HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 3 (2)• 74' • •'4.64,'T • 'th o nIvt 11 i& nuuie. Lr he O1c H4 - only two oast new Rouse. _titembe,r who ere t o It • , 4 hei • Eoui •Tuncluitwjl rn in the Unit tsad three repr 777. s ,1t* 701 gur *re ti goix S n . The urch of En1ancIit 41 ainit -, s, , eight h . aE isrinuit ee in the formroases in i, they number six. One o tb re1igionITniverta. he onaltsts is zni u 1p.t yearand, one Lutheran and one Ion e ndent, just as ,TIIIWES svrT det• - T Railroad detective v hen busy for tho pzMt v at siftlre trying- torun don *rig of, thieves* who have 0 orating On the passentger these roads between Buffzlo and Ifamiltors. $e fats as, hats ben Iesrncd bY ithe deteetivet, �r at 1east front what they are willing is making iti1 in _ -thi city. The,modus the Vont is to board' hrough the.train, size up,the and then when they are leff unguarded when the train uears a. station, the thief steps off 4,train with it znd eleecke it at theSW100. "110 MAW or ay not ciboar4 The train, .and perhtps niake * second haul White making the one trip, The detectives, say that the two campatiltio hive re- c• eived a number of complaints re- cently, but the, gang hat so clever- ! earried .on its operation* t!tip the detection has thus ler been' sible; • E., 13 VATORS. • Te be Ereete Itutilig c ;Port- ile-driving on the founda- tion of the Thunder Bay -elevator, aitusted Short distsnee from the Atikolsan Iron Works, commenced on Tato:ley,- .and * large force of Inen is *hoods/. -engsged on the itsbeing_the intention Oil* o triletor*, atetsrs. Barnett McQueen, to rush the workto emnplet_ion at the earliest possible • s'.t* es Thesite of the elevator ,ist ,1,000 feet- from the shore tine thougi the wider Li nowhere more an two, feet- in depth. With the eonimencement of the Western Zia. valor Companre building in 'West ort Williaiu arkl the work *load going on, on the Grand, Trunk.Pa. title elevator this makes thrift large elevators which will be ere - ted in the two cities during this leer. "66.1,7 .Tolittl3TCe 66, ro 11population mg to the (*heat of rectories, Unlit:ell, issued its IMO edi- y. directory._14as Toron r Vark, erhieh were Itnnexed to 046 city on Ds, 410 1, r4mt ndlitaiy. s In Vie vf °the London invicton,' ply for ,elub liquor liConset. lit late Mz, _A. W. Flootrri. 1fty thousand 4011ari ti the Mont al Cieneral Hospital, Several AricOter people have been bitten -by -At dog whiehF itis feared, is. affected with robiee. 'Stove moulders at Thosulton' are said f40 .140X0, refused to , tempt reduction in wages, end 8trike i."spokin of. Vether Foruer Wati 10St Oil the prairie in Saskatchewan, and drov two steps in the storm before o irking 'shelter. - ' TitA0E WlflI CANADA. etseati ister Speaks Adespe TO the Budget Committee o thc . Reichstag, Foreiett Secretary Von Sehoeu,. in answer ,to * question eonceramg commereistl relations with Canada, stated that every- thing possible bad been -done far the defence of tlerman interest*. • It wk itot imposeible that itrt rtunity would. befoit long *vise fnr the diteussion of 1, commereial tze*ty, tfter the, eonelusion of the FrancoC*nzdian negotiation*. '11 ember 1$ lsst, are included in this itien, as part of it. The, map .„of he cit' eel includes not, omy Jie.tr ze(140/8"ft:of'&441 Torontoand tlie,tulturbe of ,Dee Park, Iintervening go all the and surrounding suburb*. Th ftent volume contain*, by actu. count, 333,0$3 individual name; xclusiie of ,fitras vorporatiens ett.,,, an increase of 3,700 over the revious issue. The number of uildings of all kinds to the eitY, as shown by the street directory, is 01,014, an illete44818 of 4,803 latyear. Of . these 3,035 are o n vacant, As eorapared with ,003 in the last edition. The *hove 3,03:t vacant building?! in- 'ude in course of erection. As, . 