The Exeter Times, 1880-6-24, Page 51.
00. 5.
f Com'r
`ting 24, 1880 .,,
, .t.
say** t
Fresh and Reliable.
A',1 kinds of 'Vegetable
:Red Sign, Main Sit
• Et. 10411' and; RUabie
,and Agricul tural Seeds oaf •the very best cIu
direct from Importer, at
.70 33.1, 7*ZMZZ' S. e1. -.:
The Molsons Bank
ltti'IOatea�'Clin DY' A02 OP'. Z LLM POP, 1$51.
• 'l'ROMAS WonAMA' ,' .SQ. - • Prewtett
i.1R, lt. Monson, Vag. - . Vise—Pres
�Fl•544) L Macpherson. llt'W.Shalih.rd,
II . ?Nelson, M P P, $ lt'Etwamii,
Milos, Williams,
o. W xrv'tsn+i el Psi t•. s, P,eQ., Gault Mzw47,r ,
;Us. 1;r,Llom,1i q , 3fxo ger Mot►treut Bran oh,
M. fI ATON, ESQ„ - - - - - - Inspect tor
Exeter I ran'iYi,
fIENBY C. BREWER - - hf$N.1GIllt.
Motley ad %%need to fanners on oasy terms, on their
ow•t promissory notes with one or more good en-
dorsers. No inortgage required as aeotnity.
5 nor cent interest ailotoo4 on devoadts,
'Drafts on Unites States bought and sold. Sterl-
iuel4xohango bought and sold,
Collectinns made in all parts of the Detnintnn
and returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of
Exeter ACCast 15th 7.870. 6-m
THIS PAPER may be found on
8Us at G '- P.
BOW LL & Co's
Newsp •per Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce
where advsmay- Eunlit*
retsany pfi
be made for it iii
pe ore* Jimt5.
In making a recent speech, Lord
I:;eaconsfied took occasion to inform
the people of Great Britain that his
opposition to the Government wenn
differ in many respects from the policy
pursued ny Mr. Gladstone and his
Darty when in opposition. Ile would
watch and keenly critoize their policy,
but would never deoeod to factious-
ness opposing • merely because he
vas in opposition. Every ineasure
pr4osed by the Government tvould be
considered purely on its merits as they
presented 'themselves to conservative
views, and such as were designed to
benefit the country at home or extend
ire influence abroad in a legitimate way
would receive the hearty support of the
Conservative party. He would assist
the CT-uvernmerlt, but did not consider
a part of the duty of an opposition to
hamper and harass thorn at all times
and under all circumstances. This is
the same policy that Sir John 'Mac-
donald pursued in Canada- during his
five years of relexat;ou and rest from
Government dories, and which found
snob favor in the eyes of all observing
Canadians. It is eminently patriotic,
TIc N,
Lord Beaconsfield in a venni speeeb
gave the new Liberal ministry in Eng-
land three years in which to die, but
present appearances indioate that be-
fore that titne passes Mr. Gladstone ant
his party will Again be iu the cold
shades of opposition. All men who
understood the situation, in reviewing
the oirottmstanoee ender whish Mr.
Gladstone aeeepted office were agreed
that there was an essential leek of uni•
ty of purpose among the members of
the new Government. The aims of all
the leading men were divergent. Each
nue has his particular hobby whish he
considers the paramount question of
the day. Policy they have ]lone, nor
had they any when in Opposition ex-
cept to oppose whatever the Beacons-
field Administration undertook to !per-
form, and when office is assumed un-
der such circumstances the inevitable
result is the defeat and almost total
annihilation of the party. 11 was un-
der pieoisely similiar circumstances
that Mr. Maokenzte took office in Ca
nada. He was not contending for any
great principle of reform, and having
opposed rte Gover-Itnent simply for
the sake of opposition, when lie found
himself elevated on the crest of popular
opinion, he was uuequal to the task of
administering the of sirs of the country
in a way satisfactory to the people, and
as a result at the first opportunity he
was desposed and replaced by tnose
whose acts had shown them to be
statesmen of the_ first order. That
this will he the fate of 11'[r. Gladstone
and the Liberal party in Lnglaud there
can be no doubt unless they can man-
age to perform what is akin to a init.-
eels) and unite on some bold policy of
reform which will enlist the sympathy
of the nation. Tneir strength in the
House is great, simply because the
majority were elected pledgedlo snppoht
a Liberal Government, but the masses
of the people are not bound by any such
trammels, and will quickly transfer
their confidence to the party whose
policy is bast calculated to colnmana
respect. It is one thing to find fault
and point out evils, but quite another
thing to suggest and apply a proper
Ulsxxrr•r, the man who shot Hon.
