HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 4 (2)ser""fe'••• 1) . .4ar4 404Q. 4crc*.e lot 4111,4t97mou nrci.d dfMounts Jfl akno, i477OI)) ',COMPICreV*Itri, 9$9,00(i In 1001. - Lemleuu 'has ,IntrodOesil a billin the IOU* of Verrone:la to milord th Poist ffice Att. BY thebill too poidsoss te-gcu*r*Iproposes that when in Aiurs lettere are lost this Govern- tO ths ieer •04 te the mazlmwn uf 42. It z IOztlettet '3n tains tesi than I the fttli rnounL will .be paid. A similar provision le ms,de in resef to registcrod. parcels. The tanice have agreed to tease .PS. log inieUst guarterlY on 'savings a tonal*. and,. 'commencing 'with January t lassie V14 on1yay Lntireat In tM isvin 0,',Other 4 huUi the'ori'di It° witi best*kls, traitor,. z violitor word s. aIfer Of the inost, litnernY o Ihetlaniiii ale titution. a dertger to SOchlity, tOwsitlit *Ogles* t}tlett*, *Milt* withont'heart or conscience. Ire '040V141; nOt bo Ahoy& ,ed to add to hie cruelty tawahle his ire by idling In-person whilkoilte shotild be made to voor* tar her support while in 11, 0, have his 'tetra punettlated by the application at. the **eh. • ****4***Pommumim•Niwom • MOH IVIlse Jennie Yearley is visiting in t are pleased to .'00a iarles ale around agitirt after or prtwot, 0 '^r lapen and kt you triTTfl4huIe and eSe rn1nuss there te left any traee of you et The corkoct V active lo*lri-loodt "4:01.1ritrgngulithillet lack or Os ' baornO week,- titer* le ee; your food is only belt diselted ..04. /MX becOnfe .affected with loos" of apPetite, presoure and' full*. t r In bOwele,tend: ot abineacit,' bad taste In o st1pUoz* ptn. itt- limbs, eleePlessue belching of Saes bilioue- nes*. *We headaerie, nervousness*, dize stet** 404 Mita other aireliar sym- eteties, , It your opetito is Mil% and aoth- *u tennta Tog, or.V011 !Welt oae or it ate* 1.1.f0 In 411 - the azteruoon the la Vflit Meet at lleonrs'l'rOdisr-ahrclrirthe -Oen; imecillut wilt be held in the Irall. girlie' turniehed by loess* talent, r *11.0-Corne and bring My Wend, W. 1. Wilion and Kra. IL stn. wen sPent- E-unelay evnIn at a, Fos - tees. • Ernest jtowelltha hes said POO Or his tine hackney drime Or which he- re.:, eelirttl. $004 tislate; W4dd1glic.,?-14, pretty .vroddirior too X Piece tigV 1104114 let Miro and. Ws. ritobert Douro, "Ushorne, on Wednesday, Feo. ard when their eldest daughter, Lacy V,. west united In ,Itte holy' bonds or matri ,We sire having vent.' �14 weather' this Week but not moot enow.-4nomas goOrout and John Breen Of Shiplta *lead Sunday at ithlea.„-Enno and John, Stet-_ tier and uncle or $ostproRtrir spent lanai week with tr. and biro. 'Chris. Diet, richo4irs. Jahn Itatz had a emitting bee' last week and a number from here at. tenried.--Lotria "lteadir and two sister. • Delliwood event Sunday at William. o at to th▪ vfl Otttli If to avoid ibe home amount ot clerical work atteo* dent ugr, compounding intoreet four times a. year. Vrom a moneY .point or view a patron with *Ift.tloo aceOunt Would have Only ten tents more MONK ter •Idnt. Older tee old arrangement, mere eagatelleeither way. • ter* -Wheee conili!et. apeearso tajtretify It are given- * cOntlittenat release 'bee tore 'tee, .1; ompletton of their sentence,. bas 'noW . been lit terve .lo Oetiada tor -*erne, yearn past. Miring the YeAreende nt with !,ierth legit '441 prisoners were releaaqi,rgnt.perkitentier*, '1.es,1;:latie and reformatories 'onder" title • Systeet, and *I', this totel onir 21: were -rojorna to tontine:tient tor. Oubseet4ent tonvietiOnsr non-obeeevante of•the con 'ilitions lald down. It is. rale to alone* teat 341. ot those weo 'were given ,a thaw.