Steam Print- in„ .nae, establishted /COT, by ":. P, PAGE, N, B" (:OLCOCIii, Proprietor. Address, CANADIAN VATtM»R,. ' r I.ttaat, 11,.Wellan,3,..Una... CENTRAL . anon , (1VIISJi.N.'S OLD BT.CAN f)) Directly opposite tho Central Fldtel. !✓,. L LZL. elitral Hotel IT, JOHN DREW wht. has removed opposite tt,•e (len Hotel, r•.xeter,luts opened out a New rS `1 ooair. of Flarniture, and Undertaking Goods throughout. SHROUDS, GLOVES and ail. SOCIETY EM blems furnished at low prices. rig FUNERALS ATTENDED BY iLIY8EI.r. SA1.'1ISr'AOTTON GUARANTEED. I thank my nninorons enstomers for. their favt rs in tho past, and hope to morit a wain -mince of their patron: ge In my new stand JOHN DREW. FF. Nkkj.kkanKFIrilaokikaluiv.•FrikkOIN.FIFFICOCkaME•okkInFa edies If ''tai v� 1 • ONE OF' THE OLDEST AND MOST BELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOP. THE CURE 07 Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, ^ere Throat, Bronchitis, lnfiuenza, Croup, Whooping Ccu h, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and tom, ezt, including CONSUMPTION, VWELL-KNOWNPHHYS.IICIAN WP7T7.: • " It does not dry up a cough, and 'tsarre t;r,: err s•..r behind, as in' ate case with most Aral:.ra n�u but loosens it, cleanses the lungs avid aide y.e is ; talion, tiros removing the -cause of cos aplr..ia f." DO NOT Et DECEIVED by arti:di a bearing a similar name. Be surd you g t WISTAR'S BALSAM OI+ WILD CiI.EItli;ii , with the signature of "L BUTTS " u:: ilea wrapper. • 50 Cents and .$1.00 a 1::L1tle. Pet,. pared by SsTR W. PONTI,L & 14Iase. Sold by druggists and dual'tngen :redly. . • .0..,s' s„i.ar. Ft, tee - 't1 .ti 5 A Protected Solution la t%8.lroto, i2e of iron, t Is as Gasify digested .and aseirnilated with t1'. blood as the simplest food. When the. blond does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, tho deficiency can be supplied by the use of the. • PLT UVTAN 8 IR b',', It eases a " ticoitean,l ills" simply by TONItre Ur, Y3,1,TOO .•,ATINe, aIisl ; VITAi.IZIivo the systotu.. The enriched • and: Vitalized blood peruse test .every Ilam ret" the body, repairing damages nn:1 waste, searching out morbid socret)o-•y ' ' citing f ;r• disease to feed nom,. arta is toe. , eerett ail the wond.erfnt success of this remedy in curia;; Dyspepsia, Liver Cor;t.plaint,' :`t ifs, . Dropsy, , Chronic • l l•artrhina," Nervous Affections, r'era1al8 , Complaints, Anti all"dibeascs originating in a bird 'state n£ : the blond, :or accompanied by debility, or a low , state of the system. 0A17Ti OZt.'--33e'.sure you. get the 'Pd RTJ1V114N'Sir.RUP.it Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent ,free 10 any aridr' is 119- Stall •tyStiai'u W. Fotvt.fe S: Sows, 1'rc:, ri+atvra, 30 lbw.... rison Avonue, 3.ustrin. ,Masa,..;