HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-18, Page 6 (2)-
IA*. :04ZSOVI!!1,41444^ "Kr
busizies3 tniihed,
-4 tO his; chainte'
. the-notes,and she mut
ni on t
unhleked tt'
• dueed the pliotlfra.
gravely handed her,
*MO to keep hiSto,friaite
lie blushed witlp 7 -sham
Pushed .the etes,towards
slid not, take them up, but allow
them t lie therei,
Rebekah. ,• exarnii,i"
And tbere are no 4.1Zhers
Istence 1"
With a sigh of relief she be au
vie tear them into little- pieces.
"I wish you 'every happiness,
. Ale said-cliffsdently.
"In whatf;:' she asked coldly.
'In. -your .-iiarriage-,----of
!he replied with eiirprise at the
question. ,
She gave him a look of‘contero
land wilzhotit another. word ieft
She travelled home as
a's her car tonld 'take her,
•Vouid awaiting iier a telegran from
Lord .11arecastle, to • say that. he
would arrive some time 111'i -the af• .
1-ernoon and, that the Earl would-
1Actoinpany him. The news gale
'her no l'Aeasure-, but only added
lie) her diffiturtier,,. for she had no
;desire to _see him ,unitil she end
.,had her talk vitt* Iter father.
'the .sooner that .was over tile
e, tokr
.0 here etk.
1 .4°I thought so. Iliere
ry inmiewhere, i4 »'
% • 1;4 has ,11
red oilt
'h er
ou m
e• qn :134
(To los tontimue4.
l again, .,11
'ant tb•
took her fro :him. and rose
s -no -use.
lHuge siulbit*I":11emevcas
"Can I. sax aothiii
move you 1_ -
r. Inireoir'steo, -..4desPa'ration
sf -
hat moinent r
•r.a. -47.-31oldherg re ri
she*ez in her ArM,S.
_kith :was
'itorWar4 w s
Iltat is the 144 ar
c en4orly.
noas( -
Aland tok. "
hi.ng wjil
emled to
hitt will
. au, lion
„:.44,• it
ite her ,*. the arm, Amis..
*Jie rev.' -,b k, -for She thought that, Rebekah gave a "C - ,joy.
in his agei he was•about tt;• strike itY0ti win stAppOrt 01e,, ttui4.
her action and he lot -can't , marry him, 1 'reallY can
vier, He sw
ter arm. fall. Suddenly be he'''' Auct father wants to force me
tune calm, and sitting down, met 't.481iiirael__Jciel, 1,-tO.14,you,,,from
gioned-rteb,*1;14-10:4:---oblitis,•-'----:--. '''-- -fie 'Aiet -Vint 1 diii, not, like this
"Letlis talk it over vilinly," he engagenie,nt, and I'm-not-surprii,,
.)-egaii-ipital ..S7-7,'"-..T-iirni7Orr$:1-ite •oti t hear1* ,”
Iny feinper, but you must own that I "She shall marry him.. It would
I baVel -1,eason.. COMO., •itlear, I ' 'be ,as well that you -should under -
bav.en't been a bad sort of fattier -to ,s4,and this, Rachel. And. I forbid
ycou, have I"E''' • Ion to encolirago Rebekah. in her
4,14-0.// •
• (disobedience. ,Voti and I have li
"Then trust tri . T 11 Me what lc& together for Mal* 4F4tarS an
is wrong.. I may able to Set we have not quarrelled; Iion't I
matters r;glitt I an sure you love us commenee now." .
itim, so it can't be that. What • "Realize that I mean ;very wo
Is it?' . '• •
4.• that I said just_neiw,"" he contin
Put it down to a woman 4 Willnl. i tit turning to Rebekah. "Plea
1.1.re We not allowed to change our) leave the room for * women
Paiinde?" she taieweretl, with an Ot' X414.,h01.1° -2- • 1 . ''' -' " . ^ . ,'
tempt. at playfulness „that . riv, , illis. ,Goldbeig looked Iregiitiii
pitiful 3n- the ',extreme. -•'Ily at Rebekah, * world of, pity i
**To.. Notin a Illatte,r late thiS. 4ter ...eyes, but she knew suffiete
,Jetter, and she baster ed to lier fu... laverything liss been -arranged.; the o r .brother not to eros* him in
th '' l'h '. • was IA tilting Tit !awyers zl-e- 1i-reps:ea the"de thie mood: so .she went out. with a
tabk add -glanced tip. as she ilLord Wolverhell :comes 144lay;. keeeed look of 'eon -cern ..4.0 her
•Aei.t,cored, : ' * ..., Al,1),Yult-Y.I'm ecousented to be :,our, 1 • - '
'Where*have you 'been l't!-Iie 4$ Pltebt ' - ' ' .'' . 1;4"-vtlifi-
o r
The. cash 0 0
froM Premiu
*407.01104,24 showing
tory Saerease o 481f
ttxtetertex se narosuiestnot.