3ame4 * Prof. Urns Speak at banrg.,, depateh Irom Cobotirg eri0t4t Minister, of Ag• ricuture, and Prof. Zavitz, addrsrd the °unties Council on Wednesday ° Mr. ;fames gave a able addrets, shoving the save *$e of teaching agriculture in the high school*. The, School Board, members -of the Collegia.te Usti- tute and public sehool stattss- the Board of Trade and others were present. Prof.sZavitz dwelt upon the advantages to be derived from reforettry.) Northumberland eoun- s; has 8,000 and Durham 7,000 *ores of -wage, lands suitable for this. He showed how some foreign emus - tries were deriving large revenue from lends reforested some Tears *go. A committee was soppomted by the Counties Couneil, whose 'duty it will be to further the inter - tits Of aviculture in this district, GR %IN CROV OF MANIT011A• eport tetharates It at Besiteless_ spateh-leom Winnipeg The provineial crop report WIOS is sued by the Department of Api. culture on Wednesday -morning. The total grain crop of the ptov. ince is tatimated at 1J3,000,I86 buthels compared with 29,01040 buinhels7.the previous year,. The total sield of- wheat- is plaeed at 4A639 butheiss an .average of 17.2, bitsbels per acre. The total arta under grain it given 811,,,611 aeres and the Aires under *11 raps at 4,067140R tete*. A 0N"piWit front NeW York Counsel' for the OreanEe esiaIgavigation Company, he White Star Line *tea ublie, on Pridsy 'Med si„ lihel t. United States Distriet Cour the steamer Florid* of the l.yd Itaiiax&4;. Line, which' tot and ftunk the Republisnif eantmk»tlitthip•Dona o t o 1,500.000, for the los Sititiv $300,003 for th. effeet* of the were dal that no fault f t Ik. but Ito 1 Lfl 1-tv e ther, tha ridicate. her she was te sand dki not her witers orida, also filed in the a District Court a- and _for * limitation of liabi the Florida, her frcight ssage nioney. The papers bat tbe isollition was caused by e fault and nej1eet nn ho,part rf the Bitpublie. The pe ,titiont to say that the damse slue of the Florid* *ow dot* mnl rxeircl $1114.00k and ask the eonrt li,abilitj ,44 411th ssosse Sstitsss-ssolts= • trs'*4 ss,s4kssis",-A 7, „ keniie 'King has P intersting report eotton mills of Quebec, in wideh hes question of child labor is .0. feature. Chamberlain has been appointed Viet -Prendeut and Gen- eralManager of the -Grand Trunk ESC. -..oncetediris Mr. Xeree. Arrangemettbeing nzde sthe-Corporetionsofs-Stu and a 'ornpany for, the ofloose shipyards in the e • • The Wentworth County Couneil decided to take no action on a let- ter from the Inspector of Prison and Charities ordering the Orpvtion of a, county houses of range. John B. Bey seas senten Guelph -to two 'Year& irnprison for setting fire to the barn of NteGuires He pleaded in .e that he 110 itut,(10 101,0 to the dose and bait been rejected. Neil theauley-hat just been so, TS V*0.31TU 44‘. prtheros Ontario, or outside. nterio No. 2 wliit�, outside, 40,C1 at 43 to Toronto; No. g Western anada 0. ts,043t Iakeplake oportrtax!. and Nrs. t quoted at 00Q I itside. Bar1y----No. 2 barley quoted to 57e outside; No. 3 extra at td)ti.se and No. A_Ist 52 to .541_ • ;6 Amortua on t41401c,) Toronto -,and o. 3 yetlow at 67 to 0400, Toron. to. Cattadiant, OIX to 050, o - ate freight," Bran -tars, *20.00 in bulk out Shorts, $22.00 in bulk on side. 0±, -111, o *4.50 for good qualitie and a to $3 for cooking apples; Deana Prime, $1,180 to $1.00, hand-picked, LSO to *2 ,per bushel. oney,-Condis,..2.25 to 112.75 per \dozen, and, strap:lett '10X to tic per, pound. a --No. I timothy $11 to *1!.- 50 per ton on track bere, and 1o,- er grade at $0 to 0 a ton. rawss-*/ to $7.50 on trek. tatoe3-430 to 044e- per, bag, oultry-sChiekons, dressed, 12 to 140 per ponndi-towl - to 13e. geese, 11 to "'* to 17•0 Per 110044, turkeys• iitted of theft at Regina. -When was t010040041, tot, trial he vol - red to cenvey himself to curt , after some difficulty, hunted u moitute& polieemen, to,sehom he-jurrcmdere. Mrs. Carrie Nation vat p with eggs while leeturing- in Can- terbury, England, litontlay.