Geo. Brown, is to be hanged on July
and serves a mark to distinguish the 23r1
statesman and patriot from the dema-
gogue and office seeker. It is lilt po8-
sible for a Government to do the wisest 1
thing at till titnes,nor is it possible that
they will always be wrong. But we
are accustomed here to seeing an op-
position condnsted'direly on the prin-
ciple of opposition for the sake of op-
position. The literal meaning of the
word is acted upon. They are out and
must got ln,therefore they must oppose
bitterly every rneastire of the Govern,
hent. It is a short sighted policy. In
an intelligent country like Canada the
pea le understand such tactics, and ad-
i.ninister punishment accordingly, In
Englaucl tiro people will soon be led to
perceive tb ,t the Conservative party is
the most desirous, of benefitting the
country and the least solicitous for self,
and the revulsion of feeling in favor of
is dignified and` patriotic opposition sill
not be loss marked than that which sot
in spinet Beaconsfield and caused his
temporary rejection. The Gonserva•
tiye party both in this country and
England have saline for self-satisfaction
in the fact that they win their way to
power not by deeeiving the country,
net by Disposing the Government at a
critical' period when harmony is essen-
tiidl to tile• safety of the country, but by
identifying themselves .with the • inter-
ests of the people in opposition as well
ss to power.
• CAss.—In tisborno, on Monday the 21 Inst.,
Thos. Case,aged Si years.
For granting to Joseph Ladley
and David Wanless the sum
of Four Thousand Five Hun-
dred Doitars by way of Bo-
nus for the promotion of the
manufacture of Woollen
cloth within the Village of
Exeter, to issue Debentures
for the said sum and to
authorize the levying of a
special rate for the payment
of the Debentures and the
interest thereon.
Provisionally adopted the 21st
day of ,une, A D. 1880.
WHEREAS the Municipality of the Village
of Exeter is desirous of granting the Sulu of
Four Tbo sand live Hundred Dollars to
Joseph Ladley and David Wanless to aid
them in carrying on the maoufaetnre of
woolen cloth within the limits of the said
Municipality, and in order to carry into
effect the said recited object it will be neces-
sary for the said Municipality to raise the
said sum of I+bur thousand five hundred dol-
lars in the manner hereinafter mentioned and
set forth ;
And whereas it will require the sum of fear
hundred and ninety-five dollars to bo raised
annually by special rate for paying the said
debt of four thousand five hundred dollars
and interest on the debentures to be issued
therefor as hereinafter provided ;
And wlhereal the amount of the whole rat-
able property of the said Manicipality, irre.
spective of any future increase of the Caine,
and irrespective of any income from the tem-
porary investment of the sinking fuud herein-
after mentioned or any part thereof, is
according to the last revised assessment roll
of the said Mnuicinality, being for the year
ono thousand eigh hundred and eighty; the
sum of four hundred and fifty -flue thou-
sand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars;
And whereas the amount of the existing
debt of the Municipality of the Village of
dlxeter 1s as follows: For principal, fifteen
thousand three hundred and seventy-six dol-
lars and eighty-six cents; fm• interest nothing
and no portion of either is in arrear ;
And whereas, for paying the interest upon
and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for
paying the principal of the said debt of four
thousand five hundred dollars, as hereinafter
mentioned, it will require au annual special
rate in the dollar of one mill and one -twelfth
of a mill on the whole of the ratable property
of the Municipality, iu addition to all other
rates to be levied in each year.
Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation
of the Village of Exeter in Council assembled
as follows
1. That it shall and may be lawful for the
said Municipality to grant by way of bonus to
Joseph Ladley and David Wanless the sum of
four tbousaud five hundred dollar's for the
promotion of the manufacture of woolen
cloth 'tll• tl 1• •t f tl -d M
R'1 In ]0 11 it
0 ' le sN tilltei-
pay. —
f and ending et five o'eloek in the afternoon of
the game day; and that Charles. Senior shall
be the Dsputy.Resnrning Of ser to take the
said votes at aforesaid Polling Subdivision No.
One, John MoDonell, Deputy Returning Offi-
cer for Polling Subdivision No. Two, and John
H. Hyndanan, Deputy -Returning Officer for
Polling Subdivision No. Throe, far wxieli they
are hereby severally appointed.
6. That the Clerk of the council of the said
Municipality shall on the Seventeenth day of.
July in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and eighty, at Twelve of the
clock, noon, at the Market house in, the said
Village of Exeter, sum up the number of votes
given for and against this by-law, and that
twelve of the clock, noon, on the Fifteenth
day of July, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and eighty, at the Market House, in
the said Village of Exeter, is thereby fixed far
the appointment of persons to attend at the
various polling planes before mentioned and at
the finalsumaaing no ofthovotes by the Clerk
respeetively on behalf of the -persons iulerestnd
in and promoting or opposing tlss passage of
this by-law.