The bush:Kiss ha* been Condueted
on a conservative ..basur, as ia
.stwirtt' br-a- reduction in
the ratio .of -eXpentees Preillitt1t1
income, thereby placing the North
ArueriCall.1 Life in the ftwit,-romkot
ecenomicitily-managed Citnadian
The amount, on
vs' attoinit was
o this *um
TheAiosts * incr
-ear by the sum,
:low *Amount
Assets; continue
▪ 'reire„-in c3ted in
securities av
f these will
ased *ter the
I* .01,, and
be, as reto.,
1 t
do .' .
ork, .,,- ,
* ;;ti e x ..,10 '
I., "cl I
ii : n • lone,
641 ,', ttenteni,.* illiikliell -find
Toyrnent; The iargeSt, number
o the,' are engeged '. in makin
lathe, -Ifere.are the figures "'of the
prineiPal '2occiipationS ;
ANS* 4
400 1600
r *
A,6,11 -10410,2
nd pktiting 7P,150
Letais machinery (Q,946
ries 41.;1,1$1 2$4
404 I.. ..Advite
*5 he htlIkecl in-
Lble; a detail list
ubIitheir with the
for distribittiorL-
-After 1 proilsion
for all liabi paying the
sum of $1,24t77140. for dividend* to
policy -holders, the. net surplus was
increased to $870,214.10,
v.:- The polities issued during. the
et 3ixtfu,iittogedettheetrhowistulip:o_htos jimre5vAec14.....,
,run. 00for,e01114.skition,g34it.".0eri.tovoorrt.a.1 insurance in
11.6 A monthly ...examination of the:
u; books of. the/Company was made
by the Auditors, and at the dose:
of the year they made * thorough
11 scrutiny of all the securities' held
Jo by the ebniparty... A .committee (15
the...retard, consisting of Of .4t4w4)
rectors, Made, an independent
dit _of the, securities each Atiza,rtor.
Itfanaging Director. President.
The Annual Report containing
detailed list of the securities will
be sent in due course to -each
.tour don," I
meu I Is; art
e, didn't you'?"
"Well, now, sir," mid the caller,
drawing a Chair up to the clergy-
man's desk arid taking a seat, "has
wife, license to torture a hus-
'‘'eertainly not."
"If she makes his life int able.
he has redress, of torirselw
"Yes, but I should advise.---,-"
"Never mind you advice , now,
eome-to that later. 10 wife
complains that I don't shave often
leasari ;You are.- It' etSelner nOknONest Mi
'Father, ,I cannot. ry Lore; whose marriage is 4,': little account.
ttafecastit, ' she said Ornily;* '.`•tott have been raritgraphod and
Joel leapt to his feet, an,../ look- photographed; ,At the present mo-
od at her in consternation. •
,,,,,,,-..,... -- eat you aro deeMrd one .of tbejilorth .thn re*son ths..t" I. told „yen.,
eldest girls living. •In a few Such Such an itnnonifcement would •na-
• ott,AFT134 XVII.- . . , jays . you will 1!,, *hie' V; tall Your. i turallY, ruin 11*v:castle. Yen
'What do you nioan, onhild'3 101; y lady.. , 'What more can el6n't want to injure him, de you 14;.
wi;nt 'I" .-- --- , She. shook her head, and a cowed
sitrt! mill !" JoM cried fitrbusly. It is no 'use talXing, father. lOOk ea,me into her eye*.
• . le,go. I ,,ani quite vane, but 14int .igothing yo it can ts,y will alterznk "I thought not. Al! YOU Vit",.• to
gping t3 ask Lord' Ilarece,stie, to Aeterminetion,"
f, • u
• do is to mar4 him: Will you el
t-gire'-1),• in:), fro,,.14,i(ilnl" Ifollekah I 'We elall see, . he cried .vindle- $61 he *Sk ' quietly. ,
.1.--1-0-4-t—r.) , -4;,„ Ifer father.;
, repliei firmly, and with a brave lively. '''S'o-,- far- you have foun4 , , , 41, mlite„12- .sher Answerit4d in gles.,..