°night. Right Ron. lobo Sinclaar, Scc- rctary for Scotland in the British, Cabinet, has been raised -to the Peerage. • An English syndicate has been fOrMe4 to extract radium from itchblend deposits of an okl Cot. .ish copper mine, TT/CITED STATES. Four. men lost then, lives in * fire in * hotel at Fort *Worth, Texas. Three men are dead at Fort Du- pont. Del., from, drinking 'dense. turcd alcohol. An eighteen -year-old boy has been condemned to death for mur- der' in New Jersey. -, — Vont childrenlost their live* in ddstrood their hone litttbstras 1a.,° - The Semite of the United Stites will amend the waterway* treat ass to provide fot.the, °division f the water -power in the $t. Marys giver. „Three Jiipatiese spies have nested in 1.cuador. Benoit best known of French actors, zi destd. An unconrmed..Psirit.ilespAtch telis that King **Ilk of Abysein!. rtelostiou 1 reined botireeu ili Anti ',auland * Cholla') skdoto has been ordered porth. Ibe "Mt cloud hisi ieturnd to gion of tha Balkans, and Sul. is mobilizing troops on the rrkish frontlet. to es second * a *alit,. u II. When he ffarao t hands ogles • 0 1 X4, bo 'Of wotL :OZ Jt.?i Ii DAIRY prints, large ot creamery solids, 26 o 27e. X" 01'08 Of 0014 ?tor per dozen-; picked,': 24 ncw itact. 2'3 to 300 cheese, 13gs 13Xe. MAIMS. ozen. Cheese pounds and bn-Log clears 'LW to Uc und 0404 botssf mese pork, $10,50; short cut, -$U.50 to flams—Light to medium, Wto Ile; do., heavy, litg to 13o; tolls, 10X to tle; shoulders, 10 to 10Xc; back:, 10 to 1030; breakfast ba- con, 414_0 15e. 123e; tubs, is* pails, 13e. ontrca T NTICKAL. NO, No. Milan Wester 4 . x teed, .ld io- .4tI06----2 4 t 0 . ' ; Ontar No4,---4, . -63e1/to t "" itobs, fccd barley, 553,4 to 59c; uckwheit ,to SCe.. Flour Xanitoba, Spring eat patents, firsts, 10.00; Manitoba Spring heat patents, seconds, Coo; Manitoba strong bakers', $47$04 Winter wheat patents,- 35 to $5.25; straight rollers, $4.e0 to $1.10; do., in bags, $2.15 to *2.25; extra i bils $1::5 t,0 41,8. QX reedv-Mni. a tate bran, $21 to *22; Manitoba bort*, $24; Ontario bran'*21 t 421.50; Ontario shorts $& to BO; .Ontario iniddujngs, *24:50 to $23;- pnror. grain .ntouille, VA to $30; Inixed mquillef Cheett-41Finett *Item, 12v to lErie: eastern, 14 to 12%c:. tet-Vinest treaniery, 27 to fresh receipts, ta% to 205. Now /aid eggs,r_31to, 40e; d tock, laC I: stotk, 25 to 26e. • VXITEb IfrATESA ilwa 1 Northern, $1.1l; 2o. 2 Northern, $100 to $1.OQ; • * Corn eoe; No. 3, 410 sh To 4, tO �0 , Feb. , Feb. 2. heat o. I Northern. carIoi 1,13; Winter, Arm. If o. 3 yellow, .04Uct, 4414e; No. cora, 113%c; No. 3 wlo 67c Ot,--Pirizz. Eye, No. on traek, 1Ntc. A tLtlo m1sion, , generai 11 , eat' P1Itr ion bzy. 'ecom,nendpd to adoptionthe', ystem ana1ogouto that In the States ,acros the order si -Tbis yetemk.reeognizing - ht the pewit, otelintinating 1 tho dangerous' level erossings . • 0 the railways tim oz iadeto bear alone, p Wes or a, central overnineutal eVe • 0'6 " 4.67; 0 ' 1th of the I. ii , 1 ..41.Y,i*:' ,,, : ,1 . , ieipaliteM to' tho tio: :6 ' umn:ottiwIte.utn.0 07114111;,ilsyie'eatr'4*',1:4trosn4 ' toof Cro Thr ut n ix* 'entire:it he further.report of tbe comrnissmn as to the reeult of the inveatigation now propoaed- it, is , unlikely -any definite-- decitt- - a will lie reached and embodied n ,legielation, , or good buteher*ttle was active, ind everything offering in this as soon, picked up at firm Sheep and lambs. -Better lemand for ewes d lambs; msr- e. 04 0 11 I h cow* of ° mand common ood *het * d bul a ti ACT. r ,Oliver Provost,* ,flev. eral 'Ableats. -A despatch from Ottawa o t..-asuenflute zmmigr*tion act will he inco4or- ated in a bill tope -otitis immigreis tion,• to be introduced in the 0010. 