HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 8 (2)i 1t taW1!!Ia in 445 Pers
Irak, 134P '
tb 7 -tai
at title . ws
this le it,
TxwitLocals -lead
° If yog cios't goto
for .I.00
The Advocate will be mailed ed to any
inlianadai,:until January 1st,
ltf, for one dollar. Tell your neigh.,
berg abet it.
r�rae .. _otoelktakitig. to X74.-
The Advoeate will be sent to any
eaddreettinVanadat to J"eti. lit, 1910,
Torr P AO.
9.00 $ss katchewau Robes reduced to
16;76'(luring ,tock -f'''at Ming Sale. 14 of
RM. Stewart's.
lee aanrtuel meeting of the South Huse.
on County Loyal Orange Lodge will be
held • ecie on Tuesday.Flit. 2nd, cons -
mewing at 10.80 a. tae
Stewart's stock -taking sales is the spot
for you. $15.00 seen porcelais di ler
sot reduced toi►.9li.
We take subsci`riptionss foraf foreign
Or Canadian mag*zines at reduced
rates. Don't forget the .Advocate
When your imbscriptions run out.
K your eye on'Stewart's great stock
taking sale- " s now ore -metes 45.00
coon mat ging at .0I.
nett ,tack -Taking Sale now in full
blast44Ggrrt'ar see y f `tele coat
for Wits going' 484652,
Ur. Dan.. Davis '111 04 to be h itt sgaltn
after tda severe libelee
Miss Lor+ctte eeienbrook to able be be
UP for a Short UM* asaftez 11er operation
of last I. _-
Mr. $d.' abs ton Of Stephen had We
buggy constdereab lr damaged While drier
Ing home Met fervr rt 00 Settalydtay night,•
his rig coilidfng With eriother going to
the o porrstte dereetlOrt tNser the railway
c rose ng'.
A number .ot t **CrD4dte lows
drove to Vermeil to *ttend tee ttineral
at the tate J., C. Ston leen Tuesday. In
the evening ratter lodge wt. visited' by
a number of Hensel! be ethren to witness
the work of the first degree.
Mr. Win Monteith Of tale T.uames ltd.
C'storne, cold his 100 acre fares[ On
day' last to fee. Andrew. Campbell of thea
*tame township. The price paid was
$7000. Tele is an excellent term and
- ---ts- -consider4 d goad -va . -Mr.
intesnds going wean in Mareti.
At the rc:.ontely meeting of Codi* Me -
flannelly 00. 61, Canadian tfrdcr of
Foresters- atc;d on ft a ndaeY._ciening_.laat
--the -soh ng offleerse.-£err -tett year we
installed --C. isirnc;s•, relict rimer; DAL
Der an, tr:ia't cele[; Wm. Iisrdiele . Chet*
lain : 1L *1. It1We. financial secretary; F
W. Giedsne.tn recordeng secretary; T. H.
I _t1;u rn. tree sheer Geo. 'full,. Seriaterr
Weeldwsaraed . le n. Creech, Jr. Woodward
S. Powell. Sr. Beadle; W. Powell, Jr.
Was a loivtly flower of
dropped tato the
t H1CJ A cis
Weather to come
food don'it giottt for rt itill
chr a > v!+ pttititsi * "perszia e
1t e*ndUt t:
or taper
[nasal , ghat to "T ntgb
he Larolt 'eter h0cic slr^ anti
ez ' a rr*i .d Or, 44n.2
0, the woaatlaeer., ba$ bean poatlsoatid to
Ilrcander,,, Web lot, at 'o'clock► •
Mr. and Mr.,1arreWe end giblet stab,
tarp hoot week tor, lAtettdon to reside. how.
"et mold their hotel' buiineso t0 JLtriaara.
Partmer Bros. Mr. Deneromalyee_iumee, IMa
week eemietititer the [stager of the Ilea
ease and shipping .the b elan[ of hien ef-
fects to tee elty,
Rev. Martin .; -.serf- Prefebitetle4
churctn; Is attract+n$ largo conrrrx`eig tti+ainss
each Spnday evening while Ito Is i iv.