• me r.n indulgent hther. •Every,. peration, , 'it.,-irou,. leave, me, 0Q. .
..0'1"434u haven't tpokea to.'biro,
' then ,,,'' he broke 'in quit, ly, aid and whim has been „grati- ternative but you haV.C. broken my.
, . $
ii0011 AS eXli.r3SC4.1. Ont. beset., eathee,,,e .
- _Jas. voive,expressed- -great relief. - 'ROW bail show the ieyerse (ftheSho burst .into & llood of tea;
`411v is -coming here Illis after. tlictiires I repeat *to eou in cold, anKI rushed from her father's pres
nonce I sh%11 tif.ik him thoi,t, I Mood that you%sita)1. nia.rry Hare- leece, . -
thot0.1,11t it better to:tell you first," tmetle.'" ' AIone,'16el did not'feer pleased
*he sq.fA1. tith a wistful b2 .e. ,She shook her head wearily. . with Iiimeelf; Ile hated* haying, to
' "I ate 'eery glad ,you did," ii 4*Ilut .yott will,' he continuo, ill take, sneh *Ataxia, but he felt that
raid grittily. "You +ad Itcter u eold, cutting voice, "asta I know' he w4ould .do -so agein should occa.
deretand tliat you must do toth. ow to make,yotte,., YOU love, iiirii, Mon.:Arise., Ire reali,zed that there
ing if the kind. Yotir .ntarrisiee thlt ,is sure.- rim well, , *eel: as SCrnething Conte:nptibto and
shall take plaee." , • ,off the marriage. 1,)0 it.'' altrxillying-se.girlt:with loth-
• lie' _evoke. :with_ Dere , ATette,leirtit -- .--ani--E"-o?gisreksfilth'er:.''.7-Ttn a threat. But suelt was. the natura
but Ilehekali ' faQed ban; un- , bat you could not be MI linkind. as of the roan ;:he• teuld net see that
• d.te fore4,,, me into iti; she 'aid Soy- he'W;is -ruining 'his dauglItkr'S flap.
41 haw. quite wadi.. up Irkt,* mina, Cully, ' ,
• • fatlor. •Wot you conr my 'NYVs, Bre* et tile matrix *Age. EC hard arranged it only
pine byloremg her into this mar.
tappittess 1 I tih•Otild be utterly ed ' D will , anneunee to the wort offer much strenuous exertion, - and
. • iqeteible iffl .1e4trieit-I;ord flare- (- e realjon.-"" :' '
_. - „ -4. great, expenditure of Money, and
, rear„tlf ; etively „tou dont Ivan ".1Vo eon: make tiii sqine cu'', why why - should ,ise forgo' the ,friiits o
that% 4 elie Said pleadinely. .eaid .ilnicklY. victory vihen they were -So rip e for
•8:1;ot saw at otve that slLe thight, ,"li-o, iny reason. ieto'hand," Just pluekingt
. rite well ,ht;ece.? remaiopa eileut, , fo , i ten to A, !little, histoey4,2*. he COne - , litear.per41 to the, meniery of '
,.e.1 iral e•.y.,ing,,,,,,Ii.i,r 4-grely. ; tied, and iiii. t-oice was eottlly' wiftl ititti .tosiehieV hiree itist. for . thu
11ray Nrtat 14.0etti,.411 it1:13? S'ot; ktt ,, ireatt.,,ling. '• -' ' '' , '4, iqoioi t4 but h.4 had etniqueretltho
n selt,14,1erl, lei k.if )'llebekah 1.0 hl,
eo/dly, ''Prea, 'Is • at\ ' feeling with *n elfert. ar6i.1-.- _ He
mlier' that I start. e.,_ I Wotild pursue his courieSto the bit.
--th,,*"tnarriago is. 4 1 pliee in * reel.e.4 tend slt;ottrea li '
It'W '''likt-S4 fitlirLit , :e • if !the was comiPig.
gue.wa arc! arriviii.3-to.,..) everiing me =thirty yeare ago
, . .
. yoity,bal'e receicecel numberless{ pre. ' liclino- was sent to /5ti
tehte. Tliceidita 13 itn oosiihle. Be, to make an,Aereement e '
. herAble.itni,- citild.". ri 'sh -05ve:riiment, . ,
. , lkt tiowidi tip lese angrily. At • ' i details: bat it _1 ,
' 1te!..i hopodztfiat/lip ikett5,-celelt ;Cid e ,_ thIltr lie, ipUl hie eon
,,, ,., -, try itht lie witri itneifeirfons trai-
...„ .. . . , . - .
