HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 7 (2)!urrd to so
the part of the cat
ther m*eter iejuest exacting,
in.t on, the meet eeropiklaus
being extreiseel in, regard to
e EtallS and etehless .as wefl
er itiiit
ay for sem' e one wh.n hf" eoli
hi* riot 43it .ouglit'
ren 'rad,
it fji IT!'
i, fiad there "tlign
el• ' t lehree
, .0
States like ecieni
, t:Sh(0,4r,Iiow ine-
ure-the etually 25.!
1140 tryiug a different medicine
r iorath- iliscase because theY,JI
ring from one eauee—bad blooti.
To eure iSnY-Tof 'tliese-slitieasern'siitt
Must get right- down to the root i of
the trouble, in the blOod. That iJ
just what Dr, William'. Pink Pills
do. They make now, rich bload.
That is wher.they care these dis-
eases when common toed/eine, fail.
Mr, Renee Baker, Chipman, N.
eays:.---"About a year ago I Was
so weak: and miserable that I
thousht1 leould not live to see
i 0 bs• coMPlo
hae ISOeri
tIa tanw•pitioufor QVt'' titirt
3 arid
$ 1
King. great faVOrile.
nt. malty a:er
linctilions sh.ut tILedefereusU due
to his rank beiug paid to him, but
with this favored employe he re.
Ilexes and permits familiaritieS
which would bring 'se stinging re.
bnke on the head of any other;
The old Man and his royal master
-generally eontrrve to get into a
lAeated argument *bout the cattle,
which .ends, in the majorityof
ease', een the old mares hobblin
away in high dudgeon, in whic
state he remains until the timely
offer of a cigar restores him to good
ody rr--• ith pitsiiles and
*email boib that would itch and
*111 and *need m
e›. 1,`
▪ * but to rio effect.
despair when one
day a friend asked me why. I did
at. Pink Pills.
ed to try them and took alto -
her eight boxes. By the time .1
ere an. Th no only
fted d enriched My blood, but
built up my whole eyeteat and I
bave not bad a pitnple on my flesh
nor a siek (lay since.'"
To enrich the blood you must get
the genuine Pills with the full
-mime, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People," on the wrapper
around the box. Sold by all medi-
• cine dealers or by mail at 50c a
box or six ,boxes for Sees° from
The Dr. WilliamsMedicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
g Gorgeous Costume,
Edward Enjoys Visit
to Steck 'Firm.
e e King has to prepare
any foreign ambassadors
o an audience, or such
ial messengers as .are
g between' the Euro-
courts. F9r. this function!
Edward 'attires himself in the
full 1
galia of a British field mar- s
a y with the imperial sear! across
'hi t and his breast decorated
rith e blazing insignia of the
orders , This is a - costume !
e he King has a decided pref. a
r ce for.
it is /4 Magnificent dress and par-
ticularly becoming to him, for it A
They are Demanding Editeation and
Legal Riede.
ing to the brutality and injustie
of their position, and are demand-
ing education and legal rights. The
ld Empress -willingly beard their
call and answered it. Schools for
girls have recently been establish-
ed,- mitlr.foreign-larlies,--vrinoiPallY
paneser_sm-teachers.---They are
crowded with pupils, mostly from
leading Chinese families. In Pekin
the college for young ladies of the
court is very popular, and.-fgurteen
Mongolian princesses are receiving
their education there. English is
taught in all the school.s. Many
women are not content with the
education Chine can su I and
have left their country to study in
European univerekti,ese_Mises Le
Tsu-zunge the daughter of a doctor
at Shanghai, has recently been ad-
mitted to the Berlin University on
the Special recommendation of the
Chinese Minister, and many others
are following her example.
• 1081 011gEIED ME&
Nothing in the world. is such a
comfort and a joy as a beelthy„
hearty, rosy-cheeked, happy baby.
Babies and young children can be
kept in perfect health by giving
them an 'occasional dose of Baby's
Own Tablets, which will keep the
stomach and bowels in perfect or-
der. - And when sickness come.s
there is no other medicine will cure
the minor ills of childhood as
speedily and safely as Baby's Own
Tablets. Guaranteed to contain
no opiate or poisonous drng. Mrs.
M. Itonsard, Eastern Harbor, N. S.,
ays :--"I have used Baby's Owa
Tablets for the various ills from
which little ones suffer, and find
hem a marvellous - medicine.
Thanks to the Tablets my baby now
!ways enjoes the best of health."
Soh] by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 125e. a box from The Dr.