+rains' --ass ,ser'eas of sermons on the seven
deadly eine. Ile hats already ptetetted
on Pride, Avarice, and Envy/ and is
needling the subject* In eucelleNtd ire-
Mtss •Nellie Moir e r l3rooklyn,
number of nurse* that the Dotted iltates
Government is despatching to Baty to
are for the ineured In tet
in her profession.
A quiet but very pretty wedding took
.plaice id the hozzle of qtr. William Loose-
naoore, Inwood, en Wednesday
-*hen_ Mesa '-Meer-:liandtoI Chi' Zoter.
late of England. was united In marriage
to Mr. John Moyle of that place. Miss
elandtord will have the best w snee o
bee -friends ',setfsa lice future iiappt-
ees _ -and protnerity.-
Bev. Knight of Dawn gills preached
mieetonar r sermons in the Jatmeas-se.
church' Sunday inerning and lit the Main
street church in the eventing. lair. Thos.
elillyard occupied the same pu:pite in
the reverse order morning and evening.
Both gentlemen gave excellent talk* on
missionary work, altnough Mr. Knight
wax suffering severely from a heavy
• *n. +Ftp#
aids{ • aarother
HU.. and 14r.,
"ra3itama ; w ere i ea 14n fait 'et at
tuaocton were
kot^u 11►t '3 , ! a .. ' ott`s" last.
J►1 ' 'ore couplet tat eleltinetitetteslee
C acilton ttlends . torr 'a couple aaZ
rx. *nd Wil*on of London draw
p►tla,inng tilde daughter. Ursa. W, P,
Rev. Collin. leaves auortlx for ae two
weeks` •vieit with a friend In Cincinnati,
Mies Millie I1yndm*n left Vtittineissdey
evening for Ottawa to resume her mill-
inery dunes.
Kr*. Simon Campbell was celled to
Motherwet last week on account of her
stair's Res. ,
SOL John Dignan and Miss hI11►tWe1� at -
ter several nee t s.' �r1,elt In Leeente. �-
5 -=as,
lsattr. Clarence liners, who was visiting
eat his
._Y borne here for a few dam has
•+r�i rso a +" eCalhen
d and eeelr are attending County Council
at Goderich this week.
Mr. John McIntyre has returned to
h aces titu►ties with A. Walter & Son after
a vide in oroplo for - eeveral Weeks. .
Mr. Riehl Stonehouse, who has been
residing with his daughter, Mrs. Elrzjey,
for several months. rettltrned tohis hone
The waren balinzy air of [Saturday and
Sunday following the heavy • thueder
lightning and .rain of Saturday morning
came a js a big but somewhat plea/mot
surprise. The rains were very . much
needed by :many of the :farmers who .haave.
had to draw water for their 'stock for
for some weeks. The general opinion
ref that we willpay for the tine wean
weather before many days are _past, and
we may confidently expect oar se.:ond
winter .now..
A former Exeter boy was married in
London on Jan. 20th when Edgar, son
ot -Mr. John Bissett. became the hues
band of Miss Annie: Bernardi the cere-
mony being ,performed at the home of
the bride'>s parents, 130 Bethur.t-st,, by
Rev. James Rollins, of King Street Pres-
byterian claire!), in the presence ot a
large number of guests. Edgar's friends
and relatives hems wend heartiest' con-
gratulations and best wishes.
The annual meeting of the Caren fres-
byterian church was held on Morndag
night last and was well attended. Re-
porte were read and ,.proved very satis-
factnrjr. Messrs. Jae. Jcckell and Jame"
Scott were elected as managing board.
and Mr. Jos. ,senior Wait re-eketed ait-
Sec 'l rcas: Votes of thanks, were tens►
dercd the officers of the church, Sunday
School and . membcra of the choir. The
ladies of the cln.urch served a dainty
lgraehseon atter which a pleasant time
woes spent noctall*.