4 1 ihontd be tnieerabie-titter4- tor, and tiii,t if it err itliONcrl. .116
if t It3.1'74i'l reita„". she,rret,natell A z.huld be hounded to death?'
'. \'• "Why do 3-ou tell ale this r She
-Yon must he -freak wit4 tee. SAW
Ulm is aebtating,.\y.tei in 4Iiiet ''-•41 merely telling yeti the tell;
tChere reiset Ife ,eoteething;.','-iie gi. - e r'sball give to the world.
eel tharply. - , .
.. breakinI off of the mar;
that I have siOtletity A- 2 :0 -discovory in time, of
lizeel iz3 itoposf_ibility,"-- *lie a 1
swercl clnvly. •i! 11 rS7 rendered such
eYtible. I eoukI a
411'36 Itarece.4tle beer; setlik:ng tighter to ally 'her
to 'serail fe it artstthine' that!' hes 4h "son el' * 'Man who
cssikl er..s.dotteii" ' ieen iltv et 'nth elaStardly, co
. !approached her father; .1:11:1 litid
. 1e 'Lok 'elieok her head tic reply and -,„ . ,i
! . .
epPel • .e Ltratell the e
' er baud on. hiS eli4u14Lr. 7) i verde. and\ hy the htitne
"Yea ItIr fond ' of me. father. her theekit he it** that .hi
a eannot, be iliel. Fall lir with .4 hit She mark.
I "iSit* and let xis' at ,onee seed ,wa unsleretand, stowy'
:a a litt311(U‘t tent tlist the, Instr. With is totelevolest, *wale.
001 tiot tike 01t.,- 'otcesiiest mean itfhiteh
1, cfr r be 'cried estinlistically., P ' NW ht! ibillkelliro *OM OA
'sfar, sr that 3,tou *hal! isarr$ • iusii is* that,
- ,,fliiing lol,all torn , •
,f I,
ThiliTs the position," Joel aid
r 4fYou van break blf this
rrmge if Sim likes. X give you-st
(reJiand, In this-eeent of your
idoirig so, Labatt inimediately give'
001:111 ALE', E
The Greatest Aggregatle
**salty the Worli Has
Ever II:towns,
The often ziked, question, "Whitt
is London V' seem* to be enaver
pretty fully in the annual volume
of statistics ;it the, County Couri.
for the past year, which pone
place the took says administrativ
London.is tompoetd of 74,81e acres
ot 141241 And watert the hand being
laid'ont as follows: Miles of streets
2,134; houses, e11,/111'.; factories
and workshops, $11#1165. parka sind
open 'spaces (acres), 9:02e. • *
On thia land live 4,104* hu.
Mart • beings, ''around them ,
within * few miles another
" 000 make their, hornet '‘This, is ,the
*Tette:it agreg&tion, of Men, wo.'
men'and.ehiWren in orie_plitteelth
word 11*5 evjer known.
* If the 4. itiliabitants we,:e
, -spread over the whole si,oreage
'there would b. 60 persons to overy
acret and in *oh sene, there woUld
be tight houses for them to live in.
Mass them *II -together, lioweverf
.-suieh perspn- about two
vinare ftiet to stand in, And
ould he 'possible to get the Whole
pulationfin Hyde/Park and still
have over 100 acres -to. spare.
London is probably the wealtin.
It city in the world. Its property
insured from lire at over $,-
,000000. Despite this, howeter,
re is * large amount of paver.
The figures show that ono per-
i in
eteitir 33 is * pauper,- and
110 persoat la etery 100 die
in a .workitosoo or a workhoute, in.
tirtitery. Imidon does much to cope
with its burden of poverty, and
-every year 1)50,0t2,216 is distritaL-
Iiy ration* ttherities„
No one talk tell Whilt it emit* to
feed London's population. Rem
howoveri ,k a part of its tetormons
1„•ear1y hilt of fare
ow -what the--rigli
f hushan re?' --
"Why, Yes,:in a generaIva,.
"And the rights of a wife?
"Or eetAts02:i _ •
,-"Olt*, that's 4 small matter."
"IS it, 440 it , Just wait
told her that that -Wart my affair,
-cry when „I kissed them, so that.
slu could say that .,my rough thin
rt them."
"That, hardly showed * Chris.
minute!. Yesterday
morning' I found them playing with
the eylinder of * broken mumcbox.