Villiams' .Sledicine Co., Ilioekville;
esoneiderably___the- -di i-
thoritative n w itch is al
diatinguisitiug characteristic of thel
Xing. Xing Edward always weara
it on asite occasionei and although..
it- tilt inan ana- in hitter years!
jnciined to be stont, he presents an
Imposing and kingly appearance.
r his,,andienees are over the
• doffs hi magnificence to en-
. e most genuine pleaeure of
y. Dresed as a country
imait, he -goes off to his" stook,
attencl.a ttiek mle. I his'
rrnTh Majc5ty had - not been
orn ir tf!e 'purple he would prob.
ve het% a fairmer, and -h
lave ..hetle fl: toed one. The
inga tatee have taken prizes
„oild, end tlibir Owner'
;ems a ;deep interest in
og and welfare, but is;
cntersant' with all the
he kattkreare• His Iove '
-.Most-of us- acqustinted :with
the person wItcritaki-
tionseethe sort of man who stops
you in the middle of a head!ong
rush* and. ask,- you if you are au a
hurry. Mr. is one of these
peete, and during a walk abroad
.the'other -morning he peueed in as-
tpnishment outside a frienll'a house.
Befere it stood three liege moving
vans; the lawn was almost coverer!
with artieles of furniture of N'ari-
ous eorts—pieturee, wardrobeg, and
china. And there eels his old
friend 11-77-ree begrinied,. weary, and
ill-tempered. direetieg operations
eereire_kie shirt-eleevee, . . •
B—," exelaimed r.
"are you reeling?"
- "Not at all—not at • snap.
rd D—see ysith elaborate sarcam.•
t,aking iny,lkunitr'c out fOl4
bin etill his life. but het
snst equally vi,S:fond )51 co -ss) lady' writes': "I'was e abled to
h and 14 regarded ee removesthe cows, torte and branch
aetherities in his Abe nt.',6 of ..1101loway's Corn
eilaefel wad ,eneeeie. ',C;ire." • Others wles /hare /tried(it
l!avo saine esptrience.
•' •
tsali,ee has be
NOT' ON Tait MAP..
Theee. Mice 'lived a ,wealtley, but
unedeeated snaa who pwacd anany
Sailitet vessels. wed followed their
eenree over teas by. the t*I of'
an ettoeinees' *Ode.•, 7 .
• ittlf.1 he& a etter,"l&eeld
to a 1110igkbOry, "inon Olt of iny
tiiii. dal he tells tee' tleit he's
• be in a feetfoi storm, ettl
likaote but Ote veseeel woerd go to:
A es'SeeeS. rut, ru read jeezi set!
4seeselee tee.. Ife elee: 'ate WA1:-e3:
tnOrgtiatlY0,...%1,1iie the litVict
•.:;4141;titS. 14A-6: ttE).t it • ti PadY •
,Wk I 1:rlt, to•r4i.lev f547" • $• 13F.d
foldel the
-•?.7147c, !is(r-at Jardi
14Y7 t::s E 4hr4 in the Ms.,
, L-,,ot 1 (An
rigidg eett 8 k k
ere' un ant
,put fore*
ing gatlir0 45, • Allt010
- he .Anto 'Kato, 1
iittienedi t3
ea4 7444;7.
•iftietia;. ntet. 4
,1* i' iftYsteee, Yv'arP, ' '
ut ong' ,enough. to.. ,ca ii,
he liserosee team, John .0ilveront h.
of this place. can tralileilooked on
*Weir tteaeint7dherUltteel tiM4'‘1.
as a wonderful athlete. Oue would 'Autonlobile' .Skate at the 10w -
naturally thiele he was all hit iitelvst figure, six ounce e lighter than
a Itealthy;111411.- But it -weft -far
otherwise, an ci he unhesitatingly
states- that,, his • wonderful energy
and vitality are duel' to Dorld's
Kidney Pills.
"1 suffered from Rheumatism for
ver eeven years," Mr. Silversmith
says in tellies his story, "and it
finally. made complete criPPlo of
me. My back was bent nearly dou-
ble and when I tried to walk had
to me eretches. Latterly I could
rtierefing' pain.
Pills gieve in e relief; sixtee
cured ine mpletely."
any other. NAlit4risis n4t* :Von
wilt find that he has eettially lifted
4,883 pounda less he would
were be using any other ekatee.
The Automobile Skate is inariufae.
tured by the Catadi, Cycle - and
Motor 'Company.
Don't because you hav
button your wife's-weist.
• • caused sordered Kidneys
d Dadd's Kidney Pills always
cure disordered Kidneys.
The yellowest gold comes from
Alaska- tiweredtlestefromethie-Ura,
distriet:_____Auetralitin gold isered-
dish, and California eellowish.