* hair* proved worthy of tile trust. That .1". iiutficientto more than Justify the systent intro4free4 there does: net seem to be pruNt., 'bon?* ot ahaiishlirg the Sena- te, but that some kind of • reform -1s nerdect .no--- 1-lui to b apparent eveo to the senators,. lion. O. W, ,Stoit propos/elle:to' diviee the' C01' itlHt� electerei district*, baildg re- Arard. la_ltorellatiint, county boundaries!, ,. etc...the _preevinces to have as folloiveve Ontario yti, Qnsbco ter, Nova iiitotia 'Nor Brunswick 7`, Wine telviaret Island Meniteba gaeticatchewsava..elberta ,BrItish Celtimblie 4, The present .Sert'' Ore Are-, "AOt tO be -disturbed but Allot. to the 'varies* ileittiete and vaeantiess. .they bereue to be ;tilled bY the.stiecte otu of the district*. Me, Stott .evidellii* •e»a that as preterit 'conielituted the 'Se;tsta will one •dey'• to abolished, it it ,-'10, not retormed. • unistle and games. Mr. and emote an ideal host and bootees en*" tered heettily into the enJoYin the evening. • • xx,ItQtritAit Do not forgot the Uou Secial to be held here on Friday next. under Mee Mts. PIO* of the Foreiters. Hear Td, eroreis lecture, which vrill be a SOO Orktr• Come and box andhave a rnbbert Vire-Ituott •.h. girl in eerteeeto with too many seed ▪ too'eostly clothes, on her beckgets self- conscioua'and vain, and loves 4dmiration -autie-eu ro wit,upis know the next stept 4. snpe pure -hearted girl, We() hie a • piark,,, in 3 1107:11oi. tozvr,..,wuric *ad, home duties h..ls ber iteart there and no or seuit it, EMI- .Veltee maturity ,comes and a reel man tomes, ahd,a real .01,tair 'of -•-ter tart .comes, will "Arlie to girl .1e,ave - home and then Only 'atter heart rending. But a girl*. Who ts-at hoziie ar- t- at the 'tableand in theteld won't love that 1 one, Work make* things 44Qr3t.d. The c fld wnose home suetnore ies an not tealo:.etbi,,watie., eteea,,.ist not - --erreter4 "&kid-dnea not feel tile need. will ,not love !tonic. 4n41t she doesn't love the tonco -et her girlhood *le!. will 'Wee 614_ ,viiitAro,--eur.wilerre-. - 'anything11 due will mean tenting to sour*a watrian, and It .fthe la respectable she will only lack. the oepottualtY•ii b40 a bad women. , Thank God, satire of uit have, end earn* halm had an oitl*faehloned motnete flot * *cense of ter i.petiod, ,enaineled and. les:heed, Whooe "While Jewel:ea hands( 'have never telt the! clause Of leer bility's. .beit a dear, oidofashioned a!ld sweetAvafecti, telother,,I.wittt 0,e01 wnertin $uonc, and brove,n :hair • threaded with inlet lying istnevoth uPon her tridedA4te.vir.' Tomo dcarnat4e worn 'with toll, gently gardel out totVling -steps of thilittiood and ernoorDsed our Pillaw :in .siclinciirri'even•reathing tO in in yealeang Wedowee. when her . *Wee! ,sitirit WASbaOtIted iij the re,teriar tiko river. Ilieirted le Ito mein* .ory 4): -*tit 0 4 aa1do3zed !nattier.; It, tiosts to U raw, flee a beautaitt per. fit;tte of sosn,e woetilattd 1400 *NUL, Tht ot other ',tee -elk nay be lolite but, ittoecettanrine mozy. of btes will Otto , fortveri; ()their plakeli will lade. away and ha torgOttoei.; telt kers 'Wel fellae, u4t1l les be no More, , Implt.taoi-Incnt enla a ll 0.-1 me whiC-21 ie. welt peiree. Of it .sititliista te end Ist .Mere severe oe the tribe ln*t',an the sweetie -et' iteelf. 