You know how that seems to the
touch 1"
"WelI, she'd ,.tanglit them to tall
it 'papa's dip.' •
I must -
"'Wait sir,
finished, 'To -day
oe of them got en my knee-,
sred his hand over my thin, and
railed it *Panes mitsie-box.' Now,
sir, 1 tisk of you as a Christian
man, and as the man Who tied the
knot, what
tot shaved," replied the
rgyinzinrOo_ftly,. as returne
icertsju A
Ior a itiu e o $
'ett- age and r
dition *Could probably be un
amcv4 ler any 'other eas
etnimels# under different con
all regards age, maturity and work
being done, ,we must realize the f*l.
lux of this idea, -
balanced ration fer a growing!
oat differs materially from a bat.,
ration for a dairy Or, all
,again tither of these rations would,
ribitlenced for fattening eteer.
1t is apparent then that there must
b balanced *ration for eavh
species of aninud and under it
various conditions. - 'This ifecessj.
tales the f a greet.
u ua
ties as r* A to siva
under a, given set
any dairymen realize the ink._
by making, use of them have i
creased prottuttion of their he
The importance of them -should be --
realized by all dairymen. Balant.
ed rations have been compounded;
throngh Inas and eareful eN3eri.
meriting by numerous experiment
stations and their results can be,
obtained easily in bulletin form \
upon application. It would par
dairymen to have such informa-
tion. A little simple lotibnietie
is -
*11 -that is necessary to make the.
feeds at your disposal conform to
those rations which toritein the !!,,ni.
mai nutriments in the recognized
proportion; and amounts whichl
science and experience have found'
to produce the best results under
given conditions. Theo faetors,
have been ea:feasted- at the outlay
of much time la
y are etalodied in e
labor.to you. .11epeated
have Aown that the vtarionis tom.
binatiorm offered give the best re-
sult* in each tase. It hi in your
interest then to make use of themt
and economize your feed. CAVA.
Visa Dairynian.
..hors' ought in wet should te.
nd-blanketedi-the legs
and feet eleaned, and, if potnible, *
warm*bran maah,fed him. These
precautions require a, little time,
but they ,may prevent much.. loss.
In feeding meal, bran, ground
ate 'and shipstuti, change the iva-
teriab by giving meat
and 141iipatug one day and grouud.
oats and bran the next, and :it
timea-using all together.. Fowls ars
-itry,, fond of* change of diet, awl
he above method should be adopt- ,
ter end, the . result • what it
, •
A hrsoek •at the. 460re/died hint .
trtn hi unplessint thoughts. A
s.rant entered:: • •
era 7Wolverho , he.
iotineed, anOE , the---peer--w-a-
n I ex,
" 'Coate ieasit
;rood. auppoSe.' m none
lesa welcome."
"1 arn gled• to see.you sboatag
Wohverholrne. Ton stro loo
nueb tter,"
ginning U., feel quite
hektshl I lis,veri+t ee
oel replied.
* minute age.,
I •4,1%,
n.down with Me, rillaP•
lookingfor your
kini o do. it I 'When
nto the drawing room,
honajett E woald coie aloug
(ton* e4 41
copy cif hii 1tter, or you
34%4 wtite h c& t. tris
toe was really manilous,
but i*enly one of the many
prdefs that '
ert in that
440 won-
as 1flCmi,
is comparatively easy to teach
young eadt to be led by the Tore,
and if it io to he fired for a cow, the
a(lvantagc 'of having the acconi,
lishment will greatly inewease its
. Docilityi, in being ells*
led, will give it more froquent
ehanees of fetawhen tied by a
rope. It will prove an advantage so
long 44 it 111N`e!f5 Attiti di* sooner this
I doeilityk lesitnill# the better .for
tthe animal and its owner.
1,*„arute;,..y_emng 4410 -should it'-
be bre() from it an earlier age thin* -1
"glit or-tirt months. They will
hen hate their first litter when'
-ey are or fourteen ,months
Id. • This ikeneral rule Is., howrvcr, -
tihject to nunierou$ vArls,tions, and
or obvious reasons. fiowti of, the
aller and earlier, mat rin
11/ -
k reeds rosy ,often without., delai1.
f4, vantage, 'be sillow'ed to breed
ringer than others. Itln the, other '
• hind, 1,er,y large or roarse sose
e ecitietimes bred at an early ,
• with s view to the:r becoming,
finer in form as. they approitee
aturity. But with this firtilit,!fs
th're is apt .to be an
ristitution in the sow and * lack -
:Avenel% and vigor iti the pies.
446 6
• I.
, -