The aitasashine of life Is made up of
Very little kerns that are bright all tre
time. In the nursery, on the play -grouted
and in the school room, there is room
tine threrfor -tittle acts cif -Whines*
that coat nothing but are worth more
than gold or, r liver, To give Op some
thins when ,giving up will prrevent un-
bappinett5, to yield__ .when wrshatang
will chafe and fret -others. td No- w lit
tle way around reeler than come again-
at another; to take an ill word or sea
cross look rather than to resent it: these
are ,the -ways Irz which, cioedas and ato m
aro kept ott, and a p, ,sent, limiting
sunshine sieurett even In a humble home
among very poor people, as well as in
tunnies in higher station, ,1tueh that
we term the miseries of life woled • be
*voided by ,adopting tills rule of coroduet.
A regular storm ,period covers the
Unit five days iya vehru..ry► welch is
central on time ard. By the first and
mind the barometer w'll be .falling. and
&ha.te:neerattire wllt bo risingIn western
se [Ione of the country. BY the ard,
clouiineas and *torn) areas: Will be or-
gaanized, and ' daring the 3rml to *tin, rain
wind and snow 'will prevail Irencraily,
rgaseing progressively from western to
eastern cetttisrtees of ,.time rountey. The'
*terms . 01 thins period will rel iz their
uttnittztirg' loyalty•:an 2 extent itileon-
ezectloat with full Nebo ora nazi li.otte41
the5th. BY thio TO itorms 'Mill ire
turhed to driving snow In the north and
grit, tolmdwed closely by rising borOnt-
ert.hteit northwest winds and "era►nge
to m.:2 [aider. 'C'csaal. fair wsaa f' e.: will
aadvenee c:,astwaldt said 'so tbwar l in
;the immediate rime of t'$emeo. tarogr*ssivar
storm*. reichirtg to rario'ure degree* of
ftetidity taste luart*. et 'k to country by
the•'ftlra to 6t't.
Irw1u . fiia*ret.--Atilt et but pretty wed
ding took plaice oma Ticur.dity. Jan 2101
at the borne ot Mr. end its. Tboie l tt'sss»
5t41, ',, ),1WWlliaani-Vit., Lwhitn their *tont'
ala ghter r orext was uttit'cl io rein
r ods 01 wtheati't no y' to Mr. =Wirt IrwIn
of 1'tolrwaiC .Tiee ' ioc tee ch*rtral g
fart ae prince". gown Of ere aretsilk .tanned
etnsl' t*newer arred es. *ner bouquet, of bridal
roes, [ler:' travelling tea 1 wee navy Mae;
b e adclo'tz, .wale That, of Alloy blue. the
ceacino-zy writ. perfois net Nr.Nr.by Rea; D. .
tile* or `thee Ttliritt Steetorlat rhitteit .10
prise: of .'the Immitedtate \rzierGa res
tlcw bidek err the eeteettear.telettOe
Ic'a, Water reed :tor tea Iristi s *ed Atte
Katie tiled* Of Vie Wide. when a
i to {y lea stn wan re1'414. Witt& the bstat
ista *Mrd LoanOasaI* attor.s o1 theft .ial'1y•;;
k l�* r arm Mrs. i~dw.tt'' .ett ittio'
.... err' in for pa ntssa e . Tom.';:
t to the btflewage * **Abut
atm aiahi 'Ii",e *t'i fws '' ':
etiest 1 -teeeppel et Dundee*.- -who-
has : been visiting at Henry Ruynold'g,
Brooke -Bide p arm, and . with other rela-
tives, left for her home last Thursday,
accompanied bit ell*. Luther Re nolds.
Mr. Wesley Snell is, having ked brick
Placed on the ground near his residence
Huron street, for tate 'purpose of build-
ing a new residence neat summer.
STILL Tt1EF COME. Got 'cin again..