'Peri atter saithified, And tries "Ifold,,, tIte eittelehment OZ vproeth.: Neither I*tterce rforglire* crinit•lerY canduft can take, hr stain. I would that tele fact: ter'isseileratoed 411114 remelilerett 11 n when tempted is triter *lain • er,. The. awful titlisevistetelli stain would uurely re - L1 i*ny (before the fetal stele la oenthnent 'May te far some. "We torah*, but we. Miro Are tome eeteptin-- ,erieetie tor his ondivanzt 0* nLo , hire; theta, ra no recent* pnae tor ft* Stath..*). I Co be around Oandleznas day. OId BruI.saw his ebadow for s short time atone*, but it nough to let te3 knOlve that Winter wilL be with us for l'orne tittle yet. --- We* Bthel rarroit-offloderich, s, for. noir teacher of our sc'hoot, is visiting her friend Miss Myrtle ,Ctlarko-Revie. meeting* bointnenced In the -_--Sts -46-frittsidaytitgittl--Tbe iittended we trust they will he of greatiPiritual benefit 'Cherie* Itoesaler, who has been _quite ill for severaldeys, is better and Is rapidly regaining ber etrength..**Ther, two adtilt Bible classes of the Evangelical Sunday 10001 gave rcithOrtproMiss Meeting Slitulay even- ing after t110 010a0 of the regular ser- vice. Mies Ella 1.01oksang ta solo and: ilimee Lily Palmer and Martha Wind -at cluett ,suitable for the_ occasion. -- Harry ilottld, wife and family of Eke - ter have beenvisiting; at the Wine' of: 'JameeCockwill, for slew .Sweltser- of Ship*" Were in the tillage 'Tuesday on blunt:tome-411m young men, who **exulted a Young 'WY' in McGil- livray stew SutoNty, nights; ego pea -fOrelPiA.,cHrTls f*, sg s 1Z• Stnitli of Allis Craig on Jite, 241, They reed to settle the aloe, it . costing and they were obliged to furnieb hands to keep the police for a This is a costly leuou for :the lada but Well deserved. • COntraiiii .Thertritats, no service in. the Metho- dist Church hereon Sunday evening, - the Rev. W. H Zuttnreachintin the Methodist Oltureb Crediton.-ciont0 large number from het* 'attended the Oyster Supper at Men on •Tuesday sve ening, and all Sport havini had a goad time.,-,-Ittr. George 'Emery, our livery. Man, having bi4 * relapse, tiepin tu bed. We bOpe: for his speedy ee001r- ery,--,The Methodist Church under the leadership Of MI* Neil, flit* hished music for the r.rderi AnniVers,. ary, 0. ' erziolt ,•-•Qtraiterly meeting Is 40 be held n the Methodist Church on Sun- day evening next. -Rev. W. M. Butt be* announcedto preach a eerie* of *Cuomo on Bilation Lands.4to, I:117401i 41a.Tiklit...-A rather In. teresthale event took placeOIL Weeinear day evening of list. week, whet* Mr*: J 4$. Oke, s prOeperotte` fernier, :smith or the. village, took to himeelf * in tho inleatt of Miss one Of our highly respected, , Th e torltitony was Performed at th. et -hod byLthellet.W. - IL,Outt, Sifter wblch -tb. hopyeon. left for Ws tend congratulatkula Thfo1IowIng1s *1 Centralia Pu based in ths five b weekly eXatniesesti leek* -on fienotral p Mary Iva. Thlriblittit Wilfred 1E1 Coughlin. firaV, sit, AtteletiOn. EiVie Bro Butt, - Jr, IV,. Msrguer Stelis:1411. Jr. Ill. hi* 'Wool:Union, Marne tila t000ttrd AbbottDella Br II tiniest*, nits Oul of the C 132013 Ths Itev. Mr. Thim securely tted the knot and after the congratu-, • lations wire over the 'guests repaired "beids'a fortner home, where the tont in mirth and Weeds bout* began to weerlong- ing. We extend oott. the young couple and ova may be few and 0 journey through life. 0 a ttozu ttus bit one V4444.4.teruteubitiou o un tested rood. ' Prove to yourself after your **t meal hat your stematn• is as good 44 anif, hat there he nothirig really wrong. kitop this fermentation andbegizt eetiog what you want without te4r O descent - tort or misery, / most: instant ou. It la merely a matter ot how *loon on lake a little Blapepahr. Ciandeboye,i The Sunday School concert of the Methodist church here was s great sueees**--ars, Berallatti. Of London Waited friend* here .last week. -Fred rstrball spent _Sunday Att bis home in Ceuttslis.