0414 \early this session by -the • r Of the Interior. The bill will provide for * consolidation and re- vision of the present laws, as pas's- ed from time to time, thus making th act clearer and .more easy of enforcement. It will also provide for ...stricter „supervision, of innni. rants on arrsvol, both as regardo zn-edical in* tion and to insure tbat 11 the regulations of the iset are being obeerved. One of tbe now con- templatedis mon o 4 iT.6, time it for deportation from two t& three years. At present an im- iuigrant who keeometi is 'public. cbarge within two $6111114 of arrival ,niy be deported. It is now pro - period oI atio one,- 2$5 MUD, VNCUREOs . Jetts** Ot Lotaatotive ptpl 1* Tears. , A despatch from Washington SOS I In• reSP0046 * Senates re- solution, Chairman Knapp, of --the Inter -State Commerce Commis - tion • heti forwarded' to that body le, showing -the number of ems loyal* and passengers ,injilred dur g the years 1003 to 1000„. inclusive, OM 1000MOthe toiler explosions, to be 1105 kilted and, 710 injured. iEXT flOY131$011*GE14114 Oploiles. fit Tiritodi Oast it will• he JohnMuelatirs A slespitbelt from London -says; The r Daily Mail declares aellnite$ _that, Xri!Iohn_ainc.laititlow. ton -to-the-Rekerager merely' liteinary-. to • appointment as overnoraGeneral of Canada.. Tbie Canada.., to be the general opinion" Lateral circles; cac ',That were the Dark A ht Pup' 'The age beforees were invented," When a anan treats. hi* wife kind. be is concealing a confeuion lie ought to make. o .said, to hit , father r,ther day, "hither, have you ever noticed'Etta, mother 'And 50 ofl, and to <eV' y, it, o wee, tether's, reply looking at the breast of his shirt ;"bne er ittiplies to but - ,ss „. KING D TOO N4.141' IIVALS , 0.1111$ 01*- sirtElIMAs- •#.", Two Ilours o Mesis ot Dlffereui stabliehmen, int* are common i Gerrnany, thet th&. hours o work are not better arranged and moregenerally observed. if is deelaredt has no business day like eapitals, tand-tottoequent 'an fix any .-re *0000 considerable number o people are to be brought together:, 'The 044180 Of the trouble- is the long hours and the frequent meals, -- large ° or smell, *KAI break the, ueiness day up; BusinessGer- "many beginss witty,: even in the banks and other In C0114 but if iso ',there is alwa 0"fPaautilsVo'u°rof at fro1*1 oar quarter12 r1ft to enjoyment of 4 thicle'San4wieh and glassof beer or milk., Um COMIC "table tirae " at 2 or 3 o'clock* wbieh. muittly, ft for two full hours, duting which thousands of toloyesisoshoin t' r and- geb through. a satiefying hot meal. NOT CON1)tJCIVE TO WO1U. ethreatsutlbtiisn,in,tdheldmiceajncoois rity. fois o *thowsnatini that auything but good either for the eniploye or his stork, even though work continued until 7 or 8 o'clock In addition to the "table, time," many employes 18140 snatch a hastybite or cup sof coffee about half-pett 8. .0 every ,business Concern were exectly, to observe -the mime 'Pattie' and "table times" it would not be so bad, but as a mats ter of feet Berlin has not -reached -Ebbs stage -or unanimity and each place of business arranges them to suit it* own. convenience or caprice. Renee the difficulty' of getting busi- ness teen together for any'common object or even for an opointraetst between twO Men. Ber- lin should' ,follow the -example of ItEltPDX PROPOSED.The remedy' proposed is that Bet. London, where work is not crowded into such narrow limits. Berlin eseukt then have its business day d be done with the whole thing t say. s o'clock. In Ott ease it urgedswitlreomi-foree, Berlin could do without its So. tiled night life, whiett means n the centre of the city eitlootts and eafes an4:1 restaurant* are SUWON/ tO remark -open the night tlirou Certain.' well -known saloons and Cafes have not interrupted business for several years, for when night - work ends day work begins. Berlin's night life it chiefly meant, for provintials, for whom it seems to have * powerful attraction but also l*rgery 'due to the needs of mplore* turned loose front bu s est too late to go home ler * tom. ortable meal or for the estioyment of tpOrtt or other recreation. 1 • 1 • 41 1 itheut arrY , be of a Die from Ottaw A* t te,orginizatio the RiwLw* COXXISittSIOX is ou whith the Donsin dded into di/mitts 4. 0 ,sp&ai *barge of oste of t sionert°31$ to the routi **tio*s. Chief Ceialnissione it, of tostroo, kivre oter h dittrie •Ir 4 Charge 140 ..pis (look*. Ifs* ei to I,� sasted 3r e. . M Les* ehsrg f Msnitobs. _Saa. and that portio* of w Arthur. with , arst • A. 44,7, lk; 2:11)ItirfA4410444r.taitigia4 6 • 1,10 • • Ins ;tor • 416646 •