Worms derange the whole system.
Mother Graves Worm Extermina.
tor deranges worms and gives rest
to the sufferege It only coats 25
cents to try ve Lau' be convinced.
Shopkeeper --"Come here, Fido
Fine animal, that Your dog, sir r
Younz oustomer—"My dos?' hope
not, Would not be followed about
by such a cur as that." Shopkeep-
er---"Clet out, you brnte. hate
' Ind4dren (t. Sleighing'. They come beers
,iporered *Miaow. BIWA toospoonjul rain
;Miler.* hot sweetened water wall Rperent any,
Ail effect,. Aral sub3ntutit, Moe is 11114 Sp.
!"Pliiakilier "...POTTY DAY13...dia. 114#
Schoolmistress, f.ndeavoring to
impress upon the Class the meaning
of the word "cuticle"—'Now, Pol-
13r Johnson, tell me what it is with
which my face and hands are cov-
ered." Back came the answer with
startling promptitude: "Frecklee,
Always a Good Friend.—In
health and happiness we need n
friends, but when pain and pros-
tration come we leek for friend)
aid from sympathetic hands. These
hands can serve xis no better than
in ruhtiii-efit Dr. Thomas'. Eclectrie
Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain
is out. It has brought relief to
thousands who without it would be
indeed friendless.
Mistress (astounded) --"You can't,
read, Norah 4 Good gracious: How
you -ever----learn-ete--took
Oi lay it t not bein' able o rade'
th' cook books." •
-titivat -mkt
away. 1 mi can complus. It with Altea's Line
Baia** which Heves hard briethlage
the chest AM .1 tatter Ad Lb* tior
inilid7 Us the Chi dtilk.
Lawyer "You eay the prisoner
stole your watch I What distingto
idling feature was *hoot the
watch?" Witness—"It had .my
sweethearVs picture in it." Law-
yer---"Ak• X tee. A woman in the
Time tries all -things; and a
Biekles Anti -Consumptive Syrup
has stood the test of Years it now
ranks, as a leading specific in the
treatment of all ailinente of tile
throat and lutigs. It will eaten
and eubdies 'the inott stubborn
coo li by relfeving 'tile irritation,
and resare the affected organs to
heali\liy conditionsfree will Sliove
Is value., Try it and conioced
Of its efileaey.
' r
014 dentlom A poii ttlIelv
wait. to me this ruing ,askin,
rfood, as list said he was a**
tg, I tent hint down to eteir
eilaree, And told lato, to -get a str;cd
meal and r would pay for it. Ittnv
is the bine Landkril
'Aft, cents, sir." "iiilat are
items"" "Seireix hteri and
hrea *cigars."
no waists o button. Some Mere&
waists have no buttons on,,
o button.- Some men's wives vile I
r- tr.4,4
ton don' etre ft continental. w e
ther they are buttoned or not. Some
men don't have any wives with
waists with buttons on to -button
any more than a rabbit.
ail.474 3
• .464P;' Vikth'se''XitPd for t
Shin the. meal "wes )19,11 .01“,
Mareehad not sappeated,
Mint acked, if any el the ehildten
knew where, their_ -4nist WIT wate,
jelau poke premptly":--
'Please, mother, she is op the
-roof." .
Never before has the etruggic for
social and commercial buccees been
so keen as in our own day, and to
the victor and the vauquish0
*like comes a time when nerves end
body cry for rest. Nature and sei.
enet have combilied to produce, an
avironment where tired n;en and
ety • at St. Catharines,
Ontario, is situated s "The Wel
land," where the ills of life aro
rugso te t t uses
uveler propermedical super-
vision and attendance. Apply to
leo St. James streets Montreal, for
booklet and further information.
_company noticed that one of the
coldiers had negteed-to
•ther the back °Qt his neek or h;s
ars, h cial lead?
heavY tc-41 burden? Z know -
these = to dette4te caxs. "Et you!" he called to.
cure =Of. want to vet eve your bur. hint-Jays:in haven't washed yourself
been: u et% too: but reined bol'o. to
trAtml, truneggitg Ur g71241; st the hack! Right -about face aud
). at.. yourself
ae you 'need do Is to WM.
een pLcd
r Or tharemear mor * free °Q
teoris.ahneertorr cuirestowargo'eas,hopoyezega in swum, er Parmelee's vegetable
, cuied
tor ee roes eosin or al 2 Pills will cope with and overtorne
5 e *temp). Your lettere held WM- i
_Wrtte_to-daY-Pre MY free treat. any irregularities of the digeetiie
:Kra II. P CUltaato ititiarsor, co. 1 organs which change of daet,
1 Oliange of residence, or variation
Importunate Lady (who has been ) of temperature may bring about.