-We are indeed sorry to bear of theillnese of Mies Sus gine„-14r. and Mra, Joe. Oooper hsve the deep -sympathy of the sloniretuti in the lom ot their only 4114.--Mra 1. Cuntfinetani *pent few day* in Lon- don last week. -Nelson Vase and wife were in St. Marys a few dere of last week.**-litillsOliveltiellatin visited in Brinaley:Iset,week*--Weare loftiest Ulla O'Neil *routed again, af- ter a eao of griineey.W0,7fir.lCilmen has -purcNut- .7* ilneteam of 'bore.* from 1. Pettersoner-Mitte Liss% 4104 of Oortio is visiting in Vele toi.ofLondonspentitcoutkleof days ei* last, week. -We itrit pleased 'Waft stre. Lampottatoundagaine-The sew- ing cirete W.M.S. taw stabo ham* of Mrs. Merbert to continua for the Pnining Year.--.Revolrerr sasistedin the revival olervioesi 10 Kirktost the , past two weeks. --George thtuncey, spent Sunday in town. Dashwood Tbe weather of the past few . days sends the chills up and down afeliovifs back and drives the . busy ploughmen to, other querters.Mr. a V. , rink*. 'beitier bee bought another: colt__ to. Mate the one he already had land when tbeY are grown out he will Itave\Snice tettn'.;--41Li, Jacob Weber disPoeed of * tine heavy teant-Of.' horses last wee* and he bee since.purchaled a fir* titilit or Oohs front *lir, Win., Pfeff0.-:The Telisteee havesecured Teachers to All the, vacancies caused by the realize*. : thine, of the Misses Carling,.which take effect the ist..of March, --The revival tueetinot 'Which have been in progress in the Evangelical Church for some time, cattle to --, it eibers Send. W*01:00.-On Wedni .Lf dOcin of halt Wee* lire Jacob Walper f Stenitto,-)aear-,Port-Illeket-7 -,alt " Church Welling. 'Of Aar. were united in ilisieriage . at.: the TAtherian bete, mutts isige 'number of ins' tea guisite, and * still larger, number of those who like to *knees such se etre.. ot gxoo, the • entered nip ei lor, leaning on the aren of her Sather» The et remenY wits perforated tte the Bev, 'Vole or harktoniti the Ores *. coo at a numner o relsitives et the, contraCti.,,,g'teittics, . letter the tteualetie grattilationsi the' bride and groom . led the way' tir the dining room v/hich wg taste1ully:400We] witir red and ,white .huiiting- an evergreens, "Viiltere abou ty iteeets-partook-4t, 41 edding supperlettnr. young Ai-4Mo* ,greectullY presoldeit over tile tables. 'The bride who wsee unattended was prettily gowned in white stilt trimmed with valenelennea• lace and ingertiOn. Her go. Ing away tires* wait of *a blue silk and coat et navy blue beaver eloth .with hat to match and a set of Atisint sa- ble furs. The groont's gift to the brlde was a handsome, geld locket stid chain. Themany beautitul and useful preeents remind showed the high esteem in veldeh, the young couple sire bold. They. 'will' restde on the grooro'ss farm, tith nee. Blanshard. Their ina.ny rriondS unite in wileing them 4 pleasant and PromPere •clue journey tlirough life. e STABTLING spe'rEteit. . It's Statements, Like That at U. Hey- man, Kingston, Ont., That la Mak trig World Famous , rot Ocattnate litornach • Mr. IL Heyman, 134 vaiborne Street, Ifiegaton, Ont., says; '4'Mt-o-nte worth its weight in gold sok a, earned)" to meekly cure longeatanding leadeern dYspepati. For years had suffered with rurstornaca and taint find no 'cure l'Aor' even relief. I could .not eat .aoy thing, a* it would *our and lorni CA* on IV! stomach .that had a