Wby gc,abroadter yens Furniture when you oeum
got Better Value foryour monsY In Heusall.
having,bought out the Furniture Business of Mr.
S. Fairbairn, and added largely to the stook is.
enabled to oiler furniture at very lo'* prices..
My Undertaking Der.t itinent will be found au.
perior to any in this section,. having just received
to large addition, of all knees of tandertaitinegoodss.
erftke Notice. dAArst-classhoarso•'sill be furnished forfunerals
on reasonable terms. Also agent -for the \Yans:er
That the shove is a true copy of a pro-. and New York 6 inger Sewing Machine.
posed By-law which wilt bo taken into consid-. JAS. COXWOIiTH.
oration by the Council of filo lInnieipnli'ty of
the Village of Exeter after one month from the
first publication in the Exeter Times, the date E A T lL) 0 MIKE 1
of which first publication was Thursday, the , .Lv3. • 1
twenty-first day of June one thousand eight
hundred and eighty, and that polls will bo. Whore 811 you.bay them brieli 2 Well, Jimmy, I
isottght them from Mitchell, of coarse., Has he
held at the hour on the day and at the several) many of them left? Why, yes, thousands of
pieces in the said By.Jaw fixed for taking tite them, and first-class too. How (loos he sell thein,.
votes of the electors. Mike? Well. Jimmy, he eeilsthem so chomp that
1 was not to tell, but if you want any just go right
there, for he says ho is bound to sell as cheap as
1 any in the county. Remember, he lives south
JOHN MITCHELL. side oroditon gravel road.
ere Ilton, Feb. 2;, 188 tan
Dated this 24th clay
of June, A. D. 1880.
\t. EAC I1ETT,
Palm Len,f, Japanese; French, and Alnerican(all colors) 4c.
and upwards at the DOMINION'LA.BORSTORY
Mala Street, Exeter.
Truth, Concerns You More Than Counterfeit,-
_. -0_
Thnrofore,read,purchate, and enjoy its bargains, When say 1 manufacture my own furniture
amprepared with myneed-sheet that the popple can inspect atany time by calling at any Ware
rooms where they will see a superb dis play of
Furniture in All Its Branches.
ni 1.00: tot 1rod by twfself anal my commned aa.rtistic shill, wit /1 good workmanship.1 des tare not
tho people with ,1.11,1.1,3 of ('u.'ni.ture that oanuot be equalled for quality or price in
T;xetor,allblowing to the eoutrary,notwitnstanding.
Nearlyopposite kernp's Tobacco Store.Main Street, Exeter.
2. That for the purpose aforesaid it shall be
lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality,
and he is hereby empowered to make and issue
in due form of how any number of debentures
of the said Corporation of the Village of Ex-
eter for such suras of money as may be re-
quired for said purpose, not lees than one
hundred dollars eacih, and not exceeding in
the whole the anm of four thousand five hun-
dred (dollars, payable in twenty years at fur-
thestfroru the day on which this is
appointed to take effect at the office of the
Molsons Bank in the. said Village of Exeter,
Ontario, and that every such debentare shall
hear interest at the rate of six per cent, per
auun,n from the day of its issue payable at
the said office half -yearly in each and every
year curing its continuanoe, and shall have
attached thereto coupons for the payment of
j said interest, which Debentures tlio Reeve of
tj the said Municipality is hereby authorized to
negotiate and dispose of.
M 3, That for the purpose of forming a sink -
I -611 ing fund for the payment of said Debentn.res
Land the interest to become duo thereon, any til equal s:80111 1'at1 of one mill and one -twelfth
n of 0 mill in the Dollar shall in addition to all
▪ ih 1. (After rates be raised, levied and colleotod in
Ci`.' each year upou all the ratable property in the
t " sail Minicipality dnrnig tho continuance of
tthe sale debentures or any of thein.
vJ 4. That, this 13y -law shall take effect and
come into n,peration upon, from ar1(1 after the
twonty-forn•th day of September in the Year of
our Lord ono tbousaud eight hundred and
fi. That the votes of the electors of the said
Municipality shall bo taken on this by-law at
Sonior`.a shop, Main Street, for polling sub-
division No. 1; Lewis's Faint Shop, Main
Street, for P011i115 Snbtlivision No. 2; and the
Market House for polling subelivis'on No. 3,
111 the said Village of 'hlxeter, on the Sixteenth
day of July, in the year of our Lord one tlton-
eand eight huu(irod and eighty, enmmenoiug
At the hour of Nine o'clock in the mornu;g ,
T'Te Plus Ultra.
General .Dealer ins Ary Goads, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, (,lothing, Millinery, EtL