subjecting the child to a running a They should be always kept at hand
fire of questions) --"Is the ekin of 7 and once their berteficial action be.
the fox any use!" Child--"Yes.";vorees known, uo one will be with-
Lady—"What for?' Child " or , out them. There is nothing *lance-
keptag the fox warm, of course.". liating in their etseeture, and the
. , _ - 'inost delicate can use them eonfi.
if -
Biliousness Burdens Life. „--- The deafly.
billow" man im.oever 111 com,panion-
able Man beeauee his etilinemt refl., Broncho Bill --"•See here, boss!.
der s biro morose and gloom'. 21te What in thunder Weer mean by
complaint isnotso dangerous as iti putting 'PAM with thauks* on my
is disagreeable. Yet no one need'accouutt Jetyou put with cash,'
suffer from it who can procure; and be slick, too. None o' yer fun-
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills.. - Rer .ey jokes on mos,'
regulating the Jiver ,and abviatin
the effects Of bile in the stomae
they restore 'men to cheerfulness
and full vigor of action. .
• it doesn't necessarily follow that
maw world rather fight than eat
because he marries a, cooking school
gradnate. •
There Is tie lasell tow baradeee coma.
The trontle t owe from had to Worse 1111113$ am*.
414 Auto Ling WOES cures the won* et
colds. It allays lettamatetton earl .ears the ads
Ileggar—"Sirs SIM etarving.",
11-6 'Here, take this. eons
e how you..--ame so
miserably poor"Beggar•-•:"Ah, sir, • was lijce
Urge iiiiiiis-or-MoiSey to the' poor."
Rats, Ora
to tsaLiit
434$ sco:IT'stitutt Tsitoot
Stook Itrokara,tt finattolal Agents',
ttl,r4tittravitsurrguzitszot t
Agent, ores, everywhere; hand -
tome fits; aur peileet,
braze, l'reresene,7, mantle, table.
j*mp't hanging or "bracket -lamp
IGO 'esiadIeleiwer; Iterose
fitted; a "wonder r *elle on sight re
tails $3.50.
• Watertsarb Cows
•Ile flebentrits for "The pair...Menthol
eltbees4sonelutterspultoult 40410111 Illayeay
Reoopiesended' .h'S tforil. %cell:false eht
4164401117heilY for Plearseye, etniampre .to.
Red thiS Latta I
MEL reiloo, ikoet
nooseider it *ply t to tl
of the greet boectitfderived
e „
+ail' -
cart and n as if I Mil d
soil .
0 uesble to eet relief
pjtbnt Int oil them until 1
. .
' iffir 110/.11i sear *tato
Canadiea .Craatoot. :Cold • Camp
"iinaltP CntittC." riteatct .Atoraor' 4.13.
math *Chielione tea wedimhtedly dem thie,, 41414 -
tiection. One polls esesiervest ase 'morel
row yleal, the trieteat of 'high Itthe 4Nrif$4,
Zwece year this wise Ira*, taken ant -gimlet g
IlOtQPrOtlikt ever,000,003' fa gted„ ideally pa
for ;s•Aolt *as the work dose. A, roar Stamp
3 fie* le e_peration, predirlitt 'frau Cie 'ee
grade ore *Vont iff0,000 pox ninth. Orne socsooit
worth et or. Cr %ow bleated ei4t, atoi we canoes.,
pewee tier. Will beerier a million ,ntudepttag
et!ect mire warmed* *ark it Is ettemaryte
*ref, a larger mill end tremway fox. thfe Put*
'Joffe a 111., gust lit NOW veered to tee
*rex!. pie owe. Yee ewe+. okusse eery.
IKT071- 0A4APIAttatef
Prark itee ttiletcgt
• In .the town of Ballinagb lived
'butelier, who wa'15 famed for sellin
tough Meat. A eountrynian went
in one day to purchaee some. "Wel
My good man," *eked the butcher,
"IS It for frying YOU
Want itl" "Neither," replied
John. "it's to tusk(' hineps.for th,e
ShInemats to eile Ole year. tO ei ammt
&edge -U.4 oar. ITINglir$. 4V.
ortuitviiiriktotdie,„4"entp.ort Amiga ppot4 wb
1mA provi*Piy ._ishipped elseethere have tete
04440 eer MAY :SOT 1(01.71 We pay
*Prkees Mel remit ease
same day. rtieellirt oft- 4ipplOrstiait.
P10.99$ &Oases.
so7g.'er. tax r. sir sioxen