presiture On the heart. Bean pains would comearound sidea and pit ot fl3y stomach. I was uaable to sleep tole tea* and there was nothing to relieve MY inlietable condie time 1 wail weak and languid and - would feel a* tired in the reornhig aron *olng to bed and perapiratlen would' break out all over in body, 1 would be so weak trout 'vomiting,' that 1 would tall to ne, Imees- MY heed would ache. and *Pella of ditztinesa would leave tile, unable, to ate Doctoral hadtermed the teouble gastritis., but ',tailed to beaefit nte,• 1 tried )11-0-na w.hieb 1 procured atthe Brue *ore on .adelee of a trlend which hate tweed, tno ,whell All cite) fall - 1 ant sewael and well and toci grate. ,-.311-o-na tor rny Itreeent heeltit. :ire the knowzt results obtiiitied ell..eena that Plates, it tar and away , above_eli-otrier...rentedlcndecontirtits S . Cale in ,offerbag to ratted the teener if eti-oeue. WI* to turseinonsiele erettele. r,o cents a bar. Rena in Hentyettete hour*, „ VullartonvereWhile driving to Mitchell on Tuesday ot last week Mrs. George "aor. din wt * tithed With 'a hemorrieige of the lungs, and; ehe had etareely beers carried to . * room, in: illitehell when death resulte& Deceased her ilfe lived in Fullerton townehip. we* daughter ot the late Bobert 'Crawford, Oarlingford, alai Is survived by her "nether and two heathers, William at lart011*1$1 1.0101, _Of litithellk •slew. Fair 1* holding revival atr the Beintioy, appointment, sseist • Mte Bennet Evangelist Of Atarnia.--i- Or. as Heywood is moving to the GUY' acre term *south of the Village.baving rented it trom his mother, Mr. Wm. Bray of near Virden, Man., !Atom reneavingaequaintance*.around he 'Villa e eweele-Cluite large crowd Von the village arid vie* Inity attended the oyster 'upper at Men • Xuesday evening. -The aseessor; Mr. BichaW Bunter. has commenced his; duties' in that capacity and will soon get over the „tovnestep on ni* tliet-footed Pon3r, • eve VeIliCittetjeme, letr. John Ilerte6sr.. Is recovering Wee: ly from the effoets at the accident he eustained recentlywhereby hie lireait Wai crushed and several ribs. broken. The accident was caused br hts being caught between sthe binding pole on a load of hay and the top of the barn door *bleb beppetted owing to a sudden dub y-the-te into the barn,• The home of ldr. and Mfrs, -Thos. Iteys was the wen* of a rtyeasarit surprise party recently when about twenty-tive of their Wends from Dashwoodand neigh* harbood spent an eidoyable evening in giferstwir •Ur. Jeshoa, johns ot Iflhaville bee puri, ebasied the store ot ¥r 11esiver* actl • we giederetahcik tO succeed Mr. Beavers as Manager ot the Insurance Company, • ure welcome Mr. Johns to our snide, and wish him every succeas.-Mrs. Bar* • )bara Gardiner intends living with her *Ester, Mrs. Baird cif uUarLou Catarrh Cannot he Ourod witatoost. spetitosTioss, se ow-m*4 week *sat et the demo. Ceterrit la blood 4* ot:enti, tatiortaleissess, *ad In oder to Cos it you nest seibitenue restedles, lIsirseetarrii Cure igt tthe intersilir Sad ids elridlii* Uset10041 And 10100.0 *dialog. BalluOstank Crualsa0a quaeknedI. dee. rgiusseseriasd by 01110 Vitbe in thle maitre fore** asd 1.a muter tlos, Ole ot bleed iiith ea the toot* lot the two lel meet* le culsgcatant. lend for t.i tome Has OS liranthes in -Canada, and.Agents and 00reespondent n all the ." geincipal fiities in the World. ' NAleglitti 101151/40$0 SAVINCIS BANK - DEPARTMENT. ata1tincbes totenitiltthri4 at -ltigbesietirrint Ate. =47'72 - Agents at Exeter for tb 'Ciattaa., Solicitors; - • V. "t 4, " 1lI, fi