Another stock. of Grcccries and Bots
and Shaer Just received at the Exeter
Bargain Store. Cracking -Big Bargainer
all this week. Teals big sale will begin
to -day, Thursday, J'anuaary 28th." One
cash register, one 'client salc*maan go
tor halt price, tattling big bargain,.
J. daV...I3,RODEItICK:
coroner Jos W..lerowntng sutnmeeed
i coroner`s Jury on Thursday . last to
inquire into the death 01 the tante Wm.
Taylor, who died at the hone ee hie:,
tatherein aw, Mr, Thos Hitter. E*ster
North, 'some five months o. humor
Naas been express" tat Inc death was
not trona[ natural causes, ' and on • the.
A.ttornei General being consulted he ask•
ed that the coroner empanel a Jur* said
decide the nutter. .Accordingly the fol-
lowing citizens were summoned ' by VP.
11. Gundry, high - Constable of Godes..
Leh. under warrant from the coroner,
-T. II. Carling, foyer naan, 1. Dawkins,
Ae tc nc 1. Wm. Z'im. Ilaax+ Wa
wdcn. 11E. re
J. .A, Stewart, W. ' J. 'annan, rt. N.
Creech. A. .t. Ford, 3. Beverley, 3.'3.
wnite. P. Plaine, Jas. Gould, Edward
Christie. They met in tee Town Hall
on Thursday, pe 2 o'clock, seed after
taking the oath of office were taken
to tee cemetery wocrey they viewed the
rezn fns and the proceedings wero ad-
journed until 1,'cb. 2nd at 10 o'clock/
when they will again meet at the Town
Bali. °- The body Wes carefully examined
*t the cemetery by Dr. Shaw of Clinton
and Dr, 13r#gbh of -_town, then result of
which wit be made known at the ad
!owned er.quest.
_.Tine:�efeelislie eieeerier-ix reef •witha
excellent sureties at the Parkhill bon -
spell last wee. W. Ir. Taman'ss rink
consisting v1: Frank Sweet.' ease. Taylor,
ii. Boston at ,d himself, succccded in
ge"hag unto they - finals and were to
have played oaf for the cup with Lur-an
tut owing to the lee being covered With
water and the lumen being light they de-
faulted the game to the- heavy Leman
rink. Skip Tarnairr lied previously offered
to finish with L'W2.1011 on neutral ice, fon
Lugar: lee or with ihot�t. ends, but Lo
call declines& to *accept the otenn whinh.
they . had a p rfeet rjghnt to do, const -
qt n3le Eztte r "dTfaiutted. Ai runners
up, however.- never.• t ey , were awarded 'pearl
tie pins earl. Tanaan's rick defeated
Donainroa'n'e • rink of Iterfaall Le -0; Yc-
Deugare et 1'iirkhrn--id Boys 11.5 ;
Mclntyre's of New Liskard.81, ; ntid iter.
Graham** ot Parktnill, 11.-6.
Gra. lenderg$n', 'rink t:e :elating. of V.
fawde , • Alt. Taylor, Ed.: Jones, and
himalsrite derea.ttd Gz'aawf'eir Y* rink,of
Thc�,tard 16-7; C i'dp 'r of Fe resat 114
and (raricre' beaten br tee trophy- wipners
skipped by Dr. Thomesot of twain 7-6.
Tbtcy r: a o' a good chance of winnttng out
in the consolation eltent which Wale poet--
polied to .m a utterer. On , areoun
i t the heavy .lee. (TM* rink expecte. to
Mitten to Paelthill tot' this -vent wen%
played oft.
the treys are. so enthused over the
ganett and tat iittVeellS of the bonspell
in Parkhill teat they ate talent *erne
faintly or heeding .a `bomwpcit era
teat year. We weeths Rio to lie a 'Orme
sae on beep atesl trust that the tittsrns
would give the cutlers every 1mi:stanee
they cr,,Sld in teas 'way of melting op *Ili
let teas.
,p� f
A+1 M t • w.+1,14*** an
si *.;.w _... _.
Iry X0.0.44
4Tlte tic k ot, Stet' VA :140:0 1-.t M*!OOs
ChUirch [tato[ recete word ['rata [.[euro
lllc r#0.01aba 'ot Tomitti Hutt' ;14, se,
ar(sptet¢, etubiect *IT eiletestetteled
tr fe `cOttattlitteeae, .:the r►l +tit p lne
vitiation stat Jan to -street church to. :
come their pastor next coiiEerrtr. ett. 'stylar.
Mr. Hobbs hid teen Invited to remain
moiler'. he Is for at fourth xear. Ile, fns
an excellent < 'pa ►cher end should be
welt -.eec elved---its Exeter. -i
hetild pravc ah everlastintt WSro
ting to bora'bappeutil to -town on Stir
day last. Three Yining lade, ' Tommy
Sanders. *Willie N en and Veen Preece
got hold of a loaded cartridge and be-
lug curious to know whet could be done
with it to centore a little exeitement they
started to "v+rfork to set It ott, They' lid
not have to work long untlL,.thtl^.,'
�q them all an experience y awn as hey
won't care to " a �
t t . p,
1 •lis ;i�� 't11r�'V T• i
clausins' a
painful 1140.17, while WiiiIc: ,nitrtey re,
mind a *evert; cut in the arra, near an
artery that necesaltated several stitches
and which if le had been a trifle fur-
ther ono way would have cut the Art-
crit -.and -bled--ter-death in evreahort-'tin3e.
'heesnnuat-mceeti' f -thee ,.Ela n : :
riculturat Society'_ was held In -the Town
Rall on Tnureday afternoon lavt, with
a fairly good attendance. Mr. 3). Meba-
ne* was asked to take the chair. The
Treasurer's and Auditors' reports were
received, showing that the society ie in
a good healthy condition. After the
,usual preliminary buOiiiese was trap-
saeted the tollowinif OI#i;.ers were elect-
ed for the year 1900: --Trevi., E Chris-
tie; vice -pros.. John Allison; 2 id Vi -
pres., W. D. Sanders; Directors. Jolut
Moir, Wm. Rummell, P. MMTaaggart, Pam
Goatee, Sid. Andrews, W. 11. Levott, W.
i3awden. W. R. Elliott. John De bridge ;
Ron. directors, D. McInnes and San*
Sanders. fir.: Auditor.. R E. Boston
and C. H. Sanders.
rem Discount Sale of Furniture at
Rowe de, At n on's II
We have started a great
slaughter- sale comping
every artiicIe of li. u
-our arge,.et 'at urastd :T
Specia Dracomit of
20 Per Cent
r Prices
for OASU. Note **roe of the
Great Bargains we are offering
and what it means to f"urniturra-
buyera. A call will convince
intending purchaser* that this
SALE ever held in Exeter.
-regular' ice $1300 l(1.00
Discount Salle Pricer
D Saal Pr $6.00
Dq price &9`
i ntSale Price.. ., $2.50
Everything else its proportion.
The cream horse owned by Mr. E. A.
rollick caused a little excitement on
Main Street 'Tuesday. The wh tiietreel.
on the bread wagon broke catming• the
beast to kick furiously and act. ugly un -
tit It relieved i.tasclf from the rig.
• PONE NO. 32
We Move it in our
ftcontains: the qualities
that tickle the palate. Ton
must have beard 11 over and.
over again that Harvey's
Flour •makes
Good Bread .
Try it and you Will
Only sa few choice utas"" left but thereto just mfr good + u month
ago this "JUG c" will sell tom.
Remember, 1.4
a lituidred and upwards
ititcoraing toccinklitie for,'Scrap Iron,
Old Rubber Boots and Shoe►, rte per lb
ittorso:. lir, .. OA . area Brass 8c.
I , I
LAeDIES' and NI`LD E'' 3 are • sells b
ort sib ,y plric►, '1tar Irtatfe
oaf** few'l"t„ ttittro.iw